
need_helpanyone solve the wifi issue for kubuntu 16.10?01:17
=== EventHorizon is now known as TheFocus
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
=== blade is now known as Guest67245
lordievaderGood morning09:34
frischluftHello, where an I find solutions concerning audio and webcam driver problems?09:55
frischluftHello, sorry, had to be offline. Where can I find solutions for driver problems i audio and webcam?10:08
frischluftSystem info: kernel 4.8.0-34, kubuntu 16.10. Laptop: HP x2 Pavillion detachable. B&O inegrated sound system.10:10
frischluftintegrated webcam.10:10
=== himcesjf is now known as Guest31059
=== Guest31059 is now known as him-cesjf
frischlufthello again, repeat my question: ello, sorry, had to be offline. Where can I find solutions for driver problems i audio and webcam?11:36
frischluftSystem info: kernel 4.8.0-34, kubuntu 16.10. Laptop: HP x2 Pavillion detachable. B&O inegrated sound system.11:36
frischluftintegrated webcam.11:36
=== paolo_ is now known as faLUCE
BluesKajHiyas all\13:07
MOUDHey all13:22
MOUDHow can I paste a program's shortcut to the desktop?13:23
BluesKajMOUD, in the kmenu right click on the app and choose add to dektop13:40
BluesKajdesktop even13:40
arsamhello i have problem with set path14:01
arsamhow i can set path in user profile14:01
BluesKajarsam, path to ?14:06
arsampath to install golang14:07
BluesKajit's not a path arsam, it's a command in the terminal, sudo apt install golang14:11
IrcsomeBot1Johannes P. was removed by: Johannes P.14:12
BluesKajor open the kmenu>applications>system>software center , arsam14:12
MOUDBluesKaj, sorry, I was away. There's no option to add to desktop14:19
BluesKajMOUD, can you find said app in the kmenu?14:20
MOUDBluesKaj, no. It's a windows exe file14:20
BluesKajwindows.exe files will only work in wibne on linux14:22
BluesKajwine rather14:22
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:22
MOUDI have wine installed and the the program works fine. I just want to paste a shortcut to that program on the desktop14:22
BluesKajMOUD, ask in #winehq14:23
MOUDBluesKaj, ok, thanks14:24
BluesKaj!info join16:40
ubottuPackage join does not exist in yakkety16:40
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=== ChickenLipsRfun2 is now known as koffeinfriedhof
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flickserveHi all18:07
BluesKajhi flickserve18:09
BluesKajflickserve, ask your question here, if you have one.18:23
=== pepee- is now known as pepee
=== jorge_ is now known as Guest83580
=== Guest83580 is now known as Jorgehn79
Bos3Mqanyone here ever custom build a kde iso using live-build?20:42
=== dax is now known as ro
Bos3Mqanyone here ever custom built an iso using live-build before?...20:55
=== Jorgehn is now known as Jorgehn79
=== Jorgehn is now known as Jorgehn79
=== Jorgehn is now known as Jorgehn79
valoriewell, we do have a factoid, but I can't recall what it is21:28
sintrebot must be on a smoke break :)21:31
valorieshe's on duty, but I can't remember the right trigger21:32
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:32
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/21:32
valorieand that ain't it21:32
valoriethose are the links I was thinking of, but I never would have come up with "remaster"21:33
sintresays that last link that the project has discontinued21:33
valoriethanks Unit19321:34
sintrethe https://sourceforge.net/projects/uck/21:35
valorieUnit193: there is a replacement it seems: https://github.com/clearkimura/Customizer21:45
valorieoh, up until 14.0421:45
valoriefork slightly more up-to-date: https://github.com/kamilion/customizer21:47
poco_hey, any of you all have any issues with icons not appearing in your task bar and/or application launcher? I also notice that the tiny icon at /usr/applications is missing for a lot of apps too23:37
valoriepoco_: chrome sometimes disappears for me23:59
valorieand then comes back later23:59
valorieno idea why23:59

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