
krytarikpoco_: What icon theme are you using?  Tried another one yet?00:06
poco_krytarik, Yeah switching icons themes does nothing. I'm using Breeze dark00:06
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yoyojoin kdeconnect00:48
VulcanJediWhen I click to add Facebook in Online Accounts, I receive the error  message "Could not load generic-oauth plugin, please check your  installation". I tried a few things as suggested here, added  backports ppa, ran apt update and full upgrade commands, rebooted, and  still the same error. Used apt search, as suggested, and the plugin is  installed.00:49
valorieVulcanJedi: facebook no longer allows connections outside their own apps01:05
valorieevidently some other messaging apps can still use it using old APIs or something01:06
VulcanJedii guess that shouldn't surprise me01:09
yoyoAOL reborn01:26
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schnoodlesAnyone know for what reason my machine says I am out of disk space even though I should have HEAPS left. Or atleast know a good way to solve this. KDE PArtition Editor seems to think that its free.05:44
sintrewhat kubuntu version hdd and specs ect.05:46
sintrethats kinda out there and what is telling you you don't have space?05:46
schnoodlesI was unable to create files through Dolphin. Unable to rsync to the system. This is to my mounted drive.05:47
schnoodlesI just run BleachBit and it may have fixed it somewhere.05:47
sintretest if it fixed it05:48
valoriefilelight is an excellent little app for seeing what's going on05:48
valorie!info filelight05:48
ubottufilelight (source: filelight): show where your diskspace is being used. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 297 kB, installed size 570 kB05:48
schnoodles -- /root/ was 187gb when running du -sxh /*05:49
schnoodlesNot it is around 11MB05:49
schnoodlesNo idea what was getting stored on root :\05:50
valoriefilelight shows you -- just hover over the area05:50
valorieor click if you want more detailed info05:50
schnoodlesvalorie: any idea if there is a ppa for filelight? I am not a fan of compiling source if I d onot need to.05:55
valoriejust apt install it05:55
valorieno ppa needed05:55
schnoodlesUnable to find package :\05:55
valoriewhat version of Kubuntu are you running?05:56
valorieI've been using it for years05:56
schnoodles16.10 with backports.05:56
valoriewell, that's bizarre05:56
valorieapt-cache policy filelight05:57
valorie  Installed: 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu105:57
valoriethat's in zesty though05:57
valoriestrange old page you found, sintre05:57
sintrei tend to find them lol05:58
sintretwo for today atleast05:58
sintre16.04 is yakkity right05:59
sintrei mean xenial06:00
schnoodlesOk it is in there.06:00
schnoodlesThats odd. The space problems I had was screwing up APT sources06:00
schnoodlesso reran update and it appeared.06:00
sintreso all well?06:00
schnoodlesYep all good now. If I run into this root problem again I may be back06:01
schnoodlesodd that is was something like 130G for /root haha06:01
schnoodlesthanks for the help :)06:01
valoriea billion retries maybe06:01
schnoodlesWell all good for now. Thanks heaps.06:02
valorieyou're welcome06:02
sintrenp , i really don't wth i'm doing half the time06:02
sintrei'm just good at figuring outproblems more than fixing them06:03
valoriethat's always a good first step06:03
sintreval knows where to go :)06:03
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lordievaderGood morning08:28
sajmoonhi all09:16
sajmoonneed some help with setting up display hooked to integrated graphic card09:17
soeehi sajmoon, What is the problem ? What Kubuntu version?09:19
Bos3Mqanyone ever built a custom iso using live-build before?10:03
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yossarianukhi - using plasma 5.8.x - how can I change pidgin notification volume ?10:34
yossarianuki.e when I get a notication I can see the volume in the application volume  in 'audio volume' however as soon as the sound finishes I cannot see it any longer and when another sound occurs  it goes to the default one10:38
yossarianuk*default volume*10:38
VulcanJediyossarianuk, have you tried turning down system notification volume in the volume settings?11:20
yossarianukI don't think pigin counts as system notification...11:25
yossarianukI asked in #kde and they recommend commenting 'flat-volume = no'11:26
VulcanJedii think it's systemwide notifications, not necessarily ubuntu's notifications11:26
yossarianukok cheers11:27
VulcanJedigood luck11:28
yossarianukI have the sound 'frankly my dear I don't give a damn' (gone with the wind) as my msg notification which was funny until I had a hr long conversation with someone... Also my laptop is providing the radio for the room...  (hence me wanting to change the volume..)11:30
VulcanJedii'm not fully setup on kde just yet, so if the notification volume doesn't solve it, i will end up seeking the same info11:39
VulcanJedii don't need any pidgin notification interrupting my jams11:40
yossarianukok - fairly major issue...  I have dual screen - if I try to use the right click menu on the right screen (i.e using dolphin) on an icon near the right of the screen the right click menu doesn't open11:54
yossarianukhowever if I do the same on primary screen the right click menu opens to the left-11:54
yossarianuki.e I cannot use right click menu unless I drag the icon to the left of the screen on the right monitor - its like it cant open as its trying to open to the right but its the screen edge...11:55
yossarianuksorry - I dont mean the inital right click menu - i mean the sub menu - i.e right click on icon -> open-with (for example)11:56
yossarianukreally annoying11:56
yossarianukif I hover over (for exmaple) open-with -> nothing happens I see no sub menu unless I drag the dolphin screen over to the left of the screen11:58
BluesKajHi folks12:04
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General_Martokhi, can someone tell me the name of the app which is similar to OS X Mission Controll?15:51
yossarianukGeneral_Martok: do yo umean to see all open apps ?15:57
yossarianuk*do you mean*15:57
General_Martoki want to put this function on my middle mouse button15:59
KurousagiMK2‎General_Martok:Ctrl+Tab or Widget Window list http://imgur.com/a/r6xfF possibly this option --> An Introduction to KDE Virtual Desktops & Activities http://takingnothingforgranted.com/introduction-kde-virtual-desktops-activities/16:15
BluesKajKurousagiMK2, and your question is ?16:18
KurousagiMK2‎‎<‎BluesKaj‎: [17:51] ‎<‎General_Martok‎>‎ hi, can someone tell me the name of the app which is similar to OS X Mission Controll?16:19
BluesKajno idea, not a mac user16:20
KurousagiMK2it's not my question16:21
BluesKajit's not ?16:23
BluesKajKurousagiMK2, I can help with activities and VDs idf you have questions about them...posting urls to show your issues is not good practice until after you've stated your problem16:27
KurousagiMK2‎General_Martok asked "hi, can someone tell me the name of the app which is similar to OS X Mission Controll?" I only saw it? http://imgur.com/a/NxLQa16:33
General_MartokI want to switch between Apps. I want to see  all open ones in a kind of preview mode like Mission control in OS X. See here: http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2012/12/expose-all-windows-100018345-large.jpg16:34
General_Martokthere is a app in Linux but i don't know the name16:35
Smurphyit already is in kubuntu...16:36
SmurphyJust configure it right.16:36
BluesKajGeneral_Martok, use the icon only taskmanager16:36
BluesKajfor the panel16:36
General_Martoksry that doesn't help me16:38
BluesKaji wouldn't like that muchclutter on my desktop, but to each his own16:38
BluesKajplease tell what you wantto do  instead of posting pictures of desktops16:39
General_Martokthe idea is to put the function on the middle mouse button to have an overview/preview of all open Windows/apps16:39
acheronuk'resent windows' maybe the desktop affect you want?16:43
acheronukcan have that set to trigger via moving cursor to a particular corner, or certain key combination I think16:44
General_Martokif thats the name maybe, i have german Kubuntu und don't find "recent windows"16:45
KurousagiMK2"Present Windows" http://imgur.com/a/iheJ716:45
acheronukit's in desktop effects16:46
General_Martokthats it, yes16:46
acheronukin system settings16:46
General_Martokthats it16:48
acheronuknot sure if you can bins to the middle key by default, but in linux there are some programs or settings that you can use to reassign mouse button mappings etc, and/or assign them to be equivalent to a series of key presses16:48
acheronuklong time since I tried that though.....16:48
General_Martokthank you, i have put it in a corner und will search for a solution for the middle mouse button16:53
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu
wxlcan anyone suggest a method for input of chinese?18:13
BluesKajwxl, with a character map?if so try KCharSelect18:16
wxlBluesKaj: no, like ibus or what?18:16
BluesKajno clue about ibus18:17
wxlthere's about a billion different input managers and about a billion different instructions on how to do it, but no clear path18:18
wxli want to be able to switch from normal english input to pinyin and toggle between them18:18
wxlthe problem is i'm worried about ibus because i've had it be problematic in the past18:19
KurousagiMK2maybe im-config?18:21
wxlyeah that's not actually helpful, really18:21
wxlit doesn't seem that fcitx, ibus, or uim are installed18:22
wxli'm not sure any input manager is18:23
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RoeyI upgraded from 16.04 to 16.10, and now my system has trouble resolving address names... how can I diagnose this19:00
Roey BluesKaj: hi!!19:04
BluesKajRoey, which address names ? Hostnames or nameservers or???19:11
Roeythe nameservers--even if I put in the OpenDNS ones into /etc/resolv.conf, it doesn't appear to take hold.19:12
RoeyBluesKaj: the nameservers come from Verizon so.. in /etc/resolv.conf there is just "nameserver" and then "search verizon.net".19:12
BluesKajassume you've updated and upgraded since installing19:12
RoeyBluesKaj: correct19:13
Roeywell I would have19:13
BluesKajusing networ-manager?19:13
Roeybut I can't resolve anything19:13
Roeynetwork manager doesn't appear after I issue the command "sudo NetworkManager".19:14
BluesKajtry sudo dhclient19:14
RoeyRTNETLINK answers: File exists19:15
RoeyI already have an IP19:15
Roeyand I can go to hosts by IP19:15
BluesKajok good , now try a browser19:15
Roeybut it times out in reoslving names, and it doesn't load pages properly19:15
RoeyBluesKaj: ^^ in a browser19:15
BluesKajRoey, sudo systemctl start network-manager19:17
Roeyit doesn't appear to do anything19:18
Roeyjust returns to the commandlien19:18
BluesKajno errors19:18
RoeyBluesKaj: can you give me rafb.net's ip?19:19
RoeyI'll post the text from "sudo systemctl status network-manager".19:19
BluesKajsudo systenmctl enable network-manager, then run the start command again19:20
Roeyok, one moment19:20
RoeySynchronizing state of network-manager.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.19:20
RoeyExecuting: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable network-manager19:20
Roeyand I still don't get anything19:20
BluesKajok now run the start I posted19:20
RoeyI did, and I don't see any output19:21
BluesKajhave some patience we're not done yet19:21
BluesKajok ,now sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd19:23
Roeyok I did.19:24
BluesKajsudo dhclient eth019:25
Roey$ sudo dhclient eth319:25
RoeyRTNETLINK answers: File exists19:25
BluesKajnow check sudo apt update , to see if it fetches the sources19:26
BluesKajif it does then you should be good to go19:26
Roeyit doesn't19:27
Roeyit just sits there at 0%19:27
Roey"Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com"19:27
sintregoing a little primitive here , any chance have you checked the cables?19:27
RoeyI'm connected and talking here, right?19:28
sintreok so same pc19:28
Roeysintre: it's this name resolution that's timing out19:28
BluesKajso your in aVT/TTY ?19:28
Roeyoh I'm in KDE19:28
Roeyand yakuake19:29
BluesKajhmm, maybe it's time for the oldf reliable ,  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:30
Roeyone moment.19:31
Roey(am I still here?)19:31
Roeyso I ran it19:31
Roey"[....] Restarting networking (via systemctl): networking.service19:32
Roey" / "ok"  <-- output I got.19:32
Roeygethostip google.com still hangs though.19:32
BluesKajjust ping google.com19:32
Roeygoing to "slashdot.org" in Firefox change sthe status line to "looking up slashdot.org"19:32
sintrecan you check your isps site and see if any problems going on ?19:32
RoeyBluesKaj: it also hangs19:32
Roeysintre: well I can connect with other devices on the same router and they connect fine to web sites.19:32
BluesKajpastebin /etc/network/interfaces19:33
Roeycan youu plase give me the IP address for the pastebin?19:33
Roeysince the system can't resolve it...19:33
Roeyauto lo19:33
Roeyiface lo inet loopback19:33
Roey^ that's the contents.19:33
Roeythanks genii19:35
Roeygenii: I pasted the contents above19:35
geniiStill need the unique URL to go to19:35
Roeygenii: yeah this is so frsturating :(19:40
BluesKajtry the apt update again19:41
* genii makes more coffee and passes the mugs around19:41
* BluesKaj happily takes a mug19:41
BluesKajfrankly i hate nm , sooner run a stsic IP then muck about with it'19:42
BluesKajmake runinga vpn more complicated dto set up, but it's worth it19:43
BluesKajstatic ip even19:44
RoeyBluesKaj: it won't connect19:46
Roeyafter 30 seconds of sitting there tyring to connect,19:47
Roeyit does appear to give output19:47
KurousagiMK216.10 (Yakkety Yak) Known bugs and work-a-rounds https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2340042 post #10 maybe help19:49
Roey"All packages are up to date."19:49
RoeyKurousagiMK2: thank you, loading it...19:50
Roeytrying to load it, rather..19:50
RoeyKurousagiMK2: what'sthe IP for that site?19:50
BluesKajok try a browser with a url19:51
RoeyBluesKaj: I just did19:51
Roey"Looking up ubuntuforums.org"19:51
Roeyand now it says "Server not found"19:51
BluesKajRoey, he's not trying to help you , he's l;ooking for help with his own problem19:52
RoeyBluesKaj: oh, ok.19:53
BluesKajRoey, sudo apt install --reintall network-manager19:54
BluesKaj-- reinstall19:54
BluesKajI'm going blind'19:54
Roeyok, issued it.  One moment as we wait...19:55
RoeyBluesKaj: you're awesome19:55
BluesKajnot really just a user who dislikes network-manager , but that's another story19:56
Roeyok, it ran it19:56
BluesKajand it reinstalled?19:56
sintrei'd try  a reboot at hi point19:57
sintrethis sry19:57
BluesKajgenii, any suggesions?19:57
BluesKajreboot is usual after a reinstall alright'19:58
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BluesKajRoey, try a reboot19:58
geniiBluesKaj: Maybe add Google's DNS to /etc/resolv.conf  like, nameserver and nameserver   ( which should take effect immediately without a network restart) to get dns kickstarted19:59
BluesKajRoey, read geni's post above20:00
* genii hands out fresh mugs of coffee20:00
RoeyBluesKaj: ok.. btw I've tried rebooting before and it did not work; I've tried adding openDNS to /etc/resolv.conf and it didnt' change anything.  Now I just tried in /etc/resolv.conf, and it doesn't appear to change anything20:01
Roeyafter a bit, I get pingbacks from google.com20:02
BluesKajquick draw20:02
RoeyI tried it again just now,l20:02
Roeyand it's been 40 seconds so far that it's timing out.20:02
Roey ping google.com20:03
Roeyping: google.com: Name or service not known20:03
Roeyit's not consistent!20:03
BluesKajreboot your router/modem as alast resort20:03
sintrereboot your system as well20:03
sintresinse your at it20:03
BluesKajresolv.conf used get overwritten by nm andanother file , not sure if that's still the case20:04
Roeymy /etc/resolv.conf got overwritten again20:04
Roeyit still does.20:04
Roeysintre: I've done that again and again and nohting works.20:05
RoeyBluesKaj: I did that, too.20:06
Roeydid't help20:06
sintresinse bluekay had you reinstall network manager you haven't20:06
Roeyok I suppose so.20:06
Roeylemme try.20:06
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Roeyno go20:13
Roeystill the same issue.20:13
RoeyI rebooted and all.20:13
* sintre scratches head20:13
BluesKajRoey, ok ,   kdesudo kate /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head within the run command (alt+F2) and enter the google nameservers there, ignore the warning. This is an old fix, but it might work.20:13
Roeyok/me will BBIAB.... brohter and sister came over to say hi, impromptu without tellin gme20:13
RoeyI added "nameserver" to it20:14
Roey"ping google" still times out20:14
Roeyok/me will BBIAB.... brohter and sister came over to say hi, impromptu without tellin gme20:14
KurousagiMK2Roey disable the local forwarding nameserver by commenting out the line "dns=dnsmasq" in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf20:16
BluesKajthis kind of bug is exactly why I no longer use NM...static IP all the way for ethernet , wifi is a different story20:20
powerkingAnybody know opengl?20:24
powerkingopengl and c20:24
sintrethis is more of a support channel for kubuntu , not a programming channel20:25
sintrei'm sure many here do though20:26
powerkingonly support?20:26
sintre# kubuntu-offtopic20:27
sintregeneral convo on anything there20:27
sintresame people there as here nomrally20:27
powerkingi new user on kubuntu20:28
sintreif your an esl troll get lost , have a question about setup or trouble shooting we'll help as best we can20:29
geniipowerking: You might want to try ##OpenGL channel for help with OpenGL20:30
powerkingthanx :D20:30
BluesKaj powerking opengl how ,set it in system settings>display and monitor>composditor >rendering backend20:30
geniiBluesKaj: Since they're asking about OpenGL and C at the same time, most likely a programming question20:31
powerkingthanx for the help20:31
powerkingi have not install display and monitor20:32
BluesKajthink if he's new it would be good to know where to mlook20:32
powerkingi find it20:32
powerkingthree options20:33
powerkingxrender,opengl 2 and opengl 320:33
BluesKajpowerking, what is your graphics/gpu ?20:34
tinn3sare you guys talking about the cursor bug ?20:34
BluesKajno tinn3s opengl20:35
powerkinggraphics motor20:35
powerkingintel duo20:35
powerkingnot i720:35
powerking2.8 ghz each20:36
BluesKajgraphics processor not cpu20:36
powerkinga ok20:36
powerkingnvidia gts 250 512 mb ddr220:36
BluesKajpowerking,  in the terminal,  sudo lshw -C video20:37
BluesKajlook at the product line20:38
powerking description: VGA compatible controller20:39
powerking       product: G92 [GeForce GTS 250]20:39
powerking       vendor: NVIDIA Corporation20:39
powerking       physical id: 020:39
powerking       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.020:39
powerking       version: a220:39
BluesKajpowerking, open the terminal, sudo apt install nvidia-340, then you'll have to reboot20:42
tinn3sSomebody here with bumblebee experience ?20:44
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/20:56
valorietinn3s: ^^^20:56
soee_i think nvidia-prime is the way to go20:58
tinn3sim installing it at the moment ^^20:59
RoeyKurousagiMK2: ok, I commented the line out; now what shoudl I do?21:04
RoeyKurousagiMK2: I tried pinging google.com, still it hangs there.21:05
tinn3s[ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: Could not load GPU driver21:06
RoeyHeya valorie :)21:06
KurousagiMK2‎Roey‎: systemctl restart network-manager21:06
RoeyKurousagiMK2: did that now.21:07
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RoeyKurousagiMK2: so appears in /etc/resolv.conf, yet.... name resolution operations (ping, etc.) keep timing out21:13
Roeyping, gethostip21:14
KurousagiMK2‎Roey‎: make sure you are running systemd-resolved "systemctl status systemd-resolved"21:14
RoeyKurousagiMK2: $ systemctl status systemd-resolve21:14
RoeyUnit systemd-resolve.service could not be found.21:14
RoeyKurousagiMK2: $ sudo systemctl start systemd-resolve21:16
RoeyFailed to start systemd-resolve.service: Unit systemd-resolve.service not found.21:16
valoriehi Roey21:21
Roeyhi valorie21:21
RoeyI'm feeling pretty low21:21
valoriesorry, opened facebook and got lost for a few21:21
Roeyoh sure!21:21
valorieyour town is about to be inundated with people21:22
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KurousagiMK2‎Roey‎: apt install ubuntu-standard21:30
valorie!info ubuntu-standard21:33
ubottuubuntu-standard (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu standard system. In component main, is standard. Version 1.373 (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 45 kB21:33
valorieKurousagiMK2: is that the underlying system?21:33
KurousagiMK2valorie: "‎[21:00] ‎<‎Roey‎>‎ I upgraded from 16.04 to 16.10, and now my system has trouble resolving address names... how can I diagnose this"21:36
KurousagiMK2DNS resolver changes in yakkety https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2016-May/039350.html21:36
valorieoh right, I remember discussion about this21:38
valorieI experienced a massive slowdown in DNS resolving for awhile21:38
valorieit's still a bit slow in zesty21:38
valoriebut not as bad as it was for awhile in yakkety21:38
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