[01:24] hello is anyone online? [02:48] hello [12:52] jbicha, hi, could you update epiphany in xenial to 3.18.10? [12:57] ricotz: it requires webkit 2.14 which xenial doesn't have yet unless we revert that commit [12:58] jbicha, ah, I assume you already thought about doing it then [13:00] are there particular reasons you wanted the update? [13:01] jbicha, the upstream maintainer was asking about it [13:02] did he ask about wk 2.14 too? :) [13:02] jbicha, no ;) [13:03] obviously this is an issue as well then :\ [13:04] for wk2, I should ping mdeslaur to see if he's ready to try it [13:05] it's a little bit different thatn 2.12 because we've tested 2.14 in yakkety [13:05] both 2.14.1 and 2.14.2 got stuck in phased-updates though, which makes me sad [13:05] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html [13:06] but things that get pushed through -security avoid phasing [13:06] ah, I see [13:06] better to bribe mdeslaur then ;) [13:09] because the new wk2 makes xenial's older epiphany ftbfs, epiphany will need to be tested and updated at the same time too [13:11] jbicha, did you tested it with the version bump reverted? [13:12] no [13:12] ok [13:13] if you want to work on the update, I can sponsor it for you [13:14] I guess including the webkit2gtk is preferred [13:14] bbl [13:15] we could do two separate updates: update now then rebuild once wk2 is published === ccar_away is now known as ccarella