
rmcadamswhen you deploy juju, against maas - (juju bootstrap maas controller01) is there a way to specify what server from maas it uses?03:52
stormmoreyou could tag the machine in maas and then use --constraints as part of your juju deploy command04:37
rmcadamsduh, why didnt I think of that04:45
rmcadamsgood call stormmore04:45
rmcadamsthank youv ery much04:45
stormmoreno prob04:45
rmcadamswatching juju deploy openstack is actually kind of mind bending for anyone who's ever deployed it04:49
stormmoreI remember my first time doing that :)04:49
rmcadamsI can't tell you how many times I've built/rebuild clusters (Piston, RedHat, Canonical etc...) and to watch juju do this... is insane.04:55
stormmoreI am building a kubernetes cluster right now using it05:01
kjackalGood morning Juju world!07:41
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junaidaliGood morning kjackal08:14
kjackalhello junaidali08:14
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cjwatsonI have a weird deployment issue that I don't understand.  Can somebody help?  Freshly-deployed lxd controller fails to deploy with https://pastebin.canonical.com/176151/ even though a different local charm seems to deploy fine; the charm in question is still a work in progress but looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/23815957/11:49
cjwatsonI believe the "cannot interpret as local bundle" bit is normal (it's not a bundle, and I see this with a successful deployment too).  The weird bit seems to be that it POSTs the charm to its local store and then claims it's not found.11:50
rick_hcjwatson: is the other one a nested directory like that?11:53
cjwatsonrick_h: Roughly the same structure, but this is the source code structure rather than what the actual charm looks like, and I guess the latter would be more useful to you11:54
rick_hcjwatson: this seems close, but not from the charmstore, to https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/162878611:55
mupBug #1628786: Resources can't be downloaded <rteam> <juju:Fix Released by natefinch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1628786>11:55
cjwatsonthat looks a bit different, it's not getting as far as uploading resources here AFAICS11:55
rick_hcjwatson: yea, agree. Local charm, charm isn't found vs resource.11:57
rick_hcjwatson: the only thing I can think to "try" is to see if you can deploy the charm form the charm directory "juju deploy . --resource ../....."11:57
cjwatsonI could try without the resource first as well I guess11:58
rick_hcjwatson: but it what you have should be fine, unless something went wrong in the post that's in the controller logs11:58
cjwatsonwhat should I be looking for in controller logs?11:58
rick_hcjwatson: fair enough, just to try to narrow down what's up11:58
rick_hcjwatson: something around getting this post and rejecting it for any reason.11:59
rick_h11:36:34 DEBUG httpbakery client.go:246 } -> error <nil>11:59
cjwatsonI see stuff like http://paste.ubuntu.com/23815994/11:59
rick_hthat's about the cookie jar bits used with the macaroon auth11:59
rick_hcjwatson: so perhaps something is up with auth...not sure11:59
cjwatsonerror <nil> looks like AOK though12:00
cjwatsonand I see that in my control case of a successful deployment too - <cjwatson@niejwein ~/src/canonical/launchpad-buildd/charm/charm>$ env -u http_proxy juju deploy --debug --resource=launchpad-buildd=/home/cjwatson/src/canonical/launchpad-buildd/charm/charm/dist/resources/launchpad-buildd/launchpad-buildd.deb ...12:00
cjwatson... --resource=python-lpbuildd=/home/cjwatson/src/canonical/launchpad-buildd/charm/charm/dist/resources/launchpad-buildd/python-lpbuildd.deb /home/cjwatson/src/canonical/launchpad-buildd/charm/charm/dist/xenial/launchpad-buildd12:00
rick_hah ok cool12:01
rick_hignore me then there12:01
cjwatsondeploying from charm directory with no resources, same failure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23816005/12:02
rick_hcjwatson: k, yea have to file a bug and see if folks can trace what's different there. Nothing jumping out.12:02
cjwatsonit feels like there must be something wrong with the structure of my charm, but I can't see what12:02
rick_hcjwatson: has this worked before on other controllers?12:02
cjwatsonthis is a new charm, trying it for the first time - so no12:03
rick_hcjwatson: gotcha, you tried charm proof on it?12:03
cjwatsonno icon.svg but it's otherwise happy12:03
cjwatsonis there any controller-side debugging that I can quickly bump up to maximum?12:06
stubcjwatson: Just a wild arse guess, but is there a metadata.yaml in the charm directory and the name: is launchpad-importd ?12:13
cjwatsonthere is12:17
cjwatson2017-01-17 12:17:01 ERROR juju.worker.dependency engine.go:539 "mgo-txn-resumer" manifold worker returned unexpected error: cannot resume transactions: The dotted field 'launchpad.tar.gz' in 'meta.resources.launchpad.tar.gz' is not valid for storage.12:17
cjwatsonso I need to call the resource something else12:17
cjwatsonI reckon charm proof should complain about that - sound reasonable?12:17
rick_hcjwatson: +112:17
cjwatsonthere, deploy starts doing something once I fix that \o/12:26
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Zichi here, after rebooting a machine which is part of canonical-kubernetes charms master, "juju status" displayed that its flannel units is in error, I saw that '/run/flannel/subnet.env' is missing if I run a juju debug-log14:56
lazyPowerZic - Sorry you encountered this, this was a bug in that release of CDK. its been patched in master and is pending a release14:56
ZiclazyPower: oh, you again, I owe you a pizza :p14:57
lazyPowerZic - you can resolve the unit in error by juju ssh'ing into that node, and restarting the flannel service manually before executing 'juju resolved kubernetes-worker/#'  where # is the unit # on the node.14:57
lazyPowersimple phaux paus of not enlisting the service as part of the startup chain.14:58
Zicthanks, I have error in my Grafana endpoints and I presume it was about this Flannel error in my juju status :)15:01
ZicI confirm it works, and my Grafana is totally repaired :)15:02
ZicI owe you 2 pizzas lazyPower15:03
lazyPowerZic Glad we could get it fixed up :)15:04
lazyPoweragain, really sorry you were bit by that. regression in our release as of the last CDK publication.15:04
ZicI was randomly rebooting some etcd & master/nodes to test all was rights since the last time you help me with my etcd quorum which was blocked :) all is working now, restarting Flannel is not a big problem15:09
Probjuju doesnt work15:10
Probsays: "Unable to find /home/Peter/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml"15:11
lazyPowerProb - Is this a first-run error message? Have you added credentials/bootstrapped a cloud?15:11
Zicbtw, I notice that with the nginx of kube-api-load-balancer, if I poweroff a kubernetes-master, there is no mechanism to pull it down from the upstream at /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/apilb for now?15:12
lazyPowerZic yeah, we are investigating replacing nginx with haproxy for proper round robin / latency based load balancing15:16
lazyPowerwe haven't started the work yet, but there's some early planning docs around it. the current charm in its current form is a stop gap and will be migrated to the haproxy based replacement when its ready.15:16
ZiclazyPower: oh, it sounds great, I saw an issue in your GitHub which talks about replacing it by HAProxy but I didn't see it was really planned, great!15:18
Zicwhen a Juju bundle charms is used, if the mainterner of this bundle switch a technology in one of the charms which compose the bundle, how it works for users?15:20
lazyPowerZic well, its up to the charm author to migrate data on charm upgrade. as a user you should only ever have to do juju upgrade-charm $charmname, and potentially at *most* tune some config or run an action to restore services.15:21
ProblazyPower, i just followed the steps on the website. i didnt set up anything other than than running the commands here: https://jujucharms.com/canonical-kubernetes/15:21
jcastrocan you do a `juju --version` and tell me what version of juju it is?15:22
lazyPowerProb ^15:22
jcastrodoes ~/.local/share/juju exist?15:23
jcastrostokachu: any idea here? ^^^15:24
lazyPowerProb jcastro - one moment, let me spin up a fresh VM and try to reproduce. Our readme instructions changed last week to focus on the conjure-up installation method.  this might be an early-step thing that's unresolved/uncaught.15:24
Probjust try it yourself, i bet nobody ever tested the localhost deployment15:24
mupBug #1656229: conjure-up fails on fresh ppc64el xenial machine with 'Exception: Unable to find: /home/ubuntu/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml <conjure-up:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656229>15:24
jcastroI use the localhost one all the time15:24
jcastrocan you check /var/log/conjure-up/combined.log15:25
jcastroand see if you get that ipv6 error?15:26
Probyeah i have the same error as the one in the bug report15:26
jcastrosudo dpkg-reconfigure -p medium lxd15:26
jcastroand choose no for ipv6, sec, I have a bug for this15:26
Probi dont understand this weird GUI, what in the world is it doing15:28
Probit looks like im supposed to click on configure or deploy15:28
Probbut i guess not because it says "bootstrapping juju controller in the background ..."15:28
jcastroyeah use the arrow keys to the deploy buttons15:28
jcastroand hit enter15:28
jcastrothen when the controller is done deploying it will move on to the kubernetes components15:29
Probthe blocks keep jumping around15:29
jcastroyeah that's a progress meter15:29
Probno i meant the gui in general15:29
Probok its doing something now15:30
Ziccan I edit /srv/kubernetes/server.[crt|key] to replace it with mine which is signed by a public CA? or juju auto-deploy/replace it?15:30
lazyPowermbruzek ^15:30
lazyPowermbruzek - did we add support for self supplied certs? I think we did. but thats been a while ago... and we haven't tested it15:31
lazyPowersince then15:31
mbruzekYeah I am not sure that would work, we may have to take a look at the EasyRSA charm.15:31
lazyPowerZic - i'm going to tentatively say not without some potential issues. we can bug that and get some cycles on testing that path15:31
lazyPowerZic and if you would bug that, it would be great to get you updates via the bug.15:31
ZicI can either replace /srv/kubernetes/server.[crt|key] or edit the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/apilb to an other path which is not managed by EasyRSA, but I imagine this 'apilb' vhost is also "juju-ified"15:32
mbruzekZic: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-easyrsa/issues please file here.15:32
lazyPowerZic - yeah, all that is under management by the charm.15:32
Probhow did you make a terminal interface with all these colors and complex gui?15:33
Zicwas just for "fancy", I doesn't really need a publicly-signed cert here, I will just open an issue for wishlisting and see for a next release, thanks anyway :)15:34
ZicI prefer to not break what Juju do, I am always in PoC-mode and do not want to be too far from upstream configuration15:34
mbruzekZic: We modeled the self signed certificate creation and operation of the certificates with the easyrsa charm.15:35
mbruzekZic: We may need to modify some of that logic if you bring your own CA15:35
Zicok, and last question, I saw that in case I loose the machine or if I destroy (accidentally) the EasyRSA charms, the PKI/CA will be lost, what can I backup to preserve from this?15:40
jcastroProb: is it churning through the install now?15:43
mbruzekZic: You are correct if you lose the easyrsa charm you do lose pki. You can run some juju ssh or juju scp commands to save the certificates in /var/lib/juju/agents/easyrsa-unit-0/charm/EasyRSA directory. We have not done this work before, so there may be some trial and error needed here15:46
mbruzekZic: But I believe it is technically possible.15:46
lazyPowerZic - can you file a bug rquesting backup capacity for the PKI on easyrsa?15:52
lazyPowerthat would be a great contribution15:52
jcastroI'll file it15:52
mbruzekZic: That sounds like a great idea of something to do, we just have not got around to it yet. That could be done with an action. If you file the request here: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-easyrsa/issues   We could follow up15:56
Zicok, thanks for you answer. jcastro do you file it so? I'm a bit of oldish style and do not have a GitHub account, I maintain my own code on my GitLab locally... but I will be glad to create one just for reporting issue anyway :p15:58
jcastrofiling now!15:58
jcastrobut you should make an account so you can follow up, make sure the design of the feature meets your needs, etc.15:59
ZicI will create an account anyway, as I add #juju as one of my permanent IRC channel :P15:59
errrif I make a charm that uses ansible, can I have the charm run from my ansible master machine that I call my deployment host where all my playbooks are or does it just install a copy of ansible on the host Im trying to provision and run a playbook on what would end up being localhost?16:00
pmatulisProb, ?16:01
jcastro https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundle-canonical-kubernetes/issues/19616:02
lazyPowererrr - we piloted ansible integration in charms, the incantations we came up with are using ansible against localhost16:02
errrlazyPower: is that the only way or is it possible to have the playbooks run from my ansible master machine?16:03
lazyPowererrr to date, thats the only way. there's an opportunity to hack on  a POC and engage around that style of integration. but i'm not certain what dragons be in that path.16:04
errrthanks lazyPower :)16:04
lazyPowererrr no problem :)16:05
Probfor the love of god, throw this weird terminal interface away and make a real one16:06
Proba normal one16:06
Probthe mouse is blinking but nothing happens. how am i supposed to know what is going on?!16:06
Probhere is a suggestion: write the log in the current directory, so i dont have to search for it. call it installer.log.16:08
pmatulisProb, at a very high level, what are you trying to do? are you in the correct IRC channel?16:11
Probpmatulis: I'm in the conjure-up installer for kubernetes-canonical16:17
Probthe installer is REALLY weird16:17
Probi click around and then stuff starts to happen16:17
pmatulisProb, sounds normal. maybe open a bug with specifics16:18
Probmy problem is that the installer is horrible in general16:19
Probit looks nice on first glance but it's a usability nightmare16:19
pmatulisagain, "horrible" is too vague. just cool down and open a few bugs. do you know where to do that?16:19
Probim not gonna open any bugs, you wont fix them anyway16:24
errras a software developer who mostly does opensource work I can say thats not how I work and I highly doubt this team does that either16:26
stormmoreHow do you know if you don't file the report?16:26
stormmore(disclaimer: I don't work for Canonical but do believe in speaking up if you have a problem - no IRC isn't ideal for that, just a good place to determine where)16:28
errryou should take a break, go have a cup of coffee and calm down, then come back and trying asking for some help agian and without bashing the work of the people who will be helping you..16:28
pmatulisProb, here you go: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/issues/new16:30
Probwhat am i supposed to say, "hey, it's not clear whether i should use the mouse or keyboard". The problems start at step -100016:31
errrdont start with "the installer is horrible"16:32
errr"Its a bit unclear if this is an interactive installer that requires the use of my keyboard or my mouse.. Does anyone know or should both work?"16:33
errrtry to remember you are talking to other people.. not machines.16:34
errrthere is an old saying my grandpa used to use "you cath more flies with honey than vinegar"16:35
stormmoreshame dear old grandpa didn't learn that you apparently catch more with manure ;-) but otherwise that idiom is awesomely correct16:38
errrwell on the ranch and farm manure is a good thing :)16:38
perrito666actually you just atract them with manure, honey will make them stick16:38
stormmoreand that is how problems are solved ;-)16:41
perrito666anyhow, Prob I understan your frustration, software has driven me to the point of wanting to go postal on the devs but please do understand we are doing our best here, which sometimes is not enough, most people here is willing to go along the way to help you solve your problem and perhaps gain some insight on what we did wrong to improve, but please lets not set aside politeness and basic human relation codes16:43
jcastroI use the arrow keys and enter to navigate the UI16:43
jcastroit's similar to the curses UI of debconf and other TUI tools16:43
stormmorebut anyway Prob be a detailed as you can, otherwise expect to get questions asking for more detail16:44
Probthe errors keys dont work properly at all16:53
Probi press the sideways error to get to the "deploy" option and it switches to a different screen? what the hell?16:53
Probi didnt even press enter yet16:53
jcastrowhat terminal are you using?16:53
Probbash i guess16:53
jcastrono like your terminal program, is it the default gnome-terminal or something else?16:54
marcoceppi_Prob: Since you've had a tough time of it on LXD, we can provide some AWS credentials that allow you to spin up a few machines using conjure-up / juju and offload the stress from your mahcine to the cloud16:55
Probi created this issue now: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/issues/58416:56
marcoceppi_Prob: we will absolutely be fixing the install experience, but I want you to try kubernetes16:56
Probi dont see how that would help a lot, i still have to use this weird installer16:58
marcoceppi_Prob: well, there are alternatives, as there are to many things17:00
vmorrisdoes juju-deployer work with juju 2?17:00
marcoceppi_Prob: if the installer workflow doesn't work for you, you can just use the raw commands underneath that installer17:00
lazyPowervmorris - its been updated to work with juju-2, yes.17:00
marcoceppi_Prob: we'd want the installer to make as much sense to everyone, including you, so your feedback thus far has been fantastic17:00
vmorrislazyPower, thanks17:00
Probi only made the bug reports because you all seem interested enough to fix it, but i wont be using this juju stuff for now. Doesnt seem to work at all and i dont want to get locked into ubuntu exclusive stuff anyway, i just wanted to quickly try this out and nothing worked, so that's it17:02
tvansteenburghvmorris: fyi the latest juju-deployer is in ppa:tvansteenburgh/ppa17:02
jcastroProb: do you have a disk with more space on it?17:06
vmorristvansteenburgh: oh heh, okay.. going to get this updated soon? https://pypi.python.org/pypi/juju-deployer/17:07
tvansteenburghvmorris: yeah, can do17:07
bdxProb: you didn't try Juju specifically though, you used a wrapper program that unfortunately gave you grief17:20
bdxProb: I suggest just giving juju itself a try, I think you will find it quite pleasant17:20
Probi thought this is juju17:22
bdxProb: conjure-up is a wrapper around Juju17:22
bdxProb: and is a really neat tool, its unfortunate you didn't get the same experience I had with it17:23
Probidk it seems like a poorer version of kubernetes, id rather just manage to install kubernetes17:23
errrthe naming in juju and around it remind me of sorcerer linux17:24
bdxProb: ehhh ..... if you have your machine provisioned correctly (adequate disk, cpu, and ram), the Juju kub experience is really awesome17:24
errrwas anyone who came up with the name of juju or its other parts like charms and conjure sorcerer linux users?17:24
lazyPowererrr that would be SABDFL himself17:24
bdxProb: I can `juju deploy kubernetes-bundle`17:24
lazyPoweri dont think he was.17:24
lazyPowerbut who knows, he's had a long walk in life with linux. he potentially did use sorcerer linux.17:25
errrjust the whole casting spells to install stuff is what made me think of that17:25
Probbdx, what's the point if i cant run the same thing in production anyway. i just wanted to try kubernetes real quick but in reality i would need to dig deeply into this stuff i think17:26
bdxProb: you can though ...17:26
Probi typed "juju deploy kubernetes-bundle" and nothing happens for 3 min now17:28
bdxProb: my bad ... `juju deploy cs:bundle/canonical-kubernetes-19`17:29
lazyPowercorrection on that last one too17:29
lazyPowerjuju deploy canonical-kubernetes17:29
lazyPoweris all you need17:29
Probthat doesnt exactly bode well.. would be nice to know what it is doing17:29
lazyPowerunless you're targeting LXD, in which case that deploy will fail fantasticaly, because there are profile edits on the lxd containers conjure-up is tweaking17:30
mbruzekProb: It can do different things on different clouds. I am able to use those commands on AWS and GCE, and Azure, but on your local laptop it requires a few more commands which conjure-up is wrapping. So if you targeted LXD you need to use conjure-up to deploy that bundle. And as you mentioned it does take up disk space to deploy locally.17:31
* rmcadams yawns17:33
stokachuProb, im one of the main developers on conjure-up17:34
stokachuProb, feel free to file bugs if you have problems and we'll get them addressed17:35
Probmbruzek, I'm not targetting anything, im running a console command with no clue what it's doing17:35
stokachuProb, i assume https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/issues/584 is you?17:35
stokachuwe've answered those bugs within 3 minutes of you posting it17:35
rmcadamsI <3 Juju17:45
lazyPowerrmcadams we <3 you too17:45
Probi still dont get what exactly juju does, is it replacing ansible or kubernetes, is it using docker or lxc? kubernetes only works with docker i think17:46
rick_hProb: Juju is doing the work to bring up the components needed to run and operate kubernetes on any substrate that Juju supports, which includes public clouds, private clouds (MAAS/OpenStack), and locally for development/testing (lxd).17:47
rick_hProb: if you go through the kubernetes install/setup steps, it's a baked alternative to that how-to basically17:48
rick_hProb: it does not replace Kubernetes, it's getting you one that you can use up and running.17:48
Probrick_h: that would be good, but it's lock-in right? i can only use this on ubuntu?17:49
rmcadamsCentOS, Windows etc..17:50
rick_hProb: no, the Juju client works on Ubuntu, OSX, and Windows. You can initiate the deploy from many platforms. If you want another one, it's a compiled Go binary and not too painful to build.17:50
rick_hProb: for the deployment end, yes, the current charms (the things doing the deploy/operating of the component) are on Ubuntu.17:50
rick_hProb: someone could come along and write those for centos/window if they were inclined17:51
rmcadamshttps://cloudbase.it/juju/ is pretty slick17:51
rick_hProb: so there's a different between being locked into Juju and locked into Ubuntu. Juju is definitely built and most use is on Ubuntu, but it's far from locked in.17:51
rick_hProb: and at the end of the day, you're ending up with VMs on clouds running software. If you decide you want to change/move things it's all there with your ssh access to it.17:53
rick_hProb: we think that Juju brings a lot of value in operating things, but it's not like you lose access to your VMs if you decide not to use Juju.17:53
Probyeah but now i cant google the kubernetes docs because now it's hidden behind some juju stuff, that's always a danger when you abstract away i guess17:53
jcastrosure you can, the kubernetes docs include juju17:56
jcastroonce your cluster is up and running you don't really need to use juju unless you're adding hardware or doing backups17:56
rick_hProb: yes, abstractions on the one hand help simplify things, and on the other hand feel like they're taking control away. However, Juju as an abstraction hides less than it seems due to the transparency of the charms (open them up and see what they do) and the root level access to the VMs you retain17:58
rick_hProb: I mean are you less "locked in" than with kops or puppet, or other install/operation tools17:59
* rick_h runs to a call but let me know if you have any questions or concenrs Prob. Happy to help.17:59
Prob"juju deploy canonical-kubernetes" does absolutely nothing for me, i added 40gb more to my ubuntu VM now btw18:01
cory_futvansteenburgh: Did you see my update last week on https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/46 ?18:02
cory_fuI'd really like to get that simplified example working cleanly18:02
tvansteenburghcory_fu: yeah i saw18:02
cory_futvansteenburgh: Any thoughts on why I still get errors?18:03
bdxProb: do you have the local lxd provider bootstrapped?18:05
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Probbdx: no idea18:05
tvansteenburghcory_fu: well to put it simply, because it's not a clean shutdown. i was working on it Friday but ran out of time18:07
tvansteenburghtask.cancel itself is async. it'll return immediately even thought the task may not be stopped yet18:09
tvansteenburghso the loop gets stopped while a task is still being exec'd by run_until_complete, which causes a RuntimeError18:09
tvansteenburghi have other async programs that shutdown cleanly with Ctrl-C though, so it's not like it can't be done18:10
Probjuju finally errored out: pc@ubuntu:~$ juju deploy canonical-kubernetes ERROR unable to connect to API: websocket.Dial wss:// dial tcp getsockopt: no route to host18:14
Probi can reach websites just fine18:14
cory_futvansteenburgh: Yeah, that's kind of what I thought.  I was wondering if you could point me to your other example that works cleanly?18:17
rmcadamsProb: sounds like your LXD configuration may be not working18:20
Probi barely know what LXD is and I certainly didnt configure it to do anything18:21
spaokanyone know what this error is from? INFO install subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['network-get', '--primary-address', 'data']' returned non-zero exit status 118:34
spaokI got this when trying to do a juju add-unit18:35
rmcadamsProb: sorry feeding the kid, be back in a few18:35
lazyPowerspaok what version of juju?18:38
errrfyi the link in the /topic for the Summit doesnt work http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://summit.jujucharms.com18:44
spaoklazyPower: 2.0.2-xenial-amd6418:45
ryebotIs there any means of changing the juju process's runtime environment variables?18:45
ryeboti.e., I'd like to add LANG=blah to the environment during charm installation18:46
lazyPowerryebot - only if you add it via config, and set the charm to add that at runtime. Elsewise you'll have to set that ENV var in your layer code.18:46
jrwrenryebot: afaik, the charm would need to be updated to support this. There are probably some hacks you could do to work around it if you need it only one time.18:46
lazyPowerafaik theres no support for abritrary env vars via model-config or other mechanism than charm hacks.18:46
ryebothmm, I -think- I need it outside the charm logic, since I need it set during installation of python packages18:47
ryebot(from wheelhouse.txt)18:47
lazyPowerryebot seems like we could add support for that, but it would likely need to be in layer-basic18:55
ryebotlazyPower: yeah, was just looking in that very direction18:56
ryebotsome kind of "env" config?18:56
lazyPoweryeah, and since thats more than a build time construct, you'd want to add that to config and funnel it down18:56
lazyPowereg: why do i also get EN if i'm IT18:56
bdxlazyPower: can you apply the lxd profile edits needed for kubernetes to deploy to lxd to the lxd profile manually?19:00
bdxlazyPower: such that you could run `juju deploy canonical-kubernetes` in the model to which you have applied the profile edits needed for kub the kub bundle to deploy to lxd19:01
lazyPoweryou can do it manually, but thats a big ask for end users19:01
lazyPowerthe template is available in teh spell, 1 sec while i grab you the link19:01
bdxlazyPower: thx19:01
lazyPowerbdx ^19:01
mmccbdx: you could probably run the 00_pre-deploy script manually19:02
bdxmmcc: nice19:02
mmccit's in the same dir, that's all conjure-up is doing19:02
mmccit expects an env var "JUJU_PROVIDERTYPE" but just set that to "lxd"19:03
bdxmmcc: thx19:03
mmccit also expects that the currently selected juju controller/model is the one whose lxd profile you want to change19:04
spaokis there a way to tell juju to add a specific machine as a unit? like if I was doing juju add-unit compute -n1 normally, does juju add-unit --to "MAAS system_id"  work?20:39
mskalkaspaok, the --to works with add unit the same way it does with deploy20:40
spaokmskalka: I tried to --to against a system_id but it didn't allocate and deploy the node, I've done it before with the hostname but that was 1.25 juju20:49
spaokI think we found the problem I was having so I'm going to wait for support to call20:50
beisnerspaok, in the past, i've used maas tags and juju constraints to make sure applications landed on the intended metal.20:51
beisnerthere may be other ways, but that is an explicit and effective approach20:51
spaokya we normally do that, but because I wanted to test not using LACP and only configured one node, and I have a pool of 11 others in ready state, I was trying to target just the one with the active-backup config20:52
spaokI could mark all the others as broken20:52
beisnerspaok, or add a FOO tag to the 1 machine in maas as a temp/bespoke exercise.20:52
spaokya true, good idea20:52
beisnerit seems like there is maas machine uuid 'way' to do this though (i may be dreaming)20:53
spaokI figured the id was the way since the juju status doesn't show hostnames anymore20:53
spaokjust system ids20:53
jhobbsthe only way to do it on juju2 is with tags20:54
beisnerthx jhobbs :-)20:54
jhobbsfor bootstrap you can use --to <hostname>, but not for anything else20:54
mskalkahuh, TIL20:54
jhobbswe tag all our machines with their hostnames20:54
beisnercurious jhobbs, do we have a LP bug to track that, even if as a wishlist/feature req?20:55
jhobbsi don't know beisner, i've been told repeatedly by rick_h it's not a bug20:56
beisnerany time the same object has the same value set to two properties, there be funk.20:56
beisneri consider that a bug20:56
jhobbsthey don't want to support constraints that only apply to a single provider20:56
beisneri see20:57
beisnerjhobbs, so i'd ask then:  isn't "tags" a maas-only provider constraint?20:59
jhobbshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/1554120 we do have a bug for it20:59
mupBug #1554120: juju 2.0 bundle support: Missing constraint support for maas names to support bundle placement <juju-release-support> <oil> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1554120>20:59
jhobbsfeel free to pile on20:59
jhobbsi agree with you, i think the two fields that need the same value thing is a bigger problem21:00
jhobbsif they find it's a common enough pattern maybe they'll support it21:00
beisnerright.  i see three power users with the need atm.  thanks jhobbs21:00
stokachumake that 421:01
stokachubut i understand why they dont do it b/c of resuability21:01
stokachujuju knowing to much about the provider21:01
stokachubut yes it'd make our use case a lot easier21:01
vmorristvansteenburgh, beisner: trying to get juju-deployer to work with a manually bootstrapped cloud, not having much luck getting started. i did add ppa:tvansteenburgh/ppa but juju-deployer doesn't seem to want to update21:02
vmorrisdoes "apt" not work with ppa's? need to use "apt-get"?21:02
jrwrenno, apt works with PPA21:02
jrwrenvmorris: if you didn't use -u with apt-add-repository, you'll need to apt update to refresh package cache21:03
vmorrisjrwren, okay thanks.. no it's not that, now i'm seeing that the version number is just wrong i think21:04
vmorrisi did install from the ppa after all, but the version number in the command output shows juju-deployer==0.6.421:04
spaokbeisner: Danny got me fixed, issue was we added new networks to MAAS and the spaces show there but juju didn't know about them21:04
spaokhad to add them21:05
beisnerspaok, sweet.21:05
mmccjhobbs: thanks for the pointer to that bug about maas name constraints, I've added the conjure-up perspective (cc stokachu )21:05
jhobbscool mmcc21:06
stokachummcc, nice21:06
beisnerjhobbs, ha!  oops, sorry didn't mean to remove your lp tag there21:07
bdxfyi, you can add network spaces to your controller model, and use them as constraints when you `enable-ha` -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818671/21:42
lazyPoweroh, i had a scrollback issue, was ^'ring at beisners comment.21:48
lazyPowerand what bdx said, because thats handy info21:48
rmcadamsis there an easy way to restart a service container with juju?  ie:  RabbitMQ21:52
lazyPowerrmcadams - juju run --application rabbitmq "shutdown -r now"21:52
rmcadamshave I told you that, you are indeed a hero lazyPower ?21:54
lazyPowerrmcadams - dont put me on a pedestal, there's nowhere to go but down from there ;)21:54
lazyPowerbut i'm happy i can help.21:54
rmcadamsfor some reason, in my lab, this openstack deployment, rabbit is not happy21:57
lazyPowerrabbit does seem to be one of the more finicky charms in the stack. I may be recalling old threads, but it was the one that warranted the most curse words iirc.22:14
Probi just dont get it, the juju gui has an option to detroy an application. I click it. It says "this application has been marked to be destroyed on the next deployment". Ok fine, so I write "juju deploy cassandra" butu it says ERROR cannot add application "cassandra": application already exists"22:26
Probbtw i did not find a cmdline option to destroy an pplication22:26
cmarsProb, in the CLI, you'd do `juju remove-application cassandra` to get the same effect22:32
Probyeah i tried that, didnt do anything22:32
Probi also dont understand why it's called "remove" instead of "destroy" like the others22:32
cmarsProb, when you remove an application, it fires off some events as a result of the change in the model: relations depart and the stop hook eventually fires.22:34
cmarsProb, sometimes it takes a little bit for the application to completely go away as a result. you can watch `juju status` to see this in action22:34
Probwhy does it say "on next deploy"? what does that even mean?22:35
cmarsProb, that could be better. it should say "marked to be destroyed when changes are committed" imo22:37
Probwell i did that already22:37
cmarsProb, yeah, removing applications in the GUI is awkward, i don't disagree with you. would you be willing to open a bug? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues22:38
cmarsProb, i see what you mean, you have to deploy to destroy? lol wut? :)22:39
cmarsi think we meant to say "commit" there22:39
Probit's not just that either, why is it called "application" but on "juju status" it's called "App"22:40
cmarswell, terminals are only so wide... brevity? :)22:41
Probit still isnt deleted, it just wont delete...22:41
Probit wont install successfully either, just btw. it stays on "maintenance"22:41
cmarsProb, any errors when you run `juju status`?22:41
cmarsProb, that's weird. which charm was this, exactly? do you have the charm URL, or the command you typed to deploy it?22:42
bdxProb: sometimes, if applications get "stuck" you might need to result to the command line to resolve removing the application sometimes22:43
bdxnewrelic-sysmond primary I just busted out for controller monitoring https://jujucharms.com/u/creativedrive/newrelic-sysmond-primary/122:44
bdxit allows you to do this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818941/22:44
cmarsProb, there is a way to hulk-smash an application into oblivion as well. force remove the assigned machine and then the application will surely die22:44
cmarsshould be done with care... if you've co-located other applications on that machine, you wouldn't be happy22:44
bdxProb: something like `juju run --machine <#> "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-<application-name>-<application-number>"22:48
bdxProb: then `juju resolved cassandra/<#> && juju remove-application cassandra`22:49
cmarsProb, i've opened https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/issues/2331 for ya22:51
Probbdx: that worked, but maybe wrap that in a "force remove" button and cli option.. would be good22:54
bdxtrue true22:54
rmcadamsyah, Rabbit is really not a happy charm ;)22:58
bdxrmcadams: it gets so much love though23:06
rmcadamsoh it's not a matter of love, I've deployed the OpenStack bundle now a few times and the only thing I ever have trouble with is Rabbit23:07
bdxright ...23:07
bdxrmcadams: are deploying multiple rabbit units on lxd across multiple host using the maas provider?23:08
rmcadamsusing maas - it deploys on 4 physicals using lxd for rabbit23:08
bdxrmcadams: "it" - ?23:09
rmcadamsI'm using Juju against maas.  Juju queues up 4 physical boxes and then slices them up into containers for the services.23:10
bdxI know there has been alot of work that has gone into making rabbit ha work nicely23:10
bdxI feel your pain though ... rabbit ha has bitten a few of my deploys ... is it still acting up for you, with the latest version of the charm and maas and juju?23:11
rmcadamsit is23:12
rmcadamsdestroying and rebuilding now, to see if I missed something, but I'm 99% sure it's not even HA in the latest version of the bundle23:12
rmcadamsI'm just using the default bundle23:13
rmcadamsfor my lab23:13
bdxrmcadams: my fix, when I was hitting issue with rabbit ha, was to only initially deploy 1 unit of rabittmq, and then add the other units by hand post deploy23:13
bdxahh gotcha23:13
bdxyou might want to ensure the bundle you are using has the latest version of rabbit pinned to it23:13
bdxcan you link me to your bundle?23:13
rmcadamssure enough, it's 1 instance of rabbit23:14
bdxrmcadams: what happens (and what is happening here), is that the bundles aren't always updated with the latest versions of the charms ...23:15
bdxthat bundle might fall behind to some extent bc its not the primary openstack bundle I don't think23:16
bdxbut either way23:16
bdxpull down the bundle.yaml to your local machine23:16
rmcadamssure, I've got it23:17
bdxand make sure the charm versions match the current stable release versions23:17
bdx    charm: cs:xenial/rabbitmq-server-5423:17
bdxshould be23:17
bdx    charm: cs:xenial/rabbitmq-server-5723:17
bdxyou should do this for all of the charms23:18
bdxand we should get bundles added to the openstack charm release cadence23:19
bdxsuch that they are kept up to date23:19
bdxbeisner: ^23:20
rmcadamsYah, that would be nice, for sue.23:20
rmcadamserrr sure23:20
rmcadamstoo bad there's not a button on Juju to say "pull latest charm versions"23:20
rmcadamsor "show out of date charms"23:21
bdxrmcadams: yeah, in the gui there is an 'upgrade-charm' signification of some sort23:21
bdxbut upon initial deploy ... yeah, it would be cool to just say "use latest"23:21
beisnerbdx, we rev up the bundles with each ~quarterly stable release.  beyond that, the "-next" dev bundles will always pull dev/bloody charms23:22
rmcadamsyah, I think you can pick the version after its deployed right?23:22
bdxbeisner: gotcha, nice23:23
bdxbeisner: how does one deploy the -next bundles?23:23
beisnerso that'd be openstack-charmers for stable, and openstack-charmers-next for development (next), in terms of charm store name spaces.  ex:23:24
beisnerhttps://jujucharms.com/u/openstack-charmers/  vs  https://jujucharms.com/u/openstack-charmers-next/23:24
rmcadamsSo here's an interesting question, can you pull down the latest charm on the canvas and just drag/drop it in place and will it assume all of the appropriate relations?23:24
bdxrmcadams: you can, but you might want the updates from the latest charm for the features that could facilitate the initial deployment of the charm as well23:24
rmcadamsediting the yaml is fine, I'm just curious23:25
rmcadamsalso, beisner - how do you pull -dev?23:25
beisnerrmcadams, see bundle yamls @ https://jujucharms.com/u/openstack-charmers-next/23:26
rmcadamslook at that!23:27
beisnerfwiw, we don't leverage charm store channels with the openstack charms yet, as we must continue to test and support production deploys on 1.25.x, and 1.25.x isn't channel-aware.  so, our long-standing use of these two charm store namespaces will be around for some time.23:27
rmcadamsahhh, that makes sense - we're looking  @ Canonical for one of our next clusters, hence my tinkering... good to know23:28
beisnerkeep in mind, -next are dev versions, and as such, are subject to pain.23:28
bdxbeisner: ahh, I see ... so rabbitmq has rev'd 3 times since the last charm release from 54 to 57, thats why 54 is still in the stable bundles?23:28
rmcadamspain is good ;)23:28
beisnerbdx, correct.   but:  we intend to eventually rev up the stable bundle any time a stable charm revs up.  everything else is auto-magic wrt the charm revs in cs:... just not the stable bundle.23:29
* beisner -> eods23:31
rmcadamsso given that the bundles are 'zips' which include files other than the yaml, what's the best way to update and import a bundle?23:31
bdxbeisner: nice, thx23:32
bdxrmcadams: its not a zip ... it just will download as one23:32
rmcadamsahh, got ya23:32
bdxthe bundle  is basically the bundle.yaml23:33
rmcadamssure, as an example, openstack has neutron-ext-net neutron-tenant-net and novarc files23:33
rmcadamsso what's the best way to get all that back into a canvas (or command) to make it all work appropriately?23:34
bdxyea .... those are just helpers for the end user to use to facilitate openstack network provisioniner23:34
bdxprovisioining once openstack is deployed23:34
rmcadamsahh, roger23:34
rmcadamsjust making sure, the whole juju deployment process is new for me, hence my tinkering23:35
rmcadamsI've deployed OpenStack many, many times... just making sure I dont break something by doing it with juju23:35
bdxI'm not sure how to make the charmstore aware that its a bundle and not a charm ..23:35
rmcadamsI honestly can't imagine how much work has gone into all of this23:36
bdxrmcadams: possibly the charmstore just recognizes the bundle.yaml and assumes a bundle23:36
rmcadamshaving done these deployments myself, as I said yesterday the way it works with juju is mind melting for me23:36
bdxrmcadams: alot of people care alot about making Juju awesome - thats how23:37
rmcadamsYah it's pretty obvious, theres a ton of dedication that's gone into this23:37
bdxrmcadams: yea, I've deployed openstack in a miriad of ways too ... Juju takes the cake hands down23:37
rmcadamsPiston was the easiest openstack I've ever deployed, but it was very "curated"23:38
rmcadamswhich made it a pain... but it orchestrated everything for you from the hardware up23:38
bdxrmcadams: I'm sure you will start to see and appreciate some of the finer aspects of the Juju openstack once you dig in a little deeper23:40
bdxrmcadams: the openstack charms handle openstack upgrades23:40
rmcadamsoh I'm a big fan of what I've seen so far, the fact that maas handles all that ti does has saved me countless trips up and down the stairs23:41
rmcadamsif only maas could handle multiple hosts running virsh, it would be perfect!23:42
bdxrmcadams: having the capibility to spin up and down new units of an openstack service at will in lxd containers across your hardware is so key too23:42
bdxrmcadams: it does23:42
rmcadamsactually it does not, I confirmed it in #maas and we opened a bug23:42
mupBug #1656091: Power Settings for virsh are not per node, they are global <docteam> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656091>23:43
bdxehh, I don't have a maas at my disposal atm, but this seems strange, I'm sure I've done that before ... possibly it was with an older maas though ....23:45
Probwhy does nothing work out of the box here, i cant even log in: charm push . "test"> ERROR cannot retrieve current username: cannot get discharge from "https://api.jujucharms.com/identity/v1/discharger": cannot start interactive session: cannot get user details for "https://login.ubuntu.com/+id/JTArhzd": not found: not found23:45
bdxdo you use the "add chasis" ?23:45
bdxProb: you need a launchpad account23:45
Probon the ubuntu page it's telling me that i cant change my username because i have to change it on my launchpad account, so i assume i have one23:46
bdxProb: `charm whoami`23:46
Probnot logged into https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore23:47
bdxProb: `charm login`23:47
ProbERROR login failed: cannot get user details for "https://login.ubuntu.com/+id/JTArhzd": not found: not found23:47
bdxProb: https://launchpad.net23:47
bdxcreate an account there, then use those creds for `charm login`23:48
bdxrmcadams: from what I remember, if you add a chasis (and specify the virsh creds for that chasis), maas will pick up all the vms provisioned on that chassis* and add them to your nodes23:49
Probi did: https://launchpad.net/~trustthesky23:49
Probthats me23:49
Probcreated 201123:49
bdxrmcadams: I could be entirely off here though too23:49
bdxProb: use that username when you `charm login`23:49
Probi used the same email23:50
Probits not asking for username on 'charm login'23:50
Probits asking for some kind of 2-factor, i dont have that i think23:50
bdxProb: just hit enter to accept the default of 'none'23:50
Probyeah i did23:50
Probi think it's broken23:51
bdxProb: rm ~/.go-cookies23:51
bdxProb: ensure you can sign into https://jujucharms.com23:51
bdxProb: if you can sign in there^ then the charm command will authenticate23:52
rmcadamsI'll check it in a few, helping son build his trains :)23:53
Probbdx: ok suddenly it worked, maybe it was the cookies removal23:53
Proband me logging into the launchpad agian23:53

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