[07:54] ochosi: http://i.imgur.com/IwhF4NF.jpg http://i.imgur.com/IayMLPm.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/lJHO427.jpg [07:55] mmm [07:56] after all that ignore the middle (application one) [08:00] this is better for application http://i.imgur.com/hNCOHju.jpg [08:02] hope that helps - if nothing else it will make you think :) [12:15] ochosi: I really like the idea of show notifications on display with mouse pointer \o/ [12:19] only slightly visual thing I would mention is the application list has 90deg corners, the log list has rounded corners at bottom - (perhaps because it has that Refresh/Clear button area?) [12:19] * flocculant generally doesn't like that whole square at top, rounded at bottom thing - which I assume is some gtk3 thing [12:25] ochosi: ummm - seems that while that all looks good - it's broken here. Open notify settings - set which to mute. Close settings - no notifications, re-open settings and those you unmuted are now muted again. [12:25] * flocculant is in and out for a while now [13:52] bluesabre: the inline toolbar buttons *are* linked. and i'll probably add icons later [13:53] flocculant: ok, i'll check what i broke with restructuring the code and all [13:53] the "display with mouse pointer" was always the default btw [13:53] i just exposed it now by adding an alternative to it (primary display) [13:53] i'll go through the rest of your suggestions later [13:53] the heading subtitle cannot be changed dynamically [13:53] but we can reformulate it [14:04] I did think that was the case with subtitle - in which case the screenshot suggestion to remove 'screen' seems more important to me [14:04] cya later :) [15:02] ochosi, there seems to be a space between them in this screener (compared to the stack buttons) http://i.imgur.com/xHEVzAv.png [15:07] bluesabre: yeah, that's not the latest version ;) [15:07] i've fixed that already [15:10] :D [15:10] :) [15:15] but i guess now i need to look into what is broken with the settings [15:15] bluesabre: if you wanna help out by submitting a patch for the g_idle_add callback you're more than welcome to ;) [15:16] ochosi: I didn't notice this issue prior to last night [15:16] not able to give you more of a clue than that :( [15:17] np [15:17] * flocculant wanders off again [15:17] hopefully not a big deal [15:17] flocculant: only the muted apps? or other settinsg too? [15:18] ah [15:18] i see [15:18] ochosi: only seems to be the muted apps page that has an issue - other settings stay as I set them [15:18] ochosi, will take a look later [15:18] it's because i added the icon [15:18] flocculant: already fixed locally [15:18] orly [15:19] ochosi: ok \o/ [15:19] * flocculant really does wander off now :p [15:19] bluesabre: hi and have a great day :) [15:30] flocculant: ok, pushed the fix. so i hope the rest is still fine (please keep testing ;)) [15:35] flocculant: btw, if we invert the logic from "show notification" to "mute application" (i had that initially), then the switches in the list will be more unclear [15:35] flocculant: e.g. does an active switch mean the app is muted..? or that it is "enabled"? [15:35] flocculant: so that was my reasoning for doing it like this [15:49] mmm - ok that makes sense to me [15:49] but i agree, the usage of "muted" in the other context may not be ideal [15:49] wonder how we can word that then [15:49] yeah, i'm not 100% sure how to word all the options [15:50] I'll think more on that for you :) [15:50] bluesabre: still around? [15:50] flocculant: thanks! [15:50] ochosi, aroundish [15:50] what's up? [15:50] bluesabre: just wanted to add another button for opening the log in an external editor or at least showing the folder in a file-browser [15:51] and you do that in catfish too [15:51] so in terms of being lazy and not looking through the code, do you just use xdg-open directly with a path? [15:51] (it seems to work from the term) [15:52] ochosi, or exo-open [15:52] but exo-open is xfce specific [15:52] glib has a launch thing too [15:52] and potentially will die, no? [15:52] one sec [15:52] right.. [15:54] https://developer.gnome.org/gdk2/stable/GdkScreen.html#gdk-spawn-on-screen that's what you'll use to launch [15:55] that has been deprecated... [15:55] (you're looking at gdk2) [15:55] https://developer.gnome.org/gio/2.48/GAppInfo.html [15:56] https://developer.gnome.org/gio/2.48/GAppInfo.html#g-app-info-launch maybe? [15:56] yeah, but then i would have to know what app [15:56] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/commits-list/2011-February/msg00684.html [15:57] yeah, xdg-open should be fine [15:57] don't imagine we'll be dropping exo-open though [15:57] who knows [15:57] maybe we'll just make exo-open a wrapper for xdg-open [15:58] looking for what else might be used [15:58] aha [15:58] here you go https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GAppInfo.html#g-app-info-launch-default-for-uri [15:59] (use the one below that) [15:59] oh wait, nope [15:59] :D [15:59] getting terms confused use g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri [15:59] * ochosi waits a little longer anyway to be sure [16:00] ochosi, feel confident about that [16:00] which one? [16:00] https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GAppInfo.html#g-app-info-launch-default-for-uri [16:00] the waiting? [16:00] or any of your suggestions :D [16:00] maybe none of them :D [16:00] but that one seems like the A-OK acceptable one [16:01] ok cool, i'll give it a shot [16:01] also, if you wanna help me and flocculant in reviewing the naming of the current options feel free to! [16:01] sure thing [16:01] i need more native speakers ;) [16:02] I'll probably use that function's python version in catfish [16:02] seems nice [16:17] bluesabre: humm, somehow it doesn't work [16:17] calling g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri (notify_log_path, NULL, NULL); [16:17] with a valid log_path [16:22] ochosi, using uri? [16:22] file:// [16:24] oh [16:26] bluesabre: thanks for the hint, that works :) [16:26] ochosi, awesome! [16:31] ...and pushed [16:32] ochosi: not sure what's going on (maybe zesty) but I've pulled, distcleaned, rebuilt and still get the set things up, close then when it's re-opened - all are set to muted [16:37] back tomorrow [16:44] flocculant: you may need to clear the "muted_applications" setting in xfce4-settings-editor [16:44] it was corrupted by the previous bug [16:45] (i had to do that in order to fix it for myself) [19:48] ochosi: that did it - thanks - back to testing it for you/me/us :p [20:21] flocculant: nice :) [20:25] flocculant: one more thing: changing strings means putting work to translators, so i usually am a little conservative about that [20:31] hello [20:40] hey knome [20:41] hai ochosi [20:53] bluesabre: what about renaming xfpanel-switch to something like "xfce panel layouts" or "xfce panel layouts manager" (in the UI at least and maybe in the desktop file) [21:12] ochosi, that sounds pretty reasonable to me [21:12] plus i guess it would be a good idea to add an icon [21:12] even if it's a copy of the panel icon [21:13] sounds fine to me [21:13] it's a simple utility app, no need for a special icon [21:15] i wonder whether we should keep the name of the icon though [21:15] cause that may cause packaging conflicts [21:16] it would, so it will look out of place until xfce icon themes get symlinks [21:16] we can submit patches where we care to :) [21:17] yeah, guess so [21:19] I'll try to tackle that soon [21:21] if you wanna update the makefile, i've already handled the rest [21:22] but: do you also wanna rename the executable/desktop file itself? [21:22] i.e. the project [21:22] from xfpanel-switch to something more reasonable like "xfce4-panel-layouts" or something? [21:22] or "xfce4-panel-layouts-manager" [21:22] (even if it's a little long, at least it's clear) [21:23] probably not, it's already packaged in fedora/ubuntu (and maybe others) [21:24] k, then i guess the icon also has to be xfpanel-switch [21:33] bluesabre: https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xfpanel-switch/dedicated_icon/+merge/314286 [22:06] ochosi: I understand strings/translators - which is why I'm usually ok with us having bizarre wording - on the other hand - this is rather a big change to notifications - so surely 'now' would be a sensible time to change something? [22:07] and really - now that it does what it does - it is no longer setting up screen notifications - but a lot more [22:10] and I'm still not convinced by your argument re muting :) [22:14] ochosi: on the logging tab, the log applications - how about visible instead of muted? [22:14] the wording logic would need to swap though [22:14] humm [22:15] (and yeah, ofc now is the best time to change the wording, that's another reason why i work in a separate branch not to disturb translators all the time) [22:15] yea :) [22:15] visible... [22:16] before we get more into wording [22:16] ochosi: so my thinking is - on Application tab - we talk about apps we see or don't show notification [22:16] * flocculant waits [22:16] do you think a notification log counter is something that is needed? [22:16] like the amount of notifications that are in the log [22:17] currently i've set an implicit limit in the dialog to only show the first 100 items [22:17] because with all the widgets there it may become excessive [22:17] I don't think it would add much to it's usability [22:17] no idea whether that will be efficient or not [22:17] yeah, i could also show a warning saying that not all notifications in the log are shown [22:18] would a popup on the current open log in editor button work? [22:19] something like 'Show full log in text' [22:19] a popup? [22:19] the mouseover text [22:19] you mean a tooltip [22:19] yea [22:19] yeah, but a tooltip is already there [22:19] I know that :) [22:19] i just wanna make the users aware that there is a limit and that it has been hit [22:20] that was my thinking [22:20] the tooltip is not the most discoverable place for that [22:20] so i considered adding a line [22:20] true [22:20] at the bottom of the log [22:20] x/xxx logs showing? [22:21] ochosi: could you have the open log button in the same horizontal plane? [22:21] leaving the refresh/clear buttons at the very bottom? [22:22] i'll try something, give me a sec [22:22] something like x/xxx logs showing *button* for opening log in editor? [22:25] one day I'll make more effort how to fiddle about with bits like this :) [22:26] not effort - learning ;) [22:27] hm i think i need to fix some stuff there [22:27] the limit doesn't seem to work [22:27] I'd happily put effort in - no idea where to start though lol [22:27] will have to do that another day though, too tired tonight.. [22:27] yeah, usually start with a small bug [22:27] :) [22:27] get familiar with the code of a small component, etc [22:27] like words :p [22:28] what's gtkinspector? is that what it sounds like it should be? [22:30] for instance - if I worked out how to do the wording - I could (I assume) change the code locally, build it and not have to scribble on bits of paper and scan it :D [22:30] * flocculant will look while you're asleep ;) [22:31] ok, this would be a start: http://i.imgur.com/etowHY6.png [22:31] if you wanna play with wording etc install glade and then edit the file in xfce4-notifyd-config/xfce4-notifyd-config.glade [22:31] that's really easy [22:32] * flocculant did install glade a few weeks ago - trying to work things out [22:32] ok - I will look tomorrow then \o/ [22:32] thanks ochosi [22:33] oh boo - that screenshot reminds me [22:34] bluesabre: parole and 'some' media files ... bug 1650038 [22:34] bug 1650038 in parole (Ubuntu) "mkv files report gstreamer backend error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1650038 [22:35] oh - I think I pinged you about that ... sorry for the repeat lol [22:36] moving the "open in external editor" button to the "showing .." line would be easy [22:39] ochosi: then that would make more sense to me at least, 'You've got to 99 of 100 log entries, read the full log in text 'Button' [22:39] or something that's not quite so long to read [22:39] :p [22:39] yeah :) [22:39] i'll push what i have [22:39] okey doke [22:39] because then at least things work as they should and there is some notification about the limit [22:39] yup [22:40] ok done [22:40] ochosi: just so you know - I'm quite adamant about losing the customise how notifications statement - makes 66% of sense :) [22:40] gotta get some sleep [22:40] yea - night night :) [22:41] yeah, i considered renaming the whole thing [22:41] just "Notification Center" [22:41] no subtitle [22:41] That would work [22:41] or even just "Notifications" to spare the translators some work [22:41] but the subtitle really doesn't make too much sense, i agree [22:42] yea - losing it completely wouldn't be bad imho [22:42] and just having Notifications works too [22:42] go to sleep :D [22:42] http://i.imgur.com/QEEImGP.png [22:43] yup [22:43] will do now [22:43] looks a bit "naked" without a subtitle though [22:43] anyway, nighty ;) [22:52] anyone - got some odd libxfce4ui issue going on > http://i.imgur.com/uNfE6ni.png [22:53] I think that's why I stopped looking lol