
=== JanC is now known as Guest21246
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
kalikianatimp: Added the docs and merged staging https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/visualRoot/+merge/31468410:12
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
dakerzbenjamin: how can i tell the IDE to use my .so plugin i have (qmake project) ?11:36
kalikianaartmello: I commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~artmello/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-clipboard-dbus/+merge/31407211:38
* kalikiana going thru the review code a bit and checking what's stalling11:39
kalikianadaker: Can you elaborate? What kind of .so? Built as part of the same project?11:40
dakerkalikiana: it's a separate compiled plugin, before i had to -I myplugin11:45
=== DavidW is now known as Guest70330
Guest70330Hello, As far as i know a GTK3 app should natively run on the ubuntu touch OS. I've compiled this sample app ( http://snarvaez.com.ar/notes/gtk3_001.html#sec-3 ) but the app don't start. Did i have to modify the .desktop file ? ( "X-Ubuntu-XMir-Enable=true" and " X-Ubuntu-Touch=true" like gtk2 apps ? )11:50
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dakerkalikiana: hovering the "import myplugin 1.0" the IDE tells me "QML module not found \n import paths: /var/lib/lxd/containers/..."11:51
kalikianadaker: Do you have a qmake rule to copy the .so to the build folder? QtC won't use the same folder ie. if you tried to manually 'qmake && make' in a shell it might work, but break in the container11:56
dakerkalikiana: any example on how to do that ? i don't want to break the container i am on 14.0411:57
zsombikalikiana: do U want me to do the theming for the MainWindow?12:00
popeypindonga: are you (or someone else) able to help Mister_Q with a store review please.12:11
artmellokalikiana: thx, will work on the comments12:18
Mister_Qpindonga could you or someone else review version 1.4 of my magic-device-tool snap? It's using classic confinement and is stuck in manual review required12:39
pindongaMister_Q, sure, let me check it out12:53
Mister_Qpindonga, thanks12:54
artmellokalikiana: I answered your comments here https://code.launchpad.net/~artmello/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-clipboard-dbus/+merge/31407213:14
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
pindongaMister_Q, so, I asked about this... it's not something I can do, but will follow up with someone who can13:44
pindongamight take a while (this is only the first time, to whitelist the snap for classic)13:44
pindongasubsequent uploads will just go through automatic review13:44
kalikianaartmello: replied13:46
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
pindongaMister_Q, so I asked for a review of your snap, it's in the queue13:57
pindongayou'll have to be patient here, bc the review process for classic snaps is not yet fully fleshed out and therefore might take a bit longer13:58
Mister_Qpindonga thank you :)14:04
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
Mister_QStatus changed to "Needs information" oO14:10
Mister_QAh I've found the comment by jdstrand. thanks14:23
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=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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