
praisethemoonGood morning people08:34
praisethemoonelacheche, how is it going?09:16
elachecheGoof praisethemoon ! u!09:23
elachecheYou'll like this praisethemoon http://ahogrammer.com/2016/11/15/deep-learning-enables-you-to-hide-screen-when-your-boss-is-approaching/09:23
praisethemoonGoof too ;)09:23
praisethemoonelacheche, ahahahah09:24
praisethemoonthat made my day XDDDDDDd09:24
praisethemoonelacheche, have you worked with dragonfly bsd?14:49
elachecheNope praisethemoon, the only BSD I use is pfSense (FreeBSD).. But why a such question x)14:51
nzoueidiHow are you guys! :D15:00
* elacheche is not that good, with 174 unread mails, he need to start cleaning inbox, again -_-15:12
nzoueidiTrust me, the same case here x(15:44
nzoueidiI think tomorrow I will free some time and look and clean my inbox15:44
elachecheYo theShirbiny ! Welcome to here :D We have Linux Devs & Programming Languages creators in here also some ninjas :D20:08
elachechechaker: You're back :D :D20:09
fwhcatHello mates20:16
fwhcatpraisethemoon, hey buddy20:16
praisethemoonelacheche, we have also Web Hosts => fwhcat20:18
praisethemoonfwhcat, How is it going? :D20:18
elachecheAnd more SysAdmins than Devs, hey crack3r :)20:22
crack3rHello elacheche, everyone20:25
crack3rles sysadmins manifestez-vous !20:25
elachecheAt least there 5 sysadmins in here right now :D :p20:26
crack3ren fait elacheche j'ai vu ton plugin nagios, c'est très clean, rien à dire franchement :)20:26
elachecheCool :D20:26
elachecheI'll add some features soon, then I'll start a new project x)20:27
crack3ryeah you should. I'll port it to zabbix and maybe munin20:29
crack3rsame logic but different output20:29
elachecheCool! I don't use Zabbix or munin.. I hate Zabbix actually x) It's java and eats every bit he can find x)20:31
elachecheMy monitoring server have 4 services on it and is only 1core + 1GB or RAM (2swap)20:32
crack3relacheche: are you sure about zabbix being written in java ?20:33
crack3rit doesn't require JRE to run20:33
crack3rI think you're confusing Zabbix's java gateway and zabbix server20:34
crack3rWhile the server, proxy and agents are written in C, the frontend is implemented in PHP and Javascript.20:35
crack3rJava gateway, available since Zabbix 2.0, is written in Java.20:35
crack3rnow you must give it a try, haha20:35
elachechehahah x) I did once x) years ago..20:36
elachecheSomething for sure, it eats more resources than my current setup20:38
fwhcatwut wut ?20:39
fwhcatmoi jsuis + dev a la base20:40
fwhcatmais le sysadmin c'est interessant20:40
elachecheYou're right crack3r as usual x) only the GW is in JAVA20:40
fwhcatet les vm/containers aussi20:40
elachecheyep fwhcat20:40
fwhcatoh zabbix20:41
fwhcatc'est le truc qui fait tout là ?20:41
fwhcatsauf le café?20:41
fwhcatmail, calendrier, vcards quoi d'autres?20:42
fwhcatahhh je confonds avec zimbra20:42
fwhcatj'avais Zimbra en tete désolé20:42
elachecheNon fwhcat l'autre c'est zimbra20:42
fwhcatet netdata ca vaut quoi dans tout ça sinon ?20:43
fwhcatc'est bien ?20:43
elachecheJe pense que oussemos utilise netdata.. n'est ce pas?20:43
elachecheI like Grafana more x=20:44
praisethemoon_I use Kibana \o/20:46
fwhcat1 different product for every man, woman and children of the planet20:50
fwhcat(guess who's the children)20:51
fwhcatpraisethemoon, haha20:51
elachechehahah x)20:51
elachechecrack3r: praisethemoon https://redd.it/5p4xtt20:55
elachecheA new website → https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/20:58
crack3r<fwhcat> c'est le truc qui fait tout là ? <<< Tu confonds avec emacs :P21:04
elachecheLooooL x)21:05
crack3rhaha elacheche, pauvre IT guy21:05
crack3rles histoires de /r/sysadmin are the best21:05
praisethemoonfwhcat, tell us your story21:05
elachechecrack3r: check the TFTS subreddit21:06
crack3relacheche: that's a private sub21:09
elachecheSorry ubuntulog_ x)21:10
fwhcatI don't have any story praisethemoon21:11
fwhcatok ok21:11
fwhcatIt all started 14 billion years ago21:11
fwhcatand then BOOOOM praisethemoon was here21:12
praisethemoonthat's the story of life and the universe21:16
* praisethemoon is gonna switch to ubuntu 21:20
fwhcatok but switch from what?!21:40
crack3relacheche: https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/5oxvjn/did_you_get_my_email/ good one22:21

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