
smoserburgerk, it tries loading it from cache before that01:39
smoserrharper, struggling with http://paste.ubuntu.com/23906228/17:27
rharpersmoser: looking19:03
rharpersmoser: we've discussed that ds-identify may need to parse the on-disk cloud-config;  that would certainly handle the config in one-place issue;  it could be triggered only in the maybe paths (only check config if we're not sure); we may need a different not_found_behavior (disabled would be fully disabled and require detect to not result with any maybe answers?)19:07
smoserright now we dont really pay attention to ds_maybe19:16
smoserrharper, the issue really is just that right now the only way to read the cloud-inti configuration is with python-yaml.19:21
smoserand wanting to avoid that dearly19:21
rharperright, the python part19:21
rharperis grepping for a setting a reasonable replacement for extracting a single setting?19:22
rharperfor example, we could check if we have a not_found_behavior: <string> in /etc/cloud/*  recursively19:22
smosersee check_config19:23
smoserand its usage in dscheck_maas19:23
rharperthat's roughly it19:25
rharperwith that in place, on maybe, check if there's an overriding setting on what to for not_found_behaviors;  on EC2 lookalike, it hits maybe , reads in-image config for not_found_behavior:  and uses that if found, else uses the default (which is disabled).19:27
rharperpossibly need to handle the in-image setting vs. the user-data setting (ie, user-data should take precedence over in-image data IIUC)19:28
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