[08:32] bluesabre: if http://i.imgur.com/4nRxd1t.png is one of those issues I'll not report it if not needed [12:15] flocculant, indeed, that is one :D [12:16] (you can run /usr/games/sgt-launcher in the meantime) [12:17] but really though, no idea how that happened, when I moved the binary I changed it in the launcher, and I remember it working :\ [12:58] bluesabre: yea - changed desktop file - not sure if should show up in menulibre - but it doesn't :) [14:23] fun [14:26] I think I'm going to get a new nick I can use for when I'm reporting issues - like the grinch or something :p [14:30] lol [15:50] knome: re: council article, I'm adding a link to the strategy document [15:50] * pleia2 continues reading [15:55] pleia2, sure [15:55] knome: also added the network this channel is on (freenode) [15:55] otherwise, lgtm :) [16:35] pleia2, feel free to publish or schedule [16:35] well [16:35] did we want to be consistent with GTK/Gtk+? [16:37] * pleia2 shrugs [16:38] it kind of bugs me, but it's not too bad for me to just go and fix it [16:39] fwiw, the official name is GTK+, so neither of the ones we are using [16:41] hehe [16:41] I can normalize to GTK+ if you want [16:42] then I'll publish [16:43] voila http://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-council/ [16:44] ok, tweeting [16:45] G+ and FB done [16:45] ta [17:54] pleia2, that's a nice, well written and informative text. though i think "evaluage" is not an english word. a typo? [17:56] evaluage, evaluate ;) [17:56] fixed, thanks [17:56] you're welcome :-) [18:41] happy new your everyone! [18:41] bluesabre: well that's a new one on me - the sgt launcher shows up in menulibre if it's a working launcher ... [18:42] happy new yours too ochosi [18:42] ho ochosi - and a Hipster New Year to you - yes I saw the photo :p [18:42] hi even [18:42] flocculant, fun that it doesn't show otherwise [18:43] suppose I could try harder there :D [18:43] yea - bizarro [18:43] ha ha ha - that was a pretty good try as it was \o/ [18:45] ochosi: seems I found another thing with notification in settings-manager - mouse wheel doesn't work there [18:46] flocculant: you mean for scrolling? in which tab? [18:47] yeah, since sean took the hyper-realistic portrait i felt i should go for a different look ;) [18:47] ochosi: ha ha ha [18:47] cat-eye blue sabre [18:47] ochosi, I've never quite found a lego man to properly represent me [18:47] ochosi: scrolling in applications and log [18:48] bluesabre: i can get one for you ;) [18:48] lol [18:48] flocculant: weird, ok, i'll try to remember to look into that [18:48] flocculant: although you can also report that as a bug, as i presume it also affects the last release [18:48] there is *bound* to be a squirrel lego piece somewhere [18:48] ochosi: I assume so - will check now [18:49] thanks! [18:50] mmm - not so easy to do :p [18:50] check that is :D [18:54] heh - the *old* one looks rather sparse :D [18:56] ochosi: bug 1653448 [18:56] bug 1653448 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "Mouse fails to scroll notifications in settings manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1653448 [18:57] which once again perhaps should be settings-manager rather than notifyd [18:57] could be [18:57] flocculant, gtk2 or gtk3 settings manager? [18:57] the other one I marked as affecting both [18:58] bluesabre: don't see a gtk3 one in the ppa - so I assume not [18:58] k [18:58] bluesabre: that was my original thinking till I saw I didn't have a different version than iso :) [20:32] ochosi, you too! [21:09] flocculant: weird, in the last stable release scrolling works for me in the settings manager [21:10] ochosi: zesty? [21:10] no still on yak [21:11] mmm [21:11] perhaps that then [21:13] ochosi: I see nothing in 16.10 settings for notifications other than theme etc? [21:13] i'm on yak but have the last stable release of notifyd installed [21:14] 0.3.4 [21:14] oh right ok [21:14] definitely not right here [21:19] I assume gtk version's won't affect it [21:19] in the meantime - time to do like zebedee - night all :) [23:15] Completed some work with the create document templates, if anybody is curious and wants to take a look, https://code.launchpad.net/~bluesabre/xubuntu-default-settings/xubuntu-templates [23:18] bluesabre: That's a lot of d/changelog changes. [23:19] Unit193, yeah, opened it in my editor and it murdered trailing whitespaces [23:59] starting to work on the pidgin code [23:59] busy day [23:59] :D