[17:55] I installed ubuntu GNOME and then the three ubuntustudio meta packages for audio and jackd does not start up gives some barrage of errors telling me a file is missing but no filename!?! where can I get help with this? [17:55] the ubuntstudio channel was entirely non-responsive. [17:57] whence I fired up qjackctl (before even clicking 'start') I got all this: http://pastebin.com/mstEHEUw [18:01] hmmm, not phychic after all... [18:02] psychic? [19:26] hey ovenWerk1 and krytarik meeting today? I have the feeling it is going to be a short one anyway [19:29] ok [19:30] ok lets start. [19:31] dropping meetingology, until we have more people and more topics and generally until we have more. right now it is more overhead than meeting content :P [19:32] so umm hello everyone. OvenWerk1 is here, krytarik is here. do we have anybody around who is here for the meeting? [19:32] Anybody else! :P [19:32] haha [19:33] just checking. i don't think we have a lot to discuss today. i was hoping to get work done these last 2 weeks, that unfortunately didn't happen. also traveling in february, so probably not online a lot, but I will check emails. Anything else from you guys? krytarik, ovenWerk1? [19:34] (also anything you need from rest of the group or want to announce/communicate to others etc) [19:34] not really, I have been pretty sick... doing some docs, but no real coding [19:34] can't think straight enough [19:34] :( I hope you get better soon... [19:35] actually I did lie krytarik and I did one thing at least.. more on that in a bit.. first.. and more urgently.. [19:36] are we doing alpha 2 or not doing alpha 2? did I miss a discussion on that? [19:37] Well, Alpha 2 is gone by now - but we'll have to do 16.04.2 shortly. [19:38] yeah... well I am down for the count on that one.. unfortunately. :/ [19:39] Another week delay on that though, it seems. [19:39] I see [19:39] It was supposed to happen this week, that is. [19:40] *nods* ok [19:42] alright we'll keep an eye on that... or try... so.. next topic website.. quick update: krytarik and I wrote an email to community council asking for help. no answer yet. I suppose we should wait for another 2 weeks then follow up? I am not sure what is the expected response turnaround tbh. [19:43] Yeah, wait some more - but I'd think 2 weeks is a reasonable timespan for them to give *any* response. [19:45] can't comment on that in either direction :) [19:45] alright, anything else we need to discuss until ummm I just realized next meeting falls on feb 14th. will this be a problem for people? [19:46] do we cancel it do we reschedule it? I know I am not making it as I said before. [19:49] maybe have to ask in the ML. [19:50] hmm [19:50] well it doesn't look like anybody except 3 of us are making to meetings anyway [19:51] krytarik you still willing to run the meeting? [19:51] (assuming it happens) [19:52] Well, it depends on who else is there besides myself, and if there is anything to report/discuss. [19:53] OvenWerk1 do you expect to be there? [19:53] Is there anything special about that date, btw? [19:53] valentines day? [19:53] people more likely to be out even through it is a weekday. [19:54] Right, thought so - but googling just the date didn't bring that up. >_> [19:54] :) [19:54] less so for me at 1130am... unless my Yf wants to go out for lunch (without children :) [19:54] :) [19:55] well you two figure out when the date gets closer I guess then? [19:55] I guess having the meetings lazy-style like this, we can just leave it scheduled and see. [19:55] exactly [19:55] ok [19:55] I might drop by, but I am becoming less and less sure that will be possible at the moment) [19:56] alright [19:56] anything else to discuss before we wrap this up, and let OvenWerk1 get some rest? [19:57] Oh, there already: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2017-January/004018.html [16.04.2 delayed until Feb 9 for HWE issues] [19:57] Otherwise nah, I don't think so. [19:57] alright (and thanks for keeping track of that krytarik) [19:57] Sure. [19:58] alright.. nothing from me either. this meeting is done. thank you both for being here. :) see all of you in mailing list, and next month if all else fails. :) [19:59] o/ [20:03] :)