
Laneyxnox: cyphermox: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubiquity/no-gtk-modules/+merge/313473 please review11:10
Laneyubiquity-dm is basically broken11:11
cyphermoxLaney: yeah, I know15:42
cyphermoxI'm merging this now15:42
Laneycyphermox: ok, thanks, see my comments for some minor improvements you could make at the same time15:44
fossfreedomcyphermox: +1 for the no-gtk-modules fix. cheers.  Any chance you can also look at our merge proposal which is in the same area please for Ubuntu Budgie? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/165744717:26
cyphermoxin install, the panel should normally just be ubiquity's panel.17:45

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