[17:56] uwn: in comments i noted that one article read familiar (as if I'd written a summary for it before)... another in planet I saw (not copied to uwn) & responded to [b.quigley] was it turns out written 2016-03-01 but was dated 2017-01-04 in planet feed ... maybe same for one I commented about... [17:59] there was an apology in planet.debian (I think) from someone (j.hess?) that a misconfig of http/https: caused his blog to be doubled in planet.feeds .. i see it semi-regularly (fedora, opensuse - which I gather use same software to crawl blogs for planet.*) [17:59] good catch, thanks chris :) [18:00] * pleia2 looks at comments in doc [18:39] still need all the blogosphere summaries