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Roeyhi all again03:17
Roeyhey can anyone help me out?  I can ping Internet hosts fine, but the system can't resolve hostnames...eek!!! Help!!!03:18
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mgolden_Roey: you should look at the output from nslookup SOMENAME05:45
mgolden_This sounds like a configuration issue05:45
mgolden_You don't have a functioning connection to your DNS serve05:46
mgolden_Have to leave now, sorry I can't help more05:46
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lordievaderGood morning.08:00
lordievaderRoey: Could you give more details?08:01
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user|94206is it possible to change from xubuntu to kubuntu, without a total instalation?11:15
hateballuser|94206: yes11:18
hateballuser|94206: sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop11:18
hateballuser|94206: then you can pick XFCE or Plasma when you login11:19
user|94206Sorry, I have xubuntu now and I want to change to kubuntu11:20
user|94206it would be : install kubuntu-desktop?11:21
hateballuser|94206: Oh sorry I misread, but yes11:30
user|94206thank you. Which is in your opinion the best of those xub. or kub. ?11:32
user|94206another question. How could I read "acsm" folder?11:33
hateballuser|94206: Obviously I prefer Kubuntu11:35
hateballuser|94206: googling suggests acsm is some ebook format? no idea about that11:36
hateballlooks to be some adobe proprietary thing11:36
user|94206yes, it is. But there is an alternative solution with calibre, though i dont exactly know how11:38
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BluesKajHey folks14:41
hazamonzoHey folks. Hey BluesKaj15:14
BluesKajHi hazamonzo15:14
hazamonzoIm looking for some desktop sound recording software. I just need to record the output of my speakers to a .wav or something similar. I noticed in the sound options of Kubuntu there is a recording tab but it only has the message "No Applications Recording Audio"15:15
hazamonzoMy question is... what application *could* i use in Kubuntu to record audio?15:15
hazamonzoI read on ubuntu that people use PAVUControl (Paulse Audio thingy) but after installing that it looks like its just the default ubuntu sound mixer app that Kubuntu already ships with.  or its varient at least15:16
BluesKajhazamonzo, if you have recording device connected, you can monitor it with capture ctl in alsamixer if the the device has a monitor out that can connect to the sound card input15:17
hazamonzoWould Audacity suffice maybe?>15:17
BluesKajyes audacity is an option as well15:18
hazamonzoIts been a while since i used it that i forgot it existed :)15:18
BluesKajbut it uses the internal signal15:19
hazamonzoBluesKaj: Meaning the sound i would expect to hear from my laptop speakers?15:19
BluesKajnot a true monitor signal15:19
BluesKajI don't mean to be pedantic15:20
hazamonzoNo thats fine. Appreciate it15:22
hazamonzoAwww boo. Audacity is installed and running but its not being picked up as a recording application in the Kubuntu Audio controls15:37
hazamonzoWait... it does when i start recording :)15:38
hazamonzoYay! Working15:40
BluesKajhazamonzo, so record a bit to set your volumes to sound clean without distortion then stop and start over with the clean settings15:40
BluesKajthat was my experience when i recorded some vinyl to digital15:42
hazamonzoBluesKaj: I just noticed that :)15:44
aniketh__how to upgrade kF5Archive from 5.28 to 5.30 ?15:47
BluesKajhazamonzo, how's the recording going? i'm curious, thinking of recording some of our jams16:53
hazamonzoBluesKaj: Its works alright. Its very basic what im trying to do though16:54
hazamonzoSee if I could ever get my midi input / output USB adapter working in Kubuntu I would be pretty happy. Could connect up my piano then16:54
hazamonzoBut thats pretty far down the list of things to do :)16:55
BluesKajok, weell basic is good, simple and clean works too :-)16:55
BluesKajmidi is something I never got into ...we were so analog for so many yrs. i guess we're a bit behind since we haven't really tried any recording for over 10 yrs16:57
BluesKajour band that is16:58
skritehello all !17:03
hazamonzoBluesKaj: Yeah thats understandable17:06
BluesKajhi skrite17:12
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renn0xtk9folks when i launch system settings in kubntu 16.10 in konsole it says it cannot find kcm_look_and_feel18:16
renn0xtk9it says QT_PLUGIN_PATH might not be set18:17
renn0xtk9anybody knows what to do ?18:17
BluesKajrenn0xtk9, can you launch it from the kmenu>computer>systemsettings ?18:18
renn0xtk9yes it launches18:19
renn0xtk9it is simply that when i got to workspace theme it will not display anything18:20
lenovoGuys, everytime I "apt update" I get a 404 error with "http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu Xenial Release". No error when using backports though. How is this possible when using Kubuntu 16.04? Uname -a gives me version:  4.4.0-59-generic.18:21
BluesKajlenovo, that ppa might be no longer availavble if it's 404-ing , best to remove or delete it from your package manager sources18:23
lenovoThank you, BluesKaj. Do you think I should use backports instead? Is it safe?18:24
renn0xtk9BluesKaj do you have kubuntu with kde5 as well if yes do you have QT_PLUGIN_PATH set ?18:24
BluesKajlenovo, ppas are always risky , I normally use them once to upgrade plasma for example then I delete them18:25
BluesKajkde5 doesn't exist , it's now known as kde/plasma5xx18:25
lenovoBluesKaj, I'm relatively new to Linux. How am I then supposed to get the latest security updates, etc?18:26
BluesKajjust keep the sources.list with the default deb lines and you should be fine18:27
renn0xtk9BluesKaj okay but what is your QT_PLUGIN_PATH if any ?18:28
lenovoSo basically I could just remove all the PPA's. Delete the old sources.list, and generate a new one by only selecting security updates in update-manager GUI?18:29
BluesKajNo, open your package manager look for sources and remove the ppas, leave the rest and apt will download the securty updates etc when you decide to update in th epackge manager or with apt in the terminal\18:32
dominikheirich_hey does anyone know how to fix problems with LOL installer on Ubuntu?18:33
renn0xtk9okay so non it has absolutely nothing to do with QT_PLUGIN_PATH. I can hereby confirm that kubuntu developers never ever tested the installer they ship. A good thing that cannonical dropperd support of kubuntu.. natural selection probably18:34
lenovoOkay, BluesKaj. Thank you so much. I was worried that the security updates were managed in the PPA's. I will remove them then18:35
BluesKajrenn0xtk9, not true18:35
BluesKajrenn0xtk9, ask in #kubuntu-devel18:36
renn0xtk9BluesKaj , to support your opinion,  you probably have document to counter my experience made of fact?18:36
BluesKaj!ppa | lenovo18:36
ubottulenovo: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:36
hazamonzoSo here is an interesting one... Any idea why my Thinkpad webcam has a green overlay? Image nightvision type of thing :)18:38
BluesKajrenn0xtk9, this not a debate, already told you where to ask18:40
hazamonzoGreen!! https://ibin.co/39DwiKjMCKyN.jpg :D18:44
renn0xtk9BluesKaj ask already, let's see if a developers pop up there to answer18:52
BluesKajrenn0xtk9, yeah that chat takes a bit of patience...already checked google and didn't find much about your issue18:56
BluesKajit's just that I haven't had that issue on 16.04 or 16.10 , or even 17.0418:58
skriteis there a way to make the windows key (super) not bring up the panel menu?19:00
BluesKajskrite, system-settings>input devices>keyboard>advanced tab>alt/win key behavior, make your choice there19:07
skriteBluesKaj: thanks!19:11
BluesKajskrite, yw19:12
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Roeymgolden_, lordievader, hya23:08
Roeysooo the issue is this:23:08
RoeyI can NSLOOKUP ok23:08
Roeybut ping/gethostip/firefox/etc. don't resolve names23:08
Roeythey keep waiting or just say "looking up XXXXX"23:08
Roeyeventually Firefox times out (I think that's what's happening) and finds the IP address of the site and downloads it (though.. incomplete, probably because of the many connections that a web page has to other web resources)23:09

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