
zakigood morning pavlushka :)04:09
zakinice to see you in this erly morning :P 04:09
pavlushkaGood morning zaki :)04:10
pavlushkazaki: in the office?04:10
pavlushkahey Nahiyan :)04:10
pavlushkazaki: same here :p04:10
zakipavlushka: yep :304:10
zakiso how is new internet connection? :D04:11
zakiwb RemonShai05:04
RemonShaity zaki vai...05:05
RemonShaiকেমন আছেন??05:05
RemonShaihi Kilos :)05:18
Kiloshi RemonShai 05:18
RemonShaihow're you? man.../05:19
Kilosim still alive and kicking ty and you?05:20
RemonShaioh... myself great :D05:20
RemonShaiyou happy to heard that I've brought RASPBERRY PI05:23
Kilosdo you guys like gming05:24
Kilosi found quite a nice one that works through fb 05:25
RemonShaioh no... I just dislike games.../05:25
Kilosi hate f/book but the game keeps me busy when im bored05:25
RemonShaioh man....!! I like twitter... & coding....05:26
RemonShaiwhat kinds of games do you like to play..?05:28
=== JediKnight is now known as Guest22535
RemonShaiwow... I like plazzle05:28
Kilostrying to kill the vatican but they are way ahead so it is a struggle05:28
RemonShaiI likes to play RUBIK CUBE.../05:32
Kiloslol so does my son05:35
RemonShaithat's great... hahahahaha05:37
zakiKilos: which game u play on facebook?05:59
Kiloslots of hard work trying to keep up with updating and having enough resources and gold06:02
zakihe he06:03
Kilosid like to get a whole group of guys together so we can fight together06:15
zakii should join06:15
zakiinvite me :P06:15
Kilosand defeat the vatican peeps, but it will take a while to keep levelling up they call upgrading till we are strong enough to defeat them06:16
Kilossee if that link works06:17
zakihmm loading06:18
Kilosor google how to play liberators on facebook06:18
zakion it06:18
Kilosit goes through a few steps of setting up before you can choose your nickname06:19
Kilosim gunny06:19
Kilosin the allies team06:19
zakioh my. 06:21
zakii win06:21
zakidon't know how06:21
zakijust few click06:21
Kilosyes it starts easy06:22
Kilosi havent found tutorials but my son leads the allies i think so he sets up lots for me06:22
zakido u know how to join a team?06:23
Kilosyou will get there as you start battles. there is lots of levelling up to get your commanders upgraded and all your farms and houses etc06:24
Kiloshouses make gold06:24
Kilosand farms make supplies06:24
zakioky Kilos06:38
Kilosjust keep looking for little red flash signs, most guide you06:39
Kilosjust be careful what you choose because levelling up eats your dog tags and gold06:39
Kilostry keep your houses and farms up to date06:40
zakilike clash of clan :D06:41
Kilosi dont know i have gamed online before06:41
zakithere is a war map 06:44
Kilosthere is too much stuff for me to remember, my son has to remind me everyday hehe06:50
zakihe he06:51
zakiasking to add a name06:54
Kilosyes choose your nick for there06:56
Kiloscan be zaki as well06:56
zakihmm z4ki :D06:56
Kilosmy son is wolfeyes and im gunny06:56
zakihey when i will get a tank? :|07:14
Kilostakes forever08:08
Kilosthen all its upgrading sigh08:08
Kilosevery upgrade of the command hq brings new things that can earn more then you headhunt and get pics of commanders you want on your side08:10
Kilosmajor job08:10
Kilosyou will see you can click on any of your buildings and it will give an upgrade option then you have to start juggling to find funds or dog tags and stuff08:19
Kilosvery tiring08:19
zakiwb abhra09:11
abhraনমস্কার zaki 09:15
zakiwb RemonShai10:36
zakihow are u?10:36
RemonShaity... I m great 😃 & u??10:37
zakihow much great? :p 10:37
zakiI'm fine. ty  10:37
RemonShaiimagine , a huge10:39
zakioky 10:39
RemonShaiare u watch/enjoy "Silicon Valley" series...?10:42
zakinot anymore 10:43
RemonShaionly 2/3 episode but not get fun... for that I asking u.10:45
zakioh. :D10:45
zakithis show was good. i can remember  :D10:45
zakiyou can see IT Crowed10:46
RemonShaijust say >>> comedy show10:47
zakiRemonShai: so what are you up to this days!!10:48
zakiwhat are you doing10:48
RemonShaiটিউশনি, সিরিজ দেখা, আর প্রাইভেট পড়িতেছি, ঔষধ খাচ্ছি etc10:49
RemonShaiআপনি কি করেন...??? চাকুরী/পড়াশোনা10:51
zakiKilos: which alliance you joined?15:59
Kilosthose with the skull emblem17:12
Kilosoh lemme see if i can find it17:13
Kilosmaybe glory something17:14
Kilosi cant find it now17:14
Kiloszaki have you found a list of alliances?17:16
Kilosif i hear the name ill recognise it17:16
zakiKilos: i was having my dinner17:39
zakiwb Kilos17:44
zakii applied for whitewolves or something  that one with white skull17:44
Kilos[19:33, 12/30/2016] Ian: Glory warrior                        17:54
Kilos[19:34] <Kilos> [19:33, 12/30/2016] Ian: Server s17217:54
Kilosyou must choose that server as well17:54
Kilosotherwise we arent on the same allaiance17:55
Kiloszaki ^^17:55
zakioky Kilos18:02
zakihey after changing server :( everithing started from scretch (18:19
zakiprevious everything gone18:20
zakioky not gone. 18:20
zakii can use multiple server 18:21
zakiwb RemonShai18:58
RemonShaithanks again, bro18:59
RemonShaiআপনি যেন কি করেন??19:01
zakime what? 19:09
zakii was eating dinner19:09
zakiyep both19:09
RemonShaican u tell me clearly?19:10
zakiwell you know that and you can see in my facebook profile19:10
zakiwhat are u doing?19:11
RemonShainothing...../ just sleepless..../19:12
zakiwhy? tensed? 19:13
zakiyou should sleep :P19:13
zakiearly to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise :p RemonShai19:14
RemonShaino.... not tensed.... today morning my brother gone to Dhaka & now back.... he is on the way... 19:15
zakihey how are doing btw , i miss you guys sometime in IRC 19:17
RemonShai৮টা‍-‍১০টা টিউশনি, ১১টা-২টা নিজের প্রাইভেট পড়ি, ২:৩০-৪:৩০ কোচিং এ পড়াই19:19
zakigood :D 19:20
RemonShaiসময় কম পাই, তাই IRC-তে আসি না ঠিকমত।19:20
RemonShaiঅন্যান্য সোসালেও নিয়মিত থাকি না, এই ঢুকি আর বের হই19:21
zakigood :D 19:22
zakii should do the same.19:23
RemonShaiওহ্... ২১.৫" বক্র মনিটর কিনেছি।19:23
zakihow is it?19:23
RemonShaiঅনেক সুন্দর, 19:23
RemonShaiসিনেমা হলের মত লাগে19:24
zakihe he19:24
zakigood night19:26
RemonShaiQA, tell zaki আপনাদের প্রতি আমার মাঝেমধ্যে হিংসা হয়, আপনারা কম্পিউটারের কতকিছু জানেন; আর আমি কিছুই জানি না।19:28

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