
mozart92I'm reading something on the web, they say to create a proxy. I'll look into this now.00:00
Vilegentmozart92, but then steam will try to use the proxy as well00:01
k1lVilegent: no00:01
mozart92Ugh, it's terribly complicated for me XD I think I'll give it a read tomorrow with a fresh mind. Thanks anyway!00:05
Guest5191ClamAV on my system identifies "usb_bus.x86: Unix.Trojan.Mirai-1 FOUND" somebody got in and ran this now i need to remove it. Any suggestions?00:26
jeeves_mosshow do I replace a failed drive in a software raid (mirror)00:33
cfhowlett!raid | jeeves_moss00:33
ubottujeeves_moss: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:33
cfhowlettalso you might want to ask the server channel00:33
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roothorickI have a Win7 install on an SSD set up with MBR... I've got a new SSD that I'm throwing 16.04 on. To dualboot does the new drive need to be MBR as well or can I put it on GPT?00:45
JakethepythonHello Room00:51
Jakethepythonwhy when i set up raid in the intel Raid Ctontroller does UBUNTU fail to boot? it keeps saying runing /scripts/ocal-remount done00:53
JakethepythonIf i restart the computer my Raid Utility says took away the drives00:54
rizonzis there a list of default loaded PHP modules per version ?00:54
jnoob22Possilbe to get rid of compiz for Unity?00:55
jnoob22or at least put unity-2d on 16.04?00:55
k1ljnoob22: unity is a compiz plugin00:56
jnoob22that sucks00:56
k1lbut they made a low performance version of unity. i just dont know if its included in 16.04 already00:56
jnoob22im having to use Gnome which seems to be ok but I prefer to use Unity like I did in 14.0400:57
jnoob22should never have upgraded. sigh.00:57
jnoob22k1l, for that screenshot, what's the name of that utility?00:58
cfhowlettjnoob22, it very easy to use alternate DE's.  sudo apt install lxde xfce4                will grab those 2.  similar for the kde, gnome and mate DE's.  then logout, choose the DE session and login00:59
jnoob22I've followed all the steps though btw ... http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/11/enable-low-graphics-mode-unity-7-ubuntu00:59
jnoob22don't want those. else I'd just use gnome as it is.00:59
k1ljnoob22: its the appereance window from system settings.00:59
k1lbut i dont have that setting on my 16.10. so i guess you still need the ccsm00:59
jnoob22ill play around with ccsm some more. Don't have much to lose really.01:00
nimbioticsHello everyone. Trying to configure an ubuntu 16.04 server in a digitalocean. The VPS' image comes with python3 already installed, which is no problem as I am to use that specific version of python. My problem is that when trying to install some python eggs (using pip3) I get an error because it cannot find the "python" command. I tried creating an alias and also a function, both poiting...01:17
nimbiotics...python to python3, but I could not cheat linux. What other options do I have to make linux look for python3 instead of python? TIA01:17
Jakethepython1HEllo room. has anyone had trouble w/ RAID in UBUNTU 16?01:19
DevilTigeri'm having a weird issue that i can't seem to get past. have a ubuntu installed on a usb stick. i can boot to that via virtualbox in windows with no problem. if i try with vmware player with plop to boot to usb it boots to initramfs no matter what. i've run fsck on the filesystem from live cd with no luck.01:19
doc|workdoes ubuntu not run user crontabs? I see the edit logged, but I never seem to see anything actually happen01:22
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natemateCan someone help me with why Startup Disk Creator isn't selecting an ISO I'm trying to install on a flash drive01:23
* doc|work tests something else01:23
bazhangnatemate, iso of what01:23
Ben64doc|work: cron works fine01:28
doc|workBen64: cron in general works fine, but user ones aren't. It's very odd. Reproducible on two machines.01:28
Ben64it does work01:28
Jakethepython1what is the easist way to fix hard drive partitiosn?01:34
Ben64fix how01:34
Jakethepython1Can't have a partition outside the disk!01:36
Jakethepython1what does this error mean?01:36
Ben64it means you can't have a partition outside the disk01:36
natemateiso of TinyCore01:39
Jakethepython1thanks Ben. i don't know how i got a partition outside of the disk01:39
Ben64you probably didn't, you're probably specifying to create one01:40
Jakethepython1how do i fix tihs error?01:40
Ben64impossible to tell without more information from you01:40
bazhangnatemate, where did you download the tinycore iso to01:40
natemateIt's just not selecting the ISO in the Startup Creator01:40
Jakethepython1It wasn't an error in V14 it became an issue after i upgaded to 1601:40
natematedownload folder01:40
Ben64Jakethepython1: you need to explain what you're doing01:40
natematemade another folder and called it ISO01:41
bazhangnatemate, what is the path you are using01:41
natematebazhang: I'm just using the download folders in Home, and an ISO folder inside that one01:42
Jakethepython1Ben64 I have 3 drives in a server the only drive initialized right now is a 150 GB drive with a main system partition and the swap files01:42
Jakethepython1it says the swap partiton is outside of the disk01:42
Ben64that doesn't explain what you're doing01:42
natematebut I cut and pasted that Iso in the Document folder as well01:42
bazhangnatemate, so the path is what,01:42
Jakethepython1I want to have the ohter 2 hard drives raided together but my  first issue is to solve this partions outside of disk01:43
natemateIt's just /Home/profilename/Downloads/ISO01:43
Ben64Jakethepython1: omg, explain what you are doing to get the error, explain!!!01:43
Jakethepython1I open Gparted01:43
Jakethepython1and it gives this error01:43
Ben64it says just the swap is outside?01:44
bazhangJakethepython1, are you trying to use gparted on a running system01:44
Jakethepython1I only used Gparted to see how the drive was partitioned01:45
Jakethepython1Yes the system is runing01:45
natematebazhang: Is that pathway making a difference?01:46
bazhangnatemate, have you tried using somethng else to make that01:46
natemateYes, UNetbootin01:47
natematebazhang: But, I try to boot to the flash drive from the splash screen and it says it's not bootable01:47
roothorick16.04 installers not have amdgpu?01:48
natemateTried sudo chmod just in case I saved it in a maner that I needed elevated privileges01:48
Ben64natemate: you never need to sudo chmod anything in your home directory01:49
Ben64and you probably never need to sudo chmod anything, it's a great way to break your system with one small error in syntax01:49
natematefair enough01:49
natemateThe obvious topics on the main Ubuntu site just have people saying to use UNetbootin instead of resolving why it's happening01:52
Jakethepython1how can i fix this Gparted Error without losing Data?01:52
natemateon Ubuntu itself. I mean, it's the native software to perform that basic function01:52
Ben64Jakethepython1: reboot into a liveusb, delete and recreate the swap partition01:54
Bashing-omJakethepython1: ' sudo fdisk -lu ' and look at the numbers , see which partition is out of bounds . Mess with partitions and there is always the risk of data loss .01:55
Jakethepython1Do you want to see a Pastebin?01:56
Jakethepython1Ben do you think this i si somehing i shoul djust bite the bullet back stuff up and do a clean install w/ all new partition tables?02:00
natemateAnyone? Startup disk creator not picking up the ISO?02:01
Ben64Jakethepython1: no02:02
Ben64natemate: what do you mean 'not picking up the ISO'02:03
Bashing-omJakethepython1: I see it as " Disk /dev/md126: 148.1 GiB, >> 310546432 sectors . But the partition ends beyond the device sectors " 312580095 " .02:03
natemateBen64: The option in the software to select the ISO, I can see it within the software (so it's recognizing it)02:03
Ben64natemate: you need to browse to it02:03
Jakethepython1Bashing Can i fix this from Live CD w/ out Reformatting?02:04
natemateAfter selecting it, and hitting "Open" it brings be back to the same prompt, as if I never selected it at all02:04
Ben64Jakethepython1: yes02:04
natemateBen64: Browsing to it isn't the issue, but Start up Creator proceeding from that point is02:04
natemate"Make Startup Disk" stays greyed out, as if I never selected an ISO in the first place02:05
Ben64it must not like the iso then02:05
natemateBen64: ....why?02:06
Ben64natemate: who knows02:07
natemateBen64: So it won't do that Distro at all? Because I redownloaded the ISO, and another variant of it, and it picked up neither02:08
Ben64it's picky02:08
Ben64unetbootin works with a lot more02:09
roothorickwell this is bizarre... fresh Ubuntu install, won't boot. It sits at "Stopping User Manager for UID 121..."02:09
natemateBen64: It's not working with UNetbootin either. Flash drive is said to be "Not Bootable" created from it either02:10
roothorickdriver related? But why am I not getting a text login?02:10
Jakethepython1I don't have a live CD of Ubuntu 16 do i need to run the version that i have installed?02:10
Ben64Jakethepython1: no02:11
Jakethepython1ok thansk02:11
roothorickrecovery mode is working... no idea how to troubleshoot this though02:14
roothorickso it looks like the installer didn't ACTUALLY install updates... starting with that02:18
roothorickso apt-get just hung, not responding to ctrl-C... nice.02:21
roothorickokay, something is seriously wrong. I had a systemd related process that ignored SIGKILL02:23
roothorickthis is a FRESH INSTALL, why02:24
Dreamanupdate system02:25
Dreamanand repos add02:25
roothorickthat's what I'm trying and failing to do02:25
Dreamanapt update apt dist-upgrade02:26
Dreamanroothorick  my is fresh install02:26
roothorickthat's what is hanging02:26
Dreaman2 houars02:26
mosshas anyone here successfully set up a yubikey with ubuntu 16.10?02:28
mossand what i mean by that is - using a yubikey to store your private ssh key to ssh to remote servers02:28
roothoricknomodeset fixed it02:32
roothorickSLOOOOW video though02:33
roothorickthis feels like an RDP session02:33
roothorickokay, Ubuntu tried to use the "radeon" driver for my RX 480, which, obviously, didn't work02:36
roothorickit fell back on fbdev. That's why things are so slow.02:36
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Bashing-omroothorick: What did you do ? That card takes the  AMDGPU driver or the additional proprietary layer AMDGPU-Pro can be installed .02:41
Dreamanroothorick  just install drive for settings and reboot02:43
Dreamanmy laptop is 940 but nvidia and work02:44
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theorem1strange behavior02:45
roothorickBashing-om: X is supposed to autodetect and load the right driver, right? Well, OOB it's trying and failing to load the radeon driver02:45
theorem1I connect a bluetooth headset , and I get a kernel module crash ? ( http://pastebin.ca/3757855 )02:45
theorem1can anyone make heads or tails of this ?02:46
roothorickapparently I need kernel 4.7 or newer for this card. Just found out about linux-generic-hwe02:46
roothorickDreaman: not there, best I can tell02:46
Bashing-omroothorick: Well semi correct . the kernel should install the amdgpu driver not radeon for that card .02:47
Dreamanroothorick  just install new kernel02:47
Dreamani use new02:47
Dreamannikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F02:47
DreamanSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 4.10.0-041000rc4-generic x86_64 (64 bit)02:47
roothorickamdgpu module will not load02:48
lasersaberi am trying to run periscope app on linux, no luck so far :(02:48
Dreamanhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/   roothorick02:48
rizonzdoes anyone know a list of what all parameters for phpquery are ?02:48
roothorickapparently nomodeset is the problem?02:49
roothorickit wasn't booting with modeset before though. hm.02:50
roothoricknow it is...02:50
roothorickamdgpu is now loading, but X is still trying to use radeon02:51
nmirandaHi everybody, I'm trying to install the latest intel graphics divers for my toshiba s55-528002:51
roothorickso that's the issue right now, X or whatever configures it isn't detecting the appropriate driver for my card02:52
Dreamanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L_85Xgd1Aw   roothorick  see02:52
nmirandathis is my glxinfo | grep OpenGL02:52
nmirandaOpenGL vendor string: VMware, Inc.02:52
nmirandaOpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.9, 256 bits)02:52
nmirandaOpenGL core profile version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 17.0.0-devel02:52
nmirandaOpenGL core profile shading language version string: 3.3002:52
nmirandaOpenGL core profile context flags: (none)02:52
roothorickwhy doesn't the regular amdgpu work then?02:55
Dreamanroothorick  see02:56
roothorickwhy does everyone insist on talking over a youtube video for howtos02:56
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Jakethepython1is it nessisary to have swap space?03:01
Dreamanhttp://picbg.net/img.php?file=ff78f8df47353668.png   roothorick  just open the settings and install driver03:01
Dreamanor change kernel newse not support your video carsa03:02
roothorickokay, and where is that in gnome?03:02
Dreamanis unity03:02
Dreamanis ubuntu03:02
roothorickso I was looking at the wrong Xorg log, the driver is loading03:02
roothorickstill have llvmpipe renderer03:03
Dreamanautomaticli install driver03:03
wechsetcan you recommend a calendar app that is available for both linux and android?03:05
wechsetso I can sync desktop and phone03:05
theorem1 /quit03:09
Bashing-omjake|: My take - though the swap partition is being depreciated, presently the system still expects it to exist . In your case, delete the 5th partition(swap), reize the bad 2nd partion - extended - and recreate the swap partition .03:09
Jakethepython1OK thanks...should the Swap be a Primary or logical partiion?03:09
Bashing-omjake|: In your case the swap will be logical .03:10
Jakethepython1OK thanks i will try that Now03:11
Bashing-omjake|: Remember that you will have to update /etc/fstab with the new swap UUID .03:12
JakethepythonThe other thing i get at Startup is a start job is running for dev-disk-by03:13
Bashing-omjake|: 'sudo blkid' to see what the uuid's are that the start job is for .03:14
jake|pls stop pinging03:14
profIHello all, anyone has installed ubuntu on a microsoft surface successfully? (i.e. everything working)03:15
Bashing-omjake|: :( apologoes . will pay more attention .03:15
jake|it's all good my dude03:15
JakethepythonI can make a shorter Alias like Jtow or seomthing if that helps :)03:16
Bashing-omJakethepython: Naw . I just need to pay greater attention to my tab complete .03:17
azizLIGHThow come every .deb file i try to install wants my sudo password in the software center03:33
azizLIGHTcant i install things without root privs03:33
yaaicnickgood day03:35
yaaicnickto all03:35
Jakethepython1sudo blkid03:36
Ben64azizLIGHT: you don't03:36
azizLIGHTso whats the point of all this talk about linux user privileges and security if you cant install debs as your own self and need root03:37
Ben64azizLIGHT: that is the point, you need privileges in order to install things03:40
DreamanazizLIGHT  no change system only root03:40
stevehello, how does one retrieve their pgp key from the fingerprint?03:40
DreamanazizLIGHT  this is not windows :)03:41
azizLIGHTive seen some software you can install into your own home dir, like when you compile things and do make install (without sudo), why isnt there an option like that when using debs in software center03:42
azizLIGHTso that you can just install it as yourself03:43
azizLIGHTand not do systemwide changes03:43
DreamanazizLIGHT  but repos an root id03:44
stevehello, how does one retrieve their pgp key from the fingerprint using the terminal?03:45
Dreamanchange some packets or update03:45
zhou_xingyuhi guys.anybody know how to start the dropbox when ubuntu start03:45
saegeoffzhou, doesn't it start automatically by default03:47
zhou_xingyusaegeoff, I can not do it03:48
zhou_xingyulet me check03:48
zhou_xingyuoh do it.sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox03:49
saegeoffwhat version of ubuntu are you using?03:49
saegeoffI usually download the latest client from dropbox.com03:49
zhou_xingyuyes ,me to03:49
zhou_xingyuI have solved it by install nautilus -dropbox03:50
Jakethepythonwhy is my partition table MSDOS?03:50
saegeoffjake, did you do a fresh install03:53
saegeoffwhat are you looking at03:53
JakethepythonPartition Table: MSDOS this is in Gparted for my system HDD03:54
Bashing-omsteve: ' sudo apt-key finger ' do what ya need ?03:54
Jakethepythonwould this be part of the reason that my samba has problems?03:55
wiggmpkI have a multi button mouse, with 2 separate scrolling wheels. The primary wheel does vertical and horizontal scrolling. The secondary wheel only does horizontal scrolling but I am unable to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated. http://pastebin.com/GKFWby9X03:56
Bashing-omJakethepython: 'MSDOS' is not to be confused as Micro Soft disk operating system . in our case it is the identifier for the legacy partitioning scheme .03:56
JakethepythonI know this but should it be something else?03:57
Jakethepythonshould it be a different partitioning scheme i guess i my question03:57
roothorickI'm totally at a loss. Still getting llvmpipe. Most relevant error I can find is "AIGLX error: Calling driver entry point failed" which is apparently incredibly generic03:59
jadedstoicany recommendation on ubuntu gnome vs unity on a dell xps 13 touch screen laptop?03:59
saegeoffjaded, i have an XPS 1304:00
saegeoffI like unity04:00
saegeoffI don't have a touch screen though04:00
Bashing-omJakethepython: Jakethepython No, what you have for partitioning looks good to me if ya fixed that /dev/md126 drive . ( I do expect the SSD device to work great as msdos partitioned - I know mine does )04:00
jadedstoicalright thanks saegeoff04:01
lasersabergo with unity04:01
xanguajadedstoic: it seems to me gnome focus a little more in touchscreen (assuming your touch screen is sorted04:02
lasersabereither way you'll be fine04:03
lasersabertry both out first04:03
jadedstoicalright will do04:04
StumpDumbHello All, Im having problems mounting a USB jump drive, worked fine until I plugged it into another PC and was backing up files04:09
StumpDumbthe error I get it on pastebin.... hmATSV4Q04:09
jimtendo-X540SHi guys, running a Samba server on a Ubuntu 16.04 ARM (Odroid C1) device at the moment and am getting the error "protocol negotiation failed: ERRDOS:ERRnomem" whenever I try to connect using smbclient. Anyone familiar with this? Google search isn't yielding much fruit for this error atm.04:10
StumpDumbit flashes and is shown on the left but no go04:10
steveBashing-om i need the long form pgp key04:13
Bashing-omsteve: Not knowing the end goal here ,. maybe ' gpg --list-keys ' ?04:18
steveBashing-om i cant reeber where i saved it to so im trying to retrieve it again04:19
steveBashing-om dont i need it to encrypt my messages?04:20
roothorickgot it! Know what the problem was? Polaris isn't supported in 16.04 beyond basic framebuffer functionality04:21
roothoricka PPA is required to get any kind of acceleration because xenial is still on Mesa 1104:22
wiggmpkStumpDumb: do you have data on the flash drive?04:24
wiggmpkStumpDumb: is it critical data and need to be saved? do you have a windows machine?04:24
StumpDumbYes needs to be saved....have a mac04:25
wiggmpkStumpDumb: the "other" PC it was plugged into that worked fine, does it still work?04:25
wiggmpkStumpDumb: does your ubuntu machine have "ntfs-3g" installed?04:26
StumpDumbbut is also cannot read jump drive04:26
StumpDumbI dont know04:27
wiggmpkStumpDumb: so this is a USB thumb drive not an external hard drive correct?04:27
wiggmpkStumpDumb: so first things first, backup the data on a PC/Mac that it works on, whichever that may be04:28
wiggmpkStumpDumb: second, stop using NTFS filesystem on a flash drive, use FAT32 or exFAT for greater compatibility04:29
wiggmpkStumpDumb: you could try installing ntfs-3g "sudo apt install ntfs-3g" and using "ntfsfix /dev/whateveritis" but it could cause data loss04:31
StumpDumbI will try it on the mac, not sure that it will work there but I'll try04:32
StumpDumbVery good, if I can get the data off I'll format it to FAT3204:32
wiggmpkStumpDumb: good idea, NTFS is specific to Windows04:33
wiggmpknot that FAT or FAT32 isn't, just more compatible04:34
StumpDumbHAAA Super Duper, the mac read it....backin up now04:34
wiggmpkStumpDumb: awesome :)04:35
StumpDumbThanks thot I'd loose my data04:39
umoukunDoes anyone know how to figure out what device is causing this error in dmesg?  pcieport 0000:00:1c.7: AER: Corrected error received: id=00e704:40
wiggmpkI would guess something in a PCI Express slot04:41
umoukunkeeps spamming my logs and something seems to be messing up my keyboard04:41
umoukunI have an All in once system, can't really open it04:41
umoukunlspci doesnt show an ID 00e704:41
wiggmpkumoukun: try "lspci" and look for a similar numbers04:41
umoukun00:1c.7 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #8 (rev f1)04:42
wiggmpkAdding pci=nommconf to boot options makes these messages to vanish.04:43
wiggmpkis the suggestion on launchpad04:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 671979 in linux (Ubuntu) "Repeated (spurious?) pcieport errors in logs (PCIe Bus Error)" [Undecided,Expired]04:43
umoukunyeah, but they never came up before04:44
wiggmpkumoukun: using nvidia drivers by chance?04:44
umoukunand I think something is wrong because my keyboard keeps cutting out or going crazy04:44
umoukunI think Im using the noveau ones04:45
umoukunnvidia              11489280  73 nvidia_modeset,nvidia_uvm04:45
wiggmpkOne person said they removed nvidia-current from rescure mode and reinstalled to take care of their issue04:46
umoukunthat has nothing to do with anything04:46
wiggmpkok, good luck04:46
umoukunI too can google error messages04:46
wiggmpkSo have you tried anything?04:46
umoukuncame here for legit help, ahhh, forgot04:46
umoukunits IRC04:47
wiggmpkpower by volunteers04:47
lotuspsychjemy workspaces on unity 16.04.1 still work, but when i click on the icons it doesnt switch automatic to the right workspace anymore, anyway i can debug this?04:55
StumpDumbGood nite to all and to all a good nite05:05
docmurLast week I reset my password to my user account and totally forgot what I set it to.  I was able to gain access through a series of "hops" which are other servers.  Needless to say I'm in my user account.  When I execute passwd, it asks for my current passwd, the problem is I don't what that is, is there a way to reset my password without knowing what my current password is?05:08
dumle29Hello there. I'm writing a script which generates a torrent for an open source project, on a new relase, and then seeds the torrent. The user (deluge) also puts a copy of the torrent in /var/www/html/octopi05:11
dumle29the folder, octopi is owned by www-data:www-data, but the file created inside is owned by deluge:deluge, meaning apache doesn't allow downloads of the file05:11
maninlowcastlewhy is my password always incorrect the first time?05:20
maninlowcastleeverytime i log in05:20
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Gavin16I need some Ubuntu help06:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:14
diamondmanI am looking to add support for a rare image format to the built in image viewer in Ubuntu. I wrote a library that can read the format, and I am hoping that the image formats are plugins. I can't find documentation on how to accomplish this though. Does anyone know how i would go about this?06:23
zhou_xingyu_guys,anybody know why there is black borders when I suspend06:24
Precise_How do i configure 4 Monitors on Precise Pangolin ? By default only two are working ...06:49
hateballPrecise_: what gpu/driver are you using?06:53
hateballPrecise_: also you should see about upgrading to at least 14.04, 12.04 will be EOL soon06:53
neenee+ does xrandr show more than the two that are working by default?06:54
Precise_neenee: xrandr it shows only two Monitors06:59
neeneeHas it worked in the past - if so, can you recall what changed since then? How are the screens connected physically? Can you determine that it can work with a different OS - ruling out a connection/hardware issue?07:00
Precise_neenee: lspci shows 4 grafic entries...07:00
Precise_neenee: lspci |grep -i vga07:01
Bray90820Can someone help me I am trying to login to ssh root@hostname without a password07:10
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Bray90820I can do "ssh root@localhost" without a password07:11
smeertif i make a new ssh-key and add it to the server07:12
smeertthe end of that line is rsa-key-blaa. can i manually change it?07:12
precise_2neenee, is gone ?07:17
precise_2Hi, i installed Ubuntu 12.04, and i am wondering, why does Precise Pangolin recognize all my 12GB of RAM ?07:20
SpeirosHi precise_2 I don't understand.  Did you expect it to have hidden files or something?07:22
tatertotsprecise_2: can you open terminal?07:23
precise_2tatertots: yes...07:23
tatertotsprecise_2: in terminal>      sudo apt install inxi pastebinit07:24
tatertotsprecise_2: press enter07:24
tatertotsprecise_2: let me know once it's completed07:24
Speiros-precise_2- What do you think the purpose of questions are?  Why be rude for?  I could be rude too and say stuff like "What!  Are you too stupid to read the manual?" but I don't.07:24
IamTryingUbuntu 16.10 - With Chinese i always had bad experience fraud/steal/pirate/hack information already lost in one fraud case 5000 euro, since then i have blacklisted China trade. Now Ubuntu 16.10 is fully controlled by Chinese. Is my Master card/ Visa card/ Banking safe anymore?07:25
precise_2Speiros, i dont want to talk to you,07:25
Speirosprecice_2 Fine by me.  If you like, give me your other names, if you have any, and I'll write them down so I know to ignore your questions and comments.07:25
precise_2tatertots: inxi is not beeing found by APT-tools...07:26
precise_2Speiros, i am sorry, you are wasting my invaluable time...07:27
tatertotsprecise_2: i'm just updating my 12.04 repos, and i'm not finding it in 12.x either, must be only in 14.x and higher07:28
Speirosprecise_2 apology accepted.07:28
tatertotsprecise_2:   did pastebinit install?07:29
precise_2I am sorry, i just want to know why is Ubuntu 12.04 recognizing all of my RAM pass the 4GB-Limit.... ? Is it PAE, is it Kernel build in , i found no hints by doing "lsb_release -a" or "uname -a"07:32
tatertotsprecise_2: in terminal>     free -h|nc termbin.com 999907:32
ducasseprecise_2: yes, pae is activated by default07:33
precise_2ducasse: , do you by case know since when, or since which Ubuntu-Kernel/Ubuntu-Version pae, is enabled by default ?07:34
ducasseprecise_2: sorry, no i don't. i would guess around ubuntu versions 10.04-12.04.07:35
SpeirosIamTrying Are you concerned about information on your drive, or when you go online?07:36
precise_2ducasse: , thanks for telling what you know... , i thought i would have been since Kernel 3.0 maybe.... ? just an uneducated guess...07:37
precise_2i thought it* (sorry for my typo)...07:37
tatertotsIamTrying has had the same story for 3 or 4 days and still can't manage to obtain a different iso and reinstall07:38
SpeirosThanks tatertots:)07:38
tatertotsno prob07:39
IamTryingSpeiros: I am very scared with Chinese, while trading with them i always lost money 5000 euro lost in my previous trade experience i do not trust them at all. Ubuntu 16.10 i still see Chinese by default sitting in my PC even i choosed English while installing. when online i dont trust them to be any part of my Ubuntu07:39
IamTryingtatertots: its in the official download iso from Ubuntu website07:39
tatertotsi don't trust the food at the local deli....but i eat there everyday07:40
ducasseIamTrying: the fact that ubuntu supports chinese language does not mean it is controlled by chinese.07:40
SpeirosIamTrying Having Chinese lettering and programming doesn't by default make Ubuntu insecure.  I'm well aware that many in China are looking for an alternative way to get their information secure.  There are other tools you can attach for security though, and browsers etc. that you can go through.07:41
IamTryingtatertots: for Chinese i have 0% faith on them. i lost money while buying from there online store and all those fake random identity, i also contacted there police, government they dont give a shit of fraud/steal. since it happens with me like this i blacklisted Chinese people to get anymore involved with me. if its food then also no entry for them.07:41
IamTryingducasse: but as a user point of view we get the feel its going to the wrong hand of fraud/stealing community.07:41
ZythyrNeed help. I am trying to isntall this program, but can't figure out how to install it after downloading. http://www.nongnu.org/fbi-improved/07:42
IamTryingSpeiros: i lost lot of money while trading with them, i have 0% faith on them. they are famous in fraud/steal/fake trading systems etc etc. when ever i see now chinese fonts or so i get scared to death.07:43
ducasseIamTrying: i have no idea what you are saying.07:43
tatertotsZythyr: software downloaded from website will usually include a readme file, or they will publish installation instructions on their website07:44
IamTryingducasse: never mind. Ubuntu 16.10 natively should be English not Chinese, it is offensive to me when i select English it by force showing me Chinese.07:44
Zythyrtatertots I am following the install instructions but i get error: Need help. I am trying to isntall this program, but can't figure out how to install it after downloading. http://www.nongnu.org/fbi-improved/07:44
tatertotsZythyr: what error do you get?07:45
SpeirosIamTrying There is a good site here to speak about security-related issues, at #security, and they may be able to help you get what you need, if you are concerned.  There are many options.07:46
ducasseIamTrying: did you install ubuntu kylin, by any chance?07:46
Zythyrconfigure: error: No flex (lexical analyser generator) executable detected!07:46
IamTryingducasse: Ubuntu Kylin i am using, i need Ubuntu 16.10, so from official Ubuntu site i installed the English version but i have full Chinese Ubuntu 16.1007:46
tatertotsIamTrying: that's a great idea, get some education and or training in the discipline so you can better protect yourself07:47
ducasseIamTrying: ubuntu kylin is intended for chinese users, you should have installed standard ubuntu.07:47
tatertotsZythyr: you do not have a prerequisite the software needs07:48
tatertotsZythyr: obtain all prerequisites then try to install again07:48
ducasseZythyr: fim is in the repos, just install from there07:49
Zythyrtatertots Okay i guess i needed to isntall flex.07:49
Zythyrtatertots Where do I find the prerequisties?07:49
Zythyrducasse How do I isntall from repos?07:49
ducasseZythyr: sudo apt install fim07:50
tatertotsZythyr: the software vendor will provide you with prerequisites or instructions on how to obtain them for their software07:50
ducasseZythyr: always check the repos before you download and install from a website07:50
Zythyrokay let me try if it works07:51
Zythyrlol wow that was sim. sudo apt-get install fim worked!!107:51
ZythyrSorry guys i am a noob to linux07:51
SpeirosZythyr We all learn mate:)07:52
CrazyTuxhello, I have installed Xubuntu on my new laptop. Now I want to try Zorin OS on my laptop. Is it a good idea to install it in a dual boot setup or through Virtual Box?07:53
SpeirosCrazyTux Just a personal opinion...I'd try anything new on a virtual system, if you have one installed as you can delete the whole box if anything goes wrong, and start from scratch.07:57
pantato_hi, i've totally messed up my package management system. When I try to remove the offending package it prompts me to apt-get -f install. When I run this, I get some generic dpkg error. Is there anyway around this?07:58
pantato_I need to update this computer for work07:58
ikevinpantato_, what are dpkg errors?07:59
pantato_ikevin: https://paste.ee/p/PL29L07:59
pantato_ikevin: exit status 127 and error code 108:00
Pozzopantato: the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4ABE1AC7557BEFF908:00
Pozzoyou need to update your keys08:00
ikevinpantato_, can you do a apt-cache show srvadmin-hapi08:00
CrazyTuxSpeiros, if I install another distro like Zorin in Virtual Box, and run it on the existing Xubuntu installation, would the resource usage would be more than when I am running a separate Zorin OS installation in a dual boot setup?08:00
ikevinsrvadmin-isvc : Depends: srvadmin-hapi (>= 8.4.0) but 8.3.0-1 is installed08:00
pantato_Pozzo: that's not the problem. That's something else08:01
ikevinpantato_, you have a missing dependrncy08:01
pantato_ikevin: https://paste.ee/p/FSVJ408:01
pantato_why do i need a damn dependency to fucking remove something08:01
pantato_that's so fucking irritating08:01
Pozzopantato: ok there is probably something else too... but you should solve that08:02
ikevinpantato_, try: apt-get upgrade srvadmin-hapi08:02
ducasse!language | pantato_08:02
ubottupantato_: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:02
pantato_ikevin: that yields the same unmet dependencies error08:03
SpeirosCrazyTux I don't know about that, I'm afraid.08:03
Pozzopantato : wget -qO - http://download.owncloud.org/download/repositories/stable/Ubuntu_16.04/Release.key | sudo apt-key add -08:04
acperkinspantato_: maybe try removing /var/cache/apt/archives/srvadmin-hapi_8.4.0-1_amd64.deb, it might be corrupt?08:04
ikevinpantato_, apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get -f install08:04
CaptainQuirkHi guys !08:06
PozzoCaptainQuirk: Hi08:06
CaptainQuirkI'm trying to setup a dual screen with a TV screen08:06
CaptainQuirkI can't find an appropriate resolution in the display settings menu08:07
pantato_ikevin, acperkins, looks like the package got removed and re-downloaded but I am still getting that error code 1 and exit status 12708:07
PozzoCaptainQuirk: what kind of graphic card do you have ? what resolution you want ?08:07
ikevinpantato_, humm, try to temp disable the ppa, do your upgrade, re-enable your ppa and do another upgrade08:08
pantato_debian can be so freaking frustrating08:08
Pozzopantato_: have you planned to upgrade to xenial ? trusty is from 2014 now08:08
SpeirosCrazyTux Here's a link to an ubuntu article mate, regarding the same perspective.  https://askubuntu.com/questions/133845/deciding-between-virtual-machine-or-dual-boot-setup08:08
pantato_Pozzo: No. I need to test trusty for work.08:09
pantato_an app on trusty08:09
Pozzopantato_: ok...08:09
CaptainQuirkPozzo, I think it's an intel chip. how can I be sure ?08:09
CaptainQuirklspci ?08:09
PozzoCaptainQuirk: lspci yes08:09
ikevinCaptainQuirk, yes08:09
pantato_ikevin: not sure how to do that. Not even sure which ppa it is08:09
Pozzoand check the line about "video"08:09
pantato_this is so frustrating. I'm honestly so mad08:09
SpeirosCrazyTux Apparently, it will run a bit slower, according to the link in that article.08:09
pantato_why is is so hard to just REMOVE a PACKAGE08:10
CaptainQuirkgreppin' video on lspci, I get nothing08:10
ikevinpantato_, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/08:10
ikevinit look like a dell ppa08:10
PozzoCaptainQuirk: you should see something like... 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ....08:10
PozzoCaptainQuirk: if you lspci | grep -i 'vga' : do you find something ?08:11
ducassepantato_: try to purge it with dpkg -P packagename08:11
CaptainQuirkPozzo: Intel Corporation Device 5916 (rev 02)08:12
pantato_ikevin: https://paste.ee/p/OWlvj08:13
pantato_ducasse: that just gives me a bunch of dependency errors...08:13
pantato_I don't understand the design of this . Why on earth would I need dependencies just to *remove* something!?!?!?08:13
* pantato_ rips hair out08:13
CaptainQuirkPozzo, for the resolution, I honestly don't have a clue about this TV screen resolution08:13
PozzoCaptainQuirk: so you have an intel graphic chip included in your CPU08:13
pantato_ducasse: https://paste.ee/p/5briK08:14
ikevinpantato_, mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linux.dell.com.sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linux.dell.com.sources.list.backup08:14
CaptainQuirkbut I guess there's a command that would help me find that, right ?08:14
PozzoCaptainQuirk: the intel graphic driver is very stable you should not have problem08:14
PozzoCaptainQuirk: a command to do what ?08:14
ikevinpantato_, then, do an apt-cache clean && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade08:14
CaptainQuirkwell, the problem is the resolution08:14
miczacHi, anyone running a Dell XPS 13 (9350) ?  How's hibernation doing?  Got a derivative of 16.04 on such a machine and it won't hibernate, just cold-boot. Want to narrow down the problem. thx.08:14
pantato_ikevin: "invalid operation clean"08:15
ikevinoups, not apt-cache so apt-get08:15
PozzoCaptainQuirk: you have plugged your computer to a TV screen ? So probably a Full-HD screen : resolution should be 1920 x 108008:15
CaptainQuirkPozzo, I tried all the options given to set the proper resolution08:15
ducassepantato_: include the packages that depend on srvadmin-hapi on the command line - all of them.08:15
pantato_ikevin: https://paste.ee/p/NxXGP08:16
ikevinpantato_, ok, now, apt-get remove --purge srvadmin*08:16
CaptainQuirkI dont see the edges of the screen and the resolution isn't crisp at all08:16
CaptainQuirkit's a bit blurry08:16
PozzoCaptainQuirk: you have tried how ? using the "displays" app in the configuration panel ?08:16
pantato_ducasse: https://paste.ee/p/8cHMk08:17
PozzoCaptainQuirk: what are the resolution listed for your device in this "displays" app ?08:17
PozzoCaptainQuirk: for the edge... on TV sometimes it's a TV issue... TV screen can "crop" the image to ensure that the screen is full (without black border)08:18
pantato_ikevin: https://paste.ee/p/qeg8l08:18
CaptainQuirk1920x1080, 1366x768, 1280x1024, 1280x800, 1280x768, 800x600, 1366x768, 720x57608:18
pantato_YESS apt-get -f install08:19
pantato_finally worked08:19
pantato_holy MOLY thank you08:19
PozzoCaptainQuirk: if it's blurry... I guess the resolution is not good... BUT another option... are you shure that your TV is not configured to "zoom" ? check that it is setup to "fullscreen"08:19
ikevinpantato_, once upgrade is finished, you can re-enable your dell ppa and try to reinstall srvadmin08:19
PozzoCaptainQuirk: 1920x1080 : it's the resolution you should use08:20
CaptainQuirkThat's the one I'm on08:20
morfeokmgHello guys, do you know why Ubuntu doesn't start on the Lenovo Yoga 3 1417 when this is sended to shutdown?08:20
pantato_ikevin: thanks08:20
ikevinpantato_, you welcome08:21
PozzoCaptainQuirk:  your TV is very probably a standard FullHD screen. I think that the issue is not on the computer, but on the TV screen setup side !08:21
PozzoPozzo: your TV is very new ? a 4K screen ???08:21
PozzoCaptainQuirk: your TV is very new ? a 4K screen ???08:21
morfeokmgI mean, when i shutdown my laptop, it take a lot of time for startup again08:21
ikevinPozzo, some TV (like my old Sony) have problem with hdpc08:22
ikevinhdtv and hdpc is not really the same08:22
PozzoCaptainQuirk: you are using an HDMI cable ?08:22
tatertotsdid he mean hdcp08:22
tatertotswho knows...so many acronyms these days08:23
Speiroslmao, ikr08:23
ikevintatertots, no, hdpc is a non offcial name for hd signal sent by a pc08:23
CaptainQuirkPozzo, indeed, there was something set up on the tv itself08:25
CaptainQuirknow it's all blurry though08:25
CaptainQuirkmuch more than before08:25
CrazyTuxyesterday, I had some problem in using wifi on my new laptop, on which I have installed Xubuntu. The wifi networks didn't get detected automatically. I had to restart the OS.08:25
CrazyTuxWhy did that happen?08:25
ikevinCaptainQuirk, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/508358/overscanning-picture-problem-using-hdmi-with-intel-graphics08:25
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, you may need to put it on auto enable by default08:26
CaptainQuirkPozzo, the overscanning is off now08:26
CaptainQuirkit's just that the display itself is awful ;-)08:26
CrazyTuxSebthreeBQM1oHD, how to do that?08:27
star_proneI'm trying to install PHP 5.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 following this instructions: https://www.dev-metal.com/install-setup-php-5-6-ubuntu-14-04-lts/08:27
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, also did the wireless actually work? and not just detect? if not may need to installl a driver for it08:27
SebthreeBQM10HDstar_prone, hi08:27
star_proneCannot add PPA: 'ppa:ondrej/php5-5.6'. Please check that the PPA name or format is correct.08:28
star_proneI will get the following error when adding the ppa:08:28
star_pronethe one above08:28
PozzoCaptainQuirk: what is the size of your srceen ?08:28
ikevinstar_prone, iirc, it's just ppa:ondrej/php08:28
CaptainQuirkI don't know08:28
CaptainQuirkwas given to me08:28
CaptainQuirkno idea08:28
ikevinstar_prone, https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php08:28
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, xfce is a bit different but if you right click on it can probably get into some settings08:28
CrazyTuxSeb, It is working now. I wanted to switch between two wireless networks. I turned off the one that was switched on and tried to access the other. Then, I had this problem.08:29
SebthreeBQM10HDoh ok08:29
PozzoCaptainQuirk: a tv screen... so at least 32 inch ? bigger ?08:29
star_pronethank you08:29
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, well try and get the correct one to come up automaticly I guess08:30
puddlehi, im trying to use the pspp packages pspp-convert command via php's shell_exec and while in terminal the command generates the csv file properly calling it from php does not generate the file. My issue is that the command does not return any output to let me know whats up is there a way to get some kind of out put from it?08:30
CrazyTuxSeb, how to enable auto detect in Xubuntu, of all the available wireless networks?08:30
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, not sure, but theres probably a setting08:30
PozzoCaptainQuirk: a simple fullHD screen... with a big screen... larger that 32" ... you should be at 2 meter from your screen... if you are near the screen (50 cm) : then it's normal to see "big pixel blurred"... a tv screen is not a very good display for a computer... except a 4K TV screen08:31
CrazyTuxSeb, ok08:31
CaptainQuirkPozzo, no probably not bigger than 32 inch08:31
ikevinpuddle, try to use exec(), you will have a return code08:31
puddleikevin, ill try that thanks08:31
CaptainQuirkdisplay app says 24''08:31
ikevinpuddle, exec("command", $output, $return); echo $return;08:31
Pozzook... 24" in FullHD... it should be perfectly clear.... there is something wrong08:31
PozzoCaptainQuirk:  ok... 24" in FullHD... it should be perfectly clear.... there is something wrong08:32
puddleikevin, ty08:32
CaptainQuirkPozzo, what's weird is that before I applied the last modifications, I had something blurry, but not that bad08:33
CrazyTuxone more question. I want to try Ubuntu in Virtual Box. Which installation type do I need to select while in Virtual Box and trying to install Ubuntu?08:33
PozzoCaptainQuirk: you are using an HDMI cable ?08:33
ikevinCrazyTux, ubuntu :)08:33
CaptainQuirkyep HDMI cable08:33
CrazyTux"Erase disk and install" or "Something Else"?08:34
CrazyTuxikevin, yes.08:34
PozzoCaptainQuirk: do you have multiple HDMI input on your tv-screen ? can you try another one ?08:35
ikevinCrazyTux, for a test, you can use default settings08:35
CrazyTuxikevin, I want do a full install of Ubuntu in Virtual Box.08:36
CaptainQuirkNo luck with that08:36
puddleikevin, i get error code 12708:36
CaptainQuirkcan't detect signal now08:37
tatertotsCrazyTux: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.1.4/UserManual.pdf08:37
tatertotsi can't read it for you but i can make sure you know it exists08:37
ikevinpuddle, see in pspp manpage what 127 mean08:38
CrazyTuxtatertots, thanks a lot.08:38
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, uhmmm in virtualbox by default the virtual hard disk will be blank by default, and if going to just try any option i think. and going with the auto would be a bit esier than custum partitioning08:38
tatertotsCrazyTux: virtualbox also has their own irc channel #vbox08:39
CaptainQuirkPozzo, there it is08:39
CaptainQuirkbut same shitty display ;-(08:39
puddleikevin, thats the issue theres literally nothing about this in its docs/man08:39
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, Erase hard disk is the auto08:39
CrazyTuxSeb, yes.08:40
CrazyTuxSeb, do I need to use that?08:40
ikevinpuddle, does php have right to call it and have right to generate file where you want?08:40
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, even though it should be blank alredy it should also be showing it as a load of blank empty space08:40
puddleikevin, yes every other file type works except sav files which i have to use pspp-convert to be able to convert them, and when i call it from terminal in the same dir on the same file it works, from php exec it does not08:41
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, So saying its going to erase a blank disk could maybe be a bit confussing08:41
akikCrazyTux: you can't break anything by experimenting. there's no one way of doing it08:41
ikevinpuddle, have you tryed from the same user than php?08:42
CrazyTuxok. I'll choose the default option.08:42
tatertotscan't break anything......just wait08:42
PozzoCaptainQuirk: sorry... i don't know how to help you more :(08:42
akiktatertots: i meant the virtualbox08:42
PozzoCaptainQuirk: I'm quite sure that the resolution 1920x1080 is the good one08:42
puddleikevin, no not yet08:43
puddleikevin, but im logged in as root which should be enough i guess08:43
PozzoCaptainQuirk: a 24" tv screen not too old... is a fullhd screen... so the resolution is good08:43
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, since your just trying the erase disk option would be easier, but if your later going to install for real, its good to know somthing about linux partitioning and then you could use the custom option08:43
ikevinpuddle, php script run as root too?08:43
PozzoCaptainQuirk: and a fullhd screen on a 24" should be perfectly sharp, not blurry08:44
puddleikevin, i have no idea, btw this is the command that is being passed to terminal via exec pspp-convert /var/www/datas/45/dat_00.sav /var/www/datas/45/dat_00.csv08:45
PozzoCaptainQuirk: My advice : check the TV setup, disable all the crappy "optimization" (sport mode, disable enhance video, etc...) : all this "optimization" are for TV program or DVD player08:45
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, for more control over how much space ubntu would get on a real hard disk, optional seprate home etc, but right that kind of stuff is for later on sometime possibly08:45
CrazyTuxSeb, ok. I have done that before. Partitioning the real HDD and installing OS in multi boot setups. This Virtualization is new to me.08:45
ikevinpuddle, try (for temp): chmod -R 777 /var/www/datas/08:45
ikevinpuddle, it's a script called over http?08:46
CaptainQuirkPozzo : http://imgur.com/a/IAbul08:46
ikevinpuddle, if yes, from root try: su -c "pspp-convert /var/www/datas/45/dat_00.sav /var/www/datas/45/dat_00.csv" www-data08:47
PozzoCaptainQuirk: you are french ?08:47
puddleikevin, frontend calls restful back end after upload to convert the file08:47
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, well vbox like that works the same or mostly. by the way for virtul box i hope you went for the dynamicly expanding hard disk option, because othrwise its going to take up a load of real space08:47
akikCrazyTux: you can treat the hard disk virtual image as a real hard disk. it works just like it08:47
ikevinpuddle, do a test after doing the chmod to be sure it's not a right problem08:48
CrazyTuxok. Yes. I chose the dynamically expanding hard disk option.08:48
PozzoCaptainQuirk: your screenshot is perfectly clear on my screen, no blur at all08:48
puddleikevin, I get the following error: su -c "pspp-convert /var/www/datas/45/dat_00.sav /var/www/datas/45/dat_00.csv" www-data08:49
puddlewops sry08:49
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, Ok good, but how many gbs you give for that?08:49
puddleThis account is currently not available.08:49
puddlethats the error08:49
CaptainQuirkit is not blurry on my laptop screen08:49
CaptainQuirkI don't get it08:49
CrazyTuxI allocated 2 GBs or RAM and 40 GBs of HDD space for that.08:50
ikevinpuddle, su -c "pspp-convert /var/www/datas/45/dat_00.sav /var/www/datas/45/dat_00.csv" -s "/bin/sh" www-data08:50
puddleikevin, it does generate the csv08:51
puddleno errors nothing08:52
ikevinpuddle, ok, do "which pspp-convert" to get the full path of pspp-convert, and on your php script, use the full path08:52
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, ok 40gb virtual hard disk space is what i would usually do, and virtually with that space or pshyically with the virtual hard disk itself its unlikely to get anywhere near that big anyway so08:53
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, how much real psyhical ram you got?08:53
CrazyTuxSeb, I have 4GBs of RAM on this new laptop of mine. And it has 1TBs of HDD.08:54
CaptainQuirkPozzo, restarted just to check08:54
CaptainQuirkstill the same08:54
=== raynold is now known as raynold_
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, if virtualbox gets too much or too little virtual ram it doesnt like it much, but ok that 2gb should be ok08:54
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, your good to go for a ubuntu vm install, so install, if its not already :)08:55
CrazyTuxSeb, is the performance of the OS in the VB going to be same as that of the host OS or is it going to be a slower?08:56
CrazyTuxSeb, I think, the RAM is going to be shared between the two. And it's going to have some effect on the performance.08:57
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, yes thats what I mean it would currently take up to 2gb ram of your pshyichall ram, leaving only 2gb for everything else08:57
puddleikevin, same issue still but thank you08:57
CrazyTuxSeb, ok. For normal performance, I'll have to work on either one of them at a time, then.08:58
ikevinpuddle, strange, maybe you can take a look at env vars08:58
akikCrazyTux: it'll be slower08:58
CrazyTuxakik, ok.08:58
puddleikevin,  i might thank you08:58
ikevinyou welcome08:58
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, whilst running a vm in general on the computer things are likely to get a bit slower, but youll probably find that even with that ubuntu vm running that other things or mostly  are fast enough08:59
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, you could actsually run at least two Linux vms at once on a computer with 4gb ram as well, but right the just mentioned speed stuff09:00
tatertotsi heard virtualbox has their own irc channel on free node09:00
tatertotscould be just a rumor though09:00
CrazyTuxSeb, I'll try a few distros in the VM and if I find any that is suitable for my needs I'll install in a dual boot setup, alongside this existing Xubuntu.09:00
akiktatertots: yes it's #vbox09:00
SebthreeBQM10HDtatertots, thy do, but its usually not that active, and his thing is ubuntu enough09:01
SebthreeBQM10HDhes doing ubuntu in vbox curenttly and first time09:01
SebthreeBQM10HDnot some other distro etc09:01
SebthreeBQM10HDif he likes enough i assume he may put on a computer for real, and then thats another ubuntu user09:02
CrazyTuxI find Xubuntu as more convenient for me and am using it as my main OS.09:02
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PozzoCaptainQuirk: in private message maybe it's easier09:02
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, you cn have different interfaces installed09:03
CrazyTuxSeb, in your opinion, is Ubuntu better than Xubuntu or Mate or Kubuntu?09:03
CrazyTuxor Lubuntu.09:03
tatertotsthe term or phrase better and best are both subjective terms09:03
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, XFCE/Xubuntu Ubuntu/Unity  kde/kubuntu etc etc09:03
CrazyTuxI am running Xubuntu now which is installed on the HDD.09:04
tatertotsthe ford f-250 always beats the Lamborghini when a two ton weight is attached to the back of both vehicles09:04
tatertotsremove the two ton weight...the race out come changes....09:05
CrazyTuxtatertots, which one is Ford and which is Lamborghini here?09:05
tatertotsyou were supposed to ask about the terms and conditions of the race09:07
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, I prefer GNOME 3 GNOME Shell definetly on other distros. With Ubuntu at times yes, but can also run unity 7 or 8 with ubuntu 16,10 unlike other distros so thats nice. i am mostly using an ubuntu tabet though instead of a computer, hence this nick as well, but here stuck to unity 8 for now, which works well on ubuntu phone and tabet.  I dont like xfce or lxde much, but yes Mate is great.09:07
Speiros* checks his (imaginary) Lamborghini Diablo for a towball:D09:07
* neenee likes Ubuntu Gnome, but it's a shame that it's not pure Gnome09:08
CrazyTuxSeb, ok.09:08
SebthreeBQM10HDneenee, pure you mean like fedora not that customised?09:09
SebthreeBQM10HDCrazyTux, loads you can try old skool ones such as fluxbox and openbox and icevm and what not as well09:10
CrazyTuxSeb, that's great.09:11
neeneeSebthreeBQM10HD: I mean that it's customized, inclused firefox instead of 'Gnome Web' for instance, some default Gnome packages are not included / replaced with what the maintainer prefers/decided to put in09:12
puddleikevin, thanks for all the help you gave me, as it turned out it was a docker container issue (had to delete the containers and reinstall pspp)09:12
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nightssomething is wrong with my network setup09:19
tatertotsnights: are you chatting from the computer right now? yes or no09:19
nightsevery time i boot i have to manually run dhclient for the machine to get an ip09:20
nightsany idea what i can do to fix it?09:20
SebthreeBQM10HDneenee, most distros that by default run gnome, actsually run firefox by default instead, gnome know that to, and its ok09:20
neeneeSebthreeBQM10HD: Well, I prefer to get the default first and make my own decision later. I see that the official PPA from the Gnome Team doesn't include a number of packages either, perhaps there's a good reason when it comes to Ubuntu, I will have to read up on it.09:21
tatertotsnights: my only idea is that if there was something you could do to fix it...you wouldnt be here asking.....and or you would have already fixed it09:23
nightstatertots: nah..09:24
nightsof course its fixable09:24
nightsi think its because i choose manual network setup during OS install09:24
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neeneenights: an ugly workaround would be to add the dhclient command to rc.local, but that's no fix - which WM/network management tool do you use - or just /etc/network/interfaces?09:25
SeboHi! I've got lots of following messages in `dmesg`: "aacraid: Host adapter abort request (2,0,0,0)"; "aacraid: Host adapter reset request. SCSI hang ?"; "aacraid: SCSI bus appears hung"09:28
nightsneenee: will try this:09:28
nightslooks like thats the answer09:28
SeboAny idea how could I get rid of it?09:29
neeneeit can be, though I have no entry in my /etc/network/interfaces, I use gnome networking manager which manages my connection, hence my question what you use :)09:29
nightslets see :-) rebooting now09:30
nightspretty sure its something simple09:30
neeneemost likely09:32
yaourtanyone know how to fix/sort this error please...  http://pastebin.com/Cx0KrSsG09:32
nightsbut probably not eth009:33
nightsmy network adapter is named inet609:33
SebthreeBQM10HDneenee, Ubuntu used to align quite closely with GNOME releases, but now it seems to like always be behind one version from the latest stable09:33
yaourtAnyone know how to resolve that issue?09:35
neeneeSebthreeBQM10HD: I do not mind being behind a bit, I just prefer Ubuntu adhering to the defaults in some cases - but it's not a true issue, just something I've had to get used to. I could pick a different distro to be closer, but that brings with it issues of its own which are less easily overlooked. I do not have the time anymore for gentoo/arch/slack/etc - fun if you have the time, but well.. working system09:36
neeneefirst, followed by family, work, etc... far down that line comes the adherance09:36
neeneeyaourt: sounds like you did not add the ppa correctly / wrong path?09:37
neeneetry: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa09:38
acresearchhello people, to install soundnode i need to run a curl -s URL then sudo apt-get,,,, why? why not just immediatly sudo apt-get? i want to understand the concept09:38
neeneeacresearch: what does the curl command retrieve?09:38
yaourtstill giving me that same error neenee:09:38
neeneeyaourt: you will want to remove the broken ppa first, then add the correct one09:39
yaourtneenee, and how is that done?09:39
acresearchneenee: script.deb.sh    then it is piped to | sudo bash09:39
neeneeacresearch: perhaps it adds a new source / to sources.list.d, then apt-get updates, so that the package is available?09:40
neeneeyaourt: you can find the added ppas in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ - broken one is there, remove it, if you can't use add-apt-repository --remove, then run apt-get update, then add the proper one09:41
acresearchneenee: well when i apt search soundnode    i do not get a result,09:41
acresearchbut their website gives this curl command then sudo apt-get install09:41
acresearchneenee: everything is working fine, i just want to know why they run this command instead of just sudp apt-get install09:42
nweI have a problem.. my preseed install dont remove my current lvm confiugration, how should I fix this?09:42
loganleehello my friends09:42
neeneeacresearch: it depends on the contents of the script09:42
acresearchneenee: so what does curl do? just download?09:43
yaourtneenee, i dont see it there.09:44
neeneeacresearch: yes, download / output to file09:44
neeneeyaourt: can you check your history - see what command you used to add it initially?09:45
yaourtneenee, i tried that, but somehow no bash history.09:45
CaptainQuirkguys, I switched my system locale through the language support app09:46
CaptainQuirkbut it didn't change the related vars in the shell09:46
CaptainQuirkfor example, doing a git status yields a french content09:46
nightsneenee: ok, problem was my network interface was named enp4s0  not eth009:47
neeneenights: :)09:47
yaourtneenee, im tryning to add a mainstream kernel in hopes to fix the video card issue.09:47
neeneeyaourt: have you added any other ppas? they are not in the dir either?09:48
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yaourti have not.09:48
neeneeyaourt: ah okay, I'm running 4.9.4 - partly to fix a videocard issue too, runs painlessly09:48
tatertotsCaptainQuirk: what was wrong with the local you installed with? why did you not pick the appropriate or desired local during install?09:48
neeneebut I compiled from source, without ppa09:48
yaourtneenee, you don't know how to do it with ppa?09:49
neeneeyaourt: do you have a line in your sources.list referring to the PPA? It should not be there09:49
crazyoldworldcan aws multicast?09:51
neeneeyaourt: mm I never felt the need, I prefer to compile/customize my own, might as well since I had to add a few patches (I used https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/debian-ubuntu-building-installing-a-custom-linux-kernel/ + mind the comment about 'make localmodconfig' as well)09:51
tatertotsonly on premium plus accounts09:52
yaourtneenee, i dont want to break something doing it that way, just want to be able to do it ppa09:52
neeneeyaourt: ok. there is very little chance of breaking, since you copy the config of your currently running kernel - it would just be a newer version but with the same config. That said, if you prefer PPA, you should use PPA - no need to force you to do otherwise09:53
neeneeI suggest you look at your sources.list first09:54
yaourti removed the broken one.09:54
yaourti just don't know how to add the one im suppose to.09:54
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neeneeYou can try that - the commands are listed09:55
yaourtneenee, thats the kernel i want?09:56
neeneewell, which do you want specifically?09:56
yaourtone that will fix the glitches.09:56
yaourtweb pages on my browser tweak out, when scrolling etc09:57
yaourtone guy here told me last week to use a main stream kernel to fix it or w.e09:57
neeneeYou will need to determine which patch / kernel version that is specifically fixed by. Did you ask the guy last week which version specifically would fix the issue?09:58
neeneejust randomly upgrading packages because it might fix something is a good way to get an unstable system.09:58
yaourtthat is all he told me, "try using a main stream kernel"09:58
yaourtmy video card is intel hd 400009:59
neeneeWell, you can try the PPA I pasted, it is a newer version of the kernel. You can always select the previous kernel from grub09:59
yaourtok thank you for the help10:00
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neeneeAnd so he is off, without being sure it will help, to do something or other. Will we see him again? Who knows.10:02
CaptainQuirktatertots, I think it messes with one of my vim plugins10:02
CaptainQuirkthat somehow parses the output of git status10:02
N3X15So how long is #1543280 going to be lurking?10:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1522675 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1543280 Warning messages about unsandboxed downloads" [Medium,Confirmed]10:02
hateballneenee: if you see them again, this PPA could be an option as well https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/mesa/10:02
neeneegood idea :)10:03
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neeneekernel upgrade just seems like such a ham-fisted way to try to fix something, updating mesa is indeed more specific :)10:04
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stupidhy too10:09
spectrowayU STUPID10:09
CaptainQuirkI reset this value in my ~/.bashrc too like export LC_ALL=en_EN.UTF-810:09
spectrowayIs there any softwares like illustrator that can install in ubuntu10:10
tatertotswhat's inkscape10:11
Ben64a software like illustrator :D10:12
SpeirosN3X15 Doesn't that link show it as having a solution to both parts, or are you having issues with it still?10:12
spectrowayUbuntu software store is getting off when i opened... how can i solve this problem ?10:13
N3X15Speiros, it's still an issue and the links the installer tries to download from are dead anyway10:13
spectrowayhelloooo Ben10:14
spectrowayUbuntu software store is getting off when i opened... how can i solve this problem ?10:14
SpeirosN3X15 Ok.  Did you try the comments in #43 of that link?  The last place to download the fonts?10:16
N3X15I'm about to, but it seems rather silly that this problem has been going on this long without a fix.10:16
spectrowayhello Speiros.. can u help to solve the problem which i have mentioned earlier..10:16
SpeirosN3X15 Yes, I understand the frustration.  I haven't dealt with it personally yet.10:17
Speirosspectroway I can have a look, but i don't know illustrator.  I don't know what you mean by Ubuntu software store is "getting off".  What do you mean?  Is it not working?10:18
SpeirosBen64 Sorry mate.  I missed your answer.10:18
Speirosspectroway I see the inkscape was offered as an answer to the first part.10:18
Ben64i like inkscape more than illustrator10:19
spectrowayI meant, when i opened Ubuntu software store, its getting closed every time10:20
spectrowayUbuntu software store in the sense Ubuntu App store.10:21
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Speirosspectroway Ok, thanks for the explanation.  Do you mean the Ubuntu Software Centre?10:22
spectrowayyeah exactly10:23
SpeirosOk.  Thanks.10:23
spectrowayy its happening like this every time10:23
Speirosspectroway There is a link here that might help.  Are you proficient with Ubuntu?10:24
Speirosspectroway https://askubuntu.com/questions/563539/software-center-keeps-crashing10:24
spectrowayThank u Speiros10:26
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Speirosspectroway I hope it helps.10:26
N3X15Speiros, upstream ttf-mscorefonts-installer package (Debian package v3.6) seems to work, in case that helps bump implementation10:26
SpeirosN3X15 I'm only a user on here.  I don't have any privileges, but I'm sure one of the admins can, if there are any about.10:28
N3X15Ah, I misread your earlier message.  Disregard, then.10:28
SpeirosN3X15 :)10:28
tatertotshow to run windows software in ubuntu?10:34
Speirostatertots Have you used WINE before?10:35
tatertotsSpeiros: i have heard of wine but i would rather use windows programs without wine in ubuntu10:36
Speirostatertots Ah, okay.  I'm not sure of other options.  It'll be good to see what's available.10:36
Ben64tatertots: there's no other way10:37
tatertotsBen64: what if i update kernel?...can i run windows programs then?10:38
Ben64no that isn't how anything works10:38
washhastedvirtual machine10:42
neeneeIf you want to use windows software without any emulation.. I'm afraid you'd have to run windows10:45
Ben64Wine Is Not an Emulator, it's right in the name10:45
neeneeLet me call it a translation layer then10:46
KuzHey can someone out there give me a hand?10:52
KuzI prefer right hands10:53
SpeirosKuz What seems to be the problem?10:53
nwzhe's missing a right hand10:53
Speiroslol nwz10:53
KuzHehe yeh10:53
KuzBut jokes aside10:54
KuzI am having trouble with device ownership bs10:54
KuzI havent touched Ubuntu in years so I feel like my brain has been turned to mush10:55
neeneePlease try to be more specific, what are you trying to do?10:55
KuzOkay I am trying to copy the contents of an ISO to my hard drive but it says that I dont have permissions10:55
KuzI have to be root.10:55
neeneeCan you access the contents of the ISO / see the files? Where are you trying to copy the files?10:56
Kuzyes I can access the ISO contents. but I cant put anything onto the hard drive itself without proper permissions10:57
neeneeWhich directory specifically are you trying to copy to10:58
neeneeTry your homedir first - one file, you will have access to that.10:58
Kuzthere is no directory its just a big blank hard drive10:58
Kuznewly formatted ext4 partition10:59
SpeirosKuz So you're doing an install?10:59
SpeirosKuz How did you go about partitioning it?10:59
KuzI am trying to stick an installer onto it so I can run it and put linux minto on it for a friend10:59
KuzI deleted the origional partition in gparted and made a new ext4 partition, now I am just putting the contents of an iso into the hard drive and making it bootabler11:00
KuzI deleted the origional partition in gparted and made a new ext4 partition, now I am just putting the contents of an iso into the hard drive and making it bootable11:00
neeneeIt might be easier to make a bootable USB stick, then head over to your friend and install onto the harddisk, wiping it during install - partitioning it properly11:01
KuzI dont have a usb stick. I am broke as fuck too11:02
KuzSo I am just doing with what I got11:02
SpeirosFair enough.  What's preventing you from putting mint directly onto the hard drive for your friend?  Why the separate installer?11:03
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Kuzbecause I cant access the drive without being root11:04
SpeirosKuz Do you own the administrator account?11:04
CrazyTuxhello, I am not able to view videos on the video players, like VLC on my Xubuntu. I can hear the audio though.11:04
Kuzyes I do11:04
CrazyTuxNo video, but only audio.11:04
neeneeCrazyTux: if you run vlc from the commandline, what do you see as error message?11:04
SpeirosKuz Okay, that's great:)11:05
CrazyTuxneenee, how to run vlc from command line?11:05
neeneeCrazyTux: just type 'vlc' :)11:05
neeneefollowed by enter11:05
Ben64Kuz: sudo chown $USER /path/to/the/drive11:05
CrazyTuxI can open VLC.11:05
CrazyTuxby using command line.11:06
neeneeCrazyTux: I know, but this way errors will show up in the terminal11:06
CrazyTuxno errors.11:06
neeneewhen you play the file11:06
KuzBen64: okay I'll try that11:06
CrazyTuxneenee, no errors when I open the video file. I can only hear audio, not able to view any video.11:06
Ben64CrazyTux: install mplayer2 or mpv and try with that, if it doesn't work, pastebin full error11:06
neeneedoes the video work elsewhere?11:07
neeneedoes it have a video stream?11:07
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CrazyTuxparole media player also has the same problem.11:07
CrazyTuxparole was pre installed with Xubuntu.11:08
Ben64CrazyTux: install mplayer2 or mpv and try with that, if it doesn't work, pastebin full error11:08
CrazyTuxjust half an hour back both vlc and parole worked fine.11:08
CrazyTuxjust a minute. I'll restart the system and try again.11:09
neeneeI doubt that will change anything for some reason.11:10
tatertotslol undo everything you've changed in the last half hour CrazyTux11:10
Ben64he left11:10
* neenee starts a drumroll11:12
CrazyTuxguys, after restarting the system, both vlc and parole are working fine. What could be the problem?11:13
Ben64impossible to tell since you restarted11:13
CrazyTuxok. Anyway, it works now.11:14
CrazyTuxdon't know what was the problem.11:14
SpeirosCrazyTux Well, end goal reached, method unconfirmed:)11:18
CrazyTuxSpeiros, yes. lol.11:19
Kuzhey Ben6411:20
SpeirosCrazyTux Maybe a cache?11:20
KuzIt didnt work11:20
Ben64yes it does11:20
KuzI am not sure what I am doing wring I mean'11:20
Ben64where is the drive mounted11:20
KuzOkay you are gonna think I am a retard but I dunno what that means11:21
Ben64where is the drive11:21
CrazyTuxSpeiros, may be.11:21
KuzInside the computer11:22
SpeirosKuz The pathway name of where you're trying to get to.11:22
Ben64i give up11:22
SpeirosBen64 You are doing well man.  Don't give up mate:)11:22
Ben64no way, i can't deal with that11:23
Kuzthats the path11:23
Ben6418 minutes in and step 1 incomplete11:23
Ben64time to give up11:23
KuzHey i am just a little rusty guy11:23
Kuzgimme a break11:23
SpeirosI think it's a syntax error.  I don't understand in the chown command whether $user is literal or not.  Is it, or is it his username?11:25
SpeirosKuz lol @ little rusty guy.  Get some lanolin on ya!11:25
neenee$user is a variable which will be replaced with the current user11:25
SpeirosAh, cool.  That may be the problem.11:26
neeneeYou should not run the command as root, but as normal user, hence the 'sudo' in front of it, which will elevate the command11:26
SpeirosSo Kuz, follow Ben64's instructions, but where $user is, put your username (the name of your user when you loaded ubuntu onto your computer, and not your account name.11:26
SpeirosIf you've already typed it somewhere, you can press the up button, and it will scroll through your commands, and you can edit it.11:27
KuzYES finally thanks guys11:30
Speiros:)  Choice.11:30
Kuzso much for ben >..>11:31
Speiroslol, hey, don't forget he gave you the command.11:31
neeneeDo you plan to install linux to the same harddisk as you're booting from?11:33
Kuzthats true I shouldnt be suck a dick11:33
Kuzanyway yeah thanks for the help ben11:34
ppfhow do i mount a partition out of an iso?11:34
neeneeppf: Mount an iso / access the files on it?11:36
ppfnot the entire iso, just on of the partitions inside11:36
ppfah, got it. the offset option is in bytes, not sectors :)11:47
SpeirosOk people.  Have a great day.11:49
CaptainQuirkWhere should I change locale related shell vars so that my ui and my terminal are in sync ?11:57
chandlerbingWhen is php 7.1 coming to the default ubuntu 16.04 repository11:58
IamTryinghttp://i.imgur.com/Lk3bcbd.png - Ubuntu 16.10 - How do i connect from my OSX 10.11.6 to Ubuntu 16.10 Screen?  (not slow VNC, nor TeamViewer but RDP like protocol)12:02
mcphailchandlerbing: unless it is a security fix which cannot be backported, an existing release usually does not get new versions of software12:06
mcphail!latest | chandlerbing12:06
ubottuchandlerbing: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.12:06
bornCodehi all12:06
bornCodeneed help12:06
chandlerbingThank you mcphail12:07
mcphailchandlerbing: you're welcome12:08
mozammeldoes anybody can explain me what is History.Daemon which is sucking my 50% CPU for very long time ? I'm using it Ubuntu 16.10 ubuntu desktop.12:13
neeneeI'm not sure, I do not recognise that process12:16
mozammelneenee: seems its a devil process, there is no way to top it, even root user cant stop it too.12:19
mozammelstrange thing is that google have no answer for this issue.12:19
chl_is it possible to get stack traces from journalctl12:21
ppfmozammel: disable or uninstall it?12:22
ppf!info history-service12:22
ubottuhistory-service (source: history-service): History service to store messages and calls. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1+16.10.20160909.1-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 60 kB, installed size 225 kB12:22
aienaI am using gedit. I know you can use regex to search and replace but how do you use regex to only search ?12:23
aienaI am on ubuntu 14.x12:23
ppfaiena: you can use the search-and-replace window to just search12:23
mozammelppf: http://pastebin.com/u9AWN5hJ12:24
mozammelubottu: I'm going to delete it now12:26
ubottumozammel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:26
ppfmozammel: ?12:26
ppfis that the right paste?12:26
aienappf,  thanks12:26
mozammelppf: not, I did mistake.12:27
bornCodeimg:hover {transform: scale(1.1);}12:27
bornCodeits not working12:27
bornCodecan some help me how to fix this12:27
mozammelppf: im uinstalling history-daemon. let restart and see12:27
ppfbornCode: that's not an ubuntu question12:28
ppf!alis | bornCode12:28
ubottubornCode: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"12:28
neeneeSounds more like css?12:28
bornCodeok thanks12:29
neeneeYou have the syntax correct at least.12:30
n1c0xxxxHI all12:31
chl_hey, i12:34
chl_I've got a program which runs fine when it is started as binary, but when its running as a service it crashes, for no apparent reason in the logs12:35
aienachl_, what do you mean by as a service is it a cronjob ?12:36
aienameaning you run the binary automatically and keep it running like a daemon ?12:36
chl_aiena: as a systemd service, like a daemon12:37
ppfaiena: that's two different things ;)12:37
ppfchl_: what is "the logs" exactly?12:37
ppfthe journal?12:37
chl_ppf: journatlctl -u <program>12:37
ppfor stuff in /var/logs that the application writes12:37
chl_sorry bad spelling12:37
chl_is it possible to get journalctl to output stack traces?12:38
ppfdoes the program actually produce output?12:38
ppfsystemctl status shows you at least the exit code12:38
chl_exited, status=0/SUCCESS is the status code12:38
ppfthat's not crashed12:38
ppfhow do you know it crasehd instead of running?12:39
ppfwhat program is it?12:39
chl_its a gunicorn daemon12:39
chl_it doesnt spawn any processes, and the ExecStop is called immediatly after the program has started12:39
ppfdid you hand-write the unit?12:41
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chl_yep, I can paste the systemd file, give me a sec12:41
chl_ppf: https://dpaste.de/rLZU12:42
aienahmm then your process ran and exited. Cleanly.12:42
aienaIt could happen if your binary has no more work to do.12:42
aienais the binary a service or an application which terminates. After it is done ? E.g. a shell script will execute and terminate when its done. With exit code 0.12:42
ppfchl_: is gunicorn forking?12:42
ppfi think not12:42
JP____in lubuntu: i want to connect to my server (access files and folder), how?12:43
ppfchl_: make it a Type=simple12:43
meta-coderSub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly. Encountering this error too often on 16.04 64bit.12:43
ppfchl_: also, drop that ExecStop12:43
chl_ppf: alright, ill give it a shot12:43
hateballJP____: no one here knows what "my server" is, so you need to provide more details12:44
chl_ppf: same, however now I get this output: https://dpaste.de/ChdX12:45
MajorAnyoneHi, how can i check if i have a 32bit or 64bit Ubuntu Mate 14 installed12:46
neeneeuname -p12:47
neeneewell, that would just show what the processor supports I suppose12:47
k1l_uname -i12:48
ppfchl_: hm.12:48
neeneeor type 'arch'12:48
chl_ppf: I might have found an error in the writing of PID files12:49
ppfchl_: what's the unit looking like now?12:49
ppfchl_: i think you're starting it wrong12:49
chl_ppf: yeah, let me give it another go, thanks for now :)12:50
ppfthis should do it: ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gunicorn -w 4 --worker-class gevent --preload --bind unix:/tmp/internet.sock -m 007 run:app12:50
ppfplus WorkingDirectory=/home/mas/internetengine12:50
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ppfchl_: ^12:51
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chl_ppf: got it to work, thanks13:16
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ppfchl_: welcome13:18
ppfwhat did the trick?13:18
ppfhow's the unit looking now?13:18
humoroustwoI'm trying to completely remove a package from my systems (specifically gitkraken, I was having issues with it)13:37
humoroustwoWould sudo apt-get --purge remove gitkraken suffice?13:37
neeneeIf you installed it with apt, yes13:37
humoroustwoneenee, I assume it would say something along the lines of 'package not found' if I hadn't, right?13:38
humoroustwokewl. brb restarting13:38
neeneewhy do people restart so often13:38
k1l_i guess he wasnt using ubuntu right now13:38
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neeneeah okay13:39
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roman_x111can anyone help me with a problem with apt.  I am running xenial and was getting the following error: "The package linux-headers-4.4.0-57 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.".   I ran the following command: "sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq linux-headers-4.4.0-57".  if I do an apt-cache search linux-headers-4.4.0-57 it does not return anything, (the highest version returned is 4.4.0-47). uname -a shows 4.4.0-57-generic14:03
k1l_roman_x111: did you install kernel and headers manually?14:04
FinalXthe package is linux-headers-4.4.0 .. not linux-headers-4.4.0-5714:04
FinalXyou might have to pass a version to apt-get install14:04
roman_x111no, I think it was an automatic update14:04
k1l_roman_x111: can you show the output of "apt-cache policy linux-headers-generic" on paste.ubuntu.com ?14:05
roman_x111doing sudo apt-get install linux-headers-4.4.0 gives the following14:05
FinalXroman_x111: try: apt-get install linux-headers-4.4.0=4.4.0-57.7814:05
roman_x111he following packages have unmet dependencies:14:05
roman_x111 linux-generic : Depends: linux-headers-generic (= but is to be installed14:05
FinalXin that case, try: apt-get install linux-headers-4.4.0=4.4.0-57.6014:05
FinalXbut I think after apt-get update'ing, the only version left is 4.4.0-57.7814:06
k1l_FinalX: lets first look at the repos whats the cause of that mixup14:06
k1l_roman_x111: is this a desktop?14:06
FinalXapt-cache policy linux-headers-4.4.0 # will return all installable versions14:06
roman_x111k1l_: yes14:06
gljones2001How do i set JAVA_HOME permanently in ubuntu?14:07
k1l_roman_x111: go to system settings -> software&updates. then make sure "xenial-updates" and "xenial-security" are checked14:07
gljones2001How do i set JAVA_HOME permanently in ubuntu?14:07
Budhnopyou meen in PATH?14:08
neeneeplease do not ask the same question twice within the same time. try putting the value in rc.local, that way it'll get set at boot14:08
k1l_gljones2001: http://askubuntu.com/questions/175514/how-to-set-java-home-for-java14:09
roman_x111k1l_: I think that might have been the problem, I can see linux-headers-4.4.0-57-generic with apt-cache search14:09
k1l_put it into the /etc/environment14:09
gljones2001I set it in /etc/eniroment, but it dosent work untill i run ". /etc/enviroment" and then echo for it works.14:09
k1l_roman_x111: make sure to run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" to make sure you got all the security updates installed14:09
FinalXroman_x111: 4.4.0-59.80 should then probably also become available as an upgrade, might as well14:09
k1l_gljones2001: its is only activated after relogin. not at the same time14:10
k1l_roman_x111: and dont uncheck those repos again :)14:10
gljones2001I restarted, and im trying tu use maven.14:10
roman_x111k1l_: :) thanks for your help.  I am not sure when they got unchecked, probably my fault.14:11
gljones2001k1l_:  I restarted, and im trying tu use maven.14:11
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k1l_gljones2001: that method is the standard method. so what ubuntu do you use exactly? what did you put into the /etc/environment exactly? what is the outpu of "export JAVA_HOME" after a restart?14:12
crazyoldworldwhat os does alexa run on?14:13
gljones2001k1l_: i use 16.04 running on virtualbox, i put JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64" export JAVA_HOME into /etc/environment and the output of echo is /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle14:14
gljones2001k1l_: i have no idea where java 7 came from.14:15
FinalXspeaking of kernels, I should probably finally reboot my box, still running -22 :p14:16
k1l_running mvn with sudo?14:16
k1l_that resets the envs iirc14:16
k1l_sudo is a user change and that resets the env variables to not mess that much with the differences in the envs14:17
gljones2001k1l_: ?14:17
gljones2001so how do i change JAVA_HOME?14:17
gljones2001k1l_: so how do i change JAVA_HOME?14:20
k1l_gljones2001: this explains it and tells you how to let java_home passing through sudo http://askubuntu.com/questions/607545/maven-java-home-is-not-defined-correctly14:20
crazyoldworldexport JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/home:/other/path/to/java/home14:20
crazyoldworldthen ex[prt PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME14:21
Southern_Gentlemi think alternatives works better14:21
Killathis is emanuel goldstein coming live at WBA....14:21
k1l_the issue is that maven seems to not care about the alternatives14:22
jophish_Hi all14:23
jophish_I've got a server humming along with Lucid14:24
jophish_it's set up just the way I want, however I'd like to install mediatomb, but obviously the packages for lucid are no longer hosted14:24
jophish_what's my best option?14:24
jophish_I'm scared, it's working just right14:25
jophish_it's also hundreds of miles away, so a fix is tricky if it goes wrong and can't connect to the network after doing anything big14:25
chuIs it headless?14:25
k1l_jophish_: either upgrade or make a new install of a supported release.14:26
k1l_keeping it running is not an option14:26
jophish_why not?14:26
chuThe problems with Ubuntu for which you'd be scared are generally related the Unity I think. Since you don't need to worry about that, give it a crack.14:26
chuTry it and see!14:26
humoroustwoDoes anyone here have any experience with gitkraken? I'm having some issues with it (it's stuck 'opening repo').14:26
k1l_jophish_: because its a security issue since 201514:27
k1l_jophish_: look at ubuntu.com/usn and see what updates you are missing14:27
humoroustwoI tried reinstalling it after purging, but I'm still signed in and experiencing the same issue :/14:27
jophish_k1l_: It's not connected to the internet14:27
ristsruli: can i create a 80gb partition14:27
risti really need to move 80gb of content from my current distro to the one i'll install through liveusb14:28
srulirist: is this regarding your backup for reinstall?14:28
ristand i have only one usb14:28
ristyes, sruli14:28
k1l_jophish_: ok, that is at least one good point. but it will be lacking some support from programs that got updated in the meantime (7 years)14:28
ristthe same thing we were discussing yesterday14:28
ristatleast 70-80gb of content14:28
srulirist:i responded yesterday .. but you left14:29
jophish_k1l_: the program I'd like to install (mediatomb) was available 7 years ago, and I don't think that the upnp standard has changed since then14:29
ristsruli: lvdisplay's response was No volume groups found14:29
srulirist: "sudo lvdisplay" how much free space do you have?14:29
k1l_jophish_: i doubt you will find a version that will be working with that old libs etc.14:29
srulirist: is that while you are booted in system or liveusb?14:30
ristsruli, booted in system14:30
ristnot liveusb14:30
jophish_I know it's the last thing anyone wants to hear that some crackpot somewhere is running an ancient machine and refuses to upgrade :)14:30
motaka2after logging, no icons on the desktop is shown, and control+alt+t does not pop up terminal, I am fucked up. please help14:30
jophish_I could try a Precise version14:31
k1l_jophish_: its out of support. no one will try to fix issues with that, since its a dead end. you can upgrade or start with a 16.04 install that still got 4 years support left14:31
GitupQuestion: Im installing Ubuntu 16.04 and through the installation it has asked me if I want to unmount /dev/sda       I thought sda would be my primary drive.. What should one do in this instance?14:31
srulirist: so you dont use lvm, as i wrote yesterday, you can shrink your current volume to make place for another partition, but there is a possibility that something will go wrong and you will loose data14:32
neeneeGitup: if it has a previous install / other OS, it can be mounted14:34
neeneeunmounting is fine unless you do not want to make changes to it14:34
GitupI like you. Thanks. It will be a clean barebones install so I will unmount.14:35
GitupNo data needed from that ssd14:35
jophish_hmm, s/lucid/precise in /etc/apt/sources.list; apt-get update; apt-get install mediatomb; suggests upgrading a few packages14:36
jophish_what's the worst that can happen14:36
k1l_jophish_: no m(14:36
k1l_jophish_: well, first you lied to us saying its not connected to the internet. than you mixed your repos instead of doing is proper upgrade.14:37
KillaThis is Emanuel Goldstein coming at you live from WBA14:37
k1l_Killa: please stop that in here. thanks14:38
KillaSo whats good people14:38
GitupGood people dont exist14:39
GitupMan, I am not good at trolling...14:40
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BluesKajHey folks14:42
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volkswagnerI may be affected by this bug on recent 16.04.1 server install https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unattended-upgrades/+bug/165460014:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1654600 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) "unattended-upgrade-shutdown hangs when /var is a separate filesystem" [High,Confirmed]14:42
volkswagnerI have /var and /var/lib/libvirt as separate partitions using LVM14:43
volkswagnerI tried disabling unattended upgrades according to this link https://www.hiroom2.com/2016/05/18/ubuntu-16-04-auto-apt-update-and-apt-upgrade/14:44
tmtimhi, I am trying to disable password auth and replace with pub/private key auth for SSH. Everything is fine but even if I rename my private key I can still connect. Shouldn't it deny access?14:45
tmtimis there something saved allowing my host maybe?14:45
LordNelthonwhile I was installing ubuntu from a dvd (checked the sha256sum and the integrity before install and no errors found), something crashed but the installer continued and after the install, when I was going to reboot the system friezed, waited 10 minutes with no response and did an hard reset to boot into the installed system, and it seems to work. Since I14:47
LordNelthonselected to install updates while installing the system and when I checked they were just downloaded, should I be worried about system security/stability?14:47
volkswagnerand also tried stopping unattended service before issuing reboot command but system still hangs for ten minutes with > [Failed] Failed to start Unattended Upgrades Shutdown   'systemcdl status unattended-upgrades.service' for details14:48
srulitmtim: i dont think it looks at the name of private key, only the contants, try moving the is_rsa file to a different location and try to connect14:48
humoroustwotmtim, you could also change the file format of the key file14:49
g33kyboiHi, Please I am currently running an Ubuntu server on AWS. I want to create an image of current running instance and restore on a virtual machine on my local system. How do I create this image?14:51
tatertotsg33kyboi: where would you store the image?14:53
crazycoderhello everybody14:54
nicomachusg33kyboi: you can use dd to write to an image file.14:54
ppfnicomachus: tricky, on a running machine14:54
g33kyboitatertots: on the machine that owns the image14:54
MalgorathIs there a better virtualizer to run Ubuntu in then virtualbox, I'm having a lot of performance issues with it on my work box14:54
crazycoderi have changed the amd to an intel i7 6700k....i also have change the motherboard......dimm etc.... it works!! without a reinstall14:54
crazycoderhow is that possible?14:54
[twisti](on ubuntu lts 16) is there a convenient, effortless way to allow a friend access to a linux-ish VM environment that is safe for them to play with without endangering the main system ?14:54
nicomachusClonezilla live would be safer, right ppf?14:55
sruliMalgorath: try kvm14:55
Malgorathsruli, isn't a KVM a hardware switch between two computers?14:55
crazycoderi think i must reinstall ubuntu 16.0414:55
tatertotsg33kyboi: how many disk drives on AWS? what size?14:55
notpccrazycoder: Not necessarily14:55
ristsruli, does .tar mean no compression14:55
g33kyboitatertots: one disk drive14:56
sruliMalgorath: also a virtual machine software on linux14:56
Malgorathrist, .tar means stuck together in one file14:56
Malgorathsruli, ah thanks I'll look at it.14:56
notpccrazycoder: In general, you should be able to run it as long as the architecture is the same14:56
GitupLike what .zip is for windows14:56
tatertotsg33kyboi: size?14:56
sruliMalgorath: which disro is your host?.14:56
g33kyboitatertots: 100GB14:56
MalgorathGitup, no, .zip is file compression, like .gz .tgz(tar.gz) .zip .bzip etc14:57
g33kyboitatertots: 8GB RAM14:57
tatertotsg33kyboi: so you want to image the 100GB drive and store the image on the same 100GB drive?14:57
GitupOh, I see. Thanks Malgorath14:57
ristwhen i try to make a large .tar.gz archive, my system warms up like hell14:58
risti was wondering whether the same will happen with a .tar14:58
notpcrist: put some compressed air through your heatsinks14:58
GitupCan you have uncompressed .zips though?14:58
Malgorathrist, compression in a tar.gz can be a bit taxing on the processor but a .tar file is just disk access really.14:59
crazycodernotpc, really??14:59
crazycoderbut i changed 90% of the pc14:59
tatertotsg33kyboi: so you want to image the 100GB drive and store the image on the same 100GB drive?14:59
crazycoderalso AMD to INTEL14:59
tmtimhoarycripple, sruli thanks. I'll try that14:59
g33kyboitatertots: I would expect it imaged just the data on the drive and not necessarily full disk size14:59
MalgorathGitup, technically you can because you can set the level of compression14:59
srulig33kyboi: are you running it on lvm?14:59
GitupMalgorath. Rgr15:00
tatertotsg33kyboi: have you done much system imaging in the past?15:00
nicomachuscrazycoder: whoa, hold up. what's the issue? why is he telling you to put compressed air through your heatsinks...?15:00
Cust0sLim3nso preeseed is rather horrible15:01
Cust0sLim3nI'm wondering - can I just install with debboostrap from livecd ?15:01
Cust0sLim3nto me it seems simpler than figuring out what the deal is with preeseed's cryptic partinioning15:01
crazycodernicomachus, ??15:02
motaka2heloo i had a lubuntu 14.04 installed, I restarted it and it doesnt show the icons after the login. what should I do ?15:02
Malgorathnicomachus, I think its because crazycoder stated he was having heat issues when doing .tar.gz file creation15:02
g33kyboitatertots: not done any15:03
crazycoderi think you are talking to the wrong person Malgorath nicomachus15:03
Malgorathcrazycoder, I put both your names in that actually15:03
crazycoderi asked how is that possible that all works correctly if i changed 90% of my pc15:03
nicomachuscrazycoder: because Ubuntu automatically detects and deploys the drivers it needs to run the OS.15:04
tatertotsg33kyboi: are you using the free aws, and want to migrate off of it to avoid being billed for usage?15:04
crazycodernicomachus, ok but i also need to install something ?15:04
Malgorathcrazycoder, thats actually simple. Ubuntu has pretty much all the standard 'drivers' need to run almost any modern normal system right out of th ebox15:04
nicomachusand with a change in CPU and/or motherboard, that's minimal anyway. the only concern would be if you swapped out storage (HDD/SSD)15:04
Gituplol, tatertots15:05
crazycoderMalgorath, i am running a very new cpu15:05
crazycoder6700k i715:05
crazycoderso i do not need anything ?15:05
g33kyboitatertots: nope15:05
Gitupbasicly you *could* swap everything but the drive15:05
Gitupand it may still boot15:05
Malgorathcrazycoder, as nicomachus said, thats pretty much no issue for ubuntu. and no you shouldn't have to install anything special for it.15:05
Gitupyou may find drivers dont work 100%15:06
Gitupbut its possible15:06
motaka2 i had a lubuntu 14.04 installed, I restarted it and it doesnt show the icons after the login. what should I do ?15:06
MalgorathGitup, as long as it finds the network and they parts you put in are normally compatible, its very unlikely15:06
tatertotsg33kyboi: good think you're not using a free account15:07
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volkswagnersudo systemctl status unattended-upgrades.service  shows  "Active: inactive (dead)", and I tried disabling unattended-upgrades with this link https://www.hiroom2.com/2016/05/18/ubuntu-16-04-auto-apt-update-and-apt-upgrade/ yet when rebooting/shutdown I still get hang with ""unattended-upgrade in progress during shutdown sleeping for 5s" Should I rename /etc/init.d/unattended-upgrades or make it non-executable?15:08
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crazycoderi never understood why 16gb are seen as 15.4 gb15:10
crazycoderis there a particular reason?15:10
notpccrazycoder: reserved space15:10
Guest99774because builders15:10
crazycodernotpc, on ram ??15:10
Guest99774don't note the difference15:10
v_ycrazycoder: 16*1000/102415:10
notpccrazycoder: Yep15:11
Guest99774cherche on the interne15:11
notpccrazycoder: Some things need to stay there15:11
notpccrazycoder: Or it's reserved for other uses15:11
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notpccrazycoder: For instance, when I'm using onboard video, it reserves some ram as vram15:11
crazycoderok got it15:12
crazycoderthank you15:12
Gitupbump v_y15:13
Cust0sLim3nah, found it: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/apds04.html15:16
Cust0sLim3n10x better than preseed15:17
mg983I'm getting a "Press Enter to Continue" when adding a PPA (sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible) how can I have this skip the press enter to conitnue, trying to script this...15:19
mg983trying -y15:19
volkswagnersudo apt-get unattended-upgrades purge  now system no longer hangs on reboot :)15:20
volkswagnerShould I add comment to bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unattended-upgrades/+bug/165460015:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1654600 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) "unattended-upgrade-shutdown hangs when /var is a separate filesystem" [High,Confirmed]15:20
mozammelppf: thanks its worked, now no more history-service.15:25
mg983KingsQuest: possibly the best nick ever15:26
mozammelhi. is it recomeded to fsck for every boot on btrfs root derive ? can I set it once fsck every 15 boot ??15:27
motaka2no help for me?  i had a lubuntu 14.04 installed, I restarted it and it doesnt show the icons after the login. what should I do ?15:30
Gitupwhat happens when you press ctrl-alt-f615:33
motaka2Gitup: wait I rebooted15:34
Probhow do i free up disk space?15:35
Probi cant find any disk utility program via the dash search15:35
Probmy ubuntu is BROKEN and I'm PISSED15:35
notpcProb: How is it broken?15:35
tgm4883you free up disk space by deleting stuff...15:36
notpcProb: That sounds like it's entirely your fault15:36
Gitupbuy a bigger drive?15:36
Probi cant just delete random stuff, i need the disk space utility15:36
tgm4883notpc: Gitup be helpful please15:36
Gituptgm4883 sorry15:37
tgm4883Prob: this is a standard ubuntu install? Do you have Baobab ?15:37
uxfihello all15:38
Probtgm4883: NO15:39
ProbEVERYTIME i use ubuntu something like this happens15:39
Probthis distro is so stupid15:39
motaka2Gitup: I followed the links here:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/553431/lubuntu-14-04-desktop-will-not-load-after-automatic-update and it fucked up everything. I dont see the login any more15:39
JP____Prob: what is your current disk space?15:39
ProbJP____: ZERO15:39
tgm4883Prob: ok, well let's try fixing this from the command line then. What's the output of 'df'15:40
Probudev             4058076         0   4058076   0% /dev tmpfs             815760      9868    805892   2% /run /dev/sda1       35992192  34960152         0 100% / tmpfs            4078792      1920   4076872   1% /dev/shm tmpfs               5120         4      5116   1% /run/lock tmpfs            4078792         0   4078792   0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/loop0         76800     76800         0 100% /snap/ubuntu-core/423 /dev/loop1         77915:40
JP____I mean the size of your drive15:40
tgm4883Prob: please use pastebin15:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:40
JP____in GB15:40
tgm4883JP____: that will be in the command output15:41
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JP____what is that hgfs?15:42
JP____Prob: what is the physical size of your harddisk?15:42
tgm4883Prob:  ok so you don't have a separate home partition, so It's likely that you just filled it up. But let's check logs in the off chance that is what filled the drive. What is the output of 'du /var | sort -n -r | head'15:43
notpcGuys I put lots of stuff on my computer and now there's no more room for stuff. Help me!15:43
notpc /dev/sda1       35992192  34960152         0 100% / I found your problem15:43
tgm4883notpc: stop it15:43
* Gitup slaps notpc around a bit with a large trout15:43
JP____tgm4883, his root folder is 34mb?15:43
* notpc is bruised and smells something fishy15:44
Probi always run out of space15:44
JP____Really? i see 34 million15:44
Probthis is broken15:44
JP____so Mb15:44
tgm4883JP____: it's GB15:45
Probdu: cannot access '/var/lib/lxcfs/cgroup/blkio/lxc/juju-acbeeb-0/system.slice/lvm2-monitor.service/blkio.reset_stats': Permission denied15:45
tgm4883Prob: let it finish running15:45
tgm4883JP____: you would be correct, if it was measured in bytes, which it is not15:45
Probthis is taking too long i cant use my system15:46
notpcJP____: Blocks15:46
JP____i haven't ever got a problem with ubuntu on 10gigs of memory15:46
JP____How did you manage to fill it up15:46
tgm4883Prob: it's checking all of your files in /var to see what is using space15:46
JP____What do you use your pc for?15:46
JP____Prob: what do you use your system for?15:47
Probit just prints a bunch of numbers15:47
tgm4883Prob: yes, which means stuff to us15:48
notpcProb: after, try this one: 'du -hs ~/Downloads'15:48
Probi already deleted that folder15:48
amerhow can i remove sage virus using Ubuntu15:48
tgm4883Prob: as I figured, that is fine. So do this 'du /home | sort -n -r | head'15:48
StumpDumbI click on 'Files' on the launcher and it does nothing15:48
amerhow can i remove sage virus using Ubuntu ?15:49
Probwhy doesnt ubuntu have a disk analyzer???15:49
tgm4883Prob: how about you empty your trash15:49
Probi already did15:49
StumpDumbalso the USB jump drive is shown I click on it it does nothing?15:49
tgm4883Prob: you sure about tha?15:50
RFlemingProb: install baobab15:50
tgm4883Prob: looks like you have a bit of space in /home/pc/.local/share/Trash/files15:50
tgm4883RFleming: he can't15:50
Probit doesnt let me empty the trash15:50
notpcRFleming: He can't install anything, he's full15:50
ProbUbuntu is completely broken, i hate this distro15:51
amerany body answer me15:51
amerhow can i remove sage virus using Ubuntu ?15:51
ducasse!patience | amer15:51
ubottuamer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:51
tgm4883!patience | amer15:51
notpcrm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*15:51
RFlemingProb: sudo rm -rf /home/pc/.local/share/Trash/*15:51
tgm4883RFleming: sudo shouldn't be needed for that15:52
ameri repeat my ask again how can i remove sage virus using Ubuntu ?15:52
notpcshouldn't be. I think some permissions are messed up15:52
JP____Prob: get a better pc if your gonna be developing apps15:52
Probok where is the disk space viewer now?15:52
tgm4883JP____: not helpful either15:52
tgm4883Prob: 'df -h'15:52
JP____He is using flynn to develop apps or something15:52
squigis there a way to tell ubuntu not to use the local dns cache? its such a pain with my vpn connections15:52
Probi want a GUI disk viewer obviously15:53
Probwhy doesnt ubuntu have that15:53
RFlemingProb: sudo apt install baobab15:53
tgm4883Prob: can you just paste that?15:53
notpcProb: no you don't. just do RFleming's command15:53
JP____tgm4883: you have such patience :)15:53
notpcsudo rm -rf /home/pc/.local/share/Trash/*15:53
Probwhy is the dash broken, i already searched for "disk"15:53
Probit didnt show it15:53
tgm4883Prob: are you still wanting help here? You seem to have switched to complaining mode15:54
RFlemingtgm4883: I'm never sure ownership when you delete stuff as root, especially in GUI.15:54
RFlemingso I use sudo15:54
OerHeksamer, use a good windows antivirus live iso15:54
tgm4883RFleming: best practices would suggest always leaving out sudo unless you get a permissions denied error15:54
notpcI just do everything in a root shell15:55
tgm4883RFleming: mostly in case of a typo in the command, but also because it doesn't train users to use sudo for everything15:55
notpcbut I'm crazy like that15:55
Probwhy does baobab show 18GB for /.. how am i supposed to know whether thats a lot or not??15:55
ameruse a good windows antivirus live iso ?15:55
OerHeksamer, yes, as that virus does not hijack linux pcs15:56
tgm4883Prob: It shows what's used. It's up to you to determine whether that is a lot or not15:56
Probtgm4883: thats useless, i need to know how much is free in relation to what is used15:56
notpc0% to 100%15:56
amerOerHeks, you mean it dosen't work on ubunto ?15:57
tgm4883Prob: why? that information is useless...15:57
StumpDumbI have ejected it and put it  back in, still does not work15:57
notpcProb: Just clear your trash please15:57
notpcrm -rf /home/pc/.local/share/Trash/*15:58
tgm4883Prob: if you have 18GB used, that's the same whether you have 2GB free or 200GB free15:58
notpcIf you get permissions errors, sudo rm -rf /home/pc/.local/share/Trash/*15:58
Probi already did15:58
tgm4883notpc: he's got baobab installed, he can drill down himself now15:58
OerHeksamer, yes15:58
Probthe dash is still broken, doesnt show any programs15:58
Probubuntu is just broken in general, all the time15:58
tgm4883Prob: you're free to use whatever you want, but these issues are most definitely self inflicted15:59
motaka2 i had a lubuntu 14.04 installed, I restarted it and it doesnt show the icons after the login. what should I do ?15:59
notpcProb: You should probably invest in a larger hard drive, honestly.15:59
Probit's a VM15:59
Probi put 80GB15:59
tgm4883Prob: you have a 35GB drive15:59
ameri try to remove it from windows but didn't work16:00
RFlemingtgm4883: I assumed he received permission denied when he emptied the trash, and trash didn't empty16:01
amerso i think that if i run ubunto live cd and get linux virus maybe it works?16:01
notpcamer: I usually just wipe windows and reinstall if I know it's been infected.16:01
notpcinstall is fast from usb to ssd16:02
RFlemingnotpc: agreed...16:02
notpcfaster than a virus scan16:02
RFlemingthat's what backups are for16:02
motaka2what is this error? the system is running in low graphics mode. What is that?16:03
notpcmotaka2: Sounds like your graphics driver died16:03
OerHeksamer, clamav does not have a solution, seek help in #windows ?16:03
notpcclamav is almost useless16:04
RFlemingmotaka2: you install graphics drivers?16:04
racconamer: sage virus had encrypted your files, so you need decrypted for you files, antivirus can't helped16:04
motaka2RFleming: no , i think i deleted it16:04
karstensrageim trying to install a package on 16.04 and its hanging on Setting up udisks2 (2.1.7-1ubuntu1) ...16:04
RFlemingamer, notpc: Sage isn't a virus.  It's ransomware... so probably falls under malware16:04
RFlemingclamav doesn't do malware well16:04
RFlemingmotaka2: what graphics card do you have?16:05
notpcThe only thing clamav does well is being free16:05
notpcEven then, there are much better free options16:05
RFlemingtry using Sophos16:05
motaka2RFleming: i followed the instractions here.i couldnt see my desktop icons. http://askubuntu.com/questions/553431/lubuntu-14-04-desktop-will-not-load-after-automatic-update  and then I saw the new message that my system is running on low graphic16:06
notpcmotaka2: inxi -G16:06
RFlemingmotaka2: ok, your greeter is bad16:06
RFlemingdid you run dpkg-reconfigure lightdm ?16:07
amerhow can i decrypted my files ?16:07
RFleming(you may need to sudo that, not sure)16:07
RFlemingamer: You don't... unless you pay them money16:07
motaka2RFleming: Yes maybe, but I remeber it gave an error16:07
motaka2I then rebooted16:07
amerther is no way to solve this problem without pay?16:08
RFlemingamer: check here16:08
tgm4883in any event, this is way off topic16:10
notpcRFleming: Can't believe people do that sort of crap16:12
motaka2RFleming: notpc could you help me ?16:19
zambapeople.. learn from me.. 'last | reboot' is not the same as 'last | grep reboot'16:21
BonKureiI use Ubuntu, so I have to restart about as often as I get laid16:23
RFlemingnotpc: yeah, it's despicable.16:23
RFlemingmotaka2: Your problem is with lightdm16:23
maslthere's a 72gb .tar file, how can i split it into 25gb and 47gb16:24
maslso that i may join them later16:24
motaka2RFleming: I will do whatever you say.16:24
RFlemingmotaka2: what happens when you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm16:24
maslRFleming; can you help me also16:24
notpcmotaka2: did you pastebin the result of those commands I sent you?16:25
ZythyrI am using Ubuntu 14 LTS. I want to install a program called FIM. Why is there no package for Ubuntu 14? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=fim16:25
RFlemingmasl: you can either use the split command (and join to recombine them), or you can compress your archive with 7zip, or rar, or gzip, or bzip, or xz16:25
motaka2RFleming: it says it must be run as root16:26
maslRFleming, what split command exactly16:26
notpcmotaka2: sudo16:26
RFlemingmotaka2: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm16:26
notpcmasl: man split16:26
motaka2notpc: which commands? also I am chatting with you with another computer so I cant paste16:26
maslcan you please tell me the command to split a .tar into 25gb and 47gb parts16:26
notpcmotaka2: inxi -G16:26
motaka2RFleming: with sudo nothing happens16:27
notpcmotaka2: Things happened16:27
motaka2notpc: it says this program doesn't exist16:27
OerHeksZythyr, you need to build it yourself, according to this page http://www.nongnu.org/fbi-improved/#download16:27
coderman1is there a command i could issue that would show me the max amount of memory that has been used on a server in the last week/month/etc16:28
notpcmotaka2: sudo apt-get install inxi16:28
coderman1i have some VM's with 16gb of ram and dont htink it i need that much, but want to be sure16:28
ZythyrOerHeks I am trying to build it myself but its not working16:28
notpcmasl: So you need two copies of this file split differently?16:28
FinalXnotpc: oh, nice tip. I kept using lshw before; inxi seems nicer.16:28
motaka2notpc: installing ...16:28
tgm4883coderman1: you would need something tracking that first16:29
notpcFinalX: lshw is a bit too much info. inxi is formatted nicely16:29
maslnotpc: yes16:29
OerHeks!info fim16:29
ubottufim (source: fim): a scriptable frame buffer and ascii art image viewer. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5~rc2-1build1 (yakkety), package size 365 kB, installed size 1011 kB16:29
notpcmasl: What is the file called?16:29
maslnotpc: music.tar, about 72gb in size16:29
OerHeksZythyr, it is in the repos, anyway16:29
notpcmasl: Will you be joining these files on linux later or windows?16:29
maslnotpc: linux16:29
RFlemingmotaka2: lubuntu is the only DE on your machine?16:29
motaka2notpc: is there a way to paste you the results ?16:30
RFlemingYou didn't install lubuntu on top of regular ubuntu, or xubuntu, or somethign else?16:30
ZythyrOerHeks I am doing a fresh install of Ubutnu 14 to see if I can build it on the fresh machine. There is no FIM in the repos for Ubuntu 1416:30
motaka2RFleming: what is DE?16:30
notpcmotaka2: inxi -G | pastebin16:30
notpcmotaka2: Desktop Environment16:30
notpcmasl: What is the reason for splitting them? Just curious16:30
motaka2notpc: pastebin unable to find command16:31
maslnotpc: i need to move this content to a new distro16:31
maslnotpc: i'll put the first and second part into two different usbs so that i can join them later on the new distro16:31
motaka2RFleming: i dont know, I first installed ubuntu from dvd but the graphics were slow so I installed lubuntu16:32
notpcmasl: Ah, that makes sense16:32
RFlemingmotaka2: how attached are you to your machine the way it is?16:32
amerhow can i install any programe in ubunto, i download programe but i can't install it?16:32
ZythyrWho puts a package in the repos? How can I request them to put FIM in the repo for Ubuntu 14.05 LTS? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=fim16:32
RFlemingmotaka2: did you install lubuntu-desktop on top of your existing ubuntu-desktop, or did you format and then install lubuntu?16:33
motaka2RFleming: I want just my programs and my files on it. I can use another desktop if necessary. but my computer is still weak16:33
notpcmotaka2: just copy it to a pastebin like dpaste.com and give the url here16:33
hateball!software | amer16:33
ubottuamer: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:33
hydrajumpi've downloaded the ubuntu desktop 16.10 iso. Why is it that `uname -r` returns "4.8.0-34-generic", but in /lib/modules/4.8.0-22-generic the version is not the same?16:33
OerHeksZythyr, read back, it is in the repos16:33
OerHeks!info fim16:33
ubottufim (source: fim): a scriptable frame buffer and ascii art image viewer. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5~rc2-1build1 (yakkety), package size 365 kB, installed size 1011 kB16:33
OerHeksZythyr, make sure you enabled universe in the repos16:33
hydrajumpshouldn't the versions be the same?16:33
ioriaZythyr, fim it's not in the trusty repo, but fib is. Idk if you can useful16:33
SebthreeBQM10HDhydrajump, u name-r shuld 9output the version you are running16:34
hateballhydrajump: uname -r shows your running kernel16:34
ioria!info fbi trusty | Zythyr16:34
ubottuZythyr: fbi (source: fbi): Linux frame buffer image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.07-11 (trusty), package size 48 kB, installed size 165 kB (Only available for linux-any)16:34
Zythyrioria No I need fim.16:34
motaka2notpc: there is the word NVIDIA in it, is that enough? beacause the result is two lines with numbers. it is difficult to retypr it16:34
notpcmasl: Working on it. sorry, helping a few people16:34
hateballhydrajump: and you can still have other kernels + modules installed, that you can pick in grub menu16:34
SebthreeBQM10HDhydrajump, you could have a kernel module installed for a older kernel, i assume you have done updates16:34
notpcmotaka2: What driver?16:34
motaka2RFleming: I am not sure. I have gone through the normal process. So I think I have it installed on the previous one16:34
ZythyrOerHeks I have universe enabled. But if we look at this list, there is no package for Ubuntu 14 http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=fim16:34
OerHeksioria, good find16:35
SebthreeBQM10HDhydrajump, yes from grub shoud be able to load up older kernels to,  not just th newest insatalled one16:35
maslnotpc: would "split -b 47g music.tar" do it?16:35
RFlemingmotaka2: this is a long shot... do you have a backup of your files?16:35
masli need a 25gb and 45gb part16:35
motaka2notpc: x.org drivers: nouveau and so on16:35
motaka2RFleming: no16:36
notpcmotaka2: try installing the nvidia driver16:36
motaka2notpc: how?16:36
notpcI never liked nouveau. Never works right for me16:36
notpcmotaka2: Should be in driver manager. Otherwise there's a package in apt16:36
motaka2notpc: i dont know how. please give me the command16:37
dworkz16.04 has the right driver you need in the driver manager16:37
RFlemingmotaka2: sudo apt install nvidia-current16:37
dworkzworked fine for my gtx 980M16:37
notpcmasl: should work16:38
motaka2RFleming: downloading, it is very slow16:38
noimnotninevoltubuntu is really not working well in a qemu-kvm vm with relative mouse movement.16:38
maslnotpc: and then how can i join the two parts later16:38
RFlemingif you have one of those new-fangled high/low graphics systems where you use the intel for low power mode, then you'll need to also install nvidia-prime16:38
RFlemingmasl: using the join command16:38
motaka2RFleming: Am I going to loose my files?16:38
noimnotninevolti get two mouse cursors. one that works as expected, and another that jitters around near the center of the display.16:38
notpcmasl: cat16:39
RFlemingmotaka2: no, this should just install a new graphics driver16:39
noimnotninevoltother OSs work fine, though. windows, tails, etc.16:39
motaka2RFleming: is there any chance I get back to my desktop ?16:39
noimnotninevoltany suggestions?16:39
RFlemingmotaka2: yes, there is a chance16:39
motaka2RFleming: thank you. It is very important to me16:40
tatertotsnoimnotninevolt: is the symptom isolated only to one users account or is it system wide? create new user account to determine this if unknown16:40
ZythyrI am running Ubuntu 14 LTS. If a package doesn't exisit for 14, is there a way I can isntall the package from the repo that exisit for Ubuntu 16 LTS?16:40
notpcmasl: cat file1 file2 > music.tar16:40
notpcmotaka2: Is this a laptop?16:41
aprio10I want to download vbox for ubuntu, in the download page there is two methods, "VirtualBox 5.1.14 for Linux" and "Debian-based Linux distributions". Which download method does include updates? If I install vbox from .deb, will it get updated? Thanks16:41
maslnotpc: also, extracting the content of this tar put some process on the CPU?16:41
maslwould extracting*16:41
motaka2notpc: I am chatting you with a laptop. but the problem is happening on desktop computer16:41
srulihow can i find which driver my bluetooth adaptor is using?16:42
RFlemingto anyone reading this... if you don't already have one... DO BACKUPS! :)16:42
notpcmasl: Some. If it's an issue there are ways to cut how much cpu it can use, or change the niceness to make it a lower priority16:42
hateballsruli: is it pci or usb?16:42
ppfsruli: lsmod, and look for things that sound bluetoothy16:42
motaka2RFleming: it finished with many errors most of them saying NO space left on device16:42
notpcRFleming: And avoid windows16:42
srulihateball: its a laptop, i gues pci16:42
RFlemingaprio10: yes, it will add the appropriate source to sources.list.d16:42
RFlemingmotaka2: well, that sucks16:43
hateballsruli: lspci -k16:43
maslnotpc: are you aware of the pv command?16:43
aprio10RFleming: Thank you16:43
motaka2RFleming: is there a solution? or I am fucked up ?16:43
notpcmotaka2: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search nvidia16:43
RFlemingmotaka2: run sudo apt-get clean16:43
hateballsruli: if it doesnt show up there, and you can show it with "lsusb", it's a bit more annoying to find the kernel module16:43
RFlemingthat may free you a few bytes16:44
notpcmotaka2: empty your recycle bin too16:44
notpcsorry, Trash16:44
notpcmasl: Yes, I've used it. Why?16:44
hateballZythyr: No, do not mix packages from different versions16:44
NitrigaurCan someone explain why LVM volume groups can't share Physical Volumes?16:45
maslnotpc: making this .tar was a problem at first since it was heating up my system even though no compression was involved. someone suggested "tar cf - folder1 | pv -L 5m >/tmp/file.tar" which worked accordingly, i was wondering if pv can help lower the pressure for the extraction too16:45
notpcmasl: I used it to monitor progress on urandom writes to my encrypted disks16:45
srulihateball: cant see blutooth there16:45
motaka2RFleming: still the same error16:46
notpcmasl: I don't know if pv can change the speed, but you may be able to monitor progress with it16:46
RFleminghow much space do you have?16:46
motaka2RFleming: I delete something, will the problem solved?16:46
maslnotpc: i followed the first answer on this http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/39722/preventing-tar-from-using-too-much-cpu-and-disk-old-laptop-crashes-if-10016:46
maslnotpc: can a similar solution be applied when im extracting the tar?16:47
notpcmasl: try using cpulimit16:47
maslis it not possible with pv?16:47
notpcmasl: Looks like pv can throttle16:47
notpcmasl: I would likely use cpulimit16:47
maslnotpc: what would be the command for the extraction case, by using pv16:47
tatertotsNitrigaur: i have two shares on my lvm......not sure whats up with you or your configuration though16:48
tatertotsNitrigaur: most likely human error16:49
maslnotpc: in this case, would "tar xvf - music.tar | pv -L 5m >/home/" do it?16:51
maslthis is for the extracting all the content of music.tar to the folder home16:52
ZythyrI am running Ubuntu 14. Is it possible to intsall a package that is for Ubuntu 16 on the repo? There is no package for for Ubuntu 1416:52
motaka2notpc: how much space do I need?16:53
ioriaok,  dpkg --dry-run  -i (or --simulate -i) should simulate a dpkg installation from .deb files. I tried with this : http://ubuntu.grena.ge/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/fim/fim_0.3-beta-prerelease-1.3_amd64.deb     ... but output ends with : Preparing to unpack fim_0.3-beta-prerelease-1.3_amd64.deb and nothing more16:53
motaka2ioria: heello. can you help me? once again I am in trouble16:54
ioriamotaka2, hi, what's up ?16:54
RFlemingmotaka2: pastebin the result of du -hs ~/*16:55
maslnotpc: actually that would return something like "bash: /home: Is a directory"16:55
ioriaZythyr, i found this .deb, but not sure would work http://ubuntu.grena.ge/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/fim/16:56
motaka2I restarted my ubuntu 14.04 (actually it was lubuntu) and first it didnt show icon after lgin then I ran some cammands found on internet and then it says your system is running on low graphic mode16:56
ioriamotaka2, what commands ?16:57
Nitrigaurtatertots, The setup is as follows: 2 HDD's having 2TB of space of free space. I want to assign these to physical volumes of which two *logical* volumes will eventually be added to a RAID1 array Am I thinking to much about LVM entities as if they where RAID rather then LVM?16:57
motaka2ioria: http://askubuntu.com/questions/553431/lubuntu-14-04-desktop-will-not-load-after-automatic-update16:59
tatertotsNitrigaur: can you open terminal we can start to visualize it16:59
motaka2RFleming: I ran it, but i cant pastebin, you want me to delete somefiles?16:59
RFlemingthe easiest would be to delete some ISO files.17:00
tatertotsNitrigaur: in terminal>    sudo apt install inxi pastebinit17:00
Guy1524there is an indicator button I wish to press remotely17:00
RFlemingthey're usually big and can be downloaded again17:00
Guy1524is there a way to (from ssh), press an indicator button17:00
Nitrigaurtatertots, sure, starting my VM now...17:00
ioriamotaka2, you purged and reinstalled lightdm ?17:00
notpcI'm back17:00
notpcmotaka2: did you apt-cache search for nvidia17:00
motaka2ioria: it seems so but the last command didnt work as far as I remember17:01
tatertotsNitrigaur: in terminal>    sudo apt install inxi pastebinit            let me know once the install has completed17:01
motaka2notpc: yes17:01
ioriamotaka2, dpkg -l lightdm17:01
notpcmotaka2: motaka2 Do you get a login screen?17:01
RFlemingioria: he's out of disk space17:01
motaka2ioria: is that small L ?17:01
RFleminghe couldn't download the nvidia-current drivers due to space17:01
Nitrigaurtatertots, I will. Just a sec17:02
ioriamotaka2, no space on disk ?17:02
motaka2ioria: how can I paste you the results ?17:02
Jazzy_Jmasl, I would setup an rsysnc to another system and let it fly for a couple days.17:02
ioriamotaka2, dpkg -l lightdm | pastebinit17:02
motaka2notpc: no, not anymore17:02
maslJazzy_J, can't PV work for directories?17:03
motaka2ioria: 2381716117:03
Jazzy_Jmasl, how fast do you want to back up the terabyte?17:03
notpcmasl: You may not be able to pipe the compression17:03
ioriamotaka2, what's that ... should be an url17:03
notpcmasl: extraction**17:04
notpcmasl: I still recommend using cpulimit. It works well17:04
notpcmotaka2: What happens when you turn on your computer?17:04
notpcmotaka2: Do you still have a login screen?17:04
ioriamotaka2, lightdm is ok17:04
motaka2notpc: no i dont17:04
maslnotpc: what would be the command in this case for cpulimit?17:04
ioriamotaka2, df -<H | pastebinit17:04
ioriamotaka2, df -H | pastebinit17:05
notpcmasl: start the extraction then find the pid17:05
notpcmasl: have you joined the files with cat?17:05
maslnotpc: not yet17:05
notpcmasl: join them17:05
Troy1Anyone here use a ubuntu machine as a netatalk time machine for mac osx?17:05
maslnotpc: would splitting them and joining them take the same amount of pressure as it would in extracting them?17:06
notpcmotaka2: How are you entering commands into the machine? are you ssh'd in?17:06
notpcmasl: no17:06
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2381717717:06
Guy1524I have obs-studio version 16 installed, however I am unable to launch with command line parameters17:06
Guy1524they all do nothing17:06
ioriamotaka2, /dev/sda1        78G   70G  3.9G  95% /17:06
maslnotpc: the .tar is still in the process of being made, it'll be done after 5/4 hours17:06
motaka2notpc: no I used ctrl+alt+f717:06
notpcmotaka2: So you do have a desktop?17:07
Jazzy_Jfaster = more resources, regardless of the method used.  If you need to do an initial backup, limit it with rsync to another system, no hacking involved.  once the initial is achieved, rsync the diff.  That will consume the least amount of resources and will be controllable. Other options would be to clone the disk.17:07
ioriamotaka2,  you may need to free some space17:07
motaka2ioria: whats that ?17:07
ioriamotaka2,  your disk is 95% full17:07
maslnotpc: would "cpulimit -l 13 -- tar -chzf file.tar" be the command?17:08
motaka2notpc: no as I told you as soon as the system reboots it show me your system is running on low graphics17:08
ioriamotaka2,  apt-get autoremove what it says ?17:08
motaka2ioria: would that delete my essential files?17:08
ioriamotaka2,  nope .... what are essential files ?17:08
ioriamotaka2,  you mean personal ?17:09
notpcmasl: I thought you're already creating the tar17:09
maslnotpc: im trying to find the command to use later17:09
motaka2ioria: yes like my projects etc17:09
notpcmotaka2: rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*17:09
notpcmasl: to extract it?17:10
motaka2ioria: cant i paste the result of apt-get autoremove ?17:10
ioriamotaka2,  run the command,  see what it says, and say 'no' if uncertain17:10
ioriamotaka2,  sure17:10
maslnotpc: yes17:10
notpcmasl: okay one sec17:10
maslnotpc: ok17:10
notpcmasl: Do you have the cat command?17:11
maslnotpc: yes17:11
Nitrigaurtatertots, sorry for the wait, my VM seems to have hung up on itself during cache update when adding muniverse and multiverse as software sources (inxi wasn't found in the std. repo's loaded by the Ubuntu Desktop Live DVD (16.04.1))17:12
notpcmasl: cpulimit -l 10 tar -xvf foo.tar17:12
notpcmasl: I'll test it.17:12
maslnotpc: okay17:12
motaka2ioria: it seems in this case it doesnt work, i type them here:  E: could not open lockfile /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: permission denied)  E: unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg) are you root ?17:13
Nitrigaurtatertots, I'm restarting to try and fix it.17:13
ioriamotaka2, using  sudo  ?17:13
aroonihow do i handle this; Err http://dl.google.com/linux/musicmanager/deb stable/main amd64 google-musicmanager-beta amd64
arooni  Hash Sum mismatch17:14
motaka2ioria: yes i used so do and i get many no space left on device. I know files that I dont need and hence I can delete them17:14
motaka2ioria: should I do that ?17:14
ioriamotaka2, sudo apt-get autoremove   not working at all ?17:15
RFlemingmotaka2: I think your lubuntu config is broken, but I don't know where exactly.17:15
tatertotsNitrigaur: inxi is in the official ubuntu repos for ubuntu 16.04 AND 16.10, i have used it with multiple users in this very same chat room....so maybe we can revisit the matter on a installed system....livecd/liveusb is usually a readonly affair17:15
RFlemingmotaka2: I think the best option would be to reinstall lubuntu-desktop17:16
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2381733817:16
RFlemingmotaka2: first stop lightdm and then reinstall... sudo service lightdm stop && sudo apt-get install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop17:16
noimnotninevolttatertots: all users -- it's basically a clean install.17:17
motaka2RFleming: it seems my first problem is lack of space17:17
ioriamotaka2, ls /boot17:17
noimnotninevoltpretty sure it's an issue with how qemu-kvm is reporting the mouse position to the guest and ubuntu's inability to cope with it.17:17
noimnotninevolti'll try changing from relative to absolute, see if that makes a difference.17:17
motaka2ioria: you want a pastebinit of that ?17:17
Nitrigaurtatertots, I have installed lots of software into a liveDVD session before. Sure, it gets lost after a restart, but I could still use the tools I had installed.17:17
RFlemingmotaka2: can you run sudo du -hs /* | pastebinit17:18
noimnotninevoltdoes ubuntu come with virtio drivers for itself? (i mean, if it's running in a vm, does it have the appropriate drivers to use virtualized hardware exposed via virtio?)17:18
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2381734417:18
tatertotsNitrigaur: just wanted you to know inxi IS in the repos for 16.10 and 16.04 confirmed less than 48 hours ago17:18
Nitrigaurtatertots, the reason I'm starting from a LiveDVD is that I can edit the partition table with impunity.17:18
ioriamotaka2, yes, it's a bit populated17:19
motaka2ioria: am I fuckeduo again then ?17:19
motaka2RFleming: your command is taking long17:19
notpcmasl: cpulimit -l 10 -- tar -xvf foo.tar17:19
ioriamotaka2,  you should remove unsude (old) kernels on a 70g disk ...17:20
notpcmasl: I'll still test it. Making some large .tar files17:20
LinnakHi, Is it possible somehow to get antivirus from Bitdefender and Kaspersky rescue cd and put it on a custom Ubuntu live usb?17:20
motaka2ioria: i will do that, but prior to that i can delete at least 10 gigs of unused files, may I do that first ?17:20
ioriamotaka2,  sure17:21
motaka2ioria: is RFleming last command necessary since it is taking too long ?17:21
ioriamotaka2,  if you already know what you can delete ....17:22
ioriamotaka2,  that command should give you "the big files" ...17:22
motaka2ioria: i will wait some minutes more. does taking out extra kernels help ?17:22
ioriamotaka2, yes17:23
motaka2ioria: to permanently remove the directoried i dont need i should run sudo rm -r /path/to/directory   ?17:23
ioriamotaka2, yes, but play easy with that17:24
motaka2ioria: what do you mean? you mean I should be cautious ?17:24
notpcmasl: Looks like it has some effect17:24
ioriamotaka2, yes, be absolutly sure of what you want to remove17:25
notpcmasl: It's cutting the cpu usage17:25
notpcmotaka2: Did you clear your trash?17:25
notpcmotaka2: rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*17:25
motaka2notpc: yes17:26
maslnotpc: okay i'll use it later, thank you very much!17:26
notpcmasl: If it has issues, lower the -l value17:26
notpcmotaka2: inxi -G | pastebinit17:27
notpcmotaka2: glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"17:28
motaka2notpc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2381738917:29
motaka2ioria: deleting the download folder in home/donkarlo/Download doesnt disturnb ubuntu ?17:29
Nitrigaurtatertots, would it help you if I pastebin a photograph (a literal screenshot) of my current setup as seen from the server installer of Ubuntu?17:29
ioriamotaka2, remove the content not the folder17:30
motaka2ioria: how ?17:30
notpcmotaka2: lspci | pastebinit17:30
ioriamotaka2,  rm -rif ~/Downloads/*17:30
motaka2notpc: please wait so I can fulfill what ioria is saying then I will listen to you17:31
notpcmotaka2: make sure there's nothing in Downloads you want to keep17:31
oditectorhey gus17:31
baboomhello guys, UbuntuMate here. It renames my network interfaces in ways that are hard to use. Is there a way to get to a plain "eth" format?17:31
tatertotsNitrigaur: in terminal>   apt-cache search inxi|nc termbin.com 999917:31
oditectorI use tiemu and in thast the famous ti-89 calculator, but when i maximize it I can't move it?17:32
motaka2ioria: how can I recheck how much space i have now ?17:32
notpcmotaka2: df -h17:32
oditectorjust installl tiemu yourself guys ansd see it17:32
ioriamotaka2,  ^17:32
BlueProtomanI have an mSATA solid-state drive, but it's suddenly read-only for some reason.  Even with admin access I can't save files to it.  I'm running Ubuntu 16.10.  What's going on?17:32
notpcmotaka2: df -h | pastebinit17:32
oditectoranyone can tell me wha'ts the matter with this pariticular package?17:32
tatertotsBlueProtoman: can you open terminal?17:33
oditectorthis package when maximised I just cannot navigate up and down in the calculator ?17:33
BlueProtomantatertots: Yes17:33
oditectorso what can i do guys?17:33
motaka2ioria: notpc http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817407/17:33
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    sudo apt install inxi pastebinit17:33
notpclots of space17:33
ioriamotaka2,  try   sudo apt-get autoremove17:33
BlueProtomantatertots: Got them both already, what next?17:34
oditectordoes ankyone has any ideas, if not where do i ask about it ? Yes it's a native package and not in the add-apt repository which is added by th users and not ubuntu17:34
oditectorI hope ubuntu will help me in this matter?17:34
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebin17:34
tatertotsBlueProtoman: share url/link here17:34
BlueProtomantatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817413/17:35
motaka2ioria: the same error. E: write error - write (28: no space left on the device)17:35
Nitrigaurtatertots, this is what I got: inxi - full featured system information script17:35
ioriamotaka2,  what is 'overflow'  that gives 100% of /tmp17:35
vicious_magoh sorry, misstake17:35
motaka2ioria: what ?17:35
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    sudo parted -l|pastebin17:36
ioriamotaka2,  look at bottom http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817407/17:36
motaka2ioria: i dont know what that is. I have not used /tmp17:36
BlueProtomantatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817418/17:36
ioriamotaka2,  run  mount17:36
tatertotsNitrigaur: i gave you two packages to install 20 minutes or so ago, get it done, let me know when it's done...and when i'm done ...i'll let you know17:36
motaka2ioria: you want a pastebin ?17:37
Picioditector: Theres not a lot of support resources available for this package. I'd suggest not maximizing it.17:37
Nitrigaurtatertots, thanks for the help, I really appreciate it :-)17:37
Goldberg84Is the a ubuntu server geek how can help me with my ubuntu installation multi problems. PM?17:37
ioriamotaka2,  you have overflow   mounted on /tmp  .... what's that , you know ?17:38
ZythyrHas anyone here used FIM (Fbi improved) ?17:38
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    lsblk -o name,size,type,fstype,uuid,mountpoint|pastebin17:38
motaka2ioria: no I dont know17:38
LordNelthonwhat is currently more recommended, bumblebee or nvidia-prime?17:39
BlueProtomantatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817441/17:39
ioriamotaka2,  ah, ok http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/60731/overflow-tmp-mounted-when-there-is-free-space-on17:40
oditectorPici: thanks but the calculator is too small and i can't really read it17:40
motaka2ioria: I should read that link ?17:40
ioriamotaka2,  nope :p17:41
Picioditector: Can you resize it without maximizing it?17:41
tatertotsBlueProtoman: the 250 or the 1tb is the m2?17:41
notpcmotaka2: lspci | pastebinit17:41
oditectorPici: also if I can't see it there is no point in ding it, yes I can, have you installed it? but I can't use it peroperly as even after resizing it's really too small nad bad for me17:41
beremaranIs bumblebee still being used?17:41
BlueProtomantatertots: The 25017:42
motaka2ioria: then what should I do ?17:42
oditectorI mean not the buttons but the text in the screen17:42
BlueProtomantatertots: The disk in question is mounted at /home/jesse/Common17:42
ioriamotaka2,  you are in console right now ?17:42
BlueProtoman(it's data I share between my Windows and Linux installs.  Music, code, pictures, etc.)17:42
motaka2ioria: yes using ctrl+alt+f1 i am in something so-called hard terminal17:43
ioriamotaka2,  uname -r17:43
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    cat /etc/fstab|pastebin17:43
oditectorhow do you know what else can I do to deal with this popular calculator as it is just wonderful , but the bad package or the rom image won't allow me to use it properly That is thte real source of my frustation and problem and also anxiety , and i need and really need to use the calc as it is the only thing taht really meets my needs17:43
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LordNelthonberemaran: I used it in the past. Now I'm returning to linux and checking what is recommended17:44
motaka2ioria: http://pste.ubuntu.com/ 23817456/17:44
motaka2ioria: http://pste.ubuntu.com/23817456/17:45
BlueProtomantatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2381746417:45
BlueMagmaHi, I need help to fix my wifi17:45
ioriamotaka2,  apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{83,85,86,87}-generic17:45
Picioditector: I don't have a gui linux install here to test on, sorry.17:45
BlueMagmaI'm on a HP pavilion X360. I looked around and applied a few fixes already17:46
ioriamotaka2,  with sudo17:46
BlueMagmaMy laptop connect to other wifi network, but It doesn't detect my network at home even though my other laptop detect it17:47
sulfasalfor Xubuntu: how do I put an icon(?) into the start menu so I don't have to execute a program from the cli?17:48
motaka2ioria: the same error17:48
notpcBlueMagma: Is it a dual band network?17:48
ioriamotaka2,  can you paste ?17:48
motaka2ioria: http://pste.ubuntu.com/23817479/17:49
RFlemingsulfasal: Menu -> Settings Manager -> Menu Editor17:49
BlueMagmamotpc : I don't know, this is a university network17:49
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817479/17:49
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    ls -ld /home/jesse/|pastebin17:49
BlueMagmanotpc : I don't know, this is a university network17:49
RFlemingmotaka2: work is busy today.17:49
sulfasalRFleming: thanks, goin' in...17:49
BlueProtomantatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817485/17:50
notpcBlueMagma: ifconfig | pastebinit17:50
motaka2RFleming: thanks for helping me any way17:50
RFlemingmotaka2: where are you on your issue?17:50
motaka2notpc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817489/17:51
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    ls -ld /home/jesse/Common|pastebin17:51
motaka2RFleming: I dont know, ioria say a file called /tmp is 100% full17:51
BlueProtomantatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817485/17:51
geniitatertots: pastebinit17:51
ioriamotaka2,  no, that's not an issue, i guess17:51
oditectorPici: you are on ubuntu and you don't have GUI17:52
beremaranWow, glad to learn "pastebinit"17:52
oditectorioria: can you help me with this package17:52
motaka2ioria: what more should I do ?17:52
BlueMagmanotpc : pastebin will be difficult because there is no connection on the laptop. I have three interface : enp2s0, lo, wlp3s017:52
RFlemingmotaka2: did you send a df -h to pastebin?17:52
motaka2RFleming: it took so long, so I cancelled it17:52
oditectorioria: can you support me with this pkg tiemu , and how to use it and move up and down17:52
ioriamotaka2,  what i don't understand is why apt it's not working with 9G free17:52
notpcBlueMagma: ah, yes17:52
tatertotsBlueProtoman: look closely17:53
RFlemingmotaka2: it takes a long time because it's stating your filesystem and taking account of all your files.17:53
BlueProtomantatertots: At what?17:53
notpcBlueMagma: lspci  look for wireless17:53
motaka2ioria: if necessary I can get rid of my music too17:53
oditectoris it possible, i know I am ready to tweak it toa better way if possible , come on on it and just give me a reference17:53
TvL2386hey guys, I'm trying to find out the default compression algorithm for zfs on ubuntu-16.0417:53
tatertotsBlueProtoman: look closely, you owe me two unique url/links...NOT the same url two times17:53
oditectorwhy does ubuntu give such a packages and no way to deal17:53
motaka2RFleming: now I have 9gigs free17:53
BlueProtomantatertots: Oops, sorry17:53
RFlemingmotaka2: that's good17:53
RFlemingmotaka2: so what's the problem now?17:53
oditectorandthat too a very ver y famous and popular peice of software17:54
BlueProtomantatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817494/17:54
DolphinDreamhowdy bunterz17:54
motaka2RFleming: I don't have a desktop and I keep recieving you are running on low-graphic17:54
notpcmotaka2: sudo apt-get install nvidia-30417:54
RFlemingyou have an nvidia card17:54
motaka2RFleming: it seems so17:54
DolphinDreamafter installing bash-completion package.. how do i get all the bash_completion.d modules to load ? do i source that folder or is there a different way to do it ?17:54
ioriamotaka2,  maybe the video issue can wait until you fix apt17:55
motaka2notpc: ioria said lightdm is working fine17:55
RFlemingmotaka2: are you presented the login window?17:55
BlueMagmanotpc : Realtek Semiconductor RTL8723BE17:55
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    sudo chown jesse:jesse /home/jesse/Common17:55
ioriamotaka2,  i said it's installed17:55
motaka2RFleming: not anymore17:55
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tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    ls -ld /home/jesse/Common|pastebin17:55
motaka2ioria: what should I do ?17:55
RFlemingmotaka2: this is lubuntu 14.04?17:56
motaka2RFleming: yes17:56
BlueProtomantatertots: "chown: changing ownership of '/home/jesse/Common': Read-only file system"17:56
ioriamotaka2,  graphic can wait ... let's fix apt17:56
BlueProtomantatertots: "drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4096 Jan 16 19:07 /home/jesse/Common"17:56
* RFleming is thinking17:56
RFlemingmotaka2: run the following 2 commands...17:56
motaka2ioria: ok17:56
RFlemingmotaka2: sudo service lightdm stop17:57
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    sudo umount /home/jesse/Common17:57
ioriamotaka2,  try to reboot and run sudo apt-get autoremove17:57
notpcBlueMagma: lsmod | grep rtl872317:57
motaka2ioria: is it enough to press reset button on my case?17:57
ioriamotaka2,  sudo reboot17:57
RFlemingmotaka2: rm ~/.Xauthority17:57
BlueProtomantatertots: Okay, now what?17:57
RFlemingmotaka2: sudo apt-get install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop17:57
RFleming3 commands17:57
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    sudo mount -a17:58
motaka2RFleming: please wait so i can finish with ioria . Thank you very much with your care17:58
RFlemingmotaka2: this will reset the settings for your desktop, but you will retain your files17:58
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    ls -ld /home/jesse/Common|pastebin17:58
ioriamotaka2,  you can't do nothing until you fix apt17:58
notpcRFleming: I guess his apt is broken somehow?17:58
roothorickmore fun with this system... if I enable the ondie graphics, I lose hardware graphics, and it doesn't detect any of the outputs on the ondie17:58
BlueProtomantatertots: Son of a bitch.  "The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting.)"17:59
RFlemingnotpc: how can apt be broken?17:59
motaka2ioria: rebooting17:59
notpcRFleming: Everything breaks17:59
RFlemingmotaka2: what's the problem with apt?17:59
notpcBlueProtoman: mount read only17:59
BlueMagmanotpc : no result with this exact grep. a few with 8723. What should I look for ?17:59
BlueProtomantatertots: I was using Windows last night...I THOUGHT I disabled that feature.17:59
motaka2RFleming: i dont really know17:59
RFlemingwhat error are you seeing with apt?17:59
kang00What's .iso file18:00
RFlemingkang00: a CD image file18:00
roothorickthis is incredibly hard to google for because I couldn't find a relevant error in the Xorg log. Everything looks good and then out of the blue glamor and AIGLX fail with cryptic, generic errors18:00
notpcBlueMagma: Just seeing if that module is running. Any way you can get a wired connection temporarily? Do you see networks in your wireless network manager at all?18:00
MonkeyDust!iso | kang0018:00
ubottukang00: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:00
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eightfoldwhat is a simple way of performing full (system) disk backups for linux without restarting the computer and booting into some live usb/cd?18:00
roothorickand, the initialization of the ondie goes through fine far as I can tell, xrandr can see it18:01
roothorickbut its outputs are not present18:01
RFlemingkang00: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_image18:01
motaka2ioria: once again i saw the login. but no desktop icons18:01
roothorickdoes X think this is a hybrid system and getting confused when the GPUs can't talk to each other?18:01
motaka2ioria: what should I do ?18:01
RFlemingdon't PM without asking first18:01
notpcBlueMagma: How are you on IRC? another machine?18:01
ioriamotaka2,  open a console18:01
eightfolddeja-dup seems ok if you don't want to backup anything more than your homefolder18:01
geniieightfold: remount all your mounts read-only, then use dd to make an image of the drive to a filename on a larger second drive18:02
RFlemingmotaka2: your lubuntu desktop is corrupt.  You need to reinstall it18:02
BlueMagmanotpc : I have no eth connection. Yes, another pc. I can see some wireless network, mine appear simetimes, but very low, and I cannot connect. My other pc is on this network18:02
motaka2ioria: ctrl+alt+t does not work. should i go for ctrl+alt+f1 ?18:02
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    sudo umount /home/jesse/Common18:02
ioriamotaka2,  yes, or f218:02
BlueMagmanotpc : the signal is very strong on the other pc18:03
BlueProtomantatertots: Why do I need to unmount it now?  I know what the problem is, I just need to shut down properly in Windows (can't do that now because of something unrelated)18:03
motaka2RFleming: should I reinstall something as RFleming says ?18:03
geniieightfold: Then after the initial drive image is made, you can later mount the subpartitions within it and rsync to those18:03
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb118:03
notpcBlueMagma: The machine that is connected. Is it running linux?18:03
RFlemingmotaka2: what happens when you run apt-get update?18:03
RFlemingmotaka2: sorry, that should be sudo apt-get update18:03
notpcmotaka2: sudo apt-get update | pastebinit18:04
BlueMagmanot the one I use for irc, but I got another with ubuntu18:04
BlueMagmanotpc : not the one I use for irc, but I got another with ubuntu18:04
notpcBlueMagma: The one you use for irc.. what are you running?18:04
tatertotsBlueProtoman: ;)18:04
motaka2RFleming: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817550/18:04
tatertotsBlueProtoman: did it initialize?18:04
BlueMagmanotpc : also, the ubuntu one is connected to the same wifi network if that is what you are trying to know18:04
RFlemingmotaka2: also run 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit'18:04
BlueProtomantatertots: Yes it did, thanks!18:05
BlueMagmanotpc : the one I use for irc is windows 1018:05
motaka2ioria: are you there ?18:05
tatertotsBlueProtoman: what % we at?18:05
notpcBlueMagma: Just wondering if you can create a bridge to at least get the laptop online to make things easier18:05
tatertotsBlueProtoman: wait...i forgot does it give a percentage completed?18:05
notpcBlueMagma: do you have a cat 5 cable?18:05
ioriamotaka2,  if you can't run sudo apt-get autoremove (or purge something) without errors you have bigger problem thatn graphics18:05
BlueProtomantatertots: It's done18:06
BlueMagmanotpc : I might let me check18:06
tatertotsBlueProtoman: in terminal>    sudo mount -a18:06
BlueProtomantatertots: Yep, it worked, thanks!18:06
motaka2RFleming: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817567/18:06
tatertotsBlueProtoman: ;)18:06
RFlemingmotaka2: ok, now 'sudo apt-get upgrade | pastebinit'18:07
motaka2ioria: seems autoremove is working now18:07
tatertotsNitrigaur: you ready18:07
ioriamotaka2,  sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{83,85,86,87}-generic18:07
BlueMagmanotpc : nope, I don't have one here18:07
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BluesKajtoo many Blue-nicks here today :-)18:08
motaka2ioria: processing ...18:08
motaka2RFleming: please wait18:08
BlueMagmanotpc : but if you feel it's possible, you can tell me what to look for18:09
ioriamotaka2,  when it finishes  paste again   df -H18:09
motaka2ioria: taking too long is that a bad sign ?18:09
RFlemingmotaka2: not necessarily]18:10
ioriamotaka2,  just started ... mate :þ18:10
BlueMagmanotpc : the problem of wifi with this hardware look really known18:10
maslnotpc what was the command again for cpulimit18:10
notpcBlueMagma: I was looking at that18:10
motaka2ioria: can go 10 mins to buy something to eat18:10
BlueMagmanotpc : http://askubuntu.com/questions/677621/no-wireless-connection-on-hp-pavilion-x360-convertible18:10
ioriamotaka2,  as you wish18:10
notpcmasl: limit -l 10 -- tar -xvf foo.tar18:11
motaka2ioria: will you be here ?18:11
ioriamotaka2,  yep18:11
motaka2ioria: thanks I will be back soon18:11
ioriamotaka2,  ok18:11
BlueMagmanotpc : i tried the first answer, and the second one, currently acer_wmi is blacklisted18:11
notpcBlueMagma: lsmod |grep acer_wmi18:12
BlueMagmanotpc : on my work network, I can connect to wifi, but not at home18:12
notpcBlueMagma: that is bizarre18:12
BlueMagmanotpc : no result for acer_wmi18:12
BlueMagmanotpc : I've got result for hp_wmi though18:13
notpcBlueMagma: Looks like that's for a hinge switch18:13
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RFleminganyone know if there's an up-to-date ubuntu cinnamon derivative?18:15
notpcBlueMagma: The network shows up in your list, but at too low a strength to connect?18:15
MenzadorRFleming: Not that I know of... Mint is the closest, unless you prefer Debian Testing18:16
Menzador(straight Debian Testing, that is)18:16
daxor just ubuntu with cinnamon installed18:16
RFlemingMenzador: Mint... bleh18:16
BlueMagmanotpc : yes, and on boot it can 'not appear' at all sometimes18:16
notpcBlueMagma: Looks like a few people are complaining about the wifi18:17
RFlemingthere used to be that ubuntu-cinnamon remix a few years ago... and there's the embryosyn repo that's for LTS and STS ubuntu18:17
notpcBlueMagma: you might be better off getting a usb wifi adapter if it's just a problem with the onboard18:17
RFlemingbut why work? :)18:17
BlueMagmanotpc : yes, I tried to install ubuntu on this laptop in dual boot a year ago and gave up because of that.18:18
notpcBlueMagma: You could also potentially replace or add a new mini pcie adapter inside the machine18:18
BlueMagmanotpc : ok, thank you for your time. It was very nice of you to help me18:18
notpcBlueMagma: do you get the same issue in windows?18:18
BlueMagmanotpc : no same pc works fine on windows (although it happened a few timed that windows caused trouble with wifi, but I think it was for other reasons)18:19
notpcBlueMagma: Could be an issue with the driver itself. You can try building a newer version18:20
=== Gazyrlezon is now known as Nery
BlueMagmagood idea, do you know which driver is used for this hardware ?18:20
notpcBlueMagma: module is rtl8723be18:21
BlueMagmanotpc : I could try that  http://askubuntu.com/questions/760970/realtek-driver-rtl8723be-not-working-in-ubuntu-16-04-kernel-4-418:22
BlueMagmanotpc : say it could be a bios configuration18:22
notpcBlueMagma: Try it. Should be Del or F218:23
motaka2ioria: it is finished18:23
notpcduring boot18:23
ioriamotaka2,  df -H18:23
motaka2pastebin ?18:23
steven_If I am unable to figure out why Ubuntu will not wake from suspending. What harmful effects would not suspending my laptop upon closing the lid and only turning off the display have?18:23
notpcBlueMagma: hp might be f1018:24
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817639/18:24
notpcsteven_: Your laptop stays on and uses power and the hard drive spins and wears out faster18:25
ioriamotaka2,  df -H18:25
steven_So probabley should just figure out why its not waking from suspend?18:25
steven_I had to use nomodeset when installing? Could that have something to do with it?18:26
motaka2ioria: I did that18:26
ioriamotaka2,  nope18:26
notpcmotaka2: Where is your monitor plugged in?18:26
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817638/18:26
motaka2notpc: what do you mean ?18:27
notpcmotaka2: Where your monitor is connected to your computer18:27
ioriamotaka2,  ok, you may need to purge other kernels ... but the main thing is that now apt works ...18:28
motaka2ioria: ok what should I do next ?18:28
BlueMagmanotpc : on reboot it doesn't seem fixed, I'll give it a few minute to see if it see the network18:28
ioriamotaka2,  paste   sudo lshw -c Video18:28
notpcBlueMagma: It was worth a shot18:28
notpcBlueMagma: You might need to find a newer driver than what is available in the repositories. I would do that at home though where you can connect.18:29
BlueMagmanotpc : ok, I'll do that18:29
motaka2ioria: processing ..., you don't need a paste do you ?18:29
ioriamotaka2,  yes, i need it18:30
motaka2ioria: sure18:30
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817656/18:30
BlueMagmanotpc : thank you again18:31
ioriamotaka2,   can you paste  dpkg -l | grep nvidia18:31
notpcBlueMagma: No worries. Sorry couldn't help more18:31
notpcBlueMagma: If you figure it out let me know how you got there18:31
BlueMagmanotpc : sure, I'll be back :-)18:32
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817666/18:32
ioriamotaka2,    what happens if   you    sudo service lightdm restart   ?18:33
motaka2ioria: i see a login page18:34
ioriathen ?18:34
motaka2ioria: should I login ?18:34
ioriamotaka2,    why not ?18:34
motaka2ioria: I did and it showed me first a dialogg box that there is a problem and now it is vanished and I dont have the mouse pointer too. just i see a colorful desktop with no icons18:35
motaka2ioria: now I see  the login page again18:35
ioriamotaka2,    try the Guest Account18:36
motaka2ioria: it first told me a new version of ubuntu available and now it is showing me a black desktop and now it show the login page without the previous colorful desktop18:37
ioriamotaka2,    so you can't  login in the Guest Account ?18:38
motaka2ioria: i can but it jumps abck to the login page after 10 seconds18:38
RFlemingmotaka2: rm ~/.Xauthority18:39
ioriamotaka2,    before remove    paste  ls -l ~/.Xauthority18:40
=== lucaspwk is now known as lpwk
motaka2ioria: say invalid option l18:42
ioriamotaka2,    sorry, ls -al ~/.Xauthority18:42
=== kosta is now known as Kosta7
motaka2ioria: says paste: invalid option -- 'a'18:42
ioriamotaka2,    ls -al ~/.Xauthority   (without paste)18:43
=== done is now known as Guest5102
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817717/18:43
ioriamotaka2,    we can try to purge nvidia drivers18:44
motaka2ioria: what about  rm ~/.Xauthority ? should I run it ?18:45
RFlemingioria: I don't think it's video.  It most likely is lubuntu-desktop itself18:45
ioriamotaka2,    you can remove if you want, itll be recreated18:45
RFlemingioria: I believe lightdm was messed up, and lubuntu-desktop is now as well18:45
ioriaRFleming, maybe18:45
motaka2ioria: removed, what's next ?18:46
RFlemingioria: reinstalling lubuntu-desktop should also reinstall and reconfigure lightdm18:46
RFlemingstopping lightdm before reinstalling lubuntu-desktop should ensure it is18:46
RFlemingioria, motaka2: might I suggest 'sudo service lightdm stop && sudo apt-get install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop' for your consideration?18:47
ioriaRFleming, sure18:48
ioriamotaka2, ^^18:48
motaka2RFleming: how much internet does that need?18:48
* RFleming shrugs18:48
RFlemingall of this http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/lubuntu-desktop18:49
motaka2motaka2: I just have one 700 meg , i dont want it to break in the middle18:49
ioriamotaka2, do you have some ppa installed ?18:49
crazycodershould i install proprietary driver?18:49
motaka2ioria: i dont knpow. I can buy more but will take 1 hours. So what ever you say I will do18:50
RFlemingcrazycoder: depends on what you want to do18:50
notpccrazycoder: I think I recommended that18:50
motaka2ioria: RFleming 700 meg is not enough ?18:50
ioriamotaka2,    ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d18:50
RFlemingmotaka2: are you downloading over cellular?18:50
motaka2RFleming: no, that's just the way it is in iran18:51
motaka2RFleming: so what do you suggest ?18:51
RFlemingmotaka2: my bare install says it will download 336 MB18:51
motaka2RFleming: so that must be enough, isnt it ?18:51
RFlemingit 'should' be enough18:52
crazycoderRFleming, what do you mean? i want to use the pc... :D ahah18:52
RFlemingcrazycoder: hardy har har18:52
motaka2RFleming: what happens if i discoonect , will my whole system in trouble or I can just re-run that command ?18:52
MonkeyDustcrazycoder  he means, what do you want to do with your pc, read emails and surf the net, or play games and watch long movies18:52
ioriamotaka2,  ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d18:53
crazycoderi do machine learning18:53
RFlemingmotaka2: you have to download the packages to install.  If you disconnect before all the packages are downloaded, it should give you an error and not do the install18:53
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817771/18:54
RFlemingcrazycoder: basically, is what you want to do GPU intensive?18:54
RFlemingdo you need fast 3D?18:54
ioriamotaka2, yes, you have ppa...18:54
motaka2RFleming: so in case i disconnect i can redo all with no worries?18:54
crazycoderRFleming, unfortunately not....the machine learning framework does not support GPU acceleration18:55
RFlemingcrazycoder: then proprietary graphics drivers will not benefit you.18:56
RFlemingcrazycoder: you can still install them if you want to do games and stuff though18:56
crazycoderRFleming, yes you are right but i am reading driver for intel cpu18:56
ioriamotaka2,  when you have a minute paste   cat ~/.xsession-errors18:56
RFlemingI don't think there are proprietary intel graphics drivers.  I think they have them right in the kernel18:56
RFlemingintel does have proprietary code for CPU which fixes problem with companies too lazy to put bios updates18:57
crazycoderProcessor microcode firmware for intel CPU <---- i read this18:57
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2381779518:58
ioriamotaka2,  gnome-session (Unity ) ? are you on lubuntu ?18:58
RFlemingcrazycoder: yeah, always install that... that fixes CPU bugs that vendors don't patch via BIOS18:58
motaka2ioria: I had lubuntu before this problem18:58
RFlemingThat's Intel's way around this18:58
motaka2motaka2: actually when it was booting it was showing me lubuntu icon18:59
crazycoderRFleming, ok18:59
ioriamotaka2,   grep cdrom  /etc/apt/sources.list18:59
crazycoderone last thing...i always think i have something for AMD somewhere...19:00
crazycodertoday i changed my motherboard, cpu and dimm19:00
crazycoderare you really sure i do not need a complete reinstall of the OS?19:00
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2381782519:00
RFlemingcrazycoder: you should be fine.  Ubuntu provides packages as pre-compiled binaries... so long as you are not changing architecture, you should be fine.19:01
ioriamotaka2,   you're not on lubuntu but ubuntu, and i think you're trying to log in Unity19:01
motaka2ioria: so what has happened?19:01
crazycoderRFleming, yes i am with 64bit19:02
crazycoderi was using 64 bit with AMD19:02
ioriamotaka2,   not in lxsession... so try to restart lightdm and select from the little ubuntu logo (or in the top bar)  'lubuntu'19:02
RFlemingcrazycoder: you should be alright19:03
crazycoderRFleming, ok perfect!....last thing...do you know a good gnome application to know the cpu temp ?19:03
RFlemingcrazycoder: everything is compiled in a generic fashion so it runs on the most hardware19:03
crazycoderRFleming, that's awesome19:04
motaka2ioria: there is no lubuntu, there is just openbox and ubuntu19:04
RFlemingcrazycoder: gnome-system-monitor19:04
ioriamotaka2,   dpkg -l lxsession19:04
motaka2ioria: shouldnt i try openbox ?19:05
ioriamotaka2,   openbox comes with lubuntu-desktop .....19:05
ioriamotaka2,   dpkg -l lxsession19:05
* RFleming doesn't really use system monitor tools19:06
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2381787219:06
RFlemingcrazycoder: are you using ubuntu-gnome?19:06
crazycoderRFleming, yes19:06
RFlemingcrazycoder: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/82/cpu-temperature-indicator/19:06
ioriamotaka2,   and you don't have lubuntu (or lxde) in your sessions ? just openbox and unity (ubuntu) ?19:07
RFlemingcrazycoder: you might want to look for a newer version19:07
motaka2ioria: i dont have lubuntu , i clicked on the ubuntu icon next to the shutdown button on top right19:07
crazycoderRFleming, thanks19:08
MonkeyDustmotaka2  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue19:08
ioriamotaka2,   sudo apt-get install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop19:08
RFlemingcrazycoder: np.  You should change your nick... /nick sanecoder19:08
RFleming you seem pretty sane to me19:08
=== crazycoder is now known as quitecrazycoder
motaka2MonkeyDust: wait ... restarting19:09
AmisHi! Can someone tell me how can I force Ubuntu to open a specific extension with an appliacation? At "Right click"/"Properties" it sees my ".tpl" file as a "HTML document" so rebinding it to something else also rebinds ".html" files.19:09
AmisI want to bind by extension, not perceived file type19:10
MonkeyDustAmis  and what are tpl files?19:10
AmisMonkeyDust, custom text files with invalid HTML code19:10
AmisThey cannot be rendered as proper HTML19:11
ioriamotaka2,   you need to select the lubuntu session from the login screen , you know it right ?19:11
Herbalistright click .. Open With ... Other Application19:11
MonkeyDustAmis  i have no solution, but you may want to read this, first http://file.org/extension/tpl19:12
motaka2ioria: in the login screen i clicked on the small ubuntu logo on top right of the desktop19:14
AmisHerbalist, I can select my prefered application but it does not remember it as the default and keeps opening it with a browser19:14
ioriamotaka2,   above the password box ..19:14
AmisHerbalist, there is no checkbox or anything to make it the default19:14
ioriamotaka2,   but really depends on your login screen19:14
motaka2ioria: there is nothing above password box, it is on far right to of my monitor19:15
ioriamotaka2,   ok.... what you see ?19:15
Herbalistthere should be a checkbox19:15
quitecrazycoderRFleming, i also found PSENSOR19:15
Herbalistremember choice19:15
ioriamotaka2,   when you click on that, i mean19:15
Herbalistyou're right .. i have no checkbox either19:16
RFlemingquitecrazycoder: ok19:16
RFlemingquitecrazycoder: there's another extension called Freon19:16
motaka2ioria: on the top right part of my screen there is shut down button , then another icon and then language selection and then ubuntu small logo. I click on ubuntu small logi and it shows me ubuntu and openbox19:16
AmisHerbalist, I have a MATE system elsewhere and Caja does have that checkbox19:16
Herbalistperhaps they recently removed it19:17
ioriamotaka2,   no lubuntu, also after reinstalling it ?   dpkg -l lubuntu-desktop19:17
Herbalistin that case, i think Selecting an App will make it default19:17
RFlemingquitecrazycoder: that's old too19:17
AmisHerbalist, unfortunately it does not19:17
quitecrazycoderRFleming, it seems to do the job19:18
DPRanyone use THEFATRAT ? :)19:18
RFlemingquitecrazycoder: you can also use conky if you're brave enough :)19:18
zuiss1hi. have windows on my hard drive and made space to install ubuntu. in the ubuntu installer there's only one encryption option that says "guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted lvm" but i only want to encrypt ubuntu, not the entire disk which would wipe out windows. can anyone please help?19:18
motaka2ioria: I have not yet installed it19:18
RFlemingor crazy enough :D19:18
ioriamotaka2,   please paste   apt-cache policy  grep lubuntu-desktop19:18
ioriamotaka2,   please paste   apt-cache policy  lubuntu-desktop19:19
AmisHerbalist, I'll just install Caja then...19:19
quitecrazycoderahah RFleming19:19
HerbalistAmis no wait19:19
HerbalistAmis .. right click ... Properties ... Open With19:20
Herbalistthere is the "set as default" button19:20
AmisHerbalist, yes but because it recognizes my tpl file as a HTML document it also modifies ".html"19:20
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2381795719:21
AmisHerbalist, I just checked /usr/share/applications/defaults.list and it seems file associations are based on perceived type rather then extension19:21
ioriamotaka2,  i'd try      sudo apt-get install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop19:21
AmisIf it deems something as a HTML document - even if it's a .exe - it will try to open it with whatever it would try with a .html file19:22
motaka2ioria: what about this one? sudo service lightdm stop && sudo apt-get install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop19:22
hydrajumpcan anyone pls explain why despite adding `acpi_osi=Darwin` and `thunderbolt` to /etc/modules the apple thunderbolt ethernet adapter won't get recognised by ubuntu live cd?19:22
ioriamotaka2,  it's ok19:22
motaka2ioria: running19:24
motaka2ioria: it finished, isnt it abnormal ?19:24
ioriamotaka2,  reboot19:25
HerbalistAmis you could try to manually edit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list19:25
WeiJunLiim using Vmware fusion added an USB controller there through the hardware setting bar but I still cannot access my USB flash drive on the Ubuntu, help?19:25
motaka2ioria: now I have lubuntu and lubuntu netbook and openbox and ubuntu. by default ubuntu is selected19:27
ioriamotaka2,  lubuntu19:27
ioriamotaka2,  select lubuntu19:28
motaka2ioria: now I can see my icons but it say there is a problem and if I like to report. in one of warning dialogs it says a problem occured while installing package initramfs-tools 0.103ubuntu 4.619:30
ioriamotaka2,   ls /var/crash19:30
motaka2ioria: can I chat with you from that computer ?19:31
ioriamotaka2,   sure19:31
ioria!info  initramfs-tools trusty19:31
ubottuinitramfs-tools (source: initramfs-tools): tools for generating an initramfs. In component main, is required. Version 0.103ubuntu4.6 (trusty), package size 43 kB, installed size 366 kB19:31
ioriamotaka2,      paste     ls /var/crash19:32
MtotheMAnyone know a good program to use with GSM? phonecalls / sms etc19:32
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818028/19:33
ioriamotaka2,      sudo rm  /var/crash/*19:34
RFlemingMtotheM: what are you looking for?19:34
RFleming(to accomplish)19:34
motaka2ioria: rm: cannot remove ‘/var/crash/*’: No such file or directory19:34
MtotheMInstead of having hardline or a mobile phone, i wanna have a home phone that can operate over linux RFleming19:34
MtotheMIf possible19:34
MtotheMOr i want to play around and see how it works19:35
MtotheMsaw adafruit has some GSM modules https://www.adafruit.com/product/194619:35
ioriamotaka2,     cd /var/crash19:36
RFlemingMtotheM: gsm-utils is what you may be looking for on the command line19:36
MtotheMI'll look at that, thanks RFleming19:36
motaka2ioria: there I am19:36
RFlemingMtotheM: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/gsm-utils19:36
ioriamotaka2,     la -al   and remove all the files in there19:36
motaka2ioria: there is just a .lock file there19:37
RFlemingMtotheM: other than that, I have no clue :)19:37
ioriamotaka2,     http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818028/  ???19:37
MtotheMRFleming, Yeah, i don't really know either. can't find much information, thanks though19:37
RFlemingMtotheM: NP, good luck!19:38
WeiJunLiim using Vmware fusion added an USB controller there through the hardware setting bar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zv1pft6i0r17w4l/2017-01-16%20at%209.02%20AM.png) but I still cannot access my USB flash drive on the Ubuntu, help?19:38
ioriamotaka2,     paste again   ls -al /var/crash19:38
RFlemingWeiJunLi: Are you using a USB3 controller on the host?19:38
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818062/19:39
WeiJunLiUSB Compatibility is 2.019:39
WeiJunLiDon't know if I should use 3 though19:39
ioriamotaka2,    ok, you removed all.   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:39
RFlemingWeiJunLi: USB Compatibility may be 2.0, but is the physical USB port a USB3 port?19:39
motaka2ioria: what upgrade does? it upgarades me to 16.04 ?19:40
ioriamotaka2,   nope19:40
motaka2ioria: ok19:40
RFlemingWeiJunLi: if the physical USB port is USB 3, then you need to turn on USB3 compatibility on the virtual machine19:40
motaka2ioria: done19:40
RFlemingthe pass-through doesn't work well otherwise19:40
ioriamotaka2,   no errors ?19:40
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818079/19:42
WeiJunLiRFleming: honestly dunno what is this one19:42
AmisHerbalist, I solved my problem of extensions by defining a brand new extension in my ~/.local/share/mime/packages then adding my mime to /etc/mime.types then restarting the system. Funny how this very simple task which takes only a few click elsewhere can become so overcomplicated19:42
WeiJunLiit's a mac pro19:42
ioriamotaka2,   chrome issue ... are you 32 bit ?19:42
RFlemingWeiJunLi: try setting it to USB 319:42
motaka2ioria: yes I am19:42
ioriamotaka2,   no google chrome  anymore for 32bit19:43
motaka2ioria: my system is old19:43
HerbalistAmis good job19:43
ioriamotaka2,   you can remove that source19:43
motaka2ioria: is that a big issue?19:43
ioriamotaka2,  weel run an unsupported browser ? yes19:43
ioriamotaka2,  remove the source19:43
motaka2ioria: i will return back to firefox19:44
ioriamotaka2,  yes19:44
motaka2ioria: why I lost my desktop and all thoses troubles?19:44
ioriamotaka2,  wait .... sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:44
motaka2ioria: whats that ?19:44
ioriamotaka2,  you're already are 107... but only to be sure you're fully upgraded19:45
McLovinMcLovini could use some noob friendly help in the following:19:45
motaka2ioria: that doesnt move me to 16.04 ?19:45
ioriamotaka2,  nope19:45
motaka2ioria: ok19:46
McLovinMcLovini want to try encoding plain text(!) with either a) base58 or b) base64 while having a password added to that for extra security. any easy ways to do it via terminal, without knowing all about coding/linux in general? ( i know about sudo apt-get install lol )19:46
McLovinMcLovinit must be 2 way encodeable. i must be able to decode it flawlessly back and forth.19:47
RFlemingMcLovinMcLovin: openssl enc19:47
McLovinMcLovinRFleming is that for base58 or base64? (keep in mind: I only may use one of those two)19:48
motaka2ioria: finished19:48
ioriamotaka2,   errors ?19:48
RFlemingMcLovinMcLovin: example... openssl enc -base64 -salt -in file.txt -out file.txt.enc19:48
McLovinMcLovinRFleming okay, and how would i do that w/out using a file, just with plaintext in terminal?19:49
McLovinMcLovinusing files would make everything more difficult for me. have quite a lot to encode/decode manually.19:49
McLovinMcLovinso plaintext would be better.19:49
motaka2ioria: i dont see any19:50
McLovinMcLovin(needs to be encoded all separately, which is why i can19:50
McLovinMcLovincan't use files)19:50
ioriamotaka2,   ok,  df -H   again19:50
RFlemingecho "message" | openssl enc -base64 -a -salt -k PASS19:50
tomreynMcLovinMcLovin: are you trying to protect the 'encided' stuff from unauthorized access then, or just to make it look less obvious?19:51
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818119/19:51
ioriamotaka2,   sudo apt-get autoremove19:51
Southern_Gentlemtomreyn, looks like homework19:51
McLovinMcLovinRFleming what part would be the password part then?19:51
RFleming-k PASS19:51
motaka2ioria: done no error19:51
McLovinMcLovinyes but what is salt for19:51
tomreynSouthern_Gentlem: could be, but then it's an F or E with the current approach taken.19:52
ioriamotaka2,   ok, but what is says ? o to remove ?19:52
rewlk_today I found idea for psychological fun i Ordinary open office is there new version do enybody know what will be new on this?19:52
RFlemingMcLovinMcLovin: salt is autogen19:52
RFlemingMcLovinMcLovin: here, test this...19:52
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818126/19:53
Gustorn1hello! how do i read async keyboard input on ubuntu19:53
McLovinMcLovinRFleming ok thanks. last thing: if i change -base64 to -base58, it would use a different "base58" encoding compared to Bitcoin's base58 encoding, correct??19:53
tomreynRFleming: did you notice what Southern_Gentlem wrote?19:53
RFlemingecho SXQgV29ya3MhCg== | openssl enc -base64 -a -d -k hunter12319:53
Random832McLovinMcLovin, in the sense that it would complain that there's no such thing, yes, it would use a different encoding.19:54
RFlemingtomreyn: meh...19:54
ioriamotaka2,   apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{88,91,95,96,98,100,101}-generic19:54
McLovinMcLovinRandom832 sorry i must be too stupid, i did not quite get your message19:54
RFlemingso he gets an A on his homework, and fails the exam19:54
Random832openssl doesn't have a "-base58"19:54
McLovinMcLovinRFleming, wrote that down, will try in my ubuntu box later. thanks!19:54
McLovinMcLovinbtw no homework. just trying something out.19:55
McLovinMcLovinwith bitcoin.19:55
Gustorn1Do any of you fine chaps know how to read async keyboard input?19:55
Gustorn1The specialist on duty is currently active, yes?19:55
RFlemingGustorn1: in C?19:55
Gustorn1OOP is the only way to go in 201719:56
RFlemingGustorn1: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/717572/how-do-you-do-non-blocking-console-i-o-on-linux-in-c19:56
Gustorn1You don't, really19:56
Gustorn1So windows can do async input but linux can't?19:57
McLovinMcLovinRandom832 i have this base58 encoder (JS i think), it prints out something so it exists.19:57
motaka2ioria: still working19:57
Random832yes but that is not part of openssl19:57
McLovinMcLovinwidely known from brainwallet.19:57
motaka2ioria: didnt we run this once?19:57
McLovinMcLovinohh i understand19:57
Random832openssl does not have an option called "-base58" or any knowledge of any base58 encoding19:57
ioriamotaka2,   you got a bunch http://paste.ubuntu.com/23817344/19:57
McLovinMcLovinRandom832 I recall reading few nights ago, that "Bitcoin's base58 encoding differs from regular base58 encoding." --> ?????? maybe i just read something from a total BS website?19:58
McLovinMcLovinopenssl aside.19:58
Random832there's no base58 standard19:58
motaka2ioria: yeah right. may I ask what your main profession is?19:58
Random832there are several things, including bitcoin, that use a similar concept, but i wouldn't call any of them "regular base58 encoding"19:59
McLovinMcLovinRandom832 seems correct what you said: https://www.google.de/search?q=base58+encoding&oq=base58+encoding&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2576j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 <-- looks like it's from BTC itself and that's about it.19:59
ioriamotaka2,   translator :þ20:00
McLovinMcLovini vanish into the tunnels of noobish terminal hell/heaven now, thanks. if i succeed, i may come back with something funny20:00
motaka2ioria: howcome you become so professional in linux?20:00
ioriamotaka2,   i'am not20:01
motaka2ioria: you are far away from me20:01
Gustorn1Guys, windows getAsyncKeystate -> ubuntu ????20:01
JimmyNeutronWhen installing Ubuntu 16.10, does the distro automatically format all EFI partitions?  The checkbox for format is gray out.20:03
motaka2ioria: it still is working20:03
motaka2ioria: my desktop telegram does not open20:03
ioriamotaka2, i don't use it ...  is it  from the ubuntu repos or from a ppa ?20:05
kulelu88how do I uninstall a gedit plugin from the commandline? I cannot restart gedit after activating a plugin20:05
motaka2ioria: none, just a file i installed, i think it was a .deb file20:06
motaka2ioria: it was working perior to the problem. it is not important i just scraed it might be a part of a bigger problem20:07
ioriamotaka2, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | grep telegram20:07
motaka2ioria: nothing20:08
motaka2ioria: the previous command is finished20:09
ioriamotaka2, ok,  sudo update-grub20:09
motaka2ioria: finished20:09
ioriamotaka2,  df -H again please20:09
motaka2ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23818254/20:10
ioriamotaka2,  you need more space ...20:11
ioriamotaka2, apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{103,105}-generic20:12
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motaka2ioria: i can delete more files as well20:12
KaitoDaumotoi got question here, what's the diffrent between ubuntu server & standard ubuntu20:12
ioriamotaka2,  or in few weeks you'll be in the same troubles20:12
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server20:13
motaka2ioria: I will delete. more20:13
SebthreeBQM10HDKaitoDaumoto,  that $^^^20:13
ioriamotaka2, sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{103,105}-generic20:13
tomreyn"a server special kernel" seems to be outdated, though20:13
tomreynwho updates ubottu responses anyways?20:14
motaka2ioria: running20:14
ioriamotaka2, may i suggest you an external hd for your projects ?20:16
motaka2ioria: I had one it fell and it didnt work. external hds are less reliable. but I will move my music there20:17
motaka2ioria: how can I get rid of mono20:18
motaka2ioria: netbeans doesnt work either20:18
ioriamotaka2, you remove them , if you don't use it20:18
motaka2ioria: i dont use it, how can I remove it ?20:19
ioriamotaka2, the previous  has finished ?20:20
motaka2ioria: yes20:20
ioriamotaka2, ok, reboot and remember to check the session you log in20:20
ioriamotaka2, i don't think your system support unity20:21
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motaka2ioria: ok i will comeback to say thank you20:21
ioriamotaka2, so select lubuntu20:21
motaka2ioria: thank you everything is fine. just in booting the ubuntu nice page is replace by an ugly dos like window which is not important as long as it is not the sign of a new problem and the telegram does not work yet20:27
ioriamotaka2, ok, so remove mono and netbeans will gain you space20:28
motaka2ioria: i need netbeans but I will remove mono20:28
ioriamotaka2, and for telegram depends on how you installed it20:29
xanguaYou only need a browser and telegram web client20:30
ioriamotaka2, dpkg -l | grep mono* should help you to identify the pkgs... mono-complete or monodevelop20:30
xanguaHuh Ubuntu no longer comes with mono preinstalled, what did I miss?20:31
ioriaxangua,  mono is c# don't think it comes by default20:32
motaka2ioria: thank you very much. you did a lot to me. Thank you20:35
ioriamotaka2, no problem .   you installed telegram in this way ? https://blog.mypapit.net/2015/08/how-to-install-telegram-cli-in-ubuntu-lts-deb.html20:35
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chris_99Hi, there aren't any official images for VirtualBox are there per chance of Ubuntu that provide a GUI (rather than a server install)? (rather than installing to a virtual disk from an iso)20:43
KaitoDaumotoi use server too chris_9920:43
KaitoDaumotochecking for Tcl configuration... configure: error: Can't find Tcl configuration definitions. Use --with-tcl to specify a directory containing tclConfig.sh20:44
Southern_Gentlemchris_99, i would rather install from an iso than to trust someones VM20:44
KaitoDaumotoyep agree with Southern_Gentlem :)20:45
chris_99Southern_Gentlem, yeah i was looking for a trusted VM image20:45
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zambaafter adding an NTP server in /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf, what do i need to do to make these changes effective?20:47
ducassezamba: restart systemd-timesyncd.service20:48
ducassezamba: sudo systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd.service20:49
zambano output20:49
ducassezamba: good.20:49
zambaand timedatectl still shows: "NTP synchronized: no"20:49
ducassezamba: systemctl status systemd-timesyncd.service20:50
Southern_Gentlemzamba could it be using chrony instead20:50
zambaCondition: start condition failed at Tue 2017-01-17 21:49:32 CET; 51s ago20:50
zamba           ConditionFileIsExecutable=!/usr/sbin/ntpd was not met20:50
zambagod damn.. administering your own computer has become a nightmare20:50
RFlemingyou have ntp installed?20:50
ducassezamba: ntpd is installed, so it won't run20:50
zambaSouthern_Gentlem: ok, and how do i check that?20:50
mklauberI'm having difficulty forwarding DNS requests across a OpenVPN connection.  Is this the right place to ask?20:51
Guest72745i've got a 14.04 x64 server only VM.  It has for some reason rebooted and is not coming back up.  It seems to get stuck around mounting my NFS shares.  However, getting into RECOVERY or booting off a    14.04 disk and looking at the syslog/messages isn't getting me anywhere.  Where can I start looking to find the cause?  Thanks!20:51
zambaok, removed ntp20:51
zambaand then i got status: synchronized to time server x20:52
zambabut still not yes on ntp synchronized20:52
RFlemingGuest72745: if it's stuck mounting NFS shares, then those shares are not visible to your machine and it's waiting for them to become available.20:52
Guest72745RFleming, the thing is, this has worked in the past...i'll check my other ubuntu machine20:53
RFlemingGuest72745: you most likely want to change fstab to have the 'soft' option on your system20:53
Guest72745RFleming, so i checked my other ubuntu machine, and it's working.20:53
RFlemingGuest72745: It doesn't mean that your NFS volumes are down, just that it cannot mount them... for instance, if it's trying to mount the volume before networking comes up20:54
RFleming(although that should be a dependancy)20:54
Guest72745RFleming, let me verify that...20:54
RFlemingGuest72745: the best option would be to use the intr option in fstab20:55
Guest72745so not the 'soft' option, RFleming20:56
RFlemingGuest72745: yes... less likelihood of corruption using intr20:56
Guest72745let me lookup the intr option, i'm not familiar with it.20:56
motaka2ioria: sorry i was dining, I didnt see your message20:56
RFlemingGuest72745: you might also want to set a time0=n value as well20:57
RFlemingerr timeo=20:57
motaka2ioria: lemme check the link  https://blog.mypapit.net/2015/08/how-to-install-telegram-cli-in-ubuntu-lts-deb.html20:57
pgos10Hello! good morning guys...20:58
RFlemingafternoon pgos1020:58
Guest72745time0 is a timeout value?  if it can't mount in time0=n, then continue the boot?20:58
RFlemingGuest72745: no... that was me being dumb... timeo=n20:58
motaka2ioria: I installed from the website from here https://desktop.telegram.org/20:59
Guest72745timeo=n is a timeout?20:59
RFlemingGuest72745: yes20:59
RFleminghow long to wait before it gives up the connection attempt20:59
Guest72745from the manpage:  The  time  in  deciseconds  (tenths of a second) the NFS21:00
Guest72745 client waits for a response before  it  retries  an  NFS21:00
Guest72745 request.21:00
RFlemingwell, before it retries21:00
Guest72745looks like a retry?21:00
Guest72745ah, ok21:00
RFlemingit will retry so many times before it stops21:00
RFlemingminimizing the wait time minimizes the time waiting21:00
RFlemingthe default is OK, but if you're on your own network and know your devices... turning that down21:01
RFlemingwell, saves you from waiting21:01
zuiss1can anyone tell me if the author of this tutorial means for you to install ubuntu in the tiny root partition he created, or if i am supposed to later create a /home partition seperately? https://askubuntu.com/questions/293028/how-can-i-install-ubuntu-encrypted-with-luks-with-dual-boot/293029#29302921:01
Guest72745shoot...it's a RO filesystem...21:02
Guest72745rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking21:03
RFlemingzuiss1: root and swap are on the big partition21:03
motaka2RFleming: thanks for your help and your care21:04
RFlemingzuiss1: actually... his pictures and his sentences don't make sense21:04
RFlemingmotaka2: you're welcome.21:04
zuiss1RFleming: so in his guide, the home directory would go into root? in that case root would need to be much bigger than 8GB in his example right?21:05
RFlemingzuiss1: looks like he's using a virtual machine, so the 8GB partition is his big partition.  The entire disk is 13.80GiB :)21:06
groundzero_why does my ubuntu machiene opens 10+ processes from firefox altough i have opened one simple website21:06
RFleminggroundzero_: plugins21:07
groundzero_a plugin becomes a whole new process on my pc? holy21:07
groundzero_that sounds like a securitz issue21:08
RFleminggroundzero_: it's to prevent the crashing of a plugin from taking the whole browser down21:08
zuiss1RFleming: ok. so if i follow his tutorial and then go into the ubuntu installer in step 7, i would not create and assign a /home since everything would be going into root, right21:08
MonkeyDustgroundzero_  in a terminal type   ps -e | grep firefox ... use a pastebin to show it to the channel ...http://paste.ubuntu.com/21:08
RFlemingzuiss1: I don't know... I'd read it very carefully first21:08
RFleminguse a Virtual machine to test21:08
HarekietAnyone know if there's some builtin package that generates an extra grub entry to boot your system read/only with an overlay?21:08
Guest33301Hey. I am trying to run Nightwatch using Selenium standalon on Ubunto 16.10. It says Connection refused! Is selenium server started? It works on Fedora 24. Please help21:09
zuiss1RFleming: ok21:09
groundzero_2620 ?        00:02:57 firefox21:09
RFlemingGuest33301: is the selenium server started?21:09
MonkeyDustgroundzero_  you say 1021:09
groundzero_exsudo htop shows me 10+21:10
groundzero_sudo htop21:10
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k1l_no need to give every program sudo permissions21:10
k1l_groundzero_: webbrowsers do split their actions into different processes. its not a security issue.21:11
RFlemingzuiss1: do you know if luks supports TPM?21:11
groundzero_i'll just ignore it then21:11
groundzero_thank you21:11
zuiss1RFleming: what's TPM?21:11
Elimin8erquestion, Ubuntu 16.10, seems no mater what kernel I install, it gets stuck at initial loading ramdisk.. my 4.5 which has been there for almsot forever.. boots no problem, but that was installed long ago, but anything now installed wont work.. even 4.4 installes and doesnt boot.. any help or what?21:11
RFlemingzuiss1: hardware chip 'Trusted Platform Module' which lets the encryption key be stored in hardware21:12
RFlemingif the hardware changes, the drive doesn't decrypt without entering in a key21:12
zuiss1RFleming: that sounds cool but i don't know if luks supports it21:13
ducasseRFleming: iirc, there is work being done on that - there was an article on lwn.net a while back.21:15
RFlemingducasse: Thanks!  I'll look around for that.21:16
RFlemingOne of the things I like about encryption in Windows21:16
ducasseRFleming: https://lwn.net/Articles/674751/ - i think there was one more as well, but can't find it rn.21:17
RFlemingducasse: http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/124338/right-way-to-use-the-tpm-for-full-disk-encryption21:17
RFlemingbookmarked.  Thanks ducasse21:18
Guest72745RFleming, i wonder if I'm running into this bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/111844721:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1118447 in linux (Ubuntu) "Race condition with network and NFS mounts causes boottime hang" [Medium,Confirmed]21:24
WeiJunLiim using Vmware fusion added an USB controller there through the hardware setting bar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zv1pft6i0r17w4l/2017-01-16%20at%209.02%20AM.png) but I still cannot access my USB flash drive on the Ubuntu, help?21:27
arogin top I am seeing cpu usage at 400% and 117%21:27
arogdoes 100% = 1 core and 117 = 1 core fully utilized + 17% of another core?21:27
k1l_arog: yes, you can look at "htop" which has got basic gui visualisation for that21:29
iSky87Hello, i need help with my audio system21:32
iSky87Can i please have help with my sound21:32
lethuiSky87, what's your problem?21:33
WeiJunLisomeone can help me21:33
lethuWeiJunLi, ask your question21:33
iSky87Everything says theres audio,21:33
WeiJunLiim using Vmware fusion added an USB controller there through the hardware setting bar (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zv1pft6i0r17w4l/2017-01-16%20at%209.02%20AM.png) but I still cannot access my USB flash drive on the Ubuntu, help?21:33
iSky87but actually its nothing21:33
srgOn 12.04, how do I start apache2? systemctl isn't present21:33
iSky87i can't hear anything21:33
lethuiSky87, have you checked if your sound is muted?21:33
iSky87many times21:33
k1l_srg: 12.04 uses upstart. so do "sudo service apache2 start"21:34
lethuiSky87, also check if the right device is selected as primary under system settings -> Multimedia -> output devices21:34
iSky87The audio mixer says everythings fine21:34
srgThanks k1l_21:34
k1l_srg: and be aware, that 12.04 loses support in april. so better make a plan to upgrade21:35
srgk1l_: tell acquia that ;-)21:35
lethuiSky87, also check under configuration21:35
srg(their infrastruture is running 12.04, i'm just copying it21:35
iSky87hold up, can we go through step by step?21:36
iSky87im new with ubuntu21:36
lethuWeiJunLi, please wait till somebody else helps you with your issue, I am not that knowledgeable about Vmware21:36
WeiJunLilethu: not sure if this is a vmware issue though21:36
WeiJunLiseems to be everything right with the vmware setup21:37
WeiJunLiit's more of ubuntu donot recognize the usb21:37
lethuWeiJunLi, have you checked if the usb device has the right fs?21:37
k1l_WeiJunLi: look at dmesg after you put in the usb21:37
WeiJunLilethu: not sure how to check that21:38
WeiJunLik1l_: I do dmesg|grep 'Controller'21:38
WeiJunLiand dont have any output21:38
k1l_WeiJunLi: i dont know why that grep is there21:39
WeiJunLik1l_: to get what's relevant21:39
k1l_are you sure "Controller" (case sensitive) should show up in dmesg?21:40
iSky87sorry i lost you21:41
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iSky87can we please go thru step by step21:41
lethuiSky87, go to the start menu21:41
lethuiSky87, then system settings21:42
iSky87im in ubuntu studio21:42
WeiJunLik1l_: well grep -i solve that issue21:42
WeiJunLik1l_: anyway, no changes21:42
iSky87ok yep21:42
lethuiSky87, then multimedia21:42
lethuiSky87, then configuration21:42
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joltmanRFleming, i was the Guest who was having issues with NFS and boot21:43
iSky87can't find system settings21:43
joltmani do believe i was running into that bug.  Once I set the timeo, intr, and noauto, i was able to boot21:43
iSky87i changed my desktop21:43
joltmani then sudo mount -a, then restarted my services, and I'm back up and going21:43
ducasseWeiJunLi: run 'dmesg -w' and plug in the usb, watch for new messages21:43
RFlemingjoltman: awesome stuff21:44
lethuiSky87, type system settings while on desktop21:44
lethuit should bring up a search menu21:44
RICK_SYSOPHello, i would like to know, if it is possible to run multiple programs within one screen session? and if it is possible to define theese within /etc/rc.local21:44
joltmanRFleming, not really, the bug is over 3 yrs old and no resolution21:44
iSky87application finder?21:44
joltmandouble # lets me in21:45
lethuiSky87, yes21:45
RICK_SYSOPPossible to run one single screen session but multiple programs ?21:45
iSky87how do i search it in application finder21:46
iSky87what do i search in application finder21:46
lethuiSky87, just type system settings21:46
WeiJunLiducasse: kasan logs only21:46
iSky87idek what you mean21:46
ducasseWeiJunLi: then i'd say your problem is with vmware or the host.21:46
lethuiSky87, you search for "system settings" it's a sort of "application"21:47
WeiJunLiducasse: https://bpaste.net/show/48ea7274d73521:47
iSky87just settings?21:47
WeiJunLiducasse: help me out21:47
lethuiSky87, yes could do21:47
WeiJunLito identify21:47
iSky87ok, lethu, yes?21:47
RFlemingjoltman: yeah, that sucks... but good that you got back in21:48
lethuiSky87, yes go ahead search for it21:48
ducasseWeiJunLi: you need to get help in #vmware21:48
iSky87i did, i have settings up21:48
edwinhi, is there something wrong with launchpad? I can't file bugreport, keep getting OOPS-... errors21:48
iSky87with pesonal, hardware ect21:48
edwinhttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/443020 <-- I could only create a question, not a bugreport21:49
iSky87is that what you mean?21:49
edwinapparently linux 4.8.0-34-generic fails to boot (4.8.0-32-generic works), anyone who hasn't upgraded yet might want to hold off the upgrade :)21:49
lethuiSky87, yes21:49
lethuiSky87, now look for multimedia21:49
iSky87ok im in21:49
iSky87removable drives and media?21:50
lethuiSky87, nope "Multimedia"21:50
iSky87i can't find it21:50
iSky87im on 14.0421:51
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joltmanRFleming, thanks for your help!21:51
joltmanmy ZNC bouncer was on that server!!21:51
lethuiSky87, have you removed some packages or made an, upgrade?21:51
RFlemingjoltman: hey man... no problem :)21:51
lethuiSky87, which ones?21:52
lethuiSky87, system related21:52
iSky87im not sure, my dad's like an ubuntu expert. he did them21:52
lethuiSky87, can you install "unity-control-center"21:52
lethuiSky87, open a terminal then type in "sudo apt install unity-control-center"21:53
lethuiSky87, it will ask you for the systems password21:53
iSky87yep, its loading21:54
lethuiSky87, good21:54
iSky87now another bar, 50%21:55
iSky87lethu, its finished21:56
lethuiSky87, now always in terminal type in unity-control-center21:57
lethuthen look for multimedia21:57
lethuiSky87, can you find anything related to audio?21:58
stewie925hi ubuntu gurus21:58
lethuiSky87, then your system must be missing something21:59
iSky87wait yes21:59
iSky87LADI Control System21:59
iSky87Under audio production22:00
iSky87but that doesn't matter does it?22:00
lethuiSky87, look for a devices section22:00
iSky87when i open it it says no studio present ' JACK can only be configured with a loaded and stopped studio. Please create a new studio or load and stop an existing one.'22:01
lethuiSky87, you have me lost here, I don't have proper experience wiht ubuntu studio22:01
k1l_jack audioserver is another special audio server used for music production.22:02
k1l_maybe the guys in #ubuntustudio have more experience with that22:02
lethuiSky87, but first run in terminal "sudo apt remove unity-control-center && sudo apt autoremove"22:02
stewie925hi guys, I am looking to installing a server and I have this install guide that says "install X server using xxxx.qcow2"22:03
k1l_stewie925: that doesnt sound like a server how to. what do you do there at all?22:04
lethuiSky87, good luck with your problem22:05
ovaltradejCan I get linux on my 2007 mac?  It says 'intel' somewhere22:06
k1l_ovaltradej: look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages  some hardware might need some special treatment22:07
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Colombo1I am still having the color problem, but now I know more22:16
Colombo1it seems to be a way how Ubuntu displays PNG22:16
Colombo1and it sets "transparent" color (or background color overall or something) to azure22:16
Colombo1blue-green, whatever...22:16
Colombo1and JPG22:17
Colombo1so, probably some error in viewer?22:17
Colombo1when I open it in anything but the default image browser, it works correctly22:18
ClimhazzardHi, is it OK to install packages with aptitude as opposed to apt-get22:22
k1l_Climhazzard: should be ok. i heard aptitude fixed the bugs with multiarch etc.22:22
zuiss1why does ubuntu's installer have an option to encrypt the home directory after you have already chosen to encrypted lvm previously to encrypt everything?22:24
WeiJunLik1l_: my usb drive is definitely an ubuntu issue22:24
WeiJunLii find my usb drive through lsusb -> Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1221:3234  Unknown manufacturer Disk (Thumb drive)22:24
zuiss1it's confusing. are you supposed to check that?22:24
Climhazzardah, thank you k1l_22:24
WeiJunLibut doesnt appear on 'gparted'22:24
tekeli-liI stopped X with `sudo systemctl stop lightdm`. Now I'm left with a completely black screen with a single white underscore in the upper left corner. There is no shell prompt. There is no login prompt. What is the component of the system I'm looking at, and where do I look for its documentation?22:25
k1l_WeiJunLi: didnt you say you put that usb through to vmware?22:25
loganrundoes anyone know if it is possible to trick rkhunter to scan a filesystem that isn't actually mounted as the live root filesystem22:25
WeiJunLik1l_: yes22:25
WeiJunLibut vmware recognizes it22:26
WeiJunLiand also it appears on lsusb22:26
wedgietekeli-li: can probably get to a shell from one of the other tty's. Press ctrl+alt+F222:26
iSky87lethu, GUESS WHAT!!!22:26
wedgie(I don't know the answer to your specific question)22:26
tekeli-liwedgie, I don't want a shell. I want to know the name of the system component I'm looking at and where I can find its documentation.22:26
k1l_WeiJunLi: thats not how it works. if you put it through to vmware it doesnt work on the host.22:26
tekeli-liwedgie, ty for trying.22:27
WeiJunLik1l_: I want to access it on the vmware not in the host22:27
k1l_WeiJunLi: so look at the vmware docu how to pass that usb through to vmware22:30
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
joltmanwhelp, i was wrong22:35
joltmanshit's not working22:35
joltmansudo mount -a is not mounting anything...i added noauto,intr,timeo=1422:35
WeiJunLithere's another terminal pastebin besides pastebinit ?22:38
Colombo1Huhuuu, I have same problem like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/5l9mfm/ubuntu_16041610_amd_radeon_driver_wrong_colors/ still, I have no idea what does it means.22:39
rampicuscan anyone help with installing a game from .zip? (assault reloaded)22:41
posWeiJunLi, termbin seems popular22:41
wedgieWeiJunLi: there is also sprunge: <command> | curl -F 'sprunge=<-'22:42
wedgieerr, <command> | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us22:42
JakethepythonHEllo room i started up ubuntu 16 and it says Begin:running.scripts/local-block... done22:42
Jakethepythonwhat does this mean?22:42
mossanyone here have a yubikey set up with ubuntu? i can't seem to get mine working with ssh22:44
mosscat: /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh: No such device or address22:44
arogcan i ask shell questions in ehre22:50
arogas in writing my own .sh files22:50
k1l_arog: maybe #bash is better in answering shell scripting questions22:51
Jakethepythonhas anyone had problems w/ booting into ubuntu 1622:53
Jakethepythonrunning. scripts/local-block... done is just repeating22:54
Jakethepythonit does this after ading a RAID config22:54
k1l_Jakethepython: yes, some had isssues. but they said what specific issue they had and that could be resolved.22:55
k1l_Jakethepython: so specific questions with details lets people help you22:55
MarcoPis there a good room for gufw firewall in ubuntu?22:55
MarcoPI guess not that room is empty22:56
JakethepythonI guess i don't know how to even boot up if it has this error22:56
MarcoPwhy does gufw keep turning off?22:56
JakethepythonSo i can't get details because i know nothing about it22:56
k1l_Jakethepython: what did you do exactly before the booting doesnt work anymore?22:57
JakethepythonUpgaded from V14 to 1622:58
JakethepythonIf i disable the RAID and boot from just the system disk i can boot up into V1622:58
k1l_Jakethepython: what raid is it?23:00
JakethepythonRAID 1 on 2 drivers23:00
Jakethepythonand then the system disk a stand alone23:00
wedgiemdadm or what?23:00
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k1l_Jakethepython: what raid exactly? there are several different methods to setup raids23:01
k1l_so far it sounds like "i got a tire on my car". but the specifics matter23:01
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JakethepythonIt's the RAID Embeded server raid by Intel23:02
Jakethepythonis where i Initialy set it up23:02
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k1l_Jakethepython: so its managed by the mainboard bios?23:05
Jakethepythonshoudl i do software raid instead?23:06
k1l_do you use lvm on that raid?23:07
i-kill-frogsbigpresh: this is elsewhere23:09
i-kill-frogsyou told me to take the off topic chatter elsewhere23:09
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k1l_i-kill-frogs: not in here.23:09
i-kill-frogsmy client froze23:10
i-kill-frogsanyway once upon a time my psychiatrists asked annoying questions.  like "have you ever killed anything?"23:11
i-kill-frogswell, that annoyed me.  So I grabbed his pet frog off his desk and removed its head with a scissors23:11
k1l_i-kill-frogs: last warning to not misuse this channel23:11
i-kill-frogsbut Allah told me to kill frogs, k1l_23:12
nemecyhi ubuntu users23:15
nemecyhello from fedora users23:16
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Jakethepythonfor RAID should i have the drivers formated to EXT4 or something?23:16
elkynemecy: hi. is thehre something we can help with?23:17
nemecyim fine thanks a lot elky23:17
elkynemecy: ok well this is tech support channel, #ubuntu-offtopic is for other chatter23:17
k1l_Jakethepython: most guys will do a software raid. since the hardware needs some drivers in most cases and there are not all drivers for linux.23:17
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SebthreeBQM10HDmoss, ho ho ho Merry Christmas23:30
mossho ho how the fuck do you get a yubikey working in ubuntu ffs23:34
mossi got this thing working in gentoo in 5 minutes23:34
mossbut for some reason this noobass OS is non-functional23:34
Jakethepythonwhat is the best Software Raid for Ubuntu for a RAID 1 ?23:36
royal_screwup21I was trying to find all instances of the word "xyz" in the man page for "file" (i.e. man file). So I typed in "$ grep xyz man file". What am I doing wrong?23:37
mossroyal_screwup21: type: man file23:37
mossroyal_screwup21: then type /23:37
mossthen hit enter23:38
ChaiTRexroyal_screwup21: man file | fgrep xyz23:38
mosstype /xyz23:38
royal_screwup21Awesome, thanks moss, ChaiTRex!23:39
ChaiTRexroyal_screwup21: There isn't an instance of xyz in it, so perhaps try `man file | fgrep file` to see what finding the text looks like.23:39
tomreynJakethepython: "best" can vary a lot, since it's subjective.23:39
tomreynyou probably want to use md(adm), though, since it's the most widely used implementation.23:40
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royal_screwup21ChaiTRex: I'm just curious though: why doesn't "$ grep xyz man file" work? Isn't "man file" basically a file in itself?23:41
tomreynroyal_screwup21: no it's not, unless you have it on your file system.23:42
k1l_royal_screwup21: "man something" is a command. not a file23:43
tomreyn"man file", when you have it at the front of your command line, runs the "man" command and passes the "file" argument to it, so man runs, notices that you want info about "file" and gets and displays it23:43
ChaiTRexroyal_screwup21: No, man is a program, and you want to deal with its output, so that's done usually with pipes (|). You can turn the output into a fake file like so: <(man file) and use it like fgrep xyz <(man file).23:44
tomreynroyal_screwup21: so when you run "grep xyz man file", what happens is that the "grep" command runs and notices that you passed three arguments to it, "xyz", "man" and "file". it then tries to interpret these arguments and probably fails since the "grep" command not meant to be used this way.23:45
royal_screwup21Cool, thanks guys!23:46
tomreyn"man" is not the best example here, since this command spawns another command to interpret its output, which makes piping and so on cumbersume. better test stuff with thinks like "echo", "cat" and "fgrep" only23:48
mosswoot i got it working23:51
mossthank the lord.23:51
Colombo1hey, padoka ppa is said to be compiled with llvm 4.0, however, I don't seem to have installed llvm 4.0, but only 3.923:51
Colombo1shouldn't I install 4.0?23:52
hydrajumpis there a quicker shortcut way to doing this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel#Modifying_the_configuration23:52
hydrajumpinstead of going through each architecture config when I just need to make a small change23:52
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