
=== karstensrage is now known as Guest85439
=== Mobutils_ is now known as Mobutils
=== Guest85439 is now known as karstensrage
=== JanC is now known as Guest56827
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Genk1Hello folks09:45
Genk1What is the fastest archiving tool in Linux world ?09:45
Genk1I have Gb of files that I want to backup/restore but I am hesitating to choose an algorithm09:46
Genk1mybalzitch, I will need to send files over network too09:46
spinzaquick question on 14.04 do-release-upgrade gives me "No new release found"12:57
spinzaand /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades has Prompt=lts12:58
spinzawhat am i missing?12:58
biniahmm, i had that once, forgot what i did :/12:59
spinzaweird because 16.04.1 is out right13:00
spinzaif i set prompt=normal I still get no release13:00
spinzawhen i do do-release-upgrade -c13:00
biniado-release-upgrade -c -d13:01
biniatry this13:01
biniaspinza, is it fresh install?13:07
spinzano an older one13:08
spinzaNone found doing -c -d13:09
spinzathink i found the issue13:09
biniashare for future references13:10
biniaweirdly tho, i did upgrade from 14.04 the other week, really not long ago13:10
biniabut it was proper fresh install13:10
spinzathis file /etc/update-manager/meta-release has the links that seem wrong comapred to what I read online13:11
biniamhm so they look for something they shouldnt or somewhere they shouldnt13:12
spinzaand those urls aren't foudn13:13
biniaah makes sense13:13
biniadid you find the working ones yet and changed it13:13
biniacurious will it kick off13:13
biniawant me to check in my ubuntu 16.0413:13
biniawould assume those will be the working ones13:14
biniaURI = http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release13:14
biniaURI_LTS = http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts13:14
biniaURI_UNSTABLE_POSTFIX = -development13:14
biniaURI_PROPOSED_POSTFIX = -proposed13:14
spinzathis seems to be the write one13:15
spinzayep like you have it13:15
binianice one13:15
spinzado-release is picking up 16.04.1 now13:15
biniagood job13:15
spinzathanks for being a sounding board :)13:16
biniano probs13:16
biniadecided to help a lot in january so i dont have to help the rest of the year :D13:16
Mis-anthropeanyone up?14:09
biniadepends on a question i guess :D14:12
Mis-anthropeI am using ubuntu 16.04 server (x86) with vbox. I have installed openbox as WM. After installing VBoxGuestAdditions, my server crashes the minute I run startx. There are a lot of crash logs and I dunno which log to look up to see what the problem actually is.. I looked up Xorg log and it only has information about starting up X and not why it crashed.. Any suggestions?14:13
patdk-lapMis-anthrope, you probably want #ubuntu14:15
Mis-anthropeuhmm.. I am using ubuntu server14:16
Mis-anthropeanyways.. will go there.. ty :)14:16
patdk-lapbut xorg isn't ubuntu-server14:17
patdk-lapif yo uwant to get really technical: Maintainer: Ubuntu X-SWAT14:19
patdk-lapand if you look under Task, ubuntu-desktop, there is no ubunt-server listed14:20
shambathaving some problems with a disk in my btrfs array (btrfs-progs v4.4 in Ubuntu 16.04). I have 4 disks in raid10, where /dev/sde is showing 100% busy and reads from it are causing 100% iowaits on the reading core. I started a scrub which is taking a long time, and my kern.log has a lot of: "blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sde, sector <number>" in it.21:12
craysiiiHey everyone, I am quite puzzled. I am trying to install ubuntu server 16.04.1 on my desktop, and later install a DE. I am trying to set up software raid with MDADM, and ive come to a point where i need to use fdisk, but when i use CTRL-ALT-F2 to access busybox shell, it says fdisk doesn't exist, nor can I install it via apt (doesn't exist either). how can i use fdisk in this situation?21:15
karstensragefor my ubuntu 16.04 to boot with my custom NSS library, i have to short circuit out for the several boot things... is this normal?22:24
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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