=== Darcy is now known as Spydar007 [16:31] hello [16:31] \o [16:31] #startmeeting [16:31] Meeting started Mon Jan 30 16:31:40 2017 UTC. The chair is tyhicks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [16:31] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [16:31] The meeting agenda can be found at: [16:31] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting [16:31] no announcements today [16:31] [TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report [16:31] jdstrand: you're up [16:32] hi! [16:32] short week this week (off firday) [16:32] mostly caught up on snappy reviews. After driving them to 0 by eod on Friday, now have 3 followup reviews that came in today [16:32] I plan to get back to seccomp arg filtering policy this week [16:32] I'll move the miscellaneous review tools updates card if I have time [16:33] that's it from me. mdeslaur, you're up [16:33] I'm in the happy place [16:33] currently working on openssl updates [16:33] have a bunch of pending updates to test and publish [16:33] that's it from me, sbeattie? [16:33] I'm on community this week. [16:34] I'll have kernel USNs to publish this week [16:34] I need to finish testing the openssh update I was working. [16:35] And then I'll poke at the list of outstanding issues [16:35] That's it for me. tyhicks? [16:35] I'm on bug triage this week [16:35] cve triage last week kept me from making much progress on work items [16:36] I need to submit my second revision of seccomp patches to lkml [16:36] workaround an apparmor utils bug that is keeping me from uploading apparmor 2.11 to zesty [16:37] I have 2 embargoed issues [16:37] that's it for me [16:37] jjohansen: you're up [16:38] I need to finish up with my end of the dconf work [16:38] I have some patches to send up to the kt [16:39] a reply to tetsuo to finish up and send out to lkml [16:39] and I really need to finish looking at casey's latest round of stacking patches [16:40] then if time more of the upstreaming work, plan is securityfs bits, that I didn't get to last week [16:41] thats it for me, sarnold you're up [16:41] I'm on cve triage this week, working on MIRs in the remaining time [16:42] I expect to finish the apache mellon module mir today or tomorrow depending upon how busy MITRE's been, so it would be nice to have a new top priority soon [16:42] that's it for me, chrisccoulson? [16:42] I've got an oxide update to do this week, and I expect to have chromium to sponsor as well [16:43] Hopefully no other updates - thanks to a Firefox respin I ended up having to test that twice last week [16:43] :( [16:43] I've got a Firefox regression to fix, but that shouldn't take much time [16:44] Other than that, I'm finishing off tests for work I did in oxide last week, then I plan to move on to bug 1637195 which should mostly be a copy / paste job from webbrowser-app [16:44] bug 1637195 in Oxide "Add JS dialogs to UbuntuWebView" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1637195 [16:45] And I need to make some changes to my firefox menubar patch and send that upstream, although there's currently nobody assigned to review that anyway [16:45] That's me done [16:45] I'm in the happy place this week [16:45] I have a few more updates for Snappy 15.04 to process [16:46] Then I will work some on the notification process [16:46] that's it for me this week [16:46] back to you tyhicks [16:47] thanks! [16:47] [TOPIC] Highlighted packages === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages [16:47] The Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. [16:47] See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved. [16:47] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/pen.html [16:47] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/inn.html [16:47] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/consolekit.html [16:47] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/vxl.html [16:47] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/lwipv6.html [16:47] [TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions [16:47] Does anyone have any other questions or items to discuss? [16:49] jdstrand, mdeslaur, sbeattie, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson, ratliff: Thanks! [16:49] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [16:49] Meeting ended Mon Jan 30 16:49:54 2017 UTC. [16:49] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-01-30-16.31.moin.txt [16:50] thanks tyhicks! [16:50] thanks tyhicks! [16:50] tyhicks: thanks! [16:51] thanks tyhicks [16:54] thanks tyhicks [16:58] tyhicks: thanks! [18:38] whois slashd [18:39] disregard ^, forgot the "/" [19:00] o/ [19:00] o/ [19:00] Who's here? [19:00] I have a hard stop in about an hour (depends on how long a drive somewhere will be). [19:01] o/ [19:01] I'm here. [19:01] hey cyphermox [19:03] Who's driving the meeting? [19:03] bdmurray ?? dmb meeting? [19:03] The agenda mentions Adam [19:04] chiluk: bdmurray won't be around sadly [19:04] It's been stuck at Adam for a long time :-/ [19:05] I'd prefer not to chair today please. Too many distractions here right now, and note my hard stop above. [19:05] I was chairing the last meeting, the additional one we had because of the holidays [19:05] But still, we miss one person... [19:06] infinity shows away as well [19:07] can't we just use his absence as passive consent? [19:07] :) [19:07] there's really no way infinity would admit that I'm coredev material... then again, I'm not sure if he'd say that about most coredevs. [19:07] hah ;) [19:07] It is possible to hold a meeting and leave it to the ML to make a vote quorate. [19:07] I'm fine with that. [19:08] Yeah, I guess if we won't get quorrum I'm +1 on continuing that on the ML [19:08] Since we can't postpone this forever [19:08] yeah it's been almost 2 months now. [19:08] well since I was put on the agenda. [19:08] We'll just have to make sure that the vote continues on the ML, since those tend to take a very long time as well if left as-is [19:08] Is the sponsorship miner down? [19:09] There is https://launchpad.net/~chiluk/+uploaded-packages [19:09] Which should be a subset I think. [19:09] It works for me [19:09] http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=*Chiluk&sponsoree_search=name [19:09] is more complete [19:10] Hmm, working now. [19:10] but still not complete. [19:10] cyphermox: can you chair? We could do as per rbasak's proposition - start the candidate review here and finish on the ML [19:13] Ok then, I'll chair again in this case [19:13] Need a minute though [19:13] #startmeeting DMB meeting [19:13] Meeting started Mon Jan 30 19:13:59 2017 UTC. The chair is sil2100. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [19:13] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: [19:14] #topic Review of previous action items === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Review of previous action items [19:14] rbasak to get mapreri's PPU additions done by the TB (carried over) <- is it still in progress? [19:15] I've not managed to address anything for the DMB yet this year - sorry. I believe it's still in progress. [19:15] IIRC, the TB did do something for us. I need to find out where it is. [19:16] Ok, so I guess the other one is carried over as well [19:16] Let's skip to the next point then [19:16] #topic Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Package Set/Per Package Uploader Applications [19:16] I see we still have David's application on the agenda [19:17] Does anyone know if the vote for that got finalized on the ML? [19:17] I at least don't remember getting the rest of the votes for that one [19:17] I don't remember seeing any further votes on that. [19:18] Yeah, no replies AFAICS. [19:18] rbasak, sil2100: ISTR my PPU addition also required voting. [19:18] when did those happen? [19:19] I don't think single additions require a vote, right? [19:19] Just one DMB member, if he decides it's fitting, can do the permission changes - or am I wrong? [19:19] I think (and said) otherwise. [19:20] AFAIK, a packageset addition can be done by one DMB member verifying that the proposed new package meets the packageset criteria in the description. [19:20] But I'm not aware of anything like that for PPU. [19:20] Ah, indeed [19:20] You might be right [19:20] Yeah, I'm reporting due to what rbasak told me privately, given that I completely fail at finding a through description of DMB workflows :) [19:20] There may be a policy I don't recall or never read about. [19:20] All I know is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/KnowledgeBase [19:21] But, I think a vote for mapreri should be straightforward. [19:21] oh, consider that I'm DD requiring PPU for a package I maintain, that might streamline the process for this particular case. [19:22] Should we vote? We don't have a quorrum so it'd have to go through the ML as well [19:22] if only I had a vote I'd vote for you mapreri.\ [19:22] Do we have a list of what mapreri can already upload? [19:23] rbasak: pbuilder and libreoffice-dictionaries are in my PPU list from main; then I'm also MOTU. [19:23] chiluk: :) [19:23] mapreri: how long have you had those? [19:23] rbasak: iirc early December 2016 [19:24] Ah, OK. [19:24] Indeed: [19:24] Archive Upload Rights for mapreri: archive 'primary', source package 'pbuilder' [19:24] Archive Upload Rights for mapreri: archive 'primary', source package 'libreoffice-dictionaries'Archive Upload Rights for mapreri: archive 'primary', source package 'pbuilder' [19:24] mapreri: how long have you been maintaining inkscape in Debian? [19:24] rbasak: yeah, recently. [19:24] Uh, double-paste I guess [19:24] uh [19:24] some time 2015 i think [19:24] 2015? [19:24] OK [19:25] my first thing in the changelog is 2014 [19:25] I'm ready to vote then. Shame we don't have quorum :-/ [19:25] (but we can do a partial vote now and try to finish it on the ML later) [19:25] Yeah, let's vote, I'll push the rest to the ML [19:25] rbasak: (if it's still interesting) [ Mattia Rizzolo ]\n * debian/control: add myself to Uploaders => Apr 2015 [19:25] #vote for mapreri to gain additional PPU rights for inkscape [19:25] Please vote on: for mapreri to gain additional PPU rights for inkscape [19:25] Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) [19:26] +1 [19:26] +1 received from sil2100 [19:26] +1 [19:26] +1 received from rbasak [19:26] cyphermox: you still around? [19:28] sil2100: rbasak from KB "DDs who are PPU through the normal process can apply by email to have their access extended to further packages they (or a team they are a member of) maintain. This only requires one DMB member to agree in order to pass." [19:28] Ah [19:28] Oh [19:28] #endvote [19:28] Voting ended on: for mapreri to gain additional PPU rights for inkscape [19:28] Votes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 [19:28] Motion carried [19:28] sounds like it's a pass mapreri [19:28] OK, done then. Sorry mapreri, I could have just done it when you first asked. [19:29] Oh. Well, guess all learned something today :) [19:29] Should I add an action item for each of us to look through the KB again? ;) [19:30] it's all the way at the bottom.. no one reads that far. [19:30] Anyway, let's continue [19:30] Thank you, anyway! [19:30] mapreri: you're welcome! [19:30] rbasak: will you handle that? [19:30] Does someone want to take an action to sort that with the TB? [19:30] Sure. [19:30] Thanks :) [19:30] #topic Ubuntu Core Developer Applications === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | DMB meeting | Current topic: Ubuntu Core Developer Applications [19:31] sorry, i was on the phone [19:31] #subtopic Dave Chiluk [19:31] chiluk: could you introduce yourself? [19:31] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/chiluk/CoreDevApplication [19:31] I've been working for Canonical as a Sustaining engineer for the last 4 years fixing Ubuntu advantage customer issues. [19:32] many of which don't result in uploads. [19:32] I've had a LP id since 2008, and I think I started with Ubuntu in 06.. [19:32] so it's been a while. [19:32] I mostly fix packages in main, hence the Coredev app instead of MOTU. [19:33] and I also mostly do SRU's and not development uploads. [19:33] actually probably 80% of my uploads are SRUs. [19:33] which makes getting fixes out a real bear.. [19:34] since I currently need two other devs to approve any of my fixes. [19:34] I think that's most of it. [19:34] Two questions: 1) what are your goals with respect to upload rights; and 2) is not having core dev blocking you at the moment, apart from uploading SRUs, and if so, how? [19:35] IOW, are you asking for core dev just to fix the SRU problem? [19:35] rbasak: 1) I'd like upload rights so I no longer have to harass existing core devs. [19:36] 2.) it is blocking me at the moment. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/1655225 [19:36] Launchpad bug 1655225 in qemu (Ubuntu) "Under heavy load qemu hits bdrv_error_action: Assertion `error >= 0' failed" [Medium,New] [19:36] is a good example [19:36] mostly I feel that me not having core dev puts an undo burden on the other core devs in the U.S. Timezones. [19:37] as I'm part of a larger team with few core devs. [19:37] Are you familiar with the conversation with - slashd I think? [19:37] rbasak I am. [19:38] and rbasak I'm not sure if that would be useful. [19:38] I'm sorry I haven't addressed that yet. [19:38] But I am interested in your opinion. Please go on. [19:38] rbasak, I'm also TIL on a few packages .. [19:38] (I'm sorry I have to run in 20 minutes, otherwise I'd chat for longer right now) [19:38] rbasak, also I'm not sure if having SRU only upload is even possible given the structure of teams in LP. [19:39] I do like the general idea, but I don't think it's doable given the current structure of development in Ubuntu. [19:39] unless there's something that LP can do that I'm not aware of. [19:40] My concern is that based on your application I feel that your experience is quite narrow. I would like to hear what others think of this kind of case. I appreciate the pain and I want to fix that. But does that mean it's appropriate to change ACLs bits to wide open? [19:41] chiluk: I have a question regarding a recent discussion I saw on #ubuntu-devel - it seems one of your merges didn't have a correct changelog, right? [19:41] I'm really quite torn, and I think the answer to that question is bigger than just me or a few people on the DMB. [19:41] sil2100: yes that is correct. [19:41] chiluk: why was that? Did you put non-remaining changes into the 'remaining changes' part by mistake? [19:41] And I'm interested to hear what some really-long-time Ubuntu devs think. [19:41] (like, new changes) [19:42] sil2100: it was a merge I did this morning that I was TIL on. and yes it was a mistake... the change still existed, but it had been merged into debian.. [19:42] Ah, ok [19:43] sil2100: I also do my best to get the corresponding dd or previous UCD to do the upload... which is part of the reason slangasek caught that one. [19:44] rbasak what other things do you think I need to broaden my experience? [19:45] I guess another reason I'd like to get coredev is so that I can manage series tracks in bugs. [19:46] I think there's another team for that, but coredev is definitely included in that group. [19:47] exuse me for a sec, but I need to make sure my dog is not being eaten by a coyote. [19:47] well, everyone makes mistakes in changelogs every once in a while, or in merging anyway. I usually first go through making changelog and then ripping things out if it shows that they are in fact merged or no longer require [19:48] chiluk: during your work on packages, did you have a lot experience with dealing with autopkgtests, proposed migration and the like? [19:48] chiluk: I think if I were to filter SRUs out of your endorsements and your sponsored uploads, it would be a bit thin. I'm not sure we'd give core dev to a hypothetical applicant with that application. [19:48] Now, it may be that Ubuntu devs say "yes but that's fine", and that's an open question that I'm not sure about. [19:48] I intend to prioritise getting that thread started about this. [19:50] sil2100: I did have to deal with autopkgtest failures with my core-utils upload, and possibly a few others. [19:50] but there are only a few. [19:50] chiluk: did you always make sure that the packages that were sponsored for you made it to the release pocket? [19:51] always.. [19:51] that's part of our teams process. [19:51] I need to run very soon. [19:51] we don't close our customer cases, until our package uploads hit the -udates archives. [19:51] Ok, I had one more question, but rbasak maybe you want me to start the vote now? [19:51] rbasak, additionally we are usually the first to do verification on the uploads as well.. [19:52] I would like to defer my vote for now, pending any outcome of the thread. I'm sorry I have not followed up on that yet. I will prioritise doing that. [19:52] Ok [19:52] Especially now that there are two blocked on it. [19:52] I'm sorry for the pain and I really want to unblock you, but I also feel that it's a bigger issue that we should resolve, and that it's important for us to be consistent. [19:52] In this case what I would propose is to take the vote to the mailing list in that case [19:52] rbasak: completely understood. [19:53] I just feel this is the next logical step for me to become more efficient.. and for the rest of the team to be more efficient by not having to micro-manage my uploads. [19:53] There everyone will be able to think his decision though [19:53] chiluk: ok, one semi-technical question - let's say you work on a package (or maybe sponsor some upload for someone) where you add a new binary dependency to a package [19:53] chiluk: to be clear, I'd be happy with you uploading SRUs without a sponsor. [19:54] Based on your application. [19:54] I'm just not sure that core dev is the right step, and that's what I'd like wider opinion on. [19:54] thanks rbasak [19:54] chiluk: what would be the first few things you'd need to check in such a case? [19:54] I'm going to run as I need to be somewhere. [19:54] rbasak: see you o/ [19:54] Sorry I couldn't help more today. [19:54] o/ [19:55] sil2100: add to debian/control, check for additional dependencies, then check for other packages that depend on the package I changed... [19:55] manifest for iso's may need to change as well. [19:55] also rebuilding may be necessary for all related packages [19:55] depending on the change. [19:55] chiluk: ok, now let's say the package you work on is in main - does that opt for some additional change? [19:55] I mean, additional check? [19:56] yes.. if the dependency is in universe [19:56] That's what I wanted to hear [19:56] that universe package may have to be pulled into main as well... [19:56] I haven't had to do that yet. [19:56] but I'm aware of the restrictions related to it. [19:56] It very frequently happens with packages that Canonical is upstream for [19:56] Anyway [19:57] fortunately I will rarely be the uploader for those. [19:57] Ok, those are all questions from me [19:57] cyphermox: any questions? [19:57] If not, I guess let's move this to a mailing thread and do the vote there [19:57] I'm ok with that. [19:57] infinity can reject me there. [19:58] because infinity. [19:58] Noo, Adam's not like that! [19:58] He's a good guy, really [19:58] For realz [19:58] Anyway, thanks for showing up and sorry for not being able to sort it out here [19:58] sil2100: i know... I just like to give him crap. [19:58] ;) [19:59] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [19:59] Meeting ended Mon Jan 30 19:59:02 2017 UTC. [19:59] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-01-30-19.13.moin.txt [19:59] I'll send out the e-mail in a bit [19:59] Thanks everyone! [19:59] thanks sil2100, rbasak, cyphermox... fortunately my dog was not eaten, but she did find something she's trying to kill.