[01:23] hey guys! computer novice here getting ready to try and install xubuntu for the first time. I put new hard drive into a windows computer and planning to use disk imager to write iso to the hard drive. Am I on the right track? [01:25] smoke_: No, not quite. You need to create a bootable DVD/USB from it, and install from there. [01:26] okay, can do! Do I need to format the hard disk with a certain file system type or anything prior? or the usb setup will take care of that all? [01:27] The latter. [01:27] @krytarik great thank you :) [01:27] You are welcome. :) [03:02] i'm installing Xubuntu on a Dell Inspiron N4010... so far so good. anything i should watch out for? [03:04] gremlins? (::Y::) [03:04] Yes! [03:06] all this computer hacking got me thirsty - i think ill have a Tab. [03:10] why is it always difficult to explain metaphores to kleptomaniacs? [03:10] ...because they always take things ...so literally! [03:10] lol [03:10] nalrod, please take chat to the offtopic channel [03:10] Indeed. === cmcmanis is now known as chuckmcm === Zren_ is now known as Zren === electricerg|AFK is now known as electricerger [09:53] Hi, I am having problems with nm-applet in 16.04 [09:53] $ nm-applet nm-applet-Message: New secrets for WLANSSID/802-11-wireless-security requested; ask the user ** GLib:ERROR:/build/glib2.0-7IO_Yw/glib2.0-2.48.1/./glib/gvarianttypeinfo.c:163:g_variant_type_info_check: assertion failed: (info->alignment == 0 || info->alignment == 1 || info->alignment == 3 || info->alignment == 7) Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben) [09:53] Any idea? [10:05] By the way here my system information: user1@hostname ---------- OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS x86_64 Model: 23923RG ThinkPad T530 Kernel: 4.4.0-59-generic Uptime: 1 hour, 17 minutes Packages: 4302 Shell: bash 4.3.46 Resolution: 1600x900 DE: XFCE WM: Xfwm4 WM Theme: Default Theme: Raleigh [GTK2], Breeze [GTK3] Icons: Elementary-xfce-dark [GTK2], Breeze [GTK3] CPU: Intel i5-3210M (4) @ 3.1GHz [10:06] Nice, how much battery life? === dreamon_ is now known as dreamon [11:12] need help http://i.imgur.com/klso0zX.jpg === dreamon__ is now known as dreamon === GridCube_ is now known as GridCube [22:55] thats for such a good distro! [22:55] thanks / [22:56] You're welcome! [23:43] I'm getting a "device not ready" message when trying to connect to a WiFi Network. I have tried https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2181558 but didn't work. Did someone fix this error before? [23:43] I have an ASUS X200CA