[00:33] Happy new year [01:06] same to you k1l ! [01:06] we finally got chu to switch distros to spacemacs [01:06] :) [01:07] oh did you see bazhang? [01:07] there's a spacevim [01:07] vim and emacs all in one glorious bundle [01:07] https://github.com/ctjhoa/spacevim [01:07] thats hilarious! [01:26] Lol [02:10] I think glory would be a vim plugin to give one the emacs default key bindings [02:10] vemacs? vimacs? [02:17] best would be to time travel to the moment before emacs was created [02:17] and give rms an iphone [02:18] thus striking a blow against emacs and apple! [02:19] and automgically givving poor rms a stroke, I guess [02:39] 'good fstab' [02:39] is there a bad one? [02:41] linux is the worst shit ever [02:44] tomreyn called the ops in #ubuntu (nohacker usuario) [02:45] I wanna try the updating root again [02:46] this cannot end well [02:48] xangua called the ops in #ubuntu (nohacker again) [03:13] @btlogin [03:13] Error: You don't have the bantracker capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [03:14] @whoami [03:14] k1l [03:15] @whoami [03:16] SonikkuAmerica [05:05] Happy 2017! [19:44] this network is a bait/entrapment/sting platform doing law enforcement or vigilante work. (ETHICALLY CORRUPT) === mwsb is now known as chu [23:17] @login [23:17] The operation succeeded. [23:17] @btlogin [23:17] hmmm [23:17] @btlogin [23:18] ubottu: help [23:18] (help [] []) -- This command gives a useful description of what does. is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin. [23:18] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [23:18] ubottu: help login [23:18] (login takes no arguments) -- Allows users who are identified to NickServ to login without a password. [23:18] ubottu: help btlogin [23:18] (btlogin Takes no arguments) -- Sends you a message with a link to login to the bantracker. [23:19] doesnt work for me, too [23:20] oh, it finally did when I looked at what ubottu was telling me in a PM [23:22] huh, but the bantracker isn't searching for me [23:23] the bantracker searches can be quite finicky [23:24] what are you trying to find? [23:24] I'll keep futzing with it [23:24] for now [23:24] Review: ban '*!*@*' set on Sat Dec 24 04:02:22 2016 in #kubuntu, link: https://ubottu.com/bans.cgi?log=75223 [23:25] putting in the Search: box and hitting search works fine for me [23:26] that one did work indeed [23:26] @btlogin