
daxmeeting in 30 minutes02:33
nhaines2, actually.02:58
nhainesHiya, pleia2!  :)02:59
darthrobotMeeting started Mon Jan  9 03:00:08 2017 UTC.  The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.03:00
darthrobotAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired03:00
nhaines#chair lynorian pleia203:00
darthrobotCurrent chairs: lynorian nhaines pleia203:00
nhainesHi everyone, and welcome to the January 8th meeting of the California Ubuntu Local Community Team!03:00
nhainesHappy new year to everyone, of course.  :)03:00
pleia2happy new year :)03:00
nhainesI hope everyone had a great holiday season and is currently making peace with their normal work schedule again.  :)03:01
nhainesTonight's agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/17January0803:01
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/17January08 - Ubuntu Wiki]03:01
nhaines#topic Upcoming events03:02
nhainesAre there any upcoming events happening in the next couple of weeks?03:02
darthrobot[403] Title: [Attention Required! | CloudFlare]03:03
pleia2heh, that's for an Ubuntu Hour in Pasadena on the 12th03:03
nhainesThey have great Ubuntu Hours.  :)03:03
nhainesI'd go more if the traffic timing was better!03:04
nhainesOkay, that's one to keep an eye on.  And if anyone's sad that there are no Ubuntu Hours near them, it's never a wrong time to start a new one.  :)03:05
nhaines#topic Announcements03:05
nhainesBefore we go on to our agenda items does anyone have any announcements?03:05
pleia2nothing from me03:06
nhainesAlrighty.  We should be ramping up SCALE planning full-speed ahead.  Next meeting is Thursday, so I suspect there will be more to talk about next meeting.03:07
nhaines#topic Agenda03:07
lynorianok nhaines03:07
nhainesThe topic of tonight's agenda is the Ubuntu California leadership elections.03:07
nhainesThere was only one nomination offered during the nomination period, for three seats.03:08
lynorianoops I forgot03:08
nhainesWe've had trouble finding enough people for an actual election for years.  Last year there were only 3 nominees.03:09
nhainesThere are a couple of possible explanations, but I want to put two forward.03:10
nhaines1. Running the nomination and voting period through December and the various winter holidays is a terribad time to run leadership elections.03:11
nhaines2. There may not be enough LoCo activity to support a three-person leadership council--this was an experiment that was externally imposed on the LoCo some years ago.03:11
nhainesI'm open to other possibilities, too.  And we should try to decide how we're going to move forward for the short-term future.03:12
pleia2since this happens every year and we've done them earlier (november) I'm inclined to think it's mostly #203:13
pleia2if you look at the number of active people in the LoCo hosting events, it's quite low03:13
pleia2and the folks who do the ones in SD and Pasadena aren't super involved with day to day running of things (though they do great work in running what they do)03:14
lynorianYeah I think it might be #203:14
nhainesI'm inclined to agree.03:14
daxmy impression is #2 also, as someone who hasn't really been involved in the day-to-day but has been watching from afar03:14
dax(mailing list archive, irclogs, etc.)03:15
nhainesAnd a good LoCo exists to let people be super awesome at day-to-day running of things and not necessarily have to worry about the entire state.03:15
nhainesBefore the leadership council, the single leadership position was there to sort of coordinate or moderate as necessary, and any member was free to step up if they wanted.  Run a meeting, run an event, etc.03:16
nhainesThat hasn't changed with a leadership council.03:17
lynorianYes nhaines03:17
lynorianwhat happens if someone ends up just suddenly having no time03:17
pleia2maybe we just need a vice president ;)03:18
lynorianthat is what I would worry about with only one person03:18
nhainesThen per the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, they let others know, and others can step in temporarily or more permanently, as needed.03:18
daxadd a process to call an election midyear due to inactivity?03:18
daxor lack-of-time-ity03:18
nhainesIf there were a serious problem, the LoCo Council could assist.03:20
nhainesBut since anyone can update the wiki and the LoCo contact handles requests for event supplies via Canonical, the impact would be pretty minimal.03:20
pleia2yeah, I'm inclined away from too many processes03:20
nhainesMe too.  Processes can be added as needed.03:22
pleia2so, shall we draft a single leader adjustment to our leadership doc and put it to the list for discussion?03:23
nhainesI like that idea.03:23
daxi note that the election process could be adjusted to pick one to three leaders based on how many get above a "no confidence" line03:23
daxi don't care between 1-3 and 1 tho03:23
nhainesI propose that the current leadership team remain in place until we draft an adjustment to the leadership doc and timely elections are completed.03:24
lynoriannhaines, makes sense03:25
pleia2dax: that could work too03:25
nhainesI'd also like to not make things too crazy before SCALE, but elections have never had an impact on that anyway.03:26
nhainesOkay, let's make it official.03:26
nhaines#vote Draft a single leader adjustment to our leadership doc and put the amendment to the mailing list for discussion.03:26
darthrobotPlease vote on: Draft a single leader adjustment to our leadership doc and put the amendment to the mailing list for discussion.03:26
darthrobotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)03:26
darthrobot+1 received from nhaines03:27
darthrobot+1 received from pleia203:27
darthrobot+1 received from lynorian03:29
darthrobot+1 received from dax03:29
pleia2I think that's everyone who is around :)03:31
darthrobotVoting ended on: Draft a single leader adjustment to our leadership doc and put the amendment to the mailing list for discussion.03:31
darthrobotVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:003:31
darthrobotMotion carried03:31
nhainesOkay, so that's what we'll do.  We'll figure out a voting schedule once we have something that the LoCo likes.03:32
* pleia2 nods03:32
nhainesAny other thoughts on the situation?03:32
* lynorian does not have anything03:33
pleia2I will say I probably can't work on this much, just started a new job last week (yay, eek) and I'm off to linux.conf.au on wednesday for 10 days, busy busy03:33
nhainesOoh, exciting!03:33
daxprobably should start the whole process over (including nominations) once amendment is all sorted out03:33
nhainesdax: +103:33
pleia2dax: nods03:33
nhainesOkay, there's no sense in *rushing* things, but we should have some substantial progress by next meeting.03:35
nhaines#topic Other business03:35
pleia2I know you said you'll have more news about scale later, but any word on whether we're doing an ubucon?03:35
nhainesYes, Richard and I are working with Canonical and the SCALE team and we will be putting out a call for speakers pretty quickly.03:36
nhainesWe're finishing up the conference format logistics.03:36
pleia2will it be thursday?03:37
pleia2the ubucon, not the cfp ;)03:37
nhainesThursday and Friday, as before,  :)03:38
* pleia2 nods03:38
pleia2thanks for your work on it03:38
lynorianyes last time was good03:38
nhainesThanks!  It was a bit more of a push-start this year but we've got some forward momentum now.  :)03:38
nhainesAll right, it's a new year!  Snaps are the thing!  Unity 8s are the thing.  Phones are not the thing, but once snaps hit them, then they'll be the thing again!03:39
nhainesSo here's to the start of a fascinating new year for Ubuntu and for the LoCo.03:40
nhainesThe next meeting is January 22nd, 2017.  Take care everyone.  :)03:40
darthrobotMeeting ended Mon Jan  9 03:40:22 2017 UTC.03:40
darthrobotMinutes:        http://ihas.5cat.com/~darthrobot/ubuntu-us-ca/2017/ubuntu-us-ca.2017-01-09-03.00.moin.txt03:40
pleia2thanks nhaines03:40
nhainesthanks everyone and dax.03:42

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