=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch === shardy_lunch is now known as shardy [14:59] rharper: hi [15:00] cpaelzer: here [15:00] smoser: should be online in just a few [15:00] we can three-way sync [15:00] rharper: why did you start without telling me - and wrote the same fixes as I had :-P [15:00] heh [15:00] it was sporadically done during the morning with getting the kids ready [15:00] so I wasn't "officially" at work yet [15:01] rharper: fyi the test numbers are not referrign to any other doc's test numbers - to explain why I confused you [15:01] the other thing that changed though was that cloud-init doesn't not look for other datasources [15:01] cpaelzer: I saw that after I read the appendix [15:01] so I understand now [15:01] the big change this morning was that we need to specify the datasource_list; otherwise cloud-init will search the "Default" list of sources as well [15:02] even if we've specified one directly [15:02] I consider it a special kind of review for each of us that we both decided to write out to dataource_list [15:02] smoser may show the error of my ways but this way works [15:02] ahah [15:02] nice [15:03] rharper: I really had issues with the missing mkdir [15:03] sorry [15:03] rharper: and it makes sense logically [15:03] that was annoying [15:03] rharper: to safety-create the dir [15:03] rharper: to if you could pick up that change that would be nice [15:03] it should be in my branch [15:03] ah fine [15:03] rharper: I didn't check what you pulled/changed yet [15:04] rharper: about the "report full log" change - I liked it for debugging [15:04] I'm testing a xenial image with my latest c-i deb in it [15:04] rharper: what do you think on adding that to your branch as well? [15:04] yes, that should go in too [15:04] "The updated branch will be faster, if you look at cloud-init.log the current bits you tested still check for local seeds and such." [15:05] rharper: is that still true^^ or was that part of the misunderstanding [15:05] * cpaelzer is checking my logs [15:05] it [15:05] it's not quite straight forward in sh to capture the execution trace of the program [15:06] true, but that is just to move the output to the log [15:06] right [15:06] for the slow/fast question - my logs show it only checking for the one local DS I set in datasource_list [15:07] anyway I think we concluded on the same set of things and are good now [15:07] ah, I didn't realize you set _list [15:07] now it makes sense [15:07] which is good [15:07] I did in my branch [15:07] that is what I meant with "special review" [15:07] two people coming to the same conclusion [15:07] I have an appt I have to go to shortly; smoser should be online in a bit; [15:07] indeed [15:08] I'm out a bit, then meeting and I should be able to chat while in the meeting [15:08] I think today is a matter of building the UC16 image with the right bits [15:08] we will see [15:08] sure [15:08] yes I agree to the UC16 building [15:09] cpaelzer, here. [15:09] one thing - it might be worth to build one with the worst case where cloud-init is enabled and polling all [15:09] rharper, here. [15:09] ah, perfect [15:09] and then the "good one" where we can configure with NoCloud or ConfigDrive [15:09] let's sync quickly [15:09] k [15:09] smoser: howdy - happy NY and such [15:09] as happy as it can be - you should still be on vac [15:09] https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/hangout-smoser [15:14] https://git.launchpad.net/~raharper/cloud-init/ [15:14] +ds-identify [15:38] cpaelzer, ok... so after lookign at changes in rharper branch what should i then look at [15:39] smoser: ?? [15:39] i'll look at rharper branch, and the changes he made there, understand them... maybe offer some chagnes. [15:39] then what [15:40] smoser: if you don't have huge changes next step is ryan building a UC16 image with it [15:40] smoser: in that we will try the testaces for the POC show next week [15:42] smoser: feel free to devel some configs for the use cases we had in mind, but given that this should be a free day for you ... you might as well drop off if you are ok with the current changes [15:45] smoser: if you want you can do the silly go-hello world comparison in KVM and uncache before starting (echo 3 > proc/sys/vm/drop_caches) [15:45] and send the results to the mail thread [15:48] the next major work on verifying and creating testcases can only start when the custom UC16 image is done by rharper === rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb [18:02] rharper, when do you get back here ? [18:15] smoser: here [18:15] k. [18:15] chat a bit ? [18:16] yeah [18:20] https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/hangout-smoser [18:20] rharper, ^ [18:27] https://git.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/log/?h=feature/ds-identify [18:27] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23740449/ [18:29] https://git.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/commit/?h=feature/ds-identify&id=b092a5cfa167afff57e186a3f28049f4b83077bd [18:35] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23740492/ [19:39] smoser: I merged your branch and retested, things look good; I'm going to build a UC16 image with that cloud-init and exercise the UC16 image locally and in OpenStack; thanks again for coming in today [21:22] rharper: hey - checking if anything unexpected came up before final EOD for me? [21:22] only in the snap builds [21:22] I've got a working cloud-init updated from smoser [21:22] now just debugging snap builds; but I expect things to be fully working once I work through getting the right cloud-init into a UC16 image [21:24] rharper: ok, great - continuing tomorrow morning then [21:24] yep, I'll send an update [21:24] rharper: touching all kind of wood for your image builds to succeed [21:24] hehe [21:29] smoser: around ? I can't seem to find out why the Z99-cloud-init-locale.test does or does not get included in a build....