
flocculantbluesabre: how long do you think we should wait re the lock issue before reminding r_a he was going to take a look?12:29
bluesabreflocculant, I think its safe to remind now12:56
bluesabregotta run, bbl12:56
flocculantbluesabre: I'll try and remember this evening when he's around then14:19
flocculantakxwi-dave: iso boot to desktop thing has now been seen in gnome and budgie - with a couple of bug reports - ours is now a dupe - but one is marked high importance at least14:35
akxwi-daveYup cheers saw the emails come in wonder if my little post in ubuntu-dev  helped?14:39
flocculantperhaps - don't idle there :p14:40
* flocculant wanders of to logs 14:41
flocculantentirely possible :D14:42
* flocculant bores himself stupid installing 'flavours' to test lock there14:49
akxwi-davelol have fun sir..14:49
* flocculant really should work out how to do that in qemu ... 14:52
flocculantwxl: you're affected by bug 165639915:26
ubottubug 1656399 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Unable to unlock Xubuntu XFCE session after suspend." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165639915:26
flocculantalso seems I made a mistake when checking old versions of lightdm - one I said works doesn't15:37
flocculantwhich makes it appear to be pitti's change in November 15:39
ochosiflocculant: hey, what's the state of the locking issue in a nutshell? is it lightdm now, or is it us? or pitti? or transitioning to systemd again?19:05
flocculant ochosi I think it's lightdm19:06
flocculantat least if I revert to an older lightdm then locking works19:06
flocculantconfirmed the same behaviour in lubuntu earlier today19:07
ochosihumm right19:07
flocculantochosi: and light-locker is at same version as it is in yakkety19:07
ochosiany reaction so far from robert on this issue?19:07
flocculantonly that he wanted a lightdm.log 19:08
ochosiyeah, light-locker is not really actively maintained these days, so i'm not surprised it's the same version ;)19:08
flocculantbut then I've not been hounding him either19:08
ochosiright, i guess he would be the right person to go with19:08
flocculanthence pinging Sean about that earlier19:08
ochosiif you can provide the lightdm.log and follow through with him if he needs more that'd be awesome19:09
flocculantis when it fails19:09
flocculantochosi: yea - he has that on the bug - 5 minutes after he asked :)19:09
ochosinice work19:09
flocculantexpecting him to show up soonish in -desktop - I will ping him there and nudge a bit :D19:10
flocculantwe should sue the same lock as Ubuntu - then if it fails it's easier lol 19:11
flocculantochosi: just a quick one - which package would this bug need to be against on xfce bugs? I'll report (or find existing) upstream to link against bug 165877219:13
ubottubug 1658772 in thunar (Ubuntu) "xubuntu, thunar, desktop background" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165877219:13
flocculantsomeone I don't know about using zesty xubuntu :)19:14
flocculantochosi: pinged him in -desktop 20:17
ochosiflocculant: that works for me (re: xfdesktop)20:23
ochosiit's not recursive20:23
ochosiso it doesn't loop over all subdirs20:23
ochosibut it works as expected20:23
flocculantochosi: odd why it is different in yak 20:24
ochosii don't think it is20:24
ochosithe xfdesktop version should be exactly the same20:24
flocculantwell - it looks different - I see zesty as the reported screenie and yak as the one I linked20:25
flocculantdefinitely different20:25
flocculantochosi: if you've 5 could you pop by -desktop?20:26
flocculantre the lock thing - I can't answer a question :D20:26
flocculantochosi: basically I can't answer " do you think light-locker hasn't completed all its actions before it's killed?"20:29
ochosihmm, the xfdesktop thing doesn't make sense to me, so the open file dialog has the right side disabled and you can't click anything?20:29
flocculantochosi: yea20:30
flocculantand if, for instance, I had pics in /home/pics - I can't pick it - BUT if I had /home/pics in thunars sidepane then I can20:31
ochosisry, gotta run20:31
flocculantyep - cya20:31
ochosiflocculant: so maybe a good idea (following up on robert's comment): test with a different greeter (e.g. unity-greeter or something) and see whether it's actually a greeter problem (i.e. the greeter crashing or something21:09
flocculantochosi: just saw that - was just installing it :p21:10
ochosiawesome :)21:10
flocculantcan you think of a greeter which doesn't install the world with it ... 21:11
flocculantunity-g isn't much better than the kde one lol21:11
ochosihm, there used to be some html greeter21:12
ochosibut tbh ours was always the lightest21:12
ochosiso even with --no-install-recommends?21:12
ochosii thought then unity-greeter isn't that bad..21:12
flocculant99 to newly install21:12
flocculantno install recommends is better :D21:13
flocculantok couple of reboots coming up21:14
ochosiok cool21:24
knomeflocculant, re: requirements, check mailing list :)21:25
flocculantochosi: first things first - unity greeter fails to start session21:27
flocculantsecondly why do I do this to myself :(21:27
knomeflocculant, slightly masochistic?21:27
flocculantforgot removing our greeter took out default settings - which left me with an xfce session21:27
flocculantnow I've got rebuild my desktop and shortcuts ... 21:28
flocculantI have so many vm's I could test in first ... 21:28
flocculantknome: slightly idiotic more like :p21:28
knomeclose, close21:29
flocculantomg lots of words in that mail :p21:29
ochosioh, sry to hear21:30
flocculantochosi: anyway - in a short while I'll test unity-greeter with recommends21:31
flocculantsee what that does21:31
flocculantjust want to get the desktop set again :)21:31
flocculantochosi: ok - installing in a vm now :p21:40
flocculantI'd set some low time to test lock earlier - now it's locked half way through installing ...21:42
flocculantochosi: nope - no go with unity-greeter 'Failed to start session'21:45
ochosithat's odd, but add that to the bug report21:45
ochosimaybe it helps robert somehow...21:45
flocculantochosi: he wants greeter log - any clue where that is?21:47
slickymastersure flocculant21:48
slickymasterif you want me to review anything, ping me please21:48
flocculantoh - yea - that's dealt with now - thanks anyway :)21:48
flocculantI was a bit 0_0 there ... 21:49
flocculantochosi: I assume he means the one in /var/log/lightdm *shrug*21:50
flocculantbiab after I force reboot following failed lock ... 21:51
knometeam has mail re: t-shirts22:08
flocculantnow I just need to work out why keyboard shortcuts aren't working :(22:10
knomeminor! :)22:10
flocculantsays you ... 22:11
knomei was joking22:11
flocculantnow I shall get back to my Starter for 10 mail in reply22:11
flocculantyea I know :)22:11
ochosiflocculant: thanks for following up22:18
flocculantochosi: no problem :)22:18
flocculantknome: just a very quick one - have we thought much about a first boot screen like mate/budgie ever? 22:48
flocculantspent a boring hour this afternoon installing 'flavours' to test lock - the budgie one intrigued me a bit22:48
knomethere has been talk about OEM stuff, i don't know about that kind of thing though22:49
flocculants/have we thought much in the past about22:49
knomeit's a bit intertwined, so should be discussed all at once22:49
flocculantnot so sure about that22:49
knomei'm all for that if there's need/willingness to do something like that and the technology is "ready out there"22:50
flocculantI'll just grab a screenshot of the budgie one22:51
knomepoke bluesabre ^22:51
flocculantsome of the options have quite a lot of text22:52
knomeyes, and this is quite the information overload22:53
flocculantthe choice there being 'buttons' 22:53
knomewe kind of do the sameish with the slideshow22:53
flocculantwell kind of22:53
flocculantanyway - was just a thought come question22:53
flocculantnow though I am going to do like zebedee and split :)22:54
flocculantnight peeps 22:54

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