[14:18] ejat, you can install autopilot with juju. autopilot can then be used to install openstack, normally by pointing it at an existing maas [16:27] pmatulis: got charm for autopilot ? [19:47] Is there an option, when bootstrapping juju, to tell it an address to use, in order to combat https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1633788? - It doenst matter what version of LXD or juju I'm using, I keep hitting this bug when bootstrapping it to a localhost container. [19:47] Bug #1633788: juju 2.0.0 bootstrap to lxd fails (connect to wrong "remote" IP address) [22:01] ejat, autopilot is landscape. sorry for not being clear [22:01] ejat, so search jujucharms.com store for landscape charm