[02:09] hey all, when will the brisk menu be available in the repo? [02:12] My understanding is brisk-menu is still pre-release. There is a PPA for 16.10 & 17.04 - google: launchpad brisk-menu ppa - else hang five while I look [02:12] https://launchpad.net/~flexiondotorg/+archive/ubuntu/brisk-menu [02:13] thanks Astro7467 [02:22] that menu is slick [02:24] gotta agree [03:01] ? === gunnarniels is now known as nelsk [03:57] Silly question, anyone know where to change the shortcut for closing a window? I'm using compiz if that matters, can't seem to find it in their settings [04:09] nelsk, try control centre -> MATE-Tweak -> Windows - Under appearance there is a contemporary (left) or Traditional (Right) setting [04:16] Astro7467: Should have been more specific; I'm referring to customizing the keybind [04:39] Control Centre -> Keyboard Shortcuts [04:40] Under Window management grouping [04:41] I don't have that grouping, I wonder if that's removed if I opt for compiz? [04:43] could be - I generally avoid compiz - let me switch compositors to see what happens. [04:45] yep - changing to compiz removed the window management group - so must hv to manage somehow ith a compiz configutor [04:45] * with * configurator [04:45] thought that might be the case, can't seem to find the option in compizconfig-settings-manager, will do some research [04:45] thanks for you help [04:51] Astro7467: Found it :) It's kind of hidden, but it's in "General Options" in compiz, under key bindings [04:53] gd to know if I take the darkened path of compiz 😉 [08:08] when I set SYSTEM-PREFERENCES-HARDWARE-KEYBOARD-LAYOUT-OPTIONS: Alt/Win Key Behaviour to "Hyper is mapped to Win Keys" [08:08] I can use ModE (win) + E for example for filemanager. But using the Windows Key for menu does not work anymore. [08:08] Any chance that I can use it for both? [10:47] Hi! Hows the chat been? [10:54] ii [10:55] eee [10:55] holaa [10:55] guarriiiiilllaaaaaa [10:55] elena está muy out [10:55] vamos a buscar frasees [10:56] totally [10:56] me parece bien [10:56] seguro que tienen envidia y ahora se quieren meter todos en nuestra sala [10:56] veras ty como lo vean se copiaan [10:56] una encasquetada?? [10:57] si si eso parece [10:57] oye podemos enviar invitaciones? [10:58] buscalo [10:59] j [13:01] hello guy i've a problem i cant connect my ethernet on my ubuntu 16.10 [13:01] can you help me ? [13:06] hello guy i've a problem i cant connect my ethernet on my ubuntu 16.10 can you help me ? [13:34] hello Eagle357 [13:35] hello ouroumov [13:35] Eagle357, please provide more information. Can't connect = Can't PING outside localhost, can't access websites, don't have a cable interface detected? [13:36] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23827791/ [13:37] What is this? This is different from normal ifconfig output. [13:38] it's ifconfig -a [13:39] but yes it's strange [13:39] hm, maybe ifconfig version changed in 16.10 [13:39] anyway [13:40] check out what your driver is using: lshw -C net [13:41] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23827819/ [13:44] how can i active eno1 ? [14:00] Eagle357, search google for "ubuntu e1000e" [14:36] ouroumov are you french ? [14:37] Eagle357, yes [14:38] ah ben moi aussi ^^ [14:39] ^^ But this channel is English only, if you want support in French you may ask in #ubuntu-fr [14:40] yes i know i go on ubuntu-fr [14:48] hey all [15:19] peps [15:20] hey [15:24] bitches === scottt is now known as Guest69524 === WhitePsydeLord is now known as DarkPsydeLord [17:06] how are yiu [17:06] hey [17:39] hey everyone, I insatlled ubuntu Mate on my SuperMicro and am having some difficulties with video. I was curious if I could get some help here for it. === scottt is now known as Guest4936 === WhitePsydeLord is now known as DarkPsydeLord [22:15] hello [22:26] !ask [22:26] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [23:06] !patience [23:06] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/