
nzoueidiMorning elacheche and all09:34
nzoueidiNothing much, work and struggling to finish my post, wbu?09:37
elachecheSame.. Monday morning, with no coffee09:41
nzoueidiAwww!! without a coffee! :(10:15
nzoueidiI have two right now :D \o/10:16
elachecheI had no money this morning, and the ATM was down x( and was late to go and find an other ATM x( I'll go and get my cofee in 45m10:46
elachechehey praisethemoon15:17
praisethemoonelacheche, how is it going?15:18
elachechegood, u!15:20
praisethemoonI'm good as well :)15:25
praisethemoonmy company just moved to a new place15:25
praisethemoonmuch better and bigger :O15:26
elachecheCool praisethemoon :)15:48
=== nzoueidi_ is now known as nzoueidi

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