[22:20] ricotz: I've uploaded epiphany 3.18.10 and 3.22.5 to the SRU queues [22:30] jbicha, great! :) === Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er [22:34] ricotz: any objections to having ubuntu-gnome-desktop recommend flatpak in 16.04 and 16.10? [22:36] jbicha, does ubuntu-gnome-desktop pull in snappy as well? [22:36] yes [22:37] jbicha, btw synfig could use another rebuild [22:38] jbicha, flatpak is of course the preferred one in the gnome-world, although pulling in both seems weird? [22:40] on zesty, u-g-desktop recommends gnome-software-plugin-flatpak (which depends on flatpak) [22:40] Debian (GNOME) currently isn't installing flatpak by default [22:41] I thought that most GNOME distros would include it, but I haven't tried to check [22:41] ah, I see, I guess this requires that flatpak/ostree/... receive backports [22:42] yes, I'm doing that because the Flatpak guys say that 0.8 is basically LTS for them, bug 1656712 [22:42] bug 1656712 in ostree (Ubuntu Yakkety) "Update flatpak and ostree to 0.8" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656712 [22:43] ah good [22:43] and bubblewrap? [22:43] yes, I had to get bubblewrap fixed first because it was a security update for yakkety [22:45] larsson made the request to get flatpak backported before Christmas, it just takes a while :) [22:45] this is great then! if 0.8 is maintained for some years [22:46] it's in the stretch archives so hopefully it'll work for a couple years! [22:48] jbicha, thanks for the info [22:48] I need to call it a day here