
dwallOur website is running on nginx 0.7.65 and is recieving a bad gateway and has an error of:00:00
dwall3711 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while  upstream: "fastcgi:// 8002", host:00:00
dwallI think the issue is with fastcgi -I don't think this is installed but this is where I need help. How would I resolve this bad gateway?00:00
k1l_aruns: how did you change to the other shell?00:00
arunsk1l_: sudo chsh -s /usr/bin/fish *myuserhere*00:00
k1l_so now running the command with /bin/bash dosnt work?00:01
arunsk1l_: I used /bin/bash as an example, but doesn't work with any shell listed under /etc/shells00:01
arunsk1l_: The error message 'Cannot change ID to root', I presume it's file permission related, just not sure how.00:02
vachok1l_: when I SSH, it's asking for pw tho00:02
vachok1l_: and I am hoping I can do it with one line command, so I can setup a cron.00:02
k1l_aruns: did you use sudo?00:02
arunsk1l_: Yeah, at the moment, it's the only way I can change shell for my user.00:02
k1l_vacho: so you need to use ssh keys so it doesnt ask for password00:02
arunsvacho: You can generate an SSH key pair using RSA as an example with ssh-keygen -t rsa00:03
arunsThis should generate id_rsa and id_rsa.pub00:04
arunsPut id_rsa, the private key, on the target server.00:04
k1l_vacho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys00:04
santos177hello everybody00:04
santos177good coding dudes!00:05
k1l_aruns: you could try "usermod -s /bin/bash USERNAME"00:05
arunsk1l_: Thanks, that seems to work.00:09
vachok1l_: thanks man!00:13
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K1rkHey guys, I'm having an issue with an ssh chroot I'm trying to set up... getting /bin/bash: not a directory, but I know it's in my chroot location...  https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2349919&p=1359668000:20
countingdaisiesHi,  so ...  bekks and another guy were helping me and I restarted the computer. The results are the same as : http://pastebin.com/9mudHPji00:26
countingdaisies^nothing has changed00:26
dwallHi guys, I'd like some help on a bad gateway issue I'm trying to figure out.00:34
dwallI think the problem lies here:00:34
dwall        fastcgi_pass
dwallbut I don't see anything listing port on netstat.00:34
dwallThe package that is installed is: libapache2-mod-fcgid.00:34
dwallAny ideas?00:34
ipwnhow do i make xscreensaver work w fortune?? if i select "fortune" under "Programs" nothing happens00:37
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xubuntu37dHi all, sorry to intrude like this but I'm having wifi issues on Xubuntu 16.04 and I'm wondering if I can seek help for them here. The problem is with an 802.1x secured school network; at first it failed to connect, repeatedly asking for a username and password, but after I ran "sudo apt-get remove --purge wicd" on the advice of the internet, it now claims to be connected, but nothing will actually load. Is this an issue anyone h00:46
VulcanJedixubuntu37d, this is a fine place to ask for help with Ubuntu, you could also try #Networking00:49
xubuntu37dThank you VulcanJedi , I will check there as well.00:50
countingdaisiesIf I run a web with apache3 on localhost, do I still need to allow incoming traffic on ports 80 and 443 ?00:55
rizonzis there a known run path for zabbix agent in ubuntu ?00:58
rizonzok found01:06
annonhidehello guys01:06
annonhidei need want a help01:07
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rnetocombr16.04.2 will be released today ? or was delayed ?01:12
SargunWhat's the policy around systemd updates for 16.04? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/libsystemd001:18
phablethow can01:22
phabletca i get firefox on my ubuntu tablet?01:23
k1l_rnetocombr: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseSchedule says februrary 2nd01:24
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ipwnhow do i make xscreensaver work w fortune?? if i select "fortune" under "Programs" nothing happens01:33
newcoderhttps://askubuntu.com/ , http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/ubuntu , https://ubuntuforums.org/ , what's the difference? Which one should someone use?01:45
k1l_askubuntu is one subsection of stackexchange. ubuntuforums is a forum. you can use whatever suits you best.01:46
Bashing-omnewcoder: My take, use either or both . Whatever you are the more comfortable with at any given time . take care in "cross posting" .01:47
newcoderMultiple sites are problem01:48
newcoderOne site is good instead of multiple sites for same service,01:48
Bashing-omnewcoder: If ya running 'buntu, then why not stay with a forum devoted particularly to ubuntu ?01:49
newcoderBashing-om: Are you with this: https://ubuntuforums.org/ ?01:50
k1l_newcoder: well, some parts of the ubuntu community prefer the askubuntu way, some prefer the forums, some prefer irc, some even still use mailinglists. there even is a discourse thingy. its the peoples choice, its their usecase, their taste.01:50
Bashing-omnewcoder: Yeah, so I may be just that much more prejudiced :)01:50
Sean_McGwhen I was using 14.04, the daily logwatch job would run at around 3:10 a.m. and ever since I upgraded to 16.04 it is now running at around 7:30 a.m. How do I change this back?01:50
Sean_McGI'm going to guess that this change is something to do with switching to systemd from upstart, but not sure.01:52
newcoderIf there is one site, then all people will discuss about ubuntu issues there, now they are splitted02:00
newcoderSo you may not get the ubuntu expert in one site02:01
rizonzanyone using zabbix here ? I have some question about logpaths02:01
k1l_newcoder: but you might lose some experts since they dont like the website you like the most. so this issue is more philosophically02:03
Bashing-omnewcoder: Keep in mind though, that ubuntu is a very complex system; no one knows all about everything .02:04
newcoderPeople say, ubuntu is the easiest linux distribution02:04
newcoderto use02:04
Sean_McGit's derived from Debian, so wouldn't that property be transitive?02:05
k1l_newcoder: its hard to measure the easy of use, but ubuntu tries to be easy to use, yes.02:07
newcoderUbuntu has newer packages than debian stable02:08
Bashing-om!latest | newcoder02:08
ubottunewcoder: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.02:08
kk4ewtBashing-om,  newcoder is crossposting in #fedora and in #ubuntu02:16
MannyLNJHelp please. every time I start my system I get the message that there has been an error02:17
kk4ewtMannyLNJ,  what message02:17
MannyLNJkk4ewt, It says something about a system error occuring and asks if I want to send a message about it02:18
waltmanI've been wondering why fonts look so awful on Linux.02:18
waltmanMy normal text font on macOS is menlo 10 pt. I copied the font file over to my ubuntu box, and the letters are all like twice the size.02:19
waltmanIt's not the monitor, because I often use the same monitor plugged into my Macbook and the letters look fine there.02:19
sabrehagenhi all, i'm having trouble mounting an xfs partition via fstab. i can mount it fine via the command line. i think i must have a bad option on the mount, but can't find where the available mount options are on archwiki. here's my output: https://gist.github.com/sabrehagen/e414bd6d26e0b46499684d765497079602:20
kk4ewtwaltman,  opensource vs proprietary02:21
explodesOh man, what is the default backup utility called? I need to exclude some stuff02:22
waltmanSo then are there opensource text fonts that don't have this problem?02:22
HelpMePleasegood evening... anybody around?02:24
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HelpMePleaseguess not02:25
mww113HelpMePlease: hello02:25
mww113what's going on?02:25
HelpMePleasei have a really stupid apache problem that i'm hoping someone can help me with02:26
HelpMePleasebasically...i just added an SSL certificate for the first time02:27
HelpMePleasefollowed the instructions and everything...but when i connect to the site i get ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR02:27
Sean_McGtried running the security test from ssllabs.com?02:28
HelpMePleaseif i can get the server running again i can try that02:28
mww113did you verify your system time is correct?02:28
HelpMePleasei tried the SSL troubleshooter from digicert earlier and was unable to connect02:28
HelpMePleasesystem time is correct02:29
Sean_McGto make sure it doesn't drift, you might want to set up NTP02:29
Sean_McG(if you haven't already)02:29
HelpMePleaseit's actually an Azure VM02:29
Sean_McGah, fair enough.02:30
HelpMePleasei'm pretty sure azure handles that with it's agents02:30
HelpMePleasebut i could be wrong02:30
Sean_McGthe Apache logs are usually pretty verbose when SSL is misconfigured02:30
HelpMePleasethe last thing i did before apache stopped starting was to run a2ensite for the config file i'm working with02:30
HelpMePleasethat's what i think the issue is though...i'm getting nothing in error.log02:31
HelpMePleasefirst place i looked02:31
HelpMePleasei even set loglevel and still didn't get anything02:31
Sean_McGOK, so if you remove that site from /etc/apache2/sites-enabled, does Apache start correctly?02:31
Sean_McGsites-enabled are just symbolic links to files in sites-available02:32
HelpMePleasejust tried that actually02:32
HelpMePleasei take that back...i got it started back up02:34
HelpMePleaseso question...i'm new to this02:35
HelpMePleasewhat is the relationship between sites-available and sites-enabled02:35
Sean_McGsites-available is just a set of independent configurations for sites in Apache, they don't do anything until they are enabled02:36
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Sean_McGa2ensite basically just adds a symbolic link to sites-enabled for that site02:36
HelpMePleaseso to enable the site i just run a2ensite nameofconfig.conf file?02:38
HelpMePleasewhich adds a symlink to sites-enabled02:38
HelpMePleasegotcha...so as soon as i enabled my site i see a symlink in sites-enabled02:39
HelpMePleaseand apache can't start02:39
Sean_McGso then it narrows it down to something with that specific site configuration02:40
funkadactylIs anyone here good with Openssh? I need to confine users to their home directory only so they cannot use the 'cd' command to navigate the rest of the file system02:40
Sean_McGfunkadactyl: that's not really the function of openssh02:40
Sean_McGfunkadactyl: it sounds like you want a custom chroot'ed shell or something similar02:41
HelpMePleasei'm curious if my logging is broken...i have a tail on the error.log and i see nothing02:41
HelpMePleasejust shutdown02:42
Sean_McGwhat about in the access.log?02:42
HelpMePleasenothing..but i assume that won't see anything until the server is up again02:43
HelpMePleasehow do i determine why apache isn't starting02:43
Sean_McGother system logs02:43
HelpMePleasegood call...let me take a look02:43
funkadactylyeah basically what you said Sean_Mcg, I have some friends that want to use my server remotely via ssh. In the event that they pick a really bad password and their account is compromised, I don't want their user to have access to view any of the files in other users folders with nano or vi02:43
Sean_McGfunkadactyl: I don't have any experience configuring a system to do that, but maybe someone else here does.02:44
funkadactylThis sounds like an impossible task based on the rest of the criteria, but I thought that chrooting them was a good start, just not sure how to chroot with SSH02:45
HelpMePleasesyslog had the error02:45
Sean_McGfunkadactyl: regarding the password concerns, maybe you should enforce heavier password policy than the defaults02:46
HelpMePleasebingo...think i've got it02:46
HelpMePleasei'm in....perfect02:46
HelpMePleasethanks so much for the help man02:47
funkadactylSean_McG: I have it set up with fail2ban and I have complex password policies enabled, this is more of an extra precaution, as well as a way to keep people from snooping on my settings and other peoples home directories02:48
funkadactylIf they need to run something on their user, I would set up the permissions on a per user basis so they can run what they need to. But I would like to be able to prevent people from doing something stupid, such as sharing a service on a port that is occupied by something else and causing access problems for me and everyone else02:51
coder-btsanybody here?02:52
coder-btsDoes anybody using USB to VGA adapter on Ubuntu?02:52
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PickledEggsHi coder-bts02:54
PickledEggsI do not, sorry02:54
Sean_McGneither do I02:54
coder-btsOk then..02:55
coder-btsI just bought one using displaylink's chip02:55
coder-btsbut the latest official driver is for Ubuntu 16.04 lts02:55
coder-btsbut mine is Ubuntu 16.1002:56
funkadactylcoder-bas can you run lsusb in terminal and see what the vendor of the device is?02:56
coder-btswell, when i plugin it, the system will just get stuck02:57
funkadactylcoder-bts *02:58
coder-btsnot system stuck, but the display get stuck02:58
funkadactylWhat do you mean by stuck?02:58
funkadactylno display at all or it freezes until you unplug the device?02:58
coder-btsthe display just... not changing and pointer not moving02:59
coder-btsyeah, freeze02:59
Sean_McGif it's a kernel module, it probably isn't built for the kernel shipping in 16.1002:59
Sean_McG(not sure which version that is, I use 16.04 over here)02:59
funkadactylyeah kms and strange off band displays in ubuntu can get hairy02:59
coder-btsBut I really need one driver for 16.1002:59
coder-btsbut there isn't02:59
funkadactylcan you try to get to a tty with it plugged in?03:00
coder-btsthat makes sense03:00
coder-btshold on03:00
funkadactylcoder-bts: if its an 'off brand' display but has a common chipset from like prolific or something, you may be able to sneak by if you know the device info and install it like the standard vendors model03:03
coder-btsok i am back03:04
coder-btswhen i just pluged in03:04
coder-btsit pops: device descripter read/64, error -3203:05
coder-btsthen i typed "lsusb"03:06
funkadactylany output from lsusb?03:07
coder-btsthere is one shown as: Bus 001 Device 007: ID 17e9:03c1 Displaylink03:07
coder-btsso it means it could read displaylink03:07
knenomI have a tp-link router with hacked firmware, someone has installed his firmware which is irrelevant to the company's03:08
knenomI am having a hard time restoring it back to normal. anyone had this problem before?03:08
cfhowlettknenom, check your channel.  this is ubuntu support not hardware support03:08
knenomcfhowlett, I am trying to restore it using ubuntu03:08
coder-btsfunkadactyl: what should i do03:09
coder-btsi m sure my monitor supports VGA well03:09
g3Thoughts? aufs au_opts_verify:1612:dockerd[1870]: dirperm1 breaks the protection by the permission bits on the lower branch03:09
chamarHi folks, is there a tool or setting somewhere to enable a snap to window (ie: when moving a window toward another one, it will "snap" to it)03:10
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Sean_McGg3: you probably want Docker support03:12
cfhowlett!patience | coder-bts g303:12
ubottucoder-bts g3: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:12
coder-btsI m confusing now with my USB-VGA adapter03:12
coder-btsthx :)03:12
g3(don't feel ignored, this is the internet. Thanks though!)03:12
funkadactylcoder-bts - give me just a moment, my internet is being sooper weird right now03:12
coder-btsthx to all :)03:12
coder-btsfunkadactyl: ok :)03:12
funkadactylhow attached to an open source solution to this are you coder-bts?03:14
amicrawler2017can any body help with this issue03:14
coder-btswell.. ya..03:14
coder-btsi should turn it to a open source project03:15
amicrawler2017ever senc i got this computer on ubunut 16.0403:15
amicrawler2017the audio skips on streaming03:15
amicrawler2017it is a i303:15
amicrawler2017and has 8GB ram03:15
amicrawler2017using 0% swap03:15
amicrawler2017not sure why it not using swap03:16
funkadactylI am not personally an open source purist if I need something to work and there isn't an open source solution, but I don't want to offend anyone here with a proprietary video driver03:16
Sean_McGyou probably aren't using more than 8GB of stuff03:16
amicrawler2017i have 7GB free03:16
Sean_McGI have 16GB with 15 free :)03:17
amicrawler2017ok thats not helping03:17
Sean_McGAre you using onboard audio?03:17
amicrawler2017the app im using it pithos03:17
amicrawler2017my usb sb03:18
Sean_McGdoes it only skip in 1 app?03:18
funkadactyldid you use full disk encryption amicrawler2017? for some reason I remember the swap being an image file in the encrypted volume as opposed to an actual partition with FDE03:18
coder-btswell, i should go on github and then start a new reposity03:18
amicrawler2017not sure have not tried03:18
amicrawler2017is there any other audio straming app i can get in ubunt03:19
amicrawler2017its under pandora03:19
Sean_McGamicrawler2017: OK since you mentioned it is a USB sound device, I wonder if it is having contention issues on the same USB bus that device is on. Maybe try connecting it do a different USB port?03:19
funkadactylanyhow, coder-bts, on the vendors website for your adapter there is an ubuntu driver that claims to work with ubuntu 14.x onward03:20
amicrawler2017the ports i have is all usb 2.1`03:20
Sean_McGis the sound device 2.1 or 3.0?03:20
amicrawler2017it is model sb027003:21
Sean_McGI don't know SB hardware.03:21
amicrawler2017ok changed ports03:21
amicrawler2017same thing03:22
amicrawler2017my bandwith is 100down03:22
amicrawler2017and 15up03:22
coder-btsfunkadactyl: true, but i am with 16.1003:22
cfhowlettamicrawler2017, https://www.spotify.com/jp/download/linux/03:22
Sean_McGit is still possible it has contention issues on that other port I suppose.03:22
amicrawler2017or 13.5MBps03:22
Sean_McGbut yeah maybe verify with the Spotify client as well03:22
funkadactylit should work with that as well coder-bts, it looks like it was just updated in september of 2016 though so maybe there is an issue with 16.1003:23
Sean_McGcute little audio device though03:24
funkadactylamicrawler2017: does it skip on all audio or just pandora?03:24
coder-btsfunkadactyl: i've tried that one and it didn't work :(03:24
amicrawler2017on the songs when switching tasks03:25
coder-btsand 16.10 is working with unity803:25
coder-btsmaybe it is the main point?03:25
Sean_McGI didn't realize there was a Linux version of the Spotify client. Going to install it myself as well.03:25
funkadactylamicrawler2017 what web browser are you using to stream pandora with?03:25
amicrawler2017im not03:25
funkadactyland also, what happens if you play a local audio file like an mp3?03:26
amicrawler2017using a client03:26
funkadactylhmm, i see, the real question is if it's the app or the device03:26
funkadactylor if the device is using flash it could be that, whatever the case we should narrow this down03:27
funkadactylsorry coder-bts, wish I had a solution, one thing you may want to try, as long as the usb cable isn't built in to the device, is a new cable, the error you were getting will happen if there is a bad connection03:29
Sean_McGhopefully it isn't that, I think he said the device was brand new03:33
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funkadactylit may not be a bad device, could work fine under other os's, there may be something else that needs to be done in ubuntu, honestly leaning more towards flash being the problem03:35
Sean_McGnever confirmed if another app had skipping issues03:36
funkadactylI would like to know if it plays audio files stored on the HDD fine, that would indicate it is either pithos or flash03:36
funkadactylif they all stutter I would lean more towards the hardware and maybe try it on another system to see if it has skipping issues, any os on another machine should be fine, either way it will yield a result03:37
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funkadactylSean_McG: do you think I scared him away? I always run into this problem here where everyone else's issue is more interesting than my own03:47
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Sean_McGI try not to make assumptions like that when I am online.03:47
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funkadactylBy that I mean I get more invested in solving the puzzle for other people than finding a solution for my own problem03:50
vh3loxsounds about right03:50
kremlonill abduct you and i will force you to lick putin's butt hole03:51
kremlonyou will like his anus03:51
vh3loxyay :D03:51
* Sean_McG facedesks03:51
funkadactylhello vh3lox, what's happening?03:52
kremlonhis shit is very tasty03:52
kremlonyou will die for mother rusnia03:52
kremlonsuicide style03:52
vh3loxNot much03:52
funkadactyl^is that allowed?03:52
kremloni force you to commit sucide03:52
chukremlon: Please not in hee.03:52
cfhowlettkremlon, stop it03:52
Sean_McGno, we actually need an op to get rid of him03:52
cfhowlett!ops | kremlon03:53
ubottukremlon: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu03:53
kremloni will rip out your pubes03:54
kremlonsuck my retards penis03:54
cfhowlettban requested, dax03:54
vh3loxI think it is a bot03:55
cfhowlettgone now. let's move on.03:55
vh3loxtrolling irc03:55
funkadactyldo people even try to troll anymore?03:55
vh3loxits kind of outdated, don't see it much anymore03:55
funkadactylat least more subtle than whatever that was03:56
vh3loxI think people have learned to deal with it03:56
sgo11what's wrong with US network? I can not access google.com and facebook.com. but I can access youtube.com and twitter.com. Do anyone have the same issue? thanks.03:56
Sean_McGsgo11: tried using traceroute?03:57
cfhowlettsgo11, just you.  check your country restrictions03:57
sgo11cfhowlett, I am using US vpn.03:57
cfhowlettfrom china?03:57
funkadactylsgoll: DNS issues maybe?03:57
vh3loxcould try a proxie03:57
sgo11cfhowlett, yeah. never met such issue before. never ever.03:58
Sean_McGthey must've beefed up the Great Firewall03:58
sgo11cfhowlett, ping www.google.com from my vpn server (US server) even failed.03:58
sgo11through ssh.03:59
cfhowlettsgo11, well if you're in China, be aware that the government's anti vpn efforts are becoming increasingly sophisticated and effective. Special targets: VPN's.03:59
sgo11cfhowlett, I tried to ping www.google.com in US server's ssh session and it failed. this does not make sense. this proves it's not an issue in my country then.04:00
cfhowlettI beg to differ.  DNS rerouting has LONG been in the arsenal of the Great Firewall.04:00
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funkadactylcfhowlett in his defense that would still ping from ssh on his vpn regardless of the Great Firewall04:01
Bray90820So i'm having a very very strange issue with ubuntu 16.04 I ended up having two directories with the same name /media/data/Videos and /media/data/videos nice one has a capital V on videos and the other one doesn't  the original one is the one with the capital04:01
Bray90820It all happened when my DVR recording software which is plex recorded some stuff04:01
vh3loxAre you saying you are using ssh into a server into the US?04:01
sgo11funkadactyl, you are right. :)04:02
funkadactylyeah, is the ip of the server your ssh'd into local or is it definitely the VPN you are dialing into using their public ip and port?04:03
sgo11funkadactyl, yeah.04:03
vh3loxIn that case you are trying to proxie to facebook04:03
funkadactylBray90820, as far as ubuntu is concerned that capital letter makes them two different file names04:03
Bray90820Ok that makes sense04:04
funkadactylBray90820: Are both of those folders supposed to be for the same device04:04
vh3loxThat server may be restricted from those sites also. Many organizations have blocked facebook and other sites for security reasons.04:04
Bray90820funkadactyl: what do you mean04:04
Bray90820Also one seems to be a clone of the other04:05
vh3loxBray90820 what is exactly the issue? Remember *UNIX base operating systems are case sensitive.04:06
funkadactylBray90820: did something change with the DVR where it was accessing one folder, maybe an update changed a letter to a capitol and now you have two?04:06
funkadactylsgoll: is this a vpn service, or are you using a server you own from US communications to host your own VPN with your own static IP?04:08
Bray90820funkadactyl: Nothing that I can think of04:08
Bray90820But it looks like the folder was clones files and all even files that art part of plex04:08
funkadactylBray90820: if you look at the details of each video directory are they the same size?04:09
Bray90820The only think that is different are the recordings are going into the new folder04:09
Bray90820Well I take that back04:10
Bray90820There the same when looking at it on OS X through samba but when using ubuntu the only thing in the new folder are the recordings04:10
Sean_McGSMB is case-insensitive04:10
Sean_McG\\SERVER\SHARE is the same as \\server\share04:11
funkadactylyeah but mac os is still unix based, should still follow the same rules04:11
funkadactylHmm, wait, Bray90820, are there two folders when you look at the media directory locally?04:12
amicrawler2017what is it your after ?04:12
amicrawler2017im a mac user linux unix and windwos and amiga user04:12
Bray90820amicrawler2017: Figuring out where the new folder came from04:13
funkadactylIt could be a sharing name issue, had the same problem on my mac where the sharing name of the directory was different than the directory name04:13
amicrawler2017is it a hardlink or soft ?04:13
amicrawler2017when in the term are you able to see it therer04:13
amicrawler2017or when you right click04:14
Bray90820amicrawler2017: I don't even know what your talking about anymore04:14
amicrawler2017and check prop04:14
Sean_McGhttp://internethealthreport.com/ says there is currently a fair amount of packet loss between Level3 and CenturyLink04:14
Bray90820funkadactyl: Is on the right track so I'll let him deal with it04:14
amicrawler2017does it show were the file is located04:14
amicrawler2017is the folder called untiled ?04:14
Bray90820amicrawler2017: I'll let funkadactyl continue04:15
amicrawler2017funk mac os does not follow the same rules04:16
amicrawler2017file size yes04:16
amicrawler2017if you right click on a application its a pkg04:17
funkadactylBray90820: if you right click on the shared folder in ubuntu and view the share name, is it different than the file name?04:17
amicrawler2017oh they might be seeing hidden folders04:18
funkadactylroot syntax is the same between both as far as capitalization04:18
edgardanayahow can I make Sound Work04:18
Bray90820funkadactyl: They are both the same04:18
amicrawler2017what card >04:18
funkadactylare you viewing this over the network or on the machine itself Bray90820?04:18
edgardanayastandard Mac Book Pro Card!!!!04:20
amicrawler2017ppc or intel ?04:20
Sean_McGMBP would be an Intel04:20
amicrawler2017g4 g5 intell04:20
amicrawler2017is sound not working at all04:20
Bray90820The Machine itself04:21
amicrawler2017check in system prefs04:21
countingdaisiesHow come I can run an apache2 command that doesn't exist and have it spit out output?04:21
countingdaisiesIs that a security risk? Should I uninstall?04:21
amicrawler2017edgardanaya: check system prefs04:21
amicrawler2017then about this mac04:21
amicrawler2017and info04:21
funkadactylAnd there are definitely two video directories with one capitalized when viewing on the machine itself?04:21
Sean_McGUbuntu has a catch all for commands that don't exist, it reports back if you need to install a package04:21
edgardanayaDid Already!!!!04:22
amicrawler2017and tell if the card is working from there04:22
amicrawler2017did you reset the pram ?04:22
Sean_McGa few less exclamation marks would be nice04:22
edgardanayaYes Reset04:22
Bray90820funkadactyl: Correct04:22
amicrawler2017did you try the keyborad comands04:22
funkadactyland you see them both over the network when viewing on the Mac, correct?04:22
amicrawler2017on the top04:22
amicrawler2017f11 let me log in to my mac04:23
Bray90820But different subfolders and folder sizes04:23
funkadactylI mean, the sharing is definitely working as designed, I would look at the DVR software to view the save directory04:24
funkadactylIs this for a CCTV?04:24
Bray90820It's for cable TV04:24
funkadactylOkay, had to clarify because with a CCTV it would be the way it separates a continuous feed between HDD's04:25
funkadactylOn the ubuntu machine are you running the DVR software direct or are you just saving the shows to the ubuntu machine?04:26
Bray90820I recorded stuff earlier today an a different directory and it recorded fine04:26
Bray90820I am running it direct04:26
stan_man_canGotta re-install, systems acting funny, should I go for 16.04 or 16.10? just my desktop machine04:26
lotuspsychje!lts | stan_man_can04:26
ubottustan_man_can: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1)04:26
Bray90820The recording software is direct the tuner is connected to my router tho04:26
funkadactylokay, so its not being streamed over the network to the DVR just from the DVR to your mac04:27
Bray90820funkadactyl: The recording software is direct the tuner is connected to my router tho04:27
stan_man_canlotuspsychje, i know that04:27
lotuspsychjestan_man_can: if you choose non-lts support is not so long04:27
funkadactylThat could be part of it, are you able to dial into your router and see if it has a save directory set for recordings?04:27
funkadactylNVM scratch that04:27
Sean_McGmy recommendation would be to try LTS unless there is really something you need that is more current in 16.1004:28
stan_man_canlotuspsychje, i guess the question is more, is 16.10 worth the lack of LTS?04:28
funkadactylWhat are you using for the recording software?04:28
lotuspsychjestan_man_can: can you explain 'the lack of LTS' ?04:28
Bray90820funkadactyl: Plex for recording software and HdHomerun prime for tuner04:28
funkadactylWhen you set a custom directory in flex does it create a new folder automatically with the subfolders?04:29
stan_man_canlotuspsychje, ....04:29
cfhowlettstan_man_can, if you *need* the latest, greatest shiny OS, 16.10.  If you want a plug and play, well maintained and polished OS with minimal maintenance required, LTS04:29
funkadactylAutocorrect in chat is a pita04:29
stan_man_cancfhowlett, alrighty that's  bit more clear thanks.04:30
cfhowletthappy2help! stan_man_can04:30
Bray90820funkadactyl: Yes Plex04:30
Bray90820funkadactyl: No you need to choose a folder that already exists04:31
funkadactylCan you see what folder it is set to?04:31
funkadactylCapitol V or lowercase v?04:31
Bray90820See what folder my recording are set to record to?04:32
cfhowlettfunkadactyl, xchat has been dead and unsupported for years.  purge it and install hexchat04:32
lotuspsychje!xchat | funkadactyl04:32
ubottufunkadactyl: xchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.04:32
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: your too fast :p04:32
cfhowlettgreat minds ...04:32
* Sean_McG is still using irssi 04:32
funkadactylMeh, I use IRC every so often then get sucked into the IRC Hole, I'll check out Hex though04:33
Bray90820funkadactyl: It looks like it was a typo on my end it was set to a lowercase v04:33
Bray90820Thanks for the help that clears everything up04:33
funkadactylI would say you could merge the two folders and have all of your recordings own the same place, then unsure and delete the folder that isn't being used to consolidate04:34
funkadactylNo problem, Glad i was able to help04:34
rodney77Hello, I am running normal ubuntu on a convertable laptop that has a touchscreen and no touchpad. I'm trying to replicate right-click, middle-click, click-drag and mousewheel functionality on my touchscreen and I'm wondering how to do this04:34
funkadactylAlso, I know this is an ubuntu forum, I just run a server, I'm on IRC with my Mac, does hex chat support mac?04:35
rodney77oh, i should mention that I always use my keyboard. so i'm fine with hotkeys. I'm just ditching the mouse04:35
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* cfhowlett readies a mighty smack for asking such an obviously OT query04:36
daxfunkadactyl: it's in homebrew04:36
Bray90820funkadactyl: look at the bottom - https://hexchat.github.io/downloads.html04:36
funkadactylsounds good, I'm on it04:36
Bray90820personally I prefer an app called limechat which is what I am currently on04:37
funkadactylThe thing I like about xchat is that I hate change and I'm familiar with it04:38
cfhowlettfunkadactyl, hexchat is very much a fork of same.  you'll be right at home04:38
funkadactylThe thing I hate about xchat is xchat itself however so it's probably time to switch over04:39
funkadactylI also need to find something for my android, when I try to connect here on the cellular network i'm banned unless I use ssl04:40
Bray90820Try Android IRC04:40
Bray90820That's what I use and it's not bad04:40
funkadactylIs that official name AndroIRC?04:41
Bray90820Yes my bad04:42
funkadactylThat's what I'm using, I think its the IP address I'm assigned from the tower near work. Someone probably did some sketchy ball licking activity with it on free node and got banned like kremlon from earlier04:43
funkadactylMy Ip changes between there and home I assume due to the way cellular networks handle their leasing and assignments04:44
cmosguyhey all, I am usin Xfce on a remote machine, and I am Remote Desktop(ing) into it from Windows.  I cannot figure out how to enable "Two Finger Scrolling".  Can anyone help?04:44
cmosguyBTW, I am using Ubuntu Xenial04:44
funkadactylAre you using remote desktop from windows?04:44
funkadactylLike the built in?04:45
turejhow can i know if i have enough space to create a 45gb partition04:45
wedgieturej: you probably want to use gparted04:46
turejwedgie: how can i find out using that04:47
LambdaComplexAre there any notable differences between the backport systems in Ubuntu and Debian?04:47
Bray90820funkadactyl: you should just spoof your IP04:47
cfhowlett!debian | LambdaComplex04:47
ubottuLambdaComplex: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!04:47
wedgieturej: it's a graphical tool. Should show pretty clearly how much free space is on the disk04:47
LambdaComplexcfhowlett: ...Did you even read my question?04:47
LambdaComplexBecause that definitely doesn't answer it04:47
cmosguyfunkadactyl: I am using remote desktop from Windows04:47
turejwedgie: yeah there's about 135gb available, how can i take 45gb of that04:48
funkadactylI'm not sure if the input translation from Microsofts Remote Desktop supports two finger scrolling, which is surprising since it supports serial port replication and such04:48
funkadactylwhat happens if you use VNC instead?04:48
cmosguyfunkadactyl: you know I have not tried VNC04:49
cmosguyI thought the RDP would be better04:49
wedgieturej: http://gparted.org/display-doc.php?name=help-manual#gparted-create-new-partition I'm about to drive home, bu tthe docs should be fairly easy to follow04:49
cmosguywhat kind of VNC client for windows should I download, because a lot of them suck04:49
amicrawler2017chicken vnc04:49
funkadactylJust to cover bases cmosguy, you checked the input settings in ubuntu to make sure it's enabled, correct?04:49
turejwedgie, im not sure if we'll be able to continue our discussion04:50
turejthey don't serve internet in the orphanage04:50
funkadactylUltraVNC is what I'm used to, it can be a cantankerous pita though04:50
turejjokes aside, wedgie, thanks for that valuable link04:50
wedgieturej: np. good luck04:51
amicrawler2017mac book pro perosn here is your fix for your sound card04:51
amicrawler2017    Shut down the computer.04:51
funkadactylhttp://www.uvnc.com/downloads.html cmosguy04:51
amicrawler2017    Press the power button.04:51
amicrawler2017    Before the grey screen appears, press the Command, Option, P, and R keys at the same time.04:51
amicrawler2017    Hold the keys until your computer restarts and you hear the startup sound a second time.04:51
amicrawler2017    Release the keys.04:51
cmosguyfunkadactyl: does the two finger scrolling come with Xorg or through the RDP?04:52
cmosguywhy would vnc be any different?04:53
funkadactylWell, possibly both04:53
funkadactylSome handle visual effects better than others, but that is more on the host side04:53
funkadactylOh, you mean between that and RDP cmosguy correct?04:54
amicrawler2017or you can do it the ugly way04:54
funkadactylI don't think the windows RDP client supports two finger scrolling04:54
cmosguyfunkadactyl: yes between RDP04:54
amicrawler2017udo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext04:54
amicrawler2017sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext04:54
cmosguyfunkadactyl: yes it, it works fine when connecting to other windows machines04:55
amicrawler2017But if you want to kill your coreaudio as well,04:55
amicrawler2017ps aux | grep 'coreaudio[d]' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs sudo kill04:55
funkadactylThere probably are third party rep clients that support it but I am fairly positive two finger scrolling doesn't work through the windows RDP client, at least not cross platform04:55
amicrawler2017but this is a very ugly way of doing things04:55
funkadactylAlso, what is dice running on, a tower04:56
amicrawler2017oh thats is a vey lite gui04:56
amicrawler2017the other fix is settings sound and check the right output04:57
dysfigureddoes ubuntu have a backports repo? or do I have to use PPAs?04:57
amicrawler2017hope that helps04:58
dysfiguredamicrawler2017: holy hell dude, that's the most ugliest hack i've ever seen. you can do that same thing with just plain `pkill coreaudio` dude04:59
amicrawler2017it is very ugly04:59
cfhowlett!backports | dysfigured05:00
ubottudysfigured: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging05:00
amicrawler2017dont like it05:00
dysfiguredamicrawler2017: also, there's never any need to `grep foo | awk { statement }`, that's silly. just use `awk '/foo/{ statement }`05:00
amicrawler2017found it off this site http://superuser.com/questions/647396/reload-mac-audio-drivers-without-rebooting05:00
dysfiguredyeah that's dumb. if you want to kill a process by it's name instead of it's pid, just use pkill05:01
amicrawler2017i have not had this issue05:02
amicrawler2017with my mac05:02
amicrawler2017normaly just pkill05:02
amicrawler2017i have mac05:02
amicrawler2017but my main box is linux05:03
amicrawler2017dont like mac that much05:03
amicrawler2017they dont fallow the rules05:03
amicrawler2017of standards05:03
amicrawler2017oh by the way the app pithos was the issue audio05:05
Sean_McGamicrawler2017: ah, good to know. we were curious05:05
amicrawler2017spot works just fine under load05:05
Sean_McGfunkadactyl's theory was that it was something to do with flash.05:06
funkadactylI thought so, does spotify use flash?05:06
amicrawler2017i dl the client05:06
amicrawler2017for linux05:06
funkadactylyeah is the client for spotify flash based like pithos?05:06
amicrawler2017i think html505:07
amicrawler2017does not say05:08
funkadactylPithos may appreciate the input, what happens if you run pandora over flash in firefox vs html5 in chrome?05:09
amicrawler2017looks like html505:10
funkadactylfor spotify?05:10
funkadactylI apologize for my apparent confusion, it's midnight where I am and I woke up at 4am the previous day05:11
funkadactylprobably like 4 beers deep at this point too05:11
countingdaisiesIf something will work for ubuntu 14.04 does that generally mean that it should work for 16.04?05:12
cfhowlettcountingdaisies, of course not.05:12
Sean_McGnot necessarily05:12
amicrawler2017what every body is saying java and html05:12
cfhowlettdifferent versions, different issues05:12
* Sean_McG wrote notes of all the things that broke when he upgraded05:12
Bashing-omcountingdaisies: depends05:12
funkadactylokay for spotify, not pithos, correct?05:12
cfhowlettnote that 14.04 is supported for a few more years05:12
countingdaisiesmajor changes from previous versions?05:13
countingdaisiesI think I have to install an apache module an I never done it before05:13
cfhowlettcountingdaisies, yes/no/it depends    vague questions >>> vague answers05:13
funkadactylI assumed flash was part of the issue because it's become an unruly monster05:13
countingdaisiescfhowlett: yeah05:14
countingdaisiesits cool05:14
funkadactylThey also don't give a crap about linux anymore05:14
Bashing-omcountingdaisies: Well , yes . As the initiate system and service manager in 14.04 is upstart .. and 16.04 is systemd .05:14
countingdaisiesfunkadactyl: who does?05:14
cfhowlett!apache | countingdaisies05:14
ubottucountingdaisies: Apache HTTP Server is the most commonly used HTTP server on Linux systems. For setup information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html . For information on setting up a "LAMP stack", see /msg ubottu !lamp.05:14
Sean_McGI think Adobe doesn't even care about Flash much anymore -- the updates are usually to plug security vulnerabilities05:14
kk4ewtflash is dead05:14
cfhowlettfunkadactyl, adobe has *never* cared much about linux.  deal with it and let's all move on.05:15
countingdaisiesBashing-om: I'm screwed. There seems to be no instructional specific to my need then and I can't figure it out on my own05:15
funkadactylSeems to be the norm for any mainstream proprietary patented software05:15
snapfractalpopanyone here running brave browser from source?05:17
Bashing-omcountingdaisies: I do not run apache, so not much help, cfhowlett pointed you to the docs .05:18
cfhowlettsnapfractalpop, avoid "anyone ..." questions.  state YOUR issues and problems05:18
snapfractalpopcfhowlett: ok, sorry I just realised this is support for ubuntu.. so likely not relevant here05:18
cfhowlettsnapfractalpop, :)  fair enough05:19
countingdaisiescfhowlett: thx05:19
cfhowletthappy2help! countingdaisies05:19
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countingdaisiesThis person in a tutorial has us placing the contents of a php application in /var/www/html   and extracting/leaving it there. Can it be located alsewhere and a put a link to it in /var/www/html  ?05:42
Sean_McGprobably, but Apache can and often is configured to not follow symbolic links as it can be a security issue05:44
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countingdaisiesSean_McG: So that's normal? To extract a package to /var/www/html  ?05:45
Sean_McGif you are expecting it to be at the root of your webserver, yes05:46
countingdaisiesSean_McG: I have other apps of that type to install also. I'm just learning and I end up getting swamped in the details and never getting anything accomplished. I know I had (several) applications installed once years back and the setup was :  localhost/application-name-01   localhost/application-name-02   and so on. I just don't recall what that was to look for it again.05:50
Sean_McGcountingdaisies: configuring webservers is not easy05:50
daxcountingdaisies: assuming Apache, an Alias line and then a <Directory> block works fine for that06:00
daxe.g. third blockquote in https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_alias.html#alias06:00
dax(depending on Ubuntu and thus Apache version, you might need to use Order and Allow directives instead of Require inside <Directory>, I forget which version changed that)06:02
user_hi there. anybody ever tried to run php 7.0 on ubuntu 12.04?06:21
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Apachezupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.8.0-34-generic07:27
ApachezW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_guc_ver9_14.bin for module i91507:27
ApachezW: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/bxt_guc_ver8_7.bin for module i91507:27
kbobApachez: same here but not a prob at all ...07:30
someboyCan we use operator mono fonts in ubuntu?07:35
cfhowlettsomeboy, ?  are you asking about licenses or capability?07:36
someboycfhowlett: capability07:36
someboyif I don't have a macbook07:36
cfhowlettsomeboy, possibly.  I take it operator mono are mac fonts?07:37
someboycfhowlett: http://www.typography.com/blog/introducing-operator07:37
cfhowlettsomeboy, reading ...07:37
someboythank you07:38
cfhowlettsomeboy, I'd say yes, but I notice that this is a paid font.  SERIOUSLY?!  Thousands of free fonts are available, so you might wish to save those dollars.  google "operator font ubuntu" for some suggestions07:40
someboycfhowlett: hmmm07:44
someboyI wonder the alternatives would work for vim07:44
cfhowletteasy enough to test.  free to test, too.07:44
rajivmarswhat is the difference between ubuntu 16.04 and ubuntu 16.10?07:49
cfhowlettrajivmars, 1.  read the release notes for such details.  2.  most significant: 16.10 is NOT long term support so will only be active for 9 months07:49
rajivmarscfhowlett: which one provides latest upgrades?07:50
cfhowlett!latest | rajivmars07:50
ubotturajivmars: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:50
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rajivmarsok. thanks:)07:51
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CRAIGSOLENISCIRCUMCISION: A RABBI'S SON SPEAKS OUT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erm5xHO3o7s07:53
cfhowlettCRAIGSOLENIS, stop spamming our channel with off-topic contnet07:54
CRAIGSOLENIScfhowlett, Norm Cohen is a rabbi's son.07:55
CRAIGSOLENIS"Such clarity, thank you Norm Cohen and all who speak out to end this atrocity."07:55
cfhowlett!ops | CRAIGSOLENIS07:55
ubottuCRAIGSOLENIS: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:55
cfhowlettask you questions, get no answers.  chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic08:03
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seprobHi there. I have a problem with WebSocket connection on my Ubuntu. For example: "soi@devops01:~$ wscat -c ws://echo.websocket.org -p 1308:30
seproberror: Error: unexpected server response (400)08:30
seprobStrange is that my coworkers have the same system but they can connect.08:31
seprobAny ideas?08:31
ikevinseprob, does wscat version are the sames?08:32
M4dH4TT3r2Wow is it just me or is the latest lts very complete trash...08:32
seprobikevin, yes but it doesn't matter which client I use.08:32
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, it's just you08:33
seprobAlways there is the same situation.08:33
M4dH4TT3r2Won't even boot after a clean install and image is fine...08:33
ikevinseprob, so, i've no idea08:33
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, any boot error?08:34
tatertotsseprob: error #400 = bad request08:34
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, do you show grub menu?08:34
M4dH4TT3r2Just stays on login screen and tells me password is wrong08:34
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, does keyboard layout is good?08:34
M4dH4TT3r2Let's me login fine if I switch to console08:35
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, use guest session and terminal to change the password08:35
M4dH4TT3r2Tried that still no go08:35
minimecM4dH4TT3r2: It is possible that you have the wrong keyboard layout in the graphical environment and some 'special keys' in your password...08:35
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, have you numbers in your password?08:36
M4dH4TT3r2Tried the password password08:36
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, try to type "pqsszord" in the login screen08:37
seprobtatertots, I know but how can I fix it and why my coworkers can send message?08:38
M4dH4TT3r2The password is not wrong, the kbd layout is not wrong, only thing I can think of stopping it from booting is nvidia drivers08:39
M4dH4TT3r2Which incidently work fine in install env08:40
minimecM4dH4TT3r2: If you get the login screen, the xserver is up, so no problem with the nvidia driver, I guess.08:40
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, does guest session is working?08:41
CaptainQuirkHi guys ! I made a small repl for jrnl.sh based on this : https://github.com/tj/git-extras/blob/master/bin/git-repl08:42
minimecM4dH4TT3r2: Can you verify that you password is correct? <ctrl><alt>f1, then login. <alt>f7 to go back.08:42
tatertotsseprob: have you compared notes with co workers to determine if their requests are identical to yours?08:42
CaptainQuirkI would like to write command history in a custom file08:42
CaptainQuirknot bash_history08:42
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, does .xsession-errors contains error?08:42
seprobtatertots, we use the same clients and we put the same requests.08:42
CaptainQuirkI tried manipulating the HISTFILE variable in the repl script itself08:42
CaptainQuirkwithout success08:43
minimecCaptainQuirk: It is already a file.... 'cat .bash_history'08:43
CaptainQuirkminimec, I don't get you08:44
minimecCaptainQuirk: The command history is saved in a file called .bash_history.08:44
CaptainQuirkI think you didn't read my question correctly08:44
CaptainQuirkI want to save to a custom file08:44
CaptainQuirkI know ~/.bash_history exists08:45
minimecCaptainQuirk: 'cat .bash_history > myfile'08:45
CaptainQuirkI wrote a small repl around a command08:46
M4dH4TT3r2Hahaha my bad it doesn't say password is wrong08:46
CaptainQuirkI want the commands issued in this repl to end up in another file08:46
CaptainQuirknot copy the whole darn thing ;-)08:46
M4dH4TT3r2It just refreshes login screen after I hit enter08:46
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, what does it said?08:46
EtothetauiI'm running lubuntu with i3 and I need help with something08:47
M4dH4TT3r2Litterally nothing the login screen just refreshes08:47
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, and what does ~/.xsession_errors said?08:47
ikevindoes your /home is mounted and have good right?08:48
EtothetauiI installed a program and it opens fine with with the default lxde but when I'm using i3 the program doesn't show up08:48
Etothetauihow do I fi that?08:48
kernellohello everyone, I got this command yesterday to convert pdf to epub; 'find /tet -type f -iname '*.pdf' | parallel ebook-convert {} {.}.epub' but it tells me 'find '/dir': no such file or directory'..08:48
ikevinkernello, maybe no /tet so /path/where/is/located/tet08:49
M4dH4TT3r2Cannot connect to bratty at :008:49
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, does your /home is imported from an old install?08:51
M4dH4TT3r2ikevin here is more detail http://paste.ubuntu.com/2383238508:51
minimecCaptainQuirk: Indeed I did not read your first line... So what you want is like '$cmd >> cmd_history' right before 'eval $cmd', right?08:52
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, have you installed nvidia driver?08:52
M4dH4TT3r2Yeah selected 3rd party durring install and connected to net08:52
tatertotsseprob: are you and your coworkers in the same building, using the same network when making these requests?08:52
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, try to uninstall it and use nouveau instead08:53
EtothetauiHow do I make the program I installed show up in the list of programs in i3 (when I press Mod+D)08:53
tatertotsseprob: yes or no08:53
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*08:53
M4dH4TT3r2In debian I've tried every nvidia driver ever written for this card, none work08:53
ikevinM4dH4TT3r2, nvidia's drivers are crap08:53
minimecCaptainQuirk: Oh... It might be 'echo $cmd >> cmd_history'08:54
seprobtatertots, yes we are in the sam building. I switched our Internet cables and still I get the same response.08:55
tatertotsseprob: can you switch computers and log in to a different computer and test?08:56
tatertotsseprob: does it work when you log into a different computer with your user account08:57
seprobtatertots, you mean I should log into some account on computer where it does work?08:59
tatertotsseprob: no08:59
kernelloikevin, thank you, it worked with the path, but the command doesnt work anyway. the epub was created empty and with errors08:59
CrazyTuxDoes anybody here uses Virtual Box?09:00
CrazyTux<CrazyTux> hello, I have installed Virtual Box on Xubuntu and installed another OS inside the Virtual Box. Can I move that to another partition on the HDD?09:00
ikevinCrazyTux, yes09:00
CrazyTuxCan it still run from that other location?09:00
CrazyTuxikevin, how to do that?09:00
ikevinkernello, what kind of errors?09:00
ikevinCrazyTux, you mean move the virtualbox dir?09:00
CrazyTuxikevin, yes.09:01
tatertotsseprob: do all employees use the exact same operating system version and configuration? yes or no09:01
ikevinCrazyTux, you using the virtualbox gui?09:01
CrazyTuxikevin, yes. Virtual Box GUI.09:01
minimecCrazyTux: Easiest way is probably to move the 'VirtualBox VMs' folder to the other partition and make a link with the same name @ the original location.09:02
ikevinCrazyTux, go into "file" > "settings", in general tabs you have the default path09:02
CrazyTuxmake a link with the same name @ the original location.    What does this mean?09:02
linuxHi , I have memory flash 8GB , I used this " dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd"  to format the flash,  But after nine hours is not over, so I closed the terminal and removed the flash , now the memory flash does not work .09:02
seprobtatertots, I think so. We use Ubuntu 14 LTS. I don't how big different is between installed packeges but it shouldn't be huge.09:03
tatertotsseprob: i'm going to ask you the same question again and give you three answers to choose from #1=yes   #2=no #3=I don't know09:04
tatertotsseprob: do all employees use the exact same operating system version and configuration? yes or no or "i don't know"?09:04
minimecCrazyTux: You can follow the advice of 'ikevin'. You can set the default path for the VM's folder in the preferences of the VirtualBox GUI.09:04
wedgielinux: it'll have to be reformatted, of course. but if it doesnt eork at all then maybe it died while you were wiping it. maybe thats why it never finished after 9 hours09:04
seprobtatertots, I don't know.09:05
tatertotsseprob: ok thank you,09:05
minimecCrazyTux: To create a link... 'right click' on a folder... 'Make Link'... ;)09:05
CrazyTuxikevin, minimec: you mean Default Machine Folder?09:05
ikevinCrazyTux, yes09:06
tatertotsseprob: did the same person or persons install the operating system on ALL employee computers? yes or no or "i don't know"09:06
minimecCrazyTux: Exactly09:06
seprobtatertots, yes.09:06
CrazyTuxok. that's great. I just need to specify the new path. right?09:06
ikevinCrazyTux, yes09:06
CrazyTuxok. I'll do that.09:06
ikevinCrazyTux, and moving the vm you want from the old path to the new one09:07
linuxwedgie Is there any solution to make this command "dd if=/dev/zero" faster ?09:07
tatertotsseprob: is the person or persons who installed the operating systems on ALL company computer assets responsible for maintaining company computers? yes or no or "i don't know"09:07
CrazyTuxthanks a lot guys. I was running out of space in my Home folder. Needed to transfer those Virtual Machines to other location.09:07
wedgielinux: specify a block size: bs=4M     but you dont need to overwrite the whole drive just to reformat it.09:08
seprobtatertots, yes.09:08
tatertotsseprob: take your computer to the person or persons responsible for maintaining company computer assets and inform them of your problem and request that they wipe and reconfigure your computer09:09
tatertotsseprob: or request they issue you a new computer09:10
seprobtatertots, finally for sure I'll do it but right now I want to fix myself.09:10
tatertotsseprob: you cannot fix yourself09:10
S_wedgie this command "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1 count=1" takes 3 mins , I don't know why ?09:10
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tatertotsseprob: and it is not your corporate responsibility to do so09:11
linuxwedgie this command "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1 count=1" takes 3 mins , I don't know why ?09:11
wedgieyou probably dont want bs=109:11
kernelloikevin, strangely the epub is empty, with '-' on the left of every line but nothing else09:11
wedgielinux: if that rakes minutes then your drive is probably broken09:12
linuxIs possible solving the problem by gparted ?09:13
carlyheyy guys09:14
carlyanyone around09:14
linuxwedgie Is possible solving the problem by gparted ?09:15
M4dH4TT3r2That's also very weird...09:15
Ben64linux: no09:15
Ben64check dmesg, there might be errors09:15
M4dH4TT3r2If I encrypt disk durring install I no longer get a kbd/mos to enter sda5_crypt...09:15
linuxIs there any solution?09:16
tatertotsseprob: if you are getting pressure from upper management, inform them that IT department has made some form of mistake with regard to your computer (as it does not identically function as the rest)...that should get you out of some potential hot water with your boss maybe09:16
Ben64linux: get a new drive09:16
M4dH4TT3r2However ctrlaltdel still restarts09:17
linuxdmesg = " [22890.448597] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 0"  , "[22890.448600] Buffer I/O error on dev sdb, logical block 0, lost async page write"09:18
M4dH4TT3r2Yeah I Got That too09:18
M4dH4TT3r2On boot09:18
linuxdmesg = "[ 1099.052309] usb 3-1: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using xhci_hcd"09:19
Ben64linux: sounds like broken drive still09:20
linuxOk , I got it , I think there is no solution . Thank you so much all of you .09:22
linuxIf I found a solution , I will write it here.09:22
M4dH4TT3r2Ya y is that screwed...09:26
M4dH4TT3r2If I encrypt drive I get no kbd/mos with either usb or ps209:27
M4dH4TT3r2So I can't enter crypt key, however they obviously work because ctrl+alt+del still works09:27
M4dH4TT3r2Makes no sense09:28
minimecM4dH4TT3r2: I do have the same issue. I boot my system through 'recovery' I have a gtx1060... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/153054809:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1359689 in plymouth (Ubuntu Xenial) "duplicate for #1530548 cryptsetup password prompt not shown" [High,Triaged]09:28
M4dH4TT3r2Mine is amd6409:29
M4dH4TT3r2Also not running xenia but latest lts ver 16... something09:30
M4dH4TT3r2And would really really like encryption on this box09:31
M4dH4TT3r2But can't even get a working install so I can add after09:32
minimecM4dH4TT3r2: Me too. I am on 'Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \l09:32
M4dH4TT3r2Bout to try unencrypted again without 3rd party and hopefully (which I highly doubt at this point) install will work properly and I can add encryption after09:33
M4dH4TT3r2Would actually prefer debian but graphics drivers...09:35
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: could you confirm what ubuntu version you're running09:35
ikoniathe graphics "drivers" in debian are the same as ubuntu09:35
ikoniaif you prefer debian, use debian,09:35
M4dH4TT3r216 something it's the latest LTS ver09:35
ikonia16 something is not a version09:35
ikonia16.04 or 16.1009:35
M4dH4TT3r2I would but nvidia drivers are killing me in debian09:36
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: its the same in debian as it is in ubuntu.....09:36
M4dH4TT3r2Newest LTS from getubuntu09:36
M4dH4TT3r2Sadly no, nvidia is strange that way09:36
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: it's not strange that way09:37
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: it's exactly the same - its the same xorg build the same everytthing09:37
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: do you have the livecd/your system booted at the moment09:37
M4dH4TT3r2Without using nvidia oem drivers I can't get monitor to work in deb, however in ubuntu it works09:38
ikoniaso thats just the default noveu config09:38
M4dH4TT3r2Can't use nvidia drivers tried them all, none work09:38
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: if you can get the version you're using it would be interesting to walk this through09:38
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: they are the same nvidia drivers....on the ssame xorg builds.....they will work09:39
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: you're trying to do FDE right ?09:39
ikoniaor just partial, eg: home09:39
M4dH4TT3r2Nvidia drivers don't work at all, none of them09:39
BluesKaj'Morning all09:39
M4dH4TT3r2Also how you been ikonia? What's it been 2yrs?09:40
ikoniafull disk encyption09:40
ikoniaout of interest, why FDE over just protecting the data (for example /home)09:41
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popeyikonia: ecryptfs can go somewhat wrong with long path names now and then09:42
ikoniapopey: yes09:42
M4dH4TT3r2Don't want my dev envs messed with either09:42
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: where are your dev encs stored ?09:43
popeyalso, CPU can help accelerate FDE09:43
M4dH4TT3r2Have lotta attacks since ts gov dev work09:43
popeyif they have AES-NI instructions09:43
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ikoniapopey: thats interesting, so you're saying that the one time unlock of FDE can be a lighter use09:44
popeyapparently, yes09:44
galbronHello community09:44
ikoniapopey: I've never heard that before, where has that come from ?09:44
ikoniaI can see the value of a one time unlock over keeping a device in an unlocked state like a temp unlocked meta device09:44
popey aesni-intel is the kernel module09:45
popeywhich enables it09:45
galbronI'm looking for a simple drawing program, Any suggest?09:45
M4dH4TT3r2This is a dev box so fde is prefered09:45
popeygalbron: http://asciiflow.com/ :)09:45
ikoniapopey: I shall take a look at this09:45
ikoniapopey: have you tried it yourself ?09:45
popeyikonia: no, because at the time my laptop didn't have the capability, cpu too old09:47
minimecgalbron: http://askubuntu.com/questions/36577/is-there-a-program-like-microsoft-paint09:47
ikoniapopey: how annoying09:47
CrazyTuxhello, I bought a new laptop this week which was pre installed with FreeDOS. I wanted to try installing Ubuntu on it. Would it be a better idea to remove FreeDOS and install new OSes or keep FreeDOS intact and install other OS in a dual boot setup?09:47
popeyikonia: grep aes /proc/cpuinfo09:47
popeywill tell you if it's supported09:47
CrazyTuxWould FreeDOS be of any use?09:48
ikoniapopey: interesting, I'd not seen that module09:48
Ben64CrazyTux: probably not09:48
ikonia(or wasn't really aware of what it was offering)09:48
galbronThanks popey, but I need a simple program for create a procedure, in open office, do you understand me?09:48
popeygalbron: dia?09:48
CrazyTuxBen64, What is your suggestion?09:48
Ben64just install ubuntu09:48
minimecCrazyTux: Just install the new OS. You can always download a copy of freeods... http://www.freedos.org/09:48
popeyor use dosbox in ubuntu if you need to play dos things09:49
galbronOk, popey, I test and I tell you something, thanks so much09:49
popeythey just put freedos on the laptop because in many territories it's not legal to ship a machine with no OS09:49
popeynp galbron09:49
CrazyTuxOk. Then, I need to remove FreeDOS?09:49
popeyCrazyTux: i would09:49
CrazyTuxI have installed Xubuntu in a dual boot setup alongside FreeDOS. Can I delete the partitions containing FreeDOS by using GParted?09:53
M4dH4TT3r2ikonia: ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd6409:53
CrazyTuxI am logged in Xubuntu now.09:53
popeyCrazyTux: yeah, if you boot from a live usb stick, you can delete the freedos part, and move the xubuntu part "down" the disk then expand it. (if you haven't done much, might be quicker to just nuke and install again)09:53
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: so when you try to install FDE what happens09:53
M4dH4TT3r2Everything installs fine but from first boot kbd/mos don't work at all from usb or ps209:54
ikoniakbd/mos ?09:54
ikoniaahhh keyboard and ouse09:54
CrazyTuxpopey, can I use Gparted to do this when logged in Xubuntu?09:54
ikoniaM4dH4TT3r2: what makes you think this is related to FDE ?09:55
M4dH4TT3r2Because if I install without fde they still work at login screen09:55
popeyCrazyTux: no09:57
M4dH4TT3r2Right now installing without 3rd party soft, no encryption, net con avail for updates, gonna see how this goes...10:00
M4dH4TT3r2Prob just going to hate on my graphics card10:00
M4dH4TT3r2Also auto login10:01
CaptainQuirkminimec, thanks, found my answer in #bash10:02
minimecCaptainQuirk: Cool.10:03
s3ph__hi guys10:07
s3ph__i need help10:07
s3ph__im facing ubuntu 15.10 problem with vmware need gcc4.9.210:08
s3ph__not available from repo10:08
Ben6415.10 is dead10:08
s3ph__how can i solve it? thx in advance10:08
s3ph__yes i know but there is any possibility to get gcc-4.9.2 to put in /usr/lib and then solve that problem?10:09
Ben6415.10 lost support 6 months ago, it's not safe to use10:09
s3ph__no idea ? :(10:10
Ben64you're not listening10:11
DonaldTrumpIt is my day today10:11
Ben64DonaldTrump: not here10:11
DonaldTrumpubuntu user too10:11
M4dH4TT3r2Hahaha, first boot it starts to load ubuntu (like the dots screen) then just loses connection to monitor10:11
s3ph__ok thx anyway ben6410:11
akiks3ph__: check if you can add the toolchain-r repo which has many gcc versions10:12
s3ph__thx akik but already tried10:12
M4dH4TT3r2Gonna try real quick with deb 8.0.1 x64 again10:13
s3ph__when search for gcc4.9.210:13
s3ph__no enties10:13
Ben64s3ph__: upgrade to a supported release and come back10:13
s3ph__thx anyway akik10:13
s3ph__yes ben my last solution seems to be to upgrade was looking to start quickly my vmware10:14
s3ph__thx to all10:14
s3ph__does the upgrade from 15.10 to 16 have good chances to work without trouble ? ^^10:21
lotuspsychjes3ph__: you have been told what to do already10:26
minimecM4dH4TT3r2: You encounter the sme problems I had after adding that gtx1060 to my existing installation. Without encryption, you should be able to boot the system with the 'nomodeset' option @boot. With FDE I boot into recovery to be able to decrypt my HD, then i 'continue normal boot'.10:29
M4dH4TT3r2No, can't boot the sys even with nomodeset10:31
minimecM4dH4TT3r2: Oh... Then try with recovery... that should work.10:32
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tomreynminimec: try this: remove the "quiet=1" option off /etc/default/grub and do: sudo update-grub && sudo reboot10:38
tomreynmight help you get around the need to boot into recovery10:39
ssc_I have a domain registered with GoDaddy and set A record which points to the server. But when I ping it from my local machine ping works fine10:39
minimectomreyn: Oh thx. I will try that, once i reboot the machine.10:39
ssc_ But when I ping from the same server or any other server, it says Unknown Host name10:39
lpwkprobably your dns server is not working well10:40
minimectomreyn: In fact, that is in fact an obvious solution, I should have thought of...10:40
tomreynssc_: DNS configuiration changes are not always instant. there is something called 'propagation' which can mean a delay before changes you make are ubiquously available.10:40
minimectomreyn: I just have that card for a few days now, and... love it!10:41
tomreynminimec: i'm not sure it will work, but it's worth a try.10:41
minimectomreyn: indeed...10:43
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ssc_tomreyn: But it is happening since last 3 days10:48
ssc_Any help on this guys please?10:51
akikssc_: check with host command what your host knows about it "host your-new-dns-entry"10:51
tatertotsssc_: does a lookup performed against your go daddy domain show accurate information? yes or no10:52
gezbsoz just joined missed the question10:52
akikssc_: if you use "host your-new-dns-entry" you will ask google's dns whether it knows about it10:52
tomreynssc_: hmm that's probably too long. it's not really an ubuntu issue, but since not much is going on here right now... let's see... try this: type the domain name into http://intodns.com and tell us what it reports - any errros?10:53
ssc_tomreyn: Everything is green with few blue information icons but nothing is red10:53
ssc_akik: I don't want to use google dns :(10:54
akikssc_: just saying that that's how you can test different dns servers10:55
tomreynssc_: so we will need to see output of some commands. you can redact the domain name or anything else, just tell me what you redacted, and be sure to always replace the same original value with the same replacement value, ok?10:55
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s3ph__found for vmware pb10:55
s3ph__    cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source     tar xvf vmnet.tar     cd vmnet-only     make     cd ..     tar xvf vmmon.tar     cd vmmon-only     make     cd ..     mkdir /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc     cp vmmon.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/vmmon.ko     cp vmnet.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/vmnet.ko     depmod -a     /etc/init.d/vmware restart     vim /usr/bin/vmware (or nano)     add before "set -e" :         export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=10:55
s3ph__ubuntu 15.10 problem with gcc 4.9.210:55
ssc_tomreyn: domain name is tibolli.net10:56
tomreyns3ph__: 15.10 is EOL. you need to upgrade.10:56
xXEoflaOEXxs3ph__, Upgrade to 16.04 or 16.1010:56
tomreynhe left10:57
Ben64hey it's the same thing i told him earlier10:57
xXEoflaOEXxtomreyn, ok.10:57
tatertotsssc_: does a lookup performed against your go daddy domain show accurate information? yes or no10:57
ssc_tatertots: Yes but I am unable to ping it from different server machines10:57
ssc_tatertots: From my local machine, yes, from other machines, no10:57
tatertotsssc_: forget ping for a minute10:58
tatertotsssc_: let's focus on name resolution10:58
ssc_Okay I am with you tatertots.10:58
ssc_Please tell me what to do?10:58
tatertotsssc_: perform a lookup on each computer and record and compare the results10:59
tatertotsssc_:  do you have pastebinit installed?11:00
tatertotsssc_: yes11:00
tatertotsssc_: perform a lookup on each computer and record and compare the results11:00
ssc_Okay I am pasting results from three different machines in pastebin and paste the link here11:00
tomreynssc_: the DNS configuration for this domain name looks good to me. it must be some issue on the servers where it does not resolve (or with the DNS servers they use). i'll stand back now and have tatertots take over.11:00
xpl0iterCan someone please tell me how can I forward all traffic from and to port 80 to another IP:8011:01
tatertotsssc_: looks good ...next11:02
ssc_Sorry, ignore above one. I have pasted all 3 outputs in this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23832760/11:02
lpwkxpl0iter: do you mean nat?11:02
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nic__xpl0iter, nc maybe?11:04
tatertotsssc_: the reason you are getting inconsistent name resolution results is because these three computer are NOT configured "identically" from a dns perspective.11:04
xpl0iterlpwk: Yeah the thing is, I am running a docker container with a webserver inside a virtualbox VM. and I have 2 afapters, one in host only mode and the other in nat11:04
xpl0iternic__: I don't understand11:04
ssc_tatertots: Okay I understand that but if I go on the machine itself (that resolves the IP of domain), I can not lookup from there as well11:04
ssc_to the same domain11:05
lpwkxpl0iter: i use this rule to nat forward - iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -s X.X.X.X/X (private IP/network) -j SNAT --to (nat ip)11:05
tatertotsssc_: which machine in the pastebin is the server #1, #2, or #3???11:05
ssc_Machine 1 is the actual machine where tibolli.net points. Machine 2 is my local machine. Machine 3 is another cloud machine with the same cloud provider where tibolli.net is hosted11:06
tatertotsssc_: wait11:06
tatertotsssc_: i just want a numerical value as an answer so let me ask again11:06
tatertotsssc_: which machine in the pastebin is the server #1, #2, or #3???11:07
lpwkxpl0iter: but if you want to forward it to a proxy server you could use it: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE  ; iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -s internal_network -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination proxy_IP:312811:08
tatertotsssc_: is your local machine on the same LAN as machine #1? yes or no11:09
tatertotsssc_: is your local machine on the same LAN as machine #3? yes or no11:09
ssc_tatertots: By the way, output for machine 3 has changed11:10
ssc_For nslookup11:10
ssc_Although it's still SERVFAIL11:10
ssc_But there is some output11:10
ssc_Should I paste in pastebin?11:10
tatertotsssc_: yes11:10
mbufA Python package is available in pip repository. Is there a tool to make a .deb package for the same?11:11
JP____My head hurts... Anyone need help?11:11
JP____mbuf, you should have python already installed on your system11:12
JP____try python --version in your terminal11:12
tatertotsssc_: is #1 and #3 on the same LAN? yes or no11:13
mbufJP____, That is not what I asked.11:13
ssc_tatertots: I don't know but they are with the same cloud provider11:13
mbufJP____, Should one need to manually create a .deb package or is there a tool that can convert a package available in a Pip repository into .deb?11:13
tatertotsssc_: both on the same account i'll assume11:14
ssc_tatertots: Correct11:14
JP____mbuf, pip is the package manager for python11:14
tomreynssc_: your problem seems to be the DNS server at which does not work properly. is that dns server managed by linode? i assume not, based on its reverse dns.11:14
JP____it's not OS-dependent11:14
tatertotsssc_: is #1 configured with a static or dynamic ip addy?11:14
ssc_tatertots: Number 1 and 3 are configured with static IP11:15
ssc_tomreyn: Yes that is being managed by Linode11:15
lpwkhow can i hide connect messages from anothers guests? sry for the noob question :)11:15
tatertotsssc_: if you set either of them to auto/dhcp/dynamic is it able to resolve the domain name? yes or no11:15
ssc_Currently it's set to dhcp, did not try with auto or dynamic11:16
tatertotsssc_: if you set either of them to auto/dhcp/dynamic is it able to resolve the domain name? yes or no11:16
mbufJP____, okay11:17
ssc_tatertots: I did not understand but I guess, answer is no.11:17
tatertotsssc_: i will ask you again, this time giving you a THIRD option as a answer or response11:17
tatertotsssc_: if you set either of them to auto/dhcp/dynamic is it able to resolve the domain name? yes or no or "i don't know"11:17
ssc_I don't know11:17
xpl0iterlpwk: thanks a lot. I will try it and see.11:18
Faizanxpl0iter: oye tu ?11:18
tatertotsssc_: have either #1 or #3 EVER been set to dhcp/dynamic ip settings?11:19
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xpl0iterFaizan: what? o.O11:19
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ssc_tatertots: no11:19
JP____anyone else need help?11:19
tatertotsssc_: ok you dns is misconfigured on both 1 and 311:20
SpeirosJP___Are you handing out medication???11:20
tatertotsssc_: configure your dns properly and all will be well11:20
ssc_tatertots: So, how can I resolve it?11:20
JP____Speiros: depends, what do you need?11:20
ssc_tatertots: How can I configure? Do I contact with Linode?11:20
tatertotsssc_: no11:20
lpwkssc_: can you explain again your problem? i lost it11:21
tatertotsssc_: can you access both 1 and 3 now?11:21
SpeirosJP___ I don't know, but the reports are varied...:)11:21
JP____I have this headache also, bah... Should be working, but i don't think i can do much in this state11:21
ssc_tatertots: yes I can via ssh11:21
JP____So might as well help noobs11:21
tatertotsssc_: good11:21
SpeirosJP____ Yeah, always good to help mate:)11:21
JP____But nobody needs help :p11:22
SpeirosJP____ True, at present at least.11:22
ssc_tatertots: I have tried 4 and 5th machine as well and nslookup did not work from those 2 machines to tibolli.net as well :(11:22
JP____Speiros, what do you do?11:22
JP____Do you have a super-awesome job?11:22
ssc_With the same error as from machine 1 and 311:22
lotuspsychje!ot | JP____11:23
ubottuJP____: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:23
SpeirosJP____ No man.  Just a manufacturer of stuff.  Nothing fantastic, but pays the bills.11:23
tatertotsssc_:  not a big deal about that new machines, because now you know that dns simply isn't configured properly11:23
JP____lotuspsychje: dank je wel11:23
ssc_tatertots: Okay, so help me resolve it please11:23
tatertotsssc_: ok pick a machine you would like to work on first..your choice ..i don't care which one we work on first11:24
JP____Speiros: dude ask me something about ubuntu11:24
popeyJP____: please stop11:24
tatertotsssc_: just tell me the #11:24
tatertotsssc_: 1,2 or 311:24
tatertotsssc_: well not 2 since two is fine dns wise11:24
SpeirosJP____ Which version are you using?11:25
aaranHi, I am having a bit of an issue  with my machine, if I go afk for a while or manually lock the screen then when I get back its just a blinking cursor that does not accept input if I swap to a new terminal and try to startx after logging in I get the following http://imgur.com/a/M85CT11:25
tatertotsssc_: run sosreport from #1, it's in the official ubuntu repositories making it easy to find and install, i'll give you some information about sosreport for transparency.....https://linux.die.net/man/1/sosreport11:26
aaranwhich options would be best to use11:27
JP____Speiros: 14.04 LTS trusty11:27
JP____But i need to switch to 16.0411:27
JP____Is there a way to upgrade without breaking my system?11:27
popey!upgrade | JP____11:28
ubottuJP____: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:28
SpeirosJP___ I'm using 14.04 too.  I'll upgrade later on through the year, as I may need the sound, and don't want to confront the issues at present.11:28
ssc_tatertots: Doing it11:28
tatertotsssc_: after its installed just run sudo sosreport11:29
ssc_I did11:29
tatertotsssc_: you will be asked some brief questions11:29
ssc_It has created .tar.xz11:29
JP____Speiros: i am using it to develop a commercial system and 16.06 has more years of support11:29
tatertotsssc_: obtain the tar ball11:29
JP____So i have to wait cause upstart is different than systemd11:30
Speirosaaran Were you able to access the log file that was written?  The one at var/log/x.org.1.log?11:30
ssc_tatertots: Obtained11:30
fubHi. How do I get the "terminal bell" working? I am running ubuntu16.04 with i3wm and gnome-terminal. Printing a \a does nothing :/11:30
geirhais it enabled in gnome-terminal's preferences?11:30
SpeirosJP____  Fair enough.  I'd like to see more Ubuntu commercial systems.  It's how it should be.11:30
fubgeirha: yes11:30
tatertotsssc_: place the tarball, in your googledrive/onedrive/dropbox/ and send me the link11:30
fubgeirha: the whole purpose is to get a notification working when I get highlighted in weechat (which I am connected to via ssh)11:31
fubIf there is a better way to do this I'm happy to hear11:31
ssc_tatertots: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By0NW2La_9lvY3UwNHVVd01rTXM11:32
geirhaThen gnome-terminal should try to play a bell sound, so question is why it's not audible. You haven't muted anything, right? :P11:32
aaranalso Xorg.0.log11:33
tomreynJP____: waiting won't help, you'll need to migrate your upstart scripts to systemd at *some* point ;) see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers for help - set up a 16.04 test vm, copy your software there and test it.11:34
fubgeirha: http://i.imgur.com/rJeXp2p.png11:34
tatertotsssc_: standby analyzing11:34
JP____tomreyn: i have not yet written scripts to avoid this11:34
tomreynJP____: oh i guess that makes it even easier then ;)11:35
JP____Yep :p11:35
JP____but last time i tried to upgrade to 16.04 my system broke, and i was too lazy to fix it11:35
geirhafub: have you checked   ~/.xsession-errors  for messages from gnome-terminal?11:35
tomreynJP____: then create a clone of it, and try upgrading that instead11:36
SpeirosThanks aaran.11:36
JP____But now i have allot of code and configurations going on here.... Don't want that to break11:36
geirhafub: (sleep 2 && printf '\a'); tail -f ~/.xsession-errors11:36
ssc_tatertots: Okay11:36
geirhaerr, forgot the &.  (sleep 2 && printf '\a' &); tail -f ~/.xsession-errors11:36
SalvatoreHigh Room11:37
fubgeirha: yeah, nothing related to this11:37
fubjust some debug output from a different program (statusbar)11:37
Speirosaaran I'm not sure, but hopefully someone else will be able to work on this with you.  I noticed there is a segmentation fault though, although I know little about these.11:39
aaranOk thanks, is this the best channel to ask in?11:40
JP____Speiros, aaran: what is the problem?11:40
aaranHi, I am having a bit of an issue  with my machine, if I go afk for a while or manually lock the screen then when I get back its just a blinking cursor that does not accept input if I swap to a new terminal and try to startx after logging in I get the following http://imgur.com/a/M85CT11:40
fubgeirha: can this be related to zsh?11:40
aaranlogs I posted for Speiros are a little further up11:40
JP____did you just upgrade?11:40
SpeirosJP____  aaran has posted both the log for the fault, as well as the xorg log.11:40
geirhaI doubt it. printf '\a' should output the same in zsh as bash11:41
JP____Wait but lunchtime, bbl11:41
valbrhi all :)11:41
fubgeirha: "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences audible-bell true"11:42
zhangxaochenHelp ~~ I can't logon my ubuntu 14.04 account, with the following error msg in ".xsession-errors": http://imgur.com/fE8avoy11:42
aaranI think the issue came around when I swapped the drivers for the nvidia card from the tested 367.57 to the untested 340.101, I have since swapped them back but its not resolved the issue11:42
fubgeirha: does that make a difference even when I not use gnome?11:42
JP____aaran i had a similar issue with nvidia drivers11:42
JP____Change your drivers11:42
geirhafub: not sure11:42
aaranI did back to the tested ones but the issues persisits11:43
JP____aaran, i'm gonna go to lunch... but i will be bbl if you are still having issues11:43
aaranditto thanks11:43
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valbrI have a corsair K95 keyboard (+ logitech mouse) with a KVM cs692 switch. It works on a Mac mini, but not on my ubuntu 16.04 install. the error that dmesg gives is: http://pastebin.com/raw/tx2xFVuw11:43
valbrany idea?11:44
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fubgeirha: xset -display shows me this: "  bell percent:  50    bell pitch:  400    bell duration:  10011:44
fubused xset b 100 now and set percent to "100", but no change11:45
tatertotsssc_: you there11:46
tatertotsssc_: ali ali exen free11:47
tatertotsssc_: ali ali oxen free11:48
tatertotsssc_: just ping me when you get back to keyboard :)11:49
tatertotsssc_: https://gist.github.com/7a5066bce0564540cfae6e4bbb7d0e4f11:49
marcin1How do i use live-image-xfce-desktop package when using live-build ?11:53
marcin1I pass it as -conffile parameter ?11:53
ssc_tatertots: Hello, yes11:58
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ssc_tatertots: I see the file in /etc/resolv.conf11:59
hateballzhangxaochen: do you have proper drivers installed? nvidia chipset?12:00
tatertotsssc_: so in the pastebin of machine 1,2 and 3 is unable to resolve your domain name12:01
tatertotsssc_: it is also the very first dns server to be queried12:02
ssc_I comment that out?12:02
tatertotsssc_: it should be replaced with a dns server that CAN resolve your domain name12:02
ssc_After changing /etc/resolv.conf, do I need to do anything else? I mean any service restart etc?12:03
tatertotsssc_: no ip/mask and gateway will remain as unchanged12:04
tatertotsssc_: failed to resolve your domain name, it is also the very first queried, so the idea is the query a dns server that can resolve it and always query that server first12:05
ssc_tatertots: I think I will contact Linode Support12:06
tatertotsssc_: ok12:06
ssc_Thank you very much tatertots12:08
tatertotsssc_: no prob my friend12:08
erik_Is Ubuntu Core = Ubuntu Personal?12:13
BluesKajHowdy folks12:18
erik_where can i download "Ubuntu Personal" for the rpi?12:18
ikoniaubuntu personal ?12:18
ikoniawhat's ubuntu personal ?12:18
ppfisn't that the snappy distribution canonical announced a year ago?12:19
erik_released: 2016-12-1612:19
ikoniaerik_: I don't see any release of it at all12:19
ppferik_: either way, Core is for IoT stuff, Personal is some experimental thing12:20
ppfthey're not the same12:20
ikoniaI don't actually get what it is, as it's a component of canonical sys image12:20
erik_so core and personal are different?12:20
ppferik_: yes12:20
ikoniaerik_: what are you expecting personal to be ?12:20
ikoniait's the mile stone thats been released12:21
ikonialooking at that page12:21
ikonianot the product12:21
erik_i think personal is for embedded devices ...?12:21
ppferik_: it's not12:22
ppfit's also not officially a thing12:22
ikoniaerik_: what do you think it actually is ?12:22
ikoniaerik_: or what is it your trying to do / achieve12:22
ppfthis is about all the reliable information there is on Personal: http://www.olli-ries.com/t-242d/12:23
ppfand it's ancient12:23
ikoniait looks like the mile stone was hit on the 11th12:23
erik_ppf, where can i download the ubuntu personal, would like to try it ...12:23
ikoniaerik_: what do you think it actually is ?12:23
ppferik_: you can't, it doesn't exist (yet? officially?)12:24
ikoniait looks like it's not held on launchpad.net publicly12:24
Filystynhow can i change in libre impress style of page layout12:24
Filystyn how can i change in libre impress style of page layout12:25
ZeR0NuLL0x00ask in libre office channel12:25
Filystynthere is nan such12:25
ikoniait looks like work is happening on it in private as the milestones are being hit, but it's only one component of ubuntu sys image12:25
Filystyn how can i change in libre impress style of page layout12:25
ikoniathere is a libre office channel12:25
ZeR0NuLL0x00there is a libre office channel12:25
Filystynye where?12:25
hateballFilystyn: #libreoffice12:25
Filystynthank you for help12:25
ZeR0NuLL0x00cheers mate12:26
erik_ppf: why do they write it is "released" ?12:26
seprobtatertots, I think I've to do this. Our team leader said something like that. But our IT support I think so doesn't have idea to do this.12:26
ikoniaerik_: they haven't12:26
ikoniaerik_: what do you actually think this product is ?12:26
ikoniaerik_: you seem to want to try it but not know what it is ? what are you trying to do and where are you being told that this component is the answer12:26
erik_ikonia: i don't know, therefore i'd like to try out12:27
ikoniaso you just want to try a random thing ?12:27
ikoniasomeone must have said "look at this"12:27
ikoniawhy though ?12:27
erik_for fun12:27
ikoniaif you don't know what it is, what do you expect it to do ?12:27
ikoniaerik_: ok, pick a different random thing to try for fun12:28
ikoniabecause that's not been released12:28
ikoniaerik_: because it's not finished yet12:28
ikoniaerik_: so pick something else random12:28
tatertotsseprob: ok can you gather some trouble shooting information from one of the computer that functions as intended?12:28
tatertotsseprob: maybe a coworker will assist you by allowing you to test commands on a working computer for trouble shooting purposes.12:30
erik_ikonia: thanks for no helping :(12:30
ikoniaerik_: how can I help you ?12:30
ikoniaerik_: you've told me you want to try a random thing, you don't know what it is, how to use it, what it does, and it's not even released12:30
ikoniahow can anyone actually fix that situation12:31
JP____aaran: you still there?12:31
JP____Alright, so if i understand correctly....12:32
JP____You changed gfx card12:32
JP____And this broke your ubuntu12:32
aaranI changed drivers12:33
JP____You changed to an older set of drivers?12:33
aaranI changed from NVIDIA binary version 367.57 tested to NVIDIA binary version 340.10112:33
JP____Last time i had that problem i changed  the driver set back12:33
JP____And rebooted and i was good to go12:34
aarantried that12:34
JP____Including reboot?12:34
aarandid not resolve the issue12:34
hateballaaran: what GPU chipset do you have?12:34
erik_ikonia: so "Released: 2016-12-16" on that page is a fake?12:34
ikoniaerik_: no,12:34
ikoniaerik_: thats a milestone release12:34
hateballaaran: as 340 is for older chipset and wont work with newer ones, and vice versa12:34
ikonialooking at the page it looks like they are releasing against specs/requirements12:35
ikonianot a product release12:35
aaranwhat command would I run to find that12:35
aaran01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF100 [GeForce GTX 480] (rev a3)12:35
BluesKajI've heard the 367 driver is buggy, depends on your gpu, but the 375 is suppoedly much more stable12:35
erik_milestone release for what?12:35
JP____BluesKaj: my experience also12:35
JP____The ubuntu recommended one did not work for me12:36
BluesKajJP____, just repeaeting what I've heard , my nvidia is an entry level 8400GS so it runs fine on the 34012:37
hateballaaran: if you want to try the latest driver from !ppa you type: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa && sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-37512:37
ikevinwhy using nvidia's buggy driver?12:37
tatertotsaaran: hi12:37
hateballaaran: what reason did you have for changing from 367 to 340 in the first place?12:37
aaranno idea12:37
aaranI just did it12:37
zhangxaochenhateball, solved.. I reinstalled the nvidia driver12:37
JP____aaran: incase the 375 doesn't work... NVIDIA also has linux drivers online12:37
ikevinaaran, nouveau don't work?12:37
hateballzhangxaochen: :)12:38
aaranwould you suggest using noubeau divers12:38
hateballIf you want to have terrible performance and not play any games, go for it12:38
aaranI dont play games but I do have multi monitor12:39
aaranif that matters12:39
fubgeirha: got it. I needed to play with "pactl upload-sample" ..12:39
fubso there is still some problem left:12:39
ikevinhateball, so, nouveau is working and is stable12:39
JP____aaran: how many drivers are selectable in your driverslist?12:39
fubwhen I ssh to my server and do printf "\a", I can hear the bell. When I then go into a screen session and do this, I hear nothing12:39
fubany idea?12:39
tatertotsnouveau is actually pretty impressive https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/FeatureMatrix/12:39
geirhafub: screen has its own handling of the bell12:40
aarannon of them say "stable"12:40
JP____aaran: That's not what i asked...12:40
fubgeirha: can I .. deactivate this?12:40
geirhafub: so you'll want to look through its settings and make sure it passes it on to the attached terminal12:40
aaranhow do I tell ?12:40
JP____open op your driver selection screen12:40
aaranyep im there12:40
JP____and you see  list of drivers12:41
JP____can you pastebin it?12:41
aaranI can take a screenshot its not copyable12:41
JP____Yeah that's fine12:41
geirhafub: #screen can probably help with that bit12:42
fubgeirha: got it.. CTRL+A plus CTRL+G12:42
fubthis switched from "visual bell" to "audible bell"§12:42
JP____lol, your using the wrong one :p12:42
fubthanks for your help12:43
geirhafub: looking at the manual, vbell should be off by default, so there's a screenrc somewhere that enables it12:43
JP____aaran: which ubuntu version are you using?12:43
fubgeirha: okay. Strange because it's an default install where I did not change anything12:44
aaranDescription:Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS12:44
JP____ah ok12:44
JP____download 37512:44
JP____and try that one12:44
ikevinJP____, wrong idea ...12:45
geirhafub: /etc/screenrc12:45
erik_ppf: when I install Ubuntu Core with a MIR-Display Server I have Ubuntu Personal?12:45
JP____ikevin: Why?12:45
geirhafub: debian/ubuntu packagers likes to add their own defaults :)12:45
ikevinJP____, first kernel upgrade and driver need to be reinstalled12:45
JP____ikevin: What?12:45
ikevinJP____, kms build is not working12:46
fubgeirha: yeah, vbell was on there12:46
fubgeirha: so can a "visuall bell" also be pushed to my local terminal?12:46
JP____ikevin: i don't understand12:46
aaranhow am I executing this .run file12:47
JP____go into a terminal12:47
JP____and type: .\ *program-name*.run12:47
ikevinJP____, when installing from .run file from nvidia's site, it build a module only for the current kernel, if kernel change you need to rebuild a new nvidia module12:47
hateballwhy are you using that instead of the PPA12:47
hateballwhich will work properly with dkms12:47
hateballsuch terrible advice12:48
tatertotsgotta kill xserver first12:48
ppferik_: no ...12:48
JP____ikevin: yeah, but he just needs it to work now12:48
ppferik_: there is no Ubuntu Personal12:48
tatertotsaaran: xserver is still running12:48
aaranbefore I continue... so this or the ppa ?12:48
JP____hateball: i was not aware that NVIDIA had a ppa12:48
ikevinaaran, use nouveau driver12:48
hateballJP____: I just linked it12:48
hateballaaran: If you use the PPA, it is much easier to manage driver versions12:48
aaranOk what am I running12:48
JP____hateball: that would be preferable12:49
hateballaaran: Again: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa && sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-37512:49
erik_ikonia: I do not get it, where is the different between a mobile and an embedded device? Isn't a mobile device an embedded device?12:49
ppferik_: no12:49
ppfa mobile device is a cellphone, an embedded device is a fridge12:49
JP____aaran: now the new drivers should be visible in your driver selection12:50
hateballJP____: The new driver is already activated by running that12:50
hateballaaran: Did you see modules get built etc?12:50
aaranit ran very fast12:51
erik_ppf: what is a mobile fridge? ;)12:51
ppfit isn't12:51
aaranand its using 367.57 in the additional drivers12:51
JP____erik_ a mobile fridge allows you to party12:51
ikoniaerik_: get what ?12:52
ikoniaerik_: you are not explaining what's going on here12:52
hateballaaran: pastebin your terminal output after you copy-pasted what I gave you12:52
ikoniaerik_: you say "I don't know what this product is, I don't know anything about it, I don't know what it does, I want to try it"12:52
ikoniaerik_: where are you getting the info that this is what you need12:52
erik_so is core+mir with unity 8 personal?12:52
hateballaaran: and I am not sure the driver-gui will show the PPA driver at any rate12:52
ppferik_: there is no such thing as Personal12:53
hateballaaran: you will need to reboot to reload the new modules anyhow12:53
ikoniaerik_: what is unity 8 personal12:53
ikoniaerik_: you keep saying this, but you then say you don't know what it is, but want it ?12:54
ikoniaerik_: what is it you are looking to do12:54
JP____aaran: reboot and come back12:54
aaranOk restarted12:56
aaranstill says its using 367.57 should I swap it to 378.0912:57
erik_ikonia: I think I'll try out http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/16/candidate/20170118/ubuntu-core-16-pi2.img.xz13:00
ikoniaerik_: I'm not asking that13:00
ikoniaerik_: I'm asking what are you expecting ? what are you trying to achieve13:00
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ikoniayou keep stating this product, but you then state you have no idea what it's for / what it does / what you expect13:00
hateballaaran: you can try 378, sure13:00
aaranhere goes13:01
erik_ikonia: I'd like to know what these snappy stuff is13:01
seprobtatertots, one of them was next to me so I put the same command through the same client but I get error no. 400 (I use wscat).13:01
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ppferik_: it's a novel application distribution technique13:02
ppfand unrelated to some unknown thing called Personal13:02
ikoniaerik_: snappy is not this13:02
ikoniaerik_: snappy is the ability to install snaps13:02
ikoniayou're looking at a very specific component13:02
ppftoo bad.13:04
ppferik_: fwiw: http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/ and #snappy13:04
ppfit's in ubuntu since xenial13:04
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tatertotsseprob: has the symptom been observed on two different computers so far? yes or no13:13
seprobtatertots, yes.13:22
neeneearen't snaps universal packages from source?13:23
neeneeor I could just google ;)13:24
Dr_Cokedo you know what the gnome connection utility to android phones is called I know KDE has KDE connect but I want the gnome one13:24
synjdoes anyone know how i can get in contact with an operator so i can reclaim my password ?13:24
lotuspsychje!snappy | neenee13:24
ubottuneenee: Ubuntu Core is a rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates using "snappy". For discussion and support, please visit #snappy and see http://www.ubuntu.com/snappy/13:24
erik_do i really need an online account to install ubuntu-core?13:24
hateballsynj: a password for what?13:24
tatertotsseprob: you were able to reproduce the symptom on a second computer, ruling out only your computer suffering from the symptom. If you want and can try a third computer to be even more confident.13:24
neeneeI will google :)13:24
hateball!pm | synj13:25
ubottusynj: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:25
hateballsynj: ask in #freenode13:25
neeneesynj: or ask Nickserv13:25
synjok i will ask in freenode thanks13:26
neeneeDr_Coke: Nuntius?13:27
Dr_Cokeneenee: thanks13:28
xanguaDr_Coke: there is no gnome one, you can use KDE conect no matter what desktop you use13:28
Dr_Cokexangua ok13:28
Dr_CokeIm going to try nuntius13:30
erik_again, do I really need an online account to install ubuntu-core on my pi ?13:30
neeneeI think it's still in alpha + mostly for just notifications, but good luck13:30
xanguaDr_Coke: Nautilus is just a file browser13:30
Dr_Cokeok kde connect it is13:30
neeneeerik_: xangua Not Nautilus13:31
xanguaDr_Coke: www.webupd8.org/2017/01/integrate-your-android-device-with.html don't know about gnome shell but most official Ubuntu flavors support indicators www.webupd8.org/2017/01/integrate-your-android-device-with.html13:31
erik_neenee: ?13:32
neeneenever mind :)13:33
xanguaOver Bluetooth? Sounds battery intensive neenee , KDE indicator supports notifications, file browser, paste sync13:33
neeneexangua: I am not familiar with the product :)13:33
neeneeKDE Indicator seems fine - go use that ;)13:33
neeneePersonally I prefer just looking at my phone every now and then with glance13:34
Dr_Cokethanks xangua13:34
Dr_Cokeim going with that one13:34
xanguaneenee: it's useful if you want to show grandma pics and phone screen is just too small13:34
neeneeAh yes, good point :)13:35
neeneeI can imagine it is13:35
neeneeI prefer sending to kodi/chromecast, but to a laptop is fine too :)13:35
Dr_Cokexangua why hasn't google released an official application to be able to install new versions of android13:40
Dr_Cokeon your phone13:40
Dr_Cokerather why don't the phone makers make their phone install software for linux13:40
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r
OerHeksDr_Coke, ask google?13:40
neeneeWhy would they need to?13:41
neeneeJust leave android installed and it will automatically check for updates13:41
Dr_Cokeneenee well otherwise you just have the option of installing it from the phone13:41
Dr_Cokeand with ios its much better with a clean install13:41
neeneeit is already installed, you can not remove it13:41
neeneeyou can just do a factory reset13:41
OerHeksreally offtopic, android support13:41
xanguaInstall software for Linux? This is really out of the scope for #Ubuntu13:42
Dr_Cokeneenee I know you can do that13:42
OerHekswe do support putting ubuntu-touch on your android phone13:43
xanguaNot for all phones13:43
Dr_Cokexangua how many apps does ubuntu touch have13:43
neeneeQuality > Quantity13:44
OerHeks2821 phone apps & scopes13:45
OerHeksgoogle got 275.000 vulnerable apps, your choise13:46
erik_again, why do i need an online account to install ubuntu-core?13:51
neeneeI know not. Is it not described why you need it where you can get it from?13:52
OerHeksIt used Ubuntu SSO to configure a user account with ssh public key authentication on headless devices, rather than using a stock, pre-set username and password.13:52
OerHeksSo it is super easy for developers to set up Ubuntu Core in 20 seconds and then get to work without having to figure out how to change unsafe "default" access13:53
OerHekswhat part do you not understand? "what?"is not a valid question13:55
erik_It is new for me, that I must have an online account to install linux!13:56
xanguaerik_: are you planning on building toasters and fridges with Ubuntu embed?13:57
BluesKajerik, most rpi users install Raspbian or Ubuntu-Mate , no accounts needed13:57
erik_ubuntu mate for rpi is not "official"13:58
erik_"official" ubuntu versions need an online account?14:00
seprobtatertots, yes I could reproduce the symptom on a second computer.14:00
OerHekserik_, you know that answer already14:00
tatertotsseprob: show your request/command again14:01
BluesKajerik_, looks quite "official" to me https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/14:01
CrazyTuxhow to check on Ubuntu whether my laptop has BIOS or UEFI?14:01
tatertotsseprob: are you at school or work right now? your response times have a large lapse of time in between.14:01
the_trickythere seems to be a problem with some drivers on my pc14:02
the_trickycan anyone help?14:02
erik_OerHeks: no! is ubuntu going the microsoft-way? BluesKaj: check http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/14:02
the_trickyany advice?14:02
BluesKajthat's odd why don't ordinary ubuntu iso images require an ubuntu account14:02
xanguaerik_: Ubuntu mate is an official Ubuntu flavor, what exactly you mean is not official?14:02
BluesKajerik_, you're all wet!14:02
OerHeksCrazyTux, open browser, surf to your vendor, or  check to see if /sys/firmware/efi exists. It does not appear if you booted using traditional BIOS.14:02
EriC^^CrazyTux: dmidecode14:02
CrazyTuxany commond to know that?14:03
erik_BluesKaj: please read first14:03
EriC^^CrazyTux: sudo dmidecode | grep UEFI14:03
erik_An Ubuntu SSO account is required to create the first user on an Ubuntu Core installation.14:03
tomreynCrazyTux: you would need to check your bios / uefi setup (right after powering up the computer) to check what is available- on a running ubuntu, to tell wwhat is currently being used, run:  [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS14:04
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BluesKajerik_, good luck with that silly belief14:04
vandanacan anyone help me out for resolving wifi issues? searched internet and tried but no luck.. have rtl8723be card+ubuntu 16.04+latest linux kernel 4.9.214:04
CrazyTuxin the terminal, it showed that UEFI is supported.14:04
erik_xangua: you cant't dl ubuntu mate for rpi on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/14:05
CrazyTuxthanks a lot guys.14:05
neeneevandana: did you compile it yourself? perhaps you did not include the necessary modules?14:06
EriC^^CrazyTux: that only says that it has uefi, not that ubuntu in installed in uefi, i have no idea what your end goal is so i thought i should point that out14:06
OerHeksuh oh, latest kernel, that needs manually building the driver14:06
seprobtatertots, I'm at work. When I use wscat I get "error: Error: unexpected server response (400)".14:06
EriC^^CrazyTux: if you want to see if ubuntu is installed in uefi mode, use tomreyn 's command14:06
tatertotsseprob: full wscat syntax used please14:07
tatertotsseprob: verbatim14:07
CrazyTuxIt looks like there is some problem with Xubuntu as far as wifi is concerned. I can't switch between two wireless networks easily, sometimes.14:07
CrazyTuxDoes Mate have good Wifi support?14:09
seprobtatertots: "wscat -c http://server -p 13".14:09
erik_xangua: all "official" versions you can download from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com . If a version is not there it is not official, simple, isn't it?14:11
neeneeCrazyTux: I think any WM Does14:11
tatertotsseprob: the syntax isn't as per the manual14:11
CrazyTuxI have Xubuntu installed and also GNOME DE on it. Switching between Wifi networks is easy in GNOME, but, I can't get Xubuntu detect the other network easily.14:11
tatertotsseprob: read man wscat14:11
tatertotsseprob: correct your syntax to match the wscat documentation14:11
zes1n2Hi. I try to source .Xdefaults or .Xresources, it spits out "Illegal command name" for whatever command is at the top. (with xterm + fish shell). If I try in lxterminal + bash, I get "bash: command not found". The commands are valid, and the only change I think I've made was updating xterm as default term14:11
CrazyTuxBut, I find using GNOME a little difficult as compared to Xubuntu.14:13
tatertotsseprob: wscat -p 13 -c http://server        also ping and make sure <server> resolves forward and backward on all computers,14:13
seprobtatertots, sorry it is "wscat -c ws://server -p 13".14:14
erik_ok, i do not think that i get here some help about "installing ubuntu-core on the rpi without an online account" :(14:14
number28Anyone know the fix for mouse jumping to trashcan bug?14:14
tomreynzes1n2: both these files are configuration files, not scripts14:14
tatertotsseprob: wscat -p 13 -c http://server        also ping and make sure <server> resolves forward and backward on all computers,14:14
OerHeksnumber28, sounds like dirt in the led-eye-corner-bug14:15
number28OerHeks: ?14:15
number28OerHeks, what do you mean14:15
zes1n2tomreyn: Oh wow. I thought I was going crazy. Thanks14:15
tatertotsseprob: looks like a networking problem, especially with the confusion about "//server"14:15
OerHeksnumber28, dirt on the led in your mouse, or corner of your touchad gives such result14:16
seprobtatertots, we cannot ping server in our network but we resolve forward and backward.14:16
number28OerHeks: Really? I mean it's pretty much a brand new laptop. It's hard to imagine anything even in the crack.14:17
tomreynzes1n2: welcome. they are interpreted by xrdb when X starts (or when you instruct xrdb to do so).14:17
OerHeksnumber28, i refuse to believe such softwarebug exists, so it is hardware related.14:17
number28OerHeks: Okay, fair enough. I'll try and get some airduster and hit the sides i suppose.14:18
number28OerHeks: I appreciate the advice.14:18
zes1n2tomreyn: Yeah, I think my brain crossed some wires tonight14:18
tomreynnoone: you just joined #ubuntu, do you have an ubuntu support question?14:19
ubottugtrt: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:20
noonehi sorry, just trying to get an understanding of all this irc, trying to connect to a specific network/channel, but cant without going into one like this14:21
neeneenoone: type /join #anonops14:24
nooneThnaks NEENEE, it connects me, but not to the #anonops that i just was on, thats what i cannot understand...14:25
neeneeperhaps the channel is full, they might have an overflow channel14:26
neeneeit would then automatically redirect you to that14:26
JP____or it might require you to be registered14:26
neeneeor that, but he said he was just on it14:26
nooneahhh, so i may be redirected to the overflow server, thats makes kind a sense14:26
JP____When i forget to log in, i am redirected from certain servers14:26
noonei was just in, and there was plenty online colours, now theres only the chanserv14:27
nooneonline colours (just my scandinavian english)14:28
DolphinDreamhowdy bunterz14:29
nooneBut anyway, is this the place for me to go when i need ubuntu help? :D14:30
DolphinDreamhow is the laucher button on the dock called? the button that allows you to search ?14:30
DolphinDreamcan you deactivate the ATL / SUPER to no longer invoke the search for apps / runcommands ?14:30
EriC^^DolphinDream: dash14:31
EriC^^how it is called?14:31
EriC^^can you rephrase your question?14:31
neeneestart button? ;)14:31
EriC^^DolphinDream: maybe, look in settings > keyboard14:31
EriC^^i think you can iirc14:31
neeneewhat would you want that button to do instead?14:31
DolphinDreamEriC^^: i'm tyring to tweak the unity settings to turn off that searcher (or access to that via ALT/SUPER) and wanted to know what it's called so i know what to look for14:32
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PiciSearch lens?14:41
=== anaconda_ is now known as Guest90726
fuadhi there, any suggestion for android emulator on ubuntu 32 bit?14:42
MrPHello, I'm running xubuntu core and I need to figure out how to add a network printer. For some reason, I can't do anything on the network, I.E., I cant view anything workgroup or "Browse Network" in thunar. ANy help would be appriciated.14:51
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tatertotsMrP: make and model of printer?14:53
MrPHP DeskJet 3632 - It worked fine on Ubuntu 16.04 and .1014:54
MrPtatertots ^^14:54
hateballMrP: do you have hplip installed14:55
hateballas for Thunar I have no idea if it is aware of bonjour or samba14:56
Pinkamena_DWhen using tmux, If I make a split session (CTRL+B, ") and resize the terminal, only ever the top session becomes larger or smaller. Is there any way to make both sessions scale evenly?14:57
tatertotsMrP: do you already have hplip installed?14:57
MrPhplip or hplib? hplip not found.14:57
MrPtatertots, I do not have that.14:58
tatertotsMrP: sudo apt install inxi hplip pastebinit14:58
tatertotsMrP: let me know when the install is completed14:58
czerwonolicymówi ktos po ang?14:59
MrPtatertots, Done15:00
czerwonolicywho speak english?15:00
anonVI Do15:01
JP____Everyone here speaks english15:01
b00NOT ME15:01
JP____State your question15:01
qunyHi morning15:01
tatertotsMrP: in terminal>      ls -lh /usr/bin|grep hp|pastebinit15:01
tatertotsMrP: press enter15:01
anonVNeed help im always getting Failure to download extra data files15:01
anonVThe following packages requested additional data downloads after package installation, but the data could not be downloaded or could not be processed.15:01
tatertotsMrP: share url/link here15:01
czerwonolicyI would like speak mo15:01
qunyI have a question about hasMany case15:01
anonVi ran sudo apt-get install --reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer15:02
anonVbut im getting 404 not found15:02
JP____does the package exist?15:02
MrPls -lh /usr/bin|grep hp|pastebinit <-- I did it the first time without pastebin, sorry I missed that. It installed everything though. tatertots15:03
MrPhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23833698/ tatertots15:03
qunyA hasMany C with foreignKey a_id, B hasMany C with foreignKey b_id.15:03
MrPIt's too early this morning.15:03
qunyC table is like:15:03
anonVttf-mscorefonts-installer: downloading http://downloads.sourceforge.net/corefonts/andale32.exe15:04
anonVErr:1 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/corefonts/andale32.exe15:04
anonV  404  Not Found15:04
anonVW: Can't drop privileges for downloading as file '/var/lib/update-notifier/package-data-downloads/partial/andale32.exe' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)15:04
anonVE: Failed to fetch https://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the fonts/final/andale32.exe  404  Not Found15:04
tatertotsMrP: and you already know the ip of the printer and have tested that you can ping the printers ip?15:04
anonVnop the link dont work15:04
JP____anonV are you running as superuser?15:05
MrPtatertots, I have ZERO lan access. I cannot do anything locally.15:05
qunyHow to synchronize the related information in A or B to C??15:05
MrPI get this error on thunar; Failed to open "/ on ".15:05
tatertotsMrP: how did you imagine you would install and use a 'network' printer without being connected to the same network of the printer?15:05
anonVnot as root15:06
JP____Well any installs not done as root can encouter privilige problems15:06
JP____But also, .exe files don't usually work under linux15:06
tatertotsMrP: did you plan on running a usb cord from your computer to the printer?15:06
MrPtatertots, I didn't imagine that, it was in my original post that I had no network access.15:06
anonVok gonna try it15:06
JP____(unless you have wine)15:06
MrPNo, It's a network printer.15:06
tatertotsMrP: can you physically touch the printer with your hands from where you are right now?15:07
MrPtatertots, yes15:07
tatertotsMrP: use the menu buttons on the printer to print a network configuration page out of the printer using the menu button on the printer15:08
tatertotsMrP: let me know when you have the network configuration page in your hand from the printer.15:08
MrPtatertots, before we get any further. This printer doesn't have a gui. It only shows whether it's connected or not. That has to be connected through the HP gui. I have the printer plugged into the computer via usb right now. I need to run some config from the HP software first. That I can figure out once I can access that. I need to, right now, enable networking on this computer so that I can view networked devices.15:10
tatertotsMrP: you have the printer connected with usb right now?15:12
MrPtatertots, Yes. Sorry for the confusion.15:12
tatertotsMrP: sudo hp-setup15:13
MrPHPLIP not properly installed or is installed without graphical support.15:14
MrPtatertots ^^15:14
JP____anonV: any luck?15:14
tatertotsMrP: in terminal>     inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit15:15
tatertotsMrP: share url/link here15:15
MrP inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit15:16
tatertotsMrP: in terminal>     inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit15:16
tatertotsMrP: press enter15:16
MrPDamn it. keep trying to copy from terminal With Ctrl+C15:16
tatertotsMrP: share url/link here15:16
MrPForgive the profanity.15:16
jfmcarreiraheys guys15:18
tatertotsMrP: sudp apt install hplip-gui15:18
tatertotsMrP: let me know once the install is completed15:18
TBotNikAll: Writeup on my problem at: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5657204#post5657204 Problem is finding/processing files with no extensions!15:18
MrPtatertots, Want me to try the last command again? the hp-setup?15:18
jfmcarreiraheys http://dpaste.com/03ACMB815:20
jfmcarreirais this normal... drivers mismatch between kernel15:20
tatertotsMrP: sudp apt install hplip-gui15:22
tatertotsMrP: sudo hp-setup15:22
tatertotsMrP: yes15:22
tatertotsMrP: sudo hp-setup15:22
MrPtatertots, It's connecting to the network *I think*15:24
hautamaekiHello! How to gain remote control over computer via bash? Is there any good scripts for that?15:24
Picihautamaeki: ssh?15:25
BluesKajhautamaeki, like I told you yesterday ask in the #bash chat15:26
hautamaekiHow to use ssh?15:26
Picihautamaeki: ssh user@host15:26
MrPtatertots, No printing.15:27
neyderaaGood morning15:27
MrPtatertots, No printing. I can confirm it is connected to the network and I have it's IP address.15:28
tatertotsMrP: did you select the correct answers during the hplip setup process?15:28
MrPtatertots, Yes. I'm sure. I can use it on other networked computers.15:28
tatertotsMrP: first you need to get your stories straight...first it was network, then "i have no lan" , then "its usb" now "its network"...15:29
neyderaaI had many failed attempts of installing software RAID 5, how can I clean my disk to successfully install in RAID, always get problems of syncs15:29
tatertotsMrP: you have hplip installed now, figure the rest out on your own...i can't handle your inconsistencies any longer15:29
MrPIt was USB for a brief moment because I needed to connect to a different access point. I have no LAN, this no networked devices. My story is straight.15:30
tatertotsMrP: i asked about the ip an hour ago and you acted clueless...now all the sudden you have the ip in hand15:31
tatertotsMrP: naw brah can't even do ppl like you15:31
MrPBecause there was no IP before.15:31
MrPI connected USB. Remember? I did the setup. Remember? Now, guess what. I have the IP..... Because it's now connected.15:31
MrPWow. SO hard to understand. You said you needed the IP address and I did that to get you one. Now I have my initial issue of not seeing networked devices.15:33
BluesKajsuggest if it's irrelevant then don't mention it15:33
OerHeksMrP, is your user member of the lp group? > * Is the user part of the lp group? Run "groups" in a terminal window and verifiy the user is a part of the lp group http://hplipopensource.com/node/332#printing215:33
MrPadm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare15:34
MrPOerHeks ^^15:34
OerHeksmrp adduser $USER lp # and restart cups15:37
OerHeks* sudo adduser $USER lp15:38
MrPOerHeks, Restart computer? Just to clarify.15:38
OerHekssudo is needed for this action15:38
whoalnr: hello15:38
JP____AAAAAH!!!! nee, een heks15:38
OerHeksJP____, this is help4free :-)15:39
JP____who: state your question15:39
JP____aaaaa, een heks die me aanspreekt :p15:39
OerHeksMrP, no, just run: sudo systemctl restart cups.service15:39
RNevilleHello, my mouse doesn't ever seem to scroll down or up correctly, running Ubuntu 16.0415:41
MrPOerHeks, Okay. That appears to have completed...15:41
OerHeksMrP, you might need to turn off/on the printer too, not sure about that15:41
JP____RNeville: laptop trackpad or actual mouse?15:41
MrPOerHeks, I will for good measure.15:42
MrPOerHeks, Still no luck printing.15:44
RNevilleactual mouse15:46
RNevilleJP____, actual mouse15:46
JP____I see..15:46
anonVsry for the delay but even running as root it doenst work15:46
RNevillelong text files , really give me a problem15:47
RNevillewhen using the mouse15:47
anonVthe problem is the page doenst exist anymore15:47
JP____ps/2 mouse or usb?15:47
RNevilleseems to go up one line, jumps back two lines - many times15:47
RNevillewireless usb15:47
JP____anonV: can't do much about that15:47
JP____anonV: unless you tell me what the program does15:47
JP____RNeville: has it worked before?15:48
RNevilleseemed to have had this problem for years now, when using Ubuntu15:48
JP____does unplug/replugging the usb connector work?15:49
JP____Seems to have worked for some people15:49
RNevilleeven here, using hexchat - when scrolling up the dialog, it seems to go one line up and two backwards, many times15:49
anonVits an upgrade for the ttf-mscorefonts-installer15:49
RNevilleI guess I could try a wired mouse - which I would hate to use15:50
JP____anonV: i don't know what that is15:50
JP____RNeville: if it works... :p15:50
stan_man_canQuestion.... Right now my OS is installed on one drive, and my home is on another15:51
JP____RNeville: i don't have much time15:51
JP____But can you do lsusb?15:51
anonVits microsoft truetype core fonts15:51
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anonVprobably skype installed them15:51
anonVsince i dont have any microsoft crap besides that15:52
JP____Oh ok :p15:52
JP____So it's nothing you need15:52
JP____Does skype still work?15:52
anonVi just dont like having this error everytime i turn my pc on15:53
anonVeverything is working15:53
stan_man_canIf i'm going to dual boot windows and linux, both operating systems installed on different hard drives, which one should I install first?15:55
JP____If it is on different hard-drives it doesn't matter15:55
OerHeksanonV, known issue, https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2343669&p=13583992#post13583992 ( remove+purge first, then do the 1st part to install )15:55
JP____anonV: what OerHeks says should work15:56
RNevilleJP____, one more thing about my mouse problems: though the scroll wheel doesn't seem to work correctly, if I use the side bare to scroll up, it works fine15:58
RNevilleworks well **15:59
anonVOerHeks: worked ty.16:01
thirasI have some problem with latest java update16:05
thirasI'm using Oracle's Java16:05
thirasnow I cannot purge java's because of dependency and cannot use dpkg at all16:06
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
ppfthose sound like two unrelated problems?16:14
absurdistwhy  ubuntu keeps freaking out about a external usb hd (jmicron) at boot16:23
xangua! Details | absurdist16:23
ubottuabsurdist: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.16:23
tatertotsabsurdist: can you open terminal?16:25
absurdistthats the dmesg output16:25
absurdisttatertots: https://paste.ee/p/wVgAb16:27
tatertotsabsurdist: sudo apt install sosreport16:31
tatertotsabsurdist: after it's installed run with sudo sosreport16:31
tatertotsabsurdist: let me know when you have obtained the report16:32
absurdistthe case id16:32
tatertotsskip case id16:32
tatertotsabsurdist: put the report on your dropbox/google drive/one drive/ and send me the link16:32
skinuxHow can we turn downloaded app binaries (e.g. /opt/some-app) into Ubuntu packages that will be installed alike of repo packages?16:39
k1lskinux: most times its a licence issue that those projects dont want it that way. but you could look at the packaging guides16:41
k1lskinux: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/16:41
EriC^^!checkinstall | skinux16:42
ubottuskinux: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!16:42
jlundNickServ identify woopwoop16:42
jlundFun typo.16:44
=== Nanananan is now known as Chinesium
lasersaberhi, what can i use to create an iso file from a cd that i have?17:04
lasersabernever mind17:07
groundze1ohello there17:27
groundze1ohow are you doing17:27
xXEoflaOEXxgroundze1o, Hello.17:30
prezzTHE NIGGER IS LEAVING RIGHT NOW!!! prezz greuh gregl mizu_no_oto madsa coy milardovich theblazehen delfos mhache carbon-cabron murphy tnovacik Szadek Texou skweek trini7y MrP2 suutala f10 miczac groundze1o poco h0schi silverhom nicoulaj fguillot jamie_1 FunkSt8r dazhuang pos dv_ desti anon5635 Roland Nyxus johndoe66 Troy1 rjb__ renn0xtk9 _arktos75_ timvisher mewecoffeeX64 Suchorski cyborg-one ph817:38
jamie_1gotta lover spammers.... not17:40
miczac!kickban prezz17:40
xXEoflaOEXxmiczac, he left.17:40
miczacyeah, too slow17:40
housekeeping2 classy 4 me17:41
mizu_no_otowell, was already kicked17:41
toorwhat ports does this client use?17:50
=== Piece_Maker is now known as Acou_Bass
=== wonton_ is now known as WONTON
MrP2I have two computers both running 64 bit xubuntu 16.04.1 and I'm trying to get synergy to work. When I install with "apt install synergy," one computer will install 1.7.6-1~getdeb1 and the other will install 1.6.2-0ubuntu2 how can I get them on the same version?17:52
xXEoflaOEXxMrP2, Try apt-get update on one computer that is receiving synergy of
MrP2Same thing, shows 1.6.2 as the newest version17:54
xXEoflaOEXxMrP2, Maybe one computer does not have getdeb on it.17:55
MrP2xXEoflaOEXx, What is that/What does that mean?17:56
xXEoflaOEXxMrP2, That means one of the two computers does not have the getdeb repository to download synergy 1.7.6-1~getdeb1.17:56
MonkeyDustMrP2  are you using a ppa on one of the computers? a ppa is a non-official source17:57
toorWhy is this IRC server not using an standard IRC port ? chat.freenode.net:800117:57
MrP2I believe so. I am trying to add getdeb on the 1.6 pc real quick17:58
MonkeyDusttoor  it's 666717:58
k1ltoor: freenode offers several different ports.17:58
k1ltoor: maybe the guys from #freenode can answer your detailed questions on the irc service17:59
toorMrP2, how do I check? freenode says is listening on 800118:00
minimectoor: If you use irc.freenode.net you would have your default port... ;)18:00
k1ltoor: see https://freenode.net/kb/answer/chat18:01
wedgiechat.freenode.net does listen on 666718:01
MrP2MonkeyDust, I've added getdeb and It's updated to 1.7.6 thanks so much!18:02
toornetstat says :18:03
toortcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED 2565/xchat-gnome18:03
wedgietoor: do you have an ubuntu question?18:04
CrazyTuxWhat are the advantages of installing Ubuntu OS rather than Unity DE?18:05
k1lCrazyTux: ubuntu ships with unity as standard desktop. your question doesnt make sense18:05
CrazyTuxk1l, I'm using Xubuntu now. If I intend to use Unity do I need to reinstall the OS?18:06
k1lCrazyTux: ah ok. no you can install "ubuntu-desktop" which will install all the programs and unity and you can switch on the login screen between xfce and unity then18:07
CrazyTuxk1l, ok. But, it'll be same as using Ubuntu?18:08
MonkeyDustMrP2  great18:08
guillem_hello there! first time trying an irc. I hope you all have a nice day!18:09
k1lCrazyTux: yes18:09
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CrazyTuxk1l, ok. Thanks a lot.18:09
MrP2MonkeyDust, would you by chance know how to get the "Browse Network" in thunar to work?18:13
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niko1990Hello everyone =)18:21
thechancegSince updating to 16.04 my mouse buttons 4 & 5 don't seem to be responding. Any ideas?18:21
CrazyTuxhow to move the Virtual Box to another partition on the HDD?18:22
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niko1990Could someone recomend a program firewall (that asks me everythime a new program wants to connect to the internet)? I found something called lpfw (leopard flower) but i'm not sure if this is trust able and good... Thanks in advanced =)18:23
minimecCrazyTux: We answered that hours ago... ?!? http://pastebin.com/g8bJzxXV18:24
=== wiselydoesit1 is now known as wiselydoesit
ipwnhow do i make xscreensaver work w fortune??18:37
chalcedonymy husband's computer has a warning on it: "The volume "boot" has only zero bytes disk space remaining" this doesn't sound good. Im not sure what to do?18:40
chalcedonyhe's running ubuntu 16.0418:40
k1lchalcedony: can you show a pastebin url of "df -h" in here?18:40
chalcedonyk1l, ill try .. he never set up ssh server .. is it ok to start hexchat on there?18:41
k1lchalcedony: can you boot that machine and start the desktop?18:42
chalcedonyk1l, it's running, i told him not to do anything on it till i asked18:42
k1lchalcedony: ok, we need to get a bit of informations  to work out the proper solution. so running " df -h | nc termbin.com 9999" will show a output url in the terminal. please show that here18:43
k1lchalcedony: and yes, starting hexchat there should work, too and do no harm.18:44
warriordadI'd like to set up an ubuntu server on my home network   ---    i bout an older dell but im a beginner   and good words?18:44
chalcedonyk1l, is there a curl command that will let it print to pastebin?18:44
chalcedonywarriordad, sounds like a great idea18:45
k1lchalcedony: my command already does this with the | (pipe) to termbin18:45
chalcedonyah OK18:45
k1lwarriordad: install ubuntu server and start using it with ssh :)18:45
warriordadwith ssh?18:45
k1lwarriordad: that is how you usually manage the server18:46
warriordadah ok18:46
warriordadwriting this down   i know way old school lol18:46
warriordadgonna use a 2t external for storage18:47
k1lwarriordad: keep in mind that external storage got slower data speeds due to the connection over usb18:48
warriordadah ok   so i should go with internal?18:49
thechancegHuh... I plugged in my mouse receiver dongle to another usb port and now buttons 4 & 5 are working... so problem solved I guess18:51
chalcedonyk1l http://termbin.com/i6u318:53
k1lchalcedony: ok, so you got a lvm there and a seperated /boot partition (sda1). that is where the kernels are put in. and that is 90% full.18:55
k1lchalcedony: can you please show the output url of "ls -al /boot |nc termbin.com 9999"18:55
chalcedonyk1l, yes ok ill get that18:56
DarkAceZI'm about to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04, but I don't have a place to back up my huge home folder to18:56
DarkAceZhow strongly is it recommended to have a backup before doing the install?18:56
DarkAceZI'll be doing from the "livecd" (off of a flash drive)18:56
ipwni want xscreensaver screensavers to display random text from fortune program, on xscreensaver there is a option for this under Advanced->Text Manipulation but it not works..18:57
ipwni want xscreensaver screensavers to display random text from fortune program, on xscreensaver there is a option for this under Advanced->Text Manipulation but it not works.. does anybody knows how to make this work??18:57
amerhow can i decrypt sage file ?18:57
minimecDarkAceZ: Is /home on a separate partition?18:58
thechancegHow important are your files & do you have them backed up at all DarkAceZ? FWIW, I just did that upgrade on two seperate systems, and both went fine.18:59
chullk1l, http://termbin.com/cq5k18:59
DarkAceZminimec: no18:59
chull<-- chalcedony's hubby18:59
DarkAceZI thought I'd just update my documents and some of my projects, but as I was selecting them, I realized I already had over 50GB lol19:00
minimecDarkAceZ: Hmm... Well... I would NOT recommend that. As you are using a 'flash drive', it is even more scary...19:00
DarkAceZso I might just have to look for very specific things to back up and hope for the best19:00
k1lchull: ok, can you run in terminal "sudo apt autoremove" and does it remove something or does it just give an error?19:00
DarkAceZminimec: perhaps you misunderstand, I'm installing/updating _from_ the USB flash drive which I believe is an option on the installer, but my current system is on an internal SSD19:01
minimecDarkAceZ: I do understand you, but if you want to upgrade, I would do it within the 14.04 installation.19:02
chullk1l, The following packages will be REMOVED:19:02
chull  gpsd kde-l10n-engb libcdaudio1 libgps22 libgrits5 librsl1 libslv2-919:02
chull  linux-headers-4.4.0-53 linux-headers-4.4.0-53-generic19:02
chull  linux-image-4.4.0-53-generic linux-image-extra-4.4.0-53-generic19:02
chull  308 mg19:02
DarkAceZminimec: ah, I see. I was told that it was more reliable to shut down the system and do it from another source (livecd)19:03
k1lchull: type yes19:03
minimecDarkAceZ: Imagine you have that question... 'replace 14.04 with 16.04'... Will it format the partition? I don't know...19:03
chullok ty k1l19:03
k1lchull: when that is done, we remove need to remove an old 3.19 kernel, too. but first let apt do its work19:04
chullk1l, ok its working, thank you!19:04
DarkAceZminimec: Okay, thank you, I'll look more into what's the best way to go about upgrading this19:05
chullk1l, it has an error: N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension19:06
k1lchull: does it stop? or is it just  warning and continuing19:07
chullk1l, that's the end19:07
k1lchull: sudo rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old      #that will remove that old file which causes that warning.19:08
chullk1l, oh great, we've been wondering what to do about that19:08
k1lchull: when that is done please run "dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here19:09
Reox_Hi everyone! I have just installed Ubuntu trusty 14.04 armhf in an Embedded device but I am facing a problem. The system boots up normally, but if I execute "apt-get" nothing happens, no error of command not found, just empty output, any idea of where to look for information?. I can ping to the internet, so it shouldnt be a problem with the conexion19:09
chullk1l, okies ty19:09
chullk1l, http://termbin.com/s68m19:11
k1lchull: sudo apt purge linux-image-3.19.0-77-generic19:12
minimecReox_: You do 'sudo apt-get *something*' right?19:12
EriC^^Reox_: try running the full command, sudo /usr/bin/apt-get update19:12
chullk1l, ok19:12
Reox_The same behaviour, nothing. Empty output19:13
chullk1l, it's done :)19:14
k1lchull: ok, your system should be good now19:14
EriC^^Reox_: does it do anything without using sudo? just /usr/bin/apt-get ?19:14
chullk1l, is this behavior something we should do something to prevent happening in the future?19:15
Reox_unfortunately same results19:15
k1lchull: the issue here was, that a 3.19 kernel was still installed from before the upgrade to 16.04. that meant it was blocking some space in /boot. now that should do fine itself again.19:16
Reox_even if i just write "apt-get" there is no outupt about the usage of the command19:17
minimecReox_: 'ls /usr/bin/apt*'19:17
mircx1maybe i can help to you19:17
mircx1you have problem with update?19:18
chullk1l, ah i see! thank you very much! have a lovely day :)19:18
Reox_/usr/bin/apt         /usr/bin/apt-extracttemplates  /usr/bin/apt-mark19:18
Reox_/usr/bin/apt-cache   /usr/bin/apt-ftparchive        /usr/bin/apt-sortpkgs19:18
Reox_/usr/bin/apt-cdrom   /usr/bin/apt-get19:18
Reox_/usr/bin/apt-config  /usr/bin/apt-key19:18
minimecReox_: Ok. 'sudo apt update'19:18
k1lReox_: is that a snappy core install?19:19
minimecReox_: If that doesn't work, your user is not in the sudo list.19:19
wadiequestion about environment variables19:20
wadieI did a export electron=./node_modules/.bin/electron19:20
wadiebut executing electron command return command not found19:20
wadieany ideas ?19:20
akikwadie: replace export with alias19:21
Reox_@minimec http://www.armhf.com/download/ ubuntu-trusty-14.04-armhf.com-20140603.tar.xz (June 3, 2014)19:21
EriC^^wadie: you want "alias electron='/path/to/node_modules/.bin/electron'"19:21
wadiewhat is path to ? if tit's /.node_modules19:21
EriC^^wadie: ./ won't cut it, you need the full path or you'd have to run it in the relative path every time19:21
mypcisfunhello,can i ubuntu install on efi32 laptop?19:22
EriC^^wadie: browse to the file and run readlink -f electron and it should say19:22
mypcisfunsorry, install ubuntu19:22
EriC^^mypcisfun: yes, not by default though you need to modify the installer19:22
EriC^^mypcisfun: look for guides on google for the specific laptop19:23
minimecReox_: How do you install that version? Do you 'dd' it on the drive and have a install wizard on first boot?19:24
wadiemypcisfun, alias seems to be working for a session only..19:24
wadieI want it permanent19:24
EriC^^wadie: add it to ~/.bashrc19:25
wadieeven though I don't like editing files much :/19:27
wadiecan end up having a messy ubuntu installation19:27
Reox_Just untar the rootfs in the second partition of the SD and the kernel loaded it19:27
=== beginner1 is now known as beginner
Term1nalIs there a way I can enable diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 in my SSH configuration as to avoid appending the -oKexAlgorithms flag to every SSH command I input (for ssh into old devices that still offer this exchange protocol).19:29
minimecReox_: ok. Do you have a graphical environment? Do you had some 'first run' wizard to create a user, or does that image come with a default user? What does 'sudo -i' give you?19:30
Term1nalIt is similarly inhibiting my ability to add the endpoint to my Nautilus to browse the filesystem over SFTP, since there's no way in which to specify that key exchange algorithm with Nautilus.19:30
tomreynTerm1nal: you can have host profiles in your ~/.ssh/config for this purpose. wildcards work there, too.19:31
Reox_I am working connected with serial19:31
Reox_sudo -i give no output19:31
Term1nalHost * is specified in my system-wide SSH configuration, however, I still cannot connect without appending the -oKexAlgorithms flag19:31
bekksIt isnt intended to give you output.19:31
bekksIt gives you a root shell.19:32
Reox_I am going to recopy the rootfs i think that i have change someting in the first boot up19:32
minimecReox_: so sudo -i doesn't give you 'root@<yourmachine>'19:32
bekksReox_: ?19:32
tomreynTerm1nal: and you have "KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1" below that "Host *" line?19:33
Reox_yes, sorry19:33
Reox_but i was already root, so no change19:33
bekksso using sudo -i is nonsense, then.19:33
socket-workHey all,  so I have this 6 liner script ( http://apaste.info/9AMfK ). When I copy and paste all 6 lines into a shell it seems to only execute the first 2 lines, i look at my command history, and indeed only the first 2 lines were ran.  Is there something about using the -y flag that prevents succeeding instructions from being executed?19:34
tomreynTerm1nal: just to make sure you don't miss this fact: this degreades the security of your ssh authentication and  the right way to fix it is not to work around it this way but to upgrade the remote endpoint to support a current key echange mechanism19:34
Term1naltomreyn: I am well aware, it's an old embedded device that I'm trying to upgrade19:35
Term1naltomreyn: I did add that below that line, yes.19:35
minimecReox_: do you have internet access? Can you like 'ping irc.freenode.net'?19:36
tomreynTerm1nal: hmm i haven't actually tried this myself, so all i can suggest there is to use ssh with -vvv19:37
tomreyn..for debugging purposes19:37
Reox_yes, I can ping google.com19:38
Reox_fixed, as always human error.19:38
Reox_I have mess up with the rights19:40
Reox_new root fs (the same original one) and its working19:40
minimecReox_: Really strange. 1. Software is installed, 2. you are 'root', 3. internet access is verified... 4. 14.04 doesn't have a 'ubuntu core' version (i think'). I see no reason for 'apt-get' not to run... Do you get at least something if you type 'apt-get --help'?19:41
minimecReox_: Oh I see your message right now... ;)19:42
royal_screwup21Hey all!19:45
royal_screwup21I want to find the size of a website via the terminal. Is there an in-built command or a package that would allow me to accomplish this?19:47
tewardroyal_screwup21: what do you mean by 'the size of a website'?19:47
royal_screwup21teward Well, I'm planning to download a website using the "wget" function and I need to know if its total file capacity fits within my available space19:50
royal_screwup21I'm not exactly sure how the size is measured, but I assume all of its webpages will be stored in the form of files19:51
nonamehi guys19:52
royal_screwup21teward Any ideas?19:53
tewardroyal_screwup21: if you don't have access to the files yet because you haven't downloaded it, there's no real way to guess the file size19:54
tewardsince downloading a website and its resources isn't really enumerable until it's downloaded.19:54
wedgieroyal_screwup21: might ask in #wget if wget has a way to enumerate the file sizes without downloading them. --spider sounds vaguely related, but not sure how to apply that to your problem19:55
k1lroyal_screwup21: and its not really a working clone since today there are not real static webpages but the stuff is dynamic.19:55
royal_screwup21k1l: Ah, that makes sense.  But what if I wanted to download something like, say, Britannica (or any other info-based website)?19:58
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royal_screwup21I'm assuming such websites (like wikipedia, britannica) are mostly static, but I might be wrong20:01
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Random832i can tell you right now you don't have enough space to download all of wikipedia20:04
kyle__Theoretically, if you wanted to see the source for a sample util, you should be able to to to packages.ubuntu.com/<releasename>/<packagename> and find it in the "Download Source Package" section, right?20:04
MonkeyDustkyle__  or use    apt download [package]20:07
kyle__MonkeyDust: Hrumm.  Because I'm trying to find the source for pico2wave from libpicotts-utils20:08
=== precise is now known as precise|snek
kyle__Err, libttspico-utils rather.  And nothing in the links have it in there.20:08
k1lkyle__: svox is the source package20:09
kyle__k1l: Yeah, but it's not in here.20:10
kyle__In the orig.tar.gz or the .debian.tar.gz20:10
k1lkyle__: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libttspico-utils  lists the source package at the top of the page20:10
kyle__k1l: The source for pico2wav isn't in those files is what I'm saying.20:11
MonkeyDust!find libttspico-utils20:17
ubottuFound: libttspico-utils, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 18 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libttspico-utils&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all20:17
k1lkyle__: it should be in the svox source files20:17
kyle__k1l: It's not though.  I grabbed the tarball.  I grabed the git from the android site.  I grabbed the git from the debian site.20:18
kyle__The lib isn't very well documented so I just wanted to read the source for that little demo-app to figure out how to use it :)20:19
k1ldo they ship that just as a binary? i dont know about pico2wave20:19
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wedgiewhat's the license on it?20:20
kyle__When you install the -utils package you get the pico2wave binary20:20
kyle__Apache I think....20:21
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kyle__From what I downloaed via git, the source files have the pache license version 2.0 at the top of each file.20:22
Apachezdo there exist a netinstall of ubuntu for raspberry pi 2 and 3?20:26
nazmulwantedhello everyone... new to this channel20:26
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kyle__Apachez: I doubt it.  I"m not positive for the 3, but I know the rasperry pi A/B, 2, and nano can't netboot.  They can only boot from SD card.20:27
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k1lApachez: i dont know if that rpi can do netinstall. usually you just put the image file onto the sdcard20:28
Apachezwell or at least like the raspbian netinstall20:28
Apachezthat is a 32mb image onto sd card to boot from and fetch the rest through network20:28
Apachezso you only install what you want20:28
ApachezI have located some outdated 16.04 images at ubuntu homepage20:28
Apachezbut not a word of 16.10 which sucks20:28
markus-khi. What would you guys suggest for installing a few identical Ubuntu servers? Running through the installer by hand everytime is sorta annoying and time consuming. And just cloning the filesystem is probably not the best idea due to duplicate ssh host keys etc20:30
tgm4883markus-k: puppet20:31
teward^ that20:31
markus-kfor installing ubuntu to bare metal? Haven't used Puppet before20:32
bekksmarkus-k: a plain kickstart file and a tftp boot server.20:32
housekeepingis there a 3 finger solute for linux?20:33
tgm4883yea puppets not going to work for that20:33
tgm4883housekeeping: ctrl+alt+delete20:33
tgm4883housekeeping: or ctrl+break+REISUB if it's a kernel panic20:33
kyle__markus-k: preseed.20:34
kyle__markus-k: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/apb.html20:35
kyle__markus-k: We use preseed and pxeboot for our servers at work.  Going with both is WAY overboard for home, but you can specify a preseed from the stock installer :)20:35
LaylHeya, on PulseAudio, my sound card seems to not listen at all to the configured Output Device volume20:36
Layl0% volume will be muted, 1%, 50%, 75%, 100% will all be 100%, 150% will be 150%20:37
Laylfor obvious reasons my ears don't like this20:37
LaylAnyone got a fix?20:37
markus-kkyle__ yep, looked at preseeds before but wasn't sure if it's any good for the purpose, probably one of the better solutions. thank you.20:39
housekeepingtgm4883, ty20:40
kyle__markus-k: I use them all the time.  I have literally hundreds of physical servers installed with them right now.  They are horrible compared to what you can do with redhat kickstart, except that with kickstart you have to use RHEL or one of the RHEL clones.  Which is whyI don't use that ;)20:49
markus-kkyle__: I really should too. Installed 7 servers at work by hand, that got boring kinda quickly. Only problem is, the nics are all LACP bonded with a few vlans on it, not sure if the bios can actually pxe boot from that and i didn't get the network working in the installer at that time20:52
LaylAnyone got an idea for my pulseaudio issue?20:53
MonkeyDustLayl  if you don't get an answer here, try in #ubuntustudio20:54
ioriakyle__,  pico2wave.c in (apt-get source svox) in  /pico/bin20:54
kyle__markus-k: The bios probably can pxeboot (almost all can nowdays), but the bigger issue will be getting the switch to allow a single, non-LACP connection to boot and run, and then autodetect the change to LACP when you bond it later on.20:55
kyle__My network admin found some nifty settings and did that for me, but I have no idea what black magicks she performs to make it work.20:55
kyle__She stays on her side of the switch, I stay on mine.20:55
countingdaisiesdoes anyone know what privacydotlink is? I can't find anything directly about what it is.21:00
MonkeyDustcountingdaisies  this is ubunt support21:00
k1lcountingdaisies: in what context?21:00
thesebeasy to replace pinentry-gnome3 with pinentry-gtk3 for debugging purposes? how?21:01
hurvinftp server ubuntu server ?21:02
hurvinAny software other than proftpd nor vsftpd21:03
Southern_Gentlemhurvin,  why a ftp server at all you have ssh so you can sftp21:04
kyle__hurvin: apt-cache search ftpd21:04
hurvinthanks kyle__21:04
k1lhurvin: dont use ftp its not encrypted. use sftp.21:05
countingdaisies"PrivacyDotLink Customer ..." seems to show up in the Registrant Name field of whois searches - with a 6 gidit number appended to it. If it is some kind of anonymity service it must be elite bc there is not web site with that domain and searches do not indicate a way to sign up. Is it part of tld scheme with icann or something?21:05
k1lcountingdaisies: that is not related to ubuntu support. please ask those questions in #ubuntu-offtopic21:06
kyle__countingdaisies: THere are a number of privacy services like that out there, for domain registration.  They kindof suck, and are kindof skeezy, but they have their place.  Nothing elite about them.21:07
prezzI HEARD THE MONKEY OBAMA IS GOING TO A FLORIDA ZOO!! prezz amathew MarcoP mrgog malonumas jhvh2017 TBotNik miczac_ milardovich T-MaN labinnsw f10_ Ekno beardedeagle xcynth dancingdemon__ Toggi3 ^peter^ doomlord KingsQuest mgorbach alxd theseb hurvin mojtaba adac User__ smckay carbon-cabron_ voldz1tic3n pmcgowan Grorco_ timvisher multifractal daakuDaddy_ Fleuv zonum nomic jathan mvensky theoceaniscool21:12
prezzhwpplayer1 Layl clissold345 edaq namshub havoc_hive bennie svm_invictvs sergey_ TerjeBH iampigman flickserve jlbellido panikovsky weaksauce bleepy VA6DAH aetin0 murfjr ceed^ countingdaisies noc__ diamondman brunch875 SaMaRiTaN narindergupta tami_ guthran_ fearnothing chomwitt1 CookieM kyle__ causative jaxx-dev Cohedrin_ el_bamba matthelmke shootbird jaequery axisys glebihan n0strildamus Edgan NDPTAL8521:12
prezzdonofrio forkup royal_screwup21 xurious_phone AlineGomes xet7 eternal-pain Grapes giricz81 coy delinquentme jatt dreamon llwalahoop Term1nal21:12
markus-kkyle__: Are you creating preseed files by hand, e.g. from the example-preseed, or some kind of generated form from a hand install?21:13
voldz1tic3nprezz: which one?21:13
beardedeagleWhat is this shit21:15
kyle__markus-k: We're generating them using some ugly chef recipes, but it's not bad. You could do it by hand without much difficulty.21:15
MonkeyDustbeardedeagle  mind your language21:15
k1ldont mind the troll, he is already kicked out of the irc server, voldz1tic3n beardedeagle21:15
beardedeaglenoted MonkeyDust, and thanks for the update k1l21:16
-opddgjq:#ubuntu- 卐卐卐卐卐卐 Send nudes please 卐卐卐卐卐卐21:17
-udtqf:#ubuntu- 卐卐卐卐卐卐 Send nudes please 卐卐卐卐卐卐21:17
-kcrmstc:#ubuntu- 卐卐卐卐卐卐 Send nudes please 卐卐卐卐卐卐21:17
-zzlsel:#ubuntu- 卐卐卐卐卐卐 Send nudes please 卐卐卐卐卐卐21:17
-rmgzk:#ubuntu- 卐卐卐卐卐卐 Send nudes please 卐卐卐卐卐卐21:17
-kcrmstc:#ubuntu- 卐卐卐卐卐卐 Send nudes please 卐卐卐卐卐卐21:17
-udtqf:#ubuntu- 卐卐卐卐卐卐 Send nudes please 卐卐卐卐卐卐21:17
-udtqf:#ubuntu- 卐卐卐卐卐卐 Send nudes please 卐卐卐卐卐卐21:17
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eternal-painthe hell is up here?21:33
zamanfhow can I block all non-vpn traffic on ubuntu?21:39
turejthe xubuntu installer asks for a wifi connection in order to get "third party software" amongst other things. my question is: will i be allowed to choose which third party software to download or will it get it all on it's own?21:40
douxAfter creating a persistent usb drive, and a new user, can I get rid of the ubuntu@ubuntu user that has sudo privileges? I don't want to have a user with no password on my Ubuntu persistent USB drive...21:41
zamanfis it possible to stop DNS leaks on ubuntu?21:43
douxor is ubuntu@ubuntu the root user on Live distro?21:44
noc__turej, it "will get it on its own" but it's pretty standard stuff, what is the issue?21:46
turejnoc__: what kind of standard software are we talking here, is there a list of it21:47
douxis ubuntu@ubuntu on a live USB just another user with sudo priviledges?21:47
douxI guess everyone is watching that thing with that guy driving down the street...21:49
noc__turej, its called ubuntu-restricted-extras, list is browseable at http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ubuntu-restricted-extras and http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/ubuntu-restricted-addons21:49
turejah thank you noc__, you performed that action which many at #ubuntu had not the necessary foresight to do21:50
noc__most users here are fellow users helping as volunteers, not paid workers for customer support, many just lurk here t learn about ubuntu, so don't expect anything21:51
douxnoc__: understood.21:51
thesebeasy to replace pinentry-gnome3 with pinentry-gtk3 for debugging?21:56
lucas-arghey all any one could connect a samsung s7 with mtp??22:01
lucas-argi cant get mine connected/mounted22:01
arunsI am running Ubuntu 16.04.22:06
arunsI appear to have messed up permissions for /usr/bin22:06
arunsAnd do not particularly want to have to reinstall.22:06
Random832aruns, does sudo work?22:06
bekksaruns: What have you done, in detail?22:06
arunsRandom832: It does not22:06
Random832do you have any existing root shell already open22:07
bekksaruns: What have you done, in detail?22:07
arunsI can boot into recovery mode and open a shell as root.22:07
zamanfhow do you stop dns leaks on ubuntu?22:08
Random832ah so you don't mind rebooting22:08
arunsbekks: Ran a recursive chown command about a week ago or so for my user, losing access to sudo for that user.22:08
bekkszamanf: What are dns leaks?22:08
bekksaruns: which command in particular?22:08
Random832ok so you've messed up ownership in addition to permissions22:08
k1laruns: with recursive chown there is no help besides reinstall.22:08
zamanfbekks, ... long story22:08
arunsbekks: chown -R *myuser*:*myuser* /usr/bin22:08
bekksCool, you messed it up. Reinstall.22:08
arunsI said that I don't want to have to reinstall.22:09
bekksaruns: You have to, despite what you want.22:09
arunsbekks: I am able to recover sudo access.22:09
arunsWould I not be able to change file permissions for each executable?22:10
bekksaruns: Thats irrelevant, since you need to MANUALLY restore the permissions and ownerships of every single file under /usr/bin. Several thousands.22:10
k1laruns: it means you need to look up every permission file by file, folder by folder. this is in no way worth the effort.22:10
arunsAh OK.22:10
arunsCould I not boot a live Ubuntu CD22:10
bekksaruns: To shorten it up: No.22:11
arunsOK, thanks.22:11
Random832bekks, don't be so melodramatic, there are only a handful that aren't 0755 root.22:11
Random832dammit he left22:11
Random832jesus people it's /usr/bin not /22:12
noc__agree, on my system it's everything root:root except a couple dozen files22:12
Random832recursive doesn't even matter, /usr/bin doesn't have any subdirectories22:12
Random832don't know why you asked what he did in detail if you were gonna scare him off like that no matter what it actually was22:14
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bekksRandom832: I asked what he did in detail because his initial message was like "I did something, now my car does drive anymore".22:14
bekksIf I'd know that you have glass orb, I'd not even considered asking him.22:15
Random832even if he'd done it a worse place, he could still probably have recovered by reinstalling all packages without having to do a fresh install.22:16
bekksFor the sake of wasting time, I guess?22:17
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haledI want to have ubuntu server on a USB flash drive so that it won't behave as an installation media, but rather an installed OS. How do I achieve this?22:30
bekkshaled: Plug in an install medium, plug in your usb flash drive, and do a regular install onto the flash drive.22:34
rypervencheRandom832: Welp, now we know for next time :)22:37
lucas-arghelp mounting mtp files, using MM under Ubuntu 16.10 libmtp 1.1.12 wont mount correctly my samsung s722:38
lucas-argany clues??22:38
cipher6lucas-arg: I went through this issue recently, it was mounted like 15 files deep. Does the Samsung S7 show up in the Unity dock?22:41
ZJAYcan i insatll a .pdf file or .eps file as a font?22:42
cipher6lucas-arg: are you seeing my response?22:44
lucas-argcipher6, it does why i have gvfs-backends installed22:44
cipher6lucas-arg: I don't understand your question.22:44
lucas-argcipher6, but it does not let me transfer files correctly22:45
sylarWhich egrep command will allow me to output the words with that many characters as specified in the arguement of a basic script?22:45
lucas-argcipher6, ubuntu mounts mtp, but it does not let me write more than 125 files. and it does not let me delete files from sdcard i can see them, but not much, i tried go-mtpfs jmtpfs uninstelled gvfs-backends etc but cant make it work corectly22:46
lucas-argcipher6, i imagine libmtp 1.1.13 could make my s7 work but i cant find that version in repos22:46
cipher6lucas-arg: What kind of file are you transferring, and where are you sending it to?22:46
k1llucas-arg: are you sure the android device is handling that correctly?22:46
lucas-argi guess it is22:46
lucas-argin fedora i use simple-mtpfs and it works ok22:47
cipher6lucas-arg: Also, i'm using a S7 with 16.04LTS stock, no special software installed, and it allows me to do file transfers fine,22:47
lucas-argin ubuntu i cant make it work ok22:47
cipher6lucas-arg: is the phone set to MTP?22:47
haledbekks, thanks. Can I boot via virtualbox for this?22:47
lucas-argcipher6, yes22:47
cipher6lucas-arg: what version of linux are you running?22:47
lucas-argcipher6, ubuntu 16.1022:47
k1llucas-arg: mtp-tools installed and that works with all my devices.22:48
lucas-argits installed22:48
k1llucas-arg: using nautilus22:48
lucas-argusing nautilis and terminal22:48
lucas-argwhatever i use22:49
lucas-argcant copy more than 125 files22:49
cipher6lucas-arg: but you can transfer some files22:49
absurdistshaka when the walls fell22:49
lucas-argcipher6, yeah22:49
cipher6lucas-arg: What kind of file, and where are you putting it on the phone?22:49
reisiolucas-arg: https://www.google.com/search?q=samsung%20s7%20enable%20usb%20mass%20storage22:50
reisiolucas-arg: or just use wireless transfers, as it was designed to use22:50
lucas-argcipher6, 155 files mp3s22:51
lucas-argreisio, it would take me years to transfer files with wifi22:51
cipher6lucas-arg: Are you sure the phone has space for all the files? (Starting with the most basic issue I can think of and working up from there)22:52
lucas-argcipher6, it has22:52
sylar Which egrep command will allow me to output the words with that many22:53
sylar+characters as specified in the arguement of a basic script?22:53
lostindark||html editor plz22:53
tgm4883sylar: huh?22:53
ZJAYcan I install a .eps or .pdf font style image as a font?22:54
sylarSee i want to output those words in the /usr/share/dict/words file which is specified in a basic script arguement. so which egrep command to use for that?22:54
k1lZJAY: pdf or eps are not font formats22:54
tgm4883sylar: you want to output the words that have a specific number of characters?22:55
ZJAYthis is what i wanted to install as a font= http://www.freepik.com/free-vector/neon-alphabet-with-symbols_946986.htm22:56
ZJAYso your saying that it is just a pretty picture then22:57
k1lZJAY: no, doesnt work22:57
k1lZJAY: yes22:57
ZJAYmade to look like a font  or .ttf22:57
ZJAY ty22:57
ZJAYpalm faces himself says "this sux"22:58
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k1lZJAY: looks like they want to sell you something on that page. so maybe they offer a proper formated file for paying customers22:58
sylarwell anyone?22:59
ZJAYfonts are made to be free like butterflies22:59
ZJAYthanks k1l22:59
tgm4883sylar: awk '{ if (length($1) == 4 ) print }' /usr/share/dict/words23:02
tgm4883sylar: that would do 4 letter words23:02
sylarcan i do it using the egrep command?23:02
tgm4883sylar: why not use the command I just gave you?23:03
sylarI was trying my hand at egrep and stuff , so i just thought whether it would be possible with that also or not23:03
tgm4883sylar: yes it's possible23:03
sylarfairly new to linux as u can see :P23:04
sylarwhat would it be in that case?23:04
tgm4883sylar: you'd need to find the regex for that23:04
sylarcan you tell me the difference between awk and egrep?23:05
tgm4883sylar: they are both different programs typically used for pattern matching23:05
sylaris one more efficient than the other or something like that?23:06
tgm4883sylar: no idea23:06
tgm4883sylar: usually I just use grep23:06
sylarokay i will try it using the awk command , i didnt know that before23:07
riflexgerman linux user here?23:07
sylartgm4883: thanks23:07
tgm4883!de | riflex23:07
ubotturiflex: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!23:07
rpifani need to mount a vfat drive and give it permission of 0770, i have made changes in the fstab but it still mounts with persion of 0775, what can i do to get it to work right23:08
reisiosylar: wha?23:09
reisio155 mp3s? he would've finished already with just wifi, ages ago23:09
reisiopoor people living in denial, no one can save them23:10
rypervenchesylar: Each program has its strengths and weaknesses.23:10
reisioexcept for /usr/bin/blade23:10
reisioblade has all the strengths, and none of the weaknesses23:10
tomreynrpifan: try umask=000 mount option23:11
riflexhey german user here aswell?23:12
rpifanhow do i get it remount iwth fstab without rebooting23:12
reisiomount -o remount23:12
reisioriflex: part german count?23:12
reisiobtw, you germans should eat less meat & dairy, it's bad for you23:13
reisioand isn't great for everyone else, either :)23:13
riflexwell it count but i'm looking for a german mentor :)23:13
tomreynriflex: read the message ubottu addressed to you - scroll up.23:14
reisioriflex: your english seems fine, not that I would fault you for wanting to converse in your own language23:14
riflexwell i'm able to communitcate in english aswell but my accent is horrible23:16
AmericanuAnybody around ?23:17
AmericanuRight so i need a bit of help23:17
rpifantomreyn: Please change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory cannot be listed by other users.23:18
AmericanuIm having a usb stick 3.0 with ubuntu on it 16.04 and when i try to boot it it says : initramfs unable to find medium containing live file system23:18
rpifanwith umask 000 i get permissions of 077723:18
AmericanuAnybody knows here how to get rid of this error?23:19
tomreynrpifan: oh sorry i thought you had asked for 0777. so if you need 0770 then your umask should be the opposite of that, so umask=00723:20
geirharpifan: umask 00723:20
tomreynAmericanu: re-do the usb stick, it probably did not get written properly. before you do this, you may want to do the media check.23:21
AmericanuI wrote it several times23:21
AmericanuTwice with rufus and once with unetbootin23:21
k1lAmericanu: did you check the md5sum of the .iso?23:22
rpifanno im going to guess this is going to cause problems when i need another user to have read write to that same directory right?23:22
AmericanuIll try to see if the iso downloaded corectly but i doubt it didnt23:22
geirharpifan: create a group, set group as group owner. Any user you add to that group will get read and write access23:23
AmericanuNo i didnt check the md5sum23:23
rpifanthe issue is that nextcloud want exclusive access to that whole fat drive23:23
rpifanData directory (/media/hosteddrive/nextcloud/data) is readable by other users23:23
rpifanPlease change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory cannot be listed by other users.23:23
riflexi'm a linux-rookie...any advice so i can increase my learning curve?23:24
franzerriflex: depends what you want to do23:25
riflexi'm focusing on kali linux23:26
riflexand all its potial23:26
tomreyn!verify check this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck and this | Americanu23:26
ubottutomreyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:26
rpifangeirha: can i just add a user to the www-data group and that would allow the www-data and whatever user to work?23:27
rypervencheriflex: /query riflex23:27
tomreynAmericanu check this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck and this:23:27
tomreyn!verify |  | Americanu23:27
ubottu| Americanu: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:27
AmericanuThx tomreyn23:27
AmericanuI will23:27
k1l!kali | riflex23:27
ubotturiflex: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)23:27
rypervencheriflex: This is going outside of Ubuntu support, but learn the command line and how to use the OS in general.23:27
riflexwell i'm a noob thats why i choose ubuntu23:28
tomreyn!terminal | riflex23:28
ubotturiflex: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:28
skrpvideo performance is atrocious for a reason i can't explain. Steam/Minecraft(java) what can i do to fix it? ive done 0 mod, ubuntu found the driver automatically http://pastebin.com/raw/zt2WMHYy23:28
ubabahi, ls -la /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/tpm gives 8 .ko files but when I modprobe any of them it gives eg. modprobe: FATAL: Module tpm_atmel.ko not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic23:29
reisioskrp: 'java', you just said, that's the reason23:29
reisioother reasons: steam23:29
reisioyet more reasons: games written by 10-year-olds23:29
k1lubaba: what is inside "/lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic"?23:29
sylartgm4883: what if the length is unknown to me and is determined by the user who runs it? what then?23:29
ubabadrwxr-xr-x 3 root root  4096 jan   12 22:57 . drwxr-xr-x 9 root root  4096 jan   12 22:57 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 jan   12 22:57 st33zp24 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11814 jan    7 01:45 tpm_atmel.ko -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 13414 jan    7 01:45 tpm_crb.ko -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11942 jan    7 01:45 tpm_i2c_atmel.ko -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16270 jan    7 01:45 tpm_i2c_infineon.ko -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 21798 jan    7 01:45 tpm_i2c_nuvo23:29
tomreyn!paste | ubaba23:30
k1lubaba: please use a pastebin service23:30
ubottuubaba: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:30
skrpreisio, i can't tell if you are a troll23:30
k1lskrp: you are using noveau. go to system settings, software & updates , then last tab. then install the nvidia driver there23:30
k1lubaba: no. not there23:31
k1lubaba: the folder i asked for23:31
skrpk1l, alright, i thought noveau was the preferred method23:32
mibhi , remove unused modules ? is that okay ?23:32
sylarhow to alter awk '{ if (length($1)==4) print } /usr/share/dict/words to the length being variable ,depending on what the user enters?23:32
thesebhow change an alternative?23:33
thesebi'm thinking of the /etc/alternatives stuff23:33
tomreynsylar: if the lenght is variable, then why would you test for the length?23:34
reisioskrp: it'd help if you knew what a troll was23:34
ChucaraHow do I free up space on /boot when I can't seem to run apt-get remove? (Trying advice from here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/345588/what-is-the-safest-way-to-clean-up-boot-partition)23:35
skrpsomeone that isn't constructive? calling mojang 10 year olds...23:35
skrpi came here for help not opinions reisio same reason i ignored you in #linux23:36
sylartomreyn: okay so what do i do then? like i want to output those words whose no. of characters is given by the user .23:36
tomreynreisio, skirp: this discussion does not belong here, please move it elsewhere.23:36
skrpmojang the coders of minecraft23:37
ChucaraWhen I run 'sudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic', I get: You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies.23:37
tomreynsylar: please post an example to a pastebin, i'm not following.23:38
rypervencheskrp: Well, you want the proprietary drivers if you want MC to work well.23:38
reisiowell it's in Java™, kinda goes without saying23:39
rypervencheskrp: And java 8, openjdk works fine with it.23:39
LoshkiChucara: What about the section entitled "NOTE: this is only if you can't use apt to clean up due to a 100% full /boot"23:40
sylarokay alright see , i am making a basic script so that if a number is supplied as a first arguement then it will select only those words with that many characters .23:41
tomreynChucara: in a temrinal, run 'dpkg -l linux-image\* | grep ^i', this will provide a list of packaged kernel image which are currently installed. you can then run: "dpkg --purge NAMEOFPACKAGEDKERNEL" to remove a given package (replace NAMEOFPACKAGEDKERNEL by one of the kernel image packages listed on the 'dpkg -l ...' output).23:41
k1lubaba: did you try with fullpath?23:41
sylarso whats the command using egrep or awk for doing that?23:42
skrprypervenche, thanks i appreciate that advice23:42
ChucaraLoshki: Just outside of scroll view. Usually the accepted answer is the way to go, my mistake.23:42
AmericanuLol hashes are not similar23:42
sylarand the word comes from /usr/share/dict/words23:42
AmericanuThats the first time it happened to me23:43
ubabak1l net yet (I am not aware that option yet) but just a sec and I am trying23:43
LoshkiChucara: :-) Let's hope it works as described23:43
tomreynsylar: so you pass the amount of characters to a script as first command line argument. how do you pass the text to be filtered?23:44
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Chucaratomreyn: Ok, can I safely remove any images older than what I currently have? (4.4.0-24)23:44
tomreynChucara: yes, if your currently running kernel (cat /proc/version) runs reliably, then you can remove all others.23:45
sylartomreyn: the text comes from /usr/share/dict/words23:45
tomreynChucara: common practice is to remove all but the current and the two most recent.23:45
kk4ewt1 plus 2 backups in case the kernel maintainers screwup you are not totally hosed23:47
ChucaraAhh. Is this something I should be doing regularly?23:47
ubabak1l thank you so insmod is the way (but why does not modprobe work?)23:48
tomreynsylar: CHARACTERS=$1; grep -Eo '[:alnum:]{'"${CHARACTERS}"'}' /usr/share/dict/words23:49
sylartomreyn: what does that Eo do?23:50
tomreynsylar: write this to a new file MYFILE, make this file executable (chmod +x /path/to/MYFILE) and run it as "./MYFILE 7"23:50
tomreynsylar: E = extended regular expression syntax, o = only return what is matching the given regular expression, not the entire line where a match is found.23:51
CoderEuropeAnyone want a quick chat about Ubuntu ? Note this is jitsi-meet which is completely open source: https://meet.schrodingersscat.com/LoyalOctopodesDiscussFinely23:52
tomreynsylar: check the grep man page, too, run: man grep23:52
sylartomreyn: i did and i was trying to understand how to do it after reading but i couldnt get it.. :/ new to this as u can see23:52
ubabak1l 1 more question: if modprobe unable to load the kernel mod of the tpm just the insmod is capable of it, WILL the /etc/modules work at boot?23:53
tomreynsylar: regular expressions come with a steep learning curve initally, it's entirely normal. you would probably run into more educated shell scripters in #bash23:53
Chucaraapt-get is working again, thanks. Bit puzzled about this though.23:54
sylartomreyn: okay i am seeing the man page but i am not able to get the command on my own for this..23:54
tomreynChucara: you should not need to do this regularly, no. normally it should happen automatically23:54
CoderEuropedunno - whos trying to log on - but your messing up the hangout.23:55
tomreynChucara: but if your /boot partiton / file system is too small (say less than 500 MB) then you may run into problems repeatedly.23:55
tomreynChucara: also this automatism which cleans stuff up did not work so well on older ubuntu releases (it works fine for me on 16.04)23:56
Chucaratomreyn: Ah ok. I wondered how 'normal people' would be able to use Ubuntu if that weren't the case. /boot is 500MB23:56
Chucaratomreyn: Ok well, thanks again. I have a bit of cleanup to do23:56
tomreynenjoy ;)23:57
zamanfIs there a way to block dns leaks while using a vpn connection?23:58

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