
=== JanC is now known as Guest21246
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pietchrisccoulson: could you perhaps take a look at this security issue concerning Firejail?11:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1655136 in firejail (Ubuntu Xenial) "Multiple CVEs in xenial" [High,In progress]11:32
pietA fix has been provided by Reiner Herrmann, but it needs to be uploaded by a member of the Ubuntu Security Team.11:32
pietWould you perhaps want to do that?11:32
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chrisccoulsonpiet, sure, will take a look12:01
pietchrisccoulson: thanks!12:51
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Dmitrii-ShHi guys. Could anybody from the SRU team take a look at this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/barbican/+bug/157035616:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1570356 in barbican (Ubuntu) "unable to load plugins in Centos" [High,Triaged]16:07
sil2100Dmitrii-Sh: will try taking a look at it16:11
Dmitrii-Shsil2100: thx16:11
sil2100Laney: hey! Could you take a look at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/yakkety/update_excuses.html#dbus ? There are libnih tests there that are infinitely "Test in progress" (even though I re-run them explicitly with our tools)16:12
Laneysil2100: It's blacklisted https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+git/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/worker-config-production/worker.conf16:13
Laneyalso see https://bugs.launchpad.net/auto-package-testing/+bug/157909016:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1579090 in Auto Package Testing "When a test is blacklisted, mark it as a failure" [Medium,Triaged]16:14
sil2100Laney: oh, ok, so I should probably just ignore those being in progress, thanks!16:16
mdeslaurinfinity: meeting?17:06
xnoxbarry, whos responsibility is it to fix ADT tests regressions for the SRU uploads?17:28
xnox(as pointed out on pending-sru report)17:29
tjaaltonthe new systemd-resolve thingy isn't too happy to work with my home dns, although it shows the server as listed but can't find any machines17:30
tjaaltonHost eldon not found: 2(SERVFAIL)17:31
seb128tjaalton, check the bugs reported on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bugs?field.tag=resolved17:37
tjaaltonseb128: thanks, found it17:38
seb128which one is it?17:38
tjaaltonnot sure actually17:42
tjaaltonyeah it's #164703117:47
tjaaltonupdating n-m fixed it17:47
tjaaltonit's been in proposed for ten days though?17:48
seb128the systemd autopkg is having issues so the update is not considered17:49
seb128barry, ^ is that something you are looking at sorting out?17:49
seb128"upstream             FAIL timed out"17:49
tjaaltonmesa update needed several autopkg reruns, some timeouts and some weird errors17:50
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barryseb128: yeah, i know about that one.  i still haven't figured it out :(17:56
seb128barry, hum, k, do we have anyone looking at systemd since p_itti left? since that seems the issue there...17:57
barryseb128: yeah, i don't think so :(  i've tried to look, and will be getting back to it when i can18:00
seb128can slangasek or xnox help you maybe?18:02
barryseb128: possibly.  i'll raise this with our team18:03
barry(systemd responsibilities in general)18:03
xnoxbarry, i think it maybe me....18:05
xnoxhowerver not sure how the upstream tests are run. i'm sure it uses pitti's github credentials and tokens18:06
xnoxalso i'm packing for volleyball and going out in a moment18:06
LaneyNo, don't get the distro tests confused with the PR tests18:07
LaneyNot that either of them use anyone's personal credentials18:07
xnoxhorum, ok18:07
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pittixnox, seb128: hm, the upstream tests are supposed to work, they run in upstream CI all the time (but on xenial, so different kernel etc.); nothing to do with my github creds, they just call the upstream QEMU tests, you can run them in local autopkgtest like any other19:05
pittixnox: at first sight it seems to coincide with linux 4.9?19:57
pittiand FWIW, I don't think it's a good idea to just hint over that.. (which apparently happened)19:58
pittiah sorry, no, I looked at linux-meat19:59
barrypitti, xnox yeah, and the problem i've had is that when i run the upstream tests locally, it crashes qemu (in kvm.c iirc)19:59
* barry gives it a try again now20:01
pittibarry: the inner qemu? or even the outer one?20:01
barrypitti: the inner one20:02
pittinested qemu had been a bit flaky in the past, but it has worked rather nicely in the recent years20:02
barrypitti: let me run it again and see if 1) it still crashes; 2) i can get you a log20:02
pittibarry: http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/systemd/zesty/amd64 coincide with linux 4.8 vs. 4.9 fairly consistently20:05
pittiexcept for that dnsmasq failure, but that was not a timeout, "just" a flaky test20:05
pittiso confirming on that seems like a good direction20:05
barrypitti: you mean one kernel fails consistently and the other passes?20:06
barry(i'm still testing against systemd 232-8)20:06
sarnoldmmm linux-meat20:06
barrynot even counting the network-manager change, just systemd in zesty20:06
pittibarry: looks like it, at least20:11
pittisarnold: we clearly need a linux-veggie flavor!20:12
sarnoldpitti: heheheh20:12
barrypitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818532/21:09
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sushi__hello, I have a weird behaviour with fancontrol and my usb audio card22:02
sushi__I've run pwmconfig to create the config file /etc/fancontrol22:03
sushi__In this file, I've the line INTERVAL=10 wich means that the temperature sensors which are used as input for the fan speed monitoring are read every 10 sec22:04
sushi__It's working fine22:04
sushi__However, every 10 sec, I can hear a buzz in the sound when the usb sound card is playing some sound22:04
sushi__I've tested with the internal audio chipset and no problem in this case22:05
sushi__So I guess there is some conflicts with temperature sensors reading and usb22:05
sushi__any ideas ?22:05
sladensushi__: the method of reading the I2C bus with the sensors on is probably having to turn off interrupts22:06
sladensushi__: from memory, there are different ways that the I2C can be read.  Some of less reliable, but don't involved disabling interupts22:07
sushi__sladen: thank you. Thus, how to change the ways of reading I2C bus or where to find this info ?22:08
sarnoldsushi__: hehe, you know that bit about "shall not generate harmful interference and shall accept all interference in the environment" bit stuck on every piece of electronics? this is why :)22:08
sushi__sarnold: so you think It's not a bug but some electric interferences ?22:10
sarnoldsushi__: hard to say without hearing the noise myself22:10
sarnoldsushi__: but I've heard very similar noises from e.g. ethernet nics or hard drive controllers via audio cards22:11
sushi__sarnold: let me reduce the interval from 10 sec to 1 sec and record the audio output..22:11
sarnoldsushi__: folks used to generate radio signals using their CPUs and put a radio near the computer, to see it..22:11
cjwatsonYou could probably still test that kind of thing by putting a handheld radio near it22:16
cjwatson(Though it's a bit harder to tell when the interference is from something that itself makes noise)22:16
sushi__sarnold: http://www.sekisushai.net/usb_buzz.wav22:20
sarnoldsushi__: wow, that's -really- annoying.22:21
sushi__sladen: could you give me some more info on how to configure I2C bus reading way ?22:21
sarnoldsushi__: also, I think I was wrong :) ignore everything I wrote above :D22:22
sushi__sarnold: yes, very annoying ... it's with my usb-audio card only and if fancontrol module is off then no problem at all22:22
sushi__sarnold: no probs, thank you anyway22:23
sarnoldsushi__: maybe you can workaround the issue by setting realtime scheduling priorities for your music player, maybe pulseaudio too if you use it22:23
sushi__sarnold: the issue is not there, I've tested using the card with alsa, or with jack server with real time on an off and the buzz it's still at the periodicity of the I2C bus reading22:24
sarnoldsushi__: is it possible to try moving the card to a diffreent usb port?22:25
sushi__sarnold: same issue with all the usb ports, I've tested that too22:25
dasjoeWhat about adding an USB hub?22:26
sushi__dasjoe: I don't have one... :( but I guess it would be the same22:28
sladensushi__: all I'm going to be able to do is Google for things like "fancontrol" "lm-sensors" "i2c" "interupts"22:29
sladensushi__: these days I think the kernel has the i2c stuff built, in and readable under /sys22:29
sladensushi__: the buses are probably visible with 'grep -r . /sys/bus/i2c/devices/*/name'22:31
sarnolddoes reading those give the same stutters?22:31
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
sushi__sladen: with the usb card plug or unplugged it's the same output : http://pastebin.com/87EXnQLe22:36
sladensushi__: what about   grep . /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/device/*temp*22:40
* sladen skimming https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/fan_speed_control22:41
sushi__sladen: nothing for  grep . /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/device/*temp*22:46
sladensushi__: fancontrol is non-standard.  How did you configure it?22:47
sladensushi__: what values are in the 'fancontrol' configuration file  (these tell 'fancontrol' where to read data from)22:47
sushi__sladen: http://pastebin.com/55ewukdj22:48
sushi__sladen: i've install the package fancontrol, then run pwmconfig to generate /etc/fancontrol22:50
sladensushi__: prepend '/sys/' to these paths in the config file22:56
sladensushi__: eg. find /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.0/.../...22:56
sushi__sladen: prepending /sys/ makes fancontrol not work anymore23:11
sushi__sladen: i guess the /sys/ prefix is already known somewhere..23:12
sushi__sladen: I will open a bug in launchpad, thank you for your help23:29

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