
adfenoHi all! :)00:31
adfenoWe have a job script that is in a directory inside "/root" and we have a symlink pointing to it from "/etc/init"00:32
adfenoBut, for some reason, Upstart-related tools are unable to remember that the service exists across reboots.00:32
adfenoWe always end up having to do `initctl reload-configuration`00:33
LordShadowWingIt's quite annoying00:33
adfenoDoes anyone know how to fix this?00:33
adfenoBy the way: LordShadowWing's copy of Upstart is the one affected00:34
adfenoI'm just assisting him.00:34
adfenoFor those interested:00:35
adfenosudo ls -al ~root/.guix-profile/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf00:35
adfeno-r--r--r-- 2 root root 351 Dec 31  1969 /root/.guix-profile/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf00:35
adfenols -al /etc/init/guix-daemon.conf00:37
adfenolrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 55 Jan  8 14:19 /etc/init/guix-daemon.conf -> /root/.guix-profile/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf00:37
adfenoLordShadowWing: I'll try reproducing your issue.00:40
LordShadowWingadfeno, I could give you ssh access00:41
adfenoLordShadowWing: Don't worry... Let's see If I can test it from here.00:41
adfenoWait a moment, have to reboot.00:41
adfeno#upstart: We have decided to give ourselves some time on the matter. Thanks.: )00:51
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
twbI've got an abandonware ubuntu 10.04 server here (upstat 0.6.5), and I'm trying to give its dovecot a higher nofiles limit.  Do I need to explicitly tell upstart to reread /etc/init/foo.conf after I edit it (like "systemctl daemon-reload")?  My memory says no, but I don't see any "init: reloading!" messages in syslog…06:09
twbAh initctl reload-configuration06:10
twbslice init: Failed to spawn dovecot-inmate main process: unable to set "nofile" resource limit: Operation not permitted06:11
twbOK "limit nofile 9999 9999" worked, so maybe "limit nofile unlimited unlimited" is just not allowed06:28
Mdhow I do I debug upstart hanging at boot time? I have managed to boot in bash, open a second shell and then exec'ed upstart22:31

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