
sadnakedhi, im trying to bridge my wireless using lubuntu, ive got lubuntu connecting to a wireless and an ethernet cable going to another router, ive set the wired connection's ipv4 method to shared to other computers, and ive made it work yesterday but someone unplugged the laptop and now i can't make it work, i think im fucking up the order of the steps, does anybody know?02:36
suncokretcan i see somewhere what versions of firefox are in lubuntu 14.04.1, 14.04.2... ? :)14:14
God_JoKeRhey guys15:05
God_JoKeRim new here15:05
God_JoKeRcan anyone help15:06
God_JoKeRI'm having a problem with installing lubuntu 16.10 alternate on my hp vectra15:06
God_JoKeRI'll provide the extra details15:06
=== God_JoKeR is now known as GodJoKeR
GodJoKeRumm hello?15:07
GodJoKeRI really need some help here15:18
xanguaGood morning everyone, I can't get Lubuntu to suspend17:01
xanguaWell I can suspend, but when trying to resume the screen will stay black17:02
urmygoogleIs this good for tablet?20:23
circ-user-aTHQlhi. i have a problem installing lubuntu 16.10 on my amd 4 core system. grub wont be installed. what is to do?21:41
circ-user-aTHQli have sda ,sdb, sdc, sdd and sde. sdb is my ssd and there is lubuntu partialy installed21:44
circ-user-aTHQlif you need mor information please ask and i try to answer21:45
lynoriancirc-user-aTHQl, which drive are you installing your bootloader on?21:49
lynoriancirc-user-aTHQl, also is this uefi ?21:49
circ-user-aTHQlin setup i tgried every hdd but it was always denied21:51
circ-user-aTHQlmy bios is uefi. fastboot is off21:52
circ-user-aTHQlactualy i´m in anything like a live system21:53
circ-user-aTHQlterminal shows lubuntu@lubuntu:~$21:53
circ-user-aTHQlone of my hdds is a dynamic volume made under windows 821:56
circ-user-aTHQlnobody able to help?22:04
GravyHi guys23:36
GravyHow I scale fonts, icons, and layout for HiDpi displays on lubuntu?23:37

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