
pavlushkaa more productive year to ZA  :)13:27
Kilosty pavlushka and the same there lad13:32
Kilosi go nap the avy away13:45
KilosMaaz watch them13:45
MaazOK Kilos I'll keep an eye on them for you13:45
KilosMaaz ty13:46
MaazYou are welcome Kilos13:46
superflyKilos: but, I'm always well behaved! 15:25
smilehi :p17:49
LangjanHi Kilos and everyone else18:30
MaazLangjan: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell langjan that battery link sounds good but costly" 21 hours, 24 minutes and 8 seconds ago18:30
Kiloshi Langjan 18:31
LangjanYou ok Kilos 18:32
Kilosi just woke up more tired than when i lay down18:32
Kilosim ok yes just head thumping18:32
Kilosi carried some water today18:33
LangjanEina, jammer broer!18:33
Kilos15 litres water18:33
Kiloshehe im alive man18:33
LangjanYou have a water supply prob?18:33
Kilosno i bathed in water with 1/2 cup of epsom salts in, and didnt want to waste the epsom salt so manually emptied the bath for the plants18:34
Kilosgrapes especially18:34
Kilosthey too sour18:34
Kilosepsom salts is wonderful stuff18:35
Langjansour grapes! 18:35
LangjanJust to let you know everything is working this side18:35
Kilosepsom salts sweetens any fruit18:35
Kilosoh my goodness18:36
LangjanOh interesting!18:36
Kilosyou came for coffee only18:36
LangjanGuess why? Nor kde...18:36
Langjanthks for the message18:36
Kilosyou always welcome18:36
Kiloseven head improving now18:36
LangjanI have been pondering that battery thing for a long time18:37
Kilosyes there are batteries lying everywhere18:37
LangjanOns lappie battery with extended life will pay for it twice 18:37
Kilosyes it will18:37
Langjanhave been googleing for negative report and found nothing18:38
Kilosits like R280 isnt it18:38
LangjanPrices vary a lot, they start at 47 dollars, then 37 and then  18:38
Langjanits about R40018:39
Kilosthat 1/4 of my pension18:39
Kilosoh more even18:39
Langjanand half the price of a lappie battery18:39
Langjanand 30% of a car battery18:40
Kilosyes thats why i didnt get one in oz18:40
Langjanone what in oz? 18:40
Langjancar, lapie or battery?18:40
Kilosi was gonna buy a lappie battery there18:40
LangjanOk back to what broke18:41
Kilosthen the heart thing happened now no money for anything unnessary18:41
Kilosoh yes18:41
Kiloshere it comes18:41
Kiloshead much better18:42
Kiloslets hear18:42
Langjanthe solution we chatted about was upgrade to 16.04 18:42
Kilostell i go toilet quick18:42
Kilosoh the graphics thing18:42
Langjanso I reckoned lets try that, you suggested it in the first place so I fresh-installed today and all is well18:43
Kilosi actually thought it was 16.04 giving the probs18:45
LangjanHad to download the iso and burn a dvd but now everything is working fine 18:45
Kilosim glad to hear that18:46
Kilosi am lucky with 14.04 everything works18:46
LangjanThks, yes there was always some package problem somewhere and a funny little scrap icon om my desktop 18:47
Kilosand 16.04 here on lappy works fine too but more hunting for where they put stuff18:47
Kilosi never used the scrap bin18:47
LangjanWell I think that 14.04 is perhaps more stable than 16.04 at this stage18:47
Kilosi use shift delete and its gone with no further hassles of full bin etc18:48
LangjanOh and nautilus is also good18:48
Kilossee the head is like a bruise18:48
LangjanI had to go to nemo on the old install18:49
Kilosonce it warms up its not too bad18:49
Langjaneven that was not 100%18:49
Kiloswhats nemo18:49
Langjanfile manager18:49
Langjandid you not suggest it?18:49
Kilosthe alternative one18:50
Kilosi remember something18:50
Langjanyour head seems badly bruised...18:50
Kilosit was18:50
Kilosi have little short term memory man18:51
LangjanWhat were we about?18:51
Langjanwecome to the fold18:51
Kilosi was stupid man18:52
Kiloswhen i woke after head accident i didnt even know my mom18:52
Kilosyou forget18:52
Kilospcs and ubuntu revived the thinking process18:52
Kilosyip im lekker now18:53
Kilosmaybe it was getting all the new geek friends that helped18:54
smilenew geek friends? :o 18:54
Kilosh smile18:54
smiledid you meet new friends? :o 18:54
smileso you don't need us anymore? :p18:54
Kilosi never had geek friends before my head smash18:55
Langjanhi smile hows the friendly chap18:55
Kilosnonono dodo18:55
Kilosgeekville is my home now18:55
smileI'm fine, thanks :) what about you? ;) I'm porting an XUL extension over to WebExtensions (the new addon technology from Mozilla)18:55
Kilosim ok also ty18:55
Kilosim chatting to my geek friends18:56
smileright now :DD18:56
smileI just transferred all translations for Scrollkey from the old format to the new format18:56
smileI just need to do bugfixing now18:56
smileand then it's ready18:57
smileAfter that, I will take on a different addon for porting18:57
smileI have quite a few18:57
smile:) 18:57
smileXUL is being phased out, so we don't want miss the train! :D18:57
Kiloskeep up the good work18:58
smileOtherwise you get ugly warnings "Unsafe/forbidden COWP usage" and terrible performance18:58
Langjanfine thks smile 18:59
smileMulti Links Plus especially suffers a great performance hit when enabling e10s (new multi-process technology from Mozilla for Firefox, soon to be enabled by default)18:59
smileLangjan: what are you doing? ;)18:59
LangjanEnjoying a bug-free 16.04 clean-install 19:00
smileNice ;)19:01
Langjanrunning like a rabbit on ssd and 8 GB ram19:01
smileI'm enjoying my Manjaro installation from January 21, 201519:02
smilea few bugs, but nothing major19:02
Kilosbugs are tiring for old peeps19:02
smileI think this is the oldest Linux installation I still have :p also my record19:02
LangjanAi! One bug is one too mant for me19:02
smileI never kept a Linux distro for more than one year :p 19:03
smilealways installing new releases19:03
smilebut now that's over19:03
smileI'm on rolling release now19:03
smileno more upgrades, just updates19:03
LangjanAfrikaans we say as jy dom is moet jy suffer19:03
smileals ek dom is, moet ek suffer19:03
smile* as19:03
smileek hêt ser as ek suffer :'( 19:04
smilejy is korrek ;)19:04
smileeina? :o 19:04
Kiloseina is ouch19:04
Langjanjoin the struggle...19:04
Kilosin afrikaans19:04
smileANC :o 19:05
Langjanalways struggling19:05
smileAfrikaans Nasionaal Kongres? :p 19:05
Kilosi dont know if he knows what lmga is19:05
smilelag my gat af o.O19:05
Kiloslag my gaai af19:06
Kiloshaha ja19:06
Kiloswe just tone it down19:06
smileyeah, it's great ;) 19:06
Langjanlag my gattaf19:06
smileThe ground was frozen :o 19:06
smileMy car's windows too19:07
Langjanalmost like expired libian leader19:07
Langjanyou lost me re frozen ground19:07
Kiloswinter there Langjan 19:07
smileit was -2°C ;)19:07
smileKilos: second try19:08
Langjanoh is that where you are?19:08
smileno. :p19:08
Kilosoh my19:08
smileI'm in Belgium! :p Best country ever!19:08
Kilosi forgot19:08
LangjanGood, no anc19:08
smileFlemish speaking part19:08
smileANC is called NVA here ;)19:09
smileNieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie :p 19:09
smilesuck% ANC = suck% NVA :p19:10
smiletrust% ANC = trust% NVA19:10
LangjanJy sal moet Afrikaans praat ek verstaan nie nou nie19:11
Kiloshe says that party is same as anc19:11
smileANC is die Afrikaans Nasionaal Kongres :p 19:11
smileNVA is die Nuw-Vlaamse Alliansie19:11
LangjanCan there be another one equally corrupt? Impossible19:12
smileThey aren't as old as ANC, so a little bit less19:12
smilejust wait and see ;)19:12
LangjanStill learning...19:13
smileLangjan: at what age? :p 19:13
Langjantell them scottish president is good mentor19:13
smilewhy? :p 19:13
Kiloshe 8 years and 2 months older than me smile 19:13
LangjanRobbie Mc Gabe19:13
smileKilos: :o 19:13
Kilosreally old19:13
* smile is the youngest person on the planet19:14
Langjanbut not so high mileage as Kilos 19:14
smileI'm only 21 :p 19:14
Kilosbut much more cheeky19:14
Langjanmy grandson is 2019:14
Langjanso you can call me oupa19:15
smileOnly interested in granddaughters.. ;) 19:15
LangjanI have two19:15
smileAbove 14? :p 19:15
Langjanthird one arriving this week19:15
Langjan16-year old in Canberra19:16
Langjansorry 1819:16
LangjanOne in Pretoria is 1419:16
smileif they're still single, that's fine :p19:17
smileI'll take them both :p 19:17
Langjanand no  on her way this week in Perth19:17
smilecan I have them? ;) 19:17
LangjanYou will have to pass the test first19:18
smileWhat's the test :o 19:18
Langjanvisit oupa for a month for grilling19:18
smilethat's only 4 weeks19:18
Langjanyes but you have'nt met oupa yet19:19
Langjan4 weeks can be like 4 years 19:19
smileDepends. :p 19:19
smileIt's not a prison :p 19:20
Langjanhow do you know?19:20
smile:o 19:20
smileHoe noem jy 'n "prison"? :p 19:20
smiledankie :)19:21
Langjanof gevangenis19:21
smileyeah, like the Dutch counterpart19:21
smilebut I do not live in the Netherlands, it's an insult, Kilos ;)19:21
Langjanof tjoekie19:21
Kilosso sorry smile :(19:21
smileKilos: :D19:21
LangjanOK Kilos and smile I'm gonna leave you19:22
Kilosty for popping in Langjan 19:22
Langjanthanks very much for being there when I need you19:22
smilejy hêt m'n hart gesteel :o jy alleen, die enige die my hart gesteel hêt ("Lionel Richie - The Only One")19:22
Kiloshappy to hear 16.04 is running well19:22
Langjanfortunately not often, I dont use kde19:22
Langjanyes thks19:23
smilehave a nice evening, Langjan :)19:23
Langjanthks smile you also19:23
Kiloskeep well Langjan 19:23
smileKilos: hands off she's mine! :o 19:23
Kilosill wait for something to break19:23
Langjandankie Kilos pas jouself op19:23
Kilossal so maak dankie19:23
LangjanSlaap lekker manne19:24
superflyKilos has his own meisie19:24
LangjanDaar in Belgie" nog vroeg...19:24
Kiloshi superfly 19:24
Langjanoh Kilos  help19:24
Kilosyes Langjan 19:25
Langjanhi superfly all well your side?19:25
superflyLangjan: for the most part, yes. 19:25
Kilosoh my19:25
superflyI even drove my family to church yesterday 19:25
superflyOn the wrong side of the road and all 19:25
Kiloshome is where the heart is19:26
superflyKept on lifting my left foot up19:26
superflyJust nothing to put it down on 19:26
superfly*had 19:26
Langjanmust be quite something getting used to19:26
superflyI just need to practice 19:27
Kiloshaha and automatic cars19:27
LangjanKilos, yoou saw what happened when I tried to spell Belgie"19:27
Kilosdidnt notice19:27
Langjanhow do I activate compose key?19:27
Kilosoh my19:27
LangjanIt says 19:27
Kilosi forgot on unity19:27
Kiloswas quite a job19:27
Kilosmust be in settings somewhere19:28
Langjanclick row and hold key down but nothing happens19:28
LangjanCompose key is disabled but cannot enable it19:32
Kilosput that in google with 16.0419:33
Kilosmust be solved by now19:33
Kilosi made mine control +k19:33
Kilosi think i even had to change keyboards on 14.04 Langjan 19:34
Kilosto one with alt Gr  button19:35
Kilosinetpro had to help19:35
smileLangjan: "Daar in Belgie" nog vroeg..." -> 20h35, why? :p 19:35
LangjanGreat! Found it! 19:36
Langjan  you have to click somewhere to the right in the middle of nowhere to get the options19:37
Kilostold you things are more hidden19:37
Langjanthere we go19:38
Kiloswell done19:38
Langjan you put me on track as usual19:38
smileNëderland :p19:38
Kilosthats why im here19:38
Langjanwhat is :p ? and :D etc? You told me but I forget19:39
Langjanja but how do I know to identify them? sounds like I need to go to school to learn them 19:40
Kilosgoogle how to enable or view emoticons in hexchat on 16.0419:41
LangjanMaar ek gaan nou tee maak en slaap19:41
Langjanok will do thks19:42
Kilosok lekker slaap my oom19:42
Langjandankie jy ook en jy ook vriendelike jongman19:42
grembleGood evening. Happy new year to all of you :)19:42
Langjanbly net weg van my meisies totdat ek jou klaar gebraai het19:42
LangjanHi gremble and to you also19:43
Kiloshi gremble 19:43
Kilossame there19:43
LangjanGood night smile 19:43
Langjanand Kilos 19:43
Langjannou werk alles 19:44
Langjankan ek lekker slaap19:44
smilegood night :)19:44
smileslaap lekker19:44
LangjanDankie smile jy ook19:45
=== jerit_ is now known as jerit
smilebye :)20:12
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:29
Kiloshave a good day superfly and say hi to the family for me20:29
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos good night 20:52
Maazsuperfly: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:52

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