[03:16] Hey all.. I am loving ubuntu-mate... but... it doesn't seem to let me mount all my NTFS drives. (Ubuntu does). Any ideas? [03:17] nobody? :_( [03:18] what do you mean, ubuntu does? [03:19] If I install Ubuntu (the standard install) it installs without issue and all the drives show up and are mounted... on Ubuntu-Mate... the drives appear to all be there in Computer but they do not all mount. [03:19] have you tried mounting them manually? are they internal or external? [03:20] They are internal drives... I double-click on the drives in Computer and it gives an error for mounting: [03:20] Unable to mount location Can't mount file [03:21] well, if snandard ubuntu can mount and access them, than it's probably not a simple fix if ubuntu mate can not [03:22] I should be able to install Mate on standard Ubuntu, correct? [03:22] What else would I be missing beside the desktop Mate? [03:22] ubuntu-mate, have you sudo apt update; sudo apt -y dist-upgrade to udate everything then reboot? [03:23] yeah, O'm pretty sure you can install any DE on standard ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, etc are just installs of ubuntu with that de from the start [03:23] Hmm... good call. The other thing I forgot to mention, is this is the live demo... not installed yet... but I have had this same issue with Linux Mint. [03:23] (which is really frustrating)... I am trying to leave Windows behind. :P [03:24] And I like Ubuntu... but hate the window controls on the left [03:24] I'll try the full install and update and see if that fixes it (though it didn't for Linux Mint) [03:24] well, the least painful way is vitalization, or maybe dual-booting [03:24] virtualization [03:24] I might just suck it up and do Ubuntu since it works. [03:25] what ever works [03:25] randall I have seen you answering questions on here before. Thanks for your efforts helping people get Linux working. [03:25] linux mint could have different version of support for ntfs on live boot media [03:25] You as well comptekki! Thanks. Yeah... I suspect. [03:26] Guys thanks all for your help. I hope some day to have a good enough knowledge base to do the same for others. [03:26] just keep learning [03:27] over the last week i've tried to peg a distro - tried three or four and came back to ubuntu-mate because of nic/wireless, wake support and compiz support [03:27] I really love it's polish!!! [03:27] I am just so frustrated it failed me on harddisks... but I'll try to install it. [03:27] others had problems of some sort on macbook pro hardware [03:28] Self build here :) so who knows [03:28] I absolutely love how Ubuntu-Mate and Linux-Mint have a link to a chat where you can commiserate with others. [03:28] you can check which drivers are being used and update them on the live system, can't you - or is support only in kernel for file systems?? [03:29] I honestly do not not. I am just introducing myself to Linux. I'll try an install and update everything I can [03:29] or use hexchat ;) [03:29] let me check on the ntfs process... [03:29] okay [03:34] it looks like FUSE (take a look with apt-cache search FUSE|grep ntfs) you can try and update libntfs-3g871 [03:34] then you can unmount and mount again the partitions [03:35] okay. I'll give that a shot. Thanks comtekki! [03:35] sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade libntfs-3g871 [03:38] Thanks again! [03:38] one way to check which you have installed: apt list --installed|grep ntfs [03:38] the latest I have is: libntfs-3g871/yakkety,now 1:2016.2.22AR.1-3 amd64 [installed] === aaron is now known as Guest33671 [03:58] hey randall... installing it and not testing it on liveCD solved the problem... I also unplugged and replugged in the cables just in case. Either way all done! [03:58] comptekki... I got errors when trying to update with the command you gave. [03:58] oh good [03:59] thanks again [03:59] live environment is a wonderful thing, but it's only part of the real thing you get from installing it [04:02] hmm. just tried it and it says: libntfs-3g871 is already the newest version (1:2016.2.22AR.1-3). [04:02] glad it works now, anyway [04:03] now if only there was a way to read ext-4 in windows [04:04] randall, there is: google: read ext4 in windows [04:04] oh, ok [04:07] wow, I did not know this, but that would reqire installing this software on someoneelse's computer just to access my external hdd at their hpuse [04:09] http://www.howtogeek.com/112888/3-ways-to-access-your-linux-partitions-from-windows/ [04:10] but if I were to make a habit out of that, it'd be better just to format the external in ntfs in the first place [04:10] never tried any yet [04:10] http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-read-ext3ext4-linux-partition-from-windows-7.html [04:10] or format fat32 if files aren't too big [04:10] yeah [04:11] but a way less invasive means woulld be a live usb of your distro of choice, boot into that, then do all the moving of files that way [04:12] comptekki, you know the file size limot on fat32 off hand? [04:13] limit [04:13] 2gig file size max [04:14] hmmm, too small if youre doing something like downloading windows installers from your gog and humble libraries so they can "try before they buy" [04:19] i was thinking fat32 was 4gig - not sure why one place on web said 2 gig. Maybe format as exfat?? [04:20] that could work [04:26] fat32 file size limit is 4GB, can confirm cos I previously used external drives for media and my self imposed video limit was 4GB so I Cld place on external drives as needed [04:28] oh, ok [04:45] até logo [04:53] Some one could help to install pipe light [05:02] Hi ivan [05:02] I'm pretty new to pipe light... so I am not sure if I can be of any help [05:02] how knowledgeable are you? [05:03] It looks like they have a good tutorial on installing Pipe Light on YouTube (though the instructions are for Linux Mint). [05:03] Are you doing this so you can watch Netflix? [05:07] Yes but, i need to intall it through RPI3 [05:07] ahh. There you have me lost. :) I haven't done anything with that [05:08] You might try searching YouTube though [05:09] thnx [05:52] pretty fascinating: Adolf Hitler vs The Jew World Order https://youtu.be/ssCkc8t9sho === tristan_ is now known as Guest72182 [11:36] hello [11:36] just installed ubuntu mate, what should i do first? [11:54] update it if needed, then use it - try it - like it. then reboot it, check that all is cool and which, if any settings you want to change. [11:54] oh, and donate of course ;-) [11:56] [but step 0 has been done, finding #ubuntu-mate, welcome] [11:58] [& then you had to go step -1... not having patiene, and leaving before being replied to] DOH! === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [13:31] arduino === vincent__ is now known as Guest40247 [14:46] Hello === stephen is now known as Guest78140 [15:39] Hola === Guest78140 is now known as Scott04 [16:13] kein ton aus der lautsprechen [16:16] was kann man machen das ich wieder etwas hören [16:23] hi this is dinesh [16:23] I am unable to connect to wifi [16:38] help not sond [18:21] peakaboooo [18:21] ()() [20:16] hello, does anyone know how to fix the battery charge monitor applete? mine shows an empty battery (percentage works but batter icon is empty( http://i.imgur.com/gsud9V8.png === scottt is now known as Guest64925