
tumbleweedginggs: good, that seems to have done the trick for python-stdlib-extension01:13
tewardhjd: nginx code upstream isn't built with PIE, they don't enable PIE I don't think, not sure how Debian fixed it if at all01:24
tewardginggs: ahhh, i think i typoed, let me buildtest in sbuild01:26
tewardif that works you get the gold star.01:26
tewardginggs: you're amazing, that helped fix the problem i'm having with builds.  Back to work for me xD02:47
teward(after sleep)02:47
tewardthank you again!02:47
tewardginggs: well, it works fine locally but not on PPAs for test builds :/03:04
tsimonq2ginggs: My guess is, go for it03:51
=== giraffe is now known as Guest57693
ginggstsimonq2: looking at healpix-cxx now, there's a note from slangasek in the changelog. I'm going to merge healpy instead.06:24
tsimonq2ginggs: Ok06:36
tsimonq2ginggs: Wait there is? Where are you looking?06:38
ginggstsimonq2: see the changelog entry for healpix-cxx 3.30.0-2ubuntu106:39
tsimonq2ginggs: So I guess I'm not understanding this - why keep the delta here?06:41
ginggstsimonq2: i think only because nobody has gone to look whether the API changed or not. Debian bug #791068 was closed because healpix-cxx was never part of a stable release06:44
ubottuDebian bug 791068 in src:healpix-cxx "healpix-cxx: library transition may be needed when GCC 5 is the default" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/79106806:44
tsimonq2ginggs: So they didn't transition because healpix-cxx had never been in a stable release, why would they do that?06:53
ginggstsimonq2: i guess because they didn't need to worry about upgrades?06:54
tsimonq2ginggs: So then why were package renames done in the first place?06:57
* tsimonq2 read over the docs and still doesn't understand06:57
ginggstsimonq2: if the library's API changed (i.e. things were using the cx11 symbols), then a rename and a transition were required. i think there was also a bit of "if in doubt, rename"07:37
ginggsanyone archive admins around who can remove python-sunpy and python3-sunpy 0.7.3-1 on arm64 and armhf from zesty-proposed, please? (should have been removed in LP: #1643151)08:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1643151 in sunpy (Ubuntu) "Please remove sad pandas and friends" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164315108:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== NishanthMenon__ is now known as NishanthMenon
fossfreedomHi all - need some advice please - re this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/150674416:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1506744 in bamf (Ubuntu) "Newly installed applications do not show in the dash" [Medium,In progress]16:59
fossfreedomThe patch that was applied to gnome-menus is crashing our key package "budgie-desktop"17:00
fossfreedomnot sure how to proceed.  Thoughts?17:00
slangasekginggs, tsimonq2: healpix> it hadn't been in a stable *Debian* release; sadly Debian decided to take shortcuts on this particular ABI transition that cause deltas downstream20:44

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