
Arcaire"nothing personnel, kid" -Nvidia 2016/201700:00
k1lbudder: add "nomodeset" like said in the howto linked. but you need to hightligt the regular ubuntu boot entry.00:00
k1lbudder: scroll down to the linux kernel line where "splash quiet" is listed. there you need to add "nomodeset"00:00
Arcairek1l: I found that I had to mod gfxmode to `gfxmode nomodeset` also. Know anything about that (just for my own ref)?00:00
Xzok, so I know what's going on now with my Live USB to another USB stick Ubuntu installation00:01
Xzin secure mode00:01
budderkilltheliterate: can you please link me?00:01
k1l!nomodeset | budder00:02
ubottubudder: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:02
Xzinstaller by default copies all UEFI related stuff to already existing /dev/sda1 UEFI partition (SSD)00:02
budderArcaire: do you have any suggestions? i was attempting to use workaround A on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen but don't know where to edit the entry00:02
Xzwhat I need it to do is to install that UEFI boot stuff onto /dev/sdc100:02
Arcairebudder: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313200:02
Xzbut even I tell in installer to install it there, it still picks up /dev/sda100:02
Xzare you aware of any tutorials for USB-live to USB-thumbdrive UEFI secure boot installation for Ubuntu? :)00:03
mattiMarkB2: What does the dmesg contain?00:04
budderalso, since i knew this was going to happen, i took a picture of these settings right after i first installed ubuntu (http://imgur.com/a/wTebE)00:04
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MarkB2matti: dmesg showed that a Serial driver was loaded but that was it.  But found something else.. This system didn't have setserial installed.. and while there's /etc/init.d/etc-setserial, it was never being run due to the LACK of setserial.  I just rebooted the box.00:08
budderArcaire: k1l i am currently reading that nomodeset howto. however, will i still have these settings when I load into ubuntu? and if so should I change anything? http://imgur.com/a/wTebE00:11
MarkB2matti: I'm gonna scream.  /etc/init.d/etc-setserial calls for /etc/serial.conf .. and guess what I don't happen to have?00:12
k1lbudder: again: some video cards need that nomodeset until the proper driver is installed00:13
budderk1l: so after nomodeset do i change any of those options?00:13
k1lbudder: yes, you install the nvidia driver there.00:13
budderk1l: okay so the nomodeset is only good for one boot?00:14
ArcaireNo, it's fine for infinite boots, you just have to do that each time (or update your grub config once you boot into Ubuntu).00:14
ArcaireI prefer doing it once then installing the Nvidia drivers, personally.00:15
k1lbudder: yes. that way you edit the grub it will only work one time. but that is enough to make nvidia driver install.00:15
countingdaisiesIs it possible to have more than one version of php installed and working? Or, if I downgrade for an application I'm installing locally, what do I sacrifice?00:16
countingdaisiesOr maybe is there a way to make PHP 7.0.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.1  stop complaining about breaks and just run the program?00:16
excelsiorahow do I ensure my PATH (which I'm adding to in my .bashrc) is used by GUI apps that I launch?00:19
budderk1l: Arcaire both of the images under the "How to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS (not wubi)" section in the writeup are not displaying00:20
k1lbudder: read the text. its not that difficult00:20
Arcairebudder: The thing suggested before - adding nomodeset - was what that image showed.00:20
ArcaireSo you already did it.00:20
ArcaireOr, are going to.00:21
budderArcaire: no i'm going to00:21
countingdaisiesI have to go for a while but I'll come back and ask again. thx.00:21
rypervencheexcelsiora: What do you mean used by GUI apps? The PATH is only used for running commands from the command line. Can you elaborate on what you're trying to accomplish?00:23
mattiMarkB2: Try minicom -s, ignore setserial :)00:24
excelsiorarypervenche: I'm trying to run Python and R from inside gui Emacs orgmode and they're set to my path in my bashrc00:26
rypervencheexcelsiora: I believe that will use your user's PATH variable for that then. I'm not 100% sure though.00:27
excelsiorado I need an xinitrc that runs my .bashrc?00:27
reisioexcelsiora: wha?00:27
reisioexcelsiora: are you experiencing a problem?00:29
reisiotry_to_top: hi00:29
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excelsiorareisio: I'm trying to run Python and R from inside gui Emacs orgmode and they're set to my path in my bashrc - my problem is that the path is not recognized by the gui00:30
try_to_topis there is anyone here is a programmer00:30
reisiotry_to_top: ...00:31
reisioexcelsiora: talk to #emacs00:31
mattiMarkB2: I need to go to sleep. Good luck! :) I am sure you will get it going :)00:32
try_to_topreisio: i just want to ask some question00:32
excelsiorareisio: I already did, but I think launching a GUI app is to blame - and I'm not even sure what to google for to find the answer.00:32
k1ltry_to_top: this channel is for technical ubuntu support. for programmers talk better use #programming00:33
try_to_topk1l: thanks00:33
excelsioraI'll read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#System-wide_environment_variables and come back if I have more questions.00:33
bazhangtwo ## iirc00:33
thy_arsenessbazhang, !!!00:33
reisioit's not ### now?00:33
reisioexcelsiora: it's an emacs issue00:34
budderk1l Arcaire it worked!00:34
budderthank you00:34
budderthank you k1l and Arcaire. time to go enjoy linux now00:35
ArcaireHave fun!00:35
budderthank you.00:35
budderand recommended starting points?00:35
bazhang!manual | budder start here00:36
ubottubudder start here: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:36
bazhang!rute | and this also budder00:36
ubottuand this also budder: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/course/95-799/rute.pdf00:36
bazhangyou have many many links to read first now budder00:36
budderbazhang: thank you00:39
azizLIGHTi plugged in a mic on front panel of my pc and looked in sound settings input and i dont see any indicator whether mics working or not. how can i test00:43
kristian_on_linuI have Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:8179 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188EUS 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter and it keeps disconnecting00:44
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adalbertHelp, Thunar shows date modified in German instead of English ... fix ?00:47
adalbertnvm, I found the fix ...00:55
azizLIGHThow do i tell if mic is working or not01:10
reisioazizLIGHT: arecord01:12
excelsioradid you guys know about pam_environment?01:15
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arooniis there any way to run android apps on ubuntu 16.04 ?01:31
adalbertGenymotion ...?01:34
countingdaisiesIf I have more than one php application installed and they both require a different version to run, what is the right way to handle that?01:36
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usbtty0guys I need help01:40
usbtty0I installed a PCIe serial port on my PC01:41
usbtty0and I'm trying to console into linux via putty on another computer via this serial connection01:41
usbtty0But it's not working01:41
bazhangusbtty0, what version of ubuntu01:42
usbtty0any ideas on how to go about setting this up?01:42
usbtty0bazhang: would it matter? >.>01:42
bazhangusbtty0, how is this related to ubuntu at all01:42
usbtty0bazhang: ...01:42
usbtty0I don't quite understand what you're asking me01:42
usbtty0if you don't/can't approach this question, just disregard it01:43
bazhangusbtty0, this is ubuntu support only, thats why it matters01:43
usbtty016.04 LTS01:43
usbtty0that's what it is01:43
Cust0sLim3nwhat is the mdadm channel ?01:44
bazhang /msg alis list mdadm Cust0sLim3n01:45
bazhang#freenode for more assistance Cust0sLim3n01:45
Cust0sLim3nbazhang, I did do alis01:45
ohnxCust0sLim3n: are you sure there is a mdadm channel?01:48
Cust0sLim3nohnx, not really - I faintly remember there being one01:48
Cust0sLim3nbut maybe I'm wrong01:48
Cust0sLim3nI think it was something odd with md in the name01:48
usbtty0bazhang: any ideas?01:49
Cust0sLim3nah linux-raid01:49
Cust0sLim3nor to be more precise #linux-raid01:49
MarkB2Most of the unix and linux systems I've worked on have /etc/inittab .  This is the file that launches getty's against serial ports.01:52
MarkB2That doesn't seem to exist in ubuntu 16.04.1 .01:53
Cust0sLim3nMarkB2, pretty sure most modern linux does not have it either01:54
Cust0sLim3nnot there in rhel7.201:54
Cust0sLim3nnot on fedora either01:54
aroonihow to solve Failed to load libGL.so01:55
arooniubuntu 16.0401:55
Cust0sLim3narooni, I think you probbably have wrong drivers installed01:55
Cust0sLim3narooni, like your libGL is from nvidia and you have ati or something01:55
MarkB2I am lusing my mind. I am trying to open a serial port, /dev/ttyS2, and something else has it open so I can't.01:55
gLouLI think UBUNTU is the best Linux out there01:55
k1lMarkB2: inittab is sysvinit stuff. that is not a modern init at all.01:55
Cust0sLim3nMarkB2, on systemd distros /etc/inittab is replaced by systemd01:55
Cust0sLim3ngLouL, thas nais01:56
gLouLIt is kinda dirty looking, but good on eyes01:56
Bashing-omMarkB2: inittab was the sequential system used to boot long ago . Went out with parallel booting .01:56
Cust0sLim3nMarkB2, systemctl list-units *tty*01:56
gLouLI had Fedora xfce, but it was hard on eyes01:56
MarkB2systemd .  Alright.  Please.. clue me in.  Where can I find the spot where it grabs /dev/ttyS2 ?01:57
Cust0sLim3ngLouL, change themes yerself ?01:57
gLouLI donno, which one is better for me01:57
Cust0sLim3nMarkB2, try systemctl start getty@ttyS2.service01:57
Cust0sLim3nMarkB2, if that is what you want I guess01:58
gLouLUbuntu Unity is very Good01:58
MarkB2I don't want a service associated with the port.  I need to write software to communicate with an external instrument .. the instrument is connected to ttyS2 ..01:58
MarkB2If there's something running on that port, I want to stop it to release the port.01:58
Cust0sLim3nMarkB2, what would you have put in /etc/inittab ?01:58
Cust0sLim3nMarkB2, bpaste output of this please systemctl list-units *tty*01:59
MarkB2Cust0slim3n: I would have commented out the line dealing with /dev/ttyS2 .  In some systems, that'd be a getty.01:59
MarkB2One moment.01:59
MarkB2It says, "0 loaded units listed"02:00
Cust0sLim3nMarkB2, maybe also ps -ef | grep ttyS202:00
Cust0sLim3nMarkB2, when you try use ttyS2 - what error do you get ?02:01
MarkB2The only response from ps -ef | grep tty is Xorg on tty7 and agetty on tty1 .02:02
orlekann mir vieleicht jemand sagen warum mein wine nicht mehr funktioniert02:02
MarkB2That looks like nothing has a lock on ttyS2 .02:02
k1lorle: hier wird englisch geschrieben. in #ubuntu-de ist deutsch02:03
MarkB2setserial -g /dev/ttyS[0-3]  reports there are serial ports.02:04
MarkB2minicom appears to open the port.. but keybashing there produces nothing on the external device (a windows-box running putty).02:05
MarkB2Running putty on ubundu always errors out with a complaint that it can't initialize the port.02:05
k1lMarkB2: did you try screen for serial console?02:06
MarkB2I've even tried opening the port using fd = open("/dev/ttyS2", O_RDWR);  The open succeeds... but tcgetattr() fails .02:07
MarkB2screen for serial?  Not familiar.. don't recall using it.02:07
* MarkB2 does a man screen ...02:07
MarkB2AHA.  Thank you.  Will go look.02:08
MarkB2I have seen that web page before.02:10
MarkB2upstart gave an weird error.. it couldn't communicate with a service to start the port?02:10
k1l16.04 is not running upstart as init. its using systemd02:11
MarkB2Okay.. which explains why I didn't get anywhere with that web page.02:11
k1li linked that because at the end it shows screen as a serial client02:12
MarkB2I didn't get that far down.. will go look.02:12
MarkB2I did add myself to the dialout group .02:13
MarkB2Not sure if I logged out and back in again. Will try .02:14
adalbertAnyone using gpg-zip ? I can't get the decrypt function working ...02:15
parallel21Why does date command output differ from timedatectl?02:17
MarkB2k1l: Okay.. logged out, logged in, I can use open() to opent he port but cannot retrieve parameters from /dev/ttyS2.02:17
adalbertwhenever I try to decrypt a archive, I get this error stating the archive is not a tar bal.02:17
Worm_in_a_BoxAny good reason why I should not run ubuntu 7.1?02:21
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k1lWorm_in_a_Box: its out of support. dont run that02:22
Worm_in_a_BoxBut it is prettier.02:22
Worm_in_a_BoxAnd I have a cd.02:22
Worm_in_a_BoxI burned it myself.02:22
MarkB2k1l: Retrieved screen, it wanted a reboot.  It's doing that now.02:22
k1lWorm_in_a_Box: its not an option.02:22
k1lWorm_in_a_Box: then burn an actual supported ubuntu cd.02:22
Worm_in_a_BoxI don't have any virgin cds lying around.02:23
Worm_in_a_BoxI burned this one ten years ago.02:23
k1lWorm_in_a_Box: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases  other releases are not supported anymore02:24
countingdaisiesDoes anything in 16.04 that depends on php or it's version?02:24
MarkB2k1l: Screen says "[screen is terminating]"02:24
k1lcountingdaisies: 16.04 got php7 in the repos. you can install that, but its not mandatory to run ubuntu02:25
Worm_in_a_Boxk1l:  The cd is making funny noises.02:25
Worm_in_a_BoxI can't bring myself to stop.02:25
countingdaisiesk1l: thx02:26
gnomethrowerWorm_in_a_Box: ubuntu 7.10 is hopelessly insecure by now :P02:26
countingdaisiesk1l: What's the easiest way to downgrade to 5.6?02:27
MarkB2I see in dmesg that a "Serial" thing is being installed. But now I'm wondering if I'm missing a modprobe somewhere.02:27
k1lcountingdaisies: from 14.04 to 16.04 ubuntu changed to php7. i guess best is to upgrade the software in use to be safe for the future. there are ppas, which offer other php version, but that is on own risk then.02:28
Worm_in_a_Boxgnomethrower: Worse than windows xp?02:28
k1lWorm_in_a_Box: its not an option.02:29
countingdaisiesk1l: I'm not sure that's possible. It's an obscure php application (open source), and the guy is using break in places that are no longer permitted after php 7 (I think that's what's up). I though about refactoring the code, but there's gotta be an easier way than that.02:29
Worm_in_a_BoxIt is done.02:29
Worm_in_a_BoxI even told it to automatically partition.02:30
Worm_in_a_BoxThat is how much I trust ubuntu 7.1.02:30
k1lWorm_in_a_Box: this is your own thing now and is outside of the scope of this channel.02:30
Worm_in_a_BoxWhat could possibly go wrong?02:30
gnomethrowerWorm_in_a_Box: Not worse than unpatched Windows XP02:30
gnomethrowerWorm_in_a_Box: But probably worse than fully patched XP02:30
Worm_in_a_Boxk1l: I will need help  upgrading it later, don't be mean.02:30
countingdaisiesHow do I know the break isn't some kinda hack and if I remove it the whole thing'll fall apart? lol02:30
k1lWorm_in_a_Box: its not mean. i told you this the whole evening now.02:31
Worm_in_a_BoxIt is the only way that I have of eventually installing a stable supported release.02:32
gnomethrowerWorm_in_a_Box: Upgrading that many times is hardly going to give you a "supported" release.02:33
gnomethrowerI mean ****, I had a system break going from 6.06 LTS to 6.10...02:33
k1lcountingdaisies: see this http://askubuntu.com/questions/761713/how-can-i-downgrade-from-php-7-to-php-5-6-on-ubuntu-16-04  but again: this is a 3rd party PPA and possible issues cant be supported in here02:33
maddawg2question.. need help with vi command...  is there a simple way to save a txt file i am working on in one directory and open it fom the new location in one command?02:33
Worm_in_a_Boxgnomethrower: I could not use the USB ports or internet in WinXP :P02:34
k1lWorm_in_a_Box: no its not. get a supported release on cd/dvd or usb. or do a pxe install or such.02:34
Worm_in_a_BoxIt was that broken.02:34
Worm_in_a_BoxCan we talk about lubuntu here?02:35
cfhowlettWorm_in_a_Box, speak02:35
gnomethrowerWorm_in_a_Box: yes, because lubuntu is an official spin02:35
Worm_in_a_BoxCool, thanks.02:36
Worm_in_a_BoxCan I install lubuntu directly from ubuntu without the need to boot from usb/cd?02:36
k1lWorm_in_a_Box: look at debootstrap02:37
snowkidindI have a general home - hosting question. my isp is blocking port 80 to my computer. Is there a way to use my dyn host to change the port from 80-something else automatically?02:37
snowkidindI know its OT can you suggest a group for this question?02:38
Worm_in_a_BoxCool, thanks.02:38
cfhowlett#networking snowkidind02:38
snowkidindcool thx02:38
maddawg2snowkidind, you could just host on a different port02:38
maddawg2like 808002:38
snowkidindhow to get my dynamic dns host to accept port 80 and forward through the iso02:39
maddawg2what do  you mean?02:39
snowkidindon a different port02:39
maddawg2you just add :8080 to the weburl it gives you02:39
maddawg2so whatever dydns domain name you get just add :808002:40
snowkidindi have links to my website externally that I am unable to update02:40
maddawg2alternatively you can get a reverse proxy02:40
maddawg2but that might cost a something02:40
snowkidindI need to just be able to typee in the domain.02:40
maddawg2a reverse proxy would bypass the port 80 thing altogether02:40
maddawg2but to anyone on the outside it'd look like a full domain name02:41
maddawg2with no port02:41
maddawg2thats how my site runs02:41
maddawg2just port 80 to everyone else, then the proxy would forward to port 8080 on your side02:41
aroonihow do i get ./GuitarPro: /opt/GuitarPro6/./libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.3.3' not found (required by /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxml2.so.2) ;; zlib on ubuntu 16.04 ?02:41
maddawg2but you wouldnt have to change the links02:41
snowkidindIm using dyn.com dns service02:41
maddawg2yes i know02:42
maddawg2as do i02:42
newtoniussend nudes02:42
maddawg2but if you had a reverse proxy you wouldnt really need to02:42
snowkidindso it needs to come from dyn.com as port 8002:42
snowkidindnot 8002:42
snowkidindso it needs to come from dyn.com *not as port 8002:42
snowkidindbecause isp blocks 8002:42
snowkidindit worked for a month they they cut it off the effers02:43
snowkidindnever had the issue with verizon02:43
snowkidindcpu's been online for years02:43
maddawg2i'm on verizon fios02:44
maddawg2porot 80 is not blocked here02:44
snowkidindyeah, sigh02:44
snowkidindi am saving $$$ a lot02:44
maddawg2also had it working on RCN when i was in Boston02:44
aroonifixed it02:44
maddawg2so i'm suprised they block it there02:45
snowkidindwhat do you get when you click: http://snowkidind.com02:45
maddawg2you can use any port you like with dyndns02:45
maddawg2they simply give you a hostname02:45
maddawg2or rather a dns02:45
maddawg2dyndns isnt port specific02:46
maddawg2times out snowkidind but are you sure you're just not configuring your router right?02:46
snowkidindcan you change the A-Record to reflect the port?02:46
cfhowlettsnowkidind, isup.me reports it's down02:46
maddawg2it's not meant for that02:46
snowkidindi have port 8- forwarderd02:46
maddawg2that's not dyndns is02:46
maddawg2if you dont want to change the port then your only way is a reverse proxy02:47
maddawg2which essnetially listens to anything on port 80 and forwards to 808002:47
maddawg2which is what i do right now (but to port 32400)02:47
maddawg2on port 8002:47
maddawg2since my server only listens on that port02:47
maddawg2hard to explain02:48
snowkidindi dont really understand how I would apply that. I did something like that getting ruby and node to work with apache02:48
maddawg2but if you had a cheap VPS with a static IP for cheap money you'd be able to do it02:48
maddawg2no apache has the ability built in02:48
maddawg2it's part of Apache02:48
snowkidindi would think that I could tweak the ip daemon with the port number02:49
maddawg2what ip daemon?02:49
maddawg2they simply need to type in 808002:49
snowkidindhold on let me remember02:49
maddawg2hell you could in theory just use a reverse proxy on 8080 and forward to port 8002:50
snowkidindlike ddclient sends dyn.com the
maddawg2that's for updating dns02:50
maddawg2dns has nothing to do with ports02:50
snowkidindthen i  forward 123 to 80 in my router02:50
maddawg2thats not what a dns does02:50
maddawg2dns can be used for ANY service02:51
maddawg2YOU have to add the port to the request you send02:51
snowkidindoh yea ok02:51
snowkidindfrackn isps and their propietary bs02:51
maddawg2but you can simply set apache up to listen on another port02:51
snowkidindi am aware of that02:51
maddawg2user types in 808002:51
maddawg2and then apache forweards to the correct page02:51
maddawg2no need to change links02:51
maddawg2apache does it for you02:51
snowkidindthat messes me up because then i have to add a port to every damn url i ever use02:52
maddawg2no you dont02:52
maddawg2just use a rewrite rule02:52
snowkidindthe packet never gets to the computer because the isp blocks everything02:52
snowkidindthat goes to 8p02:52
Worm_in_a_BoxOk, I got internets.02:52
snowkidindi dont understand how apace can change a packet it never receives02:52
maddawg2use port 808002:53
snowkidindbtw thanks for helping me02:53
maddawg2not port 8002:53
maddawg2it LISTENS on port 8080 says oh here is a connection on port 8080.. but page is not set to have this port in URL let me rewrite it and forward to page02:54
maddawg2thats all done by apache02:54
Flannelmaddawg2: snowkidind is correct.  If the ISP blocks port 80, then anyone trying to browse to his server will need to manually type the port in to their address.02:54
maddawg2no i am correct02:54
maddawg2thats what i said02:54
maddawg2i'm saying he can configure apache so he doesnt need to redo all his urls as a result02:55
maddawg2apache will handle forwarding the page correctly02:55
snowkidindennh id rather just have it worked out before it ever hits the server02:55
maddawg2that cant be done snowkidind02:55
maddawg2thats not what dns is02:55
FlannelWell, the URLs are all after the port to begin with, so... you don't need to redo any URLs anyway.02:55
snowkidindat that point i can just grab 8080 in the router anf forward to 8002:55
maddawg2you could do that too02:56
maddawg2but you need to understand that it has to hit your router for anything to be done with it02:56
maddawg2dyndns is not a routing service02:56
maddawg2it's a dns service02:56
snowkidindi can do this with aws02:56
maddawg2which is waht i said02:56
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maddawg2a vps02:56
snowkidindwhy dont I just do that02:56
snowkidindi have one already02:56
snowkidindi was hoping I could just use dyn tho02:57
maddawg2a cheap vps (which is what a aws is basically)02:57
maddawg2that's dns02:57
maddawg2not routing02:57
maddawg2it does no routing and is not aware of any ports at all02:57
snowkidindapparently so02:57
maddawg2as the dns name can be used for any service on the server02:57
snowkidindthey need to get with the times02:57
maddawg2no one does that02:57
maddawg2because it's not possible02:57
maddawg2it's a DNS service02:57
snowkidindok i will take a break from this computer boxing match ding ding. chick in a bikini. Will consider how to resolve using aws02:59
maddawg2you could host the page on aws02:59
snowkidindnah. i am streaming pandora in my house02:59
snowkidindfrom afar02:59
snowkidindamong other things03:00
snowkidindraspberry pi stuff03:00
maddawg2but other than that the only way on aws is to do a proxy to your home server on port 808003:00
snowkidindthats the ticket03:00
snowkidindand i know aws03:00
snowkidindso how to link dyn to aws and update the ip appropriately03:01
maddawg2if they did what you suggested  (by adding the port number to the end of your dns) it wouldnt ever work because the application you use passes the port03:01
maddawg2it'd be <youripaddress8080>:808003:01
maddawg2errr not even 8080 at the end.. the user would still have to type that in lol03:01
maddawg2because the web application is what makes the connection on port 8003:01
snowkidindthat makes sense to me now03:02
snowkidindi realized that when you said it03:02
snowkidindso if I was to run the opposite of ddclient on my aws vps, what program would that be?03:03
maddawg2but yes a work around is to use AWS have a reverse proxy set to listen on port 80 but then forward all the requests to your house on 8080 (assuming you dont want to move your website to the AWS)03:03
maddawg2opposite of ddclient?03:03
maddawg2there is no oppossite03:03
maddawg2it's a dns updater03:03
snowkidindim fine with that - can just set it in the router03:03
maddawg2you dont need a dns updater if you have a static ip03:04
maddawg2which i image AWS does03:04
snowkidindyea, but i need to somehow manage the dynamic ip if i forward the service to aws03:04
snowkidindyea the instances are static03:04
maddawg2your forwarding from AWS03:04
maddawg2not TO03:04
snowkidindbut my house has a dynamic ip03:04
maddawg2yes but you just use your dydns hostname in the apache settings03:04
Worm_in_a_BoxWhat is the latest lubuntu release?03:05
maddawg2on aws03:05
cfhowlettWorm_in_a_Box, 16.10 is the latest *buntu03:05
maddawg2when you set up the proxypass when you provide the address it's passing it to just provide the dyndns name03:05
maddawg2the end user will never see it03:05
Worm_in_a_BoxHow do I install it through debootstraP?03:05
cfhowlett!install | Worm_in_a_Box03:06
ubottuWorm_in_a_Box: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:06
snowkidindso do i still need to run ddclient on the local machine03:06
maddawg2but thats it03:06
snowkidindand it now points to amazon03:06
maddawg2um no03:06
snowkidindseems like it would be easier if i transferred the domain to aws03:06
maddawg2you are going to need a different domain name for your home than what your site uses on the public facing side03:06
maddawg2yes i would do that03:07
maddawg2but you still need a dyndns client to deal with forwarding03:07
maddawg2but the ddclient is on your local machine at home03:07
maddawg2with a differnet hostname than what people go  to your page as (they will never see this)03:07
maddawg2but to be honest it'd prob be easier to just move the whole page to AWS03:07
snowkidindor just use an ip?03:07
maddawg2yes but you'll have to change it when your ip changes03:08
snowkidindok the raspberry pi cannot  go to aws03:08
maddawg2thats why i recommend a dyndns03:08
snowkidindwell its clearly going to be a twitch03:08
maddawg2i actually manually change my IP on my dns every time my ip changes03:08
maddawg2it doesnt happen that often for me... after power outtages but that's about it03:09
snowkidindthat will keep it fresh03:09
maddawg2every 4 months it seems03:09
maddawg2well dydns would keep it fresh03:09
maddawg2it would change it the SECOND it changes without me doing anything03:09
Worm_in_a_Boxdebootstrap --arch i386 ???? /mnt//???? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu03:11
Worm_in_a_BoxDo I just replace ???? with lubuntu for the latest version?03:12
snowkidindi gotta go look at the route 53 controls03:12
cfhowlettWorm_in_a_Box, https://wiki.debian.org/Debootstrap03:13
Worm_in_a_BoxDid read that.03:15
Worm_in_a_BoxStill not much about lubuntu.03:15
cfhowlettWorm_in_a_Box, ??? it specifically tells you how to install ubntu!03:15
Worm_in_a_BoxI want to install lubuntu, not ubuntu.03:16
cfhowlettdude. lubuntu installation = ubuntu installation.  get the correct .iso but the PROCESS is identical03:16
Worm_in_a_BoxWhich is why I asked for the name of the current version and if simply throwing lubuntu instead of xenial or whatever would work...03:17
cfhowlettWorm_in_a_Box, xenial is the latest version of ubuntu.  lubuntu is a *flavor* of ubuntu, i.e. an official, supported version.03:18
cfhowlettso there is, in fact, a "Xenial" Lubuntu, but let us be precise: Lubuntu 16.04.1 is the .iso you want03:22
snowkidindmaddawg2 8080 will do for the time being. annoying to have to remember that, but I guess I will be reminded when it does not work03:32
snowkidindI want to figure out how to forward my pianobar stream to my laptop when I am out of the country - but that's another subject altogether03:34
Worm_in_a_BoxFATAL: kernel too old03:36
Worm_in_a_BoxNetboot did not work.03:36
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
Xzok, I'm losing my faith in having dual boot with Ubuntu on USB stick in my current setup employing TPM, UEFI, SecureBoot and bitlocker03:40
Xzhowever, I can successfully boot ubuntu live03:40
Xzis it ok to run from customized ubuntu live regular operating system03:41
Xzwhat cons and what challenges would I get?03:41
cyberfallhello can someone help me with find a log that may shead light on why my computer freeze up.. i have a nvidia gpu and if i set it to the generic nvidia it does ok but my tv screen rolls and wont change off 50 hz to 60 hz. so im force to use the nvidia driver. also my video card is a old 7300le so i cant use a updated version03:45
cyberfallthis all started when i upgraded my lubuntu from 16.04 to 16.1003:46
COSL04Xcyberfall: what logs have you looked at so far ?03:46
cyberfallthe ones in /var/logs03:47
cyberfalli do have a program that runs off of java for net filtering but seem i cant hunt down it log file either..03:47
COSL04Xcyberfall: how did you update ?03:48
COSL04Xcyberfall: OS reinstall or full upgrade ?03:48
cyberfallid switch out the nvidia for a ati x300 but it lock the tv screen res to 800x600 the nvidia i can take the old crt to 1024x78603:48
cyberfallthe past 3 updates have been script upgrade not clean install03:49
Ben64you should use an older version of ubuntu03:49
cyberfallwent from 15.x to 16.04 to 16.1003:49
COSL04Xcyberfall: I would uninstall nvidia and roll down to a lower gpu driver03:50
COSL04XWhat is the driver tool recommednign you use ?03:50
Worm_in_a_BoxI will just upgrade from the old repository.03:50
Ben6416.10 doesn't have the legacy drivers anymore03:50
Worm_in_a_BoxWhat could possibly go wrong?03:50
Ben64i'd use 14.04 on something that olde03:50
cyberfallwill the backport have the driver?03:50
COSL04Xcyberfall: with older hardware stick the the LTS or older03:51
Ben6416.04 doesn't even have it anymore03:51
Ben64needs to be 14.0403:51
Bashing-omcyberfall: Matching the card to the drivr . Pastebin the return of terminal command ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ; dkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' .03:52
cyberfallthe additional driver suggest the 304.. and the repos under search for nvidia say 304 is the lowest driver03:52
Ben64oh apparently 304 does support it, thought it would have had to been 17303:53
COSL04Xcyberfall: you will need the leagacy 173, thats older03:53
evadeHey ya all. Has anyone had issues installing 16.10 on a brand new dell xps? When I disable secure boot and turn enable legacy booting ubuntu cant see my 256 ssd. Any thoughts?03:53
Ben64according to nvidia, 304 supports 7000 series03:53
Bashing-omcyberfall: 304 is the correct version driver, per : http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html .03:53
cyberfallwill lubuntu 16.10 use the 173 ?03:54
Ben64!info nvidia-30403:54
ubottunvidia-304 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): NVIDIA legacy binary driver - version 304.134. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.134-0ubuntu0.16.10.1 (yakkety), package size 20130 kB, installed size 93794 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)03:54
Ben64there you go, thats what you need, available in 16.1003:54
cyberfallyea but the one from repso for 16.10 isnt as good as the one from 16.04 cant do jack with the nvidia setting03:54
COSL04Xevade: Why disable secure boot first of all, are you planing on multi-OS config ?03:55
cyberfallbut the thing is i cant id if the driver is cause the system to freeze up or if something else is going bonkers03:55
evadeI tried leaving it on but i still go the same result.03:55
Ben64evade: how is the ssd connected03:56
COSL04Xevade: what mode is your drive controller set to in BIOSS?UEFI ?03:56
evadeIn the bios it says raid. A google search said to disable that and that did nothing.03:56
Ben64what option is there besides raid03:57
COSL04Xevade: I mean is it running in ACHI for example03:57
Ben64and again, how is it connected03:57
evadeCOSL04X: AHCI03:57
cyberfalli also have problem power the system up i get kernal panics from time to time which dont get log..03:57
evadeBen64:  there is option for raid, ahci, and turn off.03:58
cyberfallkernal sync errors i should say like the VFS etc03:58
Ben64you want ahci03:58
COSL04Xevade: what's the drive, SATA, M.2 SATA, M.2 NVMe ?03:58
Ben64and one more time, how is it connected03:58
evadeIts m.2 sata03:59
=== cyberfall is now known as freefall
Ben64are you in a livecd now03:59
MarkB2I'm running Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64-bit. A document I've been reading says I need to disable getty on /dev/ttyS2.  this thing is running systemd, something I'm not familiar with.  How can I disable getty on that port?03:59
Ben64MarkB2: why do you need to03:59
MarkB2I've got an Intel Joule and need to connect the serial port wired to that port to an external instrument and to communicate with it.04:00
evadeBen64: Not right now. Windows is resting. I got to the point where it would not boot any more so I am waiting for Windows to finish resetting.04:01
MarkB2I've been unable to get anything to iniailize the port properly...and found the reference to getty on that port.04:01
MarkB2Here's the reference: http://iotdk.intel.com/docs/master/mraa/grossetete.html04:02
Ben64MarkB2: "sudo chmod 000 /etc/init/tty2.conf" ?04:03
evadeOnce WIndows finishes doing its reset I will boot into livecd.04:03
Ben64there might be a better way but that should work04:04
MarkB2I'll check.04:04
Worm_in_a_BoxShould I reboot between distro upgrades?04:04
Ben64what is a distro upgrade04:04
MarkB2Ben64: Okay, it's rebooting now.04:05
Worm_in_a_BoxIt is when you start with ubuntu 7 and try to upgrade your way to 17.04:05
Ben64then yes04:05
Ben64sounds like a not fun time though04:06
Worm_in_a_BoxFun is for those with blank CDs.04:06
Ben64or a flash drive04:06
Worm_in_a_BoxBIOs won't boot from usb.04:07
Ben64time for a new computer04:07
MarkB2Ben64:  oops.  That was /etc/init/tty2.conf ?  That's different than /dev/ttyS204:07
Ben64MarkB2: yep04:07
Worm_in_a_BoxI am poor.04:07
MarkB2<sigh>  I'll probably have to turn it back on.  I hope I haven't bricked the thing.04:08
MarkB2Ben64: Okay... didn't brick it.04:09
Ben64yeah it wouldn't04:09
MarkB2My software can open the port.. I get a positive fd for open("/dev/ttyS2", O_RDWR);  but can't retrieve any settings.04:11
Ben64do you see getty actually running on that port04:12
Ben64i don't see anything like that here04:12
MarkB2I don't see a getty on the port.  But I can't think of anything else that ubuntu or Intel would have done to it.04:12
MarkB2Just found something else to try.  Back in a bit.04:14
MarkB2Ben64: The platform is an Intel Joule.  That link I posted made mention of using the MRAA library to talk to peripherals.04:22
MarkB2So I tried an example shown on the Intel MRAA site.04:22
freefallold tech but what are the odds of a ide cable going bad and it hardly ever moved or unplug?04:26
cfhowlettfreefall, *t happens.04:26
freefallwill it cause sync errors?04:26
freefallkernal panic04:26
MarkB2Ben64: Tried an alternate method of dealing with the serial port.  Still no dice.04:26
cfhowlettif it can't communicate with the installed OS --- yes04:27
freefallit only happens on boot up after the system been off for a bit. after 2 or three reboots it runs for a while04:27
cfhowlettfreefall, sounds like catastrophic failure is in your future.  plan accordingly04:28
freefallhow do i identify what is about to go poof04:29
freefallthe sys logs dont show the boot error or kernal panics04:30
cfhowlettfreefall, boot from alternate source; usb/cdrom.  if that flys, assume HDD issues04:30
freefallsuggestion for doing HD test? herns or what?04:30
cfhowlettfreefall, smartmontools? depending on your hardware04:31
freefallold p4 HT04:31
cfhowlett       !  really?  running ubuntu or *buntu?04:31
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:31
apollo11wWelcome, panikovsky04:35
icedwaterOops hi. I wonder if there is a way to reset my locale settings, I haven't been able to reconfigure them to get my gnome-terminal to work again.04:40
Worm_in_a_BoxI wonder if five hours from now I won't just buy the damned cd04:40
Worm_in_a_BoxAnd do a proper install.04:40
cfhowlettWorm_in_a_Box, you do know that you can upgrade from LTS to LTS, right?  i.e. 10.04 > 12.04, etc?04:41
Worm_in_a_BoxI am following the EOLUpgrades guide.04:41
Worm_in_a_BoxFrom gutsu to hardy, from hardy to lucid.04:42
freefallcfhowlett lubuntu04:42
Worm_in_a_BoxI am probably wasting more on energy than I am saving from the CD>04:43
cfhowlettoutstanding, freefall04:43
Worm_in_a_BoxBut I suppose that I am not a very wise man.04:43
freefallthere no way i could do ubuntu on a 7300le04:43
freefalli got lubuntu on a old amd x2 5000 with a gig of ram and a 6600 onboard working..04:44
DarmaniHi everyone! I used sudo apt-get --purge remove wine <-  to get rid of wine04:49
DarmaniBut whenever I type in wine it still shows up like it's there.04:49
Darmaniwat do.04:49
XzDarmani: have a beer instead04:49
wmwmLol. nerd joke04:49
DarmaniXz: Lol what kind?04:50
XzDarmani: maybe you have 2 versions of wine ?04:50
wmwmWhy do you want to get rid of it?04:50
XzDarmani: happened to me once, apt-get then gets confused04:50
XzDarmani: use dpkg to list all *wine* pkgs04:51
Darmaniwmwm: Seems to be errors in the version or something. Error keeps popping up so I was going to install another version.04:51
XzDarmani: to confirm what you have and what you removed04:51
DarmaniXz: Yeah I think I do.04:51
XzDarmani: I think syntax is something like 'dpkg --get-selections | grep wine'04:51
wmwmdid you apt get install it? I'm used to debian but I think it's the same package manager right?04:51
DarmaniWell I installed it through the Ubuntu Package manager first and then I uninstalled it and used sudo apt-get wine04:52
Guest81should be apt-get install wine..04:52
DarmaniGuest81: yeah it was I'm just to lazy to write install =p04:53
DarmaniXz: Btw thanks, I see like three different versions I installed xD04:53
DarmaniI'm dumb.04:53
XzDarmani: uninstall all of them using dpkg04:54
XzDarmani: and then you are good to go back to apt-get04:54
Xzapt-get works on top of dpkg in general04:54
cfhowlettDarmani, sudo apt autoremove04:54
DarmaniQuestion, I'm on Ubuntu 16.04, which version of Wine should I use? o.o04:56
COSL04XDarmani: depends on what you want to run with it04:56
XzDarmani: I would probably go with standard version, that installs after 'apt-get install wine'04:56
XzDarmani: unless you want specific one04:56
DarmaniJust playing video games probably. Like Hearthstone. Lol04:56
amazonian_toadI'm trying to use pip to install urllib3[socks] but all I'm getting is an install for pysocks of python2.7, not Python304:56
XzDarmani: start with just 'apt-get install wine'04:57
COSL04XDarmani: if you are gonna play games use the PlayOnLinux front-end04:57
XzDarmani: and then if you have any troubles - you will get picky about particular version04:57
XzDarmani: and work from there04:57
XzDarmani: there is big chance, standard wversion provided by Ubuntu will be good for you04:57
DarmaniCOSL04X: There's some weird errors going on with that PoL. That's why I was using Wine instead.04:57
DarmaniXz: will do.04:57
DarmaniXz: Do I need to add any repos?04:59
DarmaniFor Wine?04:59
XzDarmani: I don't know04:59
XzDarmani: just do 'apt-get install wine' after you removed all versions you had04:59
XzDarmani: and apt-get will tell you04:59
Darmanihaha okay04:59
XzDarmani: you need root permissions, so do 'sudo apt-get install wine'05:00
DarmaniXz: kk05:00
DarmaniWhat in the fuck.05:04
cfhowlettno profanity here Darmani05:04
Darmanioh my bad05:04
Darmaniit's sudo apt-get --purge "program_here" remove right?05:05
p5eudoremove before purge05:06
DarmaniI remove one version of wine05:07
Darmaniand another pops up05:07
DarmaniI just removed 1.8 and now it's 1.605:08
FlannelDarmani: How do you know you have 1.6 vs 1.8 before?05:08
DarmaniFlannel: Sorry reverse that order it was 1.6 and now it's 1.805:08
FlannelDarmani: ok, but same questio05:09
Darmaniwine --version?05:09
FlannelOk.  It's definitely possible that you had multiple versions installed.05:09
FlannelDarmani: what does `which wine` say is the path to the wine executable?05:09
DarmaniFlannel: I'm new to Linux sorry, what's the command for that?05:10
FlannelDarmani: open a terminal and literally type `which wine` (without the quotes)05:10
FlannelDarmani: the which command basically says "if I were to run command X, what file would it run"05:10
Darmanioh cool05:11
FlannelDarmani: Alright, so, now we can find out what package that file is in, with `dpkg -S /usr/bin/wine`05:11
Darmaniwine1.6-i386:i386: /usr/bin/wine <-05:12
FlannelDarmani: ok, so that package name is "wine1.6-i386".  Let me just clarify what you're trying to do before we go making changes.05:13
FlannelDarmani: You just want to install the latest wine from the repo? (and have it run when you run wine?)05:13
DarmaniThat's the plan.05:13
FlannelDarmani: Which version of ubuntu are you running?05:13
FlannelDarmani: Alright, that *looks* like it is the most current version of wine for 16.0405:14
cfhowlett!info wine xenial05:15
ubottuwine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:15
FlannelI mean, we can check to see if there's a minor update on the package, but it'll still end up with wine 1.605:15
FlannelDarmani: Do you know you need a newer version? or what?05:16
DarmaniFlannel: umm I was trying to install a game and it was coming across some errors I wasn't familiar with so I was going to install a different version of wine and see if that fixed it.05:16
FlannelDarmani: alright.  So, wine (winehq) does have an ubuntu repository that you can try.05:17
Worm_in_a_BoxThis is going to take a minute, isnt it?05:17
FlannelDarmani: And that repository has both the stable (1.8) and development (2.0) versions.  So, you can absolutely give them a try and see if they work.05:18
DarmaniFlannel: Shouldn't I remove the versions I have first?05:18
FlannelDarmani: yes, that'll be the easiest.05:18
DarmaniWhen I run the command to delete though it just switches versions, it doesn't seem to be gone :[05:18
FlannelDarmani: Not required, but probably will cause less confusion down the road.05:19
FlannelDarmani: I'm not sure what you were doing before, but lets do a couple of things to double check one thing before we try to remove this.05:19
FlannelDarmani: can you pastebin the output of `apt-cache policy wine wine1.6`05:19
Darmaniyeah one sec05:19
FlannelDarmani: Oh, sorry, missed a package05:20
Flannelapt-cache policy wine wine1.6 wine1.6-i38605:20
Xzhow do you switch desktops on ubuntu 16.04? ctrl+alt+right/left arrow don't work05:21
FlannelWorm_in_a_Box: You can ask your question before everything else in the channel is resolved, don't let it stop you.05:22
mandeepcan someone recommend an alternative to libreoffice? the writer is awful for what i need05:25
COSL04Xmandeep: systemd05:26
COSL04Xthat'sa joke btw05:26
nedstarkmandeep, abiword and gnumeric05:26
nedstarkif you need microsoft word you can use office 36505:27
nedstarkweb-based subscription05:27
COSL04XIf you are always on the go, Google DOcs is a option05:27
mandeepnedstark: i have office 365 from school but i dont want my information to be on others' servers05:27
mandeepill look into abiword05:28
deus_402 I cannot figure out why my computer running ubuntu 16.04 keeps losing it's internet connection. I have already troubleshot some problems with too many half open connections, i now have the limit set to 4096, and under heavy load there are only around 3000. that helped a lot, but when i am experiencing high traffic, i totally lose ethernet. to the point where the router doesn't even show that05:31
deus_402my computer is plugged in. the weird thing is that clicking on the ethernet icon in network manager makes everything come back, or if you wait 20-30 minutes it will come back on it's own. i'm not even sure where to start looking for trouble.05:31
COSL04Xdeus_402: welcome back, done any troubleshooting 101, have you tried a live OS, or anything esle to rule out a software/conifg problem and not a dying NIC ?05:33
deus_402I have not tried a live os, i don't actually have physical access to the box on a regular basis.05:34
COSL04XIs this a rented box05:35
COSL04Xand VM or dedicated system ?05:35
deus_402no.. dedicated system colocated at a buddies house that has gigabit internet.05:35
COSL04XI would try and rule out a hardware issue, even on the dummy/smart switch its plugged into05:35
COSL04XYou don't see problems like this often05:36
deus_402any tips on how to do that?05:36
deus_402it's a pretty new build with onboard gigabit ethernet.05:37
COSL04Xtry and use a differet OS like  live boot option to rule ot software/config issue, and if its still there, try a different ethernet port, on the system, or the switch and cable05:37
COSL04Xdont use the same OS flavor and version05:38
COSL04Xso if you are running say CentOS6, run something else05:38
tatertotswithout "physical" access, the scope of the trouble shooting you can do is very limited deus_40205:38
deus_402well... the problem with that is that the problem only surfaces under high load.05:38
tatertotsvery limited05:38
tatertotsbeing remote..all you can do it pray and hope it works...you can't actually do much about it from 10 miles away05:38
deus_402i mean, it's at my buddies house, so i can get access, but it's not like i can just go in the other room and check stuff right now.05:38
COSL04Xdeus_402: if it is high load, it could be a issue with the hardware they system talkes to, if the router has a maxed routing table, etc05:39
deus_402plugged into a technicolor C2000T modem05:39
deus_402modem/switch thingie.05:40
tatertotsalso with it being remote you cannot judge what other traffic is going on on it's infrastructure,05:40
deus_402it does not affect the rest of the network when the server goes offline. my buddy has been gaming while his wife was watching netflix while it has happened with no effect.05:41
tatertotsso you're a one leg man in a triathlon foot race...you got one arm too05:41
COSL04Xnetflix dosn't help, that already can be a QoS issue05:41
COSL04Xnot saying its the root cause05:41
tatertotsdeus_402: you also cannot be in two places at once to trouble shot the pointA and pointB including everything in between05:42
deus_402also, QoS is disabled on the router, as well as the firewall for now for testing purposes.05:44
enlightenmeplshi folks. need help after installing ubuntu. when it restarted after the installation, I have a black screen with a flashing underscore05:44
COSL04Xdeus_402: I don't mean QoS exactly I mean more network packet prioritization05:45
COSL04Xlike VoIP05:45
enlightenmeplsI'm confident that it has something to do with my graphics card, an Nvidia card05:45
enlightenmeplsbut everything displayed nicely when it was installing and when it asked to try it out.05:46
Worm_in_a_BoxMy terminal is having Satan doodling all over it instead of upgrading.]05:47
Worm_in_a_BoxThat can't be good.05:47
deus_402COSL04X, any idea of where to even start looking? i really don't suspect the ethernet controller is the issue, because I can saturate his gigabit connection with no issues....05:47
duckgooseWorm_in_a_Box just unplug it in the middle of the upgrade05:47
duckgoosewhat could go wrong05:47
COSL04Xdeus_402: and you are still running the gig ether with stock config other then your standard values ?05:48
COSL04Xdeus_402: I would also lookup the NICs controller and see if people have reported issues05:48
enlightenmeplscan anyone help me out? all of these troubleshooting pages seem to be referencing changing the grub after it installed but I cannot access it after it boots up.. only during when I select the usb to run.05:48
KodingKittyguys there is a gtk+2.0 related bug there, the GtkFIleChooser save as dialog box is not modal.05:49
deus_402as soon as this thing comes back i can pastebin my sysctl.conf and maybe someone can tell me if it's sane.05:49
KodingKittyJust open the gedit program and hit save as button multiple times , it create multiple save as dialog boxes.05:49
KodingKittyThis is soooooo wrong !05:49
KodingKittySomebody please fix this.05:50
Worm_in_a_BoxI can't, it sings to me.05:50
KodingKittyWorm_in_a_Box: are you in 16.04 ?05:50
KodingKittyBTW I only checked with 12.04 and 14.04.05:50
KodingKittyThis bug sucks ! Please somebody fix this shitt !05:51
KodingKittycan somebody fix this thing ?05:52
KodingKittyoky please.05:52
KodingKittywhere I should report this bug? because this is only happening in Ubuntu both 64-bit and 32-bit05:53
enlightenmeplstoo many question, not enough answers05:54
deus_402COSL04X: onboard ethernet controller seems to be an Intel I219-V Gigabit controller05:54
KodingKittydeus_402: ethtool /dev/eth005:55
COSL04Xdeus_402: Intel is heavly supported, Check config later05:55
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KodingKittyya but sometimes firmware issues are there for new intel ethernet chips. New kernel need new firmware files.05:56
KodingKittyThat broke when you compile the mainline kernel from the source.05:56
KodingKittyhappened to my wifi card.05:56
nedstarkKodingKitty, 14.04 is supported, but 12.04 isn't.  you can put bugs here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bugs05:56
Worm_in_a_BoxKodingKitty: I am in 7.1.05:57
KodingKittyThis bug need to be reported, this is not only for gedit, gpaint too, and for our sample application06:00
KodingKittyI think this is related to ubuntu gtk+2.0 but not in other distributions.06:01
farhadim installing snap-codelabs. but during download, i ctrl+c it. now i want to download. it give me this error: error: can't install "snap-codelabs": snap "ubuntu-core" has changes in progress06:01
KodingKittypretty sure this will regenerate in 16.04 too, since not yet fixed this issue.06:01
KodingKittyThese bugs sucks !06:01
KodingKittyI need a bug free system.06:01
duckgoosea bug that sucks?06:02
KodingKittysomebody have to fix it ASAP.06:02
deus_402COSL04X: http://pastebin.com/vEic1mZ906:08
COSL04Xdeus_402: what are your reasons for adding custom setting in the first place ? what the box for ?06:09
deus_402entire output of netstat -atn right before crash: http://pastebin.com/vPHMHtrp06:10
deus_402COSL04X: it's a plex media server06:11
COSL04Xdeus_402: what guide did you follow that suggesed the custom changes at the bottom ?06:11
deus_402several, including the one that eht linked last night. basically just googled around for linux ip tuning.06:12
COSL04Xdeus_402: If I could read the guide for the reason for the changes I may be able to help, but by default Unless what you are doing is very specific and these changes HAVE to be there I wouldn't use them06:13
deus_402by default the number of half open connections was limited to 12806:14
deus_402i am hitting over 300006:14
deus_402also, this:06:14
deus_402[50946.276052] TCP: request_sock_TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 8181. Sending cookies.  Check SNMP counters.06:14
deus_402[50975.603757] TCP: request_sock_TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 8080. Sending cookies.  Check SNMP counters.06:14
deus_402^ link from last night or whenever that was06:16
COSL04Xdeus_402: since the connections are high, and you are not usings software to really watch ALL in/outbound traffic, wonder if it's being viewed as an attack, and the ports are being blocked for X amount of time06:19
COSL04Xdeus_402: like a faulse positive DoS attack06:19
deus_402i didn't think that ubuntu had a firewall turned on by default?06:19
deus_402or are you talking upstream of the server, like the isp is doing something?06:20
COSL04Xdeus_402: It could be on the ISP side or the defualt inboud firewall on the router, it watches inbound not outbound06:20
deus_402actually, i think in both those cases it would affect the rest of the network.06:21
loganleemy ubuntu slows to a crawl over time ever since i ran katoolin script06:21
deus_402i can still remote into the router when the server is down, and the router doesn't show the ethernet cable for the ubuntu box as even plugged in.06:21
COSL04Xdeus_402: well that depends, if the ISP views the traffic on those ports as too high, those ports will be restricted, others will run fine06:21
COSL04XI think its viewing it as a false positive attack06:22
COSL04Xno the server on the ISP/Router side06:22
deus_402what is it though? the router?06:22
deus_402if so wouldn't it be blocking all traffic?06:22
COSL04Xdeus_402: if it was the ISP, you shouldnt be able to connect but the router should still see the server behind the NAT06:22
deus_402also every security feature available is currently turned off.06:22
COSL04Xso my guess is it may be the router06:22
deus_402i still think it is maybe a problem with the tuning...06:23
COSL04Xrouters can only keep track of X amount of connections and sessions, I would see what that models upper limits are06:23
loganleemy bot http://realtimeconfigurablechatbot.sourceforge.net/06:24
COSL04Xdeus_402: what OS is the server running again06:24
COSL04Xsorry mutitasking06:25
loganleemy ubuntu slows to a crawl over time ever since i ran katoolin script06:25
deus_402COSL04X 16.0406:26
KodingKittyBug is reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gpaint/+bug/1658587 now could please somebody fix that shitt ?06:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1658587 in gpaint (Ubuntu) "gtk_dialog_run in save as does not give a modal behavior" [Undecided,New]06:27
deus_402deus@ubuntu:~$ uname -a06:27
deus_402Linux ubuntu 4.4.0-57-generic #78-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 9 23:50:32 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:27
KodingKittysomebody fix that man06:27
KodingKittyI need this fix very urgent. My application depends on that fix.06:29
KodingKittyso please fix that ASAP, I don't have much time.06:29
KodingKittyfix it man.06:30
KodingKittycome on!06:30
Ben64KodingKitty: don't do that06:32
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KodingKittyBen64: Don't fix that ?06:32
KodingKittywhy ?06:32
Ben64spam the channel with it06:32
COSL04Xdeus_402: I think it has to do with your syn backlog06:32
loganleeanyone noticed problems after katoolin script?06:33
KodingKittyBen64: sorry, but only I know how much important this bug to be fixed for my sample application.06:33
deus_402COSL04X: standby, may have found something interesting06:33
Ben64KodingKitty: i can't reproduce the issue you're describing anyway06:34
KodingKittyBen64: are you on 16.04 ?06:35
COSL04Xdeus_402: let me know06:35
deus_402COSL04X, so i found an option to enable console access on the router.06:35
COSL04Xdeus_402: that traffic mac/IP related to your server ?06:37
gdudeHi all06:38
deus_402i'm checking the ip addresses now06:38
COSL04XHeya gdude06:38
PilledUpEskimoanal beads06:38
cfhowlett!ops | PilledUpEskimo ban requested06:39
ubottuPilledUpEskimo ban requested: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu06:39
PilledUpEskimoaw yall some hoes06:39
PilledUpEskimoim out this thang06:39
COSL04XUhh, Pilled needs a hobby06:39
loganleeanyone noticed problems after katoolin script?06:39
loganleemy ubuntu slows to a crawl over time ever since i ran katoolin script06:39
COSL04Xdeus_402: anything else ?06:39
KodingKittyBen64: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/303514383/save_as_bug.png06:39
deus_402COSL04X: definitely not legitimate traffic.06:40
COSL04Xdeus_402: im seeing a lot of telnet requests in what you posted, port 23, if its still enabled and on defualt port06:40
COSL04Xyeah looks like defnese on the routers part06:41
COSL04Xdeus_402: what i was thinking06:41
COSL04Xdeus_402: many smart switched, not just routers will shut a port off when its a threat06:42
M4rc__hi, my parents in law buyed a new printer/scanner hp envy ... i had nothing to do on their ubuntu PC, just plugin, it works fine. No linux in the sys reqs.06:42
COSL04Xdeus_402: switches*06:42
deus_402COSL04X, so now what?06:43
COSL04Xyou need to do some packet sniffing and analysis to figure out what causing it06:43
deus_402an nslookup to a lot of those ip points to the russians causing it.06:44
KodingKittyBen64: are you still unable to regenerate the bug ?06:44
loganleemy bot http://realtimeconfigurablechatbot.sourceforge.net/06:47
* KodingKitty who cares a bot when we got big bugs ? I hate bugs06:47
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COSL04Xdeus_402: may need to set up iptable rules or check the features on the router to block country IP ranges06:50
COSL04Xdeus_402: is the router firewall completely off ?06:51
deus_402not anymore, heh.06:51
COSL04Xthe point of a firewall on the router is to allow forward ports and to DROP any connections that were not initiated by the device on the inside06:52
COSL04Xso if the routers firewall was off, thats a huge problem06:53
PianoSkulls2 i have an extension on firefox that opens multiple links on tabs by holding the right mouse button and dragging over the links, but the thing is the when i press the right button, the context meny appears. i want the context menu to appear when i let go of the button so it won't interfere with the extension06:53
deus_402i just turned it off last night06:53
PianoSkulls2deus_402 the extension?06:54
cfhowlettPianoSkulls2, could be a firefox issue or a plugin issue.  doesn't sound like an ubuntu issue06:54
PianoSkulls2cfhowlett it's an ubuntu issue because the mouse does the same thing on all programs and windows06:54
PianoSkulls2when i press right click, context menu appears06:55
PianoSkulls2i want it to appear when i let go of right click06:55
PianoSkulls2it's very annoying to me06:56
PianoSkulls2can anyone help?06:56
deus_402COSL04X: interesting -> BusyBox v1.17.2 (2016-03-08 13:02:16 EST) built-in shell (ash)06:58
COSL04XPianoSkulls2: are you saying menu doesnt stay when you let go ?06:59
loganleefirefox is malware06:59
loganleei uninstalled it06:59
cfhowlett!fud | loganlee07:00
ubottuloganlee: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt07:00
PianoSkulls2deus_402 it stays, thats not the issue07:13
Ben64KodingKitty: seems more like a problem with just your system07:13
PianoSkulls2i want it to show up only when i let go of the right mouse button07:13
deus_402PianoSkulls2: sorry bud, i was not talking to you.07:15
deus_402i have no idea whay your issue is.07:15
SynfulAckOn ubuntu server installs, what display or environment is being used on the cli? And is it possible to change this so X is running on the cli or does that make any sense at all :D?07:16
alkisgSynfulAck: no, it doesn't make sense, ubuntu server installs don't have xorg installed so no DISPLAY is set07:17
SynfulAckalkisg, how exactly does the display work? If i installed xorg and switched to it, would i then be changed from the cli to the desktop environment?07:18
alkisgSynfulAck: if you press alt+ctrl+f1 or f2 etc, you change "vt", virtual terminal. Xorg gets to run in the  first unused virtual terminal, usually vt7, so alt+ctrl+f707:19
rizonzis there a way to get a number of all nics I have, so also bridges, bonds ?07:19
alkisgSynfulAck: you can't run both a cli and xorg in the same vt07:20
PianoSkulls2deus_402 i replied to the wrong person07:20
alkisgrizonz: doesn't `ip a` show all the nics?07:20
newkidontheblockque paso07:20
newkidontheblockfirst time here07:21
newkidontheblocklots of people in here07:21
newkidontheblockpretty quiet07:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:21
cfhowlettchitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic or ask your support question here07:21
newkidontheblockis there a support page for other linux distros too?07:22
cfhowlettprobably but we only do ubuntu07:22
uxfinew there are07:22
uxfinewkidontheblock oops07:22
uxfiGo to the distrubutions page07:22
newkidontheblockyou can call me new07:23
loganleenewkidontheblock,  /msg alis list *linux*07:23
newkidontheblocki only ask because i hear mint is good07:23
newkidontheblockalso i wanna try fedora07:23
loganleeim just hoping my ubuntu is not compromised or broken07:23
loganleeneed to wait a few ours to be sure07:23
cfhowlettnewkidontheblock, please see the topic: ubuntu support.  chitchat elsewhere.  thank you.07:24
loganleenewkidontheblock,  /msg alis list *linux*07:24
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newkidontheblocksomething going on with your machine loganlee?07:25
loganleenewkidontheblock, ever since i ran katoolin script my ubuntu box slows down over time07:26
loganleei uninstalled firefox because it takes up memory07:27
loganleei have to say linux is very fragile07:27
loganleevery easy to break07:27
darcobut windows is fragile also07:28
newkidontheblocki agree with you there.  when in doubt, back up your data and start fresh07:28
newkidontheblockwell said darco07:28
darcoI have linux mint on my laptop for nearly 3 years without any reinstalations07:29
COSL04Xloganlee: that's how linux is, windows slowly implodes on itseld getting worse and worse till it fails, Mac things may just not work, and if something breaks in linux things tend to stop till its fixed07:30
loganleeim hoping it will not break because i can't fix it07:30
loganleeill wait and see07:30
darconow I have xubuntu because my laptop is old works better on it07:30
loganleedarco, i like unity07:31
COSL04Xunity is nice but I like light weight better, like Fluxbox, LDXE or XFCE07:31
darcoI have unity on on my PC also07:31
newkidontheblocklogan if you are worried about your hardware failing and firefox is taking too much memory, then maybe it's time for a new machine07:31
LoganI am v worried07:31
newkidontheblockdid you dual boot a windows machine?07:32
loganleehi Logan07:32
newkidontheblockonly one OS is on it?07:32
Loganhi loganlee07:32
newkidontheblocki would start by compressing files that you havent used in the past 6 months. its a short, quick fix.    either that or you can switch to Linux Lite.  it's designed to fit on machines with limited storage07:34
COSL04Xman one of those days you check the time, its 6pm and now its 12:34 in the morning :P07:34
COSL04Xlater all07:34
newkidontheblockwhatever the case, good luck to you loganlee07:35
loganleenewkidontheblock, ty... im waiting to regenerate the condition before07:35
loganleehopefully it is fixed07:36
loganleei got rid of firefox07:36
newkidontheblocki'm actually switching Back-to Firefox. ha07:36
newkidontheblockis anyone in here good at fdisk?07:38
cfhowlett"is anyone ...?" questions are first ones to get ignored07:40
cfhowlett!details | newkidontheblock07:40
ubottunewkidontheblock: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.07:40
newkidontheblockwhat is a !pastebin07:40
cfhowlett!paste | newkidontheblock07:41
ubottunewkidontheblock: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:41
newkidontheblocki just want help with a partition table. lol07:41
newkidontheblockcan you do it or not?07:41
alkisgnewkidontheblock: that's not how it works07:42
cfhowlettOK let's do this again: STATE your issue, your technical specifications and your request explicitly for best result07:42
alkisgYou don't "hire" someone here to help you. You just ask, and if someone wants to answer, they will.07:42
cfhowletthttps://inkscape.org/media/cms_page_media/56/ask-smart-questions.pdf for the user friendly guide ...07:42
alkisgIf then they have work, they may leave the next minute07:42
alkisgAnd someone else might answer next07:43
newkidontheblockbasically I have a microsd chip that has absolutely NO partition table, i have tried using both gparted and fdisk to create a dos table and/or gpt table. but when i try to save and quit, it just quits w/o saving07:44
alkisgnewkidontheblock: do you see any errors in dmesg?07:44
newkidontheblocki have a "critical medium error, dev sdb, sector 463756950 Buffer I/O error on dev sdb1, logical block 57969364, async page read"07:46
cfhowletti/o errors typically point at hardware faults07:47
alkisgThat then means that your SD card is worn out and you should throw it away07:47
newkidontheblockdamn.  i told a friend i would fix it for him.  thought it was just  a simple partition table, fix07:48
newkidontheblocksorry for cussing.07:48
newkidontheblockalso. thanks for the help07:48
M4dH4TT3rI am wondering if anyone knows of a driver package for the google chromebook 15 (banon) keyboard for the latest lts of ubuntu?07:50
SynfulAckOnce i get xorg && openbox installed, do i need to initialize something or restart the machine?07:52
SynfulAckthe docs dont show any more steps.07:53
M4dH4TT3reveryything else so far installed beautifully07:53
SynfulAckah, startx07:58
SynfulAckcrap....a grey screen07:58
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox07:59
EriC^^SynfulAck: ^07:59
TheLawyerhey guys, I recall seeing an ubuntu tools to install complete development environment(s) but I for what was the package name .. can anyone remind me please?07:59
SynfulAcki already followed a guide07:59
loganleeSynfulAck, try right click it will show menu07:59
loganleeTheLawyer, apt-get install build-essential08:00
SynfulAckloganlee, ah nice, i never used openbox before. Not very apparent.08:00
TheLawyerloganlee: emmm I'm not sure that was it, but can I for example ask it to setup php or android environment on the system?08:01
loganleeTheLawyer, php would be part of LAMP and for android you need to install android studio08:01
loganleeTheLawyer, for lamp https://gregrickaby.com/2013/05/how-to-install-lamp-on-ubuntu/08:02
TheLawyerloganlee: I know how to install things manually, I was refering to seeing some tool that does it all in one line for the developer08:03
loganleeTheLawyer, you need java jdk and android sdk08:03
loganleefor android dev08:03
loganleeandroid studio for ide08:03
cfhowlettTheLawyer, you mean ubuntumake?08:05
TheLawyercfhowlett: yep that is the one ... thank you08:06
ubottuubuntu-make is a command line tool which allows you to download the latest version of popular developer tools like android sdk and others. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-make08:06
cfhowlettnote the hy-phen08:06
TheLawyercfhowlett: hy-phen noted08:07
newkidontheblocki'm getting this message in gparted "/dev/mmcblk0: unrecognised disk label08:09
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newkidontheblockhow do you save without quitting in fdisk08:16
newkidontheblockRemaining 62687 unallocated 512-byte sectors.08:18
CuriousWombatHi! Why as a root I recieve "Operation not permitted" in a lot of files, while doing a cp --preserve=mode,ownership from /home folder to an USB stick?08:26
yakizaHEllo everyone i just installed ubuntu and i have no idea witch one to pick http://prnt.sc/dz5k0u08:32
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loganleeyakiza, i receommed proprietary driver08:33
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yakizaloganlee i have just one issue i try to  install propietary and when i did  in the details i  cant see my graphic card08:34
yakizai see something else08:34
ducasseCuriousWombat: if the usb stick is fat32 that doesn't support linux permissions08:34
CuriousWombatohhh i see08:35
CuriousWombatducasse: what if i tar it and the copy it to usb?08:35
ducasseCuriousWombat: that would work08:35
loganleeyakiza, try and see08:37
chorayahello there can anyone help me with any type of speaking software can play word (PDF) file in voice ?>08:37
loganleechoraya, maybe adobe can do it08:42
leigangshui huiyong ubuntu08:42
leigangzenme doubu huiyong ?08:43
leiganghaofan ..08:43
ducasse!cn | leigang08:43
ubottuleigang: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:43
leigangwhere are you ?08:44
chorayaloganlee, can you help me hpw?08:46
loganleechoraya, i dont know08:46
loganleejust sayin'... have a look at adobe products08:46
chorayai have evince installed08:46
loganleeevince dont have that feature obviously08:46
leigangcan i look it ?08:47
RedPenguinhello all08:47
RedPenguinI just had a weird experience, don't know what to do08:47
RedPenguinI have Mythbuntu and left with like 20-30GB on the root partition08:47
morsnowskichoraya, did you bother checking the appgrid for it?08:47
RedPenguinDon't store anything on it, no recordings anything08:48
RedPenguinCame back root partition had 0% free08:48
RedPenguinRebooted and did apt-get clean and then had 30GB free08:48
RedPenguinI find it really hard to believe apt-get could have used 30GB though08:48
chorayaloganlee, and morsnowski https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TextToSpeech08:48
morsnowskiebook speaker?08:49
EriC^^RedPenguin: the whole repo is 30gb maybe08:49
EriC^^RedPenguin: maybe you had something in /tmp and on reboot it got cleared08:49
EriC^^did it take a long time to boot up?08:49
chorayayes morsnowski08:50
RedPenguinnope rebooted and started up instantly08:50
chorayaI dnt have Ubuntu morsnowski08:50
sveinseI have a problem with X and gnome shell on my Lenovo laptop. When extending the desktop with two external screens, the screen scrolls along when I move the pointer to the built-in screen. How can I fix this?08:50
EriC^^RedPenguin: could have been 1 file maybe08:50
RedPenguinthis only started happening like a week or so ago08:50
sveinseI'm running 16.0408:50
RedPenguinDrives me crazy as it then causes MythTV to stop recording even though the recording partition has tons of space08:50
KodingKittynobody fixed that bug yet :(08:50
CrazyTuxhello, has anybody here heard of or used Zorin OS?08:50
KodingKittysveinse: can you do me a favor?08:51
EriC^^RedPenguin: next time you run out of space, use "ncdu" to see what using the space08:51
KodingKittyTry to regenerate this bug : https://launchpadlibrarian.net/303514383/save_as_bug.png08:51
EriC^^RedPenguin: i think it's something in /tmp then, it might store temp stuff there08:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1658587 in gpaint (Ubuntu) "gtk_dialog_run in save as does not give a modal behavior" [Undecided,New]08:51
KodingKittyit's important to get this bug fixed.08:51
RedPenguinI hope I can somehow keep a monitor on it08:53
RedPenguinAt this rate I will have to run df -h constantly to figure it out and never leave lol08:53
* KodingKitty rm -rf / would better match for the purpose.08:54
EriC^^KodingKitty: that'll get you banned here08:55
sveinseany hints on where I can go to figure out X and display/randr issues? I am getting frustrated about this thing08:56
noc_RedPenguin, "disk usage analyzer" app (baobab)08:56
yakizaHello guys i just installed ubuntu and iam trying to install drivers for my nvidia graphics card ... and it seems that everysingle option i selected fom additional drivers  after it succesfully finished when i restart my pc  by clicking on details i see that nvidia its not my main gpu  any help08:59
morsnowskichoraya, what distro?08:59
RedPenguinthanks noc_ I was looking for something like that08:59
EriC^^yakiza: try "lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999"08:59
yakizai got this back http://termbin.com/785109:00
yakiza Eraic^^09:00
EriC^^yakiza: it says it's using the opensource nouveau driver09:01
EriC^^yakiza: do you have any nvidia- packages installed?09:01
EriC^^try "dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 9999"09:01
yakizaEric^^ possibly not i am really new just installed it first time09:02
yakizaEric^^ http://termbin.com/ebhu here09:02
=== rumble is now known as grumble
EriC^^yakiza: ok it says nvidia-367 is installed09:03
EriC^^yakiza: do you also have an intel graphics on the cpu?09:03
yakizathen why in details it say  graphics Gallium 0.4 on NVC109:04
yakizaNO I dont09:04
xXEoflaOEXxHello guys09:04
EriC^^yakiza: it is using the nvidia one09:04
Ben64Kernel driver in use: nouveau09:04
Ben64no it isn't09:04
EriC^^i mean the nvidia card Ben6409:04
yakizaalright... is there a command i can confirm that ERic^^09:05
EriC^^yakiza: yes, the lspci command you ran earlier09:05
yakizaoh oh09:05
alkisgyakiza: lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA, then check "drivers in use"09:05
yakizaalright then great09:05
alkisgyakiza: it's possible to have nvidia installed, and not activated via xorg.conf09:05
=== Gazyrlezon is now known as Nery
EriC^^yakiza: he means the proprietary driver (nvidia vs nouveau)09:06
Ben64yakiza: does this return anything? "find /var/lib/dkms | grep nvidia | grep ko$"09:06
EriC^^currently it's using the opensource one, so it didn't take what you did in additional drivers09:06
Ben64good, you have the drivers then09:07
yakizaso it workds right?09:07
Ben64not yet09:07
Ben64you're still using noveau for some reason09:07
EriC^^yakiza: what does "cat /proc/cmdline" give you?09:07
alkisgPossibly missing xorg.conf09:07
Ben64xorg.conf is not necessary09:07
EriC^^yakiza: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999909:08
alkisgIs that a recent change? Previously a xorg.conf was required to activate the nvidia module...09:08
Ben64been like that for many years09:08
chorayamorsnowski, Linux09:08
yakizaEric^^ for the first http://pastebin.com/sDNjhFD009:08
EriC^^maybe he should run "nvidia-settings" ?09:08
Ben64EriC^^: without nvidia running it won't have many options09:08
yakizahttp://termbin.com/l5p0 eric^^09:09
EriC^^Ben64: maybe it has a way to enable it for next reboot?09:09
yakizaben64 then how can i make it run09:09
yakizabtw guys i have reboot milion of times09:09
Ben64yakiza: does this return anything? "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf"09:09
EriC^^(EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)09:09
EriC^^it says that in the Xorg log09:10
yakizano such file dir09:10
gerriquanti gerardi siamo?09:10
EriC^^!it | gerri09:10
ubottugerri: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:10
Ben64yakiza: ok, "uname -a"09:10
yakizauname -a09:10
yakizasr w809:10
yakizaLinux unknown-OptiPlex-780 4.4.0-59-generic #80-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 6 17:47:47 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:11
gerrijoin #ubuntu-it09:11
EriC^^yakiza: try "dpkg -l | grep "linux-headers-$(uname -r) | nc termbin.com 9999"09:11
EriC^^sorry typo09:11
EriC^^yakiza: dpkg -l | grep "linux-headers-$(uname -r)" | nc termbin.com 999909:11
gerriok tnx!ù09:11
Ben64if the drivers got built that should already exist09:11
Ben64lemme find my nvidia fixing line09:11
Ben64"sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) linux-headers-$(uname -r | sed s/-[a-z].*//g) linux-headers$(uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g)"09:12
yakizaEric^^ http://termbin.com/yq6j09:12
yakizaben64 should i put all that in terminal09:12
Ben64although it'll probably do nothing09:12
yakizaben64 i did it 0 upgraded 0 to new09:13
EriC^^why can't it find the modules?09:13
Ben64yakiza: how about 'sudo modprobe nvidia'09:13
loganleemaybe kernel dont have the module09:13
Ben64the module is built, it's for the currently running kernel09:14
yakizamodprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic09:14
EriC^^yakiza: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-36709:15
yakizaalkisg  /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: Please specify a package to reconfigure.09:15
loganleelsmod | grep nvidia09:15
yakizaloganiee that run09:16
RedPenguinwell whatever it was is behaving so far /tmp or anything is not gathering any files09:17
this_selfHi guys! How i can change icons for QT applications? I mean internal icons on menu elements? It was ok before I removed kubuntu-desktop from system09:17
yakizabtw guys  where did you learn all this commands i mean what did you search in order to learn these things  ..i want to start reading so i wont bother you all the time09:17
Ben64yakiza: messing around09:17
loganlee[[ -n $(lsmod | grep nvidia)  ]] && echo true09:18
yakizaloganlee with the brackets?09:18
loganleedo you see true?09:18
yakizadone loganlee09:18
loganleeit says true?09:18
yakizano just gave me new line09:18
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* loganlee gonna eat dinner brb09:19
Ben64yakiza: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dkms09:19
EriC^^yakiza: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-36709:19
yakizaeric^^ i am doing that w8 to finish09:19
yakizaeric^^ just finished09:19
EriC^^yakiza: ok09:19
EriC^^run Ben64 's command09:19
yakizaben64 done09:19
Ben64now 'sudo modprobe nvidia'09:19
yakizai did09:19
yakizamodprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic09:20
EriC^^then try find -iname "*nvidia*" /lib/modules/$(uname -r)09:20
EriC^^or Ben64 's command09:20
EriC^^yakiza: while the last commands ran, did it show any errors?09:20
EriC^^(the apt-get --reinstall and dpkg-reconfigure)09:21
EriC^^please paste them in paste.ubuntu.com09:21
yakizaE: Command line option --reinstall is not understood in combination with the other options09:21
EriC^^no i mean the earlier commands09:21
EriC^^yakiza: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-36709:21
Anonymeshi all09:21
yakizano that run normaly09:22
yakizathe error i got was from09:22
EriC^^also the dkms one?09:22
yakizasudo modprobe nvidia09:22
Ben64yakiza: how about "dkms status"09:23
Ben64hmm.. "added"09:23
Ben64should be "installed"09:24
yakizashould i do a reboot?09:24
EriC^^wouldn't hurt09:24
yakizaok then09:24
EriC^^added, as in the todo list?09:24
EriC^^maybe it's not running the dkms install command? reading the man page//09:25
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deus_402seems like you guys should just have him purge all the nvidia crap installed, install the ppa, then install the 378 drivers?09:26
Ben64ew no09:27
EriC^^maybe a missing dkms.conf09:27
EriC^^it might work after the reboot09:27
EriC^^"This boot-time service automatically  installs  any  module  which  has       AUTOINSTALL="yes"  set  in its dkms.conf file"09:28
yakizaEric^^ nothing..09:28
EriC^^yakiza: try sudo modprobe nvidia09:28
yakizamodprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic09:28
loganleeim telling u its the kernel09:29
loganleekernel dont have the module compiled09:29
Ben64yes it does09:30
EriC^^yakiza: try find /var/lib -iname "dkms.conf"09:30
EriC^^yakiza: do you see any nvidia in the list?09:31
yakizajust give me a new line  like this >09:31
EriC^^yakiza: you missed one of the "09:31
EriC^^press ctrl+c to get out09:32
yakizanothing i guess09:32
Ben64yakiza: sudo dkms install nvidia-367/367.5709:32
EriC^^Ben64: he'll have to run that every time though wont he?09:33
yakizaben64 already installed09:33
Ben64it says already installed?09:33
yakizaModule nvidia-367/367.57 already installed on kernel 4.4.0-59-generic/x86_64 ben409:33
EriC^^yakiza: try "cat /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-367/367.57/build/dkms.conf | nc termbin.com 9999"09:33
yakizahttp://termbin.com/rcj2 eric^^09:34
EriC^^yakiza: try sudo modprobe nvidia_36709:34
florian__hello everyone, I woulld appreciate help with install via dpkg09:34
yakizamodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_367': No such device09:35
yakiza eric^^09:35
alkisg!ask | florian__09:35
ubottuflorian__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:35
Ben64that dkms.conf looks different from mine...09:36
yakizawhat that means?09:36
Ben64idk maybe nothing09:36
WeiJunLido anyone identify the reason why my qemu VM isn't created properly?http://sprunge.us/KbYL09:36
Ben64you're running 16.04, i'm running 14.0409:36
florian__after installing libreoffice 5.2.4 via terminal in the directory where all the *.deb files are, I can't open it and get the following error message: /opt/libreoffice5.2/program/oosplash: error while loading shared libraries: libXinerama.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. The command I used was "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" thanks in advance09:36
yakizabase64 maybe i should unistall everything09:37
EriC^^yakiza: try find /lib/modules -iname "nvidia*ko" | nc termbin.com 999909:37
yakizaand try again?09:37
florian__what can I do about it?09:37
RedPenguinI like how PCs never seem to act up as you monitor them lol09:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:37
yakizahttp://termbin.com/e9hn eric^^09:37
EriC^^Ben64: all my .ko stuff seem to be in /lib/modules.../updates/dkms09:38
EriC^^maybe the dkms.conf is borked cause his says to copy to /lib/modules.../kernel09:39
yakizaEric^^ i will try to unistall and install  it again09:39
yakizamaybe i installed some bad modules09:39
EriC^^yakiza: it won't help i think09:39
Ben64it looks fine09:39
Ben64just like mine09:39
Ben64try "sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_367.ko"09:40
EriC^^yeah that's what i mean ^09:40
EriC^^his dkms is instructed to copy to /kernel09:40
EriC^^he doesn't have that dir i think09:40
EriC^^oh sorry nevermind09:40
noc_florian__, just use the libreoffice PPA09:41
yakizaGonna do one more restart09:42
Ben64this is the weirdest thing09:42
EriC^^Ben64: xorg mentions looking for "nvidia" though09:42
iivvoohaving this issue for a while now (and right now as we speak): my mouse cursor disappears after a while. The only way to restore it that works is suspend/wakeup09:42
Ben64EriC^^: yeah, that's fine09:42
EriC^^oh ok09:43
C0r3Do I have a tool to have my code in PDF (with all the syntax hightlighting) ??09:43
iivvoogoogling doesn't reveal much helpfull info. Sometimes the cursor changes into a distored block of pixels but most of the time it's just gone09:43
Ben64EriC^^: although idk where it gets that from09:43
iivvoomouse still works though - I can select/click stuff I just have to guess where the pointer is09:43
iivvooanyone have tips on how to debug this?09:43
alkisgiivvoo: if you press alt+ctrl+f1 to switch to vt1, then alt+ctrl+f7 to switch back to xorg, does it help?09:43
Ben64i have no "nvidia.ko" on my system, yet i have module "nvidia" loaded09:43
iivvooalkisg: tried that, doesnt help09:43
noc_florian__, the preferred way is https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa so you get the package dependencies for libreoffice and the updates to 5.2.5/6 automatically. Currently you have installed libreoffice but not its dependencies, that's why it0s complaining, although it's fixable09:43
roothorickscript starts with #!/bin/bash, sudo /bin/bash <script> works, sudo <script> produces syntax errors. Why?09:44
roothorickthat could use some quotes09:44
alkisgroothorick: bash -n script ? this just does syntax checking09:45
roothorickscript starts with #!/bin/bash, "sudo /bin/bash <script>" works, "sudo <script>" produces syntax errors. Why?09:45
loganleeroothorick, chmod +x <script>09:45
EriC^^roothorick: it needs the full path09:45
roothorickloganlee: already +x09:46
EriC^^roothorick: what loganlee said, then you can do sudo ./script09:46
florian__noc_, yeah, maybe I should try that, thanks.09:46
loganleesudo chmod +x <script>09:46
roothorickloganlee: it already is +x09:46
Ben64<EriC^^> roothorick: what loganlee said, then you can do sudo ./script09:46
roothorickEriC^^: I'm specifying the full path to the script09:47
alkisgroothorick: what's the output of bash -n script.09:47
roothorickalkisg: nothing...09:47
alkisgIs the shebang just bash, or e.g. bash -e?09:48
Ben64roothorick: what's the actual command you're doing09:48
Ben64and the actual error09:48
roothoricklet's make a testcase09:48
mamaloshey everybody!09:50
loganleehey mamalos09:50
mamalosI'd like to upgrade a few machines running Ubuntu 16.04_1 unattended and I would like the script to select the default options (not necessarily yes)09:51
mamalosis it possible?09:51
roothorickit's like sudo is ignoring the bang09:51
loganleeFOO=(one two three) should be {one, two,three}09:51
alkisgroothorick: cat shows that your script's first line is empty09:51
alkisgshebang is on the second line09:52
loganleeFOO=(one two three) should be FOO={one, two,three}09:52
roothorick...I missed that09:52
alkisgloganlee: FOO=(one two three) is not a syntax error09:53
roothorickalkisg: funny enough, that was my own mistake in the testcase, when where I ran into the problem, it was coincidentally the same cause09:54
roothoricknote to self: no syntax highlighting in nano is a red flag09:56
alkisgmamalos: do you mean just to run apt-get dist-upgrade unattended?09:56
alkisgOr upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04?09:56
mamalosalkisg: sorry for not making this clear, I meant running apt-get distupgrade unattended but with default options selected (not yes)09:59
=== Menzador is now known as Guest90645
loganleemamalos, use -y option10:00
mamalosalkisg: looking at the man-page I found the --trivial-ony but it's not clear what it does10:01
mamalosloganlee: -y is supposed to always answer yes, this is not what I want10:01
noc_mamalos, sudo unattended-upgrade?10:04
mamalosloganlee: sudo asks whether to change the sudoers file, which I clearly not want to be overriden. The default option is to leave it untouched, so if it peeks the default options suggested it would work10:04
mamalosnoc_: I've never used it, does it do the trick on this case?10:04
RedPenguinI don't have much proof but I wonder if it can be Dropbox taking the space up at times10:05
RedPenguinGonna try and move Dropbox to the data partition vs Home Folder10:05
yakizagot stuck into a log in loop10:05
yakizai found a solution tough my phone base6410:06
Ben64: /10:06
Ben64what did you do10:06
yakizasudo ubuntu drivers autoinstall10:06
yakizaand sudo apt-get install nvidia-cureent10:07
yakizabut that didnt fix it adnd i kind  found my way  i just interupted the first command  after few times and i was able to log in to my system ben6410:07
Ben64sudo lshw -C video | grep driver10:08
yakizaconfiguration: driver=nouveau latency=010:08
Ben64sudo modprobe nvidia10:08
yakizamodprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic10:09
Ben64sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_367.ko10:09
yakizasomething is wrong with this generic10:09
RedPenguinI figure if anything, no real reason to keep a 13GB folder on root when it should be on data partition10:09
yakizaben64 no such file directory10:09
Ben64ls -l /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_367.ko10:11
yakizals: cannot access '/lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_367.ko': No such file or directory10:11
yakiza btw when i encounterd something like this before i did something add ppa or something like that10:11
yakizais that relevant? ben6410:11
Ben64well the module was there10:12
Ben64yakiza: sudo dkms install nvidia-367/367.5710:12
yakizaError! Could not find module source directory.10:12
yakizaDirectory: /usr/src/nvidia-367-367.57 does not exist.10:12
Ben64ew, you killed it10:12
yakizathis log in loopmeed it up10:13
yakizaman couldnt log in at all..10:13
Ben64sudo apt-get install nvidia-36710:13
yakizawhat i was supposed to do :/10:13
yakizaben64 it installed10:16
Ben64now see if you can sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_367.ko10:16
yakizastill same ben6410:17
yakizano such device10:17
=== rahul is now known as Guest39290
xXEoflaOEXxI kept getting disconnected by not enough signal but hello guys!10:17
Guest39290hey can someone help me with js ?10:17
ikoniaGuest39290: in what respect ?10:17
Ben64yakiza: does the file exist now at least?10:17
yakizainsmod: ERROR: could not insert module /lib/modules/4.4.0-59-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_367.ko: No such device10:18
Guest39290<!DOCTYPE html>10:18
Guest39290<meta charset="utf-8">10:18
Guest39290  <img src="https://goo.gl/rifoW3" id="img" onclick="change()">10:18
Guest39290<script language="javascript">10:18
Guest39290function change() {10:18
Ben64yakiza: well that's a weird error10:18
Ben64yakiza: sorry i gotta run, work in 5hrs. i hope you figure this out though10:19
Ben64this isn't usually a busy time for the channel, maybe check back in the daytime (USA)10:19
yakizaben64  thnaks a lot man10:20
yakizaben64 hope so as well10:20
Ben64nvidia problems are usually solved by the big long command i gave you earlier, this one is wacky10:20
yakizaben64 okay wil try to search on forums something thanks buddy ;D have a great day10:21
mamalosnoc_: I've tried unattended-upgrade in one of my PCs and it worked fine. Thanks!10:22
JP____in ubuntu minimal (14.04 LTS) my usb is not recognized :(10:26
cotinI will pay anyone who can help me setup virtualmin correctly. I have done a successful setup with the sh install script and gode through the configuration and it still gives me ".. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin." i have added to the list of DNS servers. Also tried to turn off the BIND feature witch did not work. So any one want fast cash?10:31
ikoniacotin: you really need to use the virtualmin support resources for this - their product and solution is custom to them, and not something I'd recommend10:32
cotinI have tried to search the forums and lots of people get the same error for lots of various reasons. Im just willing to pay anyone at this moment to get this ass pain out of the world.10:34
ikoniacotin: try to purchase support from virtualmin10:34
cotindidnt know that was possible. But its expensice i guess?10:34
ikoniacotin: https://www.virtualmin.com/buy/support10:34
loganleefoo="xXEoflaOEXx"; foo1=${foo##xXE}; foo2=${foo1%%EXx}; echo $foo2;10:37
ikonialoganlee: ?10:38
loganleei have extracted ofla010:38
cotin50$ for support at Virtualmin. Anyone want 20$ to help me later?10:39
Bent0Would setting net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1 & net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1 be able to harm a local MariaDB install in any way? Connections come from php-cli and php-fpm all to
=== dsung1 is now known as dsung
mar77iI must inquire about ubuntu's log keeping. are old logs in /var/log/nginx/access.log.* going to be automatically discarded?10:45
hateballmar77i: depends on the value in your logrotate config10:47
mar77iI'll check if I can figure this out...10:48
mar77iafaict, rotate 14 means it keep 14 days of logs and removes older ones.10:50
hateballYes, that is correct10:50
wrksxhey there10:53
loganleehey friend10:53
mar77iif I'm reading the manpage correctly the rotate directive cannot be tuned to keep anything, which means I'm supposed to comment or remove the directive? as I'm talking about a logrotate.d file, how do I prevent the config from falling back to the global config in /etc/logrotate.conf?10:53
=== Guest33890 is now known as Ard1t
loganleei think im gonna watch a movie10:56
loganleebrb need a drink10:56
wrksxI just ran aptitude safe-upgrade and the linux-firmware package got updated. It ended up generating many initrd img, and now the system asks for a reboot. As this is a distant server I feel quite nervous and I would like to make sure the system will restart properly. Is there anything I can do to be safer? like maybe get to know what initrd version I'm using currently and which one is goin to be used on the reboot10:56
tatertotswrksx: do you have pastebinit installed? if not sudo apt install pastebinit10:58
wrksxtatertots: what do you want me to pastebin?10:59
=== Popzi1 is now known as Popzi
tatertotswrksx:    apt list --installed|grep firm|pastebinit11:00
wrksxtatertots: http://pastie.org/private/ihcq0pcklfk9mxqnzeg11:01
=== epaphus is now known as zeokav
tatertotswrksx: that link doesn't work for me, gives a error # 522 time out11:04
tatertotswrksx: says website is off11:04
xXEoflaOEXxwrksx, You do not have pastebinit installed. It told you how to install pastebinit: apt-get install pastebinit.11:04
tatertotswrksx: best bet is to intall the real pastebinit11:05
tatertotswrksx: sudo apt install pastebinit ...i think i told you that 5 or so minutes ago11:05
wrksxtatertots: try this one http://pastie.org/private/av0jmv9gpmykndxuvncpeg11:05
tatertotswrksx: nope...do  it my way or i'm hitting the highway and someone else can help youo11:06
wrksxtatertots: lol right.11:07
wrksxtatertots: okay it's installed11:08
tatertotswrksx:    apt list --installed|grep firm|pastebinit11:08
xXEoflaOEXxwrksx, Try the command that you are trying to execute again11:08
wrksxtatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23851525/11:09
wrksxit also said "WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface yet. Use with caution in scripts."11:10
tatertotswrksx: you can restart it'll be fine11:10
tatertotswrksx: that's normal11:10
tatertotswrksx: linux-firmware package is installed and it's impact for you is minimal at best11:11
wrksxtatertots: okay. look at this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23851531/ this is what happened during the upgrade11:12
tatertotswrksx: sudo apt install inxi11:14
tatertotswrksx: let me know when its done11:15
=== Popzi1 is now known as Popzi
wrksxtatertots: Done11:16
tatertotswrksx: inxi -Fxxrzc0|pastebinit11:16
wrksxtatertots: nice tool11:18
wrksxtatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23851552/11:18
tatertotswrksx: okay11:28
tatertotswrksx: i just wanted to make sure you were on 14.x, i saw your 3.x kernel and wanted to confirm11:29
tatertotswrksx: you're fine to restart,11:29
wrksxI don't get why all those initrd images were generated11:29
tatertotswrksx: let's find out..standby11:29
tatertotswrksx: awk -F\' '/menuentry / {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg|pastebinit11:30
wrksxtatertots: awk: fatal: cannot open file `/boot/grub/grub.cfg' for reading (No such file or directory)11:31
wrksxlooks like I'm not usin grub11:31
tatertotswrksx: that is correct11:31
wrksxmaybe that was a typo? I have grub installed11:32
tatertotswrksx: did you make a typo11:32
wrksxthere's a file called grub.conf as opposed to .cfg11:32
tatertotswrksx: try again and show the url link here11:32
tatertotswrksx: pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.conf11:33
wrksxtatertots: yeah was not workin bec&ause I have no menu entry (server box)11:33
tatertotswrksx: if you look you'll notice one for every kernel version11:34
tatertotswrksx: that's normal11:34
tatertotswrksx: you are fine to restart11:34
wrksxtatertots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23851600/11:34
EriC^^wrksx: dpkg -l | grep grub | pastebinit11:35
TheCanadiansSuckhelp! the canadians are coming!11:35
EriC^^i think you have grub legacy installed11:35
wrksxEriC^^: indeed http://paste.ubuntu.com/23851602/11:36
EriC^^wrksx: which ubuntu version are you using?11:36
EriC^^maybe you ran sudo apt-get install grub at some point?11:36
TheCanadiansSuckthey're going to get me11:36
TheCanadiansSuckthe canadians11:36
TheCanadiansSuckthey caught me spying on them11:37
TheCanadiansSuckbecause i am agent 00711:37
wrksxEriC^^: nope but the box was installed be the hoster so who knows what they did11:37
k1l_TheCanadiansSuck: please keep this channel for technical ubuntu support only.11:37
EriC^^wrksx: aha11:37
EriC^^wrksx: i guess let it be then11:37
TheCanadiansSuckk1l_: sorry but im scared11:37
TheCanadiansSuckthe canadians are working with Russia to try to find me11:37
tatertotswrksx: your paranoia is unwarranted at this point, just reboot .....or do not reboot11:38
wrksxtatertots: right thanks for your help11:38
tatertotswrksx: no prob11:38
wrksxI'm fucking SCARED11:41
[jasper]hej guys, I'm having a problem with software center...I see the main screen11:45
[jasper]but when I press updates or anything else...it just loads...11:45
[jasper]nothing happens11:45
[jasper]I got it working again after a reboot...but is this norma?11:45
[jasper]or is it just really slow?11:45
wrksxreeboot initiated, I'm shitting my pants right now11:49
BluesKajHi folks11:50
wrksxIt's still down11:51
wrksxI'm bout to faint11:51
wrksxFuckin hell ping up11:51
xXEoflaOEXxwrksx, Do not swear!11:52
wrksxxXEoflaOEXx: right sorry11:52
xXEoflaOEXxwrksx, ok.11:52
wrksxYeah it' up and running finer11:52
wrksxtatertots: It booted correctly, thx for the support!11:54
tatertotswrksx: no problem my friend11:55
tatertotswrksx: no go have a cig or coffee :)11:55
tatertotswrksx: now go have a cig or coffee :)11:56
wrksxtatertots: yeah I need to chill11:56
yeevehey chat, any LAMP hosters here got opinions on using stuff like mod_security/mod_evasive and apparmour/selinux, is it worth the learning curve to get these setup and maintained?12:06
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=== TerjeBH1 is now known as TerjeBH
SkizuWeird question, when ssh can I specify the path I would like to "arrive" at?12:21
SkizuSo for example `ssh foo@bar -L /var/foo`12:21
SkizuI had a look over help and man but didn't seem so12:21
ppfssh peforms an interactive login. that means that it'll run the remote user's default shell on the remote system, and will subsequently put you into the shell's default start directory12:23
Skizuppf: So there's no way of being like go here12:25
ppfyou can have ssh run a command in that shell, which can be something like 'cd /home/some/dir ; exec "$SHELL"'12:26
ppfkeep in mind that that's super ugly though ;)_12:26
EriC^^you know what they say, cover the face and ..12:27
EriC^^just have a few beers before running the command12:27
EriC^^the problem though is that when he runs exec $SHELL it'll remove the cwd12:28
tatertotsshame on you for that12:30
EriC^^can bash be called using a certain config maybe?12:30
EriC^^tatertots: shame on you for saying shame on you12:30
EriC^^maybe make a function, and export it to the new shell12:32
ppfnah, the shell will inherit the parent's cwd12:32
EriC^^ppf: no it wont12:32
EriC^^ah it will, could have sworn i just tried it12:33
EriC^^well that's that12:33
number281anyone around?12:44
EriC^^!ask | number28112:44
ubottunumber281: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:44
number281Fair enough12:45
=== _eddy is now known as baako
number281Trying to see if i can find anyone at this ungodly hour to help with open ssh and port forwarding. I've done everything right however it seems i can't connect using my external IP address.12:45
number281I believe i've done everything right*12:46
EriC^^can you ping your external address?12:46
number281EriC^^: Indeed i ccan12:47
EriC^^number281: what happens when you run "ssh -vvv user@host" ?12:47
number281debug2: ssh_connect_direct: needpriv 012:48
number281EriC^^: then connection refused12:48
EriC^^number281: what happens with "telnet host 22" ?12:48
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number281EriC^^: 22 sys i'm connected than leavves me blank, however thats to the router i believe. when i use the desingated port 2828 its connectionr refused12:50
number281EriC^^: Wow, sorry for those typos.12:50
EriC^^number281: i think the router should give you the ssh session12:51
EriC^^you set up ssh on your server for port 2828 and told the router to forward 22 to 2828?12:51
number281I have it forwarded using the dsl routers 'virtual servers' to accept wan connections on port 2828 and forward them to local ip port 282812:51
number281EriC^^: I think the 22 is for router configuration, and it's disabled atm.12:52
EriC^^ok, and did you modify the ssh config?12:52
number281EriC^^: Yea, allowed gateway and changed port ot 282812:52
EriC^^number281: on the server, if you run ssh -p 2828 user@localhost12:53
EriC^^it works?12:53
number281EriC^^: Yeah i can connect on my local network12:53
EriC^^so it's a router issue then12:53
number281Thats what i was thinking.12:53
EriC^^from outside, what does telnet host 2828 do?12:54
number281Friend said maybe my ISP was NAT (which i just found out is even possible) but he had o go. Wondering if that may be a thing12:54
number281EriC^^: let me see12:54
EriC^^my isp is nat, everybody has the same ip outside12:55
EriC^^i visit sites sometimes and it says you've been banned and i didn't do crap12:55
temp-wifirepeatei have an old Pentium II laptop, 128MB RAM which has 2 pcmcia wireless cards (ath9k and rtl8187).  i want to use that laptop as a temporary wireless repeater. can anyone recommend me something as newbie friendly as (the sadly abandoned) quicktables to do so?12:56
number281EriC^^: Well my ip changes everytime i reset the router. I dont think its NAT.. but i'm not the greatest at networking so idk. Telnet to port does nothing. NMAP and NC both reveal 2828 is closed.12:56
hateballIf you have a friendly ISP you can ask them to disable CGN for you12:56
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
EriC^^number281: maybe you have to open the ports on the router?12:57
EriC^^what's CGN?12:57
ppfcarrier-grade nat12:57
number281EriC^^: Thats what the NAT Virtual Server says it does tho?12:57
number281EriC^^: Accepts port connections from WAN and forwards to local NAT, and i opened up 282812:58
ppfnumber281: did you check the server's firewall?12:58
number281EriC^^: I know that part is configured correctly.12:58
gileswi'm trying to pxeboot 16.04 but I'm getting a deb-installer error netcfg segfault12:59
number281ppf: So i checked to see if there was a overall firewall.. there was a filter for incoming and outgoing, i set the rule for incoming to allow on port 282812:59
EriC^^number281: try sudo iptables -L12:59
ppfwhat happens if you telnet from the outside to your router's 2828?12:59
number281EriC^^: It's blank.12:59
EriC^^does it say ACCEPT at the top?12:59
number281ppf: Conn refused12:59
number281EriC^^: Yes but nothing is listed in input forward or output13:00
ppfthen the router doesn't do the port translation13:00
number281ppf: thast was my fear =/13:01
EriC^^is there any way to see if it's reaching the router?13:01
number281EriC^^: What do you mean13:01
rizonzdoes anyone know if 14.04 doesn't support last succeed apt-get update and 16.04 does ?13:01
EriC^^nevermind, i was thinking if the isp is nat13:01
ppfnumber281: do you maybe need to restart your router?13:01
EriC^^rizonz: it depends why is it failing?13:02
k1l_rizonz: can you rephrase that?13:02
tatertotsrestart router, or get a baseball bat, walk into the room where your router is and sit down for a talk with it13:02
rizonznah I use the puppetlabs apt script and 14.04 returns a -1 and 16.04 calculates13:02
number281ppf: I restarted several times from the login page after resetting the rules. The router looks VERY old, with outdated firmware and so forth. I was surprised the ISP gave it to us tbh. One search of the product ID and it was someone complaing about port forwarding.13:02
number281tatertots: ..I just got done watching casino,donnie brasco and goodfells too... mafia marathon.13:03
ppfwell... time to get a new one then?13:03
ppfmaybe get one that can run openwrt :)13:03
number281ppf: Yeah, i suppose thats what i will have to do. I feel like DSL routers aren't very common. Would i have to go through my ISP to get a new one?13:03
rizonzEriC^^: k1l_ https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2017-January/288859.html13:04
ppfdepends. some ISPs try to force you to use their hardware. (which is illegal in some countries today, e.g. in germany)13:04
number281ppf: So i'm guessing i should call and have them come out and charge my ass a fee.13:05
ppfotherwise you just need a modem from your ISP, and then do routing yourself13:05
number281ppf: hmm okay. Well i appreciate the help13:06
number281EriC^^: Thanks alot guys13:06
EriC^^no problem13:06
pccan someone help me with the left side bar? I want to remove it so bad13:08
EriC^^pc: ubuntu/unity?13:09
pcyes its 16.0413:09
ppfpc: just pick a different DE if you don't like unity13:09
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EriC^^pc: you can only move it to the bottom13:09
pcid love to move it to the bottom can you tell me how?13:10
pcppf i might do that next time..13:10
EriC^^install unity-tweak-tool13:10
k1l_pc: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom13:10
EriC^^sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool13:10
JP____Can i get my bashscript to return something?13:10
JP____like return 013:10
EriC^^JP____: yeah13:10
pcthank you very much :)13:11
ikevinJP____, yes, exim 0 :)13:11
JP____ikevin thnx13:11
EriC^^JP____: or "return 0"13:12
EriC^^in case you just want to return from a function and not exit the whole script13:12
ikevintobug, ?13:18
tobugnothing,just say hi13:19
pcanyone is a fan of ubuntu one or snapd?13:19
tobugwhat is the snapd? @pc13:21
ppfpc: those are quite different things13:22
pclet me find the right words :P13:22
ppfwhat's the actual question?13:22
pcppf ya13:22
pcjust wondering if people are liking ubuntu one or snapd13:22
ppfthere are plenty of people who like the one or the other or both?13:23
tobugi get it13:23
ppfi don't13:24
pcu looked it up tobug13:24
pcppf im using linux to avoid registration but ubuntu one is requiring that13:24
k1l_pc: this channel is for solving actual technical issues. if you just want to chat better use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel13:24
pcsnapd is automated updates which i also avoid13:24
ppfit's like asking "are there people that like newspapers or volkswagen?"13:24
pck1l will do :)13:25
ppfsnapd isn't automated updates and ubuntu one registration isn't required13:25
pccan you get telegram without registering in ubuntu one?13:25
pccould you tell me how? :)13:26
ppfit's not part of the official repos, but there are several ppas providing different versions of telegram13:27
pcI see13:27
ppfand yes, there's also a snap version, i think13:28
pcyea thats the one i found also required ubuntu one account "using ubuntu software"13:28
ruin2itiveDoes anyone happen to do audio production on Ubuntu?13:28
ppfpc: i'm like 90-something percent sure that you don't need an ubuntu one account to install a snap13:30
pci meant telegram. sorry.13:30
pcppf the telegram on ubuntu software required ubuntu one account..13:31
ppftelegram is no created nor supported by ubuntu/canonical, so i don't see a reason you'd need an ubuntu one account for that13:31
pccould you please use the ubuntu software and search for telegram? you will know what im talking about.13:32
ppfpc: i don't have it installed13:34
ruin2itiveAudio production?13:34
k1l_pc: well, that is the ubuntu software telegram app. if you dont want to use a version tied to the ubuntu software center (account with ubuntu one) than use another telegram install.13:34
pcother programs in the ubuntu software are downloadable without needing an ubuntu one account.13:35
k1l_pc: yes. that depends on the exact program/package.13:36
pcI see13:36
k1l_pc: telegram offers a desktop client on their website. use that13:36
pcI tried. might be more complex to get that running.13:36
ppfk1l_: what about snap? can you use snap without that ubuntu-software center?13:37
pci wasnt saying you cant in fact i dont know.13:37
JP____ubuntu has telegram? :O13:38
pcyes JP13:38
k1l_ppf: yes of course. but as i said, that is not "software center" specific, but that app specific.13:38
ppfi see13:38
k1l_telegram wants/needs some sort of account/telephonenumber.13:38
ppfyes, obviously, but there should be other options than an ubuntu account, i assume13:39
k1l_yes, use another program/app than the ubuntu telegram app.13:39
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ppfthat a program version is tied to a specific account type, severly confuses me13:43
pcthats what i was asking if ppl like or not.13:43
pcwhich i assume not13:44
ppfpc: that's a different question though13:44
pci wasnt clear is all. i was too general.13:44
Southern_Gentlemppf you can download telegram from the telegram project site as well13:45
ppfSouthern_Gentlem: or from a ppa, sure. but that wasn't my point13:45
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k1l_pc: that version is from the ubuntu touch smartphone and tablet setup. there you have a ubuntu one account. similar to the android store or iphone store account. that is needed for paid apps.13:46
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ppfi like the general idea of ubuntu on, snappy and telegram, but i'm not using either one of them and it doesn't make much sense to really put the three into one sentence :)13:46
ppfk1l_: that actually makes sense!13:47
pci see13:47
pcim looking forward to the new ubuntu phone..13:47
pci will stick with the web based version for now13:50
pcThanks k1l13:50
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
coffeeguyhi where do i report a bug for unity-tweak-tool?13:52
johndoehow does ubuntu figure out $PATH variable for an app launched from the launcher (ALT+F2)13:53
johndoeI'm having some issues where the app doesn't pick up the correct $PATH (misses some stuff from the .bashrc)13:54
ppfprocesses inherit environment variables from their parent13:54
coffeeguyty ppf :)13:54
johndoeand that's why it works correctly when I run it from the terminal instead the launcher :)13:54
ppfand the launcher's parent isn't bash, so .bashrc has no effect13:54
johndoemakes sense right :)13:54
johndoeppf: do you know how to "fix" this?13:55
johndoeie. how to set the PATH for the launcher13:55
johndoeor is there some file I can set that makes it's way into $PATH of all processes13:56
ppfdid you check whether .profile works for the launcher?13:56
johndoeppf: not sure how to do that13:58
ppfput your modifications into .profile instead of .bashrc13:59
ppfthen log out and back in13:59
johndoepython -c "import os;os.system('echo $PATH > /usr/local/google/home/isandrk/test')" into launcher hehe :D13:59
johndoeppf: thanks :)14:01
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Guest17882@mio-g ??14:03
designbybeckI keep having the box pop up saying i need the "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" When I try to run it, it never works. If I do it from the command line I get these errors. I've tried to remove purge but still get these errors: http://pasteall.org/21194914:36
designbybeckAny suggestions?14:36
hateballdesignbybeck: it's broken14:36
designbybeckhateball, how would that be broken?14:36
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naidangwhat time is it threre?14:37
hateballdesignbybeck: lemme find the bug14:37
Menzadordesignbybeck: try [ sudo dpkg --configure -a ] and then [ sudo apt -f install ]14:37
designbybeckMenzador, that just went to the prompt and return no errors14:38
clissold345ppf: Please ignore if you're no longer interested. To install a snap using Ubuntu Software you have to log on to Ubuntu One.14:38
k1l_designbybeck: wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/contrib/m/msttcorefonts/ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.6_all.deb -P ~/Downloads14:38
k1l_designbybeck: then "sudo apt install ~/Downloads/ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.6_all.deb"14:39
designbybeckk1l_, ...that seems to have worked14:39
Menzadork1l_ , designbybeck - if it helps, there's some sort of "Access denied" error when trying to fake-escalate privileges. I'm not sure if it was fixed.14:39
ppfclissold345: why?? is that also true if i install the snap from the terminal?14:39
k1l_the download scripts on the ms ttf package is broken since sourceforge changed some things14:39
designbybeckk1l_, though I did get this error at the end: All done, no errors.14:40
designbybeckN: Can't drop privileges for downloading as file '/home/beck/Downloads/ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.6_all.deb' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)14:40
k1l_the debian package already fixed that14:40
designbybeckbut other than that it seems to have gone14:40
hateballdesignbybeck: this is the bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/160753514:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1607535 in msttcorefonts (Ubuntu) "ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.4+nmu1ubuntu2 fails to install core fonts" [Medium,In progress]14:40
designbybeckthank you hateball14:40
designbybeckyeah that seems to be what was happening to me hateball14:41
designbybeckthank you Menzador k1l_ and hateball for the help. Hopefully with k1l_ solution, I'll not get the error anymore14:41
Chrisc99i just finished installing Ubuntu 16.0414:41
Chrisc99and i get this error14:42
Chrisc99cryptsetup: unknown fstype, bad password or options?14:42
Chrisc99My pass is correct14:42
clissold345ppf: I don't know why (Canonical want to keep an eye on how people are using snaps?). No you don't need to log on to Ubuntu One if you install from the command line.14:42
EriC^^Chrisc99: did you let the installer do all the encryption stuff?14:42
ducasseclissold345: it's because some snaps cost money14:42
Chrisc99i set up the encryption volume14:43
ppfducasse: what about installing those from ther terminal then?14:43
ducasseppf: then you need to use 'snap login'14:43
Chrisc99200G total, 50G /, 142G /home, 8GB swap14:43
EriC^^Chrisc99: how'd you do that? any guide?14:44
ppfso we're slowly leaving the OSS path here14:44
Chrisc99and then an unencrypted boot part14:44
Chrisc99EriC^^: i did it myself14:44
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EriC^^Chrisc99: what's in /etc/crypttab?14:44
Chrisc99I have no idea, my root is encrypted and i can't unencrypt it14:45
EriC^^boot a live usb and decrypt it with luksOpen14:46
Chrisc99should i just redo the installation without encryption?14:46
clissold345ducasse: Thanks for the info. Can you give me the name of a snap you have to pay for?14:46
noc_typed the password with caps lock?14:46
EriC^^Chrisc99: why don't you let the installer do all the stuff?14:46
yotuhi there, does someone recommends an online storage for backups?14:47
k1l_ppf: no. its the same situation as before. its not leaving oss. there were prop. software long before snaps on other package formats14:47
ducasseclissold345: i don't remember any at the moment, but in the snap man page you will see the 'buy' option.14:48
ppfk1l_: sure, but if i need an account to install non-prop. software that's not very open14:49
k1l_ppf: you are mixing a lot of things here14:49
k1l_ppf: and there has been commercial apps from open source software long before, too.14:49
ducasseppf: you don't need an account to install free snaps from cli14:50
ppfk1l_: yes, that's not the point i'm debating14:50
ppfducasse: hm, yes, true, that kind of invalidates my argument14:50
hazardWhen I turn on Network Time in the System Settings, then switch to some other setting and back, I find it turned off again. Any suggestions why that might be, or how I can fix it? I'm up to about 7 minutes off by now.14:50
ppfducasse: i'm hoping it stays that way14:51
ppfalso, still not jumping the snappy/flatpack/whathavyou bandwagon, i'll yet wait for the smoke to clear14:51
tatertotshazard: can you open terminal?14:52
hazardtatertots: I can.14:52
tatertotshazard: good, do so and14:52
tatertotshazard: sudo apt install inxi pastebinit14:53
k1l_ppf: there is a need for programmers to monetize their work for the apps. you see that demand on the mobile app stores. a modern app store or package system needs to support that. or you cut out a lot of community.14:53
JP____How do i add GUI to standard vim install?14:53
tatertotshazard: let me know once the install has completed14:53
JP____@ ubuntu minimal 14.0414:53
hazardtatertots: I can paste to my web server. Does inxi do soemthing I can't get from cat'ing the files directly?14:54
ppfk1l_: yes, i agree (although philosophically i think software should be free). and as long as this doesn't interfere with the free folk i'm happy14:55
brainwashJP____: install vim-gtk314:55
clissold345ducasse: Thanks for the tip about paid-for snaps. I'll make a note to do some research some time.14:55
tatertotshazard: look, we can proceed but the very moment i need some info to help you that you can't instantly provide with %100 accuracy and detail...i'll drop you like a bad habit14:55
k1l_ppf: philosophy doesnt pay the bills :) and i dont go  with the claim, that stealing is better than getting money for programming.14:56
JP____brainwash, doesn't exist14:56
hazardtatertots: Better just jump to that step now then. I thought it was a simple question, and would rather go back to googling than jump through hoops for a condescending stranger.14:57
tatertotshazard: no worries :) good luck14:57
brainwashJP____: then vim-gtk or vim-gnome14:57
JP____vim-gtk reacts :p14:57
ducassehazard: what does 'timedatectl status' say for network time?14:58
ppfk1l_: that's probably a discussion to be had alongside several bottles of wine :)14:58
brainwashJP____: I assume that you run ubuntu 14.0414:58
ppfcan i have multiple sources for snaps?14:58
ppfas with apt's sources?14:58
hazardducasse: Any particular part, or shall I paste the whole thing somewhere?14:58
JP____brainwash: correct14:59
k1l_ppf: http://snapcraft.io/docs/core/store14:59
ducassehazard: 'network time on:'14:59
hazardducasse: That line doesn't exist. Closest I see would be "NTP enabled: no"15:00
ppfk1l_: alright, that's not too bad15:00
ducassehazard: which ubuntu version is this?15:00
ElectroXexualcan I ask a question related to ssh and bash15:01
ppfElectroXexual: sure15:01
hazardducasse: Thanks, but my 10 o'clock just arrived. I had lost track of time. I'll have to pursue this later.15:02
ElectroXexualI'm trying to set variable value from machine A as Clip board content in machine B15:02
ElectroXexualwith xclip15:02
EriC^^ElectroXexual: DISPLAY=:0 echo "$var" | xclip command here15:03
noc_JP____, gvim?15:04
EriC^^ElectroXexual: i think you'd need to run xhost to allow the ssh to use the xserver15:04
ppfdoes xclip have a gui15:04
ElectroXexualI tried "ssh xex "echo $Clip | xclip"" But it gives some error15:04
EriC^^no, but it's related to X so it needs the DISPLAY var15:04
ElectroXexualwhat does DISPLAY=: does?15:05
EriC^^ElectroXexual: try on machine B, xhost +15:05
EriC^^ElectroXexual: it tells it which display to use15:05
noc_don't xhost unless you trust other users15:05
EriC^^echo $DISPLAY on machine B should say what it's set to15:05
noc_''echo $Clip | DISPLAY=:0 xclip''15:05
EriC^^noc_: it's just for testing purposes right now, good point though15:06
DarkStar1Hi people15:06
ppfxclip takes a -d argument15:06
ducasseDISPLAY should not be :0 when you're connected over ssh15:06
ppfwhy not15:07
DarkStar1what does the -HUP passed to Kill command do in a bash script?15:07
EriC^^ducasse: for the host it is though15:07
DarkStar1I ask because I can't seem to find answers via google15:07
ppfDarkStar1: send SIGHUP to the process15:07
dn`I’m using zfs with LXD. each time I reboot a LXD host ‘zpool list’ shows ‘no pools available’ and LXD starts using the local filesystem again - anyone got a hint?15:07
DarkStar1ppf: which is the same as -9 right?15:07
ppfthe kill program is very inaptly named15:07
ducasseEriC^^: yes, but he's trying to access X on the host from the client, right?15:07
EriC^^ducasse: yeah15:08
DarkStar1ppf: I just noticed that the parent dies but not the child :/15:08
DarkStar1or children rather15:08
ppfDarkStar1: no, HUP is 115:08
ppf9 is SIGKILL15:08
ppfsee also man 7 signal15:08
DarkStar1ppf: so in bash script terminology kill -KILL ?? :)15:09
Southern_GentlemDarkStar1, yep thats how zombies are made15:09
ppfDarkStar1: yes15:09
ppfDarkStar1: or kill -9 or kill -SIGKILL15:09
tpw_rulesrelatively frequently my system pops up a dialog to the effect of "could not complete package installation: ttf-mscorefonts-installer. extra download failed. retry?15:09
ducasseElectroXexual: use 'xsel -b', i just tested that here15:09
tpw_rulesand i do, but it doesn't go away15:10
ppftpw_rules: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/160753515:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1607535 in msttcorefonts (Ubuntu) "ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.4+nmu1ubuntu2 fails to install core fonts" [Medium,In progress]15:10
tpw_rulesppf: ah that worked, thank you15:13
ElectroXexualducasse, ok i'll try that15:14
ElectroXexualducasse, can you write out full command starting with ssh, I'm getting some unexpected EOF error.....ty15:18
ElectroXexualand echo $DISPLAY says 0.015:19
ducassei already have the ssh connection open, then just run 'cat foobar.txt | xsel -b'. are you connecting with ssh -X?15:20
EriC^^ducasse: ssh -X is the opposite isn't it?15:21
EriC^^to run on the current (client) X ?15:21
ElectroXexuali'm trying to run just this one command and exit15:21
ducasseEriC^^: '-X      Enables X11 forwarding.'15:21
ElectroXexuali'm not using -X15:22
JP____I'm not on X either :p15:22
groundze1oquestion: i did not install tor brower...but nethogs shows me that tor is making connections (user "debian")...wtf??15:22
ducasseElectroXexual: you need to, or enable x11 forwarding in your config15:22
k1l_groundze1o: what ubuntu is it? did you isntall other anonymous programs?15:23
EriC^^ducasse: yes so if you ssh to a server, and then run gedit there, it opens up on your client X, is it needed if he wants to access X on the server too?15:23
ducasseEriC^^: no, but that's not what he's doing - he wants to send content from ssh server to x clipboard on client.15:24
EriC^^ducasse: no, he wants to send it to the ssh server, and have it on the server's clipboard15:25
EriC^^but it is needed btw it seems, i tried it locally and without -X it wouldn't work15:26
ElectroXexualI tried '   ssh xex -X "echo $Clip | xsel -b"   ' It gives xsel: Can't open display: (null)15:26
ElectroXexual: Inappropriate ioctl for device15:26
ElectroXexual error15:26
ducasseEriC^^: '16:02 <ElectroXexual> I'm trying to set variable value from machine A as Clip board content in machine B'15:26
noc_ ''echo $Clip | DISPLAY=:whatever xclip''    where whatever is the DISPLAY on the server15:26
EriC^^ducasse: yes, machine A is the client and machine B the server15:26
EriC^^isn't it? ElectroXexual ?15:26
ElectroXexualyep that's right15:27
ElectroXexualmachine A is client15:27
noc_or xsel or the like, that's not the point15:27
ducasseElectroXexual: oh, in that case you need to set DISPLAY and mess with xhost on the server, yes.15:29
EriC^^ElectroXexual: try "xhost +" on the server for now, then ssh -X xex "echo $Clip | DISPLAY=:0 xsel -b"15:30
noc_again, you don't need xhost (and don't want, unless you trust the other users of the server not to show deceiving windows on your own session)15:30
EriC^^noc_: don't need?15:30
noc_DISPLAY must work fine by itself without xhost, if not then you're using it wrong15:31
noc_ofc assuming that the user you logged in via ssh is the same user who owns the X session15:31
EriC^^noc_: yeah, you're right15:31
EriC^^ElectroXexual: nevermind the xhost command15:32
ducasseyou'll need to set XAUTHORITY, though15:33
EriC^^i tried from tty1 DISPLAY=:0 gedit without xhost and it worked15:34
ikevinssh -X user@ip gedit :)15:34
ashmawyhey you all15:35
ashmawy I need help with my ubuntu15:35
EriC^^with what exactly?15:35
noc_ducasse, I'm pretty sure xauthority is not needed if the user logged in via ssh has the same uid as the X session15:36
ashmawyi dont know but everytime my brother sits on a linux device all bugs popups15:37
ducassenoc_: you might be right there, i typically don't use x in this direction :)15:37
ElectroXexualEriC^^, Thanks the last command worked somehow15:38
ashmawyand i need to know how to setup oracle database on ubuntu15:38
ashmawyEriC^^, how to setup oracle database and oracle j dev on linux15:38
ashmawyEriC^^,  exactly i wanna to know how to setup files .rpm on ubuntu15:39
JBFhey all, hoping someone can help me with a systemd issue15:39
ikevinJBF, which issue?15:40
ashmawyikevin, how to setup .rpm on ubuntu15:40
ashmawybuddies i need help really with that15:40
Southern_Gentlemashmawy,  you mean build rpm files or install rpm files15:40
JBFI have an issue with a service which won't start, the journalctl -xe output says the required PID directory doesn't exist.  Inside the init script it is supposed to check for and create the PID directory if it doesn't exist.15:40
ikevinJBF, does the script have right to create it?15:41
ikevinashmawy, see alien15:41
JBFwell this is a good question, how would I check that?  I presumed the init script runs as root?15:41
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ikevinJBF, script is run as root, so it can drop priviliege15:43
ashmawySouthern_Gentlem, I mean that when i download some programe from oracle site the excutable is .rpm15:44
ashmawySouthern_Gentlem, i wanna install this programe15:44
ashmawyikevin,  do you mean aliens UFO and spaceships or what15:45
ikevinashmawy, alien - convert and install rpm and other packages15:45
ub_ubuntuHello I have a external HDD. I am not able to open a Directory inside it. Its says Input/Output error. Any thoughts??15:46
JBFhow do I know if this is a privilege issue?  It doesn't say it failed to create the dir, it just says it doesn't exist15:46
ashmawyikevin,  thanks alot i will try it now15:46
ikevinJBF, you need to debug the script to see if it try to create the directory15:46
ducasseub_ubuntu: check dmesg for similar errors15:47
ub_ubuntuducasse: Okay. How can I fix it.? Is this issue fixable??15:48
ducasseub_ubuntu: did you find similar errors in dmesg?15:48
ikevinIO error are often hardware problem15:48
ducassealmost always15:49
akishi all. are they somewhere available ubuntu default system sounds?15:50
ppfJBF: where is this init script coming from?15:50
JBFit's the sickrage init script15:50
ashmawyikevin,  it workled it worked thanks bro you are awesome you will survive after the end of the world15:51
ikevinJBF, does the parent directory is mounted when the script try to create the pid dir?15:51
ashmawyikevin,  but you may die after that15:51
ikevinlol ashmawy15:51
=== Evan is now known as Guest10677
ppfJBF: i don't immediately see what's wrong with that15:51
JBFyes /var/run (linked to /run) is there15:51
ppfbut my general suggestion is: just create your own systemd unit15:51
ub_ubuntuducasse: How will the error look like15:52
JBFNor do I, it's weird, it used to work, then I recovered the VM from a veeam backup due to a host failure and now it won't work15:52
ub_ubuntuducasse: dmesg is not showing anything15:52
ducasseJBF: don't use the init script, use the systemd unit. and don't use that repo - it's buggy as hell.15:52
ppfJBF: hm, this might well be a symptom for a bigger problem15:52
ppfis there anything else wrong?15:52
JBFppf I think it might be15:52
JBFat some point before this failure, I did upgrade teh system to 16.04 LTS15:53
JBFbut it worked fine after that, until now15:53
JBFone off think is that they system is using init.d whereas a fresh install of 16.04LTS that I have is using upstart15:53
JBFcould be be an issue related to that?  Thing is I have other systemd started apps (sabnzbd etc) on the same VM runnign and starting fine15:54
ppfhow did you get upstart in there?15:54
ppfubuntu is running on systemd now15:55
JBFhmm, I have no idea15:55
ppf(and fwiw it's been upstart for a long while now)15:55
JBFthe whols upstart / systemd thing is annoying for a casual user like me15:55
k1l_ubuntu is using systemd as init since 15.04.15:55
ppfJBF: as a normal user you don't really need to worry about it15:56
JBFyeah until I get an issue like this and try to troubleshoot :)15:56
ppfsystemctl integrates with old upstart scripts, so you won't really need to15:56
JBFok good to know so I won't worry about that then15:57
ppfJBF: use this instead of the script above: https://github.com/SiCKRAGETV/SiCKRAGE/blob/master/runscripts/init.systemd15:57
ppfthat might just treat the symptom though15:57
JBFppf same error15:58
ppfyou need to disable and then remove the upstart script, and then enable the systemd unit15:59
JBFsorry caps15:59
ppfJBF: the script you linked above15:59
ducasseJBF: are you aware you're not running the code from the 'official' sickrage repo? the official one works just fine with 16.0416:00
plasticfishis there a driver for (relativelly old) ATI cards in 16.04?16:00
nicomachusplasticfish: the open source radeon driver works for my 6450 HD16:00
k1l_plasticfish: the open source driver, yes16:00
JBFducasse I'm not sure that's teh repo I'm actually using16:00
Pr33xHey. Can someone let me know how to "(sys)prep" a Linux system to ISO? I just want to ISO everything I have done in this vm and just reinstall it on other hypervisors. :)16:00
nicomachusplasticfish: which card?16:00
JBFthat's just one the I found when checking for an example just now16:01
ducasseJBF: the official one is at https://github.com/SickRage/SickRage16:01
JBFYep just checked my GIT config, it's https://github.com/SickRage/SickRage16:02
plasticfishI tried installing Ubuntu on a Visio HP all in one computer when 16.04 was released and the graphics only started sometimes, and with delay16:02
ducasseJBF: ok, i just (slightly) modified the unit and enabled it, that was all16:02
plasticfishthe computer is not mine, but I had to revert to 14.0416:03
plasticfishI just wanted to know how is the driver now16:03
JBFsame error with that script16:08
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JBFgiving up for now I have work to do, will try again tonight16:08
JBFthanks fr the pointers guys16:08
=== amir_ur is now known as amiru
DarkStar1How can I kill the processes belonging to a group ID from within my bash script? I have thi: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/535149/18805114/16:14
DarkStar1but I get errors about the number being illegal16:15
ppfDarkStar1: check out man pkill16:18
ppfbut as a hint: if you're writing a script to start and stop some sort of daemon process, may consider using systemd units instead. don't reinvent the wheel16:19
DarkStar1ppf: Just modifying someelse's script :)16:19
MetalindustrienHey, I'm trying to install Ubuntu MATE on my MacBook Pro (late 2011 model). I've installed rEFInd in order to be able to boot from a USB Flash drive, and I've created a Ubuntu MATE USB Stick via UNetbootin. But when I try to boot from the USB stick, it seems to launch Grub in a terminal stating something like "MINIMAL BASH LIKE LINE EDITING IS SUPPORTED". How can I get it to boot from the flash drive?16:20
ppfstill though. systemd units solve the exact same problem with 10 lines of declarative configuration16:20
ashmawyhow to setup ettercap on ubuntu16:24
posI'm fairly certain that this question has been asked and answered before, yet I find myself unable to find a suitable answer online. Who decided to effectively deprecate utilities such as gnu macchanger in favor of network-manager functionality so archaic that it makes Vogon bureaucracy look like a marital aid in comparison?16:27
=== Dovid5 is now known as Dovid
ebonrookhello everyone16:28
ppf!info macchanger | pos16:29
ubottupos: macchanger (source: macchanger): utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.7.0-5.3 (yakkety), package size 186 kB, installed size 677 kB (Only available for linux-any)16:29
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posppf, oh, great. thanks man!16:30
thesebwhy would my old phone automount file sys but this android phone NO?16:31
thesebold working one was android too16:32
pos!info finger | ppf16:33
ubottuppf: finger (source: bsd-finger): user information lookup program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-15 (yakkety), package size 16 kB, installed size 66 kB16:33
ppftheseb: better ask that question in #android16:34
ppfpos: ?16:35
posppf, there is a slap and a large trout in there, somewhere16:35
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ppfright ... just install macchanger if you'd like to use it16:36
posppf, did you get the impression that I was unaware of the tools existence or that the tool somehow has been rendered ineffective by a change in network-manager?16:37
posppf, there are a few problems with the first assumption16:38
ducassepos: don't use nm if it causes problems for you, there are other ways to manage networking16:40
ppfthen what is the problem with nm?16:40
Bent0Googled but cant find it for some reason. How the hell do I block an IPv6 address with ufw?16:41
posppf, hints: "deprecate" "macchanger" "network-manager" "functionality"16:42
Bent0all i get is ERROR: Invalid position '1'16:42
ppfpos: yeah, can you substantiate that claim somehow?16:43
posppf, xenial=nm 1.2.2, nm=>1.2 = overrides macchanger, nm=<1.4 lacks functionality to adequately replace it16:45
posso they apparently decided to screw people and then figured out that they had some twelve revisions laster16:45
ducassepos: file a request for a stable release update16:46
poswhat, do I badger MS?16:48
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates16:51
posducasse, shuttle*****16:53
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ducassepos: just see the link from ubottu, and drop the attitude. it's entirely unwarranted.16:54
poswaddaya know: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/164569816:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1645698 in network-manager (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] Upgrade network-manager to latest point release" [High,In progress]16:56
abel_host  irc.gnome.org17:00
yacc Any description how to move an Ubuntu 16.04 install (lvm, UEFI boot) to a new harddisc?17:02
bad_ipyacc: you'd need to be more specific. There's several approaches you could use to do that.17:03
bad_ipyacc: more specific about what you want to achieve that is.17:03
ducasseyacc: same size?17:03
yacc60GB SSD => 960GB SSD, so no :)17:03
yaccSo a simple dd of the block device is out. (It does not work that well anyways, because n GB from manufacturer A has usually a couple of blocks more or less than the same amount of GB from manufacturer B, and Murphy's law dictates that your new n GB disc is slightly smaller than your old n GB disc)17:05
ducasseyacc: i'd probably partition and set up lvm on the new disk, then rsync the efi partition + root fs across. you'll also need to update grub and the efi variable17:05
bad_ipyacc: ducasse has a good solution for exactly your situation then17:06
yaccOk, so the question how do I update the EFI variable, and grub? (Hint: the new harddisc will be replacing the old one, the box has only space for one 2.5" device)17:06
Southern_Gentlemor back your data up and install on the new hd  and then copy your data back17:07
ducasseor that.17:08
EriC^^yacc: you'll need to edit fstab and put the new efi partition's uuid17:09
yaccSouthern_Gentlem, Not very attractive, as most of my customizing is in the system part ;)17:10
ducasseyacc: i'd guess clonezilla can deal with different disk sizes, or you can just grow them after install. you'd still need to use efibootmgr, though.17:10
EriC^^and then chroot and run apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64 and then update-grub, it should take care of the efi vars if you booted the live usb in uefi mode17:10
yaccSouthern_Gentlem, up till now the box was basically my SOHO router.17:10
yaccSouthern_Gentlem, now it's supposed to become my work desktop beside, to see if I can live with the Celeron inside.17:11
posyacc, boot media, flash drive and tar will save the day17:12
posso: cd/dvd, external/backup storage, some-tar-and-chroot-fu and presto17:12
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bad_ipany ideas what would cause Ubuntu Software Center to just keep spinning when you select "updates" or "installed"?17:13
Southern_Gentlemyacc,  hopefully you know what you customized at the system level and can back up those configs as well17:13
yaccEriC^^, actually, if I just copy the efi partition it will still have the same uuid.17:13
EriC^^yacc: "just copy" how?17:13
EriC^^you mean dd it?17:13
yaccEriC^^, exactly.17:13
EriC^^well, sure yeah, that's an option17:14
PipeItToDevNullbad_ip: the center sucks, just run it through a terminal17:14
posyacc, just remember to mount --bind /proc,/sys,/dev/,/dev/pts onto target/etc17:14
posbefore update-grub217:14
poswait, install-grub17:14
bad_ipPipeItToDevNull: noted17:15
EriC^^* grub-install17:15
pos32 hours, no sleep17:15
yaccObjectively I know that it has gotten so much easier compared to the old LILO days, but somehow I miss them ;)17:15
thesebppf: rthanks!17:20
alipcDoes amd-gpu supports radeon hd8750 graphics card?17:21
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Guest55973i am seeking help snappy ubuntu for raspberry17:23
nicomachusGuest55973: try #ubuntu-arm17:23
Guest55973what is the default psswrd for ssh connection?17:24
piercedwaterGuest55973: it is your account password17:24
PipeItToDevNullThe defulat password is the account password that you are connecting with17:24
PipeItToDevNullIf you connect without a -l arguemnt it will use your current login name17:25
PipeItToDevNullso connect with `ssh IP -l pi`17:26
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culhudoRunning UPS with ubuntu 14.04; built a crontab list; a few items are '* * wget -q'. Why is my root folder filled with what seems to be a history of those wget links?17:28
yabbahI use autofs to mount a NFS-share from my nas. How do I get other users have read/write-access to it?17:29
ArvuHi I need some help I guess17:33
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nicomachus!ask | Arvu17:34
ubottuArvu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:34
ArvuAlright, so I hard a hard drive failure, and my blank hard drive decided that the version of windows I had on it would not work, so I put ubuntu on it17:34
ArvuBut now, I can't add any software or apps. The software thing doesn't open, and the only app I can access is firestorm17:35
PipeItToDevNullAre you running standard Ubuntu? What does the panel and menu do?17:36
ArvuErm Firefox17:36
nicomachusArvu: can you install software from apt in a terminal?17:36
ArvuI don't know how to do that, I am a very new user, had friends recomend linux/ubuntu to me17:37
PipeItToDevNullArvu: What software are you trying to install?17:37
ArvuChromium and the linux version of discord for now17:37
nicomachusArvu: open a terminal (either from the Dash menu or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T) and type "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade | nc termbin.com 9999"17:37
PipeItToDevNullDiscord will be from a PPA more than likely, though they have a web-version that functions just fine. Chromium can be installed with `sudo apt-get install chromium`17:38
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BluesKajtoo many cooks are going to confuse the new guy17:40
ArvuI'm actually less confused lol17:41
Guest42437alguem br krl ?17:43
nicomachusyes yes, hello everyone. if you have a question please ask it.17:43
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:43
=== Guest55973 is now known as stellar
tonytdoes anyone recall the export command for nano?17:47
ArvuHmm no it's still not opening ubuntu software at all17:47
PipeItToDevNullArvu: The software center is buggy and has never worked for me, I would recommend installing from comamnd line, it should be as easy as `sudo apt-get install chromium-browser`17:48
BluesKajArvu, type terminal in the search, then do the command quoted above17:48
ArvuThere we go17:49
PipeItToDevNullChromium opens and functions for you?17:49
ArvuIt's installing now17:50
BluesKajbtw , ctl+alt+t doesn't work on some ubuntu flavours17:50
PipeItToDevNullWelcome to Linux, where we have almost all software available from a single command17:50
alipci have a dell laptop and it has a hybrid amd hd 8670 / intel skylake  graphics card . and by default intel graphics card is in use . and i want to enable my radeon hd graphic . can anyone help me?17:51
ArvuOk well it opened fora second then immediately closed17:52
BluesKajArvu, also to update and upgrade your system and packages , periodically run: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade17:53
BluesKajArvu, which I think you should do now17:54
turqalxalipc: there may be a BIOS option to set default17:55
=== Chappie-san2 is now known as Chappie-san
NatureShadeAnyone has any idea of why xorg fails with blinking crusor with this config file in xorg.conf.d: paste.ubuntu.com/23853216/ Xorg.0.log: paste.ubuntu.com/23853209/18:05
ducasseNatureShade: you are forcing the modesetting driver, does the gpu support that?18:08
NatureShadenot sure but xorg -configure gives a config file with modesetting18:08
Bomboi'm using ubuntu 16.04.1 with nvidia driver 367.57-0ubuntu0.16.04, nvidia-settings 361.42-0ubuntu1, with a screen res of 1280x720 and the screen is cut off a few px OVER the borders (some px missing), but the nvidia settings only allow UNDERscan, which increases the not-viewable screen. any tricks on that?18:09
ducasseNatureShade: that works?18:09
NatureShadeI will see18:09
NatureShadeducasse: is it possible to not spesify a driver in xorg config files?18:10
ducasseNatureShade: it should just probe for one then, xorg.conf is not necessary at all normally18:11
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NatureShadewell, the main goal is to setup two monitors on two diffrent screens, but figured it was best too try to make one work properly first18:12
ducasseNatureShade: i'd let xorg generate a config and start there18:14
NatureShadeducasse: it seems the xorg generated config has the same problem18:15
CodeMouse92I don't know if this is the place to ask, but I'm having to do a kernel commit bisection (on Ubuntu 16.04). I have two compilers (GCC and Clang), but I'm getting an error on the kernel build about the ABI hashes changing. I updated Clang, but I didn't touch GCC - yet whichever I'm using, the build fails with that error.18:15
CodeMouse92I also did a full git clean -rxff and tried again, same problem. Do I need to scrap the bisect and start over, or is there another way to fix this?18:16
CodeMouse92Sorry, -dxff, not -rxff :P18:16
ducasseNatureShade: what kind of gpu(s)?18:18
NatureShadeducasse: not really sure, it is an old dell latitude, think it's a intel one18:19
NatureShadeseems it's a Intel GMA X310018:20
ducasseNatureShade: what do you mean by 'two monitors on two different screens'? are both monitors connected to the same gpu?18:20
xmoduledo you guys have any idea why i have so bad battery time under ubuntu? i have a quite new thinkpad t460. the battery time under win10 was excellent but here on ubuntu is very bad actually18:21
PipeItToDevNullRun `tlp` and `powertop` packages,18:21
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xmodulePipeItToDevNull, done18:21
xmodulei googled litle bit before i come here18:22
PipeItToDevNullI amd running Manjaro but have shit life regardless of my distribution18:22
NatureShadeducasse: yes, same gpu. And I want two logical X screens, so that it becomes easy to display diffrent applications on each of them, for a embeded system type of thing18:22
yabbahAnyone know how I can do a dnsleak-test (using openvpn) in terminal? I dont have any GUI.18:23
ducasseNatureShade: seems that gpu is supported by the intel driver, or should be. try forcing that.18:26
NatureShadei will18:27
gebruikerNatureShade: no you will not18:28
gebruikerwe both know18:28
NatureShadeknow what?18:29
tgm4883NatureShade: ignore the troll18:29
gebruikertgm4883 wants to be ignored again, he got banned last time. Still hasn't learned his lesson NatureShade18:29
tgm4883 Boring troll is boring...18:30
gebruikersee :O18:31
Picigebruiker: knock it off.18:31
gebruikerPici: are you a moderator?18:31
nicomachushe's an op.18:31
NatureShadeducasse: seems the problem persists with the intel driver18:32
overrunon an LTS server running Trusty 14.04.1, since it is still within the support window why does a package such as Apache still list as version 2.4.7 when there have been security patches to that project through 2.4.23?18:33
NatureShadebut it works fine without any additional config18:33
kulelu88hello all. when I follow the following guide and try to set date/time for bash history in the .bashrc file, after doing the setup, I do not see timestamps in .bash_history18:33
ducasseoverrun: security patches are backported18:33
kulelu88overrun: the actual version is not 2.4.7 but something like 2.4.7.x18:34
overrunso 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.13 means it has recent security updates included then?18:34
kulelu88link to my question above: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-linux-bash-history-display-date-time/18:34
NatureShadexorg log without any additional config http://paste.ubuntu.com/23853319/18:34
joinrerhow do i install thhonny or pycharm?18:34
kulelu88overrun: yep. just the security backports, nothing else18:34
joinreris there such a paackage for ubuntu18:35
tgm4883overrun: I would suggest subscribing to https://www.ubuntu.com/usn/18:35
joinreror will i need to add a new repo for that18:35
Bashing-om!info pycharm xenial18:35
ubottuPackage pycharm does not exist in xenial18:35
joinreror will i need to compile from source ?18:35
Picijoinrer: pycharm is not in the repos. Follow the directions on their website to install it.18:35
kulelu88joinrer: there should be a .deb18:35
joinrerwhat about thonny18:35
joinrerkulelu88: where exactly18:35
kulelu88joinrer: on the download page of pycharm?18:36
joinrercompile from source you mean18:36
kulelu88no, an actual .deb (in some cases)18:36
overrunthank you all for the clarification18:36
ducasseNatureShade: try generating a config, then change the driver to intel.18:37
joinrerwhich site is it for pycharm18:37
Picijoinrer: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/18:38
NatureShadeducasse: same problem18:41
elisa87please have a look at this question http://superuser.com/questions/1170699/cant-ping-a-windows-10-through-ubuntu-both-connected-to-the-same-switch18:42
ducasseNatureShade: ok. i'm not sure how to do exactly what you're looking for, but you could try a very minimal snippet in xorg.conf.d that just specifies the layout without mentioning driver or anything else.18:44
kulelu88Just to repeat my question: hello all. when I follow the following guide and try to set date/time for bash history in the .bashrc file, after doing the setup, I do not see timestamps in .bash_history : https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/unix-linux-bash-history-display-date-time/18:44
NatureShadeducasse: thanks for the help anyway, I will see if I can find anything18:45
jeffreylevesqueis there an alternative to hostnamectl?18:45
ducasseNatureShade: try the arch wiki, or #xorg18:45
adalbertjeffreylevesque: manually edit /etc/hosts ?18:56
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gde33how enable error reporting in firefox for ubuntu?19:05
ducasse!hostname | jeffreylevesque 'hostname' and this19:06
ubottujeffreylevesque 'hostname' and this: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.19:06
jeffreylevesquethank you19:10
xpistosIs there a way to check an md5sum against a test string?19:12
xpistossorry that wasnt clear. Is there a way to check an md5sum agains a text string instead of an md5 file.19:13
Random832echo ... | md5sum?19:16
Random832or md5sum <<<"string" # note though that it will add a newline to the end19:16
Random832you can do printf "%s" "whatever string" | md5sum if you need to omit the newline19:16
pavlosxpistos,  echo "hello world" | md5sum19:17
xpistospavlos: that does not check the file I need19:18
Jay__how to by adb sideload install ubuntu -touch19:19
Jay__how to by adb sideload install ubuntu-touch19:19
xpistosI have a tar file. I want to check the md5sum for it against the md5sum file we have but I don't want to download it since I have the strings for all the md5 on my system19:20
ducasse!touch | Jay__19:20
ubottuJay__: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:20
pavlosxpistos,  you mentioned string, not file. For a file you could use md5sum <<< file as Random832 suggested19:20
Jay__th re direct :)19:20
xpistosif I was using the file I would do md5sum FILE.tar -c FILE.md519:21
xpistosThat would tell me if they match.19:21
Random832pavlos, <<< is a string.19:21
EriC^^xpistos: which tar file?19:21
xpistosI want to do like md5sum FILE.tat -c "string"19:21
Random832xpistos, i'm confused as to what you're trying to do19:21
Random832...oh, i get it now19:21
xpistosI have bad eyesight and the  md5 output is always a mess. I know if it changes it can be radically different but it would be easier to do against a string I am pasting and getting a yeah or nah\19:23
Random832xpistos, echo '[the md5sum] FILE.tar' | md5sum -c -19:24
Random832i still don't get why you don't want to download the md5sum file though19:24
jaapiohi, after some debugging I found out that ubuntu's network-manager is preventing my laptop from suspending correctly, has anyone a solution for this?19:25
adalbertjaapio: sudo apt-get remove network-manager ?19:25
dellhemHey. I'm failing to connect through my wwan on my Dell Latitude. Anyone who sees anything interesting in this log of the connection attempt? http://pastebin.com/96rZ93uL19:26
groundze1ohello..nethogs shows me that tor is makiing connections atough tor browser is closed..using ubuntu mate19:26
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xpistosRandom832: That did the trick thanks19:26
Random832groundze1o, the whole point of tor is to be part of a network, you're carrying other people's traffic.19:27
groundze1oRandom832: don't you have to set up explicitly a "tor node" to do this?19:27
groundze1ois everyone acting automatically as a tor node?19:27
Random832i don't think you can be part of tor without being a tor node... you can not be an exit node, but you still relay traffic between other tor nodes19:28
groundze1oi see isee...19:28
groundze1ocould i wireshark this traffic?19:28
Random832no there are layers of encryption to prevent you from doing that19:28
Random832only the exit node can see the 'real' traffic (which may still be encrypted with HTTPS, and it can't find the origin)19:29
try_to_topany one here to help me19:31
CoderEuropemaybe :)19:31
Random832i might be wrong about everyone being a node though19:31
daxyou are19:32
daxbeing a relay is opt-in, having your relay be an exit node is a further opt-in19:32
Random832ok my mistake groundze1o19:32
xpistosRandom832: the customer should have the ISO an patch on their their system and getting to the md5 file though elinks is a pain in the ass so I just have the sums handy on my local device19:34
Random832but why not have them on your local device *as a file*19:35
Random832i don't understand why or how you have them in whatever other format but can't have them as a file. i mean you could literaly echo that > md5sums instead of | md5sum -c - and *create* the file.19:36
Random832or curl it - curl http://whatever/md5sums.txt | md5sum -c -19:37
coffeeguyhi how do you set the fonts and scaling to default in ubuntu 16.04.1?19:37
jaapioadalbert: would be a last resort from my point of view :-)19:38
brano543Hello, i am having trouble determining how much memory process actually needed. If i check with system monitor i see in Memory column 564 MB, if i watch it with htop however i see RES 1074 MB, SHR 544 MB so now i am really confused. I want to print the memory usage inside a program.19:46
brano543When i write down actual memory used by system before and after running the process,the difference was roughly 500 MB.19:48
ubunbrokeHi, Ubuntu 16.04 on AMD64/1TB HDD, on boot the system keeps going into "Emergency Mode", it seems there is now an issue with one of the partitions, and the results of "fdisk -l /dev/sda" show 1 more partition than "/etc/fstab". Is this normal?19:48
marlinthebirdHow's it?19:54
squigfighting NetworkManger19:54
squigas you do19:54
marlinthebirdSounds like a blast19:55
squignot so much, its actually kinda quite in here? netsplit ?19:56
ubunbrokeNah, you mentioned "networkmanager"19:56
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ubunbrokeNo much talking here, is there a better channel for Ubuntu?20:16
EriC^^!ot | ubunbroke20:17
ubottuubunbroke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:17
_guesttell me about this channel20:17
ubunbrokeThanks, I'm on a Live DVD so did not think to register20:17
apexapes here20:22
OneLittleEndianany ideas as in why the samba-libs package is not creating symlinks? i get  liblibsmb.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory; the link to is not there but i have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/liblibsmb.so.020:22
uygarcanı need help my friend20:23
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EriC^^uygarcan: ask20:24
uygarcanı not dowland 3 party20:25
apexwho is on the list20:25
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TheTank111I am trying to check and repair a section of my disk using GParted(also I am booted on a live cd) but it keeps hanging. Is this normal/ should I just wait for a bit?20:29
nicomachusTheTank111: check and repair a section of the disk with GParted? what do you mean by "check and repair"? Restoring/creating a new partition?20:30
TheTank111nicomachus: I had a partition that has free space in it, but there was an error message said check the partition to fix it20:33
TheTank111I was originally trying to move the free space above the partition, but my comp froze20:34
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Guest22567ok I don't know how I did this but my grub has a "ro" kernel parameter instead of "rw" and unless I manually change this in the grub menu, ubuntu doesn't boot... any ideas?20:35
Guest22567every time I upgrade the kernel, it resets this from rw to ro20:35
Netekhi all, I am trying to create a secured backup server.  Would closing all ports except SSH, using SSH key authentication only be sufficient?  Also is there a way I could possibly setup the backup server to accept connections from only a set of IP addresses?20:37
Bashing-omgueriLLaPunK|MBP: "rp" os correct . My boot line " BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-59-generic root=UUID=d9c2a8e6-d014-42a6-846f-7e7892f4aef5 ro " .20:38
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gueriLLaPunK|MBPoh good to know20:38
nicomachusNetek: there are a lot of hardening guides out there for Ubuntu server. As far as only allowing specific IP connections, yet it's possible. You just use a known_hosts file and then reject all connections that aren't in there.20:39
ducasseNetek: disallow access from everyone except the backup server with ufw or iptables20:39
Bashing-omgueriLLaPunK|MBP: Sorry bout the highlight . the target left and I not pay proper attention to tabbing .20:39
nicomachusNetek: some resources: https://joscor.com/blog/hardening-openssh-server-ubuntu-14-04/  &&  https://linux-audit.com/ubuntu-server-hardening-guide-quick-and-secure/20:40
gueriLLaPunK|MBPhaha no worries, Bashing-om20:40
Neteknicomachus thank you for the links :)20:40
CoderEuropeSebthreeBQM10HD: Hiya !20:51
CoderEuropeI am in #ubuntu-offtopic !20:51
adalbert /join #ubuntu-offtopic20:59
aroonii just added 3GB of guitar tabs to my Documents folder.  looks like tracker-miner-fs is occupying 100% of my cpu.  is there a way to reduce how     much cpu it takes?  or delay it for say at night when i'm not using my laptop?21:06
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aroonialso, is there a way to associate a file extension with a given program (in say /opt/guitarpro) ...21:11
nicomachus!bug 92594821:19
ubottubug 911981 in tracker (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #925948 tracker-store uses 100% cpu and fills all the disk space in home partition" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91198121:19
nicomachusarooni: it's a bug. what version of Ubuntu are you on?21:19
arooniso i should just kill the process?21:19
nicomachusarooni: see here for some solutions: https://askubuntu.com/questions/346211/tracker-store-and-tracker-miner-fs-eating-up-my-cpu-on-every-startup#34869221:19
mgaunardwhen is someone going to fix that ms ttf fonts package, I get messages about it every single day21:25
k1l_wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/contrib/m/msttcorefonts/ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.6_all.deb -P ~/Downloads && sudo apt install ~/Downloads/ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.6_all.deb21:27
k1l_that will get you the debian package that already got the fix included21:27
mgaunardwhy isn't the fix in ubuntu21:27
k1l_i dont know why the ubuntu maintainer is still wokring/waiting21:27
mgaunardanyway thanks21:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1607535 in msttcorefonts (Ubuntu) "ttf-mscorefonts-installer 3.4+nmu1ubuntu2 fails to install core fonts" [Medium,In progress]21:30
nicomachusyea that one's been bugging me for a few weeks now ^21:30
k1l_seems like the changes on sourceforge need some deeper changes on apt and the handling of install scripts.21:31
rellisIf I have two viable drivers for a network interface how can I tell Ubuntu which driver I would prefer that it uses?21:32
nicomachusdidn't know about the fix, k1l_. thanks.21:32
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aroonithank you nicomachus21:35
ducasserellis: if no other interfaces need it, blacklist the other driver?21:36
arooniis there a way to associate .gp3, .gp4 .gp5 files with guitar pro (which i have installed to /opt/Guitar Pro/) ?21:36
ldshHi, "apt install sam2p" do not work whereas I see it here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sam2p/0.49.2-3 What should I do to have it installed?21:36
ldshI use Ubuntu 16.1021:36
MonkeyDustfind sam2p21:37
MonkeyDust!find sam2p21:37
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 17 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=sam2p&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all21:37
nicomachusthat seems... off.21:37
yaourtAnyone know how to change the color of the taskbar? from purplish.21:38
ducasseldsh: it's not in the 16.10 repos, looks like xenial was the last release it was packaged for.21:39
nicomachusarooni: I THINK you can edit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and add "application/TYPE=LAUNCHER.desktop" (filling in the blanks, of course) to the file21:40
ldshducasse, So if I have luck I may install it by looking for the source?21:40
nicomachusso "application/.gp3=Guitar\ Pro.desktop" or whatever it is.21:40
yaourtthe appearance , don't seem to have a option for it.21:40
k1l_yaourt: the launcherbar on unity is colored to the wallpaper21:41
ducasseldsh: there might be dependency problems that prevented it from being included, for example21:41
nicomachusk1l_: that's a configuration option, isn't it? that's not default21:41
yaourtk1l_, what i thought too.. but i changed wallpaper and nothing.21:42
k1l_nicomachus: that is the default on unity. but you can look at unity-tweak-tool21:42
nicomachusyaourt: so sometimes, if I open a GUI program with gksudo, it will mess with that. It make the launcher appear "default ubuntu purple" instead of matching the wallpaper. not sure if that's relevant to your issue, though.21:42
ldshducasse, Mh, seems this thing is quite old: "Parts of page may be obsolete. See sam2p on Google Code instead. " and 404 on Google code ...21:42
yaourtno i have no programs open.21:43
ducasseldsh: so probably not included because it is deprecated/unmaintained. you'd better look for a replacement.21:44
nicomachusyaourt: it'll persist through the session, until I log out.21:44
ldshducasse, this was a dependency for an other software. So I will tell them they should switch to something else, or pack it inside.21:45
ducasseldsh: sounds like the best option.21:45
k1l_yaourt: did you relogin?21:46
yaourtk1l, can i just switch user?21:46
yaourti don't want to end process currently21:46
k1l_yaourt: i am not sure if the value for the launcher is changed immediately or just once on login.21:47
yaourtyeah it didn't change when i locked it.21:47
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yaourti rebooted a day ago tho it never changed.21:48
yaourtSo either or logging out wont fix it.21:48
ldshThanks for the help ;)21:48
ducasseldsh: yw :)21:48
k1l_yaourt: did you look at unity-tweak-tool?21:48
yaourtk1l_ yesh.21:51
yaourtk1l_  i couldn't find anything.21:51
yaourtk1l_ some people on the forums said the bar can't be changed.21:51
k1l_yaourt: what ubuntu is that?21:51
yaourtLatest version.21:52
yaourtxenial or something.21:52
k1l_"lsb_release -sd"21:52
yaourtUbuntu 16.04.1 LTS21:52
WolfInBootsHow do I make a live usb with exfat support? I can't install it when running the live usb.21:53
k1l_did you open unity-tweak-tool? and choose the first icon in the first row? "starter"? there should be the setting21:53
WolfInBootsfor some reason apt-get install exfat-fuse just don't work, guessing it's because it's a live cd21:54
ubottuTo have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence21:54
Bashing-omWolfInBoots: ^^21:55
=== Fremean is now known as Freman
yaourtokay thanks mate...21:56
Aleksandar86I want redirect .NET and .COM domain on diferent PC. I have two local PC (Ubuntu server with apache). PC1 and PC2
Aleksandar86I have one public static IP22:00
Aleksandar86and primary vhost is PC122:00
Aleksandar86how to redirect .NET domain on PC1 and .COM on PC222:01
COSL04XAleksandar86: are you want to redirect for outside visitors or interal lookups ?22:01
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: you can use name base for you web server setup22:01
Aleksandar86DocumentRoot in VHOST?22:02
Aleksandar86what i need set for PC222:02
Aleksandar86this is diferent PC with started apache22:02
Aleksandar86is posible do with VHOST22:03
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: You can only do it with one ip address on the same system unless you have second static ip22:04
Aleksandar86any another idea?22:05
Aleksandar86some proxy?22:05
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: if you use a seperate port like 81 for one and 80 for other you can forward the port to according ip22:06
Biosphere_50internal ip22:06
Aleksandar86now i have this methode22:06
Aleksandar86but i Dont like www.site.com:8122:06
Aleksandar86i wanna do it without ":81"22:07
Aleksandar86is posible on public ip22:07
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: other option would be to use system to redirect to second ip after they connect22:07
Aleksandar86on PC1 i have very old CMS with old Ubuntu22:08
Aleksandar86i install new Ubuntu with apache on PC222:08
Aleksandar86some cms not work with new ubuntu22:09
COSL04XAleksandar86: Biosphere_50 is right, you would need to have a front end system that processes the request and based on what TLD is requested it knows what box to hand off to22:09
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: what I think your after won't work unless you have a second ip to use22:09
Biosphere_50easier way would be to have a different port to forward from you router to the approriate system22:09
Aleksandar86I have Mikrotik with one public static IP22:10
Aleksandar86behind mikrotik i have two PC servers22:10
Biosphere_50using seperate ports would be the easy way but you don't want :81 you could have one that uses http and the other thats uses https22:10
Aleksandar86PC1 is old Ubuntu with IP
Aleksandar86PC2 is new Ubuntu with IP
Aleksandar86i have two domain .com and .net22:11
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: you can't have duplicated ip addresses22:11
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: pc2 should be .25122:11
Aleksandar86is 25122:11
Biosphere_50oh ok22:12
Biosphere_50whats the first thing you hit coming in your router?22:12
Biosphere_50or are you direct to pc1 or pc2?22:12
Biosphere_50like dmzed?22:12
Aleksandar86is this moment i redirect www.site.com:8888 to
Aleksandar86www.site.com to
Biosphere_50ok but you want .net to pc2 .com to be pc1 correct?22:13
Aleksandar86but i dont like this ":8888"22:13
Aleksandar86without see port22:13
Biosphere_50umm let me think see if there is another way todo22:13
TheTank111after repartioning my drive should ubuntu be taking 10 + minutes to boot up on its initial restart? (I'm wondering if its configuring something)22:13
Aleksandar86PC1 is master22:13
Biosphere_50there's another way but it might be too complex22:13
Biosphere_50example pc1 would be the .com22:14
Biosphere_50pc1 would have a seperate host for .net on your apaches pointing to another documentroot22:14
Biosphere_50then setup samba and mount the htdocs from pc2 to the documentroot on pc122:14
Biosphere_50if you catch my drift22:14
Biosphere_50so pc1 would haddle the apache requests but the documentroot would be a sambe share on pc222:15
req4hhello everyone, gksudo nautilus doesnt open nautilus..what can I do?22:15
Aleksandar86i have diferent version apache on PC1 and PC222:15
Biosphere_50mounted to pc122:15
Aleksandar86PC1 is to old22:15
Biosphere_50well then use pc2 as your primary22:15
Aleksandar86some CMS on PC not working on PC222:15
Biosphere_50nvm that then22:16
Biosphere_50your own CMS or is like wordpress or something22:16
rellisAnyone know if the official Ubuntu HVM EBS-SSD AMI's have EnaSupport = true set?22:16
Biosphere_50could you upgrade it or something22:16
Biosphere_50req4h: Your trying to open filemanager right?22:17
Aleksandar86B2B with old framework is in PC1, i have new site on PC222:17
Biosphere_50req4h: with sudo rights?22:17
req4hBiosphere_50, yes22:17
Biosphere_50req4h: did you try it from terminal or run command from the menu?22:17
req4hBiosphere_50, I tried it from terminal22:18
Biosphere_50req4h: Whats your message or do you get nothing from response... you could try example gksudo nautilus /home/user22:18
Aleksandar86Biosphere_50 is posible direct in Mikrotik redirect www.site.com to and www.site.net to
Aleksandar86site.com and site.net have same IP ( public of mikrotik)22:20
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: Don't think so you can't point a ip based on name resolution that way22:20
Aleksandar86can I paste some link here?22:20
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: you need someone to direct the request based of a name which don't think your miktronik supports that22:21
req4hBiosphere_50, I get no response.22:21
Biosphere_50req4h: hmm22:21
Aleksandar86Biosphere_50 look this link22:21
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: one sec22:22
req4hBiosphere_50, hmm22:22
Biosphere_50req4h: Did you try another file manager like pcmanfm or ....22:22
ducasseAleksandar86: try ##mikrotik22:23
req4hI dont know about them22:23
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: did you try /ip dns static add name=www.site.com address=
RedPenguinI think I figured out the answer to my problem earlier about root partition getting full for no obvious reason22:23
Biosphere_50Aleksandar86: then /ip dns static add name=www.site.net address=
cfochHi. itstool importa libxml2, but I don't have that module. I need it for jhbuild. How can I installit?22:23
Biosphere_50req4h: let me try on my setup22:24
RedPenguinI moved Dropbox to the data partition and even though Dropbox was "13GB" on the data partition it moved to "15GB" with no explation22:24
ducasseBiosphere_50: that is for internal dns lookups only22:24
Biosphere_50ducasse: so that won't work external22:24
k1l_cfoch: install libxml2 package22:24
ducasseBiosphere_50: nope22:24
Biosphere_50don't know too much about miktronik22:24
cfochk1l_, it is installed22:24
Biosphere_50thx ducasse22:25
COSL04XBiosphere_50: you will need a interal load balancer that looks at the incoming header and by the TLD, knows which system to forward to22:25
ducasseBiosphere_50: np, i've got a couple of them :)22:25
Biosphere_50req4h: Did you install gksudo tools also or just gksudo cuz when I do that I get a popup box with password request for su22:25
Biosphere_50req4h: whats your uname -a22:25
k1l_cfoch: well, that is python, so install  python-libxml222:26
cfochk1l_, I have that installed, too22:27
cfochk1l_, I think it is because the package is called lxml in Python322:28
Biosphere_50req4h: any luck?22:28
req4hBiosphere_50, yes, password request box comes, but entering pw, nothing happens22:29
req4hBiosphere_50, I installed gksu22:29
Biosphere_50req4h: hmmm strange22:29
Biosphere_50req4h: works for me on my system but what you get when you put uname -a in console22:30
req4hI get this: Linux vac7 4.8.0-22-lowlatency #24-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Sat Oct 8 10:13:38 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:30
okwahohey everyone! having issues with bluetooth and 16.1022:30
cfochbut /usr/bin/itstool has a line "import libxml2"22:30
SebthreeBQM10HD!details okwaho22:30
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.22:30
cfochlibxml2 is not available for Python3 I think22:30
req4hBiosphere_50, oh maybe because I selected low latency kernel...I dont know if it's got to do with it..but I didnt choose it on purpose22:31
okwahoit seems to be a conflict with wifi and bluetooth...sometimes it works ...sometime it doesnt22:31
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, hardware what bluetooth devices22:31
okwahoany..specially headphones22:31
Biosphere_50req4h: any recent update or upgrades?22:31
okwahoI mean they pair and all22:31
okwahobut if bluetooth works I loose wifi22:32
req4hBiosphere_50, yes22:32
req4hanyway, I will restart and try again..thank you very much for helping, Biosphere_5022:32
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, hmmm  normal  wilreless and bluetooth should work22:32
SebthreeBQM10HDat once22:32
SebthreeBQM10HDsame ime22:32
Biosphere_50req4h: no problem you could try launching it with su before in console that may give you admin for nautilus22:32
okwahoI read and tried quite a few things...and nope...still the smae from a fresh install22:32
Biosphere_50req4h: found some articals about nautilus not working after upgrade update22:33
okwahodont know whats next22:33
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, ok got another pair of blueetooth head phones?22:33
okwahonot really...22:33
req4hBiosphere_50, but nautilus is working..gksudo nautilus is not working22:33
okwahoyou think the headset could be the cause?22:33
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, or some other bluetooth dvices ?22:33
okwahocause I get the same problem from a mouse22:33
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, no it may be a bug in ubuntu22:33
Biosphere_50req4h: hmm thats weird22:34
okwahook ...cause I see it reported in 13.04...22:34
okwahoand it seems to be fixed...I guess not for me...!22:34
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, even here on one of the Ubuntu tablet,  bluetooh devices can take some effort to detect and have working properly, but thats a bit differnet from desktop ubuntu in that sense22:34
req4hBiosphere_50, will restart and see..ciao!22:34
Biosphere_50req4h: if you su in terminal before you launch nautilus do you have admin at that point?22:34
Biosphere_50req4h: aight laterz22:34
okwahook...anyways just wanted to pick your brains...if there was something else...I guess i'll just wait22:35
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, I haven't actsaully tried bluetooth on desktop ubuntu on a pc,  but normal wirless, and bluetooh, should work22:35
okwahothank you very much!22:35
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, normal bluetooth and wifi at once22:35
SebthreeBQM10HDsounds like a bug22:35
SebthreeBQM10HDif not22:35
okwahoyeah it's one or the other22:35
elisa87please have a look http://askubuntu.com/questions/875433/include-git2-h-compilation-terminated-importerror-no-module-named-cffi22:35
okwahobut again not always22:35
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, and if the mouse is having problems to22:35
SebthreeBQM10HDnot just the head phones22:35
SebthreeBQM10HDdiffernt hardware22:35
okwahoyep mouse too22:35
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, uhmm got WIndows or something or a tablet or phone22:36
SebthreeBQM10HDto tes them with22:36
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, its probably an UBuntu bug, and the hardware itself is ok22:36
OerHekselisa87, try without sudo.22:36
okwahothats what I figure...I tell you ...I tried  a lot of things22:36
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, ok but seriosuly tried those devices with some other os22:37
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, something else another os android wahtever, that supports bluetooth22:37
okwahoyeah they work fine under win1022:37
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:37
okwahowork fine under android22:37
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, not a hradware fault then as expected22:37
okwahoyeah i'M pretty sure22:38
elisa87OerHeks: please check the update it didn't work http://askubuntu.com/questions/875433/include-git2-h-compilation-terminated-importerror-no-module-named-cffi22:38
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, not much you can do, but report it as a bug22:38
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, you said there was a old bug report even ?22:38
okwahohey...i'll stick around on the channel..intereting chats22:38
okwahoyeah I added my 2 cents on the bug report22:38
SebthreeBQM10HDok :)22:38
okwahojust frustrating on a 3000 laptop cant get my bheadphones working22:38
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, I thinik bluetooth can generally be a bit flaky I think that's the word with ubuntu22:39
SebthreeBQM10HDnot always work or properly22:39
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup22:39
okwahoyeah...thats what I read too22:39
SebthreeBQM10HDthat it won't always work right ?22:39
okwahowell there seems to be a lot of complaints since I thin 11.04...so it's been ongoing22:40
SebthreeBQM10HDwell why not use usb head phones etc22:40
SebthreeBQM10HDon pc ?22:40
SebthreeBQM10HDI think blue tooth is more for phones or tablets22:40
OerHekselisa87, official guide uses pip, pip install cffi http://cffi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html22:40
SebthreeBQM10HDokwaho, its far from perfect, but bluetooth works quite well with the Ubuntu tablet in genral this one the hd22:41
okwahowell I like the headphones they work great and I can answer the phone and not be tied down to my desk22:41
SebthreeBQM10HDwell winows then or something :D h  e h22:41
okwahoI love my ubuntu22:42
SebthreeBQM10HDanother Linux distro maybe, but bluetooth suport is probably about the same22:42
okwahoyeah I figure...and dont wnat to change my ubuntu22:42
okwahorest work perfect22:42
ash_workztrying to install virtualbox and i got "Your system has UEFI Secure Boot enabled.                                                                                                                                                             │22:42
ash_workz  │                                                                                                                                                                                                       │22:42
ash_workz  │ UEFI Secure Boot is not compatible with the use of third-party drivers.                                                                                                                               │22:42
okwahoand im use to it22:42
ash_workz  │   "22:42
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, hmm22:43
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, ok disable that in the uefi bios of the machine22:43
reisioash_workz: you're trying to install the virtualbox package?22:43
ash_workzreisio: yeah22:43
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, have you got ubuntu on ?22:43
ebonrookUbuntu is my first go at Linux, already liking it quite a lot. Don't know why I didn't jump on sooner.22:44
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz,  what would be the host os ?22:44
ducasseash_workz: 'sudo mokutil --disable-validation'22:44
SebthreeBQM10HDebonrook, I don't know igorance lack of knowlege knowing about ?22:44
reisioash_workz: reboot, go into the config, and disable secure boot22:44
ash_workzSebthreeBQM10HD: ubuntu 14.0422:44
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, not sure if uefi secure boot with effect virtualbox,  but could make sense,  disable in the uefi bios of the machine22:45
SebthreeBQM10HDthe real one22:45
ash_workzreisio: but I like secure boot... :\ you can't use virtualbox with secure boot?22:45
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, apparnatly not going by your message22:45
ducasseash_workz: you can't use dkms with sb22:45
OerHeksthat virtual box uefi story was fixed in 5.0.18x iirc22:45
ash_workzducasse: I don't know what either of those are22:45
ducasseash_workz: without signing modules manually, that is22:46
ash_workzOerHeks: hmm22:46
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, dkms is for the kernel I think or something22:46
ducasseash_workz: sb = secure boot, dkms = Dynamic Kernel Module Support22:46
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz,   and sb was just secure boot abbrivated22:46
kk4ewtyes dkms is  for the kernel to create the drivers for vbox22:46
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, if the kernel can't be edited, well have its module put in for virtualbox22:47
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, it wont work22:47
okwahoash...do u have install latest extention pack?22:47
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz,  secure boot is stopping the module from being installed it seems,  hence your error messge as well22:47
kk4ewtsb has nothing to do with vbox22:48
SebthreeBQM10HDkk4ewt, ok whats the error messagea bout then ?22:48
ash_workzwell, I wouldn't necessarily call it an error message22:48
kk4ewtwhy would secure boot care about the host running a vm22:48
daxUbuntu's implementation of Secure Boot cares about the kernel running unsigned modules22:49
kk4ewtthe host is alreeady past secure boot before the vm is brought up22:49
k1l_kk4ewt: its not "bs".22:49
daxI have no idea how and whether Ubuntu's packaging for it deals with that22:49
reisioash_workz: nobody likes secure boot, it's pointless22:49
k1l_kk4ewt: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/System_Administrators_Guide/sect-signing-kernel-modules-for-secure-boot.html22:49
reisioas is U/EFI22:49
ducasseash_workz: the mokutil line i gave you disables module validation by the kernel, so unsigned modules can be loaded22:49
SebthreeBQM10HDUbuntus kerenl needs a moudle for virtualbox I belive22:49
SebthreeBQM10HDsecure boot can stop that it seems going by the error message22:49
k1l_unsigned modules have been an issue with nvidia, vbox and others already.22:49
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, disable secure boot, and virutalbox should work fine22:50
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, may have to re install virutalbox or well do something to make sure the module installs, but other then that22:50
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, and look at k1l_put that seems to explain it22:51
ash_workzso, the concensus is that secure boot is generally disliked and unnecessary?22:52
kk4ewti only see it as nessassary on windows boxes22:53
* ash_workz is moving the discussion toward the use of 'secure boot' in general22:53
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz,  for Linux users, yeah prertty much,  stops live usbs from loading up even etc22:53
ash_workzI see22:53
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, for a windows install can deabtlay secure stuff a bit, since random usbs with viruses, can't just be booted up on the computer22:54
hydrajumpwhy does `apt search  libevdev-tools` not return any results?22:54
k1l_its s security feature to make sure you only run module you want to run. that they havent been exchanged with malicious ones22:54
jasondockersThis might be the wrong channel to ask, but how unsafe is it to use "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" with the Windows file system? Will anything be corrupted? Will line-endings be messed up, etc?22:54
k1l_hydrajump: what ubuntu are you on?22:54
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, generally uefi and secure boot causses issues on a Linux system anyway22:54
ducasse!ubuwin | jasondockers22:55
ubottujasondockers: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.22:55
ash_workzthat just sorta surprises me in general ¯\_(ツ)_/¯22:55
SebthreeBQM10HDwhy how so ?22:55
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz,  and when trying to dual boot with windows on certain computers with uefi,  and secure boot etc, yes there really can be problems and oh I know !22:56
ash_workzI dunno; for some reason I got the feeling that secure boot had it's use cases for linux... that was just the impression I got22:57
ducasseash_workz: you can still use secure boot, you just need to create and enroll keys and sign the module(s) on every kernel upgrade ;)22:57
SebthreeBQM10HDno it's mostlys usless for linux22:57
SebthreeBQM10HDand causes problems intead22:57
SebthreeBQM10HDash_workz, uefi etc, genrally makes sthings more complex  for linux, and things don't always work right as well so22:57
hydrajumpk1l_: 16.1022:57
ash_workzducasse: lawl; do you see secure boot as desirable for any use case?22:58
k1l_SebthreeBQM10HD: there are some issues with it. but its a good thing when it works. it makes systems more secure.22:58
k1l_hydrajump: is universe enabled?22:58
hydrajumpk1l_: let me check22:58
k1l_!info libevdev-tools22:58
ubottulibevdev-tools (source: libevdev): wrapper library for evdev devices - tools. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.2+dfsg-1 (yakkety), package size 12 kB, installed size 47 kB (Only available for linux-any)22:58
ash_workzI mean, I think secure boot is the reason why I have my HDD partitioned the way that it is22:59
ash_workzwhich is a real pain because /boot always fills up22:59
SebthreeBQM10HDhmm how so22:59
SebthreeBQM10HDwhats your partion set up ?22:59
ash_workzand I can't install updates without manually removing a previous package22:59
daxash_workz: nope, that's UEFI22:59
k1l_ash_workz: secureboot is not related to uefi or lvm22:59
ash_workzoh... but UEFI is also generally considered useless on Linux?22:59
daxnot particularly23:00
k1l_a lot of things get mixed here.23:00
worldlandlord4i have a bizarre problem23:00
ash_workzk1l_: you're tellin' me :P23:00
daxpersonally I set my /boot partition to FAT32, use it for UEFI, and make it a GB or so, but I have drive space to burn and I don't use Ubuntu's weird automatic partitioner23:00
daxso who knows what it does by default23:00
worldlandlord4i can't update23:00
k1l_worldlandlord4: put the terminal output and errors on paste.ubuntu.com and show the link here23:01
hydrajumpk1l_: thank you23:01
k1l_worldlandlord4: what did you do?23:03
worldlandlord4so 2 things come to mind23:03
worldlandlord41 i am using mate 16.0423:03
worldlandlord4and i tried to install ubuntu23:03
worldlandlord4unity 823:03
ducassedax: in regard to ubuntu packaging - during install you are asked whether to disable secure boot validation, but it's badly labeled as 'disable secure boot'23:03
worldlandlord4and maybe that messed up my system? idk23:04
worldlandlord4or 223:04
worldlandlord4and someone effed with my setting23:04
worldlandlord4(i may or may not be using kodi23:04
daxducasse: i assume from you making a distinction that it tells shim not to validate modules or something?23:04
worldlandlord4which i am sure poses some risk to security23:04
worldlandlord4to some degree23:04
worldlandlord4but that may be too extreme23:05
ducassedax: exactly, mokutil --disable-validation to be precise23:05
daxducasse: thank you23:05
ducassedax: np23:05
k1l_worldlandlord4: is that a rpi or something?23:05
worldlandlord4linux noob23:05
ash_workzwhere are the old kernels again?23:06
k1l_worldlandlord4: the hardware. is it a ARM board?23:06
worldlandlord464 bit23:06
worldlandlord4it was weird bc unity 8 thought i was a tablet when i tried to logi n23:06
k1l_worldlandlord4: "ls -al /etc/apt"23:07
k1l_worldlandlord4: what does it show?23:07
worldlandlord4ls: cannot access '/etc/apt': No such file or directory23:07
worldlandlord4i tried to make the dir but couldn't23:07
k1l_ok, so there must have happend more than just installing unity 8. because that doesnt remove the apt dir23:08
worldlandlord4yeah, hence my concern of being hacked23:08
worldlandlord4and someone messin'23:08
worldlandlord4i tried ask ubuntu and tried running those commands23:10
worldlandlord4but to no avail23:10
jarrachello, why do you think an app doesnt open when clicked on launcher?23:11
jarracor in dash23:11
reisiojarrac: which app/s?23:12
jarracreisio, software center23:12
worldlandlord4k1l_, should i just reinstall23:13
k1l_worldlandlord4: you could create those folders and rebuild the sources.list there manually.23:14
jarracI am also looking for an application to add text on pdfs, like notes etc.23:15
k1l_worldlandlord4: sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/23:15
worldlandlord4okay cool23:16
k1l_worldlandlord4: then open the system settings and set the repos needed again there23:16
worldlandlord4so that seems to have worked23:16
worldlandlord4last time i tried it wouldn't let me create  the directory23:17
worldlandlord4how would i set the repos there?23:17
k1l_go to the system settings and make sure they are checked23:17
reisiojarrac: try xournal23:17
jarracreisio, havent heard of it, thank you, I will :)23:18
reisiojarrac: not the only solution, just the first that comes to mind23:18
reisioBlack_Wolf: hi23:18
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k1l_worldlandlord4: but you are still missing all the apt configs in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/  so your system might still be a mess23:18
reisiojarrac: so you hit the software center icon and nothing happens?23:18
ducassek1l_: plus the keys23:19
tareawolfBye bye23:19
k1l_ducasse: right23:19
jarracreisio, yes..but it happens occasionally to nautilus, too.23:19
worldlandlord4yeah it just gave me this23:20
reisiojarrac: on those occasions, you might get more useful feedback by attempting to execute the executable form a terminal23:21
TheTank111so I did a fresh install of ubuntu(I have nvidia graphics cards). I get frozen at the login screen, I tried to restart and hold shift and enter nomodeset but the shift command didnt bring up grub. Any reccomendations/23:21
k1l_worldlandlord4: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B523:21
worldlandlord4def a step in the right direction23:21
k1l_sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 3B4FE6ACC0B21F3223:22
jarracwhat would be the command line of the executable to execute?23:22
jarracsorry, command line name, I mean23:23
jarracubuntu-software-center, maybe?23:23
jarracno, it isn't23:23
Bashing-omTheTank111: EFI system ? Spam the escape key to get grub's attention.23:23
k1l_jarrac: its ubuntu-software23:24
worldlandlord4oh i was playing around with pingiuy builder to create a backup iso23:24
k1l_worldlandlord4: .....23:24
worldlandlord4i wonder if that messed with something too23:24
k1l_worldlandlord4: yes23:24
jarrack1l_, ah, thank you :)23:24
TheTank111Bashing-om: that seemed to do something, but I still cant type23:25
worldlandlord4i updated and it asked to install some things23:25
TheTank111im also looking at http://askubuntu.com/questions/588380/stuck-on-login-screen-everything-plugged-in-is-unresponsive23:25
k1l_worldlandlord4: its a known issue according to their forums.23:26
jarracand terminal doesnt launch either, saying 'timeout was reached'23:26
worldlandlord4i check off some other things for security updates and hopefully it will find that i have nothing and restore some things23:26
worldlandlord4asking me to restart23:27
worldlandlord4unless there is anything else you want me to do efore i restart23:28
k1l_as i said, there is still stuff missing for apt.23:28
k1l_but i dont know how to get that back23:29
Bashing-omTheTank111: Not expected in the grub screen to "type" . What are you booting to ? What is your present goal ?23:29
worldlandlord4k1l_, anything major that i should be worried about?23:30
worldlandlord4eg security?23:30
worldlandlord4or it might act weird ?23:30
TheTank111Bashing-om:  I am booting to the normal ubuntu login screen. I just did a fresh install. It gets to the screen and says login, but then it seems like its frozen. Doesnt take keyboard input or mouse input23:30
TheTank111I wanted to change the settings because Im pretty sure I just need to set the "nomodeset" flag and than install my graphics drivers, but I cant do that even23:31
k1l_worldlandlord4: acting weird while missing the proper conf files to act normal.23:32
Bashing-omTheTank111: Sounds like a graphic's driver issue . Have you attempted to boot with the 'nomodeset' boot parameter - nVidia -? If bootable then one can install a proprietary driver .23:33
worldlandlord4ok ill deal23:33
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worldlandlord4 i use it for light work and mostly viewing netflix23:33
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TheTank111Bashing-om: right I am just not sure how to boot with that flag. I try to get into the grub screen by holding down shift but nothing happens23:33
worldlandlord4k1l_, thank you sir23:33
Bashing-omTheTank111: At the grub boot menu = pressing 'e' has what affect ?23:33
Bashing-omTheTank111: Again. if EFI it is the escape key . shift for the legacy systems ,23:34
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TheTank111Bashing-om:  i got to grub23:36
jarracreisio, thank you very much for the pdf program! :)23:37
jarrack1l_ ,k1l_, ah, thank you :)23:37
jarrachaha sorry23:37
jarrack1l_ , thank you, too!23:37
jarrachave a good day/night, ciao!23:37
Bashing-omTheTank111: With a ubuntu kernel selected to boot, press the 'e' key . What results ?23:38
TheTank111Bashing-om: I was able to login, Now i will install the appropriate nvidia drivers. Thanks!!23:39
TheTank111I hit e, and entered nomodeset23:39
Bashing-omthe K .. the 'buntu way ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' . Let the system do the walking .23:40
Bashing-omTheTank111: ^^ .23:41
TheTank111Bashing-om: :D thanks!23:41
yakizaBen64 here?23:51
yakizagHello guys i have just formated my pc for the 2nd time , because when i formated it the first time and selected this  "Nvidia binary-driver-version367.57 from nvidia-367(propietaryy,tested) installed it restart my computer... my computer would boot and  my form  to put the decrypt code is big! and after a  minute itt restarts and get me a gru menu23:58
yakiza i hit ubuntu and i get a black screen and nothing else what can i do  i23:58
vachoyakiza: how many display ports does ur computer have?23:59
vachoit might be running from the default VGA port built in your MB instead of your graphic card23:59
temp-wifirepeateAt boot time my laptop does not get a dynamic ip address from the wireless router. But after if after login i do iwconfig wlan0 rate 1M &&  ifconfig wlan0 up && dhclient -v wlan0  i succcesfully connect to the internet. What file do i need to edit to permanently set wlan0's rate to 1M?23:59
yakizavancho  it has 223:59

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