[05:47] anyone here know how to get Steam up and running? [08:19] I saw a thread in UMC about WMs mate-tweak supports, I wonder when it'll stop bugging out if Compiz 0.8 is installed? [08:19] From prior experience you can pick Compiz but mate-tweak will wag a finger at you about an unsupported WM. === pavlushka is now known as anyone === anyone is now known as pavlushka [12:29] HEY [13:12] Hello, I am thinking to use only console mode and start GUI only when I want to, I looked up for tutorial and found that they aren't working on 16.04. How can I boot into console mode only? [14:58] faccio a cambiare utente del blocco schermo? [16:03] hi [16:26] khlh [16:41] Hi everyone, can I have some help to recover my ubuntu please ...? [16:43] my Hard disk is full and i can not log in ... I need to deletes files, please anyone to help me [16:44] i just log in with my USB [16:45] ubuntu-mate: you are booted with a live usb stick now? [16:45] A ny brave to help me to delete some files in my HD [16:45] yes live usb [16:45] What is the output of this command? sudo lsblk --fs | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:45] but i can not get to my hd [16:46] i never use the terminal [16:47] if i do sudo lsblk --fs it will delete some files for me ? [16:48] No, it will show us your disk partitions [16:48] So that we know what you need to mount [16:49] ok i do it in my terminal [16:49] Yes [16:51] i can write sudo lsblk --fs the there is a vertical line i do not know how to write it ? [16:52] any help [16:52] Do you know how to copy/paste things? [16:52] Use right click [16:53] ok i try [16:56] i have done it an i get http://terbin.com/au6r [16:56] what i do now ??? [16:57] the above line is on my terminal [16:57] Now run this: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; xdg-open /mnt [16:58] You will see a file manager [16:58] ok i try [16:58] Then go to /mnt/home/username and delete what you want [17:00] ok i gor a lot of folder now [17:01] whith one i have to delete to get more space please ! [17:02] i can delete some of my download or music files but i do not know where ther are ? [17:04] i may be on the USB not on the Hard Disk of my Computer ...? [17:04] any help ? [17:08] any help how do i reach the hard disk on my computer to delete files please [17:11] thank you for trying to help me but i could not get to the H.D on my computer [17:12] it look like i'm on The USB H.D [17:12] ? [17:13] is there a way to access my hard disk with the terminal ! [17:13] my computer H.D [17:20] thank you for any help, i have not been successful buy for now :-) [21:28] can ubuntu MATE run modern software, like google chrome and minecraft? [21:36] So is this screen normal upon first boot of ubuntu mate on a raspberry pi? [21:36] http://i39.tinypic.com/8vrlhc.jpg [21:43] no [21:44] you should see system messages [21:44] what are you using for vid cable [21:49] nomic: I am using HDMI [21:50] something has gone wrong [21:50] Well right now I am returning the image [21:50] reburning [21:51] thought [21:51] its not doing anything [21:52] but you get some video [21:52] that is m ore hardware [21:52] From the info I found it looks like the kernel.img file is failing to boot [21:52] http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/19354/raspberry-pi-with-boots-up-with-rainbow-screen [21:53] you have bad image [21:54] follow instrucitons on article [21:54] known about [21:57] maybe also [21:57] ask in #raspibian [21:58] I might [21:58] But since I'm using the ubuntu mate image I think I should stick here [22:49] Hey there. Trying to get Hyper terminal (https://hyper.is) running as default terminal. Installed it and it's not showing in Preferred Applications. Was able to set CTRL ALT T to open it, but can't figure out how to get folders to open in Hyper with the "Open Terminal Here" option in the right click menu in folders [23:04] What command should I use if I want to change the Pointer speed acceleration from the terminal?