[01:19] hi [09:50] hi [13:14] hi, i am having trouble with wifi driver [13:25] for realtek RTL8188EE driver [13:25] any help, please? [13:53] Hallo. Ich habe ein problem immer wenn ich linux umbuntu mate installiere kommt wenn ich es starten will no boot device was kann ich da machen_ [15:57] nao tem ninguem que fala portugues [18:06] olá === vok is now known as vok` [19:09] Hool [21:04] hello [22:30] hello [22:36] question: i installed mate but can't find it on the login menu [22:36] i installed it via synaptic manager [22:39] professorseven7: what package did you install? === j is now known as Guest34832 [22:42] mate-desktop , mate-common, and mate [22:42] mate-desktop-common [22:42] versions 1.6 [22:42] should i just do ppa? [22:43] PPA will give you the latest : check out ubuntu-mate.org for info [22:44] refer to this info from Wimpy when installing next to Unity : https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/trying-to-understand-the-mate-core-packs/4459/8