
nhainespleia2: thanks for the tweet thing!05:07
pleia2did fb and G+ too05:09
nhainesI'm not sure why I didn't think about G+!05:09
nhainesI'm thinking of ordering Ubuntu Icons shirts for booth volunteers this year: https://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=100705:10
darthrobot`Title: [Canonical Store]05:10
pleia2I have no ideas for talks \o/05:12
pleia2but day 1 overlaps with the open infra event I'm running anyway05:12
nhainesUbuntu vs. Arch, and why nano trumps vi.05:12
pleia2good grief05:13
pleia2types of penguins and how to identify them05:13
pleia2much more my speed right now ;)05:13
nhaines"When the Gentoo penguin actually *isn't* the fastest!"05:13
pleia2I could use someone else helping with moderation of the mailing list05:14
pleia2nhaines: just let an email through of yours from wrong-address a couple days ago05:15
pleia2but the queue had piled up a bit while I've been down under05:15
nhainespleia2: it's okay.  I meant to repost with my Ubuntu address instead of the personal one I used on accident.  But timing's good because SCALE put up "UbuCon SCALE pass"es without telling us, and promo codes weren't working until about 7 hours ago.05:18
pleia2hah :)05:19
nhainesSomeone noticed and mentioned it to me, and SCALE had it fixed 20 minutes later.  :)05:19
pleia2ah yes, I like the Icons t-shirt (airport lounge wifi was having a hard time with the page, finally loaded at some point!)05:22
nhainesYay!  \o/05:27
nhainesI like the yakkety shirt but we'll probably give those out at UbuCon, maybe.  :)05:28
pleia2nhaines: so, fine or medium point fountain pens?05:31
nhainesI write tiny and ink feathers!05:32
pleia2I've been using a fine point one as I learn how to write with it05:33
pleia2but just ordered some medium disposable ones, because they have pink ink05:33
nhainesI'm almost out of ink... running low.  I might just order some Lamy blue ink, because then I can reuse the ink bottle.  Not that my crystal cut inkwell isn't cute!  (But it's also not airtight.)05:34
pleia2I just got a 10(!) pack of ink for my pen, I left it sitting point down for a year and... it didn't like that05:34
pleia2while I was in tasmania I bought a pen case made of tasmanian wood so my collection can sit horizontally :)05:34
nhainesI'm very happy with the Private Reserve, but the bottle are tall.  But on the other hand, I've been refilling the piston converter and not drawing the ink up through the nib, so that didn't help.05:35
pleia2I can't be trusted with a bottle05:35
nhainesOoh.  :)  Well, if it's metal or plastic, just take the nib off the feeder and throw it in some clean, cold water for a night or two, then it'll be good as new.05:35
pleia2yeah, I did the water thing, but all the ink had leaked out ;)05:36
pleia2into the cap, which I noticed after getting ink all over my hands \o/05:36
nhainesHa, I took a bottle when I picked up my friends from the airport (back from NZ, not AU!) and babysat the weekend and a couple school days, and grabbed a box with an ink bottle so I could keep track of my time when I worked while he was at school.05:36
pleia2it didn't just pour out, it slowly leaked as I fiddled with it05:36
pleia2I'm in NZ right now05:36
nhainesMonday came around and I opened up the box and pulled out an empty bottle!  Grabbed the old box!05:36
pleia2haha, oops05:37
nhainesSo I just had to use the very pleasant gel ink pen I keep in my bag for when I'm camping in case I need to write.  Was still mad though.05:37
* pleia2 nods05:37
pleia2alright, I should start making my way to the next plane05:38
nhainesOn the bright side (for him), though, Alexander was spared an hour of handwriting practice.  (Seriously, we have to work on his handwriting.  He draws everything from the baseline.)05:38
nhainesHave a great flight!  It's probably only 46 hours to the West Coast!05:38
pleia2thanks :)05:39
pleia2I should land around 11AM ;)05:39
pleia2hopefully it's still there05:39
nhainesWe're digging the trenches as you speak.05:39
nhainesMaybe the landing of the plane can knock us free.  ;)05:39
nhainesFly safe.  :)05:39

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