
tuanluongMorning cloud-init09:22
andy__I was using a custom cloud.cfg for in my AMI for ec2 instances13:01
andy__but now I want to use the standard centos one -> http://pastie.org/1099061213:01
andy__however, I am not getting any nameservers after the init part, whereas before I did ...13:02
andy__when manually running dhclient I get the DNS servers and can continue13:02
andy__so I am thinking if the centos template blocks dhcp somehow? although I do not see it13:02
andy__hmm when I look at ps I can see '/sbin/dhclient -H ip-10-193-48-180 ...'13:15
andy__I don't think the -H should be there13:15
larsksget_data in DataSourceOpenStack.py takes retries= and timeout= parameters, but get_data is called from sources/__init__.py with no keyword arguments.  Is there any way to modify the timeout used in this method?13:42
larsksI've opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1657130 about that issue, and submitted a fix.14:50
smoserlarsks, your mp looks fine.15:59
smoserlarsks, well, i thought it did. needs some fixing and i asked for your review of one of mine.16:14
larskssmoser, okee donee.  I'll take a look.16:16
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
larskssmoser, updated both16:29
smoserlarsks, thanks. i'll get that. a response from you on https://code.launchpad.net/~larsks/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/312519 would be good too16:35
larsksOh, right. I don't really feel strongly about that one.  How do I close a merge request?16:37
larsksAh, there it is.16:37
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz

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