
=== mgagne is now known as Guest33539
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
=== shardy_lunch is now known as shardy
powersjmagicalChicken: emailed Paul about pylxd merge 211... he just merged it :)16:33
magicalChickenpowersj: awesome, thanks for getting that merged. I may put together a ppa to build pylxd directly from the repo to test17:09
powersjok we should probably test that it does actually fix things :)17:10
=== shardy is now known as shardy_afk
ranger81what is the best way to execute a cloud config file in ubuntu after instance is booted? For example, CoreOS has coreos-clouinit tool.17:55
Odd_Blokeranger81: cloud-init runs in all Ubuntu cloud instances, so should Just Work (TM).  Are you seeing problems?18:09
ranger81@Odd_Bloke I want to run this on a already booted/provisioned node stand-alone. For example, if you have a cloud-config.yml, in CoreOS, you can run /bin/coreos-cloudinit --from-file cloud-config.yml to add users, write files etc. In ubuntu, there is /usr/bin/cloud-init, but this does not work same ways as CoreOS.18:12
Odd_Blokeranger81: Ah, OK, I misunderstood the "after instance is booted" to mean "immediately after". :p18:13
Odd_BlokeI'm not sure how you'd get cloud-init to do that, perhaps smoser can help.18:14
ranger81@Odd_Bloke @smoser I am thinking I should write a yaml parser in python and then execute necessary commands to add ssh-users for this. I am not sure if that is the best approach.18:15
smoserranger81, cloud-init doesn't really have function to do that at the moment.18:17
smoserit is admittedlyuseful/desireable.18:17
smoseryou an run individual config modules with a config18:17
smosercloud-init --file=your.cfg single --name=users_groups --frequency=always18:18
smoserso that is similar, but you have to know which config moduels to run18:18
ranger81@smoser that helps.18:20
ranger81@smoser where can I find list of supported modules that I can use in standalone mode like this? example users_groups18:23
ranger81smoser: did not tag you in previous messages18:24
rharperranger81: AFAIK, all of the config modules support that; http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html18:49
=== Guest33539 is now known as mgagne

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