[07:23] forkbomb and the rm etc command from deadbit [07:33] hell! [07:33] o [07:33] hello! [07:33] So I was offering a new guy some help in avoiding random people telling him to run random commands. [07:34] I don't think it's correct - even if it is bazhang and he's an op to tell a member of a community for the official ubuntu support channel to run a random command. [07:34] Also - as a user of Ubuntu - I don't see why you have banned me from the official support channel. [07:35] you were the one to post the forkbomb deadbit [07:35] and the rm etc command deadbit [07:35] is this something i can talk to canonical about? seeing as i do have support through them? [07:35] no [07:35] yes I said DO NOT RUN commands. [07:36] Do you say no as an official representative of them? [07:36] never post them [07:36] canonical has no say over irc #ubuntu deadbit [07:36] Again are you telling me, that No i cannot ask canonical/ubuntu about the issue i am having from the official support channel? [07:37] from what i understand - channel with # are official channel linked to the projects themselves [07:37] deadbit, let's be very clear, you posted it, you created the issue [07:37] and the channel even states that this is the official support channel for ubuntu [07:37] lets be very clear..... are you denying me access to the official support i'm entitle too? [07:38] deadbit, thats a privilege not a right [07:38] no it's a right but the terms of agreement in the ubuntu TOS [07:39] deadbit, this is not the place to argue about such things; you posted some very bad things in the #ubuntu channel and were banned as a result [07:39] This is exactly the place to talk about it. [07:39] deadbit, did you wish to resolve that issue or not [07:39] Are you acting as a representative of Ubuntu in this matter? [07:40] Sure I do. I stated I was helping a fellow community member to avoid detrimental commands that could disrupt his OS. [07:40] deadbit, this entire channel is the ops channel for the various ubuntu channels [07:41] I gave examples to avoid. I did not state to run them, in fact I stated to not run them. [07:41] But I can see you're trying to obfuscate the issue. [07:43] I will consider you an official representative of Ubuntu; You are also violating my rights as a member and user of Ubuntu products since you have effectively rendered a support channel null to me. [07:45] I have asked you clearly if you are acting as a representative of Ubuntu and you do not state yes or no. Yes you have to power to deny my access to an official support channel. I take this to be a violation of my rights to service under the TOS of Ubuntu as the channel has clearly made the distinction of it being a proper and recognized support channel for Ubuntu. [07:46] deadbit, did you wish to discuss resolution of the ban, or continue as you are presently [07:47] bazhang: Again, are you acting as a representative for Ubuntu? Will you deny me service for Ubuntu Official Channels? I have clearly stated that my comments were meant and intended under good faith to assist a fellow community member under an officially recognized support channel. [07:48] forkbombs are not an assist, ever deadbit [07:49] The information presented was for assistance - it was clear to the user; from the remark I made to avoid random commands given to members of the community from random individuals. [07:50] It was so he could recognize a malicious command; and avoid it. This will prevent him from running a command in the future that could and would be harmful to his system. [07:51] deadbit, if you did not wish to discuss the resolution of your ban, there is no reason to continue this discussion [07:51] I'm sure you have the log - so I will ask a final time. Are you acting as an official representative of Ubuntu - and do you have the authority to deny me access to services which are rights to a user under the Ubuntu TOS on an officially recognized support channel? [07:52] I have discussed it with you. [07:52] deadbit, irc channels have operators, that moderate [07:52] I will make sure to find the appropriate party and inform them of your actions in violation of the TOS. [07:52] !appeals | deadbit [07:52] deadbit: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page. [07:53] feel free to appeal your ban deadbit [07:54] I will seek assistance for this official support channel from Ubuntu and contact my VAR representative... thank you. [07:55] I am currently documenting our discussion - If you remove me from the channel I will consider this an additional violation of the TOS. [07:55] It is my intention to leave once I have documented my grievance and contacted the appropriate parties. [07:55] deadbit, there are channel logs [07:55] !1984 | deadbit [07:55] deadbit: Official channel logs can be found at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. Meetingology logs at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ [07:56] Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful night! [09:34] is kegsay threatening something on #ubuntu ? [09:34] no, I don't think so [09:35] I'm wondering if this is the matrix clean up [09:35] or if another service is having a similar problem [09:35] there goes a matrix user [09:35] it must be matrix [09:36] won't that be the same problem as the gateway timing out idle users [09:36] is this the matrix solution it kicks idle users ? [09:36] mass leave ? [09:36] or is this just a one off thing ? [15:41] ikonia: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/issues/304#issuecomment-271939428 suggests periodic. it's the first time ever this time, they're still figuring out what exactly they'll be doing. [17:24] alkisg called the ops in #ubuntu () [17:34] ^ says Dinner is a PM bot, looks like an android IRC clint to me, and am unable to reproduce the issue [17:34] client*