[04:31] could we please change the message of the day to something like "if you ask a question and immediatly leave,, we'll mercilessly mock you for it"? or something to that effect? === robert__ is now known as HamishTHaggis === bill is now known as Guest7515 [05:37] Hello [05:38] o/ [06:46] how to install java? [06:47] I want to init Cisco ASA 5506-X firewall from ASDM on Ubuntu Linux for RaspberryPi3 [06:57] https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java [07:01] tks [07:01] sudo tar zxvf jre-8u111-linux-i586.tar.gz [07:01] I use this command [07:01] create /usr/java/jre1.8.0_111 [07:02] raspberries are not 586 [07:02] they are arm [07:02] You downloaded the wrong file [07:04] oh [07:04] yes,it's armv7 [07:04] if you read that web page i linked, it will download jdk-9-ea+151_linux-arm32-vfp-hflt_bin.tar.gz [07:05] ..which says "arm" in the name, not 586 [07:05] ok [07:05] 9b140+9b140arm-1~webupd8~3 i should download this one [07:06] No, you should read the page... [07:06] It has instructions [07:06] oh [07:09] i see it [07:09] tks [07:10] np [09:50] I installed mate on ubnunty yakketty, how do I start it? [09:53] with raps3 very slow [11:15] i have finished install the oracle-java9-installer [11:15] but when i open asa5506 firewall(,i click run asdm,the site can't work [11:17] how to Run ASDM in Ubuntu Linux? [11:59] hello [12:14] 3ds not linking with laptop ? [12:20] Hi [12:21] Hello [12:22] I used to have auto-log-in. I just changed this so that I log in to every session with my password, in order to not be prompted for the keyring password and use the keyring by default with Chrome (I guess Chrome does use keyring, doesn't it?). [12:22] So my question is: Do I have to reenter all my passwords in Chrome and Thunderbird for them to not be plain text? [13:21] hello, im newbie in ubuntu, how to change the look of the desktop into sperti macintos? [13:23] ping!!! [13:24] ping!!! === scottt is now known as Guest97906 [21:50] Sd card wont mount. Something to do with command line ? [22:10] hi everyone [22:39] I cannot start/stop/restart any services on my CentOS 7 box and I can't figure out why! Somebody please help! :( [23:25] hm [23:25] so i just install ubuntu mate [23:37] @lafleurdubien: other than confirming you are using sudo or root acct, this IRC is not CentOS related [23:39] I understand that this is not the place to discuss CentOS7. Does systemd work differently between ubuntu and rhel? [23:40] lafleurdubien: have to pull different strings but yeah pretty much the same [23:41] اه [23:41] o/ mate|55297 [23:54] Just so everybody knows, if I had my way, we would have installed ubuntu, not centOS!