
TabascomangI have a regular user with sudo rights, a user with no sudo rights. The normal user with sudo rights cannot ssh into server, but the normal user without sudo rights can. What is wrong?00:01
sylarokay so the final step of removing the caches is not happening because "Permission denied "00:01
ringzer0Tabascomang: are you using sudo with your ssh command?00:02
sylarminimec , a little help here please?00:02
minimecsylar: again 'sudo' 'sudo rm -rf /var/lib/xkb/*00:02
TabascomangDunno. I just connect with putty.00:02
ringzer0minimec: your padawan is impatient :)00:02
TabascomangIt asks me for a username, and a password. I know with 100% certainity that the username and password is correct.00:03
ringzer0Tabascomang: cat /etc/passwd00:03
ringzer0Tabascomang: ensure both usernames have /bin/bash ... and not /bin/nologin00:03
sylarringzer0 indeed i am , being a noob and trying to make this work since the past one hour :P00:03
ringzer0sylar: age?00:04
TabascomangAlso while I am at it, is it possible to make a custom shell somehow for a user than the user cannot leave, and only contains commands to start specific .sh files and kwrite?00:04
minimecringzer0: Some time ago we were all 'padawans' too...00:04
TabascomangGoing to have a look at the passwd file soon.00:04
sylari started learning linux very recently...00:05
ringzer0minimec: I agree.  I disagree with a 500ms "Hello, are you there?" echo to the initial q00:05
ringzer0Tabascomang: did you check /etc/passwd ?00:06
sylarokay so i backed up the file , edited it and removed the cacache..nothing really changed :/ whats wrong?00:06
ringzer0minimec: There is a specific bread of Melinial Padawan that bothers me ;-)00:06
minimecsylar: You have to logout/login the user session. Or if you want, you can even reboot...00:07
sylarfingers crossed , lets give it a shot00:08
ringzer0Tabascomang: The term you will want to google and understand is a "jailed shell"00:08
leo__hi everyone00:08
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sylarOkay well..it worked00:11
minimecsylar: Nice! ;)00:12
sylarthanks a lot minimec. Learnt some things on here too :P00:12
sylaras i am fairly new on this , just trying my hand on linux ad basic scripting then will move on to overthewire ..00:12
spirosi have just upgrade to 16.10 but i have some error especially i cant remove nvidia-35200:33
spirosit gives me this error00:33
spirosFailed to get unit file state for var-lib-snapd-lib-gl.mount: No such file or directory00:34
spirosvar-lib-snapd-lib-gl.mount is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it.00:34
spirosFailed to get unit file state for var-lib-snapd-lib-gl.mount: No such file or directory00:34
spirosvar-lib-snapd-lib-gl.mount is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it.00:34
spirosany idea how i can remove the package?00:34
minimecspiros: Can you once 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure snapd'. The error is not related to the nvidia-352 driver.00:37
spiroshm let me try00:37
spiroswhat is snapd?00:38
minimecspiros: the daemon for the new snap package managment.00:38
minimecspiros: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/snapd00:39
spirosWarning: Stopping snapd.service, but it can still be activated by:00:39
spiros  snapd.socket00:39
spirosbut after that the same error00:39
spiroswith nvidia-35200:39
minimecspiros: do you use apt?00:40
minimecspiros: What happens when you just 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade' ?00:41
spirosi try to now to manual delete files from /var/lib/dpkg/info but i dont know if it is correct00:41
spirosthe same error with nvidia package minimec00:41
minimecspiros: I would not do that...00:41
spirosit marks nvidia-325 as upgradable but after that i had this error00:42
minimecspiros: So the package managment is broken. Let me check something...00:42
spirosyes i try to forge and anything about that but the same error00:44
spirosfor that reason i say if maybe manual remove from /var/lib/dpkg/info is much better to do now00:44
spiros /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-352_361.45.11-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb00:45
spirosE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)00:45
minimecspiros: That seems to cover your issue... http://askubuntu.com/questions/783093/installing-nvidia-opencl-icd-367-breaks-the-package-manager00:46
ZythyrHow can I find out the PATH of the chvt command?00:46
spirosyeah this i read and it says for manual remove00:46
cuddlehow can i convert a .jpeg to .wad in ubuntu00:46
zguy300hey can one of you guys help me take a snapshot of my drive?00:47
Zythyrzguy300 Take a look at the Snapshot Backup section: http://www.howtogeek.com/175008/the-non-beginners-guide-to-syncing-data-with-rsync/00:48
zguy300looking now thanks00:48
orleguten abend00:49
knobzguy300, what do you want to do?  An exact copy?00:49
zguy300quick question, so yesterday i ruined my OS by installing some tools and removing them from my repos afterwards. i want to try it again lol... will a snapshot let me boot off it in case it ruins it?00:49
spirosi think it solved with manual removal00:50
minimecspiros: nice ;)00:50
spirosthx :)00:52
zguy300knob: do you know a better way to achieve that?00:52
lollipopfriendI have Ubuntu 16.10 installed and i am wondering.. Is it ok now to turn fast startup back on in windows or will it cause issues?00:52
spirosdo i need nvidia-352 if i had install 367?00:53
mcphaillollipopfriend: I think it can cause issues booting Ubuntu00:53
spiroswas strange that i have install nvidia 352, 361` and 36700:54
spirosmaybe was the problem of that errors00:54
k1llollipopfriend: the fast startup issue is not related to any ubuntu version.00:54
k1llollipopfriend: the issue is, that windows is not properly shutting down, lettings the partition in an unsafe state to speed up the windows boot time, which leads to issues if other OS want to use that partition.00:55
k1lspiros: yes, usually you only have one version installed00:56
zguy300noone think they can lend a hand?01:01
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adminswow, this is where everyone is01:06
k1lzguy300: http://askubuntu.com/questions/2596/comparison-of-backup-tools  this is a list of backup tools and what they do01:06
zguy300awesome thanks ill look now01:06
adminsso does anyone actually respond to the main chat area?01:08
adminsor do you have to chat at someone?01:09
adminsnew to IRC01:09
adminsso I have no clue01:09
* admins waves hello01:10
zguy300alright so yesterday when my OS wouldnt work i booted with a liveusb and mounted my hard drive. but could not edit anything on my hard drive. will a backup let me boot off it , in case my OS is unuseable?01:11
* admins waves hello flag01:11
k1ladmins: this is the technical support chat for ubuntu (like its told in the topic above).01:11
* admins my badd01:11
* admins thanks kil01:11
* admins new to irc, please forgive01:12
k1ladmins: for chatter we have #ubuntu-offtopic (needs registration with freenode), or you use other channels like ##chat .01:12
k1lzguy300: make sure you dont try to change the files on the liveOS system partition. because they are read-only.01:13
zguy300it wouldnt let me. i deleted stuff from repos an was trying to add them back with live OS. wasnt possible so i did fresh install now01:14
zguy300if it wont boot again when i removed tool from repo. i wanna be able to restart at my current state now without having to reinstall new OS01:15
zguy300but it would have to work from a live boot since my OS shuts down for some reason01:15
k1lthat sounds like you want snapshots.01:15
k1lzguy300: but i still dont understand what you did to your system in the first place.01:16
zguy300lol yes from what ive read anyways... just havent used one before01:16
zguy300i downloaded the kali tools through katoolin and everything works fine. however you have to remove the kali stuff from repos of when computer tried updating it will ruin OS01:16
zguy300well i removed kali stuff from repo an restarted and it ruined it anyways. not sure why it wouldve done that. i want to try it again because i want the tools01:17
k1lthat doesnt work, since once you run katoolin your system will become a kali linux and there is no way back01:17
spirosok one problem is solved01:18
spirosanother problem that i have is that network manager not working by default01:18
spiroswhen i login to the system  i dont have internet01:18
zguy300damn, any ideas since you seem familiar?01:18
zguy300i just want the tools on this Os and not a VM01:18
spirosand i had to give sudo dhclient eth1 to get internet back01:18
spirosany idea?01:18
k1lspiros: can you show your "dmesg" and "cat /etc/network/interfaces" in a pastebin?01:19
spirosthis is in /etc/network/interfaces01:20
spirosauto lo01:21
spirosiface lo inet loopback01:21
spirosit seems ok as i remember is the same as the old file?01:21
k1lyes. because if some interface is managed by the interfaces file the network manager doesnt work with it01:22
spirosdo i have to change anything there?01:22
k1lwhat desktop and what ubuntu version is it?01:23
spirosis kubuntu 16.1001:24
spirosi just upgrade from 16.0401:24
spiroswas working great before01:24
k1lok, i dont know if kde works as intended with NM01:24
k1lbut you could look at dmesg and see if there is some hardware issue01:24
spirosi dont think is kde problem but from network manager01:24
spiroshow can i see all of dsmeg message?01:25
spirosbecause it cat the half and i cant see it01:25
k1ldmesg | nc termbin.com 999901:25
poosanthanyone know the best way to let sublime know where the hell node is when using nvm01:26
spirosi have boot now with the older kernel01:26
spirosdo a network-manager reinstall help?01:27
k1lspiros: a dmesg would be helpfull when the issue is there.01:27
energizerWhat's the procedure for figuring out why my computer doesn't resume from sleep?01:28
tioxHey there. Is there any means I can tell a program to kill itself at a certain sensor threshold?01:32
spirosi cant see any error strange01:32
spiros IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready01:33
spirosCIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.01:33
spirosthere are some errors01:33
spirosbut from programmes that want to connect to net01:33
Jakethepython1goggwhat gg01:39
zguy300do you guys know another way to run install kali tools that wont ruin my OS?01:42
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:46
zguy300i cant join #kali-linux01:48
zguy300wont let me01:48
sypherzguy300: Unfortunate though that may be, this is not the proper forum in which to seek support for Kali.01:48
Dave_Elecguys i've deleted everything with filename including opencv to uninstall it. And now Videos and mpv player dont work. Does anyone have a fix? thanks.01:48
sypherzguy300: It would be a better idea to determine why you can't join that channel, resolve the issue, and then get support from the people best equipped to provide it.01:49
zguy300#kali-linux :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services01:49
sypherzguy300: That explains your issue. You have to have a registered nick.01:49
zguy300i am registered.01:50
zguy300-NickServ- You are now identified for zguy300.01:50
Dave_Elecguys i've deleted everything with filename including opencv to uninstall it. And now Videos and mpv player dont work. Does anyone have a fix? thanks01:50
sypherzguy300: Then try to rejoin #kali-linux.01:50
zguy300ok will now01:50
k1lzguy300: you are not logged in. see your whois01:50
k1lzguy300: you need to relogin after every reconnection01:51
zguy300ill exti and try come in network again01:51
k1lzguy300: no, just identify again with nickserv01:52
zguy300ahh crap, im logged in but not registered email01:53
Guy1524hey guys, the minecraft devs released a new launcher for linux I would like to try out, however unfortuneately they rely on icu version 57, which 16.10 ships, but 16.04 ships version 5501:55
Guy1524any of you know how I can get version 57 on 16.0401:55
Dave_Elecguys i've deleted everything with filename including opencv to uninstall it. And now Videos and mpv player dont work. Does anyone have a fix? thanks01:57
coffeeguyso umm hey are supposed to be able to access your entire ubuntu install with chromium and file:///home~02:00
coffeeguyprobably silly question02:00
coffeeguyerm and the encrypted home02:01
tgm4883coffeeguy: why wouldn't you be able to...02:01
coffeeguyok yah makes sense i get that i was just supprised at the permissions02:02
coffeeguyhehe well this is kinda cool i could do a search from here02:04
syphercoffeeguy: All you're doing is browsing your local file system. You'll have whatever permissions your normal user has.02:06
coffeeguylearnt sump pin woohoo :D02:07
coffeeguythanks guys sypher and tgm4883 :)02:07
Jakethepython1gnight heygm02:13
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Guy1524hey guys in gnome boxes how to I ssh to the host02:18
Guy1524from the guest02:18
sypherGuy1524: There would have to be a network connection in place between host and guest that allows such traffic.02:19
sypherGuy1524: I'm assuming you're discussing VMs and so forth.02:19
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elisa87please have a look http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41732696/file-strings-file-opt-intel-mkl-include-mkl-version-h-cannot-be-read I had no problem previously installing OpenCV for Ubuntu 14.04 but here's a new machine with Ubuntu 14.04 I get this error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41732696/file-strings-file-opt-intel-mkl-include-mkl-version-h-cannot-be-read02:24
elisa87how to install intel mkl in Ubuntu?02:34
Dave_Elecguys i've deleted everything with filename including opencv to uninstall it. And now Videos and mpv player dont work. Does anyone have a fix? thanks02:35
cfhowlettDave_Elec, I suspect removing opencv also removed part of your video support.  sudo apt-get install --reinstall mpv02:36
Dave_Eleccfhowlett: I already tried that and it says "dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'libopencv-highgui2.4v5:amd64' missing; assuming package has no files currently installed"02:39
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tgm4883Dave_Elec: wait, you deleted the actual files and not uninstalled the packages?02:41
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Dave_Elec#tgm4883 Yeah, i was stupid02:43
Dave_Electgm4883: I reinstalled opencv02:43
cfhowlett!es | calilo02:45
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cfhowlettcalilo, stop it02:47
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ATadConfusedhi guys03:01
ATadConfusedis there an irc channel where i can ask someone to explain what consumerism is?03:02
cfhowlettATadConfused, definitely not in the ubuntu support channel. perhaps you might try this new invention: google03:02
ATadConfusedyeah sorry about that, i've googled it and read the wikipedia article too, but i'm still a tad confused03:03
=== BlackoutIsHere|O is now known as BlackoutIsHere
tekeli-liATadConfused, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/consumerism03:04
kk4ewtask your teacher tomorrow03:04
tekeli-liATadConfused, https://www.reddit.com/r/eli5/03:04
ATadConfusedi'm actually 23 lol03:04
tekeli-liThey can explain anything.03:04
ATadConfusedeli5 might be a good idea yeah03:05
ATadConfusedthx guys, sorry for everything03:05
tekeli-likk4ewt, I hope I never run out of teachers.03:06
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ZythyrI used this guide to boot my Ubuntu to console. However, is it possible to make Ubuntu boot to a black screen? Currenlty it boots to the virtual console tty1 and it shows the login request and blinking cursor. I just want a total black screen.03:26
cfhowlettZythyr, ....... to serve what purpose?  and if successful, how would you know?03:27
tekeli-liZythyr, I don't have a complete answer, but the virtual terminals TTY1-TTY6 are served by the agetty program launched during the init phase.03:35
tekeli-liZythyr, It may be possible to disable the TTYs by editing the init configuration: http://askubuntu.com/a/39843203:41
tekeli-liZythyr, Is that helpful? Do you want to know more?03:41
lungaroomg, I might stab ubuntu xenial for the madness its put me through.03:42
cfhowlettif you want actual help, drop the graphic language and state your question.  if you just need to vent, do it elsewhere.03:43
Zythyrtekeli-li Hi03:51
Zythyrtekeli-li Sorry I had to step out for a bit03:51
Zythyrcfhowlett Sorry I had to step out for a bit03:52
ZythyrWriting my exact question, give me a sec03:53
ZythyrI have a system running Ubuntu connected to a projector for 3D printing application. I want Ubuntu to boot to a black screen directly. When I start the 3d printing, I will use SSH into the Ubuntu system connected to the projector. I will be using "fbi" to display my desired images on the projector. Fbi is a framebuffer viewer. I will be displaying the images on TTY1 or TTYn...03:56
tekeli-liZythyr, I think it would be possible to display framebuffer images without an active TTY, but maybe you need the TTY for other reasons?03:57
cfhowlettZythyr,tekeli-li suggested this; http://askubuntu.com/questions/357039/how-do-i-disable-virtual-consoles-tty1-6/398432#39843203:58
shinobi_hey all, i'm wondering if someone could help me out with a wireless networking issue i'm having with this laptop, ubuntu server 16.04.103:59
cfhowlett!ask | shinobi_03:59
ubottushinobi_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:59
sypherUbuntu Server on a laptop?03:59
shinobi_haha yep03:59
shinobi_basically using this piece of crap as a server for a couple things04:00
sypherThat would explain Ubuntu Server, then.04:00
syphershinobi_: So, let's get the details on your issue. Can't help without them.04:00
Zythyrtekeli-li cfhowlett fbi requires me to selectw which ttyn I want to display the image on. When I am in graphica mode and I run the fbi command with my desired image, it gives me error "Inappropriate ioctl for device (not a linux console?) . Here is man page: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/man1/fbi.1.html04:00
shinobi_yeah, it's a crappy acer that won't connect to my wireless over dhcp04:00
shinobi_i think it might have something to do with the firmware. ath9k04:00
shinobi_Qualcomm Atheros QCA956504:01
shinobi_damn acers. >.>04:01
cfhowlettshinobi_, drop the commentary, focus on facts >>> answers04:01
shinobi_ah, sorry. i will enable robot mode and no longer be a human.04:02
shinobi_when i ifup wls2 the dhcp lease just times out. i know the config in /etc/network/interfaces is fine.04:02
shinobi_lspci shows the device just fine. `modprobe ath9k && dmesg | grep ath` shows that everything is enabled and no errors.04:04
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shinobi_i did upgrade to 4.4.0-31-generic to see if that solved anything, but it did not04:10
tekeli-liZythyr, I must have misunderstood your request. I thought you wanted to disable the TTYs. Sorry.04:11
dantes how can i set last command as window title in terminal?04:11
Zythyrtekeli-li Its okay04:16
Zythyrtekeli-li I found out there is a command called "setterm" and it allows me to to change the number of minutes before screen blanks. However, I am not sure if these settings are for ALL tty. For example, I was able to change colors while on tty1 using setterm. But when I used setterm command from remote PC using SSH, it change the terminal colors of my remote machine and not the actual Ubuntu04:18
Zythyr*stepping out for a little04:19
tioxUh, yeah this just happened on another IRC server; http://pastebin.com/V8PKrHtB04:30
tekeli-liZythyr, I had a similar problem recently. I think setterm sees your ssh client as the terminal.04:30
tioxMuch lulz had.04:31
Zythyrtekeli-li Yes, looks like I have to physical set the settings on the tty1 of the system04:32
dantesanyone know how to set last command as terminal window title?04:33
tekeli-liZythyr, Since it seems you and I are exploring new territory, I recommend performing some experiments and making note of the results. It seems you know what you want and which commands are involved.04:34
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tekeli-liZythyr, And FWIW, that's what I've been doing. Just trying to see what works without necessarily understanding how or why.04:35
Zythyrtekeli-li Yes thanks. I think for now I'll just stick with waiting for tty1 to blank out after few minutes.04:35
Zythyrtekeli-li I can also figure out how to run the fbi command to display a black image to tty1 however, i tried doing that and didn't have much luck. Will try again04:35
tekeli-liZythyr, good luck then  :)04:45
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Zythyrthanks :)04:54
FishPencilIs there some sort of program that can "watch" for changes to a file and upload it via sftp if one occurs?04:57
genericuser123thinking of something like a git repo?04:58
dadforLinuxWhich is lighter on CPU? Ubuntu's Unity or Linux Mint Cinnamon?05:00
tekeli-liFishPencil, Sounds like a combination of git and cron.05:01
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cfhowlettdadforLinux, we don't use  or support mint here nor have we compared.  look elsewhere.05:17
dadforLinuxcfhowlett is Unity light tho?05:17
dadforLinuxlike which is it heavy in like RAM or CPU?05:17
cfhowlettFishPencil, I imagine cron > diff > sftp might be a solution.              might be a solution05:17
cfhowlettdadforLinux, the lightest DE's in the Ubuntu family are lxde and xfce4.  on ubuntu, sudo apt install lxde xfce4              then logout, choose a DE and login.05:18
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NighkoI have ran into a problem with ubuntu05:32
cfhowlett!help | Nighko05:33
ubottuNighko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:33
NighkoIt keeps on going to initramfs. I fixed it twice. And could not find the fix on the web this time. So I tried another method and now my screen is spamming me with thousands of numbers05:33
NighkoAfter it said force rewrite. I used the fsck cmd05:34
Nighkofsck -b 32768 /dev/sda505:35
NighkoShould I be worried?05:35
cfhowlettNighko, are you still stuck at initramfs?05:35
NighkoThe numbers have now gone after a good while and I have a black screen05:35
NighkoTheir back05:36
NighkoScreen was sleeping05:36
NighkoI'll send I video05:38
NighkoI'm currently too scared to touch Ctrl+c05:39
NighkoIts my dads PC. He asked me to fix it. So if I stuff it up. I'm dead05:39
Bashing-omNighko: Tell us that you did run the fsck command from a liveUSB ??05:44
NighkoFrom within initframfs its self05:45
NighkoBad idea?05:45
NighkoCan I stop it?05:45
cfhowlettNight__, ctrl-x? q?05:46
NighkoWant me to use Ctrl x?05:46
cfhowlettI'm not sure what the kill command would be from the initramfs prompt.  try it and see05:46
Bashing-omNighko: Yeah, real bad .. I would say it is RE-install time. The file system was in use with the atttempt to fix . Can not hit a moving target .05:47
cfhowlettthis ^^^05:47
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NighkoSo will my dad lose all his files?05:48
* cfhowlett thinks "aaaaaaaaah, heck ..."05:48
NighkoHe numbers disappeared for a seck05:49
NighkoCame.up with fix? Stuff05:49
cfhowlettNighko, STOP NOW!  Ask Dad what his backup system is.  If he says "what?", then you need to backup his data before take another step.05:49
Bashing-omNighko: A lot depends on what sda5 partition holds  as to what might be salvagable .05:50
NighkoSda5 is linux05:50
NighkoHe has no back ups05:50
NighkoAnd how can I backup his data?05:51
NighkoIts still running!05:51
causativeI just updated to 16.10 and now the "terminal" icon in the launcher lacks the little pips next to it, so when I click it it always launches a new terminal instead of taking me to the last open one (several are open)05:51
causativethe other icons in the launcher have their proper pips05:51
cfhowlettNighko, you might have some explaining to do.05:51
NighkoCan I forcefully shut computer down and use live CD?05:52
cfhowlettNighko, you might have a LOT of explaining to do.  reboot to a live USB, and backup the the /home before you do anything else.05:52
NighkoBut I will have to shut down PC during fsck cmd05:53
cfhowlettuntil it's done.05:53
NighkoThat might take ages though05:54
NighkoStill spamming numbers05:54
cfhowlettthat's not spam, it's output.05:54
NighkoEstimate of time it will take?05:54
cfhowlettno idea thus "until it's done".05:55
cfhowlettfor the record, you could do a forced shutdown but that is quite likely to break things05:56
cfhowletteven more05:56
CrazyTuxhello, needed some help. I installed Virtual Box on Xubuntu and then MS Windows 10 inside the VB. Can I use all the applications inside this VB in the same way as when Windows is installed in a dual boot setup?05:59
cfhowlettCrazyTux, in my experience no.  ask #vbox for support06:00
CrazyTuxcfhowlett, ok.06:00
NighkoIts done O.O06:01
cfhowlettNighko, try to reboot.  if that fails, you know what's next06:01
NighkoDo I reboot into Linux or a spare live disc06:01
CrazyTuxBut, somehow I find Xubuntu faster than Windows 10.06:02
NighkoUbuntu logo/loading screen....06:02
NighkoFinger s crossed06:02
NighkoWorst thing is. My dad is at work06:03
Blue1xubuntu is very fast compared to Windows 1006:03
NighkoIf the HDD sound stops and screen freezes is that bad?06:03
NighkoI see mouse06:03
NighkoIts working06:03
NighkoShould k backup files anyway and reinstall for safety measures06:04
cfhowlettNighko, yes, yes and yes06:04
stanford_AIWhat do you think of our Drone product? http://adia.tech/06:05
cfhowlettstanford_AI, I think you are spamming the support channel.  don't.  take it to #ubuntu-offtopic06:06
Nighko Just going to leave computer until my dad gets home.06:08
NighkoHe is a bit of a tech guy him self. But says I know more....06:09
NighkoThanks for the help06:09
NighkoCfhowlett and Bashing-om06:10
CrazyTuxWhy do you bash om?06:10
Bashing-omNighko: K :) . Take a lot of care .06:13
danteshi, how do i change my terminal title?06:19
Speirosdantes profile preferences06:20
CrazyTuxwhy the available wireless networks don't get detected when I try to switch between two networks? I am using Xubuntu
CrazyTuxI sometimes have to log out and then log in again for the wireless networks to be visible.06:23
=== Gazyrlezon is now known as Nery
dantesSpeiros: no?06:29
Speirosdantes It didn't work?06:29
dantesthere is no option to change terminal title.06:30
Speirosdantes Under "edit", there should be "profile preferences", and there is a 2nd dropdown.06:31
Speirosdantes "Title and command"06:31
SpeirosIf yours differs dantes, here's a link with other suggestions:)  Hopefully one of them is accurate for you.  If not, let us know, and somebody may be able to troubleshoot with you.06:33
Speirosdantes https://askubuntu.com/questions/22413/how-to-change-gnome-terminal-title06:33
pragomer_1I want to install a few distros (kubuntu,ubuntu-mate,opensuse) parallel on one ssd. AND I want to use dm-crypt/luks on all these systems. how do I best realize that?? is either mbr or gpt better choice?06:35
cfhowlettpragomer_1, that's one way.  there are better options.06:35
cfhowlettinstall ONE ubuntu and then install the various desktop environments.  logout/choose DE/Login.   option 2: ubuntu > virtualbox > ubuntu flavors to the virtualbox06:36
pragomer_1wanted to seperate the DEs sorry06:37
dantesSpeiros: that worked thanks for the help06:40
Speirosdantes :) Excellent06:42
this_selfWow, as I see in Release Schedule that Canonical will release 16.04.2 on 16 February?06:45
this_selfEarlier this date was in the middle of January06:45
cfhowlettchitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic please.  thank you, this_self06:46
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ehtoh god. you said "chitchat"07:24
gagaliciousi have <defunct> process that doesnt go away for days. how do i resolve this? i want it to be gone. tried kill -9 but doesnt work. it is eating CPU processing power.07:43
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lostguywhy is ruby installed on uubntu?08:12
lostguyhow can i use apt-get or apt-cache to enquire more what was the install reson08:12
neeneebecause something depended on it in your configuration08:12
lostguyreason ? was it installed as a dep ? of which pkg?08:13
lostguyhow do i use apt to see the install reason08:13
lostguyit's installed as a dep of which package ? any commands?08:13
tatertotslostguy: read the man page with "man apt"...then come back08:14
lostguyanyone ones which options to be used of the mauals?08:14
lostguywhich options??08:14
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ubu1what do I need to do in order to get Synaptic working on 16.10?08:23
tatertotsubu1: can you open terminal?08:24
ubu1tatertots: ok08:24
tatertotsubu1: in terminal>    sudo apt install inxi pastebinit &> ~/ubu.nfo08:25
tatertotsubu1: press enter08:25
tatertotsubu1: let me know when it's done or the command line returns to you08:26
styler2goDoes anyone know a browser with vaapi support for ubuntu?08:26
ubu1tatertots: it returned, but I got no output08:26
tatertotsubu1: ok good08:26
tatertotsubu1: in terminal>    whereis inxi|pastebinit08:27
tatertotsubu1: press enter08:27
tatertotsubu1: did you get a url/link? or error?08:28
tatertotsubu1: you conscious over there?08:29
ubu1tatertots: yeah sure here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23826814/08:31
tatertotsubu1: in terminal>    inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit08:32
tatertotsubu1: press enter08:32
tatertotsubu1: share url/link here08:32
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neeneestyler2go: chromium can be compiled with vaaapi support08:40
styler2goneenee, yes but it needs a lot of patches08:42
neeneestyler2go: Well, I do not say it was easy or not time-consuming :)08:43
n4h0does any one know free vpn for ubuntu?08:43
neeneeBut technically speaking it can be done08:43
neeneen4h0: free vpn.. like client/server? sure - you can setup pptp/ipsec yourself, or go with openvpn - server + client08:44
neeneeThere, gave you three options, next :P08:44
n4h0i have been trying such things but i didn't get them working and i am looking for vpn for just tunneling and bypassing filters08:46
neeneeYou probably want a paid service for such things - what filters are you referring to?08:47
neeneeYou would need some endpoint to connect to/through, which is usually a paid service, especially if you want it to have some form of security/privacy08:48
n4h0the ISP servers are keeping me from accessing some sites and also from some software repositaries08:48
neeneelegal sites/repos?08:50
ZenIf you have a server that you have ssh access too that wont have the blocks, then you can look at sshuttle08:51
n4h0 i am just looking for vpn like pshiphon on widows08:58
n4h0but for ubuntu08:58
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lostguyhow do i install wolfram? there is no paclage in the officail repo??09:25
lostguyso where is it?09:25
EriC^^!info wolfram09:25
ubottuPackage wolfram does not exist in yakkety09:25
glachasI have Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS on my system and it is running too slow. What should I do?09:28
lostguyEriC^^: whaat?09:28
lostguyit is there is raspberry isntalled by default09:28
EriC^^lostguy: nevermind09:28
EriC^^glachas: how much ram? cpu?09:28
lostguyand i don't know how did they install it09:28
lostguyEriC^^: so i do mind, as it's free09:29
lostguyrpi people did it somehow09:29
lostguyi too would like to do it09:29
lostguyif anyone knows can you tell me, otherwise i don't want to ask this on askubunt09:29
lostguydoes anyone has any idea regarding wolfram ?09:30
lostguy!info wolframalpha09:30
ubottuPackage wolframalpha does not exist in yakkety09:30
glachasEriC^^: 4 gb RAM and i5 processor09:30
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cdiddis there a way to force rsync to interpret trailing slashes like cp does, meaning create directories with trailing slashes?09:36
geirhaIt does interpret trailing slashes specially. rsync also has its own channel; #rsync09:39
cdiddit has its own chanel. The channel is dead right now though.09:40
glachasI have Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS on my system and it is running too slow. What should I do? And also having 4 gb RAM and i5 processor09:40
geirhaeither that, or you're asking the wrong question ;)09:40
neeneeglachas: consider an SSD drive, it's the one upgrade that has more effect than anything else.09:48
EriC^^glachas: how slow are we talking?09:51
glachasneenee: I didn't get you.09:53
glachasEriC^^: to open any new window ubuntu is taking time. and also stop working.09:54
geirhaIf there isn't a suitable graphics driver, the GUI may be really sluggish09:54
EriC^^glachas: is there anything tking up the cpu? try pressing on the dash and type "system monitor" and see the resources09:55
pop_o-e-m refuses to work more than 2 days10:15
pop_gonna lok for new os10:16
wamHi, we see hanging VMs (based on kvm/qemu) when the storage for these vms is not available for a short time (~20-30s). The VMs then go to 100% iowait and don't recover from this state (and don't do any I/O anymore). Any hints how I can relax this with some kernel settings or sth?10:32
ikoniaI don't think you should "relax" this10:32
ikoniait will depend on what they are running too10:32
ikoniathe key question why is storage dissapearing for 30 seconds10:33
wamThey may completely stop for that time - I don't care. Howver, they should somehow recover.10:33
wamikonia: probably network issues.10:33
ikoniawhy should they some how recover ? it depends on what they are running/doing on if they recover10:33
ikoniaand it depends on the storage and how it re-attaches10:33
ikoniait's not "that" simple as just change a kenel param10:33
wamikonia: can't they just repeat the not-working i/o?10:33
ikoniawam: how do they know the storage is back ?10:34
wamI think what the VM sees is mostly like a failing sector on a disk.10:34
ikoniawam: a failing sector ?10:34
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ikoniano, if your storage dissapeaers that is not seen as a failing secotr10:34
wamikonia: and the disk trying to repair it for minutes10:34
cpaelzerI guess he meant i/o error10:34
wamwaiting for the disk10:34
ikoniawam: storage being pulled and sat in an i/o error, is very different than storage bing too busy to respond and in an i/o wait state10:35
wamit could just freeze the process and try the i/o every second. I was hoping there was some nice tunable.10:35
wamit's more like the too busy thing10:35
ikoniawam: you can't just 'freeze processes"10:35
ikoniawam: how the storage re-attaches and presents itself to the OS is key10:35
ikoniawhat the application is is key10:35
ikoniathere is more to it than that as I said10:36
wamthink of it as a NAS where the ethernet plug is pulled for some seconds.10:36
wamthere's no way to recover from that?10:36
ikoniait doesnt matter what you think of it is10:36
Ben64seems like a better idea to fix the problem rather then kludge it10:36
wamBen64: we're trying this for months now and need a second approach for the time of fixing the other problem.10:37
ikoniait matters what it really is and what is technically happening (eg: what the OS thinks has happened to the disk, how the disks re-represent themselves and what the application is expecting)10:37
cpaelzerwam: before I suggest an alternative I need to state that I agree to ikonia and Ben64 that solving the underlying issue is the much better approach10:38
cpaelzerwam: essentially your guests will see I/O errors and that will drive the apps in them nuts, so even after storage is back there sin't much left (that is how I TL;DR your case)10:38
cpaelzerwam: you can however configure it to never report an I/O error to the guest10:39
cpaelzerwam: https://qemu.weilnetz.de/qemu-doc.html look for weerro, rerror10:39
ikoniathere are lots of options here, but what is actually happening, the apps and the storage is key10:39
cpaelzerwam: yet that means that on an I/O error the guest will emmediately suspend - which often apps don't like either (timeouts)10:39
cpaelzerwam: yet you can try, that would leave your guests suspended after such a thing happened10:40
wamcpaelzer: sounds like I'll have a look on this. Thanks!10:40
cpaelzerwam: after your storage recovered you can unpause them10:40
ikoniawam: I strongly advise against that10:40
ikoniawam: again it depends on the storage and apps10:40
cpaelzeroh I can only agree ikonia - but sometimes the worst alternative is still one he might try :-/10:41
ikoniasuspending VM's in an unclean state can be wore10:41
CrazyTuxhello, can anybody help me? I needed to increase the size of the home partition on the hdd.10:45
obinoobis it possible to update no-ip with duc on ubuntu running bewind a router?10:45
ikoniawhat's "duc" obinoob ?10:46
te0Hi All10:46
CrazyTuxI had allocated 100 gbs of space to home partition. This was followed by about 4gbs of swap partition.10:46
obinoobikonia http://download.cnet.com/No-IP-DUC-Dynamic-DNS-Update-Client/3000-2648_4-10055182.html10:46
CrazyTuxI have deleted the swap partition now by using Gparted.10:46
CrazyTuxBut, not able to increase the size of the Home partition.10:46
wamok, possibly the first thing I'll do is s/virtio-scsi/virtio-blk/ for the moment. And then I'll look at rerror and werror. Thanks again.10:47
ikoniaobinoob: your router will just be "natting"10:47
CrazyTuxhello, can anybody help me?10:47
ikoniaobinoob: your router controls the public IP, not your host, so it's the router that should be manaigng the IP10:47
obinoobI don't think so I believe that the DUC will hit the first node and than reach no-ip web api10:48
ikoniaobinoob: I've never seen that client before, but I imagine if you run it from yoru host, it will trigger a check on the nat, and update the IP10:48
ikoniaobinoob: it's a nat though, a nat from the router (hence why it's a router)10:48
ikoniaobinoob: I suspect you'll be fine running the client (but I don't know for sure as I've never even heard of it)10:48
obinoobikonia ok thank you very much for your input10:49
tatertotsCrazyTux: you can't resize a partition that is in use10:50
CrazyTuxwhat do I need to do now?10:51
tatertotsCrazyTux: put some thought into how you need to use your disk capacity and next time you reinstall configure it accordingly10:53
CrazyTuxtatertots, now I can't do anything?10:53
BluesKajHey all10:53
xXEoflaOEXxHello, BluesKaj!10:54
tatertotsCrazyTux: do you still have gparted open?...you tell me if you can do anything10:54
CrazyTuxI deleted the swap partition and created the swap partition at the end of the disk.10:54
BluesKajhi xXEoflaOEXx10:54
CrazyTuxswap partition was followed by free space earlier. Now swap partition is at the end of the disk so that free space precedes the swap partition.10:55
CrazyTuxnow it it is Home partition followed by free space and in the end swap partition.10:56
CrazyTuxyet. I can't figure out how to increase the size of the home partition.10:56
tatertotsCrazyTux: in gparted, normally you can drag the slider bar to resize11:00
minimecCrazyTux: The thing is, that you have to unmount the /home partition to be able to resize it. So logged in as current user this will fail, because the /home partition is 'in use'... So you can either do this in recovery mode as 'root' on a console, or do it with a ubuntu live disk.11:00
CrazyTuxI don't find any free space after home partition so that I can drag it.11:00
CrazyTuxok. I'll do it with ubuntu live disk11:01
tatertotsCrazyTux: maybe take a screen shot and post it to http://imgur.com and share here11:01
CrazyTuxI'll try it witjh a live disk first and see.11:02
su11lyHey, quick question. I can only find documentation of ubuntu.s390x releases being licensed and priced11:19
su11lyThat seems to be for the LTS version. Is the "regular" one still free for s390 platform aswell?11:19
mcphailsu11ly: I think support is in #ubuntu-s390x, according to the wiki11:21
su11lymcphail: thank you, didnt see that hcnnale!11:22
=== Gazyrlezon is now known as Nery
Beginnerhello, can anyone help, i cant update after upgrade to 16.0411:23
mcphailsu11ly: I hadn't realised an s390 port existed!11:23
su11lymcphail: me neither, just found out today11:24
BluesKajBeginner, perhaps you're up to date11:24
Beginnerno, havent updated for a long time11:25
ppfBeginner: in what way can't you update11:25
Beginnerusing sudo apt-get update, it gives me a long list of errors11:26
BluesKajBeginner, pastebin the errors11:27
Beginnerthis is 1 of them W: The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file.11:27
nwehello, how does ipappend work in efidefault and preseeds, when I installing rhel I can use ipappend2 ksdevice=bootif will that work for ubuntu too?11:27
nweor should I type boot=bootif ?11:27
Beginneri might need a bit of help, im not used to this irc stuff11:27
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tomreynhi Beginner, are you into running commands ona terminal, yet?11:29
tomreyn!terminal | Beginner11:29
ubottuBeginner: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:29
Beginnertomreyn> not that much, but i try11:29
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Beginnersry for the danish in the paste, cant change it atm11:30
Beginnerbut i hope it gives an idea of the problem11:30
ppfBeginner: "ignored" means that this repo has no new packages11:31
Beginnerppf>its more than 3  month since my last update11:32
BluesKajBeginner, open your package amanger and remove any ppas you have there, then update and upgrade11:33
ppfBluesKaj: no ppas in there11:33
ppfBeginner: "apt update" only updates the package meta information11:33
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ppfrun sudo apt full-upgrade do actually upgrade the packages11:33
tomreynand put this in front: "LANG=C "11:34
tomreynso you'll get english output11:34
saju_manybody here?11:35
saju_mI have a doubt11:35
Beginnerrunning the command11:35
saju_mI have a node which is a part of cassandra, zookeeper and rabbitmq cluster. I what to reboot this node. What are the precautions I should take before restarting this node. Since it part of a cluster, data should auto backup by other nodes in the cluster.But I am afraid to restart it directly. Please suggest some ideas.11:36
Beginnerits cleaning up now (asked me to run : sudo apt autoremove)11:36
tomreynsaju_m: i think should questions are more suitable for #ubuntu-server11:39
saju_mtomreyn, ok11:39
Beginneri using softwareupdate i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/23827438/11:39
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antiheroHi, is there a way to install the NVIDIA drivers without all the desktop cruft? We need them for a headless server to do CUDA processing and don't want any extra random processes/xorg/etc11:41
xXEoflaOEXxBeginner, that means the package files for binary-i386 are not found. but there are Release file on binary-i386 and Packages.gz and .xz.11:41
antiherobut it seems to pull in lightdm, nvidia prime, gstreamer (??)11:41
k1l_Beginner: this is a desktop? the go to system-settings -> sogtware and updates, and choose a new mirror near you.11:42
BeginnerK1l> it wont find a mirror11:42
k1l_Beginner: are you using some proxy or vpn?11:42
ducasseantihero: have you tried with --no-install-recommends?11:42
Beginnerk1l> no proxy/vpn11:43
xXEoflaOEXxBeginner, then diable binary-i386 for now.11:43
antiheroOoh that might just do it11:43
tomreynwhy would archive.ubuntu.com resolve, for a DK user, to a softlayer IP address which has no reverse entry and is unroutable?11:43
BeginnerxXEo> how ??11:44
CrazyTuxhello, I got this error when I tried to update Xubuntu 16.04.1 that is installed on my laptop. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23827450/.  What is the issue here?11:45
BeginnerTomreyn> it started after the distrobution upgrade, i suspect the upgrade isnt finished.11:45
Beginner( how do i answer a user directly )11:46
k1l_Beginner: please show a "grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999" output url11:47
BluesKajBeginner,  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sourcers.list.d in the run command (alt+F2). remove any ppas listed there , if there aren't any then you must have updated from your previous OS without updating and upgrading your existing packages first.11:47
hateball!who | Beginner11:48
ubottuBeginner: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:48
tomreynBeginner: the way you responded to me is just fine. you could user : instead of > though11:48
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:48
tomreynBluesKaj: why?11:49
k1l_Beginner: ok, first go to the system settings again and make sure the "xenial-security" and "xenial-updates" are checked. altough you want to think about enableing restricted ans mutliverse repos there.11:49
BluesKajtomreyn, check out his dources11:50
BeginnerBlueskaj - Looks emply11:50
tomreynBluesKaj: the apt update output i saw shows no PPAs configured on Beginner's system. which PPAs did you see configured?11:50
tomreynBluesKaj: oh i missed the terminbin paste, sorry11:51
BeginnerK1l - http://paste.ubuntu.com/23827468/11:51
k1l_Beginner: have you changed anything on the apt configs?11:52
k1l_like putting a proxy there etc?11:52
Beginnerk1l_: yes, was looking at the internet for solution, tryed a thing or 211:53
k1l_Beginner: because that is a proxy server its listing there11:53
tomreynBluesKaj:  actually all of those archives are disabled, and i dont think (or hope?) the fact they used to be enabled can explain why archive.ubuntu.com resolves to
Beginnerk1l_: i havent put in a proxy on purpose, how do i remove it ??11:54
k1l_Beginner: "cat /etc/apt/apt.conf | nc termbin.com 9999"11:54
Beginnerk1l_: http://termbin.com/k93f11:55
k1l_Beginner: sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf11:55
BluesKajtomreyn, I think he didn't update and upgrade befioe upgrading from wily11:55
k1l_Beginner: after that, run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" again11:56
tomreynBluesKaj: possibly, but i think the major issue here is that something or someone placed a proxy on his apt.conf without his knowledge11:56
BluesKajyeah to seems so11:56
BeginnerBluesKaj: ur probably right.11:56
tomreynor maybe s/he just forgot11:56
Beginnerk1l> it still tryes to connect to the proxy11:57
k1l_Beginner: is "cat /etc/apt/apt.conf" is it still there?11:58
Beginnerk1l_: no, using same command as before, it says no such file11:59
ducasseor in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ ?11:59
tomreynBeginner: cat /etc/apt/apt.conf /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999"11:59
tomreynwithout the trailing "11:59
Beginnertomreyn: http://termbin.com/bpai12:00
MoL0ToVi can't print a pdf from ubuntu, someone can help me to debug?12:01
xXEoflaOEXxhi user__12:01
user__just looking around never been here before12:01
xXEoflaOEXxuser__, Do you have any Ubuntu questions?12:01
tomreynBeginner: what makes you think "it still tryes to connect to the proxy", and what is "it"?12:01
user__not at the moment thx but i will aks later wehen i finished my setup12:02
Beginnertomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23827500/12:02
user__so cy and thx @ community12:03
BluesKajBeginner, it could be set in "systensettings>network settings, not sure where to find them in unity or gnome12:03
Beginnertomreyn: i thought i recognised the ip12:03
k1l_Beginner: did you set a system proxy?12:03
BluesKajthe proxy that is12:03
Beginnerk1l_: not on purpose12:03
MoL0ToVi can't print a pdf from ubuntu, someone can help me to debug?12:04
k1l_Beginner: then please look at the system setings -> network for ti12:04
xXEoflaOEXx!patuence | MoL0ToV, Please do not repeat your question.12:05
Beginnerk1l, BluesKaj , tomreyn > found a proxysetting, removed it12:05
xXEoflaOEXx!patience | MoL0ToV, Please do not repeat your question.12:05
ubottuMoL0ToV, Please do not repeat your question.: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:05
tomreynBeginner: good, does "sudo apt-get update" now run fine, and what is the output now?12:06
BluesKajBeginner, ok try the update and upgrade12:06
Beginnertomreyn, k1l_ , BluesKaj > http://paste.ubuntu.com/23827512/12:07
k1l_ok, were did you put the proxy in else?12:08
Beginneri removed the proxy in system settings/network and put it to auto12:08
tomreynsudo grep -rF /etc 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999912:09
tomreynBeginner: ^ please run this12:09
k1l_maybe its in .profile or /etc/ profile, or environment12:09
tomreynif it's global and provided as an ip address, the grep will show12:10
tomreynif it's in the user profile, we should check ~/.config and maybe ~/.local, i guess?12:10
k1l_and .profile12:11
ducasseand .xsessionrc12:11
Beginnertomreyn: sudo grep -rF /etc 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999912:11
Beginnertomreyn: > sry12:11
Beginnertomreyn: http://termbin.com/pofy12:12
BluesKajwonder if someone setup iptables on his machine ... Beginner are you in a work environment ?12:12
tomreynBeginner: remove this line off /etc/environment: http_proxy=""12:13
BeginnerBluesKaj: no, private machine, only for learning ubuntu12:13
BluesKajneeds root permissions to so I bet12:13
Beginnertomreyn: > how do i remove it12:14
tomreynBeginner: gksudo gedit /etc/environment12:14
tomreynBeginner: did you install this ubuntu yourself (initially, before you upgraded it)?12:14
Beginnertom> its been upgraded (dist) several times, i think this machine has been running for 3 years or more12:16
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tomreynBeginner: i see. this doesn't actually answer the question, though.12:16
Beginnertomreyn, k1l_ BluesKaj > now things starts to change12:16
Beginnertomreyn: > sry, then i misunderstood, i try to read it again12:17
Beginnertomreyn: yes, i installed and upgraded myself12:18
tomreynBeginner: do you share this computer with someone else then?12:19
Beginnertomreyn: no sharing, only myself to blame12:19
tomreynBeginner: i'm asking because this proxy server, which looks dubious, and which you do not remember configuring, has been configured pretty much everywhere in your system, so that all of your internet traffic went through it.12:20
tomreynthis would allow someone else to snoop on all the things you do online as long as they are not encrypted (SSL/TLS).12:21
Beginnertomreyn: i probably (at some point) tryed to play with proxy and forgot it.12:21
Beginnertomreyn: as i said, only myself to blame12:22
tomreynBeginner: okay, so you decided to share your internet traffic with an unknown thrid party yourself.12:22
BluesKajBeginner, is this a vpn proxy option?12:23
Beginnertomreyn: > not on purpose12:23
BeginnerBluesKaj: > it could be, probably some free proxy from a proxylist12:24
royal_screwup21I'm on Ubuntu and am looking for a way to check for the last file downloaded into my PC. Is there a terminal command for that?12:24
tomreynBeginner: i'm not saying this to blame you, just to raise your awareness so you'll think twice about using "anyonmous internet proxy" next time. ;)12:24
BeginnerBluesKaj, tomreyn > i know i played with tor and proxy at some point12:24
BluesKajBeginner, free proxies and vpns are suspect security-wise12:24
Beginnertomreyn: > im not taking this as blame, and i appreciate your concern12:25
k1l_royal_screwup21: look at the browser download tool12:25
tomreynBeginner: cool :)12:25
neeneeroyal_screwup21: find / -ctime 512:25
neeneeroyal_screwup21: if it was within the last 5 minutes, otherwise extend12:25
thgilfodrol:o I'm currently setting up a proxy on my ubuntu laptop and I see this conversation12:26
royal_screwup21Awesome, thanks you guys!12:26
BeginnerBluesKaj: i know, but this is a learning laptop, i could have formatted it, and reinstalled, but i like to learn, and i did thx12:26
BluesKajBeginner, 50bucks /yr gives me relative internet anonymity with paid vpn12:27
Beginnertomreyn, k1l_ , BluesKaj > its still running in the apt-get update /upgrade, seems u solved my problem... thx a lot12:28
BluesKajBeginner, happy to hear you're back on track ;-)12:29
BeginnerBluesKaj: yes, could be i should start to pay up ;)12:29
BluesKajBeginner, it's worth every penny, to me at least12:30
BluesKajI use PIA btw12:31
BeginnerBluesKaj, tomreyn, k1l_ > how do i remove all the danish language, and run solely on english/us.. im a bit tired of the danish desktop12:32
BluesKajsystem locale and language12:33
BeginnerBluesKaj: i tryed that before, didnt work.. but i might need a system restart ??12:33
tomreynBeginner: logout + login will be needed for some applications to catch up on it.12:34
Beginnertomreyn: > ok12:34
BluesKajBeginner, dunno, my system has always been english, so i have no experience with switching it12:34
tomreynBeginner: i'd say finish those upgrades first before you logout, though. (you'll need to reboot then anyways)12:35
Beginnerblues> yeah, this danish language install was an error12:35
Beginnertomreyn: yes, i will wait12:35
royal_screwup21I'm trying to look up ls -rt on the man page, so I typed in "man ls | grep -rt". What am I doing wrong?12:36
BluesKajBeginner, it's given that you need to finish your updates/upgrades before doiung wnything else12:36
tatertotsroyal_screwup21: try just "man ls"12:36
BluesKajneeds more light on the KB12:37
BeginnerBluesKaj: yes :)12:37
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ioriaroyal_screwup21, man ls | grep  ' -r\|-t'12:40
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BluesKajroyal_screwup21, why do you insist on posting in multiple chats ?12:45
secrossAnybody here use CUPS?12:46
tatertotssecross: of course12:46
BluesKajI'd invoke the bot on this but I've forgotten the phrase12:46
tatertotssecross: printer not working?...what model printer12:47
secrossI cannot seem to add an instance to my epson c88 for using other default printer settiongs12:49
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rcspamHi, my system is Xenial... I have lost all icons (indicators,time,etc) in my unity-panel. This is happened after a stop a fullscreen video. Since, some compiz/unity reset + remove config files doesn't solve the problem. If i am logging to another user, same things. An idea to fix this !!!??? thanx12:52
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yonganybody here12:58
k1l_yong: yes, some are here. what is your question?12:59
Eagle357hello guy i've a problem i cant connect my ethernet on my ubuntu 16.10 can you help me ?13:03
Mitchellhi gas13:03
Eagle357the wifi start but not ethernet13:05
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secross754eagle357: what does ifconfig say?13:06
kbobifconfig -a13:07
tatertotsEagle357: can you open terminal? so we can get a more detailed look into your issue13:07
Eagle357ham0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 140413:08
Eagle357        inet6 fe80::7879:ff:fe00:0  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>13:08
Eagle357        ether 7a:79:00:00:00:00  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)13:08
Eagle357        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)13:08
Eagle357        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 013:08
Eagle357        TX packets 155  bytes 15318 (15.3 KB)13:08
tatertotsEagle357: hi13:13
secross754eth0 seems to be missing from /etc/network/interfaces?13:14
tatertotsEagle357: nevermind...i'm out of patience..good luck with that13:14
ikoniaeth0 is not the default name any more13:14
ikoniait depends on your card the name of the interface13:14
neenee+ it does not have to be in interfaces if you make use of a connection manager13:15
ikoniaconnection manager ?13:16
Eagle357since i've upgrade ubuntu i've this problem13:16
kbobEagle357: setup the ethernet ham0 in /etc/network/interfaces13:16
ikoniado you meen network manager ?13:16
ikoniaone or the other13:17
ikoniado not use network manager AND the interfaces file13:17
secross754so he uses dhcp?13:17
ikoniaEagle357: you're using mate dektop yes ?13:17
ikoniaEagle357: so you should be using network manager from the desktop why are you looking at the interface file ?13:18
ikoniaEagle357: what model Pi is it ?13:18
Eagle357i'vnt eth so i've this before i upgrade13:20
ikoniaupgrade ?13:20
Eagle357yes i upgrade ubuntu 16.04 to 16.1013:21
ikoniaso lets step back a little13:21
ikoniaare you using network-manager application to manage your network ?13:21
Eagle357no i cant it blocks when i write the command in the terminal13:23
ikoniawhat command ?13:23
Eagle357start network-manager13:24
ikoniawhy are you typing that13:24
ikonianetwork manager is integrated into the desktop13:25
nwehello I have a strange problem  I have setup preseed file for my uefi.. but it dont overrite my configuration if I reinstall the server..13:25
Gonzo89"nslookup mydomain.tld" return an old IP using Server but "nslookup mydomain.tld" returns the new ip. In the network manager i configured as my primary dns, why isn't it used when i execute nslookup without a specific server?13:26
Eagle357where is it because i use MATE since one week13:26
Richard_CavellIs there an option to the ls command that will allow me to see "all" files (including those normally hidden) ?13:26
ikoniaGonzo89: because ubuntu uses dnsmasq (a local dns forwarding server) by default13:26
ikoniaEagle357: so lets step back futher13:28
ikoniaEagle357: you had this woring in 16.04 ?13:28
Gonzo89ikonia: but shouldn't it forwarding the request to the primary dns which is
Eagle357no just since 16.1013:28
neenee16.10 has quite a few issues, I'll stick with 16.0413:29
ikoniaGonzo89: how did you set your primary dns to 8.8.813:29
ikoniaEagle357: so it's never worked then ?13:29
Gonzo89settings > network ipv4 configuration and then choose manually to enter a DNS-Server13:30
Eagle357since 16.10 it's never worked13:31
ikoniaGonzo89: so you're using Network Manager to configure a dns server manually ?13:31
Gonzo89ikonia: yes13:31
ikoniaGonzo89: so what makes you think it's not working then (sorry if I'm missing the context)13:32
ikoniaEagle357: how did you configure it in 16.04 ?13:32
Gonzo89ikonia: nslookup domain.tld => old ip (server:| nslookup domain.tld => new ip. If is forwarding the request to my primary dns, which is the result of both commands should be the same13:32
neeneealternatively you can edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf - add supersede domain-name-servers,
ikoniaGonzo89: dnsmasq is probably caching13:33
neeneethat will make it system-wide for all connections13:33
ikonianeenee: thats no different than what he's done in network manager13:33
ikoniaapart from you've forced in a configure file that may cause problems if he moves locations13:33
Gonzo89ikonia: ok. one think i notice. In /etc/resolv.conf there is no
ikoniaGonzo89: there shouldn't be13:34
ikoniaGonzo89: is the correct address as thats where your local caching name server is listening (dnsmasq)13:34
Gonzo89ikonia: ok can i see if the cache is used?13:34
ikoniaGonzo89: quickest way is to reboot13:34
neeneeikonia: I use it specifically to force dns on laptops which move locations, but indeed - it might not be what he needs.13:34
Gonzo89ikonia: cache is deleted on every reboot?13:34
ikoniaGonzo89: nework manager launches dnsmasq for you, so just  reboot sould flush and restart it13:34
ikoniaGonzo89: it is I think, it's not held on disk13:34
Gonzo89I change ip yesterday and reboot today13:35
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ikoniaGonzo89: your IP doesn't matter13:35
Gonzo89ikonia: But i reboot today and still get the old ip13:35
ikoniaGonzo89: hang on then13:35
ikoniaGonzo89: (is this after you set the ip of the dns servers in network manager)13:36
Gonzo89No i set as my primary dns a month ago13:36
rcspamHi, my system is Xenial... I have lost all icons (indicators,time,etc) in my unity-panel. This is happened after a stop a fullscreen video. Since, some compiz/unity reset + remove config files doesn't solve the problem. If i am logging to another user, same things. An idea to fix this !!!??? thanx13:36
ikoniaGonzo89: ok, so if you run this "nmcli device show <interfacename> | grep IP4.DNS" (replace interface with your ineterface name) what dns servers do you get back13:37
Gonzo89ikonia: IP4.DNS[1]:                   
ikoniaGonzo89: so you are using
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ikoniaGonzo89: how many network interfaces do you have on your machine that are in use13:38
Gonzo89ikonia: I'm not sure how to tell. I have 1 network card. ifconfig show enp1s0 which is my real card and lo and vboxnet0 (i use virtualbox)13:40
ikoniaGonzo89: ok, so you should only be using dns off one provider then13:41
ikonialets look at the record, whats the host/ip you're looking up13:41
glachasubuntu 14.04.5 , 4gb RAM ,i5-processor - config of my system. Its running too slow. When I am switching between the windows , its stop for a while and then get switched. Any solution plz?13:42
ikoniaglachas: that sounds more like your video card config than your system resources13:42
glachasikonia: you can say13:42
glachasit means you are right13:43
neeneelike 'you can say that again' :)13:43
OerHeksglachas, what videocard exactly? lspci | grep VGA13:43
glachasneenee: :D13:44
glachasOerHeks: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics (rev 09)13:45
neeneeI use the same graphics card13:47
neeneethough perhaps not the same model, i915 here13:47
OerHeksThis post gives a workaround, changing UXA to SNA http://askubuntu.com/questions/625978/graphics-and-font-problem-in-ubuntu-14-04-with-intel-broadwell-u-integrated-grap13:47
OerHeks( you need to write your own xorg.conf)13:47
sylarokay so i have a noobish doubt here..13:47
sylarwhats the error in this :./firstscript: line 2: [: missing `]'13:48
neeneeI am running 16.04 though, not 14.0413:48
sylarline 2 is the if statement which goes like : if [$d == 'y']13:49
Gonzo89ikonia: mh now i get the correct ip. i tried "sudo service network-manager restart" after it nslookup domain.tld still return old ip. after a while i tried nslookup domain.tld and get the correct ip. now nslookup domain.tld also returns the correct ip13:49
OerHekssylar,  post your script on paste.ubuntu.com, missing ' ??13:49
Gonzo89ikonia: not sure why its working now but at least its working13:49
Gonzo89ikonia: thx for help13:51
sylaroerheks : i pasted t13:53
Vamp898Hi there. Due to an new dependency "libandroid-properties1", unattended-upgrade is holding back the upgrades of packages like docker-engine. I tried APT::Get::Upgrade-Allow-New "true"; but still, no luck...13:53
sylarcan u check whats wrong? since i just started scripting and i think i may have made a stupid mistake..but i cant figure out what13:54
minimecsylar: We need the link to your paste... ;)13:54
OerHekssylar, give us the url please?13:54
mcphailsylar: make sure you have spaces around square brackets13:54
Vamp898sorry, used /quit where i did not want to :D so i haven't read any response i might got13:55
minimecsylar: if [ $1 == "y"]13:56
OerHeksminimec +113:56
ikoniaGonzo89: it was cache then13:57
ikoniaGonzo89: so cache must be disk - not memeory as I thought13:57
sylarminimec still the same error13:58
Vamp898with apt upgrade, the upgrade just runs fine btw. So only unattended-upgrade is complaining13:59
ikoniaVamp898: apt upgrade is different than an unttended-upgrade13:59
Vamp898ikonia: i know. but at least this shows there is no "general" problem with some repos or whatever14:00
ikoniait shows nothing14:00
ikoniaVamp898: upgrading repo cache, is very different to actually perfoming a software upgrade14:00
Vamp898ikonia: apt upgrade is performing an software upgrade, at least on my Ubuntu 14.04.5 i have here14:01
Vamp898ikonia: so anyway. Is there a way to tell unattended-upgrade to also run upgrades when depdency changes?14:02
ikoniaVamp898: it will just update packages14:04
ikoniathe dependency changes ?14:04
ikoniadependencies are handled by the packages14:04
CrazyTuxhi, is there any package for Ubuntu for sharing files between PC and mobile phones or tablets, like shareit?14:08
neeneewhy not use airdroid - browser based?14:08
Vamp898ikonia: yes. But unattended-upgrade is holding back packages when their dependencys are changing. here: http://pastebin.com/SC3M8hMK14:08
CrazyTuxI have Xubuntu installed on my laptop and have an android based tablet.14:08
ikoniaVamp898: and what repos are those packages held in.....14:09
Vamp898ikonia: the most recend version seems to be in trusty-security and trusty-updates (at least the version he wants to upgrade to)14:10
ikoniaVamp898: are those repos enabled, can you manually upgrade those packages ?14:11
Vamp898ikonia: yes and yes14:11
ikoniaVamp898: ok, so that means it's the unattended definition that probably isn't aware of those repos14:12
ikoniaVamp898: http://www.richud.com/wiki/Ubuntu_Enable_Automatic_Updates_Unattended_Upgrades for example14:12
ikoniathe 50 file14:12
ducasseVamp898: you need to enable -updates in the unattended-upgrades conf file14:12
Vamp898ikonia: ducasse: right now i have -security, -updates, -proposed and -backports enabled14:12
k1l_-proposed is only for automated testings. dont use that as a enduser14:13
Vamp898k1l_: i enabled it for the sake of testing, it is not enabled per default (also backports is not enabled per default)14:14
BluesKajproposed is dangerous14:14
Vamp898But for the sake of reference, behavior doesn't change when i disable -proposed and -backports14:14
BluesKajVamp898, only use it when the devs tell you to14:14
k1l_backports is a special thing. since its enabled but you need to specific the use of backports when wanting to install14:15
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ikoniaVamp898: lets have a look at your unattended config file, as if you have the repos you say enabled there should be zero reason to fail dependency checks14:16
Vamp898ikonia: http://pastebin.com/hrEwGZHv14:18
ikoniaVamp898: so remove backports and proposed14:19
ikoniaVamp898: it's possible they could be causing unresolable dependencies for your current config14:19
Vamp898ikonia: like that? http://pastebin.com/igTdAmth14:19
ikoniaVamp898: thats the idea, yes14:20
Vamp898ikonia: same result...14:20
Vamp898ikonia: http://pastebin.com/6xcPtMQv14:22
BluesKajwhat's wrong with normal apt updates/upgraqdes , why do we need unattended upgrades if we update and upgrade a couple times per week , or especially daily ?14:26
Vamp898BluesKaj: normal apt update/upgrade doesn't run unattended14:27
BluesKajVamp898, whynor ?14:27
ikoniaBluesKaj: what happens if you run "apt-cache policy liboxideqt-qmlplugin"14:29
neeneebecause you want to consciously check package updates, you might not agree with what packages/versions it installs.14:29
neeneeespecially on a server, there can be breakage resulting in outage of services, not good for customers/business14:30
ikoniaBluesKaj: sorry that wasn't for you14:30
BluesKajikonia, not installed14:30
ikoniaVamp898: what happens if you run "apt-cache policy liboxideqt-qmlplugin"14:30
ikoniaBluesKaj: sorry that wasn't meant for vamp as one of the broken packages14:30
BluesKajok, I wondered ikonia , no harm done14:31
Vamp898ikonia: http://pastebin.com/pWZVvks314:31
ikoniaVamp898: that version bump is MASSSIVE14:33
ikoniaVamp898: that really doesn't look right somehow14:33
ikonia!info liboxideqt-qmlplugin14:35
ubottuliboxideqt-qmlplugin (source: oxide-qt): Web browser engine for Qt (QML plugin). In component main, is extra. Version 1.19.4-0ubuntu0.16.10.1 (yakkety), package size 169 kB, installed size 1560 kB14:35
ikonia!info liboxideqt-qmlplugin trusty14:35
ubottuliboxideqt-qmlplugin (source: oxide-qt): Web browser engine for Qt (QML plugin). In component main, is extra. Version 1.19.4-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 191 kB, installed size 1720 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; armhf)14:35
ikoniaso the version is correct,14:36
ikoniaVamp898: the question I'd ask first is how/where does unattended upgrades store/hold the repo cache14:36
ikoniaVamp898: that I don't know off the top of my head14:36
Vamp898ikonia: does it have its own cache? i expected it to use the apt-cache14:38
root-ownerHi jnoob2214:41
xXEoflaOEXxHi DolphinDream!15:03
DolphinDreamfor 16.04.. (if version matters) what is the recommended partitioning scheme? is the swap partition still necessary/recommended? Is the RAM size a decisive factor whether you have to have a swap or not or is it better to have a swap no matter what?  I have 8GB Ram on my system. and currently have set 10GB of swap (not sure why i chose 2GB more than the ram size)15:05
neeneeIt is good to have swap no matter what15:07
mcphailDolphinDream: I haven't used swap for years, but some people have seen problems with the OOM killer on machines with no swap. You will need swap if you want to hibernate, though15:07
neeneediskspace is very cheap, so it does not hurt that much15:08
noimnotninevolti figured swap on ssd is more likely to burn cells faster...15:08
DolphinDreamnoimnotninevolt: how come?15:09
neeneeIf you are using an SSD drive, it can be a good idea to keep part of it (10%, or up to 10GB) unpartitioned15:10
DolphinDreammcphail: i see. i see neenee has a differnet opinion though :)15:10
DolphinDreamneenee: why leave unpartitioned ?15:10
tgm4883neenee: why is that a good idea?15:11
neeneeI read various sources, but I fear that is old information now, outdated15:13
DolphinDreamcan someone explain why are there so many duplicate listings for desktop/server on this page: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ ? the links to the seem to be the same.15:14
neeneemy bad15:14
neeneeThey still recommend it here and there, but in short - filling it entirely is fine, to make sure that writes are spread out across the entire disk, to use the same space over and over as little as possible15:14
Vamp898 I haven't setup an swap since 5 years and had no problems till now. Processes taking up to much memory should get killed by the OOM killer if the kernel is setup properly so you never should run into kernel panics due to not enough free memory. on the other hand the speed of your swap can kill your system15:15
k1l_DolphinDream: look at the names. its 32bit and 64bit and then there is the 16.04.1 with the "servicepack" included already15:15
OerHeksDolphinDream, it contains 16.04 AND 16.04.1 ( confusing, i know)15:16
DolphinDreamk1l_:  i see desktop 64/32 .. then server 64/32 (for 16.04.1) .. then desktop 64/32 .. then server 64/32 (for 16.04) .. then one more server 64/32 (again for 16.04)15:17
k1l_DolphinDream: as i explained, the 16.04.1 are the isos with the "service pack" (that is what its named on windows. on ubuntu we call that "point release") included already. so it includes already a lot of updates since the release in april 201615:19
tgm4883DolphinDream: the last server is a .img file15:19
tgm4883not .iso15:19
Ramon_I have plans on running ubuntu on a usb stick, alongside windows (which is on the main drive of this laptop). Thing is, how will I handle grub and all? Doesn't it need the ubuntu partition to work correctly? I need a system where the ubuntu drive can be easily booted, while windows must be able to boot without the stick inserted.15:20
tgm4883DolphinDream: actually, you're right, two of those links are wrong15:21
neeneeRamon_: you could make a USB stick with ubuntu + persistence, no need to install grub on the harddisk/make any changes on it15:21
tgm4883k1l_: who would we even notify about that?15:21
Ramon_Hmm, that sounds like an idea15:21
tgm4883oh wait, nm15:22
tgm4883I should go get coffee before trying to look at things....15:22
neeneeRamon_: you can use www.linuxliveusb.com - it supports persistence out of the box when you create a usb stick with that15:22
Ramon_kewl. Thanks!15:24
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akikramon_g: you can also install ubuntu on a usb stick15:27
bgardnerGood morning!  I have a 14.04 box that had been flawless up until about 2 weeks ago, when the mouse started acting 'bogged down' every 5 seconds or so.  I replaced batteries, changed USB port, etc and it persisted.  I took this to be my last hint that it was time to upgrade, so I did do-release-upgrade yesterday.  Now I'm 16.04 and all is well, but the mouse issue persists.  Tips on how I can further diag15:28
bgardnernose this?15:28
plasticfishbgardner, maybe it's the mouse, have you tried it in another system?15:29
bgardnerplasticfish: No, I will do that now15:30
ducassebgardner: or another mouse in this system?15:30
DolphinDreamtgm4883: yeah. that's what i thought. and to make it less confusing perhaps the text should specify (patch.. or 16.04.1)15:31
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tgm4883DolphinDream: there's not a problem, I was reading the links wrong. I wish they would just get rid of those links and send everyone to the list below, that would get rid of the confusion15:31
tgm4883DolphinDream: actually, new users shouldn't end up on that page anyway I don't think15:31
bgardnerducasse, plasticfish: Doing both of those things now, give me a bit to see what happens and I will report back15:32
DolphinDreamtgm4883: ? new users? if you google ubuntu 16 .04 download.. that's what you get15:32
Vamp898DolphinDream: blaim google15:33
tgm4883DolphinDream: new users should end up on https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop15:33
jayjoDoes anyone know how to reverse a gif with ImageMagick, and then stitch it to the original gif so it loops forward and backwards perfectly?15:33
DolphinDreamVamp898: sure :) damn you google15:33
jayjoOr is there an online tool to do this?15:33
Vamp898DolphinDream: i always do that after i finished yelling at clouds15:33
tgm4883DolphinDream: you ended up on the alternative downloads page because of Google, not a whole lot we can do about that15:33
DolphinDreamtgm4883: not a whole  :) adding 14.06.1 to the description is a little thing.. and getting rid of the extra server links is just a minor cleanup :)15:34
tgm4883DolphinDream: there are no extra server links15:34
DolphinDreamtgm4883:  oh.. so the last server links are to *.img files .. the others are *.iso .. i see.15:36
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akiki don't see a problem linking to that download page. if you're going to install a machine from an iso file it's expected that you know what you're looking for15:37
oh4is kernel live patching supported on ubuntu 16.10 or is that only on 16.04 LTS?15:38
k1l_DolphinDream: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server15:38
OerHeksoh4, 16.04 LTS only, iirc15:39
k1l_DolphinDream: that is the regular landing page where you get the download15:39
oh4k thanks15:39
DolphinDreamk1l_:  i meant from this page: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/15:39
k1l_DolphinDream: yes, but this is not the regular download page for users.15:39
tgm4883k1l_: I agree that's the page for new users, but I'll also concede that the top half of the releases page is unnecessarily obscure15:40
DolphinDreamk1l_:  i understand that.. but if a user ends up on this page (for whatever reason.. be it google or not) they will be confused. it's easy to fix the page inconsistency.. or not make that page visible to the google searches if no one is  supposed to see it.15:40
k1l_DolphinDream: you googled your way into the alternative downloads site. if you know your wanting a alternative download page imho you can handle that alternative webpage15:40
DolphinDreameither way. i already installed my U16.. i don't care. i just pointed out in case someone wants to take the time to correct it.15:41
mozammelHi guys, good evening. I'm looking for any software which can correct my all mp3's meta data. such if as If I play some song and "shazam" (android App) can find exactly which song I'm play.15:41
bgardnerplasticfish, ducasse:  I'm red-faced that I didn't start with the hardware, but that does appear to be it.  Thanks for the (blindingly obvious) tip!15:41
DolphinDreamk1l_:  i googled ubuntu 16.04 download.. and clicked on the first link. nothing special there. anyone else would have done the same thing.15:41
tgm4883k1l_: The point being he accidently ended up there by googleing "ubuntu 16.04 download" or something to that affect15:42
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noimnotninevolti agree, those links need better descriptions.15:45
noimnotninevolti had the same thoughts when i was looking at them recently. took a while to notice that the hrefs for some point to 16.04.115:45
noimnotninevoltthere's literally no mention of different versions outside of the hrefs.15:46
k1l_DolphinDream: tgm4883 i guess you could file a  bug with more suitable descriptions on launchpad.15:46
tgm4883k1l_: against ubuntu website? Or is there a better place for it?15:46
k1l_tgm4883: i guess against the cdmirrors team15:49
nwedoesn ubuntu has something simular IPAPPEND 2 ksdevice=bootif ?15:50
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yeevewhen hosting files with apache in ubuntu, should I be worrying about setting the setgid bit so my CLI work creates files as www-data still or is that overklill/bad?16:08
Herbalistmozammel try Kid316:08
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Guest44706Hi I've got sources.list configured with the mirror:// protocol, but the selected mirror is unreachable how can I avoid this situation?16:10
Guest44706The mirror apt selected is mirrordenver.fdcservers.net (
bjt irc.irchighway.net16:15
akikGuest44706: remove that mirror from /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:16
mivanceseeing odd interactions with 16.04 and ubuntu mysql packages with apparmor, specifically apparmor forbidding mysqld to read /proc/*/status, as well as /sys/devices/system/node16:16
mivanceanyone encountered similar?16:16
mivancesome hints towards it here https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=8245416:16
mivancebut this is with official ubuntu mysql packages16:17
mivancee.g. Version: 5.7.17-0ubuntu0.16.04.116:17
Guest44706akik: It's not specifically in sources.list. sources.list has the `deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt` as the only configured mirrors16:17
akikGuest44706: ok sorry i don't know then16:18
Guest44706ok thanks anyway16:18
Guest44706hmm seems to be a known problem with no fix16:20
Guest44706*no fix that keeps using mirror:// protocol16:20
zharHi, I have a problem with my dual screen setup. The screens are the same model, with my previous setup (2xDVI on NVIDIA) everything was fine. With my new NVIDIA card (1050Ti 1xDVI, 1xHDMI), the screen connected to the HDMI (tried both screens) has a weird resolution and color setting. With a particular timing of turning the screens on during boot, the problem goes away and both screen get the same resolution&color settings.16:24
zharWhere can I find help for my problem?16:24
Rudemeisterhi all, I am struggling with a JRE libraries are missing or not compatible...., any clues? Or is it just /tmp size which is nod adequate?16:24
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minimeczhar: Which one is the 'primary screen'? You could first try to change this setting in the nvidia settings GUI16:35
minimeczhar: Type 'xrandr' in a terminal to figure out the 'primary screen'16:36
zhar@minimec, I tried to set the primary screen on both outputs, same result.16:36
zhar@minimec, the one connected to HDMI seems zoomed in16:36
zharthe reported resolution is set correct16:37
zhar@minimec, one weired redult with xrand is the different screen size. 510mm x 287mm for the DVI, 160mm x 90mm for the HDMI16:37
minimeczhar: If you only boot with one screen activates (hdmi). Is the resolution correct?16:38
zhar@minimec, no. HDMi still wired.16:38
zharOnly with a fast turning on of both screens during boot in a correct sequence (HDMI then DVI) the problem goes away16:38
zharBut the time window is very short, like 2 sec. It is very annoying16:39
nishttalwhy is time ALWAYS behind by 5 hrs on my fresh install ???16:39
nishttali've checked the timezone is correctly set to NY16:39
mivancenishttal: we had a VM that was always setting itself to 2030 ~30 minutes after boot; spent hours trying to figure out why to no avail; eventually blamed evil spirits, built a new VM16:40
minimeczhar: So it could be, that the card is not recognizing the screen correctly.16:40
mivancethis was on a 14.x LTS vintage16:40
minimeczhar: What does /etc/X11/xorg.conf tell you about the HDMI screen?16:40
ikevin<nishttal> i've checked the timezone is correctly set to NY <== does ntp is enabled and working?16:41
ikevindoes your bios have the correct time?16:41
zhar@minimec, Ops I found the solution right now on ubuntuforum. It is the overscan.16:41
minimeczhar: Ok. ;)16:41
zhar@minimac, thanks for your time16:41
minimeczhar: no problem16:41
DolphinDreamwhat is the recommended SWAP size relative to the RAM size?16:42
SchrodingersScatDolphinDream: depends, used to be that if you wanted hibernation then you needed at least 2x swap, but idk if that's even a thing anymore.  Outside of that it's personal preference?16:42
SchrodingersScator was it 1x?16:43
DolphinDreami have a 10GB swap for 8GB of RAM :)16:43
DolphinDreamno idea how i came to this number i set years ago16:44
nishttalikevin, did not check the bios16:44
nishttalikevin, how do i check if ntp is running?16:44
ikevinnishttal, service ntp status16:44
OerHeksDolphinDream, ram size + some bytes more, if you do automatic, you can recalculate it. 10 gb should do though16:45
nishttalikevin, "Unit ntp.service could not be found."16:45
minimecDolphinDream: That is one of the most asked questions, and also a hard one to answer. Until 4GB I would take 2xRAM if you have the space. Starting with 8GB I would ask myself if I want to 'hibernate'. If no I would take less than 1xRAM. I actally have a 8GB Swap file for 16GB RAM. My choice... ;)16:46
ikevinnishttal, "dpkg -l ntp" show you it's installed?16:46
tgm4883SchrodingersScat: it was RAM + 1MB IIRC16:46
nishttalikevin, installed ntp.. and now I see this https://paste.fedoraproject.org/531000/48484439/16:46
ikevinnishttal, now wait a little, ntp will update the time16:47
ikevinif not, install ntpdate, temporary stop ntp and do "ntpdate 0.pool.ntp.org"16:48
ikevinthen start ntp16:49
Craigwellsigh.... in broadcom hell after 14.04 LTS upgrade? I guess it has to do woth xenial kernel ?16:51
nishttalikevin, 19 Jan 06:51:13 ntpdate[6119]: no server suitable for synchronization found16:51
CraigwellI've been trying various items I find in bug reports,16:51
nishttalikevin, i tried sudo ntpdate 0.pool.ntp.org16:51
Craigwellnow just installed b43-fwcutter16:51
Craigwellanyone have any suggestions how to resolve this once and for all ?16:51
DolphinDreamminimec: thx. yeah.. it seems that every one i ask they give me a different answer :)16:51
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tgm4883Craigwell: once and for all? Replace the broadcom card16:52
ikevinnishttal, try: 0.fr.pool.ntp.org16:52
Craigwellhahah......... company laptop. not in the cards16:52
tatertotsCraigwell: broadcom is actually fairly straight forward and easy to manage16:52
Craigwellit's currently trying to use the STA driver, and I'm trying to sort out what I should be doing16:53
nishttalikevin, those may be blocked for me.. do you know what port it tries?16:53
Craigwelltatertots, agreed... i've run into this over the years with various dell, hps etc, and have always figured it out. this one is being tricky16:53
tatertotsCraigwell: do you need help or can you handle it on your own?16:53
ikevinnishttal, by default it's UDP port 12316:53
Craigwellhelp please.. I've tried the steps outlined here, no dice https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/159497416:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1594974 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,Invalid]16:54
kang00What's repair disc in windows?16:55
glockenspielhave system that suspended from idle.  System responded to keyboard press, but can't get display activated.  have ssh'd in but I can't get X to wake up. Any ideas?16:56
nishttalikevin, yeah i cant telnet to that host/port16:57
nishttalikevin, that explains16:57
ikevinglockenspiel, from ssh, try: xset dpms on16:57
ikevinnishttal, telnet is for tcp, ntp use udp16:57
glockenspielcant open display 016:58
nishttalikevin, aah i didnt know that16:58
ikevinnishttal, to test udp: sudo nmap -p 123 -sU 0.pool.ntp.org16:59
aviraljoin #django16:59
glockenspielikevin: cant xset or xhost + on the display. :(16:59
ikevinglockenspiel, maybe you need to export DISPLAY before17:00
nishttalikevin, https://paste.fedoraproject.org/531008/84524514/17:00
glockenspielikevin: used the command line option "-display"   This looks likean xauth barrier17:01
glockenspielech $DISPLAY17:01
ikevinnishttal, look like you'r firewall is allowing to connect to port 12317:01
nishttalikevin, so why wouldnt it sync17:02
ikevinnishttal, if you can, to be sure it's not a firewall problem, try to temp disable it17:03
nishttalikevin, my work sys admins may also block it.. there is not firewall on my machine17:03
ikevinnishttal, you need to ask it, if ntp can't work, you can manualy define the time17:04
ikevinask him*17:04
ikevinor ask him if a local ntp server is availlable17:05
dshapHey all, I'm running an Ubuntu EC2 instance and yesterday I could SSH into it just fine but today I can't and it says: "ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer". According to AWS monitoring, the CPU utilization is at 1%, so it's not a heavy-load situation keeping me out. Any ideas what this could be? Would definitely appreciate any help/suggestions since it's affecting my website!17:05
ikevindshap, if EC2 provide a kvm access, try to restart ssh service17:06
nishttalikevin, yeah just opened a ticket.. i'll let you know.. thanks for all your help17:06
ikevinnishttal, ok, your welcome :)17:07
dshapikevin: They don't provide kvm access unfortunately. This issue actually happened just a couple days ago and the only solution I could come up with was to destroy the instance and create a brand new one, which worked for ~48 hours and now is doing this again, so I'm trying to get to the bottom of what could be going on.17:08
CraigwellYes. I need help with the broadcom17:08
CraigwellI have tried b43 fw cutter, and have confirmed my device is supported, but I'm not getting anywhere17:08
Craigwellhas something to do with the lts enablement stack, and it happened right after some updates were installed (assuming to do with moving to xenial kernel)17:09
CraigwellIs rolling back the kernel the appropriate solution ?17:09
nishttalikevin, ok got the internal server ip.. ntpdate also worked.. do I now have to start the ntp service?17:10
MichaelWrightIf my PC was maxing 100% CPU on both cores on Ubuntu.. What would be the chances of the same on xubuntu?17:10
minimecCraigwell: The old kernel should still be available under 'Advanced options for Ubuntu' on the GRUB start screen.17:11
MichaelWrightthe CPU came out in 201117:11
CraigwellMichaelWright, I wouldn't expect ubuntu itself to be the cause of maxing 6 year old cores. I run 14.04 just fine on 10 year old core duos17:12
hareluhi guys, i've got a freshly installed 16.10 and my graphics card is so loud its killing me. I'm using amd 5670 and open source drivers since they are my only choice. is there any way to set the fan speed to calm down when theres no load?17:12
MichaelWrightCraigwell i was on live USB..17:12
MichaelWrightThis is a cheap Gateway laptop to..17:12
Craigwelleven still....17:12
Craigwellsomething isn17:13
Craigwellisn't jiving17:13
MichaelWrightCraigWell would there be a chance xubuntu would be the same or better?17:13
Craigwellor lubuntu17:13
Craigwellcan't hurt to try, liveusb and all17:13
jaythelinuxguyMichaelWright, I may have missed it, but what process in particular is maxing out your CPU?17:14
MichaelWrightI didn't check17:15
MichaelWrightBut the CPU was mostly sticking only at 100%.. maybe it'll fix it if i install Ubuntu?17:15
jaythelinuxguyI think you should. Perhaps open up the system monitor or install and run htop17:15
jaythelinuxguyThere was a bug with gvfs, which is why I'm asking17:15
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mipoHow To Add Extra Lib (Dev) Directories In Gnome-Builder Config?17:42
davido_I've begun getting the following warnings when I apt update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23828922/17:42
davido_Looking for a suggestion to get those cleaned up.17:43
aroonii have a thinkpad with thinkfan; but i'm not sure its working; dmesg reports: [87284.317442] CPU3: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 69021) .. does this mean my fan is bad or my thinkfan config is bad?17:45
minimecdavido_: So for 'http://download.alephobjects.com/ao/aodeb/' the solution is written on the repo page itself... http://download.alephobjects.com/ao/aodeb/17:46
minimecdavido_: --> Then add our pubkey by running this in a terminal:17:46
minimecdavido_: wget -qO - http://download.alephobjects.com/ao/aodeb/aokey.pub | sudo apt-key add -17:47
davido_thanks minimec.17:47
kang00(kang00) (kang00) How to find whether my computer has recovery partition created my manufacturer or not?17:47
tatertotskang00: hello again17:47
tatertotskang00: just look at all your partitions17:48
tatertotskang00: are you using the computer in question right now?17:48
kang00Recovery partition is hidden?17:48
kang00tatertots not now17:48
tatertotskang00: are you using the computer in question right now?17:48
tatertotskang00: oh ok cool17:49
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davido_minimec : That cleared up the most annoying one. I appreciate the pointer to what I should have seen as obvious. :)  And the weak algorithm warning is really up to the repo owner to fix, I guess, so I am now about as clean as I shoudl be.17:50
minimecdavido_: Exactly.17:50
tomreynarooni: not neccessarily, some BIOS / CPU combinations just throttle the CPU automatically based on the temperature measured.17:50
tomreynarooni: can you not hear whether the fan is running? you should also be able to check its rotation speed using lm-sensors / sensors-detect / sensord17:51
jaythelinuxguyNone of the Thinkpads I've used for quite a while required Thinkfan. I agree with the person that mentioned running lm-sensors to double-check17:52
tatertotsmy think pad runs fine w/o thinkfan17:53
jaythelinuxguyWhat Thinkpad do you have?17:54
tomreyndavido_: download.alephobjects.com is not an ubuntu (compatible?) repository. it's for debian.17:54
aroonitomreyn: its running around 4500rpm;  also; i just noticed that the thinkfan daemon wasn't running.  do i need to do something to ensure thinkfan is running at system startup?  i dont want to have to remember to run /etc/init.d/thinkfan start manually17:55
davido_hm, i don't recall what sequence of events precipitated adding that repo.17:55
jaythelinuxguyarooni, which model of Thinkpad?17:55
tomreyndavido_: the download.01.og related warning you can probably ignore a while longer. it's not something you can fix.17:56
tomreynarooni: i never used "thinkfan" and don't have any experience with it, sorry.17:56
aroonijaythelinuxguy: t42017:57
jaythelinuxguyThe t420 I don't have much experience with. I had the T430, which had the fans running all the time. The problem ended up being hardware, I had a technician redo the thermal compound and that fixed the issue. Thinkfan wasn't necessary on that machine, I doubt it's necessary on yours.17:58
jaythelinuxguyAlso, make sure the bios is up to date17:59
arooniyeah i think the original thermal compound is on this17:59
aroonisure that can't be helping18:00
aroonisince its nearly 6 years old18:00
jaythelinuxguyHaving the original compound may or may not be an issue. But if the heatsink is not tight and just right, it may exhibit those symptoms.18:00
fubHi. I just inserted a wifi card (tplink n800) into my computer (ubuntu 16.04). The card is detected.18:04
minimecarooni: Try to open the laptop and clean it. Remove all the dust. These Thinkpads are very easy to open and to clean. I have experience with x220/x230. That might help.18:04
fubNow when I do ifconfig, I can see the wifi interface wlp6s018:04
fubWhen I do "iwlist scanning", I get a list of networks18:04
minimecarooni: Also maybe try to install 'tlp' for better power managment.18:04
fubwhen I do an "iwlist wlp6s0 scanning", I get "No scan results". Why?18:04
minimecarooni: --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3aivW-7qJk18:08
fubI use lubuntu with i3wm. My terminal is gnome-terminal with zsh. I cant hear a bell sound when echo'ing a \a. Any idea how I can fix this?18:24
GrandPa-GI need help with partitions. I have a micro sd card 16gb on which there is a 60 mb boot partition and a 6.8gb partition and the rest unused. I want to copy those two partitions on to a 8gb card. Other than clonezilla, is there an easy way to do it? It is a bootable Raspberry Pi system18:30
GrandPa-Gdisk on the micro sd card.18:30
minimecGrandPa-G: dd is your friend... https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Disk_cloning18:31
GrandPa-Gminimec:Can I make a image file on my hard drive which contains just the two paritions? The result also has to be bootable?18:35
ferr1Hey, I've done this changes https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/wiki/Building-on-Ubuntu#ubuntu-1404 and now I cannot make other apps, I get syntax errors, how would I revert these changes?18:37
minimecGrandPa-G: I would do a backup of the whole SD card on your computer in one .img file, and then restore the whole image onto the new card. That should do.18:37
GrandPa-Gminimec:no that doesn't. I need to go from the 16gb to 8gb cards.18:38
OerHeksGrandPa-G, you can restore the .img to a smaller card18:39
GrandPa-GOerHeks: what happens to the last 8gb of the image from the file?18:40
OerHeksif that space is empty, it will be ignored18:41
rokowhere can I place a file such that it is globally available? I want to be able to write "vim myfile" without specifying the path of the file.18:41
GrandPa-GOerHeks: so it knows/recognizes partitions in the img file?18:41
OerHekshttps://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=83952 gives https://github.com/asb/spindle/blob/master/shrink_image as a solution, if you are in doubt18:42
akikroko: create an alias in your shell. there's no "globally available"18:42
OerHeksGrandPa-G, gparted can do this also, as an option18:42
rokoakik: is putting the file in /etc/mysoftware/myfile a good idea?18:44
smeerthow do i dowload ubuntu with wget18:49
smeerti cant copy a link18:49
OerHekstype it over?18:50
akikroko: if you put the file in your home dir, you don't have to worry about its permissions18:50
smeertOerHeks: type what?18:50
minimecsmeert: <ctrl><shift>v to paste in the terminal18:50
smeertbut i cant copy it18:50
smeertwhere is the direct link? https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server18:51
OerHekssmeert,  then type it18:51
k1l_smeert: click on alternative downloads18:51
rokoakik: Do you know how can I put a file in home directory using autotools(Makefile.am)?18:51
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akikroko: no18:52
minimecsmeert: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.1/ubuntu-16.04.1-server-amd64.iso 'download now' right click -> 'copy link location' in firefox18:52
rokoakik: np Thanks!18:53
smeertminimec: can you find the similar image from here? http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/Linux/INSTALL/Ubuntu/dvd-releases/releases/18:54
oh4I am guessing livepatch is not available for home use? :)18:54
OerHeksoh4, yes it is, 16.04 lts only18:55
k1l_oh4: it is. there are 3 free subscritions available18:55
k1l_smeert: http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/Linux/INSTALL/Ubuntu/releases/xenial/18:55
helloallHello, Having some trouble with my encrypted drive not prompting for password on boot (and therefore not booting linux). Anyone have experience with this?18:55
oh4hmm, I tried to 'sudo snap install canonical-livepatch' and it errors out with 'cannot communicate with server: get http://localhost/v2/changes/1'18:55
minimecsmeert: I mean.. Why can't you? It's just some clicks away... http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/Linux/INSTALL/Ubuntu/dvd-releases/releases/xenial/release/ubuntu-16.04.1-server-arm64.iso18:56
smeertk1l_: that was confusing18:56
oh4is there some pre-req I need to run prior to applying livepatch?18:56
OerHeksFirst, go to the Canonical Livepatch Service portal and retrieve your livepatch token. https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/10/20/live-kernel-patching-from-canonical-now-available-for-ubuntu/18:56
oh4I have my token18:57
k1l_oh4: you want to run an own livepatch service? or do you want to use the canonical service?18:57
smeert i was here https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads - scrolled to "other images" and it was not right18:57
smeertminimec: thats arm6418:57
k1l_smeert: no, click on alternative downloads, then on that new page scroll down, choose a mirror/country...18:58
smeertk1l_: chose finland18:58
OerHeksoh4, are you on AMD64 ?18:58
oh4OerHeks: yep18:59
k1l_smeert: what is the issue now?18:59
minimecsmeert: Oh... I agree... sorry.18:59
smeertminimec: got my issue18:59
royal_screwup21I wanted to download a webpage using "curl" and so I tried out the following command: wget -0 stuff.zip <link>. The problem is, when I try opening stuff.zip, I get an error message saying "error occurred while loading the archive". How do I rectify this?18:59
oh4k1l_: I just want to use the service18:59
k1l_smeert: ah right. that mirror seems to link to the wrong subfolder18:59
OerHeksoh4, are you using a derivate other than official ubuntu?19:00
k1l_oh4: what ubuntu is this?19:00
k1l_smeert: i went to parent directory on that mirror and then not to that dvd-releases but to just releases. then xenial19:00
oh4oops...meant to just past here...sorry19:01
smeertk1l_: yeah i know that now. didnt know it earlier19:01
oh4but yes, official ubuntu 16.0419:01
Amm0nhelloall, is this a fresh install or did it work before?19:01
helloallAmm0n: It's a fresh install. The way I have it set up is.. / and swap as LVS in VG "linux-vg" on PV /dev/mapper/cryptfoo which is a luks crypt on /dev/sda6. /boot is unencrypted.19:03
MonkeyDustoh4  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue19:03
oh4MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \l19:03
k1l_oh4: do you use some proxy/vpn?19:03
oh4this is the only machine on my network besides my laptop19:04
Amm0nhelloall, did you config your bootloader and loaded the modules in initrd?19:04
oh4no proxy settings on my network/firewall, k1l_19:04
oh4the exact error is: error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snaps/canonical-livepatch: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused19:05
helloallAmm0n: As far as I can tell grub won't need to decrypt, as init will take care of that? It manages to boot to initramfs then repeatedly tries accessing my LV for root, but can't because the drive is still encrypted. After so many attempts it falls back to busybox19:05
helloallAmm0n: I've added an entry in /etc/crypttab and done update-initramfs -u, but problem persists19:06
Amm0nhelloall, did you follow the manual in /usr/share/doc/cryptsetup/CryptoRoot.HowTo ?19:07
helloallAmm0n: I'll check that file. I didn't use it though.19:07
k1l_oh4: can you show a "apt-cache policy snapd" please in a pastebin?19:08
helloallAmm0n: I've done this before and it worked well. The only thing I did this time was make swap and root lvs instead of separate partitions so I only have to unlock once.19:10
oh4k1l_: ^19:10
k1l_oh4: you might want to update that to work fully19:10
k1l_oh4: sudo apt install snapd19:11
k1l_oh4: (and maybe want to update other packages that are missing update, too)19:11
geniiHm, /var/lib/dpkg/status19:11
k1l_oh4: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade  #to make sure you have all the updates installed.19:12
oh4on it19:12
oh4I'll let you know how it turns out19:12
=== murphy|afk is now known as murphy
Amm0nhelloall, as far as i know you need to configure grub with root= and cryptdevice=19:15
helloallAmm0n: In a case where /boot is also encrypted, that would be true19:17
helloallAmm0n: I have an encrypted system with LVM encrypt selected in the graphical installer which doesn't have crypt options in grub19:19
fubI'm trying to read an ebook on ubuntu in evince, but the rendered font looks strange: http://i.imgur.com/oT2HYgB.png19:20
fubHow can I improve this?19:20
aroonianyway to repair a sd card via ubuntu?  [93105.795095] mmcblk0: error -84 transferring data, sector 0, nr 8, cmd response 0x900, card status 0x0 ..19:20
MikerhinosI need to create a live USB of Manjaro image, heard that Unetbootin is to avoid, any advice on what to use to do a clean Live USB ?19:20
nonameWho want get top secret material&19:20
nonameWho want get top secret material?19:20
k1l_noname: this channel is for technical ubuntu support only.19:21
nonameI have 4 minutes19:21
fubI also tried a different viewer, but the rendering is the same for the PDF19:21
oh4k1l_: ran the install of snapd and the upgrade...still no luck with install canonical-livepatch19:22
oh4still get a socket error19:22
Mrwappie@noname - you want to send it by Email?19:22
k1l_oh4: can you reboot that machine? i think there are a lot of updates that need a reboot to take effect19:23
Amm0nhelloall, the documentation on this topic for ubuntu is pretty outdated: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystem use this for the initramfs part. Rest from here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#LVM_on_LUKS19:23
oh4k1l_: I did19:23
oh414:23:28 up 5 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.16, 0.44, 0.2619:23
k1l_oh4: apt-cache policy snapd    #no tells version 2.20.1ubuntu1?19:24
thomedyi know i can build a server at home19:24
minimecMrwappie: 'Writing to a USB Stick in Linux'  https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=Burn_an_ISO_File19:24
Amm0nhelloall, i run different systems with and without /boot encryption. All need a configured bootloader.19:24
thomedyi want to rebuild my laptop to run a server and a laptop under 2 seperate systems19:25
thomedysame machine19:25
thomedycan i partition real time19:25
thomedyand do that19:25
oh4k1l_:  yep --> Installed: 2.20.1ubuntu119:25
thomedyits a quick fix for a web host that i dont feel is doing their job right now19:25
Mrwappie@minimec - Just a joke - aka it was a scammer19:27
minimecMrwappie: Sorry wrong <tab> completion...19:28
Mrwappie@minimec - Np19:28
k1l_oh4: what is the exact error now?19:28
minimecMikerhinos: Writing to a USB Stick in Linux... https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=Burn_an_ISO_File19:29
k1l_actually you can use even cp or something else and "burn" onto a usb19:29
oh4k1l_: so I am running the following: 'sudo snap install canonical-livepatch' but get this error: 'error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snaps/canonical-livepatch: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused'19:29
oh4i even tried systemctl for snapd19:30
=== map is now known as Guest78004
Mikerhinosminimec, k1l_ , thx :)19:31
k1l_oh4: hmm19:33
oh4snapd is failing to start19:33
claytonratzcame in here about a week ago pleading to have my pass reset as i can't live without cg19:35
k1l_oh4: what happens when you do "sudo systemctl start snapd"?19:35
claytonratzand now fear that i must exist without it19:35
oh4it takes it with no errors but if I check the status, it says it failed :/19:39
k1l_oh4: maybe the specialists in #snappy know better19:42
=== anon is now known as Guest49648
oh4prehaps...I'll keep digging around...I'll let you know either way...I appreciate your time and help, though!19:44
nonameI am joked19:48
thomedyokay besides this20:01
thomedywhat else do i need20:01
ubuntu-matehow can i make a bootable pratition on hdd?20:01
nicomachusthomedy: to do what?20:02
ubuntu-mateon hard dirve20:02
ubuntu-mateto have a logical/primary partition20:03
ubuntu-matemarked as bootable20:03
ubuntu-mateand i want to put windows iso to that partiton20:03
thomedymy web host seems to be slacking im going to just build my own server20:03
thomedyi want to make sure i am secure20:04
OerHeksubuntu-mate, that can only be don if you have grub installed20:04
thomedyim going to partition my laptop untill i buy a tower and run it myself20:04
ubuntu-matethanks i'm gonna read that :)20:05
nicomachusthomedy: there's a lot of hardening resources out there, both from Ubuntu forums/wiki and outside sources. This is a decent overview: https://linux-audit.com/ubuntu-server-hardening-guide-quick-and-secure/20:06
thomedythnk you20:06
HypeThang66what's the channel for next releases of ubuntu?20:06
HypeThang66thanks OerHeks20:07
hautamaeki_Hello! How can I overtake webcam on another computer using bash?20:18
BluesKajhautamaeki_, ask in #bash20:22
fireanthautamaeki_: that's easy, you will need ssh access to this other computer,  then you can use ie ffmpeg to stream video over network20:22
hautamaeki_Ok, how can I gain ssh access?20:23
thirty00six#pizzagate is real20:39
OerHeks!ot | thirty00six20:39
ubottuthirty00six: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:39
=== debian is now known as Guest302
=== Guest44681 is now known as lopas
thomedysomeone pointed me to a page but my computer wsn' tplugged in nd powerd off20:59
thomedyim hoping to turn my laptop into a temp webhost until i buy a couple towers20:59
thomedyim tired of my host and just going to start running it myself20:59
thomedyplease hit me with the proper tuts20:59
Ricardo`hi can someone help me with an annoying problem? been searching and trying stuff for ages but can't get it fixed21:06
Ricardo`basically my nfs share stopped mounting at boot since updating to ubuntu server 16.04.121:06
Ricardo`It hangs for 1,5 minute on A start job is running for /mnt/share and when i enter mount -a it mounts fine21:07
Ricardo`seems like it's trying to mount when the network isn't initialized21:07
Ricardo`this is what i have in my fstab  /mnt/nextcloud nfs rw,soft,intr,noatime,timeo=100,nfsvers=3 0 0 it points to an nfs share on my synology nas and worked fine before21:08
ducasseRicardo`: add _netdev to the mount options in fstab21:08
Ricardo`ducasse: i've tried that and it doesn't help21:09
Ricardo`  /mnt/nextcloud nfs rw,_netdev,soft,intr,noatime,timeo=100,nfsvers=3 0 021:10
Ricardo`or without the timeout?21:10
vltHello. I want to create something like an .odp presentation with animation but finally export it as a video file. Any idea what I could use on Ubuntu?21:11
ducasseRicardo`: odd. both the fact that it's nfs and that option should cause it to be mounted after the network is up.21:11
Ricardo`i'm confused (and at this point also annoyed) at that as well, even defaults,_netdev doesn't help21:12
Ricardo`anything else I can do?21:17
TabascomangI get ERROR  NOK: ('unable to open database file',)21:18
Tabascomang with fail2ban. SE linux is in enforced.21:18
ducasseRicardo`: i haven't really got any suggestions, other than possibly creating a mount unit for it and set it to run late in the startup process21:19
Ricardo`ok so ill have to try and find a way to do that while making sure apache2 starts after the mount21:19
Amm0nRicardo`, try to "sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager-wait-online.service"21:21
arunsI am running Ubuntu 16.04.21:21
arunsDoes anyone know if there's a .deb package for version 2.4.0-2 of the fish-common package?21:21
arunsThis is one of the dependencies needed for the Fish shell.21:21
Menzador!info fish-common 16.0421:21
ubottu'16.04' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed, zesty, zesty-backports, zesty-21:21
Menzador!info fish-common vivid21:22
ubottuPackage fish-common does not exist in vivid21:22
k1l_its xenial21:22
arunsI am on XeniI am on 16.04.21:22
MenzadorYeah, I just remembered that :P21:22
MenzadorSlap me silly21:22
aruns!info fish-common xenial21:22
Menzador!info fish-common xenial21:22
ubottufish-common (source: fish): friendly interactive shell (architecture-independent files). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-3 (xenial), package size 595 kB, installed size 3725 kB21:22
Menzador!info fish-common yakkety21:22
ubottufish-common (source: fish): friendly interactive shell (architecture-independent files). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-1 (yakkety), package size 667 kB, installed size 4200 kB21:23
MenzadorLooks like 2.4 is going into 17.0421:23
arunsI have Fish 2.4 on my office Mac.21:24
arunsWas hoping I could run it on Xenial.21:24
arunsWhere can I find out about ubottu's commands by  the way?21:24
Menzadoraruns: Not much we can tell you, unless you find a PPA21:24
arunsWould be useful to know if I need to look up something quickly.21:24
k1l_aruns: ubuntu doesnt upgrade the versions once its released. so you might want to look at 3rd party repos like PPAs21:24
Menzadoraruns: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi , but good luck trying to comprehend it21:25
k1l_aruns: the bot is just using packages.ubuntu.com for the package lookup21:25
arunsThanks, guys.21:25
arunsYeah I think I will install from PPA.21:25
Ricardo`Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory21:25
arunsI'd actually like to know.21:26
Amm0nRicardo`, 16.04?21:26
arunsAs I've looked this up and never found out how best to do it.21:26
Amm0nRicardo`, checked for typos? i got this service on 16.0421:27
Ricardo`root@SRV05:~# sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager-wait-online.service21:27
Ricardo`Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory21:27
Ricardo`yeah i think it's missing21:28
k1l_Menzador: aruns so far its 2.4.0-1 in 17.0421:29
k1l_aruns: look here for PPA installs: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=fish  but keep in mind that this is not covered by ubuntu21:30
k1l_aruns: this looks like the ppa you want: https://launchpad.net/~fish-shell/+archive/ubuntu/release-221:31
wontonis there an ubuntu rolling release distro21:31
arunsk1l_: Yeah I just added it21:31
k1l_wonton: no21:31
arunsk1l_: Sorry, I'm using IRSSI and mistook a Twitch chat for the Ubuntu chat lawl21:32
arunsBut I had a question on PPAs, need to read up on it.21:32
arunsBut when I add a PPA, GPG creates some sort of authentication key for me to use with the PPA?21:32
Ricardo`systemctl list-unit-files doesn't list it either21:33
arunsAnd AFAIk, GPG is an encryption tool, does it work similarly to SSH?21:33
arunsAs I am wondering if I need to remove the public keys after adding the PPAs or not21:33
Amm0nRicardo`, it comes with networkmanager21:33
OerHeksaruns, add-apt-repository does import the key too, do not remove the key, else you won't get updates ( and see errors)21:34
Ricardo`networkmanager is there21:34
k1l_aruns: the traffic to that ppa (hosted by canonical) and the package as such is signed, yes. but keep in mind, that every guy out there can make a PPA and put whatever he wants in that packages.21:34
k1l_aruns: that is why the ubuntu support doesnt cover PPAs. ubuntu makes sure you get whats in that PPA. but what is in that PPA is the task of that ppa maintainer.21:35
Ricardo`found something https://i.imgur.com/K4IQMpj.png21:35
arunsk1l_: Ah OK, so GPG just encrypts the traffic between your machine and the PPA?21:35
arunsOr it's used to authenticate your machine.21:36
arunsOr something completely different?21:36
arunsThe only encryption method I really work with on a routine basis at work is RSA for generating SSH keys.21:36
k1l_aruns: no. it checks if the ppa package that was transfered to your system matches the hash that the PPA got21:37
k1l_aruns: its again man-in-the-middle-attack. but to be honest, its easier to put a bad pacakge as package maintainer on it :)21:38
arunsk1l_: Ah I see, so GPG encrypts the files in the PPA package on the server side, and decrypts it on the client side?21:38
arunsOr still getting it wrong?21:39
k1l_aruns: no. its just to checks that you got 100% the package you should get21:39
arunsI see.21:39
arunsBut it decrypts the package you receive21:39
nic__the files are signed (not encrypted) meaning they are visible, but can not be tampered without being detectable21:39
arunsAnd checks for the hash?21:39
arunsAh so they are not encrypted.21:39
k1l_it doesnt decrypt. it checks the hashes.21:39
arunsWhat is encrypted then?21:39
k1l_the packages get signed21:40
nic__that's the point of digital signatures, encryption is not needed to have security21:40
nic__To put it differently, it would be of no help to encrypt something if everyone on the planet could decrypt it21:41
k1l_aruns: btw, apt is doing this with all repos. not only PPAs. it just shows you that it added the new keys, since the keys for the official ubuntu repos are already included since install.21:43
ss23Hi. I have in my /etc/network/interfaces file a line: "auto interfacename interfacename2", and while the rest of my interfaces file is acted on correctly, interfacename and interfacename2 are not brought up on boot. Instead, I have to login to the console of the box and run `ifconfig interfacename up` each time. Does anyone have ideas on how to debug?21:44
Ricardo`ok wtf... changing from nfs3 to nfs4 fixed it21:44
Ricardo`and i have no idea why21:44
Ricardo`even without the _netdev21:45
Ricardo`ok thanks for the feedback im out21:48
helpquest12Hi there.  I was wondering if anyone wouldn't mind helping me out with my Xubuntu installation.21:49
k1l_helpquest12: if you give the details people in here can try to help21:51
helpquest12I'm trying to install Xubuntu 14.04 on my mid 2007 MacBook.  I have rEFInd installed and I'm currently in a Live USB environment.21:52
helpquest12I installed Xubuntu, and it went alright, but then the installer tells me that it can't install the bootloader.  I've tried downloading the 32bit version of Grub, but that encounters another error when I attempt to install that.  Something about a bad package.21:54
helpquest12So I have 14.04 installed along with OSX, but because there's no bootloader, I can't run it.21:57
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as DDoc
DDocdoes anyone uses programming to android on ubuntu ?22:09
OerHeksDDoc, there is a wiki for android SDK, but for programming itself you should join #android-dev22:15
=== Ekho- is now known as Ekho
goldfingerHello friends!22:35
GobbledyGoopI love ubuntu22:37
RockhopperHello room22:43
adalbertIs Xubuntu an official flavor of Ubuntu ?22:44
kostkonadalbert, yes22:44
RockhopperCan someone tell me how to disable the mouseball on my notebook-keypad situated between g - h - b22:45
Rockhopperrunning ubuntu 16.04 lts22:46
sphrakis there anything that might cause a network card to randomly not show up on boot?22:47
geniisphrak: Could be turned off by keyboard combo, could be missing firmware, could be too new for the OS to know about22:48
sphrakgenii: well its a wired intel pro quad 1000 card, sometimes it shows up and works but sometimes it does not..22:49
k1l_sphrak: would be interessting to see dmesg or syslog when it doesnt work.22:50
tekeli-liaruns, https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x135.html22:50
tekeli-liaruns, It relies on properties of asymmetric encryption.22:51
tekeli-liaruns, A token is encrypted and transmitted.22:51
tekeli-liaruns, Only the public key of the party in question can decrypt the token.22:52
tekeli-liaruns, That's the end of my "layman's explaination". You'll have to read up to learn more.22:52
sphrakk1l_: hmm ill try to reproduce it now then. but im just wondering im currently only using 2 of the 4 NICs. and the 2 uses static ip, do I have to "auto eth0" the other ones? in network/interfaces conf file?22:52
Term1nalIs there a way to mount UFS on 16.10? The ufsutils package appears not to exist.22:58
cptylorIf I set a user as sudoer, what is the best way to keep track of what this user is doing and whether it is doing anything nasty? Suggestions of keywords to look up on google would be very much appreciated.22:59
amicrawler2017need help with hardware can any body help please22:59
amicrawler2017i have 2 video cards22:59
amicrawler2017nvidia and ati22:59
amicrawler2017nvidia is a p38322:59
vachohey guys... I have 2 servers, both have ssh access.. I am trying to move a file from server A -> Server B ... I am hoping I can do this via a simple command and eventually configure a crontab for it22:59
amicrawler2017ati is b62922:59
k1l_Term1nal: its gone since 14.04 (or before)22:59
amicrawler2017what card runs better ?23:00
Term1nalk1l_: no way to get it onto 16.10 in some way?23:00
amicrawler2017right now my card is a amd rv71023:00
geniiTerm1nal: sudo modprobe ufs && sudo mount -t ufs /dev/wherever-ufs-dev-is /wherever-ufs-mountpoint-is23:02
RockhopperIs there someway to make folderstack in launcher a la drawers with another application or by script? Drawers does not work for me in ubuntu 16.04 lts.23:02
k1l_Term1nal: isnt that included in the kernel?23:02
adalbertShould I use LibreOffice or Apache-Openoffice ?23:03
bentinataHow to turn on disabled Dell wireless?23:04
k1l_adalbert: libreoffice is shipped with ubuntu23:04
bentinataI've ran github.com/ubuntuforums/wireless-info, then what next?23:05
countingdaisiesThis : sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup   command is given in a 5 yr old askubuntu thread: http://askubuntu.com/questions/41118/virtualbox-kernel-driver-not-installed    to solve this: http://imgur.com/a/ELV9Z   problem. I get a command line error when running: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup   what am I doing wrong?23:10
bekkscountingdaisies: WHICH "command line error"?23:11
bekkscountingdaisies: and where do you install vbox from?23:11
ipwnhow do i make xscreensaver work w fortune??23:17
countingdaisiesbekks: i don't recall where I installed from (occasionally I install from upstream and this is something I likely would have done that with - just forgot).  This should answer the question:  http://pastebin.com/9mudHPji23:17
tomreyncountingdaisies: does this list something virtualbox-like? sudo service --status-all | grep ox23:20
countingdaisiestomreyn: Running: sudo service --status-all | grep ox    simply nets another blank command line23:22
tomreyncountingdaisies: i think i remember seeing this message and that i need to run a 'service ... ' command to make it build and load the modules. alternatively, you could probably just reboot.23:22
tomreyncountingdaisies: okay, i guess that hint did not help then, sorry. ;)23:22
tomreynstill, a reboot might help23:22
tomreyn(yes, this is not ##windows)23:23
OerHeksi wonder why 'virtualbox-dkms' is not installed23:23
countingdaisiestomreyn: No, I get what you're saying. like running apache restart or something. Rebooting is cool too. I know how to do it at least  :p23:23
countingdaisieslemme see what happens with a restart - brb23:24
tomreyna good chance to sneak away23:24
* tomreyn zzz23:24
ipwnhow do i make xscreensaver work w fortune?? if i select "fortune" under "Programs" nothing happens23:25
ipwnwhats wrong?23:25
arunsI am running Ubuntu 16.04.23:31
arunsWhen I run chsh -s followed by the path to the shell I'd like to make default23:31
arunsI get Cannot change ID to root.23:31
arunsDoes anyone know what this means?23:32
arunsRoot owns /usr/bin/chsh23:32
arunsAs I thought it was an ownership problem.23:32
arunsThe other day, I uninstalled Fish 2.3.0 so that I could install Fish 2.4.023:36
arunsBut I forgot to change my default shell to another besides Fish while uninstalling.23:36
arunsSo I changed the default shell of my user by editing the /etc/passwd file with Vim.23:36
arunsMaybe that is what caused the issue.23:36
vachohey guys... I have 2 servers, both have ssh access.. I am trying to move a file from server A -> Server B ... I am hoping I can do this via a simple command and eventually configure a crontab for it23:48
adalbertyacho, read http://www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html23:51
k1l_vacho: scp is cp ofer ssh23:52
arunsYeah, SCP is the way to go.23:53
arunsk1l_: Couldn't he also use rsync?23:54
arunsI think that allows you to specify a remote IP.23:54
arunsAlthough SCP probably easier.23:54
k1l_yes, rsync is another tool that works with remote connections.23:55
ipwnhow do i make xscreensaver work w fortune?? if i select "fortune" under "Programs" nothing happens23:56
arunsk1l_: Hey, would you happen to know when I try to run chsh -s /bin/bash as an example on my user, I get Cannot change ID to root?23:56
aruns/usr/bin/chsh is owned by root23:57
k1l_aruns: what are you trying to do at all?23:57
arunsk1l_: Change default shell.23:57
arunsI can only change at the moment through using sudo and specifying my user.23:57
ipwnwtf nobody knows?23:58

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