[16:19] Hey zaki , welcome [16:20] hi pavlushka [16:20] :) [16:21] u-la-la: entertain lubotu2 [16:21] * u-la-la pours coffee on lubotu2 and runs for his life [16:22] he he [16:23] u-la-la: entertain pavlushka [16:23] * u-la-la pours coffee on pavlushka and runs for his life [16:23] :P [16:23] grrr [16:26] pavlushka: what is the benefit of being voiced? [16:28] zaki: nothing much, but you can set some filters on only voiced people, so it helps applying filters sometime and just to show respect otherwise [16:29] hmm [16:31] brb [17:15] i'm back [17:15] wc b zaki [17:15] pavlushka: i'm trying gns3 in kubuntu [17:16] https://www.gns3.com/ [17:18] to learn about juniper :3 [17:19] zaki: been able to setup gns3 successfully? [17:23] installation just complited. [17:24] downloaded a virtual box vms of juniper olive [17:26] JuneOS Olive 12.1R1.9 [17:26] * [17:27] !info gnome-boxes | zaki [17:27] zaki: gnome-boxes (source: gnome-boxes): Simple GNOME app to access remote or virtual systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.18.1-1.1 (xenial), package size 848 kB, installed size 5202 kB (Only available for amd64; i386) [17:29] so i can access virtual system with this? [17:30] zaki: almost like 2 click setting up a VM [17:30] 2 clicks [17:32] i use Remmina for access remote desktop [17:34] Its primary functions are as a virtual machine manager, remote desktop client (over VNC), and remote filesystem browser, [17:34] oky [17:54] pavlushka: https://www.lifewire.com/guide-to-gnome-boxes-2202073 :) [18:12] good night pavlushka [18:12] :)