
paddatrappermorning everyone06:07
nsnzeromorning guys06:18
paddatrapperhey nsnzero 06:18
nsnzerohow you doing paddatrapper ?06:22
paddatrappernsnzero: I'm good thanks, you?06:31
nsnzerobusy busy at work - having a problem with my virtualbox installation -reinstalling06:49
theblazehenMorning all06:50
theblazehennsnzero reinstalling with something better?06:52
nsnzeromorning theblazehen - what do you suggest - i have a VM in virtual box already - so i will need to transfer it 06:55
theblazehennsnzero qemu+kvm06:58
nsnzeroi just going to clone my virtual hdd - then try that - thanks 07:00
paddatrappertheblazehen: the only issue I run into with qemu is mouse integration never seems to work properly07:12
theblazehenpaddatrapper tried different frontends? virt-viewer (not manager) works quite well iirc07:16
MaNLif you use spice and install the correct spice drivers on the guest it should work fine07:29
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
theblazehenMaNI yeah. /me used spice for thin client thing for a while, but couldn't find a client that handled 4x monitors well. Eventually went with vnc. Performance was great. Perhaps 1/8th of vnc. Had to use a vnc client where I could set compression level to 0 (slightly more than raw, but little compression) to achieve decent speeds. Was doing 950 mbit/s for a 2560x1440 video at around 20 - 30 fps07:32
MaNIfor VNC tigerVNC seems to perform a bit better than the rest07:33
MaNIspecifically talking about virt-manager though, mouse integration etc. works fine (if you configure the machine to use spice)07:35
theblazehenMaNI yeah, IIRC tiger for the server, tight for the client07:35
inetprogood mornings07:36
theblazehenRight. I normally just used vnc. Slightly faster over higher latency connection07:36
theblazehenhi inetpro07:36
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paddatrappertheblazehen: didn't spend much time troubleshooting (just went back to virtualbox), but with virtualbox dropping from stretch and the controversy around it I may try again soon07:46
theblazehenpaddatrapper cool. Windows or linux VMs? Long lived or just testing? If it's long lived I'd recommend X forwarding or RDP, short lived, look at vagrant / docker (different use cases, see which fits better)07:47
paddatrappertheblazehen: shortlived, testing new isos as we release them of a debian spinoff for a local mathematical institute. I tend to prefer LXC for long running stuff07:50
theblazehenpaddatrapper cool. lxd for long running stuff here. Can you automate the testing?07:51
paddatrapperI'm currently working on the installer, so switching between the VM and host easily is crucial07:51
theblazehenAh. spice won't help with the install environment then07:52
paddatrapperNot really - it's stuff like seeing how the installer looks in the live environment, if it crashes when installing this, what happens when I don't do that07:52
paddatrapperSome could probably be automated, but manually testing doesn't take much time07:53
thatgraemeguyhallo Oom10:17
andrewlsdHello theblazehen Kilos- thatgraemeguy paddatrapper and inetpro10:52
theblazehenhi andrewlsd , Kilos- , thatgraemeguy 10:53
andrewlsdtheblazehen: do you have a pastebin type thing where I can post a picture?10:56
theblazehenandrewlsd not anymore10:57
theblazehenBut gonna build something10:57
andrewlsdtheblazehen and paddatrapper: nice LXD/virtualization discussion earlier10:58
theblazehenBasically linx.li (what I had before) + webtorrent for larger files + http://termbin.com/ but with automatic file type detection for previews if you visit it in web browser. If you visit page in browser it will do prview etc, but if you wget / curl it then return the raw binary10:58
andrewlsdperhaps an automation toolset like "screwdriver" from Yahoo or Jenkins might work.10:59
andrewlsd+1 theblazehen linx.li10:59
theblazehenOr I might just write my own fully11:00
theblazehenNo need to tie in linx.li and termbin etc, just have it all handled by one program11:00
andrewlsdtheblazehen: I need better upload speed: https://linx.li/neapp9ur.png11:00
andrewlsdtheblazehen: running a single statically linked `go` binary?11:01
theblazehenandrewlsd sure11:02
theblazehenBeen meaning to learn golang, so why not now11:02
andrewlsd`go` for it.11:03
andrewlsdhmm... www.golearn.com ?11:03
andrewlsdor readyset.go11:03
nsnzeroif python and C had a baby it would be GO11:10
paddatrapperhey andrewlsd 11:18
theblazehenandrewlsd heh. And I think I'm more https://learnxinyminutes.com/ and then stumble around to get things done11:19
paddatrapperandrewlsd: I pretty much put everything I run now in LXC containers. It's nice compartmentalising things11:20
andrewlsd+1 paddatrapper11:21
andrewlsdlol theblazehen. me too.11:21
theblazehenpaddatrapper /me had everything in lxd containers. Then bcache fucked me up. Now I have a smaller amount of everything in lxd containers11:23
theblazehensome docker inside lxd11:23
andrewlsdthen theblazehen bought a hefty server :-)11:25
theblazehenandrewlsd actually I broke bcache on the new server11:25
theblazehenRebuilding from scratch11:25
andrewlsd:-(  11:25
theblazehenKilled bcache the day before implementing backups :(11:26
theblazehenLost config management and my gitlab server :(11:26
andrewlsd... yes, that is how things usually go.11:26
theblazehenSpeaking of which, I need to configure backups11:52
theblazehenPity I can't bond  the internal nic + usb nic on laptop11:52
theblazehenSince internal nic goes to a vm, which then goes to laptop11:53
theblazehenandrewlsd you know how complicated that setup is :)11:53
jerit_middag mense12:03
andrewlsdhi jerit_12:10
jerit_how goes andrewlsd?12:10
paddatrappertheblazehen: lol. painful... All mine is through ansible and all data is outside the container, linked in. So I don't worry too much about if my containers decide to mess with me12:22
theblazehenpaddatrapper Yeah. I changed bcache settings to make it faster, it broke the cache, and btrfsck wasn't good enough12:23
andrewlsdwelcome drussell :-)12:43
nsnzeroevening all18:22
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