=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [09:31] duflu: I saw camako's comment about mir_window_type_popover. The design doc says "The popup type was previously called Menu" which doesn't match the comments in our header. Do you have an opinion on the correct name? [09:31] alan_g: It appears I missed that. So no opinion [09:31] yet [09:32] The description of https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/no-window-type-overlay/+merge/314749 [09:33] alan_g: Traditionally in toolkits there have always been multiple separate menu types (which helps with behaviour and animations)... popup != dropdown [09:34] alan_g: Sounds like it belongs in a different MP anyway [09:35] Or three different menu classes: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html#idm140200472629520 [09:35] Sure, I was tempted to just do away with mir_window_type_popover (which is trivial) but then wondered if that was a good direction. [09:35] alan_g: I'm pretty sure we need to separate them because decoration and animation may be different [09:35] "Examples of popups include menus, combo boxes, walkthrough hints, and popovers" (Mir and Unity: Surfaces, input, and displays (v0.3)_ [09:36] Oh dear [09:36] Yes a combo box may be a popover and may be similar to a menu [09:36] But at the moment mir_window_type_popover and menu are synonyms [09:37] alan_g: I think it's an interesting question but not a blocker for that particular MP [09:37] which just landed [09:38] That MP landed. I was wondering how best to sort out mir_window_type_popover/menu which is also wrong. [09:39] alan_g: This is why display servers generally don't get involved in toolkit design :) [09:40] I guess a toolkit designer/user would be the best to ask. ;) [09:41] duflu: thanks for the chat. At least I know there isn't an easy right solution. [09:41] alan_g: I know we need to distinguish the different menu types. That's all [09:42] I think I know anyway. Maybe we need a subtype [09:44] I'll see what attente thinks when he wakes up [09:49] cimi: zesty Unity8 now has the new input rate logic. Feels a bit nicer but we're not finished yet [09:51] Although I would like to get a kernel fix for the usbhid regression.... === hikiko_ is now known as hikiko [10:18] hey Trevinho [10:18] ping :) [10:19] here? [10:21] I think there's a problem with the design you suggest in the gcc review: if I use the tool, unity won't switch profile in real-time but in next reboot [10:21] :s/gcc/ucc [10:22] also, if the user modifies the lowgfx profile, he wont have the default settings anymore [10:23] next restart* [10:24] also that profile is generated by the .ini isn't it? [10:26] the tool runs once at startup as far as I understand it [10:28] I probably should change unity to use that tool as well, but we still need to switch to lowgfx instantly [10:29] and overwriting the settings seems to be the easiest way [10:42] * alan_g wonders how that's relevant to #ubuntu-mir [10:45] oh noes [10:45] LOL [10:45] sorry.... [10:45] I thought I am in #ubuntu-desktop [10:45] thanks alan_g :p [10:46] hikiko: how's it going in U7 land? [10:49] alan_g, fine :) I am trying to finish all the remaining priority tasks to focus on porting chromium on mir [10:51] A great way to start the new year. (I hope) === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln === marcusto_ is now known as marcustomlinson === hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko [14:04] alan_g: hey. gtk does differentiate between the different popup types when creating those widgets, so if it helps you to differentiate between them, we could pass them to you: https://developer.gnome.org/gdk3/stable/gdk3-Windows.html#GdkWindowTypeHint [14:06] attente: I'm not sure how much it would help us (it is really unclear if Mir needs different behaviour). But if a shell is doing server-side decorations it would likely matter.