[02:01] hi everyone. I have a question.When I first start Ubuntu Mate it seems my system is fast with no lag times but the longer I use it the slower my system gets so I started Mate Monitor and noticed that I'm swapping memory (I have 2 megs) but after I close all programs it continues to swap memory. My system gets slower and slower until I reboot and it goes back to normal. Is there a reason for this? [02:02] I have a pentium 4 cpu [02:03] any thoughts? [02:32] What web browser are you using airportbum? [02:42] firefox [02:48] airportbum, think you will find firefox is memory hungry [02:49] for example I currently have firefox (approx dozen tabs) 1.1GB RAM used [02:49] Vivaldi (approx 2 dozen tabs) <300MB [02:49] yeah, the problem is the worst when using firefox with several tabs open [02:49] 2 Google sessions (diff google ids) with approx 2 dozen tabs currently open <350MB [02:50] you can flush swap [02:50] how i do that? [02:50] sudo swapoff -a ; sudo swapon -a [02:50] ok, good to know, thanks [02:51] if u hv free RAM > swap used will occur pretty fast - else it can take hours if memory is tight [02:52] you can also reduce 'swappinesss' - there is a sysctl.conf setting that can increase system resistence to using swap [02:52] a quick google should reveal it [02:52] the other problem...if i put any memory in bank 0 the computer wont boot until the third try so i had to put booth memory sticks in bank 1 [02:53] so i think there is no memory paging? [02:53] AFAIK, paging isn't related to banks - banks is related to RAM channels and performance at the hardware level [02:53] video playback in firefox is almost impossible, I have to use VLC [02:54] eg if you hv 4 slots and dual channel memory, for max performance you would put 1 DIMM in each bank [02:54] e.g. DIMM 1A & DIMM 2A [02:55] thats what I thought...the system usually wont boot with a stick in each bank [02:55] so I can't use the first to slots [02:56] its an old computer that my employer thew away [02:56] I would be suspecting a hardware issue with the slots in this scenario [02:57] yeah...if I put a memory stick in each bank the computer will eventually boot with no post beep and seem to work ok...I guess thats why they threw it away [02:58] the other thing i notice is when I watch a mp4 video the cpu is at nearly 100% [02:58] but an avi just coast along at about 15 to 20% [02:59] otgher thot is if the BIOS allows changing of settings related to memory timings etc, someone has altered these - a bios settings reset may help (probably grab ur cell/mobile/handphone a snap pics of each page before doing so just incase) [02:59] ok [03:00] other than that...for a free computer I love Ubuntu Mate [03:00] cpu probably old enough not to have the extensions for x264 decoding optimization [03:00] it really sucked when It was running hp [03:00] xp [03:02] if i want to watch a youtube video I have to capture the address then load in in vlc and it runs great but the videos wont run in firefox or vivaldi at all [03:02] the videos freeze and all i get is the audio [03:05] u installed the Codec pack from Software Boutique? Wondering if that would help - VLC is self-contained AFAIK - whereas FF & Vivaldi could be using system libraries [03:05] hmmm...I'll check that out. I haven't loaded the Codecs [03:08] what is AFAIK? [03:10] As Far As I Know [03:11] oh...sheese sorry [03:11] hahaha [03:35] hahaha...well, I loaded the codecs and I'm watching two youtube videos and a movie. The cpu is at 100% but everything works [03:35] memory is at 50% [03:36] good to know - thx for the update [03:37] thanks for the tips guys. [03:38] this really gives my fans a work out [05:00] Hello [05:00] How is everyone doing? [07:18] buenas [07:18] Καλημέρα [13:32] i have a problem [13:33] i can't install vino for ubuntu mate === raul is now known as Guest88635 [14:35] G'day my fellow Mate inmates === Guest88635 is now known as nxs-45 === nxs-45 is now known as Guest88635 === Guest88635 is now known as nxs-45 [14:38] I am new to Linux my son set me up on Ubuntu Mate and I am enjoying my experience on it as a new user. I was hoping that someone here could be kind enough to tell me if it is possible to install Linux Mint Mate menu on Ubuntu Mate and if so how does one go about it ? Thanks for your help in advance. [14:39] They are different distros, you either have ubuntu mate _or_ linux mint mate [14:39] ubuntu-mate is better though, why would you want mint? [14:42] alkisg, Allow me to clarify I want Ubuntu Mate I just want the Linux Mint menu it holds some advantages and I enjoy it I just want the menu with the search function found in Linux Mint Mate. [14:43] oops found in the Linux Mint Mate menu. [14:43] nxs-45: in the system menu, there's mate-tweak [14:43] You can select the mint menu from there [14:44] System > Prefs > Look and Feel > MATE Tweak [14:45] alkisg, sixwheeledbeast Thanks so much I will look into this right now . [14:46] There are different options for your panels and windows there. I am not quite sure what feature you like from mint but I am sure there will be an equivalent in Mate [14:53] alkisg, sixwheeledbeast I did look at Mate Tweak as you both suggested but it does not offer a Mint Mate Menu. Any ideas on how I could install the Mind Mate Menu into Ubuntu Mate ? I am new to Linux but not afraid to give things a go. Thanks [14:55] nxs-45: try "redmond" and "enable advanced menu" [14:55] I think that's what mint uses [14:57] alkisg, Thanks I will do that right now. [15:00] alkisg, Thank you so much that did the trick. [15:00] np [15:01] You could just switch on advanced menu and leave as Ubuntu-MATE panel if you like, the choice is yours. [15:14] #join hackerinside [15:24] sixwheeledbeast, Thanks I did just that. [15:24] np === akuf is now known as Talikkaf [18:41] installed ubuntumate on rpi3 and only guest account aviable and asks for password if i want to install anything. but i have no set a password. how can i delte this guest shit and just get a normal login_ [20:02] I saw, that someone was having trouble with memory management yesterday, did anyone help out that person? [20:48] hmm [20:55] hello all im new to mate what should i do when after installing [20:56] should i start with ther updates [20:58] Yes [20:59] And the software manger [20:59] software manager do you mean synaptic [21:00] No the Ubuntu Software Center [21:00] oh the store [21:00] There are two now, one that is like the Gnome and the old Ubuntu One [21:00] kay [21:00] I use both [21:01] sweet i think ill go with the orange one thgen [21:02] I like both as someone of the new packages can not be found in the old one [21:02] the new one does it look like a white bag with a globe [21:03] Yeah, I am starting to use apt-get more than the software manger if you know what you are looking for that is the best method [21:05] thanks for the help [21:05] If you new to the world of Linux the new software manger is much better [21:17] After 48 hours of attempting to get Ubuntu MATE installed on my MacBook Pro I'm really close to giving up... I've installed rEFInd, so booting from a USB Flash drive is not a problem, I've even succesfully made a flash drive with Ubuntu MATE 6.10 on it, and I can get to the GRUB bootloader and choose 'Try Ubuntu MATE live'. But after that I just get a black screen. I've tried waiting for HOURS but the screen remains [21:17] black. What am I doing wrong here? [21:28] I might have a clue, just give me a little while [21:35] Is it a power pc mac or a x86? [21:42] HoppingMadMan If you're talking to me, it's x64 [21:44] Are you running MacOS along side it [21:45] No, I'm trying to boot directly into the Live Flash drive. I'm trying to switch completely from MacOS (currently installed) to Ubuntu MATE [21:46] What year of MacBook Pro is it [21:46] Late 2011 (gen 8,2) [21:47] Yeah, my wife had the something the same, we ended up install rEFInd in MacOSX then install Linux over the top and it worked... [21:47] The most annoying part is that I don't know if it's trying to read things from the USB stick or if it has frozen [21:49] I have installed rEFInd. But I can't install Linux because I can never get any further than the GRUB screen where you can select 'Run Ubuntu MATE live', 'Install Ubuntu MATE' or 'Check disc for defects'. All three result in a black screen [21:49] How are you installing the ISO or IMG to the USB? [21:49] From terminal, the hdiutils if=/img.img of=/dev/disk3 (or something like that) command [21:50] Try using etcher to copy the ISO to the USB because I never ran into any issues with it making device that works [21:50] Huh, I've never heard of Etcher - thanks, I'll try that out :) [21:50] I have used Terminal, Gnome disk etc all have failed once in a while [21:51] Etcher has never failed me yet [21:51] If all else fails I'll probably just go out and buy a burnable DVD. It's just annoying that you can only buy them in 20-packs :/ [21:52] Yeah don't worry, my wifes Macbook was a pain in the ass to run linux [21:52] Still can't get the web cam to work [21:53] :-( [21:54] Yeah, I also have trouble with my HP but its all we have for now... So I have a git repo with all the scrips I need to re-install Linux on our laptops [22:42] HoppingMadMan, I think Metalindustrien could have tried using "nomodeset" kernel boot parameter. [22:47] Maybe, I can't be sure, it seems that using nomodeset would get that type of results