=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [02:24] camako: Woo, 0.26.0 now contains 40 fixes. Big enough for you? :) === faenil is now known as faenil_ === faenil_ is now known as faenil === faenil is now known as faenil_ [12:12] dandrader: miral 1.0.2 has landed in archive [12:12] * dandrader checks [12:15] alan_g, indeed, thanks [12:25] alan_g, see this scenario. got top-level window A (focused and on top of the stack) followed by top-level window B and child window B1. B->activate() is called. miral raises only B1. Is that correct? [12:26] (B1 was front of B, to be clear) [12:46] alan_g, yes, reproduced it with miral-shell. indeed a bug === faenil_ is now known as faenil [13:07] alan_g, https://bugs.launchpad.net/miral/+bug/1658085 [13:07] Ubuntu bug 1658085 in MirAL "top-level window is not raised along with its child" [Undecided,New] [13:20] dandrader: ack === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [14:28] alan_g, is there a key to quit miral-shell? [14:28] Ctrl-Alt-BkSp [14:28] thanks [14:44] bregma: miral-examples contains a useful scripts: miral-desktop (starts a "desktop") and miral-xrun (runs argument under Xmir) [15:04] dandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/miral/fix-1658085/+merge/315232 [15:04] alan_g, ack [15:31] dandrader: am I right in assuming your child window stuff will sweep up bug 1656727? [15:31] bug 1656727 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Unity8 crashes and restarts when clicking on a menu [terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): map::at]" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1656727 === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader === faenil is now known as faenil_ [17:53] alan_g, yes. I get no crash here. just proper menus [17:53] alan_g, will link the bug to the mp [17:53] dandrader: great === faenil_ is now known as faenil