[02:47] pmatulis: owh .. so just link the landscape client to the openstack services ? [02:50] ejat, nope. forget the landscape client stuff for now. within landscape server there is a cloud installer section, which is called "autopilot" [02:57] so setup maas n landscape server 1st ? [02:57] then later use the cloud installer section [08:02] Good morning Juju world! [09:14] morning [10:52] gday! === gsamfira_ is now known as gsamfira === junaidal1 is now known as junaidali [12:39] Hi, I have a failed machine (a controller instance in HA), I have run 'juju enable-ha' to ensure HA again but now I can't remove the failed machine [12:39] it is giving error 'ERROR no machines were destroyed: machine is required by the model' [12:40] Any idea, what I'm missing here. Juju HA is already ensured. [12:59] Hi junaidali, you might have more luck asking at #juju-dev . Since it is a day off in the US you might want to also send an email on the list, so that your question gets answered [13:05] sure, thanks kjackal_ [13:26] Hi Guys, Trying to run the kubernetes juju, so im creating a bootstrap, but halfway it fails because it looks for the Gateway IP? [13:41] hi Michel_ you are saying juju bootstrap is failing? [13:41] Yes [13:41] Its trying to SSH into the DG [13:42] Im trying to give the containers a IP on our network, because we're trying to set up a Kubernetes cluster [13:43] howeer, when setting up lxd, if i set up a local 10.X.X.X bridge, it works, however, trying to put it on the local network doesn't [13:45] Just a sec Michel_ let me try to understand. I am not sure I follow. Can you show us the output of "juju bootstrap --debug" [13:45] Sure [13:47] http://paste.ofcode.org/39bkLRyByg4GgrYGsKM4TpW [13:48] I have ens18 - Network adatper. br0 - Bridge created and its bridge_port is set to ens18 [13:48] When running bootstrap, it tries to go into the DG [13:56] Michel_: are you following something like this: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/11/21/conjure-up-canonical-kubernetes-under-lxd-today/ [13:56] Hi am [13:56] But it doesnt give no networking information [13:56] I know that kubernetes on LXD needs some special configuration so the recomented way to deploy it is through conjure-up [13:57] Because the VM itself is on a 172.30.16.X network, when i create the lxdbridge, it goes on a 10.X address, if i put it on a 172.30.16 address, it doesn't work. [13:58] Im trying to find sources on the configs but nothing :( [13:59] When i deploy the kubernetes master, it gets a 10.X address, and not a 172.30.16 address which is what the VM is on. (so when i try to reach to the master GUI, i cannot access a 10.X.X.X address on my network because its in a 172.x.x.x address and the 10.X is a network for the containers only [14:03] Michel_: I do know if that helps, the kubernetes configuration done by conjureup is here: https://github.com/conjure-up/spells/tree/master/canonical-kubernetes [14:12] Thanks man let me take a look D [14:12] :D * [14:40] does anyone know how to recreate the certificates for the kubernetes bundle? [14:52] running the upgrade-charm hook on etcd seem to be a good start [14:53] Also, one more issue, i cannot delete 1 controller, the VM hangs [14:53] i deleted the lxc container by accident corresponding to that controller [14:53] but now it just hangs when i use juju destroy-controller *name* --destroy-all-models [14:56] Michel_: if all else fails, use `juju kill-controller` [14:56] Thanks [14:56] Michel_: `juju remove-machine X --force` could also be helpful [14:57] Thank you [15:13] jlug [22:07] hows it going all? [22:09] I would like to introduce everyone to Ronald Haynes, @rahworks here on freenode. Ronald will be joining me in maintaining and charming creativedrive infrstructure, and will be going to the charmer summit in my stead this year. [22:18] Hello All, looking forward to using juju and learning more about it [22:24] bdx: howdy, we'll miss you! [22:24] rahworks: welcome to the party === medberry is now known as med_