
cyphermoxxnox: did you manage to make sense of the lvm thing now?16:10
xnoxcyphermox, i cooked dinner instead =) but i do have that machine still in d-i for me to return to.16:15
xnoxbut somehow, I have more improtant things to fix before going to ski on saturday =/ so shelving to february that lvm thing16:15
jackpot51Using the OEM installer, immediately after the user finishes configuration, connected WiFi networks are dropped and networking is unavailable until a reboot or a restart of network manager19:27
jackpot51I have a patch for wpa_supplicant.service that prevents it from being killed by the systemctl isolate graphical.target that happens after oem configuration19:28
jackpot51who should I talk to?19:28
dmj_s76cyphermox: So I've uploaded a branch for Humanity with @2x icon support.19:35
dmj_s76cyphermox: Here's a fix for the doubler height bar in ubiquity https://code.launchpad.net/~dmj726/humanity/hidpi-2x/+merge/31516620:30
dmj_s76for trunk anyway.20:30
dmj_s76I've got variations for xenial and yakkety in the system76 daily ppa.20:31
cyphermoxWon't that just make the icons bigger and keep the weird sized panel20:40
dmj_s76cyphermox: Nope!20:47
dmj_s76On 16.04 it makes many icons smaller, in particular in Nautilus.20:47
dmj_s76It also makes the a11y icon in the top panel smaller in Ubiquity.20:48
dmj_s76The @2x tells the toolkit to use the original icon for hidpi, but scale it correctly.20:49
dmj_s76I suspect without the fix, Ubiquity's panel is both using the bigger icon and then scaling it up.20:50
dmj_s76current humanity: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/302130871/hidpi%20oem%20doubled%20panel%20bug.jpg20:52
dmj_s76humanity with @2x support: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/302869844/ubiquity%20panel%20cairo%20extend%20mode%20patch.jpg20:52
dmj_s76"patch" in the second image refers to your CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD patch20:53
dmj_s76cyphermox: ^^20:53
cyphermoxso we do want to PAD fix, but also the changes to the icon set, cool21:25
cyphermoxfor the icons, apparently I'm a member of the right team, but please ask on #ubuntu-desktop to make sure someone can chime in21:26

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