=== snadg3 is now known as snadge === ignacio is now known as laowal === laowal is now known as ignacio [05:40] this is really bizarre. This machine isn't resolving LAN names, except its own, which it resolves completely wrong (not even the same subnet!) [05:41] just updated it from 16.10 [05:45] roothorick: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1647031 ? [05:45] Launchpad bug 1647031 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved’s server does not follow CNAME records" [High,Triaged] [05:48] oh, the local machine's name is resolving to [05:48] I don't know anything more about it but I remember this bug being discussed [05:49] because something related has affected me in 16.10 [05:49] and a few others in 16.10 as well [05:50] that doesn't seem like it [05:50] Internet names resolve fine [08:33] a number of things are making me think there's something seriously wrong network-wise [08:33] no coherent pattern though [08:54] so, I don't think it was the same issue, but [08:55] I removed the execute bit from /lib/systemd/systemd-resolved and manually added a DNS server to resolv.conf [08:55] and it fixed three seemingly unrelated problems in one fell swoop [08:57] one of them was a thing that makes absolutely no sense for it to be affected by a hostname resolver [08:57] namely, native Steam couldn't log in to its own store [08:58] but it would still load [08:59] now, how would I even begin to pinpoint the exact problem... hoo boy [09:12] push comes to shove, I'll just keep resolved hacked out like this [09:13] it'd be a disservice to not check on it periodically to see if it's fixed, though. Especially being a pre-release === JanC_ is now known as JanC === geheimni1` is now known as geheimnis` === tomaw is now known as 02HAAAAAN === roothori1k is now known as roothorick === 02HAAAAAN is now known as tomaw [21:08] I'm having a strange boot issue since installing 17.04 - my dmesg output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23824230/ [21:08] it looks like an issue with ip6_tables [21:08] anybody experience anything similar? [22:00] how DO I make lasting changes to resolve.conf? [22:00] files in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d are getting ignored === ignacio is now known as zcz === zcz is now known as ignacio